Lieutenant General Khalilov biography. Valery Khalilov: biography, personal life, family

Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov(January 30, 1952 - December 25, 2016) - Russian conductor, composer, member of the Union of Composers Russian Federation, National artist Russia, Honored Worker of the All-Russian Musical Society, chief military conductor of Russia, lieutenant general since July 9, 2010.

Director and artistic director of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov (since May 2016).


Born into the family of a military conductor on January 30, 1952 in the city of Termez, Uzbek SSR. At the age of four he began composing music. From the age of 11 he was a student of the military music school in Moscow. In 1970-1975 he studied at the military conducting department at the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky (class of Professor G. P. Alyavdin).

The first place of service is the conductor of the orchestra of the Pushkin Higher School of Radio Electronics of the country's air defense.

At the competition of military bands of the Leningrad Military District, the orchestra under the direction of Valery Khalilov took first place (1980).

In 1981, he was transferred as a teacher to the military conducting department of the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky. In 1984 he was transferred to the management body of the military band service of the USSR Armed Forces.

From 2002 to 2016 - Head of the Military Band Service of the Russian Federation.

Since May 2015, Khalilov V.M. has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Academy of Festive Culture.

Since May 2016 - director and artistic director of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A.V. Alexandrova.

Valery Khalilov is the organizer of many festive theatrical events held in Moscow and beyond, in which both Russian military brass bands and groups from many countries around the world take part. Among these spectacular events, it should be noted the international military music festivals “Kremlin Zorya” and “Spasskaya Tower”.

He toured with leading orchestras of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Austria, Sweden, USA, Hungary, Germany, North Korea, Mongolia, Poland, Finland, France, Switzerland, Belgium.

Valery Khalilov - composer. He wrote works for brass band: “Adagio”, “Elegy”, marches - “Cadet”, “Youth”, “Rynda”, “Ulan”, romances and songs.

Brother of Lieutenant General V. M. Khalilov - senior lecturer at the Military Institute (military conductors) of the Military University, Honored Artist of Russia (1997), Colonel Khalilov Alexander Mikhailovich (author of the music for the famous song “We are leaving the East” by VIA “Cascade” and for some time the leader of this group), and his nephew is a graduate (2011) of the Military Institute (military conductors) of the Military University Khalilov Mikhail Aleksandrovich.

Died on December 25, 2016 as a result of the crash of the Tu-154 RA-85572 aircraft of the Russian Ministry of Defense, heading from Adler airport to Syria, on board of which, according to the Ministry of Defense, was Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov.


  • Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree,
  • Order of Honor,
  • USSR medals,
  • Medals of the Russian Federation.

Military ranks

  • Major General (December 2006)
  • Lieutenant General (9 July 2010)


  • Khalilov V.“Our music is environmentally friendly pure genre// Landmark: magazine. - 2015. - October (No. 10). - pp. 12-17.

Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov was born on January 30, 1952 in the Uzbek city of Termez. His father was a military conductor. Valery and his younger brother subsequently followed in his footsteps.

Khalilov began studying music at the age of four. When he was 9 years old, the family moved to Moscow. Two years later, Valery was sent to the Moscow Military Music School. She was in Serebryany Bor. In one of his interviews, Khalilov recalled that a real army spirit reigned at school, which strengthened him. He graduated from it in two classes: clarinet and piano.

After school, Khalilov became a student at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Valery chose the military conducting department.


His first place of work after graduating from the conservatory was the orchestra of the Pushkin Higher Military Command School of Air Defense Radio Electronics. Valery was hired there as a conductor. Five years later, the orchestra under his direction won the competition of the Leningrad Military District.

In 1981, Khalilov began teaching. He began teaching classes at the military conducting department at his alma mater.

In 1984, Valery was sent to the directorate of the military band service of the USSR Armed Forces. There he rose from officer to deputy chief.

In 2002, Khalilov became Russia's chief military conductor. In this position, he organized many parades throughout the country, including on Red Square.

