Divinity original sin enhanced edition weapon improvement. Crafting recipes


In theory, if you are a hardcore player, then you do not need this guide, because all the recipes in the game can be found in books. Moreover, these recipes always have a rather interesting history. They will not only tell you how to make an axe, but they will also share a childhood story about how the author’s dad taught him as a boy how to use a steel bar to make his best weapon. Most recipes can also be obtained using logic. For example, if you put rotten eggs in a flask, you get poison.

Crafting in the game is very simple - in most cases you just need to grab one item with the mouse and move it to another. In some cases, when you have more than one identical item, you will have to divide the pile into single items before crafting something new. To do this, hold down Shift and drag the item to an empty space. In this way, ingredients for more complex recipes, scrolls, books, arrows and potions are made. Ingredients such as ropes, blanks for rings (jeweler's kits), flasks and rags (for armor) are sold at the market at Celia in the first city.

To cook, you will need a stove, a field kitchen, or a fireplace in a tavern. More details in the food section.

To craft weapons and armor you will need a smelting furnace, a whetstone and an anvil. In Sailis they are located at the top of the city (below the cemetery).

In the game there are endless supplies of liquids such as wine, beer, water, poison, oil. They are scattered here and there in barrels. Simply place a mug or any container on the barrel to fill the container with liquid.

Random earth scrolls

Level 2
Earth Shield- immunity to poisoning, resistance to earth and poison attacks, chance to poison melee opponents attacking you

Summon Earth Elemental- Summons an earth elemental. Has a high resistance to poisoning, and a very high resistance to earth, and is susceptible to air attacks. Can use the skill Deadly Spores

Strengthening- adds to defense

Immune to Poisoning- immunity to poisoning, resistance to poisoned attacks

Magic poison dart- casts poisoned darts. Chance to poison target

Summon Wolf- calls the wolf. Immune to freezing and cannot be chilled, water does not damage him, but has very little resistance to fire. Chance to cause bleeding when attacking

Bless- increases accuracy

Midnight Oil- creates oil in the selected area. Chance to slow target

Level 3
Bolder Dash- casts a boulder from the sky, causing damage to everyone within a radius of two meters. Chance to knock down target

Petrifying Touch- chance to turn the nearest enemy to stone

Summoning a swarm of wasps- calls a swarm of bees. They have very higher speed and a chance to inflict the Disease effect

Level 4
Deadly Spores- shoots five poison balls at the selected area

Nature's Curse- applies the Cursed effect to all enemies around. Increases accuracy against cursed enemies

Acid Breath- splashes poison over the selected area from the character

Summon Spider- calls on the spider. Not big chance poisoning the target, has great resistance to poisoning and immunity to bleeding

Level 5.
Earthquake- creates an earthquake around your character within a radius of 15 meters. Chance to knock down target

Random fire scrolls

Level 2
Burning Touch- set the nearest target on fire

Smokescreen- creates smoke

Small Fireball- a fireball explodes when it hits a target. The explosion hits within a radius of 4 meters from the target

Fire Resistance Shield- gives protection from fire, immunity to burning, a chance to set fire to melee opponents attacking you

Summon Fire Elemental- Summons a fire elemental

Flash- fireball

Burn My Eyes- the selected target receives a bonus to perception

Level 3
Purifying Fire- removes the effects of burning, charm, petrification, freezing, healing and shield from the target

Firefly- sets the selected area on fire

Level 4
Immolation- sets the target on fire

Level 5
Meteor Shower- casts 8 fireballs, one of which deals huge amount damage, collectively turning the landscape into scorched earth.

Infectious Flame- creates a fireball that ricochets from enemy to enemy

Sl. scrolls of air, water and witchcraft

Random air scrolls

Level 2.
Air Resistance Shield- immunity to electricity, more protection from air, a chance to stun melee enemies attacking you

Summon Air Elemental- summons an air elemental

Become Air- absorbs half of the physical damage

Blitz Bolt- releases lightning at the target, with a small chance to stun the target. The chance to stun a wet target increases significantly

Bitter Cold- chance to cool the target, if the target is wet or chilled there is a high chance of freezing

Headvice- causes minor air damage, chance to blind the target

Remove Petrification- removes petrification

Teleportation- teleports the target upward after which the target falls and receives damage, the target can be moved within a radius of 15 meters

Level 3
Feather Drop- the same as Teleportation, only when falling the target does not receive damage

Immune to Electrified- immunity to electricity, increases protection from air, reduces protection from earth

Invisibility- become invisible

Lightning Strike- instantly moves from target to target with damage and a chance to stun

Shocking Touch- electrify the nearest target, chance of stunning

Level 4
Tornado- removes negative surface effects, burning ground, etc.

