Customs carrier. What is the point of obtaining the status of customs carriers

A member state of the customs union that meets the conditions specified in Article 19 of this Code.

A legal entity is recognized as a customs carrier after inclusion in the register customs carriers.

The procedure for inclusion in the register of customs carriers and exclusion from this register is determined by the legislation of the member states of the customs union.

2. The customs carrier transports goods under customs control, across the customs territory of the customs union in accordance with the customs legislation of the customs union..."


"Customs Code of the Customs Union" (annex to the Agreement on the Customs Code of the Customs Union, adopted by the Decision Interstate Council at the level of heads of state dated November 27, 2009 N 17) (as amended on April 16, 2010)

"...1. include Russian legal entities in the register of customs carriers.

2. Relations between the customs carrier and shippers of goods or forwarders are carried out on the basis of an agreement. Refusal of a customs carrier to conclude an agreement if this customs carrier has the opportunity to transport goods is not allowed, except in cases where there are sufficient grounds to believe that the actions or inaction of the sender of goods or the forwarder are illegal and may entail criminal or administrative liability in the field of customs affairs . The customs carrier does not have the right to give preference to one person over another person in relation to concluding an agreement, with the exception of providing benefits in relation to the price and other terms of the agreement for individual categories represented persons.

3. The customs carrier fulfills the duties provided for in Article 21 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union..."


Federal Law of November 27, 2010 N 311-FZ (as amended on December 6, 2011) “On customs regulation in Russian Federation"

Official terminology. 2012.

See what “Customs carrier” is in other dictionaries:

    Customs carrier- in the Russian Federation, an enterprise: created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; having the rights of a legal entity; and received a license from the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation to operate as a customs carrier. The customs carrier has the right to transport goods... Financial Dictionary

    Customs Carrier- See Customs carrier Dictionary of business terms. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

    customs carrier- has the right to transport goods under customs control without customs escort and security for payment of customs duties. The relationship between the customs carrier and the sender of goods is based on a contractual basis [Simplification... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    CUSTOMS CARRIER- a Russian legal entity included in the Register of T.P. etc. carries out the transportation of goods under customs control in the cases and under the conditions established by the Customs Code of the Russian Federation. etc. has the right to limit the region of its activities... Legal encyclopedia

    CUSTOMS CARRIER- an enterprise created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, possessing the rights of a legal entity and receiving a license from the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation to operate as a customs carrier. etc. has the right to transport goods under... ... Legal Dictionary

    Customs carrier- a customs carrier can be an enterprise created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, possessing the rights of a legal entity and having received a license from the State Customs Committee of Russia to carry out activities as a customs... ... Encyclopedic dictionary-reference book for enterprise managers

    Customs carrier- (English customs carrier) a legal entity created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation that has received a license from the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation to carry out activities as a T.P. etc. acts in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation* and the regulations approved by the State Customs Code of the Russian Federation.... ... Encyclopedia of Law

    CUSTOMS CARRIER- an enterprise created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, possessing the rights of a legal entity and having received a license to operate as a customs carrier, issued by the State Customs Committee. The customs carrier carries out its... ... Encyclopedia of Russian and international taxation

    CUSTOMS CARRIER, TP- carrier of cargo (goods) under customs control. etc. has the right to carry out transportation without customs escort and security for payment of customs duties. In the Russian Federation it can be created in accordance with the legislation... ... Foreign economic explanatory dictionary

    CUSTOMS CARRIER- in accordance with paragraph 17 of Art. 18 TMK (for information: from July 1, 2007, the new Customs Code of the Republic of Belarus, adopted on January 4, 2007, comes into force) a customs carrier is considered a legal entity resident of the Republic of Belarus that has received... ... Legal Dictionary of Modern Civil Law

To transport goods between customs posts in customs transit mode, the transport company VDNK operates. You simply won't find anyone better than us....

Transportation of goods between customs posts

When you work with customs carrier VDNK:

  • you are sure that you hired a professional and not a bunch of intermediaries;
  • you are minding your own business, and not training your erudition in matters of international freight transportation;
  • you don't pay extra;
  • you reduce the delivery time of your goods.
The status of a customs carrier guarantees our customers that cargo transportation will always be carried out with minimal risks non-compliance with customs legislation, and the company’s obligations for the safety of goods will be fulfilled. The status of a customs carrier can only be obtained by a transport company that has been operating in the international transport market for 2 years or more, and also has its own fleet of vehicles and has provided the Federal Customs Service of Russia with guarantees for payment of customs duties. We have our own fleet of 30 vehicles, which allows us to carry out international transportation of goods across the territory of the Customs Union independently, without involving other carriers.

