Happiness for an Aquarius man and a Cancer woman. What a Cancer woman needs to remember in a relationship with an Aquarius. What an ideal couple looks like: Aquarius woman – Cancer man

He is more likely to marry more than once. She is more successful in a long-term relationship, and she wants to officially consolidate the relationship. She is more fortunate to meet her great love; he rarely gets this chance. He is five times less likely than a Cancer woman to come to the wedding as a virgin.

After marriage, their sex life proceeds normally and none of them is inclined to have an affair on the side. But if she cheats on him, he wants to normalize everything, and if she cheats on him, she demands a divorce.

Aquarius Woman - Cancer Man

It takes effort to ensure that communication is not one-sided. He wants her to stay with him more than she does. Neither of them thinks each other is stunning. To win over a Cancer man, an Aquarius woman must have a sexy laugh and a sweet manner.

She is attracted to something different, although good clothes and pleasant voice. But if he wants to have a homemaker, the Aquarius woman sees a broader perspective and is not going to sit at home.

They have different points view of kindness - for him this is very important factor, she doesn't care. The Aquarius woman states that she needs a man who understands her (and sometimes her unusual way of thinking). He needs a faithful girlfriend who will stay with him forever. Nights filled with sex and fun days are not that important to them.

He may have several marriages, and she is often a woman aiming for a single marriage, but he more often manages to celebrate the tenth anniversary of his own marriage. At first he is in no hurry to get married, but the second time, as a rule, he is in a hurry. He may be lucky and marry for great love, she does not have enough patience for this.

In marriage, she has better luck sexually, although both note that love has waned. If he cheats on her, she will try to find out from him what is wrong. He prefers to remain silent in the hope that her hobby will soon end.

The Cancer woman and the Aquarius man have an unusual, sometimes even inexplicable connection. They have a lot in common, but also a lot of different things. One of the first common features- their strangeness. The two of them dream of devotion, but the concept of “devotion” is different for everyone. The Aquarius man will be inspired by her devotion, but not when her need exceeds the permissible limit and the water overflows the banks of the river and he accidentally swims again. He was not used to walking around in a wet shirt.

The Cancer woman is possessive by nature, and this protects the Aquarius man from the free flight to which he has become accustomed over all these years.

They will have quarrels when the Cancer woman begins to look for explanations in simple things, which the Aquarius man cannot explain to himself. He's not used to being told why he ties his shoelaces with one hand when he needs to do it with both, or why he always puts the shampoo in the wrong place after washing his hair.

The Cancer woman will accustom him to order, and he, in turn, will slowly take steps towards him. She will need to tell him 100 times to keep the shampoo in its place, and only on 101 will he put it where it should be. No, he doesn’t do this out of malice, he’s just busy with completely different thoughts and completely forgets about her requests. And it may seem to a Cancer woman that he is doing everything on purpose so that once again make her angry.

The Aquarius man loves to tell jokes. The main thing is that these jokes do not affect the dignity of the Cancer woman. There is nothing evil in them, he jokes lovingly, but the main thing is to keep the golden mean. The Aquarius man flirts with his beloved in this way; he also likes it when people laugh at his jokes, but when he accidentally offends someone, you can believe that he did not do it out of malice.

It is better for a Cancer woman not to put an Aquarius man in a frame and face the fact that he must be at home at the specified time, when he is just about to gather with the guys to sit in a circle of male company and watch football match. The Aquarius man does not tolerate any restrictions; he can become stubborn and stubborn. But he did not know that he could thereby offend her to the depths of her soul. After a while he will return to her, he got used to her silk hair and tying his shoelaces with both hands, and she also cooked delicious borscht. The fact is that both of them cannot be angry with each other forever and some quarrels can be resolved with one question: “I cooked you borscht, shall we eat?” She and he had already forgotten that 10 minutes ago they were breaking plates in the kitchen, they will quietly sweep up the fragments of broken dishes and begin the meal.

