Sexual planets in zodiac signs. Love horoscope: Mars and Venus in the natal chart

Women with Mars in Gemini are usually famous with skillful hands, musical ear, and sometimes even intelligence. They are young at heart, which makes them good educators and teachers. Flexible and adaptable, they love variety and want to share many activities with their partner. They prefer to talk about their feelings rather than show them physically, and generally prefer light flirting to closer relationships.

If the relationship nevertheless passes the stage of superficial flirting, its further development is sometimes difficult for these ladies. They are very reluctant to let men near their bodies. Women with Mars in Gemini are attracted to smart, interesting representatives of the stronger sex who know how to entertain and are ready to learn new things. They are especially interested in men who are mysterious or extremely witty.

Women with Mars in Gemini

This planet speaks of the female sexual temperament. Of course, a woman’s sexuality is much more complex than a man’s, and based on this, one should look not only at the position of Mars in Gemini, but also at the mysterious Moon (speaks of emotionality) and captivating Venus (speaks of sensuality). You need to look and evaluate the position of these planets in the horoscope for the Gemini woman and try to add up all the characteristics. Also, to determine sexuality, you should use the description of the element: air signs, which includes Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, give relationships ease and ingenuity.

In general, Mars cannot be said to be comfortable in Gemini. During his hectic activity, a person who is under the influence of Mars quickly gets his head into work, but with this comes incessant doubts, deep reasoning and excessive fussiness. It happens that the activity goes nowhere further than this, and the person only becomes fixated on internal thoughts. Many mistakes are made based on this, but no conclusions are drawn from this. Such people require activities that involve constant new contacts, such as travel and negotiations. A person “under Mars” often attracts attention to himself by loud conversations and gesticulations.

Mars creates in a woman’s head the image of an ideal lover-partner, not the one with whom she will later connect her life, but the one to whom the woman is attracted at the level of instinct. Mars being in Gemini guarantees a woman that she will always be attracted to princes who are not too sexy, since air is considered a non-sexual element. But such men more than compensate for their outward asexuality with their hyper sociability; they have more than enough of this, because they like to have a lot of friends with whom they can hang out.

Mars in a Gemini woman evokes sympathy for frivolous, easy-going men who are damn sociable and have highly developed communication skills. Her favorite men: those who know how to express their feelings verbally, who love flirting and playing with words. For such a woman, it is not particularly important what happens to such a relationship later; it is important that at that very moment she is not bored. In fact, the main thing when choosing a partner with whom you will travel arm-in-arm across Europe in old age is to listen to your heart, and it will definitely not deceive you.

Sexual compatibility of partners is the key happy marriage. But passionate love impulses and intimate attraction at the first stage of a relationship do not mean that there is a prospect of living together between partners.

The Zodiac sign has a superficial, transient influence on partnerships, only in rare cases being decisive.

From the point of view of professional Astrology, the position of Mars and Venus in the natal horoscope of a man and a woman matters.
These planets, also called “planets of Libido” or planets of desire, seem to resonate and are mutually reflected in the horoscopes of partners and have the following properties:

Mars and Venus determine the motivation for flirting and sexual behavior and are ultimately responsible for the ability to love a particular partner on a physical level. At the same time, more close attention given to Mars in natal chart men and Venus in a woman’s chart;

Mars and Venus in the natal chart are also responsible for the type of partner that is most attractive and for the image of an ideal life partner. In this case, closer attention is paid to Venus in the man’s chart and Mars in the woman’s chart.

The libido planets of both partners together form the most accurate major aspects to each other, where the main connecting force, as a rule, is sex. Studying the relationship between libido-planets of partners is a way to determine the prospects of a relationship. If libido-planets conflict, then finding the “key” to the heart of a man or woman will be much more difficult, and even the likelihood of a full-fledged marriage will be completely negated.

VENUS in Aries

Venus in Aries in a woman's chart speaks of the desire to look sexy. A woman prefers to take care of her appearance, strives to be attractive in the eyes of men, believing that appearance is the key to a successful acquaintance with the prospect of further relationships.

