Women's horoscope for November. Horoscope for November

November 2016 is the last month of autumn, passing under the influence of the sign of Scorpio, a month of contrasts, captivating with new ideas and opportunities, and at the same time putting obstacles and dangers in the way.

The first ten days of the month emphasize the special influence of the three zodiac signs. This is, first of all, a sign Scorpio, in which the Sun and Mercury will be located, which means a good moment for revealing secrets and riddles, creativity and solving financial issues.

The two remaining signs Capricorn And Sagittarius, will continue their influence until the end of the month, encouraging practicality and achieving goals, on the one hand, and learning new things, travel, self-improvement, on the other.

Please note that from November 9 Mars leaves the sign of Capricorn, leaving his strong position. Therefore, if you would like to use the energy of this bright planet for something that you have never decided to do, it is better to do it at the beginning of the month.

November is a time of transformation, the discovery of something unknown, extraordinary situations, grandiose plans and risks that are best foreseen.

Please note: important tasks and it is better to plan projects for the first half of the month, since in the second half it will be much more difficult to start and complete something important.

In the first half of the month, problems that you have been putting off for a long time may surface. And this is not bad, since there are opportunities and strength to deal with them.

Particular emphasis will be placed on the monetary area, in which changes are likely, such as unexpected cash receipts or positive loan decisions. There is a good opportunity to solve your money problems.

Very good time for planning and goal setting. Please note the special date November 5, when you can make wishes and dream with the support of the stars!

  • Good period for creativity. Interest in art, culture and music is growing.
  • They can resolve themselves internal problems, which previously accumulated.
  • A favorable time for learning, self-knowledge, forgiveness of yourself and others.
  • At this time, things may come up that you haven’t gotten around to, and there may be a need to deal with urgent issues, pushing all other matters into the background.
  • You may feel that special insight and ingenuity are emerging, which allows you to quickly deal with many issues.
  • If you want to apply for a loan, resolve issues with taxes or insurance, this is a favorable time.
  • This is a period when even calm people are capable of extraordinary manifestations. Love at first sight, new interesting acquaintances, unexpected gifts are possible. Something new may appear in the relationships of established couples.
  • These days are especially favorable for creative people, people of art. You may receive an offer for mutually beneficial cooperation or participation in a financially beneficial project.
  • Often during this period you may be pleased with unexpected financial income; on the other hand, spontaneous purchases are possible; be careful.
  • This is a good day for those who would like to make a wish. It’s good to dream and plan on this day. It's also a good place to start cooking.
  • During this period, your energy potential increases, you feel that you are capable of actions that previously seemed impossible. The ability to be creative and create something new increases.
  • You can feel like an energy generator, that you can handle large-scale projects. This is one of the best periods for setting goals and strategic planning.
  • At this time, you may be inspired by ideas of independence, freedom of self-determination, and protection of human rights. A good period for planning, reforms, changes, both private and public.
  • Be careful: the likelihood of equipment failure, man-made accidents, crashes, and catastrophes increases, the causes of which most often remain unknown.
  • This is a time to consolidate relationships, so it is good to use it for marriage and signing a prenuptial agreement. The same applies to business cooperation.
  • Agreement on joint activities, signed at this time, promises stability and longevity of relationships, good luck in business, especially related to Venus themes.
  • During this period, matters and problems are resolved energetically and constructively. What you lacked strength or determination for is finally being realized. New ideas and options for solving problems appear.
  • A good period for intellectual activity and the sphere of relationships. New opportunities are emerging.
  • Business or urgent trips are favorable.


The second half of the month will require more attention and awareness from you. Check very carefully important documents that you are going to sign, try not to take on too much work, as the risk that you will not cope increases.

In the last ten days of the month, Jupiter forms a rigid configuration with Uranus and Pluto, thereby activating a tense aspect - the square of Pluto with Uranus, 2012-2016.

First becoming accurate in 2012, this square marked the beginning of a full-scale crisis and serious transformations at the global level, and brought many unpleasant moments. Therefore, be more careful in the second half of November, give up risky projects and actions.