An Aquarius man better not try to pry into her silence when she is floating along the axis of the Moon. The Aquarius man is curious and may be interested in what the Cancer woman is hiding at this moment. She may not hide anything at all, but it is better to leave her for a while with her thoughts and not try to intrude on them.

One of the main secrets of joint happiness between an Aquarius man and a Cancer woman lies in not imposing their ideas and habits on each other while being together. Give the Cancer woman more freedom to walk alone or with friends. And he shouldn’t try to unravel its secrets when there are no secrets at all.

A Cancer woman in a relationship with an Aquarius man will act as a mother; she almost always develops this maternal instinct towards people for whom she has high feelings.

The Aquarius man, in truth, needs a caring mother who would guide him on the right path. Who else but the Cancer woman will remind him of his meeting with friends, pack his lunch for work, and bring more discipline and composure into his life. The Aquarius man is characterized by absent-mindedness and forgetfulness; he is physically here, but in his dreams he is somewhere else. He put his phone case, but after about 5 minutes he already forgot where he put it. The Aquarius man will rush around the apartment to find that very case, since he has an important meeting in 10 minutes, and the Cancer woman, smiling, will stand and hold it in her hand. And who will doubt that he does not need her support and help?

A Cancer woman needs to remember that the love she gives can be infinitely tender, but not so tender that it strangles him in her arms. It is very difficult to teach an Aquarius man to do what everyone else does. It’s hard to teach him to walk straight along the road when he’s used to walking in zigzags. But it should be noted that over time the Aquarius man will become more constant in his eccentricities. This does not mean that he will stop being strange, just that his strangeness will become permanent and some will even be explained by the Cancer woman herself. If you meet this couple in the park, you will notice that they are both a little strange and have strange jokes, but they are having a lot of fun and you will probably find yourself thinking that they just found common ground.

Perhaps the Aquarius man was interested in her sense of humor, but also probably her feminine mystery, which attracts him forever. Although, due to the changeability of her mood, it will not be easy for an Aquarius man. But he is resourceful and inventive even in this, he will find ways to adapt to her mood swings. The Aquarius man is a permanent sign and such shake-ups will be needed in his relationship with the Cancer woman.

The Cancer woman and the Aquarius man have a fierce spark of sexual magnetism from the very beginning of their acquaintance. This is explained by the fact that the Aquarius man is under the protection of the male planet Uranus, all masculine principles are inherent in him, and the Cancer woman is under the influence of the feminine Moon. The Cancer woman will often find herself thinking that his physical attractiveness is amazingly good, but she is unlikely to be able to explain why.

If an Aquarius man and a Cancer woman combine their feminine and masculine principles together and do not neglect or underestimate each other’s capabilities, then we can believe that their union will find complete harmony and mutual respect. Love will be those very strong feelings that will bring them pleasure and satisfaction. Sexual relations Aquarius men and Cancer women will not become something particularly new, but tender feelings will inspire them and lift them into the air.

The Aquarius man knows how to play with her mood, he dashingly picks up keys in each of her keyholes. Where there were thoughts - it turns into ardor, despair - into ups, sadness - into great mood. Thus, he will more than once awaken in her a passionate interest in his person, and their sexuality will reach unprecedented heights, which is full of unpredictability and real feelings.

When zodiac signs belong to different elements, it is sometimes difficult for them to find common language. However, happy unions also occur in such cases. True, less often. Compatibility of Cancer man and Aquarius woman – interesting example and at the same time proof that very different personalities can complement each other and become a strong family.

Cancer is the element of water, and water is feelings and emotions. Aquarius is not water, as you might think from the name, but air. Simply a symbol of this zodiac sign is a beautiful young man pouring the water of life from his never-ending jug.

It turns out that initially we are dealing with completely different people. Many of their features are opposite, and many complement each other perfectly. For example, Cancer is closed, but Aquarius is very sociable and is able to win over any interlocutor. This is the key to favorable compatibility between a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman in a love relationship.

When these two meet each other and have the courage to ask out, both will have an interesting experience: Cancer will be amazed at how easy-going and charming a person can be with their communication, and Aquarius will likely be drawn to the warmth that comes from Cancer. He just carries the image of a real family man, a strong patriarch, with whom he will feel very reliable in any situation. If a girl under the sign of Aquarius sees just such an image of a man as an ideal, she cannot find a better match.

