How does a curse affect a person and its consequences? This is a curse



CURSE, curses, cf.

1. Expressing unconditional and irrevocable condemnation to someone, signifying a complete break, rejection (from oneself, from society; bookish). “May this immeasurable atrocity be a curse on the government, on society, on the vile, corrupt journalism that brought about this persecution... Curse you, curse, and, if possible, revenge.” Herzen(about the tsarist government, which condemned Chernyshevsky to hard labor). Consign someone to damnation.

The ruler of the rising Sun is in the amsha of Mercury, which indicates problems with the manifestation of the earth element, creating degeneration in the bones and tissue structures of the body. Sarpa Yoga is created when three or more miscreants occupy kendra houses from the ascendant without the influence of the beneficiaries in those houses. If there is any benefit in the kendras, you will be able to break the effect of this yoga, and utai should be applied to establish the strength of the influence of this benefit.

Kalasarpa Yoga is created when all the planets are enclosed between the nodes while Rahu is in front in the zodiac. In the opposite position, when Ketu is in front, it is called Kalamrita Yoga, although its consequences are not destructive, they are far from being favorable. However, the effect of Kalasarpa Yoga is very similar to the curse of snakes, as the native will always experience many obstacles in his life until the first 45 years, and as a result, he will move away from dharma and degenerate in the region which Rahu occupies.

2. An indignant swear word. Shower curses. “In the thunder of splashes or curses.” Pushkin . “She carried her son with a grinding sound and gave birth to him with a curse.” Nekrasov .

3. used in meaning interjection expressing strong indignation, displeasure (colloquial). Damn it! I'm late again!

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

If there is any beneficial planet connecting the nodes, be it in house 1 or 7, it indicates that these planets may disturb the yoga. If the moon destroys yoga is called Mahashanka yoga, so enhancing its beneficial effects by fasting on Mondays or worshiping Shiva and Sankarshan are the most recommended remedies. If Jupiter disturbs the yoga, the remedy is to fast on Thursday and worship Lord Vishnu and Balarama.

The Gandanta nakshatra is activated when the native is born in the last ghats of the Moon passing through the constellations of Ashlesha, Jaishta and Revati or in the first two ghats after the Moon passes through the constellations of Ashvini, Magha and Mula. Lagna Gandanta is activated when the ascendant age is less than half of the gatha before or after crossing the point of contact of the signs of Pisces-Aries, Cancer-Leo and Scorpio-Sagittarius. The intersection points of these even signs when they are in conjunction with the intersection points of the three pariya nakshatras.


See what “CURSE” is in other dictionaries:

    Anathema. Prot... Dictionary of synonyms

    CURSE, I, Wed. 1. Official excommunication, anathema. Impose p. Consign the heretic to a curse. 2. Extreme and irrevocable condemnation (high). P. executioners. 3. Swear word, expression of indignation. Curse someone. 4. curse!… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Traces of water and fire are connected at these points; it is obvious that these points are very disharmonious. If all three of these doshas are present in the birth chart of a newborn, it is very likely that the child will die immediately after birth, but if he is saved and lives, he will suffer greatly in life and will always be subordinate and will suffer from poverty and misfortune. Lagna Gandant causes loss of intelligence, Nakshatra Gandant causes short life, while titi-gandanta causes loss of condition. If one is born in the last pada of Ashlesha or the first pada or Ashwini, it indicates the loss of the father, in the first pada of Magi, the loss of the mother; in the last pada or Revati, there are many difficulties; in the last pada or jishta a short life is expected.

    Curse- Curse ♦ Malédiction Wishing evil through words. It is a misconception to consider a curse to be magic, since in reality it contains nothing but hatred and superstition. It's best to just laugh at the curse. If it is difficult to stay to... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

    General effects in all three cases or at least if two giants are present in natal chart, the native will die immediately after birth or during a trip or immediately after marriage. However, if only the gadanta nakshatra is present and there are other favorable planetary combinations, the child will be able to survive and become lucky. An example is the letter of Mahatma Gandhi, which was born at the end of the Ashlesha Nakshatra, which subsequently had a relatively successful life.

    Abhukta Mula and other negative nakshatras

    The ruling planets of the Jaishta and Mula constellations are Indra and Rakshasa respectively. Therefore, the period of the last five ghatis of Jyshtha and the first eight ghatis of Mulha is called Abhukta Mula and this period is very dangerous, especially if the birth occurs in the lunar month of Margashira, Falguna, Vaishakha or Jaishtha. According to Parashara, such a child will be abandoned or the whole family will suffer. Another solution to the problem is that the father should not have a child until eight years after birth or, according to other sources, in the lunar month.

