Horse with a pink mane read a summary. "Horse with a pink mane"

Many people have known the story since school famous writer Viktor Astafiev's "Horse with pink mane"Many people can retell its summary, but there are still people who are unfamiliar with this touching work. This article will be useful for them.

The story "The Horse with the Pink Mane" summary tells the story of an orphan boy from Siberian village, who is raised by his grandparents. His grandmother sends him to buy strawberries with the neighbor's kids, promising to sell the collected berries in the city and buy his grandson a gingerbread "horse". This sweet horse is white, and its mane, hooves and tail are pink. This is the ultimate dream of all village children!

Of course, the summary will be incomplete without mentioning the very guys who will not play last role in the events of this story. Neighbors Levontii and Vasenya are special people. The head of the family works for one and a half to two weeks, all this time his wife visits friends and provides food in order to feed the numerous children. But as soon as Levontius receives a salary, it immediately scatters - debts to neighbors are handed out “in excess” of a ruble, or even two. The feast rolls around. If the hero of the story manages to slip into the neighbors’ house on such a day (which is strictly forbidden by his grandmother), then he receives honor, care, and love. Because the Levontiev children are with their parents, and he is an orphan.

A feast in the neighbors' house usually ends in a riot by the head of the family, the children run away in all directions, and Aunt Vasenya usually hides in the main character's house under the wing of his compassionate grandmother. In the morning, Levontii repairs broken windows, repairs benches, chairs and a table, after which he leaves for work in despondency. And Vasenya again goes to borrow from friends...

Further on, Astafiev’s story “The Horse with a Pink Mane” briefly tells how our hero, together with his neighbors, went to pick strawberries. As a result, the Levontief children ate their berries, quarreled with each other, and began to “tease” the main character that he was afraid of his grandmother. The result of the “teasing” is a desperate act - Vitka pours out the berries, and the mob immediately sweeps them away. And our hero collects herbs into the bowl, and quickly pours berries on top.

The grandmother does not reveal the deception, she wholeheartedly praises Vitya, but his conscience still torments him, so the boy spends the entire next day, while she is in the city, fishing with the Levontiev children. And in the evening, on the way to the house, seeing his grandmother, our hero runs away to his cousin, where he plays until late. But his aunt takes him home and sends him to the pantry.

There he falls asleep, and in the morning he wakes up to his grandmother indignantly telling someone about his deception. He hears how she remembers his drowned mother, who could not be found in the river for six days, how they both suffered - the mother in the river, and the grandmother at home. The boy’s heart bleeds; he has already regretted his deception a thousand times. And when his grandfather pulls him out of the closet crying, he can only say: “I am more... I am more...” But his grandmother has already forgiven him, and after breakfast Vitya sees in front of him... a gingerbread horse. For the rest of his life he will remember this undeserved gift, which spoke of the love of his loved ones.

This brief retelling. “The Horse with a Pink Mane,” however, is not so great and difficult to read that one should confine oneself to it. Therefore, we advise you to still read this story in the form in which the author himself presents it. A summary of the story “The Horse with a Pink Mane” cannot give you the impression that will remain after the original.

  1. Hero- the boy on whose behalf the story is told. An orphan, he was left in the care of his grandparents.
  2. Katerina Petrovna- the hero's grandmother.
  3. Levontius- neighbour.
  4. Aunt Vasenya- wife of Levontius.

The story begins with a grandmother arriving at the house, who instructs her grandson to go pick up strawberries with the neighbor kids. Berries are good income for villagers in the summer; they can be sold in the city. As a reward for his work, the grandmother promises to buy him a gingerbread in the shape of a horse.

This sweetness is the dream of all kids: he is white, and the mane, tail, eyes and hooves are pink. The owner of such a horse immediately becomes the most respected in the yard, they will let him shoot with a slingshot, and everyone will fawn over him. If only I could try this wonderful gingerbread.

Levontii and Levontikha

The closest neighbor of the grandmother and the boy in this small village on the banks of the Yenisei is Levontii. This man, in the grandmother’s opinion, “wasn’t worth bread, but ate wine,” was once a sailor. Apparently that’s why he lost all his housekeeping somewhere: his house has no fence, the windows are without frames, glazed somehow.

