Why do you dream about heights and the fear of falling? Dream “height”, dream book: falling from a height - complete interpretation of dreams

There is hardly a dream book in which height would be interpreted as a separate concept. As a rule, height is associated with buildings, mountains, and flights. Climbing to heights means achieving goals. Obstacles along the way are life's difficulties. Falling from a high tower indicates disappointment in oneself. It can also mean dishonor, financial loss, useless actions, danger.

According to Freud

Tall structures such as towers and fortresses for Freud symbolize the feminine principle. Besieging the tower means seeking favor and failing. Looking at the top means being indecisive in relationships with the opposite sex. But if you are inside a high tower, in reality you are not active in the relationship.

If a man dreamed of the ruins of a once high tower, then in life he is dissatisfied with his chosen one. But for a woman, ruins promise disgust for intimate relationships with her current partner.

According to Miller

A height, tower or mountain speaks of your desire to succeed. If you climb to a height in a dream, it means you will reach your goal.

Rockfalls in the mountains, the sudden destruction of the tower you are climbing, foreshadow disappointments.

According to Vanga

Height can symbolize sublime feelings, overcoming obstacles, making dreams come true soon.

A dream in which heights require conquest means obstacles in real life.

Once tall building, and now what was destroyed acts as a warning: thoughtless actions can destroy your happiness. A successful jump from a height indicates an important choice.

According to Juno

Sometimes being at altitude can warn of a long-term illness. A fall from a height is considered a particularly bad sign. Therefore, you should take care of yourself and pay attention to your health.

If you dreamed about the height of the heavens, joyful events await you.

If you are unrealistically high and at the same time afraid, you may commit illegal actions in life or danger threatens one of your loved ones. If there is no feeling of fear, then you will be able to build a career.

According to Tsvetkov

Tsvetkov’s dream book does not directly explain what heights mean in dreams. However, a tall tower symbolizes your desire to succeed. Climbing right up to the dome - you will probably achieve your goals. If the steps collapse right under your feet, your hopes will not come true.

Falling from a height in a dream promises a serious life test. But Tsvetkov believes that it will be overcome.

If you fell in a dream and got hurt, also get ready for difficulties, and possibly a quarrel with friends.

Tell your friends about your dream,
save so as not to lose

Why do you dream about fear of heights? The dream book says: there are obstacles and problems ahead, but the sleeper will successfully cope with them. A vision in a dream also suggests: you need to overcome your fears of difficulties and show more responsibility.

Fear of change, unrealistic dreams

Dreamed experiences can be caused by a fear of change, forcing you to leave your usual framework, comfort zone, and change something in life.

To experience fear of heights for a person who in reality strives to rise higher means that his dreams are unrealistic.

Career growth, great success

Have you seen in a dream how you experience such fear? The dream book states: if these are your usual emotions when you see even small hills, career growth lies ahead.

Why dream of experiencing fear of heights while on a mountain or skyscraper? You should show more seriousness and responsibility when conducting business, otherwise clashes with the law are possible.

Did you see in a dream that you fell from somewhere and were very scared? There are obstacles ahead, after overcoming which you will achieve significant success.

Did you dream of falling while climbing and falling, scared, but landing softly on the grass? You can resolve the upcoming difficulties yourself.

Work on yourself

To fall from a height in a dream and be afraid of this fall - according to the dream book, you are very pessimistic. Even small difficulties that arise along the way have a sharply negative effect and paralyze the will.

Why dream of fear of heights when, standing on a rock or the roof of a house, you look down? There is no need to achieve what you cannot achieve.

Miller's Dream Book: loss, disappointment

Did you dream of trying it? The dream foreshadows: some kind of loss or disappointment awaits you soon.

Where did this show up?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account where you experienced it:

  • on the mountain - you should be careful, take care of your health;
  • on a skyscraper - doubts will prevent you from successfully completing the work you have begun;
  • on a Ferris wheel - you will discover an error in your own plans;
  • when jumping with a parachute, you should not get involved in a risky business that you may not be able to handle;
  • on the roof of your house - moving towards the goal, you will not adhere too firmly to your position.

Take action, make a decision

Why else do you dream about fear of heights? The dream book tells you: it’s time to start taking active steps to overcome your own phobias and discover new opportunities for yourself.

