Surreal tattoos. Tattoos in the style of surrealism

Translated from French, Surrealism (surrealisme) means Superrealism. This art direction arose in the 20s of the twentieth century in France.

It is believed that Surrealism is creativity coming from the subconscious. Displaying hypnotic visions, dreams, morbid delusions, or sudden insights. That is, those states that are not controlled by consciousness.

In painting, Surrealism was divided into two movements

In painting, Surrealism was divided into two movements. One of them is dominated by free forms, which turn into complete abstraction. And the other is based on an accurate depiction of a subconscious image, built according to the laws of academic painting. These pictures are different correct positioning perspective and chiaroscuro.

This is where the convincing effect of those illusions and phantasmagoria that the artist wants to show arises - objects and images spreading or floating in weightlessness. Compatibility of the incompatible, a paradox reaching the point of absurdity and optical illusions- these are the features of Surrealism.

Tattoos in the style of Surrealism are usually complex, thought out to the smallest detail compositions with deep philosophical meaning

Tattoos in the style of Surrealism are usually complex, thought out to the smallest detail compositions with a deep philosophical meaning. They are able to awaken associative thinking and imagination.

These can be fragments of paintings by surrealist artists, children's drawings and scenes from your dreams.

Surrealism in tattooing is freedom from stereotypes and standard vision

Surrealism in tattooing is freedom from stereotypes and standard vision. This is a reflection of your “sick fantasy”. Mind games on your body.

Body painting in the style of surrealism (from the French surréalisme - super-realism) began after the art of the same name, which was formed by 1920 in France. This is an amazing destination differs in combination and original a combination of paradoxical and intricate forms and images. Examples include such famous artists as Salvador Dali or Rene Magritte.

Now, with the development of the art of body painting, unprecedented subjects, and in some cases entire canvases, find their admirers in the world of tattoos. Realizing that a drawing often does not carry a semantic meaning, but serves as a catalyst for feelings and emotions from the viewer, young men and women willingly use storylines this theme to decorate your own body, combining both existing and fictional images.

Ability to transfer on the skin color scheme and visually arrange the drawing in additional planes on the body allows a talented master to create a masterpiece of body art.

If you are considering or looking for an idea for a future tattoo, then you should turn to the creativity of artists working in the directions of surrealism or abstractionism, and also consider canvases in the style of metaphysical painting.

Any drawing, element of a picture may be rescheduled on your body by a tattoo specialist with the transfer of textures and colors. More poetry, more love, freedom of imagination and dreams!

When choosing a master, pay attention to the work he has already performed, not only on leather, but also on other materials. A person who can draw on a canvas, piece of paper, or other surface can bring any tattoo to life at a high professional level.

In such works, the entire palette of colors and the entire creative potential of the artist are often used, but a considerable share falls on your shoulders. Sometimes it is as difficult to understand and imagine what we ultimately want to see on ourselves as it is to withstand all the painful sensations during the process of applying it.

If you have chosen our studio and want to get a tattoo in the “Surrealism” style, then my advice to you: contact the master Vlad “Burma”. This is the person who will perfectly fulfill all his plans. He has more than 100 works on canvas, as well as 50 completed iconographic images on gesso.

"I believe that in the future dream and reality- these two apparently different states - merge into some absolute reality, and her name will be “ surreality". And knowing that I will not achieve my goal, I will set out to conquer it” (André Breton)

This is unusual. Very unusual! Such images are usually chosen by creative youth. The pictures fascinate with their brightness and depth of thought. Fortunately, such tattoos are not always filled with a complex philosophical plot and we can simply enjoy the ornateness of human imagination. Surrealism tattoos are paradoxes, unexpected visions of familiar things, funny moments or original edged objects of creativity.

Each time the master tries to put a special meaning into his creation. Therefore, when choosing a sketch, you can be sure that the image will be original and unique.

This type of body art plays a dominant role in modern youth culture. Tattoos have long ceased to be amulets or identification marks; now they are the same decoration as the usual bracelets, earrings or watches. This is a way to express yourself and your hobbies. A picture can serve a purely aesthetic function, or become a useful attribute, for example, if you need to hide a scar.