Venus in Aries in a man’s chart speaks of the need for a spectacular, productive partner vivid impression on others: such a woman usually attracts admiring glances from other men. This strengthens his own Ego. At the same time, he allows for female emancipation and the absence of characteristic feminine character traits and female weaknesses.

MARS in Aries

For men, Mars in Aries symbolizes libido, which is directly included in his image. Hence egocentrism, the need to assert oneself, to demonstrate one’s masculinity in the eyes of a woman. This is an example of a brutal man, sometimes harsh and rude.

For women, Mars in Aries usually indicates the need for a strong partner with strong courageous qualities, a kind of “Warrior-Defender” archetype. At the same time, in sexual relations a lot of energy is invested.

VENUS in Taurus

In a man’s chart, this position of Venus encourages him to look for a lady who is wealthy or comes from a good family, with good prospects; she must have taste and a sense of style.

Venus in Taurus encourages a woman to remain faithful to her partner. The instinct of ownership is clearly expressed. A woman will make every effort to keep a man, but only if he is well-endowed.
Venus in Taurus also speaks of a tendency to show off oneself with eye-catching clothes, accessories and jewelry. Under certain circumstances, Venus in Taurus indicates “venal love” or sexual relations on the basis of material gain.

MARS in Taurus

In the male natal chart, Mars in Taurus encourages you to monitor your image, advertise your achievements and financial capabilities.

A woman with Mars in Taurus is drawn to more successful men who could provide her with confidence in tomorrow. However, this may be a consequence of having already passed the stages of a relationship like “sex for the sake of sex” and looking for a more stable relationship. Overall, a very sexy configuration for a woman, imbuing her with powerful sensuality, even to the point of wanting to try everything. alternative views sex.

VENUS in Gemini

A man with Venus in Gemini is looking for an erudite, sociable partner with a lively mind and broad interests. As for appearance, he prefers blondes with light eyes. Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, “lightens” the hair, so Venus is in in this case is responsible for male preferences not only from an aesthetic point of view, but is also associated with libido.

Women with Venus in Gemini are prone to erotic flirtation and love to talk about sex. The idea of ​​the desired partner often changes, depending on the momentary mood. Tendency to cheat, inconstancy in love, more than one marriage is possible...

MARS in Gemini

A man with Mars in Gemini can be a treasure trove of information on a variety of topics. Talkative, self-confident, very interesting in communication. However, persuading him into marriage can be very problematic.

A woman with Mars in Gemini needs a man who is original and unusual in some way. The courtship of a “gray”, boring, ordinary man courting her is extremely unpromising. There is a big tendency to be attracted to blondes.

VENUS in Cancer

Venus in Cancer turns a man to the hearth and home. Home is the only place where he can relax. Therefore, men whose planet of the opposite sex is in Cancer often find their future spouse among distant relatives, very close friends or among people of similar interests, usually in a place where they feel comfortable, like at home. In short, with this position of Venus, the individual male image"I" is inseparable from family traditions, a person is inclined to marry a woman who has a very developed maternal instinct towards her husband.

Venus in Cancer makes a woman homely, thorough, and often phlegmatic and pliable. She is a supporter of everything natural, traditional, generally accepted.

MARS in Cancer

A man with Mars in Cancer needs peace and comfort. By definition, his sexual temperament cannot be violent. The man is phlegmatic, slow in every sense. If in early age for some reason he did not receive additional mother's love and affection, then the “compensation mechanism” is triggered, turning him into a “patriarch” or even a family tyrant.

Mars in Cancer in a woman’s natal chart encourages her to find a life partner who should adore children, be gentle and caring. At the same time, their maternal instinct may not be developed at all. In general, such women tend to prefer sensitive and sensitive men who are ready to compensate for those character traits that they themselves lack.

VENUS in Leo

In the male chart, Venus in Leo symbolizes the desire to realize everything and always to the fullest. "Walk like this to the fullest, live like this with the queen...