Have you seen in a dream how you are crossing an abyss on a thin plank, fearing that it might break? This means: you are waiting for change, but it will only come when you make an important decision.

A dream about a fear of heights, according to the dream book, warns: in reality you will miss some opportunity.

A truthful interpretation of dreams related to heights is offered.

Dream Interpretation: height, fear of falling, balcony, hanging at a height in a dream, roof, Ferris wheel, stairs, elevator, above the sea

Being afraid of falling is a dream that symbolizes that you have set too unrealistic goals for yourself.

Standing on the balcony and looking down with fear is a sign that in reality you need to think about true reasons their failures. Perhaps they are caused by the fact that you are too demanding of yourself and others.

A dream in which you are hanging at a height means that in real life you will have to overcome your fears before enjoying a well-deserved victory.

Seeing yourself on the roof is a sign of your spiritual strength.

A dream in which you are on a Ferris wheel is a sign that you occupy a higher position than others. However, this is not an end in itself, so you will easily move through the stage in your life when you find yourself on an equal footing with everyone.

Stairs or elevator - symbol career growth or rapid progress towards the intended goal.

Soaring over the sea is a dream indicating that you are a romantic and capable of adventurous actions in good understanding this word.

Dream interpretation window height, fall (fall), jump, parachute, fear of going down, falling down the stairs

Look from the window tall house down is a sign of your inner lack of freedom and desire to free yourself.

Seeing yourself jumping from a height means you will decide to take a risky step.

A dream in which you descend by parachute is a sign of your caution. You won’t take unnecessary risks and do crazy things.

The fear of falling from a height or from a ladder is a warning dream that you need to pull yourself together and not be afraid to take steps towards achieving your goals.

In a dream, almost falling, great height, falling from the height of another person, climbing to a height, skyscraper

A dream in which you almost fell means that in real life you need to stand stronger on your feet - you are in a rather precarious position. You need to take sides; you won’t be able to balance for long.

Great height is a sign of the heights you have conquered.

Seeing another person fall from a height is a dream that predicts that you will become aware of certain circumstances that will change your attitude towards this person.

Climbing to a height is a dream symbolizing life’s difficulties.

A skyscraper is a sign of your power. You will be able to reach heights beyond the reach of the vast majority.

Dream Interpretation height cliff, climb, overcome heights, descend from heights

A dream in which you are on a high cliff means that you should comprehend the situation in which you find yourself. You may have to give up your positions and take steps in the opposite direction.

Climbing a cliff means that in real life you will have to show courage and determination. You will need the utmost concentration of attention to rise to the occasion and not “fall face down in the dirt.”

Descending from a height is a sign of the successful completion of a dangerous undertaking.

Vanga's dream book height

In Vanga’s dream book, height is the desire to improve the universe and work on the spiritual development of one’s personality.

Miller's Dream Book height

According to Miller's dream book, heights are skillfully erected barriers that prevent you from going straight to your intended goal.

Islamic dream book height

According to Islamic dream book, height means that the dreamer must take care of his loved ones, as they are in serious danger.

Muslim dream book height

Rising to new heights is commendable. However, the possibility of falling should also be taken into account, says the Muslim dream book.

Freud's dream book height

Freud believed that height is a manifestation of feelings for your partner.

If you are at the foot of a certain height, it means that in real life, in order to conquer your sexual partner, you will have to show ingenuity.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena height

According to the dream book, seeing yourself at the top in a dream means achieving what you want in reality.

Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova height

Feelings of height in a dream are a sign of an upcoming risky undertaking.

Dream Interpretation of Juno height

According to Juno’s dream book, height is a sign of wonderful prospects and new opportunities opening up before you.

Fear of heights in the sky or from a mountain, if you have to look at a bridge or the sea from there and take a jump from a height, will mean solving the most difficult of the accumulated problems in the next couple of days.

A peak and children on it, if there is water nearby and you had to be afraid for them in a dream, will symbolize problems in relations with the younger generation. A huge bird's eye view refers to dreams that are harbingers of good news.

The egg symbolizes nascent life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life...