Compatibility between a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman in love can serve as the basis for long-term interesting relationships, which will at least give each other a very interesting, unique life experience. Surprisingly, such people rarely stick around for a long time. But if they have been together for more than a year, even this fact suggests that everything worked out.

Yes, there are misunderstandings. For example, Cancer will try to slightly correct the behavior of Aquarius, her words about him or about people in general. And this will be a mistake that he very quickly realizes. You should not try to somehow put pressure on Aquarius - have no doubt, even the most timid representatives of this sign will give a decisive rebuff. The point is not in their harmfulness, although sometimes it also slips through. It’s just that Aquarius is the most freedom-loving sign of the zodiac of all that the starry sky contains.

And Aquarius can sometimes get bored with the fact that Cancer prefers quiet family evenings and walks under the moon just the two of them over noisy companies. Although the romance and tenderness of such a guy is undoubtedly capable of winning the heart of a sensitive Aquarius. And we can say for sure: if they are together, it’s not just about feelings. It’s just that Aquarius also loves for his intelligence, strength of personality and interesting views on life. Such a girl clearly does not have enough stability and confidence in tomorrow.

She herself brings that touch of unpredictability that Cancer sometimes lacks. After all, a man of this sign often hides under his shell and believes that hard times It's better to just wait it out. And then suddenly such an interesting companion appears, who literally enlivens his gray reality. Here is an example of when different people do not attract according to the law of opposites, but simply complement each other with what they separately do not and cannot have.

Of course, such an idyll will be disrupted from time to time. Most likely, the source of conflict will often be Aquarius himself. It's just more active sign than cancer. And besides, Aquarius can directly speak out about the shortcomings of his beloved, which will certainly seriously hurt him. It's worth remembering that Cancer guys have very thin skin. Do not try to challenge this statement by saying that according to your observations, no matter how much you say, he tolerates everything. Yes, he endures it, and outwardly, most likely, he puts on a half-smile on his face. In fact, he is in a lot of pain - you can be sure of that. It’s just that men of this type accumulate resentment and don’t even express any objections to their lady of the heart: they say, yes, he’s guilty, yes, he did the wrong thing, yes, he’s not cool enough for you, and everything like that.

Just don’t try to abuse this trait - you can simply undermine Cancer’s self-confidence. And this gentle creature takes a long time to recover from serious blows fate. If an Aquarius girl shows her maximum diplomacy, she will receive in return strong man, who confidently covers her, Aquarius, with everything he can, as long as she feels good. Agree, such care will melt the heart of any, even the most unapproachable beauty.

Marriage compatibility: the husband is at home more often than the wife

A Cancer man from a very young age begins to think about his future family, and in this regard he is a completely atypical man. He remembers the image of his mother, family relationships from childhood and subconsciously (and sometimes consciously) tries to reproduce the story in an exact copy.

Speaking of mother. Do not try to speak harshly about his parents, home life, the quality of the prepared food and other similar things. For a Cancer man, the mother is almost a saint, and the parental home is the beginning. Just use all your diplomacy and criticize as much as you like, but only in the language of hints and interlinear characters.

So, the compatibility of a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman is family relationships It largely depends on the girl. A man has long been determined to start a family and carefully selects a life partner - one for life. And for him, believe me, these are not empty words. We are responsible for those we have tamed - this is the motto of a typical cancer.

Therefore, if an Aquarius woman accepts the rules of the game, where she will be assigned the honorable role of a lady of the heart, whom her husband will carefully protect and try to keep at home, then everything will work out. Another thing is that Aquarius can quickly get bored with the monotonous order and run away. To begin with, go to a friend, and then maybe seriously think about breaking up.

Try to soberly assess what wonderful opportunities your cancer provides for the family hearth: a caring and gentle man who strives in every possible way to provide for his home and give you everything that is within his capabilities. Try to get him out of the house, go for walks together, create your own little strange traditions, in a word, try to solve the issue by approaching it from a completely unexpected direction.