Level 5
Chain Lightning- releases chain lightning that hits up to five targets. The maximum distance between targets to hit is 7 meters

Make Invisible- makes the selected target invisible

Storm- creates a storm that attacks a randomly selected target. Stun Chance

Random water scrolls

Level 2
Slow Current- applies a slowing effect

Ice Shard- shoots an ice shard, a chance to cool the target. Chance to freeze already chilled targets. When shot at a puddle, it freezes it

Summon Ice Elemental- Summons an Ice Elemental

Rain- casts rain over a large area, imposes a moisture effect. Creates puddles

Minor Heal- replenishes health points for 3 turns

Water of Life- adds to the physique. Heals the caster

Water Resistance Shield- immunity to freezing, increases resistance to water, reduces resistance to fire, chance to freeze enemies attacking you using melee combat

Level 3
Cleansing Water- removes such negative effects as: Blinding, Mute, Diseased, Infectious Disease, Bleeding, Crippled

Pierding Ice Shard- shoots an ice shard that can fly through 2 targets. Increased chance to apply a cooling effect

Ice Wall- creates an ice wall. Chance to freeze or knock down an enemy

Immunity to Burning- immunity to burning. Increases resistance to fire, decreases resistance to water

Strong Regenerate- replenishes more health points over 2 turns

Level 4
Mass Disease- applies a slowdown effect around your character

Freezing Touch- freezes the nearest target

Level 5
Hail Attack- casts 8 ice shards from the sky, causing huge damage, freezing the surface

Winterblast- a dragon appears behind the character, which spews cold breath across the area from the character, causing damage. Chance to freeze everyone in the area

Random Scrolls of Witchcraft

Level 2
Bloodletting- causes damage and also causes bleeding in the enemy. Can be used on an ally who has the Leech talent, significantly healing.

Blind- imposes a Blinding effect on the target

Resurrect (Scroll only)- resurrects a dead character

Malediction- places a curse on the enemy

Oath Of Desecration- increases damage to an ally

Enfeebling Touch- imposes the Weakness effect

Level 3
Destroy Summon- deals a huge amount of damage (over 2500) to summoned creatures, essentially canceling their summoning

Summon Undead Warrior- Summons a skeleton warrior

Drain Willpower- lowers the target's Willpower

Absorb The Elements- increases protection from all elements by 50%

Vampiric Touch- sucks the enemy's XP and transfers it to you

Level 4
Horrific Scream- imposes the effect of Fear on opponents

soulsap- the most powerful debuff, removes absolutely all stats from vision to resists

Summon Armored Undead Decapitator- summons a stronger skeleton warrior

Mass Weakness- a chance to apply the Weakness effect to everyone in a certain area.

Level 5
Death Punch- deals damage to the target closest to you

Invulnerability- makes the character invulnerable

Amulets, Rings, Belts

Ingredients such as ropes, ring blanks (jeweler's kits) and bottles are sold at the market at Celia's in the first city.