Venus in Leo in a woman's chart means that the partner is significant only as a sexual object. But sometimes the opposite effect can occur - sexual coldness and abstinence. In this case, her partner must meet moral and ethical standards.

MARS in Leo

The configuration encourages a man to monitor his appearance and behavior, and the positive aspects emphasize stylishness and a sleek appearance. In the sexual sphere, there is a tendency that sex is main factor relationships.

Mars in Leo in a woman’s natal chart speaks of searching for a partner with strong energy, sexually attractive, with a bright appearance, who stands out from the crowd. If these qualities are absent, then only money and high status can arouse her interest. This is the type of woman for whom the expression " Best friends girls are..."

VENUS in Virgo

In the male horoscope, Venus in Virgo is responsible for the struggle for existence. For libido, this configuration is not the best. There is no need to talk about sexuality here. But there is ground for hypocrisy and concern for one’s reputation. He is looking for a woman who is decent in every sense, hardworking, neat, punctual and clean.

Venus in Virgo in the female horoscope is equipped with all sorts of “brakes and mufflers” of libido, when healthy attraction is suppressed.

MARS in Virgo

In a man's chart, Mars in Virgo means the same as Venus in Virgo in a man's horoscope.

In a woman's chart, Mars in Virgo makes a woman look for a companion who will support her in practical, financial terms. There is no sexual emphasis in clothing or behavior. She may seem inaccessible, deliberately pretending that she is not interested in sex at all, but under certain circumstances this becomes true: her sexuality can indeed be strongly blocked by harsh astrological aspects.

VENUS in Libra

A man with Venus in Libra makes a very good impression. He is looking for a woman who is outwardly attractive and has a calm character. Beautiful figure and his face is very important factor when looking for a companion, so that you won’t be ashamed to show her off in society.

Women with Venus in Libra can be very beautiful, even a little fatal. These are skilled seductresses, intriguers who don’t cost anything to find love affairs.

MARS in Libra

In the male chart, Mars in Libra symbolizes sexuality, but which does not manifest itself openly, but more subtly and aesthetically, for example, in maintaining a fashionable style and being receptive to new trends. A man tries to have many love victories, this increases his self-esteem in his own eyes. If there are no ways to satisfy sexual needs, then it releases energy through aggression. By the way, for sexually perverted men, Mars in Libra is the most typical configuration.

Regarding female horoscope, then Mars in Libra is encouraged to seek a very stable relationship in order to improve one’s position through marriage and, in general, marriage is seen as necessary social status. Married, married, married... Very active search husband can become an obsession.

VENUS in Scorpio

Venus in Scorpio in the male horoscope often allows its owner to achieve social advancement, get rich, and in general brings good luck and luck. And the women you meet along the way, who seek to sell themselves to the one who offers the most, do not cause unpleasant emotions in him. Ready to "buy" love if it's worth it...

Women with Venus in Scorpio are the so-called image of a femme fatale. By consciously using his sexuality, he wants to achieve some of his pre-set goals, or increase his status, and the topic of money is more important than love. Typical example This configuration is Venus in Scorpio in the chart of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

MARS in Scorpio

In a man's chart, Mars in Scorpio symbolizes the image of a fatal man, who is not necessarily attractive in appearance, but has charisma.

A woman with Mars in Scorpio would like to marry an ambitious, self-confident man, or she herself encourages her love or marriage partner to pursue success. By the way, with negative aspects, such a woman has destructive tendencies in relation to men’s finances. Capable of ruining a partner and “spreading around the world” in a short time.

VENUS in Sagittarius

The owner with Venus in Sagittarius is characterized by charm and sensuality against the backdrop of awareness of his sexuality. In marriage he is patriarchal, never misses an opportunity to emphasize his main role. He is looking for a companion who could accept this, agreeing to a secondary role. Such a man knows how to “keep a woman in line,” but at the same time he never displays the habits of a tyrant and dictator.

A woman with Venus in Sagittarius is harsh and categorical in her statements. With age, this tendency can intensify, making her harsh on the tongue, sometimes harmful, grumpy.