Khalilov was not afraid to enrich the repertoire of military bands. It included songs from the Soviet era, jazz compositions and his own compositions.

Tragic death

In 2016, he became the director of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov. Together with his artists, on December 26, 2016, he died in a plane crash over the Black Sea. Then the ensemble, led by Khalilov, flew to Syria to give New Year's concerts in front of the Russian military.

Valery is buried in a cemetery near the village of Novinki, Kirzhach district, Vladimir region. This is his mother's homeland. He often visited Novinki as a child, and bequeathed to bury himself there.

In June 2018, Russia’s first monument to Valery Khalilov was erected in Tambov. At one time, he called this city the Mecca of military brass music. Khalilov also organized international brass band festivals in Tambov.

Personal life

Valery Khalilov was married. He met Natalya in Abkhazia, in her hometown of Gagra. At that time, Valery was still an ordinary soldier. In his marriage to Natalya, two daughters were born.

The name Valery Khalilov is well known to Khabarovsk residents. For five years it is he who heads International festival military music orchestras "Amur Waves".

Immersed in music

Valery Khalilov was born into the family of a military conductor, and from childhood he was literally surrounded by music.

“I come from a dynasty of military musicians,” said Valery Khalilov, conductor, composer, member of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation, People’s Artist of Russia, Honored Worker of the All-Russian Musical Society, Lieutenant General.

- My father was a military conductor, my brother Alexander is an Honored Artist of Russia, a colonel, the author of the music for the famous song “We are leaving the East” by the VIA “Cascade”, and, for some time, the leader of this group, and my nephew, my brother’s son Mikhail Khalilov, is a sailor , senior lieutenant, military conductor in Sevastopol. Perhaps we are the only family in which there are so many military conductors and musicians.

Valery Mikhailovich remembers his childhood with warmth.

Parents have always treated us children very well and kindly, notes Valery Khalilov. - When we moved to Kazakhstan, and I was born in Uzbekistan, then the family moved to Turkmenistan, I went to first grade in Dzhambul. So, I remember my father conducting an orchestra in the park, my mother dancing at the same time, and I sitting at the big drum at the end of the orchestra, and watching all this from the stage. The picture is very etched in my memory.

As a child, of course, Valera did not imagine that he would also be a military musician or conductor. But he absorbed the atmosphere of a brass band from an early age.

The musicians pampered me and literally carried me on their shoulders. Everything was like a family. In general, relationships in those days were different - much simpler,” the musician continues.

Valery Khalilov absorbed the atmosphere of a brass band from an early age. Photo:

The Khalilov family moved from place to place very often. This may have created inconvenience in everyday life, but little Valera had plenty of time to admire the beauty of Kazakhstan. He still remembers the persistent smell of wild tulips, which were visible and invisible in the spring.

There was no military background in our family; there was good relations and love between father and mother,” says Russia’s chief military conductor. - There was strictness, and they beat me with a belt, but to the point. And the general relationship was good. Father loved us very much, spoiled us, caressed us. Mom was stricter than him. Family is the source of who you will be. Its influence lasts up to five to seven years. And then, whoever you hang out with is the one you’ll gain.

The basis of success

Valery Khalilov is sure that military service does not define the essence of a person, it does not make him different. A chamomile will not become a tulip, and vice versa. In every person, according to Khalilov, genes work first, and then the environment is applied. As an example, my interlocutor cites his brother, who did gymnastics as a child.

When my mother took Sasha from the section and sent her to study at the Suvorov Music School (now the Suvorov School), the coach tearfully begged him not to do this, the conductor recalls. - He said that he would make him a legend of Soviet sports. Alexander turned out to be extremely talented in everything.

There is no need to make a puzzle out of raising children. Every family should have a goal, Khalilov concludes. Instill a love for sports, for art, for technology, so that you can do something with your hands, so that you don’t be lazy. The formula for talent is ability plus hard work. Everyone has abilities, but only a few can boast of hard work. A talented musician, engineer, athlete - take any profession! - becomes the one who works hard.