Craft level 1

  • Feather Amulet (+Dexterity) = Thread + Magic Feather
  • Fancy Feather Amulet (+Agility, +Health) = Threads + Magic Fancy Feather
  • Third Eye Amulet (+Perception) = Threads + Magic Creepy Eye
  • Amulet of the Eldritch Eye (+Perception, +Field of Vision) = Threads + Magical Eldritch Eye
  • Rabbit's Foot Amulet (+Lucky) = Threads + Magic Rabbit's Foot
  • Lucky Rabbit's Foot Amulet (+Movement, +Lucky) = Threads + Magical Lucky Rabbit's Foot
  • Chicken foot amulet (+initiative) = Threads + Magic chicken foot
  • Big Chicken Foot Amulet (+initiative) = Threads + Magic Big Chicken Foot
  • Long Rat Tail Amulet (+Poison Resistance) = Threads + Magic Long Rat Tail
  • Rat Tail Amulet (+Poison Resistance) = Threads + Magic Rat Tail
  • Skull Amulet (+Intelligence) = Threads + Magic Skull
  • Amulet from an ancient skull (+Intelligence and resistance to earth.) = Threads + Magic ancient skull
  • Tattooed Skull Amulet (+???)* = Threads + Magic Tattooed Skull
  • Starfish Amulet (+Health) = Threads + Magic Starfish
  • Amulet of shining starfish (+health, +resistance to water)= Threads + Magic shining starfish
  • Claw Amulet (+Strength) = Threads + Magic Claw
  • Sharp Claw Amulet (+???) = Threads + Magic Sharp Claw
  • Tooth amulet (+Charisma) = Threads + Magic tooth
  • Sharp tooth amulet (+Charisma, fire resistance) = Threads + Magic sharp tooth
  • Fang Amulet (+Adept) = Threads + Magic Fang
  • Huge Fang Amulet (+Adept, +Intelligence, +Air Resistance) = Threads + Magic Huge Fang
Level 3
  • Super Rabbit's Foot Amulet (+Lucky)* = Bowstring + Magic Rabbit's Foot
  • Super Lucky Rabbit's Foot Amulet (+Move, +Lucky)* = Bowstring + Magical Lucky Rabbit's Foot
Level 1
  • Chicken Foot Ring (+Move) = Magic Chicken Foot + Jeweler's Set: Ring
  • Big Chicken Foot Ring (+bolt. Movement) = Magic Big Chicken Foot + Jeweler's Set: Ring
  • Skull Ring (+Physique) = Magic Skull + Jeweler's Set: Ring
  • Ancient Skull Ring (+???) = Magic Ancient Skull + Jeweler's Set: Ring
  • Tattooed Skull Ring (+???) = Magical Tattooed Skull + Jeweler's Set: Ring
  • Ring with fang (+poison resistance) = Magic fang + Jeweler's set: ring
  • Ring with a huge fang (+intelligence, air resistance, poison resistance) = Magic huge fang + Jeweler's set: ring
  • Rat Tail Ring (+Poison Resistance) = Magic Rat Tail + Jeweler's Set: Ring
  • Long Rat Tail Ring (+Poison Resistance) = Magic Rat Tail + Jeweler's Set: Ring
  • Claw Ring (+Physique) = Magic Claw + Jeweler's Set: Ring
  • Sharp Claw Ring (+Physique) = Magic Sharp Claw + Jeweler's Set: Ring
  • Feather Ring (+Telekinesis) = Magic Feather + Jeweler's Set: Ring
  • Fancy Feather Ring (+Telekinesis, +Health) = Magic Fancy Feather + Jeweler's Kit: Ring
  • Tooth Ring (+Charisma) = Magic Tooth + Jeweler's Set: Ring
  • Sharp Tooth Ring (+Charisma, +Fire Resistance) = Magic Sharp Tooth + Jeweler's Set: Ring
Level 2
  • Rabbit's Foot Ring (+speed) = Magic Rabbit's Foot + Jeweler's Set: Ring
  • Rabbit's Foot Ring (+speed, +movement) = Magical Lucky Rabbit's Foot + Jeweler's Set: Ring
  • Super Rabbit's Foot Ring (+???) = Super Rabbit's Foot Amulet + Jeweler's Set: Ring
  • Super Lucky Rabbit's Foot Ring (+???) = Super Lucky Rabbit's Foot Amulet + Jeweler's Set: Ring
Level 1
  • Skull Belt (+Physique) = Magic Skull + Rope
  • Ancient Skull Belt (+???) = Magic Ancient Skull + Rope
  • Tattooed Skull Belt (+???) = Magical Tattooed Skull + Rope
  • Rabbit's Foot Belt (+Lucky) = Magic Rabbit's Foot + Rope
  • Lucky Rabbit's Foot Belt (+???) = Magical Lucky Rabbit's Foot + Rope
  • Belt with tooth (+Charisma) = Magic tooth + Rope
  • Sharp Tooth Belt (+???) = Magic Sharp Tooth + Rope
  • Fang Belt (+Toughness) = Magic Fang + Rope
  • Belt with a huge fang (+???) = Magical huge fang + Rope
  • Rat Tail Belt (+Poison Resistance) = Magic Rat Tail + Rope
  • Belt with Long Rat Tail (+Poison Resistance) = Magic Long Rat Tail + Rope
  • Claw Belt (+Strength) = Magic Claw + Rope
  • Sharp Claw Belt (+???) = Magic Sharp Claw + Rope
  • Feather Belt (+Initiative) = Magic Feather + Rope
  • Fancy Feather Belt (+Initiative, +Health) = Magic Fancy Feather + Rope
Level 2
  • Chicken Paw Belt (+Initiative) = Magic Chicken Paw + Rope
  • Belt with a big chicken paw (+bol. Initiative) = Magic chicken paw + Rope
Level 3
  • Super Rabbit's Foot Belt (???) = Super Rabbit's Foot Amulet + Rope
  • Super Lucky Rabbit's Foot Belt (???) = Super Lucky Rabbit's Foot Amulet + Rope

level 0

  • Arrow Shaft (x3) = Branch + Knife
  • Arrow = Arrowhead + Arrow Shaft
Level 1
  • Arrow (special) = Head (special) + Arrow shaft
  • Tip (Stun) = Tooth + Knife
  • Tip (Knockdown) = Horn + Knife
Level 2
  • Tip (Silver) (x4) = Silver Ingot + Anvil
  • Tip (Weakening) = Potion of Strength Deterioration (-STR) + Tip
  • Tip (Interfering) = ??? (purely by logic - from the potion - agility)
  • Tip (Ignorance) = Potion of Intellect Impairment (-INT) + Tip
  • Tip (Withering) = Potion of Constitution Deterioration (-TLS) + Tip
  • Tip (Slowness) = Potion of speed deterioration (-SPEED) + Tip
  • Tip (Blinding) = Potion of Perception Impairment (-BOS) + Tip
  • Tip (Poison) = Poison Vial + Tip
  • Tip (Poison) = Rotten Eggs + Tip
  • Tip (Poison) = Slime Barrel + Tip
  • Tip (Slowdown) = Oil Barrel + Tip
  • Tip (Retarding) + Empty Cup = Oil Cup + Tip
  • Tip (Steam) [cloud] = Water Resistance Potion + Tip
  • Tip (Burst) + Empty Cup = Oil Cup + Tip (Fire)
Level 3
  • Tip (Explosive) = Fire Resistance Potion + Tip
  • Tip (Cursing) = Potion of Worsening Everything + Tip
  • Tip (Gas) [poison cloud] = Tip (Poison) + Tip (Poison)
  • Tip (Static) [cloud] + Empty Cup = Water Cup + Tip (Stun)
  • Tip (Static) [cloud] = Air Resistance Potion + Tip
Level 4
  • Tip (Enchanting) = Ivy + Tip