And most importantly, inspire Cancer to do great things. Men of this sign can sometimes feel very insecure due to their innate sense of proportion and caution. At this moment, Cancer will need a spiritual charge, which Aquarius can provide in any quantity. You can rest assured that your beloved will give you a lot in gratitude.

When both partners can adapt to each other and abandon attempts to somehow change their characters, their compatibility in marriage will reach its highest point.

Compatibility in bed: the struggle between stability and unpredictability

The Cancer man is sensitive to everything related to sex. For him, this is a whole ritual with long foreplay, stormy nights and joint walks under the moon after voluptuousness. And for an Aquarius woman to get closer, the main thing is to be aroused by such an important male quality as intelligence.

The fact is that Aquarius will have very little simple romance. Yes, the flowers are beautiful, yes, the candies are amazing. And yes, the restaurant is nice. But all this is a standard set. And by the way, it’s optional. Aquarius will appreciate everything unusual. Date in an open field - why not? Walking around the entire embankment is great! Going to see horror films at the very last screening is spot on!

Here she may encounter some misunderstandings with Cancer, who is accustomed to traditional relationships and romantic evenings. To get out of an awkward situation, try to relax your companion - let him understand that he is needed and that you, Aquarius, appreciate his affection and care.

When Cancer completely trusts his partner, the girl, by the way, will be in for a pleasant surprise: a seemingly closed creature turns into a real ocean of passion. Such a surprise will so amaze Aquarius that the couple will be able to spend a lot of time interesting nights love. This is a guarantee of their favorable compatibility in bed.

Compatibility at work: we're just colleagues

A Cancer man and an Aquarius woman are very different creatures, so they can take on some kind of joint business with pleasure. But they are indispensable in those activities that involve team resolution of issues.

For example, new projects in which Aquarius will most likely take on the function of work organizer and idea generator, and Cancer will take on routine tasks with no less pleasure. But someone has to do them too, right?

Cancer man and Aquarius woman are creatures from different worlds. and the stars don't give them particularly great chances. But if they realize that their qualities complement each other well, the union will certainly be very successful.

The union of a Cancer woman and an Aquarius man does not occur so often in life. But if these signs decide to be together, then the couple will be the most extraordinary among all possible ones. Their zodiac compatibility is only 35 percent, which is due to differences in worldviews.

They are both endowed with imagination and have deep inner world, but have completely different attitudes to life. Their goals and approach to solving problems are radically different, and their spiritual values ​​do not coincide at all.

If these people decide to be together, then their union is always filled with disagreements or misunderstandings. But this couple cannot be called unhappy, because even being so different, they can subsequently accept each other.


There are not so many advantages in the union of a Cancer girl and an Aquarius guy. The advantage of such relationships is the ability of signs to self-realize with the help of a partner. Thanks to their differences in character, they are able to learn from each other qualities that they themselves do not possess.

Both signs are loyal and friendly people. They do not impose their beliefs on others and never prove anything to their interlocutor. These people believe that they are right and do not need the advice of outsiders.

Signs are able to balance each other. The conservatism of Cancer will restrain the excessive innovation of Aquarius. Because of his desire for everything new, he may go too far and lose everything he has. Cancer will help him preserve what he has achieved and teach him to at least sometimes return to reality.


  • the signs are equally friendly and open to communication;
  • partners complement each other, share their skills and knowledge;
  • Cancer and Aquarius do not seek to change others, they are loyal to other people’s opinions;
  • both live in a fantasy world and love to share ideas.


The most important disadvantage of this union is the outlook on life of both partners. They are so different from each other that many are surprised how these people can get along together.

The freedom-loving Aquarius is directly opposite to his reserved chosen one. He is open to the whole world and does not think about the future at all. He enjoys visiting different places, traveling and socializing. This man will never worry about little things or pay attention to the opinions of others. He is self-confident and often relies on his intuition (and it rarely lets him down). There is no place for boredom in the life of an Aquarius: he does not get hung up on one thing, but regenerates new ideas.