There is no bathhouse either, the Levontievskys wash at their neighbors. Levontiy worked in logging, which barely provided for his living, his wife and a whole horde of children.

Levontia's wife - Aunt Vasenya - is an absent-minded, active woman, just as uneconomical as her husband. He often borrows money from his neighbors and returns it too much. Why does her grandmother constantly scold her?

The main character really wanted to somehow get into Levontius’s house when, having received the proceeds, he was throwing a huge feast. Then the whole big family starts singing a song about a little African monkey, which is a pleasure to sing along to.

Moreover, in the Levontiev house, the hero is always surrounded by attention - he is an orphan. Drunk Levontius first plunged into memories, then into philosophy (“What is life?!”).

Picking strawberries

It was with the Levontievskys that the hero’s grandmother sent him into the forest to pick up strawberries. Along the way they played around, climbed into other people's gardens, sang and danced. In the forest, on a rocky ridge, everyone immediately calmed down and quickly scattered in all directions. The hero diligently collected strawberries, remembering his grandmother’s words that the main thing was to cover the bottom of the vessel with berries.

The Levontiev kids are hooligan people. Some people, instead of trying to pick more berries and bring them home, eat them like this, some also fight. The children ate everything they had collected and went down to the river to swim. The hero also wanted to go to the water, but he couldn’t: he hadn’t collected a full vessel yet.

Then the most mischievous of all the boys, Sanka, attacked the boy with abuse, saying, “You are greedy and cowardly for being afraid of your grandmother.” The hero fell for the bait and, to prove the opposite, poured all the strawberries at once at the feet of the Levontiev children. In an instant there was nothing left of the whole vessel of berries.

The hero felt sorry for the strawberries he had collected with difficulty, but there was nothing to do, now it doesn’t matter. The guys ran to splash in the river, where they forgot about the recent incident.

Returning home

By evening, the children remembered their empty bags. It’s okay for the Levontevskys, Aunt Vasenya can be easily moved to pity and deceived, but Katerina Petrovna cannot be fooled so easily.

The hero knew how his grandmother would screw him over, but he couldn’t do anything. He also felt sorry for the lost horse with a pink mane. Then Sanka jumped up to him and gave him an idea: push herbs into a bowl and throw berries on top so that it would work out unnoticed. The hero thought and listened to the advice.

At home, the grandmother, delighted with her grandson’s good work, did not even pour the berries in, and decided to take them to the city in a container.

All night the hero was tormented by his conscience, he was eager to wake up his grandmother and tell her everything. But, feeling sorry for the old man, he decided to wait until morning.


The next morning the hero came to the Leontyevsky station. There Sanka told him that his grandmother had already sailed to the city, and he and the kids were going fishing. The hero went with them. But his conscience did not let go, he began to regret the forgery he had made. I remembered that my grandfather was on a farm and there would be no one to protect him from his grandmother’s wrath.

The bite had just begun and the guys began to pull out the fish when a boat appeared from behind the cape. The hero recognized the grandmother sitting in it and ran as fast as he could along the shore. His grandmother scolded him after him. Not wanting to return home, the hero went to his cousin Kesha and stayed there until dark.

But Aunt Fenya, Keshka’s mother, still took him home after dark. There he hid in the closet and began to think about his grandmother.

A story about a mother

The hero's mother drowned in the river while going to the city to sell strawberries. The boat capsized, she hit her head and her scythe caught on the boom. In panic, people confused the blood with a broken strawberry, and therefore could not save the poor woman.

After that, the grandmother could not come to her senses for another six days; she kept sitting on the bank, calling her daughter, trying to appease the river.

In the morning

The hero woke up from the bright sunlight. In the kitchen, the grandmother loudly told the grandfather, who had returned from the farm, about the disgrace that had happened. All morning she was busy informing all the neighbors who stopped by to see what had happened. The grandfather looked into the hero’s closet, felt sorry for him and ordered him to ask for forgiveness from his grandmother.