level 0

  • Pumpkin helmet (+average fire resistance, +low chance of scaring) = Pumpkin + Knife
  • Broken cauldron (-field of vision, -hearing) = Camping cauldron + Hammer
Craft level 1
  • Wooden Shield = Rope + Barrel Lid (currently cannot be obtained without mods)
  • Deer Helmet (+Small Constitution) = Leather Cap + Magic Deer Antler
  • Crab shell helmet (+low health) = Leather hat + Crab claw
  • Homemade fabric armor = Rags + Needle and thread
  • Homemade Boots = Rags + Anvil
Level 2
  • Homemade armor = Pieces of leather + Needle and thread
  • Custom Leather Boots = Leather Pieces + Anvil
Level 3
  • Homemade boots (+low Armor) = Rags + Anvil
  • Homemade boots (+low movement) = Rags + Anvil
  • Polished Leather Boots = Leather Pieces + Anvil
  • Homemade Metal Boots = Scrap Metal + Anvil
Level 4
  • Ornate Woven Armor = Rags + Needle and Thread
  • Polished Leather Armor = Leather Pieces + Needle and Thread
  • Polished Metal Boots = Scrap Metal + Anvil
Level 5
  • Superior Cloth Armor (+Minor Armor) = Rags + Needle and Thread
  • Superior Cloth Armor (+low health) = Rags + Needle and Thread
  • Superior Cloth Armor (+low Luck) = Rags + Needle and Thread
  • Homemade robe (+low Intelligence) = Rags + Magic needle and thread
  • Homemade robe (+low speed) = Rags + Magic needle and thread
  • Homemade robe (+small lucky) = Rags + Magic needle and thread
  • Homemade robe (+low health) = Rags + Magic needle and thread
  • Superior Leather Armor (+low Health) = Leather Pieces + Magic Needle and Thread
  • Superior Leather Armor (+Minor Armor) = Leather Pieces + Magic Needle and Thread
  • Superior Leather Armor (+small Lucky) = Leather Pieces + Magic Needle and Thread
  • Superior Leather Boots (+low Armor) = Leather Pieces + Anvil
  • Superior Leather Boots (+low movement) = Leather Pieces + Anvil
  • Superior Metal Boots (+low Armor) = Scrap Metal + Anvil
  • Superior Metal Boots (+low movement) = Scrap Metal + Anvil
Blacksmithing level 3 + Crafting level 5
  • Superior Plate Armor (+Low Health) = Scrap Metal + Hammer
  • Superior Plate Armor (+Low Armor) = Scrap Metal + Hammer
  • Superior Plate Armor (+small. Lucky) = Scrap Metal + Hammer

Ruby + any armor (or cloak or belt) = protection from elemental damage +25%

I’m not very keen on crafting weapons, because I manage to find/receive weapons that have much cooler bonuses and levels.

Craft Skill:

level 0
  • Wooden stake = Knife + Log
  • Stick with Nails = Branch + Nine Inch Nails
  • Bowstring = Vein + Vein
  • Planetary Sword (Unique) (all elemental resistance + fire damage) = Bottle of Seething Mud + Fire Heart
Level 1
  • Inert Voodoo Doll = Wooden Figurine + Needle
  • Homemade bow = Branch + String
  • Homemade Spear + Dagger = Branch + Dagger
Level 2
  • Crossbow without a string = Branch + Iron Ingot
  • Homemade Elemental Staff = Branch + Branch
  • Bull Saber (Unique) (+STR) = Bull Amulet + Old Saber (Unique)
  • Homemade crossbow = Crossbow without string + Bowstring
Level 3
  • Homemade elemental staff (+low luck) = Branch + Branch
  • Custom = Branch + Bowstring
  • Custom Spear + Dagger = Branch + Dagger
  • Custom crossbow = Crossbow without string + String
Level 4
  • Polished Bow = Branch + String
  • Polished Spear + Dagger = Branch + Dagger
  • Polished Crossbow = Unstrung Crossbow + String
Level 5
  • Polished Elemental Staff (+low INT) = Branch + Branch
  • Superior Elemental Staff (+small Max AP) = Branch + Branch
  • Superior Bow (+low Max AP) = Branch + String
  • Superior Bow (+low DEX) = Branch + String
  • Superior Bow (+low SPEED) = Branch + String
  • Superior Crossbow (+Most Damage) = Unstrung Crossbow + String
  • Superior Crossbow (+greater crit chance*) = Unstrung Crossbow + String
  • Superior Crossbow (+low DEX) = Unstrung Crossbow + String
  • Superior Spear (+bolt Damage) + Dagger = Branch + Dagger
  • Superior Spear (+greater crit chance) + Dagger = Branch + Dagger
  • Perfect Voodoo Doll = Inert Voodoo Doll + Pixie Dust
  • Rod of the Animated (Clumsy) Barrow = Branch + Tenebry Ore