TASHKENT, December 25 – Sputnik. On board the crashed Tu-154, the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A.V. was flying to Syria. Alexandrova. Since May 2016, the head of the country's main military musical orchestra was Lieutenant General Valery Khalilov.

Together with the band, the musician flew to Syria to congratulate Russian military personnel on the upcoming New Year.

Valery Khalilov is a native of Uzbekistan. He was born on January 30, 1952 in the small town of Termez in the Surkhandarya region. Already at the age of four he began composing music, which, coupled with family tradition and determined the future path of life.

At the age of 11 he entered the military music school in Moscow. In 1975 he graduated from the military conducting department at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory.

In 1980, the orchestra of the Pushkin Higher School of Radioelectronics of Air Defense took first place in the competition of military bands of the Leningrad Military District.

In 1981-1984 he worked as a teacher at his native faculty at his alma mater, in the conducting department.

From 1984 to 2002 - in the management bodies of the military band service, where he worked his way up from an officer of the military band service to deputy head of the service.

In 2002, he became the head of the military orchestra service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the chief military conductor.

In parallel with his work as the chief military musician, Khalilov was the musical director of international military music festivals - “Spasskaya Tower”, “Amur Waves”, “March of the Century”, and the international military music festival in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

Valery Khalilov was one of the creators and organizers of the Spasskaya Tower festival. This is what he himself said about it in an interview with Orientir magazine.

According to him, this festival was born in 2007. Initially it was called "Kremlin Dawn". This kind of festivals are held regularly in many countries. There are world-class festivals that all military musicians in the world know about. A kind of forerunner of our festival was the International Military Music Festival “Ode to Peace”, to which three military orchestras from the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition - France, Great Britain and the USA - came every five years on Victory Day.

“And then a proposal was made to hold such events not only within the framework of one holiday, but within the framework of the international festival movement... The festival is one of our leading creative projects. Military bands from countries of completely different geographical backgrounds take part in it. This includes Africa, Europe, Asia, and America. Every year more than 1,000 people take part in the festival,” noted Khalilov.

In April 2016, the country's chief conductor was appointed to the position of artistic director of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A.V. Alexandrova.

Birthday January 30, 1952

conductor, composer, member of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of the All-Russian Musical Society, chief military conductor of Russia, lieutenant general from 9


Born into the family of a military conductor on January 30, 1952 in the city of Termez. At the age of 4 he began composing music. From the age of 11 he was a student of the military music school in Moscow. 1970 - 1975 - military conducting department at the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky (class of Professor G. P. Alyavdin).

The first place of service is the conductor of the orchestra of the Pushkin Higher School of Radio Electronics of the country's air defense.

At the competition of military bands of the Leningrad Military District, the orchestra under the direction of Valery Khalilov took first place (1980).

In 1981 he was transferred as a teacher to the military conducting department (Moscow).

In 1984 he was transferred to the management body of the military band service of the USSR Armed Forces.

Since 2002 - Head of the Military Band Service of the Russian Federation.

Valery Khalilov is the organizer of many festive theatrical events held in Moscow and beyond, in which both Russian military brass bands and groups from many countries around the world take part. Among these spectacular events, it should be noted the international military music festivals “Kremlin Zorya” and “Spasskaya Tower”.

He toured with the leading orchestras of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Austria, Sweden, the USA, Hungary, Germany, North Korea, Mongolia, Poland, Finland, France, Switzerland, Belgium.

Valery Khalilov is a wonderful composer. He has written wonderful works for brass band: “Adagio”, “Elegy”, marches - “Cadet”, “Youth”, “Rynda”, “Ulan”, romances and songs.

Brother of Lieutenant General V.M. Khalilova - senior teacher of the military institute (military conductors) of the Military University, Honored Artist of Russia (1997), Colonel Khalilov Alexander Mikhailovich (author of the music for the famous song “We are leaving the East” by VIA “Cascade” and for some time the leader of this group), and his nephew is a graduate (2011) of the Military Institute (military conductors) of the Military University Khalilov Mikhail Aleksandrovich.