Burning with shame, the hero went to the hut to have breakfast. He knew that the grandmother should speak out and calm down, so he did not make excuses or argue with her. Under the onslaught of grandmother's fair and accusatory abuse, the hero burst into tears.

And when he dared to look up at her again, he saw in front of him such a cherished and long-awaited gingerbread - a horse with a pink mane.

The main character of the story “The Horse with a Pink Mane” is a village boy, an orphan, living with his grandparents. One day his grandmother sent him and the neighbor children to pick early strawberries. She promised that she would sell these strawberries in the city and use the proceeds to buy her grandson a beautiful gingerbread in the shape of a white horse with a pink mane.

The guys went to buy strawberries, but there were still few of them, and the children could not resist and ate all the collected berries. Neighborhood boys persuaded the main character of the story to fill the container with grass and sprinkle berries on top. So he did.

But the grandmother did not pour the berries out of the tuesk and took them to the city. All the evening before and at night the boy wanted to confess his cunning to his grandmother, but he never dared.

The grandmother raised her grandson in strictness, and when he saw the boat in which the grandmother was returning from the city, he ran away to the other side of the village and did not come home until late in the evening. But in the morning the boy went to his grandmother and asked for forgiveness for his action, and the grandmother told him everything she thought about her grandson’s behavior. But the most amazing thing was that at the end of this story the grandmother took out and handed the boy a wonderful gingerbread in the form of a white horse with a pink mane.

This is the summary of the story.

The main point of the story “The White Horse with a Pink Mane” is that cheating is bad. You especially shouldn’t deceive and let down your loved ones. The hero of the story handed the grandmother a tueska, which contained grass instead of strawberries, and because of this the grandmother found herself in an awkward situation in the city.

The story “The White Horse with a Pink Mane” teaches you to complete any task you start. If you agreed to go pick berries, then pick a full bag. And you can’t cheat and deceive your loved ones in any way.

In the story “The White Horse with a Pink Mane,” I liked the protagonist’s grandmother, who raised her grandson in strictness, unlike his grandfather, who sometimes spoiled the boy. Although the grandmother reprimanded her grandson for his unseemly act, she still gave him the promised gingerbread, and the boy remembered his grandmother’s kindness and fairness for the rest of his life.

What proverbs fit the story “The White Horse with a Pink Mane”?

Whoever messes up is responsible for it.
You can't sell much by deception.
For a grandson, grandfather is the mind, and grandmother is the soul.

Brief summary of a horse with a pink mane

In one Siberian outback, on the banks of the Yenisei River, there lived a boy and his grandmother. One day she sent him to buy strawberries with the neighbor kids. She promised to sell the collected berries in the city and buy him a “horse gingerbread”. The gingerbread was white in the shape of a horse, covered in pink icing where the mane, tail, eyes and hooves were. In those days, a boy could only dream of such a gingerbread. He guaranteed honor and respect among other village children.

Most often he played with the Levontiev boys who lived next door. Their father was a former sailor, now a logger who brought in a salary once a month. Then there was a feast in the house. His father loved to drink, and his mother, Vasyon’s aunt, often borrowed money from neighbors, including the boy’s grandmother. Grandmother did not like him to visit them; she called them “proletarians,” undignified people. They didn’t even have a bathhouse at home; they washed at their neighbors’ houses all the time. When Uncle Levontius drank a little, sang songs, sat the boy at the table, treated him to sweets, pitied him like an orphan, but as soon as he got drunk, everyone immediately ran away. My uncle began to swear, break glass in the windows, break dishes, something he greatly regretted in the morning.

So, with the Levontiev children, he went to the ridge to buy berries. Enough berries had already been collected when the guys started a fight among themselves. The elder noticed that the younger ones, instead of putting the berries in the dishes, put them in their mouths and began to scold them. In the fight, all the collected berries fell apart, were crushed and were eaten. Then everyone decided to go down to the Fokinskaya River, but then they noticed that the boy still had strawberries. Sanka, the most mischievous of the Levontiev boys, encouraged him to “weakly” eat all the berries. To prove that he was not greedy, the boy poured everything onto the grass and said: “Eat!” I myself only got a few crooked, tiny berries with greenery. It was a pity, but what can you do.