Very often people have dreams in which they fall from a height. Why do you dream about heights? folk sign says this means that the person is actually growing. But the period of active growth lasts mainly in childhood and adolescence, and dreams of falling also occur in adult dreamers. So what do such dreams actually prophesy to us?

  • Dream Interpretations give general interpretation In such stories, it is explained that falling from a height is more often observed by individuals who in real life take on impossible tasks, often give in to dreams and hope for a sudden win.
  • There is no need to be scared if you had to fall in a dream - this will not be an omen of something serious, you just need to understand what a big height actually means in a dream: such a dream opens a person’s eyes to reality and the reasons for his failures, while hinting at the fact that that the sleeper is too critical of himself and demanding of people.
  • The dream book claims that the one who sees his own fall in a dream will be able to overcome all obstacles in reality. And if the dreamer does not receive injuries or injuries, then in reality he will not have to sacrifice anything to implement his plans.
  • People often dream that they are afraid of heights. Such dreams are a subconscious reflection of their real ambitions and reverent attitude towards their achievements. The dream book recommends letting go of all worries and doubts and fully enjoying your victories.
  • If real altruists and public figures in a dream there is a desire to jump into an abyss, then in reality such people experience overwork from various kinds of responsibilities and duties. The dream book claims that such a dream makes it clear that such individuals do not need to give up their mission, they just need to take a break from business and have a good rest.

  • Dream books also explain in detail what dreams of fear of heights mean. People experience such fears in reality when they are not one hundred percent sure that they are right and consider their ideas to be too innovative. However, such dreams try to make the dreamer understand that he has nothing to fear, he just needs to finish what he started and get the desired result.
  • For managers in a dream, being afraid of falling from a height means seeing from the outside all the pros and cons of their character. The dream is trying to convey to the dreamer that his desire to control people is not a need, but just another whim. And even when the desire to be a leader in his real life comes true, the result will be a heavy burden of responsibility.
  • Sometimes dream books warn that if in a dream a person made a jump from a height, then in reality he will have to face grief and disappointment. The dream book also says that all the troubles will not be long-lasting and especially tragic, but the dreamer, despite this, will take them to heart quite closely.
  • Often, the dream book connects the dream of a height and the readiness to jump from it with the desire of people to feel euphoria in their reality. The beauty of free flight in a dream makes it clear to the dreamer that only everyday life and acquired complexes prevent him from fulfilling his destiny in reality.
  • When in a dream a sleeper witnesses another person fall from a height, then he needs to correctly set priorities in real life and reassess his own values. The dream book advises getting rid of arrogance and arrogance and then everything will fall into place.

How to interpret fear of heights in a dream

  • Why do you dream about fear of heights? For people, acutely feeling such fears in a dream, according to the dream book, means the onset of a period for mobilizing all mental and physical strength in order to be prepared for all the life trials that await them in reality.
  • If a sleeper sees himself standing on a hill in a dream, then in reality the position this person is not a leader, rather the opposite - he is always in the shadow of events. The dream book says that fears in a dream about falling can indicate the stability and strength of all aspects of the dreamer’s life.
  • Sometimes people have to watch events from the past from a bird's eye view in their dreams. The interpretation of such a plot is as follows: a person will definitely achieve in reality everything he wants only if he makes every effort for this. Dream books promise that the result of such efforts will be only positive.
  • Parents need to remember that everything that their children dream of falling from a height is associated with warnings and recommendations from dream books to pay more attention to their own children, especially their mood and emotional outbursts in behavior.
  • Miller's dream book gave exactly the opposite meaning to dreams about heights. That is, the sage argued that a person who sees himself on the top of a mountain in a dream has never reached heights in reality. In such cases, the interpreter’s advice was the same: it is necessary to accept everything as it is, not to exchange your life for constant rivalries and competitions.
  • A decisive jump and an obvious fall down in a dream will be a warning to the sleeper. Main character such a dream is a person capable of such extraordinary actions, but despite this, the dream book gives him advice to remain reasonable in real affairs, otherwise he will be disappointed.