MARS in Sagittarius

A man has a pronounced tendency to be indiscriminate in choosing a sexual partner. Various sexual adventures inspire him and energize him. Finds an excellent philosophical justification in this, does not need censure or someone else’s assessment, and is very self-sufficient in itself.

A woman with Mars in Sagittarius loves intrigue and games, is subtly flirtatious, loves to use her inner charm, wants a loyal partner, with a sense of humor, a lively mind, and a broad-minded person. It is easier to get along with someone who has common interests or the same profession. There is concern about the man's status. He must be interesting personality and at the same time stand firmly on your feet.

VENUS in Capricorn

The man is concerned about his status. He has a great desire to succeed, and no one and nothing should interfere with him in this. In the marriage horoscope there is a tendency to marry late, or prefers to be a bachelor. He firmly adheres to his own principles and does not allow any attacks on them. His companion should not dominate him in any way. With negative aspects, women's rights will be ignored.

Venus in Capricorn in a woman's chart requires compliance with the gender role that is accepted in a given society. For example, that a man should be courageous, provide for his family, etc. There is a consumer attitude towards a man against the background of emotional or sexual coldness.

MARS in Capricorn

Both in women's and in male horoscopes Mars in Capricorn encourages you to look for a representative of the opposite sex - restrained, correct in manners, without sexual accents or provocations, without flashy colors in clothes. A potential marriage partner should appear solid, worthy and reliable.

VENUS in Aquarius

Aquarius carries the characteristics of the planet Uranus, which is essentially a sexless planet. Therefore, Venus in Aquarius in a man’s chart is interpreted almost the same way as Mars in Aquarius in a woman’s chart: there is a tendency to endow sexuality with a meaning that goes beyond the physical, carrying spiritual or emotional properties.
Another option is that sex is considered something lower, primitive. Often abstinence is compensated by erotic fantasies, verbal sex, pornography, etc.
A man needs a partner who is intellectually active, with a lot of imagination, and a woman needs a partner who is creative, has hobbies and interests, with very progressive views on life, but who does not attach too much importance to sex.

MARS in Aquarius

A man with Mars in Aquarius is a worthy philanthropist, always ready to help and be useful. With negative aspects, he can turn into a “crusader” or a fanatic, inclined to fight for some good, and is not averse to belonging to any group, secret society. Inclined to lead double life, very secretive and unpredictable.

A woman with Mars in Aquarius is distinguished by an interest in the field of science or in some humanitarian field. Hence the desire to marry a man who is intellectually superior to her. Looks for qualities in a partner that she could admire. A woman with Mars in Aquarius is also characterized by idealism, meeting a “soul mate” is important, expectations can be extremely high, and commonality of views and interests is a fundamental requirement for her. But the main thing is that the relationship is based on trust and camaraderie, the ability to share anything with each other. At the same time, it is not necessary to be sexual lovers. He values ​​friendship very highly, such is his philosophy of life.

VENUS in Pisces

The sexual life of the owner of Venus in Pisces is surrounded by many unusual complexes, fears and sexual deviations. This will force you to seek refuge and consolation in your inner world fantasies, or select an intimate partner who can be trusted in this regard. Any love and sexual activity of a man with Venus in Pisces must be private, requires careful " closed doors"He definitely needs an experienced and sexually liberated woman, with a similar predisposition, who will understand and share his position.

A woman with Venus in Pisces seeks to establish herself through sex; she is concerned about her appearance and body. It is extremely important for her that the man shows by his behavior that he passionately desires her. With negative aspects, there is a tendency to the other extreme - promiscuous sexual intercourse, which entails the danger of loss of psychological integrity. Such women know very well when and why they face the prospect of spiritual disappointment and depression.

MARS in Pisces

A man with Mars in Pisces gravitates towards women who give the impression of being weak and quiet. With this, he feels stronger and more confident in himself, the so-called “savior complex”. But there is an exception: he is not averse to choosing a partner for marriage who is higher on the social ladder. With negative aspects, the shadow of a gigolo hides behind Mars in Pisces.