We don’t have a kit for a young illusionist; we will never become magicians. PKF VDNK LLC - customs carrier ().
Inclusion in the register of customs carriers allows us to carry out international transportation of goods under customs control throughout the territory of the Customs Union in accordance with the norms of internal customs transit. Previously, this was called transportation via VTT, now it is simply customs transit.

Why are we the best?

Because VDNK is a cure for vanity. You hired us - we know everything and will do it ourselves.
We do not include hidden costs. For example, for the request “to transport a couple of pallets from Sheremetyevo to Domodedovo,” you can separately calculate the mileage, work in the evening, printing of documents, and delivery of documents. We don't do that. Our daily labor rate is all inclusive. We do a good job and want you to come back to us.

Why do you need a customs carrier?

A customs carrier is not Santa Claus. He comes to you more than once a year and does not give you caries. In contrast, a customs carrier carries goods under customs control.
Issues when moving goods under customs control are always unique and difficult to predict. The simplest and most reliable way to resolve these issues is a customs carrier.
One of the most popular services of a customs carrier is the transportation from one internal customs post (c/p) to another of cargo not yet released for free circulation. Such situations arise quite often: the cargo was mistakenly delivered to the wrong shipping terminal, or it turns out that the shipping terminal does not have the ability to process your type of cargo, for example, this shipping terminal does not work with ADR or excise cargo.
The owner of the cargo faces two tasks: quickly find transport and provide the Federal Customs Service with security for payment of customs duties, while not forgetting to complete the entire package of documents for intra-customs transit (ICT). You can, of course, do this yourself and after a month or two, having lost a lot of time and energy, say to yourself: “I did it!” And the cargo will lie in a customs warehouse for which you have to pay.
Or you can simply choose a customs carrier who has long guaranteed the payment of customs duties for you (and for its other clients), is familiar with the intricacies of intra-customs transit, will generate transit and transport documents and, finally, will actually deliver your cargo to the post you need.
Its services will cost more than the services of a simple carrier, but this is understandable: the customs carrier has already paid for the guarantee from the Federal Customs Service. It simultaneously solves the problem of customs clearance and transportation of “problem” cargo, which, although it arrived in Russia, cannot be released into free circulation. And only those who have never encountered either customs or freight transportation can consider that it is worthless.

Is your cargo worth more than the TIR Carnet guarantee?
The peculiarities of your cargo force you to follow a customs escort, which often happens on the Belarusian border (you can’t plan anything, you waste time and pay a lot of extra money) ?
- You need a customs carrier.
Before transportation, does customs require a guarantee of payment of customs duties?(The VAT rate for transit is 20%; to ensure transit, you will pay it along with the duty before transportation, and when the cargo arrives at the temporary storage warehouse, you will be charged 18%, and part of the funds will be suspended.)
- You need a customs carrier.
Are you carrying groupage cargo and the delivery points are located at different customs offices?
- You need a customs carrier.
Do you need to transport cargo from one temporary storage warehouse to another within the vehicle?
- You need a customs carrier.

Prices for customs carrier services

Those who encounter transportation under customs control for the first time often ask the question: “Why is it so expensive?” You must understand that prices for transportation via VTT are much higher than usual for transportation. Otherwise, you could turn to any carrier, of which there are many on the market, but what you need is a customs carrier. For comparison: transporting two pallets weighing 1 ton from Sheremetyevo to Domodedovo by a regular carrier will cost about 5,000 rubles, and a customs carrier will charge you three times more than 15,000 rubles for a day of work. Why is it so expensive: because in addition to the vehicles themselves, these vehicles must be equipped for international transport, obtain a certificate for each, the carrier company must have access to international transport and a proven work experience of at least 2 years, provide the Federal Customs Service with a deposit in the amount of 200,000 euros , have liability insurance according to CMR and also complete a bunch of different bureaucratic formalities. This is why there are not many customs carriers and the prices for their services are much higher.

Customs transit or transportation via VTT?

Previously, in accordance with the Customs Code of the Russian Federation (TC RF), customs transit was divided into VTT and MTT:

  • internal customs transit (ICT) - customs procedure;
  • international customs transit (ICT) - customs regime,

According to the new Customs Code of the Customs Union (CU CU), the concept of regime is absent. Only customs procedures take place.