    CURSE, I, Wed. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    English damnation German Fluch. 1. Extreme and irrevocable condemnation with complete refusal to communicate. 2. Indignant, abusive word. 3. Expression of extreme indignation, irritation (in the form of an interjection). Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    If a woman is born under the Jystha constellation it indicates that she will cause the death of her husband's elder brother, if she is born at the end of Vishaka then it will lead to the death of her husband's younger brother. At the time of such a woman's marriage, a cow should be sacrificed as a neutralizing agent. If a child is born in the last three quarters of the Ashlesha constellation, it indicates that the death of his mother-in-law will manifest, in the first three quarters of Mula, it indicates the death of his father-in-law. Another negative combination occurs when a child is born in the same constellation as his older brother or his parents.

    Curse- ■ Always comes from the father... Lexicon of common truths

    This term has other meanings, see Curse (meanings). The Grudge 2 The Grudge 2 ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Curse (meanings). The Grudge 3 The Grudge 3 ... Wikipedia

    Other unfavorable periods of time

    This titi is ruled by Rahu and the effect is similar to naga dosha. If born during Krishna Chaturdashi, the negative consequences include loss of parents, uncles, children or shortevity. Venus rules this tithi, so remedies must be applied to avoid these negative effects. If the native is born during Bhadra or Vishti Karana or any evil upagraha planet is in the ascendant, there will also be some negative effects. Sankrantis and lunar and solar eclipses are also negative periods, so if a child is born during these periods, appropriate protections must be made to protect the child from the negative effects of this curse.

    This term has other meanings, see Curse (meanings). A curse is currently used to express extreme resentment towards something. In earlier times, the curse was considered primarily... ... Wikipedia

    - (Gen.27:12) in the Bible. when used, the indicated word is opposite to the word: blessing. By curse as opposed to blessing we mean deprivation of blessing and condemnation to disaster. The curse was pronounced for the first time by God on the occasion... ... Bible. Old and New Testaments. Synodal translation. Biblical encyclopedia arch. Nikifor.

    Tritara and abnormal birth

    These consequences include poverty, suffering, disease and death. Maharishi Parashara specifically mentions that if one has three children, it indicates that he has received the blessings of the tridays; if a nation has three daughters, it means he has received the blessings of tridevis. But if one feels dissatisfied with this karma and wants to seek a fourth son who is of the opposite sex, it indicates that he will attract the curse of trideva or tridevis.

    In addition, if an abnormal human child or a defective animal is born, it can spoil the entire family or community. This includes having babies born prematurely or very late, the baby will be missing a member or have extra members, or they may have two genders or be like animals or if they were born as Siamese twins. If this is the case, remedies must be made as they are very important.


  • Damnation, Nat Prickley. One of the most famous science fiction series, which began with the works of the famous British writer and the thinker Colin Wilson, was continued in the works... e-book

A curse completely drives luck out of a person’s life and has a heavy impact on the karma of not only the person himself, but also the entire family: after all, a curse often haunts people for several generations.

Sample Letter for Birth at an Unfavorable Moment

Apart from being born in Vishti Karana, the Moon is in the second pada in the constellation Mula Nakshatra, which is ruled by Rakshasa, and especially during the month of Vaishakhi, when she was born, the residence of Mula Nakshatra is in hell. This is also confirmed by the ascendant occupying a fixed sign. In addition, the Calavela effect on the ascending line should also be present in this position since it is located approximately 2-3 degrees compared to the level of the ascendant. Guru Chandala Yoga is formed by Jupiter and Rahu indicates the curse of a past life Brahmin, which also affects his mother very much as she is in the 4th house while Moon makes a conjunction with evil Saturn.

The curse is very difficult to break. Indeed, in this state, a person is connected to a very powerful destructive and destructive energy-informational structure - to a kind of destructive monster. A person, like an apple on a stalk, is suspended from a tentacle, through which this destructive monster sucks energy from him and forces him to act for his own purposes.

Black Magic Combinations from Navamsha Card. Black magic indicators

Or a Brahmana, if there are two evil planets in the house of a karakamsha trikona, the native will know mantra and tantra. If these evil planets are aspected by an evil planet, it indicates that the native will use this knowledge for negative purposes, but if they are aspected by a benefic, it indicates that this knowledge will be used for good purposes.

If two evil planets are in trikonas, the native will achieve great skill in invoking spells and occult knowledge. Evil ones in trikonas at home, when surrounded by other evil ones, the person will become skilled in black magic. Evil ones in trikonas, when aspected by beneficiaries, give power in white magic.

He pushes a person to self-destruction, using all sorts of means for this: either pushing him to slow suicide with the help of alcohol, or inciting him to the most natural suicide, forcing him to throw himself out of a window, hang himself, swallow pills. This bloodsucker monster can also force a person to do things to his own detriment, deprive him of sleep and peace, and even make him a conductor of misfortune for his loved ones.