Blacksmithing Skill:

1\3\4 levels
  • Homemade\Custom\Polished Dagger = Knife + Anvil
  • Homemade\Custom\Polished Sword = Iron Ingot + Anvil
  • Homemade\Custom\Polished Ax = Steel Ingot + Anvil
2\3\4 levels
  • Homemade\Custom\Polished Greatsword = Large Iron Ingot + Anvil
  • Homemade\Custom\Polished Two-Handed Ax = Large Steel Ingot + Anvil
Level 5
  • Superior Dagger (+low SPEED) = Knife + Anvil
  • Superior Dagger (+low DEX) = Knife + Anvil
  • Superior Dagger (+low Luck) = Knife + Anvil
  • Superior Dagger (+low Max AP) = Knife + Anvil
  • Superior Sword (+Most Damage) = Iron Ingot + Anvil
  • Superior Sword (+Low Max AP) = Iron Ingot + Anvil
  • Superior Greatsword (+Most Damage) = Large Iron Ingot + Anvil
  • Superior Greatsword (+low STR) = Large Iron Ingot + Anvil
  • Superior Ax (+Most Damage) = Steel Ingot + Anvil
  • Superior Ax (+greater crit chance*) = Steel Ingot + Anvil
  • Superior Ax (+low Max AP) = Steel Ingot + Anvil
  • Superior Two-Handed Ax (+Most Damage) = Large Steel Ingot + Anvil
  • Superior Two-Handed Ax (+greater crit chance*) = Large Steel Ingot + Anvil

Enchantment and enhancement

You can insert all essences into the armor without replacement, or 1 ruby ​​and the essence of emptiness.
Only one elemental upgrade can be inserted into a weapon (including poison, spices, tenebry). When a weapon already has such effects, then it will be possible to add another one to the existing effect.
Improvements “small”\”medium” do not combine.

I suspect that this requires crafting level 3 or more

  • Any armor + Void Essence = Stealth
  • Any armor + Fire Essence = Fire Protection
  • Any armor + Water Essence = Water Protection
  • Any armor + Air Essence = Air Defense
  • Any Armor + Earth Essence = Earth Defense
  • Any armor + Ruby = Protection from everything
  • Any armor + Pearl = Increase in item price
  • Any armor + Paint = Color
  • Steel Armor + Scales = Armor Up
  • Woven breastplate + leather pieces = Improved defense (not much)
  • Woven Chest + Metal Chunks = Improved Defense (medium)
  • Leather breastplate + field kitchen = Improved defense (not enough)
  • Leather breastplate + metal pieces = Improved defense (medium)
  • Metal breastplate + armor fragments = Improved defense (medium)
  • Metal bib + mug of butter = Improved movement (small)
  • Metal breastplate + anvil = Improved movement (small)
  • Metal Shield + Anvil = Block Chance Improvement
  • Any boots + nine-inch nails = Slip Resistant
Helmet improvement (Reforging removes previous characteristics, if any)
  • Helmet + Magic Antler = +1 Constitution
  • Helmet + Crab Claw = +57 Health
  • Helmet + Magic Eye = +1 Perception
  • Helmet + Magical Evil Eye = +1 Perception and 4.05 Field of View
  • Helmet + Feather = +1 Stealth and +15% Air Resistance
  • Helmet + Magic Fancy Feather = +1 Stealth and +20% Air Resistance
  • Helmet + Magic Blazing Star = +1 Leadership and +15% Water Resistance
  • Any Shield + Void Essence = Tenebrae Protection
  • Any Shield + Essence of Fire = Fire Protection
  • Any Shield + Water Essence = Water Protection
  • Any Shield + Air Essence = Air Defense
  • Any Shield + Earth Essence = Earth Defense
  • Any Shield + Pearl = Block Chance Improvement
  • Wooden Shield + Metal Shards = Block Chance Improvement
  • Any weapon + poison (any) = Increased poison damage
  • Any Weapon + Essence of Fire = Increased Fire Damage
  • Any Weapon + Water Essence = Increased Water Damage
  • Any Weapon + Air Essence = Increased Air Damage
  • Any Weapon + Earth Essence = Increased Earth Damage
  • Any weapon + Tenebrium Ingot = Increased Tenebrium damage
  • Any Weapon + Joshua's Spices = Increased Damage
  • Any Weapon + Tormented Soul = Increased Strength and Agility
  • Metal Weapon + Whetstone (Wheel) = Increased Damage
  • Bow\Crossbow + String = Increased damage
  • Bow\Crossbow + Sextant = Increased perception
  • Staff\Mace + Moonstone = Increased damage