Ladies with Mars in Pisces often have a very pretty, pleasant appearance, close to angelic, and a feminine character. You want to protect and pamper such a woman. But in the extreme life events she is quite capable of sacrificing herself for the sake of her loved one and for the sake of her family. There is a danger of falling in love with a scoundrel or an unworthy, vicious man, since there is a clear tendency towards “masochism” in relationships, flight into irrational spheres or love oblivion, when a veil seems to be thrown over the eyes, preventing one from discerning the bad inclinations of the partner in time

Women with Mars in Scorpio are extremely sexual and need regular proof that they are desirable. Some of them have the same personal magnetism that men with a similar Mars placement often emit. They are always strong-willed and decisive and have a certain strategy, which they follow in everything, but which they rarely reveal. This desire to control everything in some cases leads to conflicts, since such women want to see their partner strong man, but at the same time experience strong desire dominate the relationship.

They are quite jealous (and can also be very angry and unpleasant) and want to feel closely connected to their partner. This is a monogamous woman who does not like to change partners: very sensual and energetic. These women are real “powerhouses” who can have great abilities in various areas of life - from healing to sports and business. They are very inventive and talented in everything, including leading household. Their powerful energy scares off some men, but this is not a bad thing, since they need partners who are strong enough and confident in themselves.

They are attracted to energetic and passionate men who demonstrate their love in every possible way, even through jealousy. Some of these women do not want to be too independent, but prefer to feel that they are needed, desired, and appreciated by their partner.

Women with Mars in Scorpio

Mars in Scorpio in a woman gives free rein to all her specific features and passions, regardless of anything / anyone. The will and strength of the planet manifests itself in increased activity, and there is simply no limit to energy. A woman with Mars in Scorpio achieves her goal by any means and at any cost. For this she has all the necessary qualities: determination, perseverance, tirelessness and punching power. In her desire to achieve goals, she can (and will) go to extremes, sometimes becoming a true fanatic of her own idea.

She has a lot of determination and self-confidence, plus she is prudent and reasonable. Her efficiency and hard work are simply amazing with her enthusiasm and tirelessness: she can exhaust not only herself, but also those around her. And in the ability to overcome various obstacles and obstacles, few can compare with her. Any problems, failures and obstacles do not stop her, but, on the contrary, spur her on, increasing her energy and will many times over. Naturally, in this situation, this young lady can defeat any rival, competitor or enemy.

Mars in Scorpio in a woman contributes to the attraction of his ward to everything dangerous, secret and unknown. It seems to those around her that there is not even a hint of fear in her. At any moment she is able to walk through fire, jump from a height, or put her charming head into the mouth of a tiger. And all because the most important thing for her is to understand everything thoroughly and independently, to get to the truth, to the very essence of things and everything in general. She will carefully and thoroughly check any theories and guesses ad nauseum. Often she becomes a member of some secret society, underground organization/group.

A girl with Mars in Scorpio has excellent organizational skills, leadership talent, and the soul of an administrator and commander. Plus a good diplomat and analyst. In the case of negative character development, she exhibits cunning, selfishness, haste, rashness, thoughtlessness, recklessness, ruthlessness, unceremoniousness, excessive aggressiveness and mercilessness. Needless to say, this is an example of a truly persistent, stubborn and wayward character. This girl knows how to stand up for herself: she is active, resilient and courageous.

When she is interested and involved in any business, she is able to simply “move mountains” to achieve her goal. For this she has a powerful reserve vitality, inflexibility, perseverance and a good skill to wait for the right moment. She always goes towards her goals boldly and courageously, with absolute faith in herself, without fear of competitors or enemies. The desire to win fuels her competitive spirit even more. Often the methods of her struggle are secret and secret; before taking any action, she will think over and provide for everything that is needed. Her movement towards her goal is confident and bold, while she is never in a hurry to reveal her true motives to others.