  • This period gives mood swings and absent-mindedness. There may be confusion in papers, confusion in business and turmoil, and the likelihood of errors is growing. It is very easy to take wishful thinking, to succumb to persuasion, to suffer from dishonesty.
  • You should be careful when dating. These days it is dangerous to deal with foreigners or go on trips, especially foreign or water trips.
  • During this period, there is an increased likelihood of taking on too much responsibility, or a large amount of work that is difficult to cope with.
  • Problems and conflicts are possible due to joint finances. At this time, it is better not to use other people’s money or the money of business partners, not to borrow or lend money.
  • It should be remembered that excessive overload during this period can negatively affect your health.
  • This period gives a positive attitude, new ideas and prospects appear for their implementation or for expanding an existing business.
  • This is a very good time for concluding contracts; they promise to be successful and long-term. At this time, prospects for finding foreign partners may arise, and trips abroad are favorable.
  • A good time for promotional activities as well as a full medical examination.
  • At this time, the spirit of wandering and travel may awaken in you, and your interest in foreign countries and foreign cultures may increase. A good period for learning, learning something new.
  • At this time, it is good to submit petitions to your superiors, to the courts, to high-ranking officials, unless there are other instructions in your birth chart.
  • This period is favorable for serious matters, as attentiveness, accuracy and clarity increase, which allows you to avoid mistakes.
  • Your studies will be successful. good days For scientific research and experiments, putting things in order, drawing up reports or certificates, planning, drawing up important papers.

from November 24 to 26, 2016- Venus square Jupiter, conjunct Pluto

  • During this period, problems in business are possible, for example, expenses due to unforeseen circumstances increase. There may be delays in the receipt of money, waste, and ill-considered investment of funds. You should be careful with road acquaintances.
  • Misunderstandings are also possible, which can easily develop into conflicts. Be careful.
  • This period gives flashes of insight, a creative approach to solving many issues. A happy accident helps, an unexpected turn of events, new information, change of positions, change of laws, etc.
  • The information itself finds the person who needs it. Changes at work are possible these days. This could be the introduction of new methods or technologies, or the acquisition of new office equipment, the arrival of new employees, endowed with either special powers or special knowledge.
  • This is a period of strong unrest and anxiety. Feelings are difficult to contain, the mood changes like spring weather.
  • It is better to be careful and not enter into important agreements these days. Unforeseen material losses, such as embezzlement, theft, and fraud, are also possible. In love relationships, quarrels and misunderstandings are also possible.
  • During this period, it becomes possible to solve problems not only through hard work, but also thanks to the help of professionals or influential people. This is also one of the best times to start new and continue long-term activities. Projects either receive a new powerful impetus or are successfully completed.
  • This time is also good to use for studying, accumulating knowledge, publishing articles and books.

from November 30 to December 3, 2016- Sun square Neptune, Mars trine Jupiter

  • During this period, you may feel an emotional uplift and a surge of energy. However, be careful: these days can bring psychological crisis, anxiety and self-deception. The likelihood of being subject to negative influence from the outside increases, you can become a victim of deception and fraud.

Other influences of the month

In astrological forecast, I do not touch upon such a factor as the influence of the Moon, which can also be important and strong. You can subscribe to the daily calendar lunar days or read it directly on the site.

Have a successful month!

Watch the video forecast by zodiac signs:

  • for Aries - from 11:47
  • for Taurus - from 15:30
  • for Gemini - from 18:14
  • for Cancer - from 21:39
  • for Leo - from 26:35
  • for Virgo - from 29:43
  • for Libra - from 32:37
  • for Scorpio - from 38:00
  • for Sagittarius - from 42:12
  • for Capricorn - from 45:26
  • for Aquarius - from 48:49
  • for Pisces - from 51:50

With respect and good luck,

Useful tips

This month is notable for the fact that bright emotions and restraint in expressing feelings will be like two opposite poles one whole. In the first half of the month, you will be able to fully express your feelings, show them from a new and not quite familiar side. During this period you will want more sublime feelings, and you will also slightly idealize your partner or potential lover.

Already after November 12 when Venus is in strict Capricorn, there will be no trace left of these emotions, it will come new period: a period of reflection, restraint, caution and even some criticality.

Everything that you idealized at the beginning of the month now opens from a completely different side, your eyes are opened to everything partner's shortcomings, on the absurdity of situations and on the possibility of continuing the relationship.

The end of the month may be test for relationships, especially if they are fragile and you have been thinking about breaking up for a long time.

November 1-4- a time of explosive emotions, a desire for change. At this time, you want to surprise, change, express yourself emotionally. Venus will still be walking bright Sagittarius sign, which means desire show yourself and your feelings will be implemented in reality. There is no point in restraining yourself; feelings will still burst out.