A Cancer woman looks at life completely differently. For a calm existence, she needs to feel stability and think about upcoming matters in advance. She does not like to be in society for too long, but prefers to relax at home. This woman is an inveterate conservative. New ideas are alien to her, she is afraid of change and is very sensitive to what other people say about her.

The low percentage compatibility of characters is due to these differences. While the Cancer woman is building a home fortress, she is in a hurry to explore the whole world. The daily chores of his partner seem boring to him; he does not want to waste time on it. And she, not seeing gratitude for her work, often takes offense at her chosen one. Often his statements hurt her pride.


  • the signs have different life activities and opposite worldviews;
  • Cancer seeks to bind Aquarius, but he perceives this as an infringement of freedom;
  • Aquarius is too open and does not hesitate to speak, which can offend his partner;
  • signs are not able to empathize with each other, often do not have complete trust;
  • partners are bored together, their leisure time varies.

In a relationship

The development of relationships in a couple will proceed slowly. A frivolous Aquarius is in no hurry to strengthen the union (freedom of action is important to him), and a shy Cancer woman will wait for initiative from her chosen one. Only their mutual desire for marriage can speed up events: Cancer ambiguously hints at a proposal, and Aquarius decides to make it.

In relationships, signs will behave quite selfishly. It will be difficult for them to adapt to their partner's rhythm without outside help. Perhaps the signs should be more attentive to the feelings of the chosen one, because their further mutual understanding depends on this.

A Cancer woman is capable of being affectionate and tender with her lover. But she expects the same from Aquarius. He is also open to romance, but his attention often wanders to others. This will confuse a jealous Cancer woman, because she herself wants to give her beloved all of herself.

The signs will build their happiness gradually, rubbing shoulders with each other for months or years. Ultimately, they will be able to accept their partner's individuality and finally forget about differences.

In love

Only a strong feeling can push these people to create a couple. They are so different that simple sympathy will not be enough to bring them closer together.

At first, these signs will attract each other with their unusualness. Both live by emotions and love to fantasize. Aquarius will be captivated by the mystery of the Cancer woman. She will become an unsolvable mystery for him, which will excite his imagination.

Aquarius will conquer her with the ease with which he moves through life. His optimism and ability to not get hung up on little things will bring newness to her usual daily routine.

Their meetings are filled with romance. Aquarius will be a good gentleman: his original courtship and appropriate compliments will melt the lady’s heart. Cancer will respond by admiring the fan’s courage and originality. During the period of falling in love, their exchange of tenderness will cover all disagreements that arise in the couple. But later the first quarrels may appear, caused by different worldviews.

An Aquarius man wants to see a light and smart woman. His ideal companion is a friend who will boldly go through life with him, without stopping because of little things. For cancer, it will be ideal, a man who provides her stability and protection. This weak woman I want to be confident in the future. If the signs try to change even a little, then the union promises to be harmonious.


In marriage, the signs will divide responsibilities in half. Cancer will take over the practical side, and everything related to solving issues and problems will fall on Aquarius. Unfortunately, neither sign is cut out for the role of leader. Cancer is too indecisive, and Aquarius is fickle. Therefore, to strengthen the union, the couple must constantly interact. Everything that will be obtained by this original man must be preserved and increased by his chosen one.

The relationship itself can be overshadowed by the jealousy of a Cancer woman. The freedom-loving Aquarius does not like to sit at home: he likes to travel and meet new people. This will seem like a kind of betrayal to his wife, because she put so much effort into creating cozy home. The couple should find a compromise on this issue. Freedom is so important for an Aquarius that he can leave his wife at any time. She needs to be more patient.

Financial well-being will be achieved thanks to the practicality of cancer. This woman strives for stability and always saves money for the future. Her concern for tomorrow helps Aquarius not to spend everything he earns.

Children in marriage are most often planned. But the Cancer woman takes the initiative in this, since motherhood is her calling. She loves her child so much that she is ready to fulfill his every whim. Such a mother generously showers the baby with tenderness and affection, and practically does not scold. Aquarius is also good in this matter: he enjoys working with the baby and teaches him new things, tests him homework or takes it with you on an active trip.