Article 215 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union gives the following definition of customs transit.

Customs transit is a customs procedure according to which goods are transported under customs control through the customs territory of the customs union, including through the territory of a state that is not a member of the customs union, from the customs authority of departure to the customs authority of destination without paying customs duties and taxes using prohibitions and restrictions, with the exception of non-tariff and technical regulation measures.

Decision of the Customs Union Commission (CUC) N 289 dated June 28, 2010, approved the form of the transit declaration (TD) and its additional sheets, Instructions on the procedure for filling out the TD. Commission decision No. 289 came into force on the territory of the Customs Union (CU) on January 1, 2011.

Cargoes that are transported under customs transit have not yet been released for free circulation (have not undergone customs clearance), and therefore require a special regime, which is controlled by customs authorities.

During customs transit, any goods are transported, except those whose transportation is prohibited by the legislation of the Customs Union.
Customs transit is carried out only with the permission of the customs authority. To obtain permission for customs transit, a transit customs declaration (TD) is submitted to customs.

Is a customs carrier an exclusively Russian phenomenon?

Foreigners sometimes do not quite understand (or do not understand at all) what a customs carrier is. This is because the organization of transportation in Russia and in the European Union in practice follows different principles.
In theory, everything is the same: in both cases, moving uncleared cargo requires a transit declaration and a guarantee/guarantee of payment of customs duties. But in the EU, any ordinary carrier can transport this cargo, because he only carries the cargo, and an expedition is responsible for it, issuing a transit declaration, which has the authority to do so. And in Russia?
In theory, nothing prevents you from obtaining a certificate of security for the payment of customs duties on your cargo at your customs post, issuing a guarantee through an insurance company and hiring a regular carrier without a diploma, and it will be cheaper.
But in practice, obtaining the same guarantee may take two weeks, and insurance coverage will require expenses. The customs carrier, therefore, is not the only, but the only effective way in Russian realities to move cargo under customs transit conditions.

Is it profitable or unprofitable to hire a customs carrier?

If you have an inexpensive cargo, few HS codes and everything goes to one customs office, then it will be cheaper to hire a regular carrier, and the TIR Carnet will be the cheapest option, there are more such carriers, and their rates are lower, they were not spent on FCS guarantees and compliance with many other requirements.

If you have expensive cargo, this means that if the amount of customs duties that will need to be paid upon arrival of the cargo at customs is at least slightly higher than the value of 60 thousand euros, then additional costs (taking into account the convoy in Belarus, transit registration and UK guarantees Arsenal in Krasnaya Gorka) will amount to at least 25 thousand rubles. If it’s not a whole load, but a combined load, even more.
Not counting the loss of time to open a shooting gallery on an expedition in Europe (even if it’s just a few hours, but you could travel with a customs carrier at that time), waiting for a convoy at the parking lot in Kozlovichi (up to 2 days), registration at Krasnaya Gorka (another day) . In the worst case scenario, 4 days are lost. That's a lot.

Therefore, in this case, it would definitely be more correct to hire a customs carrier.

Certificate of inclusion in the register of customs carriers

Dimensions of our cars.

We have 17 standard curtainsider trucks (trucks) with a volume of up to 90 m3. These cars are in great demand and must be ordered in advance.

Order transportation along the VTT with a small truck from us. Take care of nature and your money.

1. If you have a small load: volume no more than 2 m3, weight up to 700 kg.

2. If you have a medium load: volume no more than 15 m3, weight up to 2000 kg.

Forwarder or carrier? Three secrets and international cargo transportation

Forwarder or carrier: who to choose? If the carrier is good and the forwarder is bad, then the first. If the carrier is bad and the forwarder is good, then the latter. This choice is simple. But how can you decide when both candidates are good? How to choose from two seemingly equivalent options? The fact is that these options are not equivalent.

Horror stories of international transport


It is not easy to live between the customer of transportation and the very cunning and economical owner of the cargo. One day we received an order. Freight for three kopecks, additional conditions for two sheets, the collection is called.... Loading on Wednesday. The car is already in place on Tuesday, and by lunchtime the next day the warehouse begins to slowly throw into the trailer everything that your forwarder has collected for its recipient customers.