These days new ones are not excluded unexpected acquaintances, and in completely unexpected places. If you are planning a trip at this time, it is possible that you may meet love somewhere in a foreign land, or at least on the way to distant countries, For example,… on the plane!

By November 17-19 you will no longer be so reckless, you will want peace and stability. You will still be sensitive to beauty and love around you, you will be drawn to beauty, but you will no longer idealize love too much. It's still good to fall in love and connect in a relationship these days, especially if you have noble intentions and long-term plans.

November 23-25- not the best lucky days for love. During this time, your feelings may become more intense and you may experience strong feelings, and there may also be some serious changes in relationships that will completely change the existing state of affairs. Thanks to the fact that Venus will now move along sign of Capricorn, you will most likely perceive all changes pretty serious, which, on the one hand, is good, but on the other hand, it can make you too cathartic and will not give the other side the slightest chance to mend the broken cup.

Here probable sensations and the events of these days:

Any accident, any misunderstanding can lead to conflict, quarrel and even breakup;

- Grievances are perceived too strongly, remain for a long time, torment for a long time;

- Jealousy, disappointments, suspicions and reproaches will not be uncommon at this time;

It will be difficult to concentrate on work, your thoughts are busy personal questions.

Love horoscope: men and women

WOMEN. This month you can experience a wide range of feelings and emotions related to your loved ones. On the one hand, these are pleasant sensations, but on the other hand, they are quite tense, which, by the way, unfortunately, can be remembered for a long time.

You may get the feeling that you lacks attention from lovers, and single women will feel their loneliness even more strongly.

You may become quite jealous now, and if in life you are jealous of your other half, at the end of November your jealousy may become generally uncontrolled. This can lead to tears, resentment, suffering and serious conflicts with partners.

MEN. Although Venus transits in to a greater extent affect women, men will also experience their influence. At the end of the month, it is easy to succumb to temptation, despite the fact that you will restrain your feelings and not be too scattered with emotions.

Not excluded adultery , since dissatisfaction with the existing relationship will be quite strong. Your lovers may behave very strangely, completely unusually, which you may not like very much. You may also be jealous, touchy, and it will be difficult for you to restrain these emotions.

When is the best time to celebrate a wedding in November 2016?

In November no days are perfect However, ideal days are extremely rare for marriage. For example, you may choose to marry November 4 and 5 when the Moon will be in sign of Capricorn. However, it is possible that such a marriage will bring some surprises, despite the stable sign of Capricorn.

November 10, 2016 The moon will be in sign of Pisces, but will be approaching a negative aspect with Venus, so this is not the most ideal day, but its you can choose, if you reschedule the painting for a better time, you don’t have the opportunity.

The worst days this month for love relationship and dating: November 22-29, 2016.

The luckiest days for dating and starting relationships: 1-4, November 20, 2016.

Aries love horoscope for November 2016

At the very beginning of the month, there may be some surprises in your love relationship, which may initially seem scary to you, however, a little later you will understand that everything that is done is for the better. At this time, it’s a good idea to go on a romantic trip: you may be unexpectedly invited on a trip, although you never even dreamed of it. In the second half of the month you will have to be a little nervous, but it is better to keep your emotions to yourself. There may be problems at work due to love experiences; it will be difficult for you to concentrate on business.

Love horoscope Taurus for November 2016

In the morning you will be able solve various issues related to common finances with a partner. You can expect a favorable combination of circumstances and the unexpected emergence of new opportunities. As for personal relationships, they may change, and quite unexpectedly for you. At the very beginning of the month, it is also possible to get involved in an unexpected and fleeting relationship, which, however, will leave a good impression. In the second half of the month, be careful when traveling. Try to communicate less with foreigners, better postpone dating in the last week of the month: they will not end well.

Gemini love horoscope for November 2016

This month you will most likely communicate a lot, you will have many new acquaintances, there is also the opportunity to make new ones romantic relationship. To a greater extent this applies to the very beginning of the month. You can change your life for the better by meeting worthy partner or improve existing relationships. Your sociability, curiosity and interest in other people will greatly help you now and make your life better. The end of the month is less favorable: misunderstandings, disagreements and misunderstandings may be a little ruin your mood, but the negative aspects will go away quickly and you will be able to enjoy relationships and new opportunities again.

Cancer love horoscope for November 2016

Your partnerships will not go well this month: tension, unexpected troubles, mistrust and jealousy can play a cruel joke. Now you should be wary of a breakup or other serious problems, grievances and misunderstandings. You can change the situation if you become more serious about your partner, don't bring up the past or remember some long-standing relationship that ended long ago. If you are single, don’t look for new meetings, it’s better to devote this month to yourself and your personal development, find activities you like and spend less time in new companies.