She loves to tickle her nerves, and obstacles do not frighten her; on the contrary, the more difficult the test, the stronger her character. Mars in Scorpio in a woman is generally characterized by a penchant for all kinds of risks and adventures, this is the only way his ward feels the fullness of life. A young lady with such Mars is absolutely independent: once she has made a decision, it is simply impossible to convince her or deviate her from the chosen path. Her intuition often helps her “get away with it”, as it prompts the right decisions at the right moment. Of course, such women do not stand on ceremony with their enemies, demonstrating all the ruthlessness of their nature. They will never give in and will achieve their goal, paying any price. They are almost impossible to defeat.

Mars in Scorpio in a woman makes her completely unsuited to living in hothouse conditions, because at the level of instincts she constantly needs internal tension and emotional shocks. They need a way out, otherwise an explosion cannot be avoided. Such vigorous energy is worth spending in physical training or engage in a variety of spiritual practices. The sexuality of this woman is high to match her temperament. In personal relationships, she attaches the greatest importance to emotional and intimate attraction. Her man must certainly be a true protector of the family, a true warrior. For this reason, she is looking for a partner who is confident, magnetically attractive and passionate. It is worth noting that she will come across very conflicting, cruel and aggressive men. Due to the influence of Mars in Scorpio, this girl can attract male violence.

A person with Mars in Virgo has little stamina; he does not like competition, racing and haste. The person performs his work carefully and wants to achieve the best results. Prefers to act at a calm, measured pace.

Position Mars in the zodiac sign Virgo in the natal chart makes the character cowardly, fearful, the person is timid and does not have breakthrough abilities. It is difficult for him to defend his rights. A person with Mars in Virgo is modest, indecisive and often lacks self-confidence.

A person moves towards his goals thoughtfully, wants to test the waters in advance, get as much information as possible about the upcoming task, so that difficulties do not arise in the future. Although such careful preparation can sometimes significantly slow down his work - a person with Mars in Virgo plans for a long time, but does not dare to get down to business, he may constantly feel that he is not prepared enough.

The position of Mars in Virgo makes a person a perfectionist - a person prefers to do the work himself, because he is sure that only he can do it flawlessly. There is a constant striving for perfection in the character. A person with Mars in Virgo is critical of himself and others. Often he himself is dissatisfied with the results of his work and is ready to redo his work again and again.

The zodiac sign Virgo, although it belongs to the earthly element, which gives thoroughness and patience, is a sign of a mutable cross - a transition from one state to another, impermanence, scatteredness. And the downside of the position of Mars in Virgo is that when starting work, a person gets too carried away with details and as things progress he can go far from the original task, delving into new details. He switches from one to the other and so on, the details take him deeper and further. And as a result, a person with Mars in Virgo has the feeling that he will never finish his work, because... wants to take into account every little detail. This can manifest itself in any activity, both at home and in professional activities.

The position of Mars in Virgo inclines a person to follow his strictly established order. A person knows what, how and when to do. And if someone around him does not follow his rules, then this can outrage a person with Mars in Virgo. Such a person is prone to tediousness and nagging.

The person who has Mars in Virgo in the natal chart, does not have much willpower, but can concentrate on the task at hand, he is diligent and patient. He is characterized by hard work, although a person with Mars in Virgo can get tired quickly, because... does not have a large supply of vital energy.

In general, the position of Mars in Virgo helps a person become a professional in any business that interests him. Perhaps he takes much longer to reach his peak than others, but his results are often close to perfection.

A person with Mars in Virgo can be advised to moderate their criticism a little and learn to be condescending towards their own and other people’s mistakes. He should remember that ideal people doesn't happen.

Mars in Virgo for a man.

A man with Mars in Virgo may be indecisive and does not have a strong will. If the Sun in the natal chart of a man with Mars in Virgo is weak, then, in general, the man’s character will not have a courageous “core”; he will be pliable and driven. If the Sun in the natal chart of a man with Mars in Virgo is strong, then such a man is more active and his character will be tougher. A man with the position of Mars in the Virgo zodiac sign may be demanding and picky in relationships.