  • Why dream of such a height that a person does not feel fear of? In fact, according to dream books, the interpretation of such a dream is simple: in reality the dreamer will be able to achieve some success. At the same time, he will be able to maintain his high position for a long time.
  • But if in a dream the sleeper clearly experiences fear of falling, then he needs to be careful in real life. Dream books warn of the possibility of injury or being involved in deception. It is possible that the environment around the dreamer of such a dream is not friendly enough towards him at the moment.
  • Adults should definitely pay attention to dreams in which children fall from heights. The dream book recommends taking into account the personality of this child, perhaps he is the one who needs support and understanding.

People perceive heights differently, some have a fear of heights, are afraid to look down from a height, while others are uncontrollably attracted to heights. Depending on this, interpretations of plots in which a person dreams of very high heights may also differ.

If in life you belong to the first category and see a dream in which you are afraid of falling from a height, then this is the personification of your inner lack of freedom, which does not leave you even when you reach considerable heights in life.

If in a dream you are high enough and you are not afraid of falling from a great height, it means that in real life you will achieve a position social status, without looking back at the negative components that any career advancement carries. Being on top is your goal in itself.

If you happen to fall from a great height - the dream reflects your deep pessimism - when faced with a problem, even a minor one, you seem to be paralyzed, you lose your will.

Pay attention to the specific circumstances of the fall from height. Why did you fall, yourself or someone pushed you? Did you fall or jump from a height? How did the fall or jump from a height end, did you get injured (which organ?) or remained unharmed?

Dreams in which a person falls from a height into water deserve special attention. In this case, water symbolizes new, but as yet unexplored possibilities with a considerable amount of potential danger. An unsuccessful jump from a height into the water can lead to the death of a person, but if you jump into the water from a height skillfully, the dream can mark the entry of the sleeper into a qualitatively new period of life, undoubtedly successful.

If you dreamed about height according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Climbing to heights in any way means increased financial well-being.

Watching someone else rise is a dream of envy.

Meaning of sleep - height - Hasse's dream book

Height in a dream represents the heights of life in itself. in a broad sense understanding.

Looking down from a height and feeling a fear of heights - the dream warns you against the desire to sit “in someone else’s sleigh”, to achieve something in which you cannot realize yourself.

Jumping from a height and crashing is a dream of a serious illness.

If you have climbed to a height, but cannot come down, you will strive very hard for something in life (in work or in your personal life), and having achieved it, you will understand that it is not yours. But you need to think now, a dream gives you a chance to reconsider your desires.

Why do you dream about heights - esoteric dream book

Being afraid of heights in a dream means missing out on a very good chance in reality.

Seeing a friend fall from a height is a warning: your action may harm him. At the same time, the question will seem trivial to you at first, but subsequently the real losses for this person will be serious.

If someone who drives a car dreams that another person, unfamiliar to him, is falling from a height, he may become the culprit of the death of other people on the road.

A dream for a woman in which her husband falls from a height means that he will lose his social status or lose his job. She should support him at this difficult moment, everything will work out over time.

For those who do not have children in reality, seeing a child fall from a great height means the collapse of hopes.

If parents dream that their own small child falls from a height - he is in danger of injury, strengthen your guard.

A child falls from a height, who in real life has already grown up - the dream is an acute signal that not everything is all right with him, perhaps he is addicted to drugs.

Why do you dream about heights, Longo’s dream book

If you dream of great heights, your plans are grandiose or even overly ambitious.

The meaning of a dream about the unreality of plans is enhanced if at the same time you also tried to jump high.

If at the same time you were afraid of falling from a height, your capabilities are still much more modest than your ambitions.

Being on top with someone - this person fuels your inflated ego.

Falling from a height means loss high position in society or to illness.

To see a person you know fall from a height - the dream has the same meaning for him.

If you dream of jumping from a height, you will lose financial independence through your own fault.

Why do you dream about heights - a modern dream book

Diving from a height into water in a dream is a very risky undertaking, an action that can mean either a new successful start in life or a complete collapse of all hopes and existing achievements.

Descending from a height is a warning dream that your life has gone downhill, you are beginning to degrade as a person. If you don’t stop, you can slide down to what is popularly called the bottom.

Seeing in a dream how a child fell from a height means failure in new endeavors for the sleeping person. For applicants and students - failure in an exam, for a pregnant woman - a threat of miscarriage or an unsuccessful abortion, for a business entrepreneur - an unsuccessful investment in a new project.