Love horoscope Leo for November 2016

In the first half of the month you can expect changes in your personal life, and these changes promise to be positive and quite unexpected. For creative people this is a time of inspiration, for others it is a time of good mood and celebration. This month you will spend a lot of time and energy on partners; perhaps you will work together on something, or decide on some common problems. If you are single and want to start a relationship, it is better to look for meetings in first half of the month, especially in early November. At the end of the month you may not feel so inspired and at ease, but big problems In any case, the month does not promise. The main thing is not to go too far from reality and not to be too fascinated.

Virgo love horoscope for November 2016

In the first half of the month, you will be of little interest in your personal life; rather, you will spend energy on completely different things. Even if you are single and would like to find a new relationship, now you will not remember it at all. For people with established relationships, at the end of the month there may be deterioration of relations with lovers and family members. Unpleasant events in their life can unsettle you, you will look for help and ways out of a confusing situation. With the proper persistence, you will succeed, especially if you are more attentive to your partners.

Libra love horoscope for November 2016

Emotions this month will run high, you will strive for a fun time, you will look for meetings, dates and new acquaintances. It's possible fall in love at first sight, especially if you are a rather amorous person by nature. If you are not alone, have a good time with your loved ones, come up with entertainment together that you both will enjoy. At the end of the month, you can expect troubles in the family, but not destructive ones. Rather, it will just be disputes and misunderstandings that you can easily deal with.

♏ Scorpio love horoscope for November 2016

At the beginning of the month, your partners may present you pleasant and unexpected gifts, or you will be pleasantly surprised by their behavior. But the second half of the month is not so successful: a carelessly spoken word or a thoughtless action can add a fly in the ointment to the ointment of your love relationship. Be careful with criticism of your partners: it can cost you dearly. Single Scorpios should be a little wary of new acquaintances in November 20th. They can be unsuccessful, exhausting and disappointing.

Sagittarius love horoscope for November 2016

The first half of the month will be very successful for your sign. You will enjoy success with the opposite sex, so if you are single and want to meet love, you can safely be in society and look for new acquaintances. In the first days of the month you may experience significant things. The second half of the month will mostly be associated with worries about money. Relationships and personal life will move away a little, but conflicts with partners over money cannot be ruled out. Try to save money and surprise your loved ones at the end of the month, but you should seriously think in advance about what kind of surprise it will be.

Capricorn love horoscope for November 2016

The transit of Venus into your home sign Capricorn can bring pleasant sensations, you will spend more time caring for appearance, you will become more attractive to the opposite sex. Good mood and an optimistic attitude will help you overcome any relationship difficulties you may face this month. In the middle of the month you have a chance to get married new relationship, feelings will intensify and become deeper. If you creative person, you will use these emotions to create beautiful works. At the end of the month, your partners may surprise and disappoint you, but if you are confident in yourself and your feelings, you have nothing to fear, everything will work out and return to normal as soon as the negative aspects dissipate.

Aquarius love horoscope for November 2016

This month you have the opportunity start a relationship or get acquainted with someone in a circle of friends. Friendly companies and interest groups will play a big role in your life in the first half of the month, so feel free to meet with friends and have a good time. In the second half of the month, you will want to be alone more, which your lovers may not like. However, you can’t help yourself, you need this time to collect your thoughts and decide for yourself how important relationships are to you. If partners behave correctly, conflicts can be avoided, but excessive persistence, suspicion and jealousy on the part of your partners can seriously undermine your relationship this month.

Pisces love horoscope for November 2016

A happy coincidence at the beginning of the month can give you a new meeting, moreover, completely unexpected. This applies more to single Pisces, but even if you have a permanent relationship, you are not immune to new acquaintances. In relationships with partners, you can behave quite unexpectedly and even shock them with your behavior. The end of the month is not so successful; unpleasant circumstances regarding relationships or your partners may emerge and manifest themselves people from the past.

November 2016 is a great time for a break. During this period, it is better to stop a little and analyze your achievements and successes over the past year, summarize the work done, identify weak and strengths. This will help put everything in its place and clearly determine the direction further actions. You shouldn’t burden yourself with serious and difficult matters now. Now it is important to restore your strength and have a positive attitude in order to achieve decent results by the end of the year. It's time to engage in self-knowledge, understand how satisfied you are with your life, what you would like to change. This month, dedicate your free time to unlock your life potential.