Mars in Virgo for a woman.

It is difficult for a woman with Mars in Virgo to stand up for herself. Such women are more often flexible and compliant. A woman with Mars in Virgo is looking for a disciplined, decent, punctual man, in general, so that she can rely on him, so that her man “does not throw words to the wind.” For a woman with Mars in Virgo, in a relationship with a man, it is important to feel cared for and supported. And the woman herself is ready to serve her man (unless the position of the Sun in the natal chart contradicts this).

happyAngel, thank you for your comment!

happyAngel >> 05/25/2017

Olga, thanks for the article. Regarding the “core” Libra man with Venus in Libra and Mars in Virgo, in response to my question many years later, “Why did you choose her and not me?” (my friend and I met him at the same time, and my friend Coser immediately took him into circulation while I-Aquarius was batting my eyes)))) he answered “Because SHE chose me” I was in culture shock)) And they say that Libra and Aquarius - the perfect couple)) I know three men with Dev Mars, all of them are a little indecisive, cautious, but to fight for me like this, I’ve never seen anything like this in my life)))

Olga-administrator >> 07/26/2016

Ekaterina, this can be interpreted to mean that you have the typical qualities of the Virgo sign, although you also need to take into account aspects from the planets (aspects, especially from higher planets, can distort the energy of the sign or add some peculiarities) and take into account the location of the planets in the houses of the natal chart.

Ekaterina >> 07/26/2016

I just started studying astrology... in my natal chart I have the moon and the sun and mercury and mars - all in Virgo, this is how it can be assessed

Olga-administrator >> 03/29/2016

Irina, thanks for the comment!

Irina >> 03/28/2016

I have Mars in Virgo, also in the 12th house.
Very accurate description.
My perfectionism in business constantly plays against me - and I often put a lot of energy into details, but have neither the strength nor the interest to complete the project. But when I finish it at a leisurely pace and with my share of depth in the details, I get a result that shocks everyone and which I am truly proud of.

But in most cases, you have to negotiate very hard with yourself when time is running out, there is no time to go deeper and you have to do in the “usual mode” what could be done much better and more perfectly.

Olga-administrator >> 12/28/2015

Sergey, most likely, for this you “I’ll tear anyone up and they’re afraid of me” - there are other indicators in the natal chart. You “tear” people with something else :), for example, aspects from Pluto or the strong Sun.
In general, strength does not lie in making others afraid, often weak people“they fluff up” like cats when they are frightened, in order to put fear on others. And as they say, the best defense is attack - such behavior can be characteristic of weak and affected Mars and the Sun.

Sergey >> 12/28/2015

They wrote such nonsense about Mars in Virgo...a coward and so on...complete nonsense...I work with Mars in Virgo in the security service...I will tear up anyone and they are afraid of me

Olga-administrator >> 06.11.2014

Anna, hello!
I think that Mars and the Sun in Virgo have approximately the same strength (not very much). And to answer which of them will win, you need to consider in which sign Mars is in Virgo and the Sun is in a person with Mars in Virgo (of course, you also need to take into account aspects from the planets, the ruler of the 1st house, the location of these planets in the houses). The Sun plus Mars are manifestations of the masculine side of the personality; it is these two planets together that speak of self-confidence and the ability to win. Although based on my personal experience, I often notice that the energy of Mars may not be so obvious at first glance, but it seems to determine behavior. In this article " Astrology. Individual behavior model“I wrote my thoughts on this issue, there is an example about the Sun in Aries and Mars in Cancer and the reverse position of the Sun in Cancer and Mars in Aries.
Anna, if you have any personal examples from life, write, I will be grateful to you.

Anna >> 06.11.2014

Hello! I have a question, which is stronger: the sun in a zodiac sign (for example, in Virgo) or Mars in the same Virgo, and can a person with Mars in Virgo defeat (morally, intellectually, etc.) a person who has the sun in Virgo ? In general, which Virgo is more active?

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