Both authors have similar views on this issue. However, in order to fully understand this combination, it is necessary to consider some subtle aspects. Karakamsha is the sign in the Navamsa chart occupied by the atmakaraka planet. Lagnamsa is the sign occupied by the ascendant in navamsa. Swamsha means both karakumsha and lagnamsha. What is the difference between them? If a combination in a Navamsa chart is analyzed from the lagnamsha point of view, it indicates that it relates more to the physical level, whereas if looked at from the karakumsha reference point, it indicates that spiritual power has been added to the strength of this combination.

Everyone has probably repeatedly heard stories about people who, no matter how many husbands and wives they had, all of them one by one died or died under very strange circumstances. Most often, the curse that hangs over this person is to blame, because of which the person unwittingly carries a destructive principle within himself. To induce a full-fledged curse, it is not enough to simply say a phrase to someone with wishes for a curse. For the curse to work, the person saying this phrase must have very powerful destructive energy, and be, in fact, a black magician. In addition, he must put all the strength of his hatred into this phrase.

Black Magic Writing Example: Aleister Crowley

Parashara does not differentiate between the two, however, Jaimini does, and from the above we can infer the following subtleties for interpreting the combination of mystical knowledge. If the combination is only in trikonas from the lagnamsa, it indicates that the magic is not so strong and the native will learn in this life and use it for commercial gain etc. if the planetary combination is found in the karakamsha trikonas, it indicates that the native has practiced tantra in his past life and it is because of this that his mystic power will grow very strongly in this life. It should be noted that if the same atmakaraka planet is a malefic, it means that the nation will have a lot of power. The power even grows more if the evil ones are in trikonas from the svamsha, especially if the two make a conjunction. At least one evil man gives knowledge of mantra, two malefactors give knowledge of yantra, and three or more planets give knowledge of tantra. The nature of these planets can be understood on the basis of the strongest influence of malefics. If these planets are aspected by a malefic, the native will use this knowledge for negative purposes and if benefic planets are aspected, he will use this knowledge for positive purposes. If there are mixed influences, it indicates that you will use the knowledge for mixed purposes. This combination allows the native to fully realize all his desires. . The letter shown is from Aleister Crowley, a very famous English author and black wizard.

Only then will he be able to summon a strong destructive entity or structure that will hear him, come to his call and connect the cursed person to himself.

A strong curse can extend not only to the person subjected to it, but also to his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The curse is invisible and imperceptible to the victim himself. In this case, it is useless to compare your state with the natural state - it is still impossible to detect anything.

His atmakaraka is Saturn and retrograde, it makes the connection with Mars strong and exalted, which is also vargottama. An evil atmakaraka shows willpower, but if it is retrograde, it indicates a strong unsatisfied desire coming from a past life, which becomes the reason for its reincarnation in this life. Mars is a yogakaraka and is the regent in house 5 and 10 which indicates that this potential is a good potential in this area.

The satanic motives of the native are also visible since the ruler Rahu of the 8th house, which makes a conjunction with the Moon, the ruler of the ascendant in the 9th house of religion. At the same time, Shakti Yoga is activated, in which the indicators of the Sun are also destroyed. The native's orientation towards sex magic is also visible from the strong house occupied by exalted Mars and the atmakaraka Saturn in his own sign, which is also the ruler of House 8, the home of mystical knowledge. Mars in the 7th house usually indicates a kind of person with a heart, but here the atmakaraka planet Saturn retrograde enhances this tendency, causing her to sacrifice her kindness for the desire to acquire mystical powers and manipulate others.

One can suspect the existence of a curse only due to special circumstances. This could be an extraordinary streak of failures, a chain of misfortunes among family and friends, or an unexpected serious illness. Measures to counteract the curse are quite complex and are rarely effective without outside help. This requires enormous preparation, enormous energy potential and the strictest internal discipline.

Without all this, it’s better not to get down to business. And if, God forbid, such a misfortune as a curse happens to you or your loved ones, turn to the help of the CHURCH. The CHURCH is a very powerful creative energy-informational structure, which with its energy can resist destructive energy monsters. Some forms of curse can be removed by fasting, confession and communion - after all, in this case you connect to the energy of the CHURCH and it begins to act for your benefit.

If this does not help, then they resort to such practices as exorcism. After all, the devil is nothing more than a powerful energy-informational entity, without which the imposition of a curse cannot be done. If you see a curse on another person, refrain from interfering in the name of all that is holy! Don't play with fire, it's very dangerous.

Advise such a person to contact the CHURCH. If he is unbaptized or, even worse, an atheist, sometimes it is enough to turn to faith and be baptized.