IN professionally November 2016 will be a profitable and successful period for creative personalities. To achieve excellent results at work, you have to give one hundred percent. Show initiative, think bigger, propose and implement the most daring ideas. In early November, Jupiter is in Libra, Mars is in Capricorn. During this period, you need to show tolerance and try to surround yourself with positive and optimistic people. It is better to postpone all significant acquisitions and financial investments until a more favorable time. Treat money with respect. All financial expenses must be expedient and deliberate. To increase your income, you will have to work fruitfully; it’s time to realize your professional goals.

In the first half of November 2016, you need to show courtesy and attention to your significant other. The influence of Mars during this period may cause a desire to change the usual environment, but all impulses will be momentary and will not come to fruition. It is much more pleasant and comfortable to stay close to your family and long-time loved one. The relationship will be smooth and even, as if reminiscent of a safe haven. During this period, it is important to rekindle your subsiding feelings. The second half of November will be a great opportunity for this. Don't miss it, and your feelings will flare up with renewed vigor. Single people will find a lot of new romantic acquaintances and entertainment in November. But you shouldn’t take everything to heart. Enjoy the novelty of sensations, share your impressions, but at the same time be prudent.

In November 2016, the stars are favorable to those who are looking for themselves, discovering new talents, and developing old ones. The month is good for beginnings and new hobbies. You can attend creative courses and participate in group events. Active social life will help reveal all creativity, find spiritual harmony, as well as achieve recognition and find like-minded people. For creative and extraordinary individuals, November 2016 will be a very productive and successful period. Their talent will be noticed and adequately appreciated. Travel lovers can hit the road in the second half of the month. You shouldn’t close yourself within four walls. Play sports and relax actively.

Month November 2016, monthly horoscope

Read zodiac horoscope for the month of November 2016 for each zodiac sign published on the Kaleidoscope of Horoscopes website.
March 21 - April 20

Avoid thoughtless spending and look for additional sources of income. In mid-November you will definitely thank yourself for this. Start planning to conquer new career heights only after you reach an agreement with the person you need.

Aries man: torn between ambitious desires and the need to invest in relationships. Check your plans for the future: disagreements may turn out to be superficial.


April 21 - May 21

Chat with travelers, foreigners and teachers, especially when it comes to job prospects or improving your health. Invest in good shoes and warm outerwear. Information may reach you about which of those around you you can rely on and who you shouldn’t.

Man - Taurus: worries about the fate of relationships that are important to him and may try to test their strength, but he is ready to join your fitness adventures.


May 22 – June 21

The less comfortable long walks in the fresh air become, the more attention you want to pay to the person with whom you cuddle on the sofa in the evenings. Don’t rush things, leave decisive steps for November 29-30, but for now, watch and enjoy.

Gemini man: I suddenly discovered in myself passionate nature. This is, in general, good, but if a sudden impulse of passion forced him at some point to act dishonestly, this deception will definitely come to light.


June 22 – July 23

You need to choose: harmony in the family or an emphasis on relationships with someone who is likely to make you reconsider your ideas about happiness? Partners in love and at work will help you reach new level development, but your personal source of strength is still home life.

Male - Cancer: wants to get to know your family and friends better and generally takes your relationship seriously. Sex for him now - best way relieve internal tension.


July 24 - August 23

The shortage of holidays can negatively affect your mood, but if you behave responsibly and professionally during this period, by the end of November you will be able to celebrate not only the opening of the skating rinks, but also the results of a job well done.

Male Leo: due to information overload, he will be capable only of simple entertainment: cinema, walks, home gatherings. But on November 29-30, the desire to have fun will return to him.


August 24 – September 21

You may finally have money to pamper yourself, entertain yourself, or even start your own business. And increased self-esteem will attract men to you who previously would have seemed too beautiful and unavailable to you. Don't give up and take advantage of the current situation!

Male - Virgo: wants to move forward, but cannot yet decide which direction he is interested in. In the end, priority will remain with personal, private life.


September 22 – October 23

Which family traditions do you want to keep and continue, and which ones do you intend to abandon? This is a serious choice: now you have everything to radically change your life for the better, but the unconscious may incline you to a fate “like your mother’s.” Do you agree with this development of events?

Man - Libra: filled with ambitions and plans to such an extent that it seems that he will soon no longer fit into the house. He can infect you with enthusiasm too - don’t resist!