Having studied the leveling of this game a little, I was horrified by the small intelligence of the creators of this leveling.
Firstly, character traits DO NOT INCREASE for each point in them, this or that factor is MORE and MORE. An example is altruism. Gives +2 reputation. But having 4 points in it, the reputation only grows by 2 and not by 8 (2x4). So, as for the characteristics of the character’s character, a bonus is given only by the one of the two dilemmas in which MORE points are invested than in the other (which is known to everyone), BUT(!) Only the described bonus will be given. In the singular. No matter how many points you have. Let's move on, as for clothes with bonuses, the system is different. Each point from the total amount of all clothes gives its own SEPARATE increase. That is, if having altruism 5 you will only receive a bonus as if it were altruism 1, then having a bonus from ALL equipment +5 you will receive +5 points.
Now the most immeasurable part of the mind is the actual pumping.
There's a real web here. I conducted various experiments and realized that pumping up any skill with points... I don’t even know what to call it, call it or describe it... It follows the scheme I described above - what level is so many points required, and again BUT(!). Here there is a deduction from VARIETIES of bonuses that increase this skill, for each requirement separately. I'll try to give a clear diagram. First, you should firmly understand that there are varieties, let's talk about handicrafts, to add to this skill 3. Equipment, talent, character trait (pragmatism).
For example, you have a level 4 handicraft skill, and you already have two bonuses - equipment + talent. In total, you have TWO types of third-party addition. NO GLASSES. And varieties. Even if the equipment gives you 3 handicraft points, and the talent 1, the deduction will not be 4 points generally added by third-party bonuses, but 2 points from types of bonuses: equipment and talent (1+1). This means that in such a situation, in order for you to raise your skill from level 4 to level 5, you will need 3 points. Now, in more detail on this point. That is, as stated above, you need as many points in a skill depending on its level. This means - 5. Minus the number of varieties from bonuses - 2. Therefore, 3. But it is also worth knowing that the increase in this case cannot fall below 1 point. This is the minimum that cannot be changed. Even if you have a skill of the 2nd level (3 points are required to upgrade to the third), and there are three “varieties” of bonuses. The scheme “required number of points - Number of types of bonuses” (hereinafter I will call this scheme in short TKO-CHRB) will not work. Because it turns out 3-3=0. There will always be a minimum of 3-3=1.

Now a full explanation of the words Radish, And LeonKiller.UA.
As it turned out, there are no those here who are right or wrong; it would be more accurate to say that all three of us are NOT COMPLETELY wrong.
Actually their example of pumping:
When I started playing on hard for the second time, of course, I figured out in advance how to distribute the points.
I took the bow:
1) scientist (+1 craft, +1 blacksmithing)
2) pragmatism (+1 craft) - social skill in conversations, see what you do
3) bracers (+1 craft, +1 blacksmithing)
4) belt (+1 craft +1 blacksmithing)
in total we have no invested points. Craft -4, Blacksmith -3.
we put 1 point into the craft - the total craft is 5
We invest 1+2=3 points in the blacksmith. Blacksmithing is also 5.
4 talent points, 1 trait and 1 social skill spent

Yes, it is also worth considering that the order of taking is not important, but I will do it in an example for ease of understanding and clarity.
So, taking the SCIENTIST talent at the beginning of the game. you will receive level 1. It would seem that the calculation should be according to TKO-CHRB, which means 1 point (first level requirement) minus 1 (variety from talent) = 0. But as I described the exception above - below the unit required for pumping, the requirement cannot fall below the MINIMUM. Therefore, having taken the scientist talent at the beginning, you will receive 1-1 = 1 (minimum required) request for 1 point for the increase that the talent already gives you (+1 handicraft), so you will have the 1st level of skill. And here, if you have one or more free ability points, you can check the accuracy of my studies. Point at the plus sign next to handicrafts (appears if there are enough points to level up) When raising the skill level from first to second (having a third-party bonus from talent, which means ONE number of types of bonuses) you will need 2 points (TKO) MINUS 1 point ( CHRB). In total, the second level can be obtained for the scientist talent (itself gives 1 point required for the first level of the skill) + (2-1) = 1 invested ability point.

But for now, considering the words of the people above as an example, we will remove this embedded point. We just have the talent of a scientist and the 1st level of skill. Next in line is pragmatism. Having received it, we get one skill point that it gives. And according to the TKO-CHRB scheme, we get the second level. Namely: the first level gives talent; the second one will pass (based on the calculation) 2(TKO)-2(CRB)=0. Yes, yes, it is the NBR that will be equal to two, because now this skill is increased for us by talent and character trait - TWO types of bonuses! But since the required minimum is 1 point, the second level will look like 2-2=1. 1 point required to obtain the second level. Pragmatism gives it to us. Therefore, the skill will become equal to level 2. Next, we find, for example, bracers for +1 needlework. There are two ways to calculate this, and both will be correct. Having already the second level of skill, and TWO types of third-party enhancements, we put on these same bracers. We get the third level.