He only remembered that his closet was empty in the evening. The thought that his grandmother would arrange a report and calculation for him made him scared, but he didn’t show it. I let it on myself important view and he also said that he would steal the kalach from her. And he was afraid of his grandmother like fire. Katerina Petrovna, this is not Aunt Vasena, it’s not so easy for her to lie. On the way, the Levontiev children behaved terribly, they misbehaved a lot. Either the swallow was killed with a stone, or the fish was torn to pieces for its ugly appearance. They taught the boy to stuff grass into the container and put a layer of berries on top so that his grandmother wouldn’t guess. And so they did.

The grandmother greeted them joyfully, took a bowl of berries and promised to buy the boy the largest gingerbread. And he was shaking all over with fear, sensing that the deception would soon be revealed. In addition, Sanka began to say on the street that he would give him away if that kalach did not bring him. For his silence, I had to steal more than one loaf of bread. The boy suffered all night and did not sleep. In the morning I decided to confess everything, but I didn’t find my grandmother. She has already left for the city with a “fraudulent” wedding. The boy regretted that his grandfather’s place was far away. It was calm and quiet there, and his grandfather wouldn’t give him any offense. Soon, out of idleness, he and Sanka went to the river to fish. The always hungry children ate the poor catch.

A boat appeared from behind the cape. The grandmother was sitting in it and shaking her fist at him. At home, he hid in the closet and thought about his action, remembered his mother. She once also went to the city to sell berries. One day the boat capsized and she drowned. The next morning the grandfather arrived from the farm. He advised the boy to talk to his grandmother and ask for forgiveness. Oh, and she shamed him, accused him of deception, and then sat him down to breakfast. But she still brought him a gingerbread horse, such a marvelous one with a pink mane. So many years have passed since then, so many events have passed, but he could not forget his grandmother’s gingerbread.

In his essay “The Horse with a Pink Mane,” the author touched on the topic of childhood, that very period when even strawberries seem especially tasty, when you really want to gain authority among other guys and at the same time you don’t want to upset your family and friends.

Astafiev's story The Horse with a Pink Mane

In Astafiev’s story “The Horse with a Pink Mane” main character– an orphan boy who lives with his grandparents. One day, the grandmother asked her grandson to pick strawberries, which she would sell, and with the proceeds she would buy such a treasured sweet gingerbread. Not just any gingerbread, but a gingerbread in the shape of a horse with a pink mane. With such a gingerbread, you will definitely become a favorite in the yard, and you will also earn the respect of the neighbor kids.

The boy happily goes into the forest, already looking forward to eating gingerbread, but everything went awry. The boys in the yard, with whom he played all the time, began to ask him for berries, calling him greedy. In addition, they constantly distract him with games, and meanwhile, evening is already coming and the boy does not have time to pick a basket of berries. But to get what he wants, he resorts to deception. Instead of berries, he fills the basket with grass and only throws the berries on top.

This act haunts him and he wants to confess everything in the morning, but does not have time. The grandmother had already left for the city, and when she returned, she told all her neighbors how her grandson had let her down. The child did not dare to meet his grandmother for a long time, but the torment of his experiences does not give him peace and he is only glad to receive punishment from his grandmother. Having met his grandmother and received a reprimand from her, the child asks for forgiveness, and the grandmother, so that the boy will remember the lesson forever, also gives him a sweet horse. Well, the child will forever remember such a lesson and the love of his grandmother, just as he will always remember his grandmother’s gingerbread.

The work teaches us to be responsible and shows our mistakes. Here we see how bad it is to deceive, how unpleasant it becomes because you have hurt your loved ones. In addition, the author encourages you not to make mistakes in your work, and if you have made some mistake in life, you need to admit it and be sure to correct it. Only by realizing the mistake and admitting it will you not repeat it again, which means you will not cause pain to your family and friends.