October 24 – November 22

You are used to dividing people into insiders and outsiders, and depending on which group a person finds himself in, he will either consider you smart, deep, loyal and reliable, or shun you. You can drive a man crazy with the power of your gaze, or you can, without saying a single rude word, put in his place someone who thinks too much of himself. Scorpio is a sign of depth, and this doesn't just apply to your emotional life. You are not satisfied with the knowledge available to everyone, and you will not spare time and effort to get to the bottom of the truth.
If you are honest with yourself, your wishes will usually come true.

Learn start again. Every defeat in your life is followed by a rebirth that makes you

Develop irony, especially in relation to oneself. Dark humor can be the key to your popularity
among suitable people.

Your November will give you important thoughts about the main relationships in your life, and also about how you, without knowing it, help yourself or, conversely, hinder yourself. Record these discoveries and monitor your progress throughout the year.


November 23 – December 21

Plan your affairs in such a way as to avoid an emergency in the middle of the month, and be delicate - those around you are very touchy now. You may have great luck with your friends, and if one of your new acquaintances says that you underestimate yourself, then most likely it is so!

Sagittarius man: He hatches plans, the implementation of which will require self-confidence, perseverance and hard work, and therefore sometimes withdraws into himself to think everything over thoroughly.


December 22 – January 19

If your plans are purely rational, you are unlikely to find the strength to carry them through to completion. You need a source of pure inspiration, and while you are looking for it, use fresh and unexpected opportunities to express yourself - in sports, creativity, organizing events, cooking.

Man - Capricorn: I regained my ambition and taste for pleasures, not only meaningless ones, but also those that are quite beneficial to health. You can only be proud!


January 20 - February 19

Physical activity affects you in some strange way: the stronger you become, the easier it is to decide on new achievements and defend your point of view, without losing your temper even in critical situations. A correct posture will add credibility to your arguments.

Aquarius man: may be distracted by matters related to his place of residence or with relatives, but in general now he is mainly focused on growth, development and adventure.


February 20 – March 20

Get used to holding conversations with serious people in a language they understand. From now on, you are not a kind little fish who doesn’t understand anything, but a visionary - a person with imagination who feels the spirit of the times well and knows in which direction to go for profit and recognition.

Man - Pisces: will communicate and read a lot. His sex appeal is high, but keep in mind: trying to make love in a crowded place can result in embarrassment.

November will be one of the most difficult months in 2016, because it is on the border of autumn and winter when the cold sets in and all anxieties and grievances and doubts intensify. It will begin with just such experiences, since mystical Neptune will be retrograde until November 19. This is a difficult period for starting new things, traveling, concluding important agreements, and simply communicating with loved ones and not so close people. At this time, you should not rush for new achievements and connections, it is better to focus on past experience, analyze mistakes, restore contacts with those you have not seen for a long time. It would be good to devote time to in-depth research in the field of chemistry, biology, esoteric medicine. The period with November 5 to 10. The main thing is to pay more attention to the accumulated experience, and not to strive for sensational discoveries.

Saturn, which moves through the sign of Sagittarius, will help everyone who is seriously involved in professional development. Venus will also be in Sagittarius until November 12th. In this sign she has esoteric exaltation, so that all feelings become very spiritual; spiritual intimacy with the chosen one comes to the fore. With Venus in Sagittarius, we expect our partner to become a teacher, mentor for us, and perhaps we ourselves are ready to pass on our experience and wisdom to him.

From November 12, 2016, Venus moves into Capricorn. Here she will make us strive for constancy and fidelity in love, and will help us to withstand our obligations. Venus in Capricorn gives restraint in expressing feelings, demandingness towards a partner, but it can also give despotism - especially after November 24, when it connects with Pluto. After the 10th, Mars will be in Aquarius and, importantly, almost all the time in favorable aspects to other planets. This is an excellent period to work in all fields, especially in medicine and any practical areas. Mars in Aquarius will support all hardworking people and will definitely help achieve a specific result.

In mid-November 2016, Neptune in Pisces forms an opposition to the lunar node. This is a very interesting aspect that can awaken mystical power constellation Pisces, the ability to regenerate and spiritual rebirth. However, such a confrontation can worsen the criminal situation and strengthen the forces of evil. Caution will also be required in your intimate life. During this period, the horoscope does not recommend traveling, conducting new business, business negotiations and other important undertakings. But for professional magicians, this period, on the contrary, will bring success, they can begin important things related to magical rituals