According to legends and experience, everyone who transported goods from Europe by road knows what a terrible place the Kozlovichi VET, Brest Customs, is. What chaos the Belarusian customs officers create, they find fault in every possible way and charge exorbitant prices. And it's true. But not all...


Loading with groupage cargo at a consolidation warehouse in Germany. One of the cargoes is milk powder from Italy, the delivery of which was ordered by the Forwarder.... A classic example of the work of a forwarder-“transmitter” (he doesn’t delve into anything, he just transmits along the chain).

Documents for international transport

International road transport of goods is very organized and bureaucratic; as a result, a bunch of unified documents are used to carry out international road transport of goods. It doesn’t matter if it’s a customs carrier or an ordinary one - he won’t travel without documents. Although this is not very exciting, we tried to explain in a simpler way the purpose of these documents and the meaning they have. They gave an example of filling out TIR, CMR, T1, EX1, Invoice, Packing List...

Axle load calculation for road freight transport

The goal is to study the possibility of redistributing loads on the axles of the tractor and semi-trailer when the location of the cargo in the semi-trailer changes. And applying this knowledge in practice.

In the system we are considering there are 3 objects: a tractor $(T)$, a semi-trailer $(\large ((p.p.)))$ and a load $(\large (gr))$. All variables related to each of these objects will be marked with the superscript $T$, $(\large (p.p.))$ and $(\large (gr))$ respectively. For example, the tare weight of a tractor will be denoted as $m^(T)$.

Why don't you eat fly agarics? The customs officer exhaled a sigh of sadness.

What is happening in the international road transport market? The Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation has already banned the issuance of TIR Carnets without additional guarantees in several federal districts. And she notified that from December 1 of this year she will completely terminate the agreement with the IRU as not meeting the requirements of the Customs Union and is making non-childish financial claims.
IRU in response: “The explanations of the Federal Customs Service of Russia regarding the alleged debt of ASMAP in the amount of 20 billion rubles are a complete fiction, since all the old TIR claims have been completely settled..... What do we, common carriers, think?

Stowage Factor Weight and volume of cargo when calculating the cost of transportation

The calculation of the cost of transportation depends on the weight and volume of the cargo. For maritime transport Most often, volume is decisive, for air - weight. For road transport of goods, a complex indicator is important. Which parameter for calculations will be chosen in a particular case depends on specific gravity of the cargo (Stowage Factor) .

The customs carrier has the right to transport goods under customs control without special escort and without making customs payments. Customs carrier services can only be provided by legal entities who got it legal right.

From this article you will learn how to choose a reliable carrier, as well as in what cases you should use its services. We will also consider the responsibilities that each carrier has to its client and to the state.

A customs carrier is a carrier who has the legal right to transport goods that have not cleared customs. The services of such a carrier allow companies to avoid customs duties and escort of goods by customs officials.

Russian legislation has 2 requirements for customs carriers:

  • existence of rights of a legal entity;
  • Availability of a transportation license of the customs carrier of the State Customs Committee of Russia.

Types of customs carriers

Carriers are divided into 3 types:

  • zonal(those that transport goods within the coverage area of ​​one customs office);
  • regional(their transportation does not extend beyond the coverage area of ​​one customs department);
  • all-Russian(they can transport goods throughout the country).

When should you contact a customs carrier?

The purpose of such companies is quite obvious. Anyone who needs to transport any goods not cleared through customs can contact them. It often happens that the cargo was mistakenly delivered to the wrong customs point, and then for transportation to right place the services of a customs carrier are required.

Another common reason is the customs office refusing to process your goods. For example, you are transporting excise cargo or ADR, and the transport company employees report that they do not have the rights to work with this type of cargo. In this case, you need to transport the goods to another point where they can clear it through customs.

IN similar cases The product owner can go two ways:

  1. Find your own transport, pay customs duties, register large number documents for ITT (intra-customs transit), spend a couple of weeks of your time.
  2. Use the services of a customs carrier and solve the problem in a few hours.

The services of customs carriers are more expensive than the services of ordinary transport companies. But you don’t have to pay money to customs and register “problem” goods yourself. The costs of these operations can be much higher than the cost of customs carrier services.

A customs carrier is suitable for transporting uncleared cargo.

Here are a few more cases when you should contact such a carrier:

  • when the value of the cargo is higher than the cost of the guarantee;
  • when escort of a customs convoy is required (frequent cases on the Belarusian border);
  • when the places of delivery of consolidated cargo are at different customs points;
  • when customs requires payment of special payments;
  • when you need to transfer uncleared cargo from one to another.