The most popular tattoos in the style of surrealism

For everyone who prefers originality in everything, this style was invented. Tattoos in the style of surrealism are one of the most popular trends today, and the design options are limited only by the artist’s imagination.

Such images are always interesting and extraordinary, no primitivism or boring thoughts, only bold ideas. Let's take a closer look:

  • Primitivism and surrealism are absolutely opposite concepts. Any image this direction will be creatively designed, with an interesting presentation. For example, if a client ordered a sketch of a panther, the animal may be realistic, but its claws will grow exotic flowers, and decorate the neck with a human pendant
  • Sur is never easy to perform. These are complex, intricate images that a novice master cannot reproduce. Only an experienced specialist will take on this difficult work.
  • In this style main role small details play. They are all interconnected. The slightest deviation from the sketch or an unfinished detail can spoil the author’s entire idea

The philosophy of surrealism, how creative direction lies in the realization that the human subconscious is a storehouse of ideas and dreams. It is from there that the master draws inspiration. For the author, the world of dreams is an underestimated and almost the most important part of human consciousness.

Surrealist painting - games of the artist's mind. The reality around us is perceived in our head somewhat differently than in reality. The object becomes overgrown with fears, thoughts, fantasies and sometimes transforms beyond recognition. However, an important difference between surrealism and abstraction is the similarity with real objects; objects, plots or creatures must be recognizable, but original and unique. Tattoos in this style are also designed to convey a special message to the viewer.

Pictures in this style are the prerogative of creative people: philosophers, poets, artists. Bold ideas are sometimes difficult for the average person to understand, which is why such tattoos are rarely seen. This is not just a drawing - it is freedom of thought and self-expression.

Don’t waste time when choosing a artist if your choice falls on a tattoo in the surrealism style. A beginner may charge a small price, but will hardly cope with the task. Remember: an individually designed sketch is a guarantee of unique work. You will know for sure that you will not accidentally meet on the street a stranger with the same creation.
Take proper care of your fresh tattoo; it will be a shame if the contours float. Do not wet the tattooed part of the body for two weeks after the procedure; swimming in a hot bath or visiting the pool is prohibited. Make sure that there is no strong friction with clothing, and hide the tattoo from direct sunlight until it has completely healed.

Surreal images are not just mind games. These are complex, paradoxical, sometimes funny, sometimes philosophically edged works of art. If such art objects are attractive to a person, surrealism will probably become the main idea of ​​his tattoo (if he is planning to get one).

What is the difference between a tattoo in the style of surrealism and, so to speak, an ordinary tattoo? There are many differences, and they are fundamental:

  • The direct opposite of primitivism. A simple example: a panther is an ordinary tattoo, a panther with roses growing from its claws, and on the animal’s neck there is a pendant with a silhouette of a person – a tattoo in a surreal style;
  • Complexity. Usually these are quite complex tattoos to perform; they do not look like ordinary stylized sketches that even a beginner can do. Therefore, a tattoo in the sur style is the work of a professional with good artistic taste;
  • The importance of details. The idea of ​​the image is played by the interconnection of little things. Therefore, if a tattoo artist decides to deviate slightly from the sketch and leave something unfinished, the whole art idea may fail miserably.

And now it’s time to get a little into the jungle of surrealism to make it easier to understand whether this direction is for your taste. At the heart of this movement is the idea that the sphere of the human subconscious, if not the basis of the foundations, is a huge and underestimated part of the person himself. A true surrealist draws his creative inspiration from the subconscious (dreams, daydreams, altered states of consciousness).

Although the direction itself had many branches. Some representatives of the movement played with forms and images so much that they went straight into abstraction. Others, like the notorious Dali, showed the illusory precision of an unreal image. To put it simply, our brain does not truly reflect reality. The image becomes overgrown with our thoughts, fears, analogies, and memories. And a simple object in its reflected form looks, to put it mildly, differently. And the surrealist brothers are not averse to showing the whole world these very games of our consciousness and subconscious.

Tattoos in the style of surrealism to a greater extent are characteristic of people who are courageous, complex, and who do not follow the ranks. Most often, such tattoos are preferred by young philosophers, poets, artists, and bohemians. And this, in in this case, not the worst means of self-expression.