In bed

The sexual compatibility of the signs is quite high. These people live by emotions and love to show tenderness. Provided there is complete harmony, everyone will put all their feelings into intimacy.

Both signs pay attention to their surroundings and their emotional state. These people are not prone to spontaneous manifestations of feelings; they prepare for intimacy in advance. For Aquarius, the intellect of a partner is important, and he will receive pleasure only by establishing a spiritual relationship with her.

She is also scrupulous in this matter. To conquer a Cancer woman, a man needs to mentally prepare her. This could be a candlelit dinner, watching a romantic movie, or talking about feelings. Only after prolonged caresses will she be able to trust her chosen one and show him her sexuality.

In bed, violent passion will not flare up between the signs. Aquarius can amaze his partner with his imagination, but she is unlikely to support him in this. Her views are conservative even in sex: everything goes according to plan. If this woman gives the opportunity to express herself to her chosen one and reveals her sexuality to him, then the couple can achieve perfect harmony.

In progress

In the professional sphere, the signs are suitable for each other due to their different approaches to solving problems. But this only applies to those situations where their responsibilities are strictly divided by a wise boss. It is best when they are both subordinates and perform the tasks assigned to them.

These people will work well together in one team. They may not even notice each other, but in the activities of one organization both will act as reliable “gears” on which the company’s success rests.

Aquarius has great imagination and a desire for everything new. He easily regenerates ideas and presents them to his superiors. Such an employee gets along well with people and can be employed in the service or advertising industries. Aquarius can sell anything if he himself believes in the benefit of any product.

The Cancer woman will help bring his ideas to life. She approaches her work with care and responsibility. This is the person who can stay late in the office to finish his reports. Cancer will act as a strong foundation for the entire organization. She will correct all shortcomings, double-check accounts, forms and diagrams. All global ideas of Aquarius will be corrected precisely by practical cancer.

If the signs act as a leader and a subordinate, then misunderstandings cannot be avoided. Different style work will prevent these people from interacting. A thoughtful Cancer woman will find Aquarius irresponsible, since he does not attach importance to all the details of the matter. And she will appear to him as a bore, unable to move forward and mired in a work routine. If one person acts as a boss, then the second will most likely have to go into the shadows.

In life

Friendship signs in everyday life is quite rare. These people like to plan their leisure time in different ways. Most likely, they will not even meet in the same company, since both move through life at different speeds.

Their acquaintance is possible only in a close circle of people. Mutual friends or relatives will contribute to this. When they meet, they will be able to find a common language and talk about their interests, since both have a deep inner world. But then the fickle Aquarius will become bored in the company of a modest Cancer woman. He will hasten to retreat in order to embark on a new journey or meet someone else. And she will be disappointed by his inconstancy. He will seem impatient and frivolous to her.

The joint leisure of these different people It will be difficult to organize. For relaxation, it is better to choose something suitable for both of them. For example, going to an exhibition or attending cultural events. It is better for Aquarius not to drag Cancer into the thick of things, and she is not recommended to separate him too much from the world and society.

Another option for spending time together is a small party for a close circle of friends at the Cancer woman’s home. She will be able to offer her friends a decent holiday and take care of delicious treats. She will be pleased if someone praises her housekeeping skills. And Aquarius at this time will be able to chat with friends and captivate them with an entertaining conversation. This option will allow Cancer to feel like the center of the company, and Aquarius will have a great time.

Useful information

The life together of signs can be filled with both tenderness and care, and disagreements. Cancer and Aquarius in love to a greater extent They strive to receive rather than give, so everyone needs to be more attentive with their partner.

Aquarius should think about how much a devoted Cancer woman can give him. She will take care of his house, save everything he acquires. In addition, such a chosen one will appreciate his ideas and feel all the emotions along with him.

She herself should also accept the qualities of her partner. It is Aquarius who is able to bring new colors into her monotonous life and teach her to open up. His openness is not a drawback (although Cancer thinks otherwise), but on the contrary, it was gifted to him by the element of air for maximum realization.