How to choose a customs carrier?

Before you agree with the carrier on the provision of services, you need to check its legal side.

  • Firstly, you must ensure that it is included in the Register of Customs Carriers.
  • Secondly, in the proposed contract you need to pay attention to the type of services provided. You need intermediaries, not consulting services. It would also be a good idea to search the Internet for reviews from former clients of the carrier.


Transportation of goods under customs control - special kind transportation, which is permitted subject to certain conditions. One of the conditions is ensuring the payment of customs duties (you can find out what this is in our). For example, your cargo has arrived from the USA to Pulkovo (St. Petersburg), and you need to deliver it to Tver and clear customs there. Without ensuring the payment of customs duties, goods under customs control can only be transported by a customs carrier. Therefore, customs will allow such transportation not to an ordinary carrier, but to a customs carrier. In Russia, the activities of a customs carrier are licensed by the Federal Customs Service.

The activities of the customs carrier are regulated by Chapter 56 of the EAEU Customs Code and Chapter 61 Federal Law dated 08/03/2018 No. 289-FZ “On customs regulation”.

So, a customs carrier is a transport company that is included by the Federal Customs Service of Russia in the register of customs carriers and transports goods under customs control across the territory of the EAEU.

His main responsibility is to deliver the goods to the place and time prescribed by customs, safe and sound. The guarantee of delivery of goods by a customs carrier is a verified history of its work, the absence of certain violations and, most importantly, a guarantee of 200 thousand Euros. On the website of the Federal Customs Service of Russia you can check whether the company is included in the Register of Customs Carriers.

A certificate of inclusion in the Register of Customs Carriers (popularly referred to as a “license”) is issued for an indefinite period and is replaced if the information specified at the time of its receipt changes.

An important feature of the activities of a customs carrier is that it is recognized on the territory of all EAEU member countries. For a transport company, this means that, being a customs carrier, it can transport goods across the territories of all EAEU countries, and not just Russia.

In a number of cases, the legislation allows the use of exclusively a customs carrier as a guarantee of transportation, for example, if the amount of customs payments for cargo exceeds 60 thousand Euros and the cargo cannot be transported according to the procedure


The conditions and procedure for inclusion in the Register of Customs Carriers are described in our article. If you want to connect the activities of a customs carrier not only with the transportation of customs cargo within the EAEU, but also with transportation abroad, you need to obtain a Certificate of Admission to International Cargo Transportation. This process is described in our article about.


  1. Comply with customs transit requirements (deliver goods on time in unchanged condition);
  2. Keep records of goods transported under customs control and submit reports on the transportation of such goods to the customs authorities;
  3. Pay customs duties and taxes in case of non-delivery of goods to customs;
  4. Do not disclose or transfer to other persons information received from the sender of goods, their recipient or forwarder that constitutes state, commercial, banking or other secrets protected by law;
  5. Inform the Federal Customs Service of Russia about changes in the information declared when included in the Register of Customs Carriers within 5 working days from the date of their change.


A customs carrier and a carrier of goods according to the procedure are two completely different statuses and should not be confused.

Let's list the differences:

Often transport companies receive both statuses - this is convenient and allows you to use the desired one depending on the transportation route and the nature of the cargo. We professionally help you obtain any of the statuses - customs carrier and/or carrier.


If your business is closely connected with the transportation of “customs” cargo, then it will be difficult for you to survive without the status of a customs carrier in order to withstand competition. There are cases when even companies for which cargo transportation is not a core business calculate the savings and begin to transport their cargo from abroad on their own. You've probably seen trucks on the roads with emblems of the Magnit chain of stores. Some of them transport goods not only within the country, but also engage in international transportation. This example shows us the attractiveness of the status of a customs carrier.

It should also be remembered that, unlike the procedure, the customs carrier has the right to use any type of transport. You can organize multimodal transportation using the same license - for example, bring it by ship and then overland by truck.

The main obstacle to obtaining the status of a customs carrier is a financial guarantee in the amount of 200 thousand Euros. But there are various ways receiving this guarantee, this is most often not “real” money.

The process of obtaining customs carrier status is also described here.

Having received the status of a customs carrier, do not forget about his responsibilities. Failure to comply may result in exclusion from the Register of Customs Carriers!