The first method of calculation: we have the second level of skill, which means that to get the third, according to the TKO-CHRB scheme, 3-2 (talent + pragmatism) = 1 point is required. Since we put on the bracers, they give us this point - the skill becomes the third level

The second method of calculation: we have the second level of skill, which means that to get the third, according to the TKO-CHRB scheme, 3-3 (talent + pragmatism + equipment) = 0 points are required. But based on the “mandatory minimum”, one thing is still required. Since we put on the bracers, they give us this point - the skill becomes the third level

Let's move on. After the bracers, we find a belt with +1 needlework. There are NOT four varieties. And still three (equipment + talent + pragmatism). It’s just that one of these types of bonuses, namely equipment, gives two points when the others give one. This means that to raise a skill from the third level to the fourth, we need 4-3 = 1 point. Please note that the mandatory minimum is no longer considered, because 0 MSW is not created. And since we put on the belt, it gives us this point. We get the fourth level of the skill. It cost us talent (1) + pragmatism (1) + equipment (2). And yes, no points invested. But to raise the skill from the fourth to the fifth level, we need 5-3=2. Where 5 is the number of points required equal to the skill level. 3 - the number of varieties (equipment, talent, pragmatism), NOT dependent on the number of points received by each individually. The types of bonuses, I repeat, will remain equal to three. Only equipment will simply give +2 skill points.
It turns out that from the fourth to the fifth level, raising a skill costs 2 points. If you also (and if they exist in the game) find, for example, boots with +1 handicraft, then.... the skill will remain level 4. After all, 2 points are required.
The result will be like this:
According to the calculations above, we get the 4th level of needlework.
To get the fifth one, you need:
or put on an additional item that gives +2 handicrafts
or put on two additional things that give +1 handicrafts
or add 2 ability points
or put on an additional item that gives +1 handicraft, and put 1 point into it.

The sixth level will accordingly cost 6-3=3 in this case. Seventh 7-3=4, etc.
If you, for example, do not have pragmatism, then for everyone else you will only receive the 3rd level of skill. The fourth one will cost 4-2=2. And the fifth one is 5-2=3. Total 2 things + talent + 5 points. Instead of pragmatism + 2 things + talent + 2 points.
Wow, I wrote so much... But I got tired of all the music)
And will there be sincere believers who will call this.... creation - pre-antique delusional??))

So, having received the well-deserved 10th level, we not only complete our adventures in the vicinity of Saisil - all we have to do here is turn in a couple of quests to the captain - but we also become the proud owners of 5/5 Crafting/Blacksmithing. If, of course, Yasha was carefully prepared for this. Well, or one of our GPGs, which is even simpler. So, what makes the final 5/5 skill:
- Basic skills - 2/2 (total 6 AP spent).
- Scientist talent +1/1.
- Belt - with known luck +1/1 to each skill.
- Bracers - similar to a belt, +1/+1.

Bonuses to these skills can be on bracelets and belts, i.e. in clothes worn in Bracers & Belts slots. Nowhere else. It will be necessary to make a list of what advantages can be found in which particular slots. Crafting and Blacksmithing, most likely, only on Bracers and Belts. Believe me, I tried to get things for crafting first of all, and even then, I only got the belt with +1/1 from Brakus’s chest. Before that there were two with separate +1.

Why all this dancing with a tambourine around things + craft? In this way, we save a huge number of ARs, which can be used for much less peaceful purposes. After all, they only invested 6. And at level 5, crafting and blacksmithing take on a completely different meaning - almost all created things acquire additional bonuses. Bonuses also depend on the level, so, in my opinion, before there was simply no point in forging anything. In general, one-two-three-four-five, we went to forge.

Correction for further passage
I looked into Hall of Heroes only after Yasha had leveled up accordingly, i.e., already at level 10. In Hall of Heroes, you can hire a level 1 henchman, then fire him, then hire him back into the team. And he will become the same level as you, with the ability to freely distribute his attributes, skills and abilities. So such a special blacksmith can easily get 4/4 - +3/3 from skills, +1/1 from Scientiest. With clothes, it means there was no need to struggle too much, and also not to waste 6 precious AP Yashas. On the other hand, I won’t replay it myself; personally, it’s more convenient for me when the crafter is always at hand, rather than chasing him into a parallel dimension. Maybe in the next playthrough I'll make a special blacksmith.
Amendment completed

With the greatest amazement I discovered that only the thief had normal boots, though there were two pairs - combat ones and with +1 Lucky Charm. Everyone else was wearing some kind of cast-offs. So we also need to make decent shoes for everyone:
Leather Boots= Leather Scraps + Anvil
Metal Boots= Metal Scraps + Anvil(C5: Armor Rating or Movement bonus.)
Source material:
Leather Scraps = Animal Hide + Knife or Dagger
Everything is bad with iron boots, I haven’t found a recipe for scrap iron, maybe you can find it on sale somewhere. At level 10 we get bots with 10AC and +0.60 to run, or with 12AC without a bonus. My choice is clear, AC=10+0.6 to movement rate. Die With Your Boots On (c) Iron Maiden

You can also see if any of the weapons should be replaced with items of your own making. The only decent murder weapon I had at the moment was Medora's legendary hatchet. Level 7, but the parameters beat any self-propelled gun. But he exchanged the daggers for his own without regret.