Signs should also appreciate each other’s devotion. Despite the sociability of Aquarius, he is not prone to betrayal; rather, he is very sociable. Cancer, even more so, does not pay attention to other men: this woman is devoted only to her lover, for whose sake she is busy arranging her home.

With a properly built relationship, they will be able to find in each other what they are missing. The fickle Aquarius will be happy to return to a cozy home for relaxation, and the affectionate one will receive from him a sea of ​​fresh ideas and new information.

Tips for a couple to strengthen their relationship:

  • Cancer should not keep Aquarius close to her if she does not want to lose him (this man needs some freedom);
  • Aquarius should not reproach his chosen one and point out her shortcomings, since she is very vulnerable and an accidentally dropped word can seriously hurt her;
  • Cancer does not need to be jealous of Aquarius and forbid him to communicate with friends;
  • Aquarius should appreciate the daily work of the chosen one and praise her for her household chores;
  • family responsibilities need to be divided, leaving housekeeping to Cancer, and making major decisions to Aquarius;
  • financial issues should be resolved together, but it is cancer that copes better with finances;
  • Aquarius should help the modest Cancer woman open up, praise her more, charge her with optimism;
  • Aquarius must devote enough time to the family, not neglect household chores, remember the dates of holidays and birthdays;
  • Cancer needs to stop worrying about little things and start enjoying life (Aquarius will help her with this);
  • the couple should be more open and relaxed in sexual relationships.

Video on the topic:

Aquarius man and Cancer woman have bright prospects. Despite enough different characters, there is much that unites them. Successful compatibility will help you realize your potential in family relationships, find yourself in a profession, and discover your talents or business acumen.

Aquarius Man and Cancer Woman

The love of a Cancer woman and an Aquarius man begins unexpectedly. When the first passionate dates have passed and they have decided to build a relationship, its development can become a difficult task and will require the efforts of the partners. But there is still some inexplicable force that attracts them to each other from the moment of their first meeting and keeps them together in the future.

The Aquarius man craves love, but feels trapped if his beloved is too jealous or too caring. He has many friends and unusual ideas, he is a sociable person and loves freedom, which he needs like air. In a relationship with a Cancer woman, he will become simply loving friend, who gives her complete freedom and will expect the same from her. The Cancer woman will attract him with her charm, intelligence and subtle humor. She is flexible enough to adapt to the lifestyle of her loved one, but whether she will feel comfortable is the question. She will study all the features of his strange behavior and gradually learn to control it. Most likely, he does not meet her ideal man, but she can get used to him. An Aquarius man is always ready to listen to his lover and help, but a Cancer woman should not rely on him in all respects because he can be unreliable.

A Cancer woman and an Aquarius man have many differences in character. But if she is ready to sacrifice a lot to maintain love, then this is unlikely on his part. Aquarius is a fixed zodiac sign; he is unlikely to express a desire to change anything about himself. The best way contradictions will be overcome by the joint participation of partners in matters that interest both.

For an Aquarius guy, meeting a girl is a trivial matter, but a representative of the Cancer sign sees nothing but flirting in communicating with him. Even if young man the most serious intentions, he will need time to convince his chosen one of this.

Aquarius has a real talent for getting anyone to talk, even the uncommunicative Cancer. It is unlikely that the relationship will immediately become trusting, but the girl will at least be interested in a cheerful and pleasant guy. On her part, there may be jealousy towards his many friends, with whom the young man spends most of his time. Conflicts on this basis are unlikely to happen, because Aquarius tries to take the girl with him everywhere, and she will have an excellent opportunity to make sure that the guy’s sociability does not pose a threat to them love relationships. Soon she will get tired of accompanying her beloved, because his social circle is not interesting to her, after which things will calm down a little.

If lovers truly value their happiness, each of them will be interested in understanding the other, and soon they will begin to learn from each other. best qualities. The Aquarius guy will become more serious and responsible, and the Cancer girl will learn to treat people with more trust.