Do you want to entrust the issue of inclusion in the Register to professionals and do everything as quickly as possible and the first time? Contact us using the means of communication specified in the section.

Do you have any questions or need more knowledge on the status of a customs carrier? –

Definition of a customs carrier

Definition 1

The concept of a customs carrier means a transport company accredited by the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for international freight transport, which transports goods through the customs territory without paying customs duties.

The Customs Service maintains a Register of such customs carriers, and the transport companies themselves are issued a certificate of inclusion in the Register of customs carriers with a unique number. Using this number you can find out the validity period of the certificate.

Requirements for a customs carrier

In order for transport companies to be included in the Register of Customs Carriers, they must meet certain conditions:

  • unified taxation,
  • international transportation must be carried out for at least 2 years,
  • vehicles must be allowed for cargo transportation,
  • customs payments must be at least 200,000 thousand Euros.

In order to become included in the FCS Register, transport companies need to collect a certain list of documents:

  • it is necessary to write an application to the Federal Customs Service of Russia with a request to be included in the Register,
  • provide information about the organization, its legal form, location and bank accounts,
  • transmit information about the timing of international transportation,
  • list the number of vehicles in use by the applicant, provide information about the admission of these vehicles to international trade, and also indicate exactly how many vehicles will be used in international cargo transportation, including noting all sealed vehicles,
  • information on ensuring the payment of customs duties and taxes in accordance with subparagraph 2 of Article 19 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union.

In addition, the following permits are attached along with the application:

  1. constituent documents of the applicant,
  2. a document confirming information that the applicant was included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities,
  3. certificate of registration with the tax authority,
  4. documents that confirm ownership of vehicles for international transportation, in particular for those vehicles that will be used as a customs carrier,
  5. a certificate that allows vehicles for international transportation,
  6. documents that confirm the provision to the Federal Customs Service of Russia of security for the payment of customs duties and taxes equivalent to an amount of at least 200,000 thousand Euros at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Russia at the time of provision of this security,
  7. confirmation from the bank about the accounts opened with them,
  8. CMR transportation contracts, which confirm the activities of international transportation, no more than two years as of the date of application to the Federal Customs Service.

The exclusive prerogative of the cargo carrier is the ability to transport goods in internal transit mode.

Example 1

For example, cargo flew from Italy to Sheremetyevo, but it must be delivered to Nizhny Novgorod. For this purpose, the services of a customs carrier are used.

In addition, there are several cases when these services are needed:

  • if the amount of customs duties is significantly higher than the guarantee specified in the TIR book (book of international customs transport),
  • the specificity of the cargo is such that it requires a customs convoy,
  • customs has issued requirements to guarantee payment of customs duties,
  • in case the cargo consists of several parts that need to be delivered to different cities.

In addition, there are alternative ways to deliver goods that have not been cleared through customs:

  1. the ability to transport goods under TIR Carnets,
  2. provide a guarantee that customs duties will be paid before transportation,
  3. provision of a guarantee from an insurance company,
  4. bank guarantees.

Types of customs carriers

There are three types of customs carriers:

  • zonal. Zonal customs carriers deliver goods within one customs office;
  • regional. These transportations do not go beyond the coverage area of ​​the customs department;
  • All-Russian, these carriers can transport goods throughout the country.

Anyone can contact these carriers. In particular, the services of customs carriers are used if customs authority There was a refusal to process the goods.

Example 2

For example, it is necessary to deliver excise goods, and customs officials notify the supplier that he does not have the rights to work with this type of goods. In this case, the owner of the goods can independently pay customs duties and formalize all necessary documents and spend a lot of time or use the services of a customs carrier.

The only disadvantage of customs carriers is the high price compared to other transport companies. However, this eliminates the need to pay money to customs and deal with independent registration. In addition, a customs carrier may be suitable for transporting uncleared cargo.

Before choosing a customs carrier, you must check it in all legal aspects. Make sure that it is included in the Register of Customs Carriers, carefully study the contract and the list of services provided. Very often, the contract specifies intermediary services, but consulting services are required. The cargo owner should carefully study the reviews about this supplier. The main criterion for reliability is the supplier’s extensive experience and wide geography. If zonal transportation services are needed, then a company with any geography will do. But if the delivery is nationwide, you should carefully study the company’s operating area.

Based on the above, we can conclude that it is necessary to approach the choice of a customs carrier responsibly and it is better to order customs transportation from serious logistics companies that have been on the market for quite a long time.