Dagger = Knife + Anvil(B5: Dexterity, Lucky Charm, Max Action Points, or Speed ​​bonus)
Sword= Iron Bar + Anvil(B5: Damage or Max Action Points bonus)
Ax= Steel Bar + Anvil(B5: Critical Chance, Damage, or Max Action Points bonus)
Two-Handed Sword= Large Iron Bar + Anvil(B5: Damage or Strength bonus)
Two-Handed Ax= Large Steel Bar + Anvil(B5: Damage or Critical Chance bonus)
Bow= Bowstring + Branch (C5: Dexterity, Max Action Points, or Speed ​​bonus)
Crossbow= Crossbow Without a Bowstring + Bowstring (C5: Critical Chance, Damage, or Dexterity bonus)

- The item always turns out equal to the level of the blacksmith, regardless of the level of the starting item.
- The additional bonus is always 1 and always random.
- Damage is always the same, strictly defined for your level.

- The bonus to damage is fixed, you can’t get more.
- The bonus does not depend on the level of Crafting/Blacksmithing.

The experiment was carried out on a dozen daggers. By the way, gold table knives also make good steel daggers. Surprising as it may seem.

What must be done
- Drive nails into all the shoes. Requires crafting level 5. Grants immunity to falling (Immunity to Slipping) - this is just an incredible bonus.
- Sharpen all weapons.
- Process metal armor on an anvil. Or lubricate it with oil - alas, either/or.
- Weld a leather jacket in the field kitchen.

Yes, if you got the ingredients for Buffalo Saber, sell it with the ingredients, it will be more expensive. At level 10 her stats are Slashing 77-120, +1 Strength. And by that time Medora had long had a level 7 ax in her hands:
Inhuman Antique Battle Ax of Storms
Slashing 66-102 Air 19-31
Willpower +1
Leadership +1
20% chance to set Stunned
15% chance to set Muted

And finally, one more time

In this article on the turn-based RPG Divinity: Original Sin The basic crafting recipes and its features are given, after studying which crafting weapons, ordinary and legendary things will no longer be a problem for you!

Myself crafting in Original Sin not available until you reach a special level threshold, namely 10th. And now, finally, we get that very coveted level, which means that our business in the vicinity of Saisil is coming to an end. It remains to complete a few tasks for the captain and you can go in all four directions. Finally we get the coveted 5/5 Crafting/Blacksmithing. It is important to carefully prepare Yasha before this. Although, to be honest, it will be much easier to prepare one of the GPGs. This means that the final skill consists of:

  • Basic skills – 2/2 (6 points spent in total);
  • Talent Scientist 1/1;
  • Belt with driven luck +1/1 for each skill;
  • Bracelets are similar to the belt +1/1.

It is important to remember that to buff these skills you need to use only Belts and Bracers, that is, only things that are worn in slots. A list will soon be compiled that will help you understand what advantages individual slots can provide. But first, we can conclude that belts and bracelets are best suited for Crafting and Blacksmithing. Belts with individual +1s kept dropping out, and the coveted +1/1 only dropped out of Barakus' chest.

The question follows: “What is this whole set of letters for?” All of the above brings us to the understanding that in this way we acquire a bunch of additional AP. That is, not additional, but saved. Which makes sense to invest in other, combat skills. After all, we only invest 6 points. Not many people know that at the fifth level it is very profitable to use crafting, since most of the things created are endowed with special bonuses. These same bonuses are directly dependent on the character’s level. Based on this, in my opinion, it simply doesn’t make sense to start crafting earlier, since the bonuses will be significantly weaker.

Divinity: Original Sin crafting weapons and legendary items

After spending hours in Hall of Heroes, I found one interesting thing. The fact is that after properly leveling up Yasha, already at level 10 we have the opportunity to hire a henchman of the first level. After that, we fire him and take him back to us. By carrying out such simple machinations, he will become on the same level with us. And we can easily distribute his points and skills. At the same time, we get a super blacksmith with 4/4, with +3/3 from skills and +1/1 from Scientiets. You don’t have to worry too much about clothes, they are of no use. And it is absolutely not necessary to spend 6 AP of Yasha. But again, you don’t have to replay it. Some people find it more convenient when the crafter is always on site. But for those who are just planning to play, it will be interesting to make a super blacksmith.

The preparatory stage is over, we figured out what should be done and how.

I recently noticed that only a thief has excellent shoes, and two pairs at that. Lucky Charm and combat. Everyone else wears some kind of clothes. We need to start creating new normal boots for everyone. For this we need:

  • (Crafting 2) Leather Boots = Leather Scraps + Anvil (C5: Armor Rating or Movement bonus.)
  • (Crafting 3) Metal Boots = Metal Scraps + (C5: Armor Rating or Movement bonus.)


  • (Crafting 1) Leather Scraps = Animal Hide + Knife or Dagger

To my disappointment, I couldn’t craft iron boots because I couldn’t find a recipe for crafting scrap iron. But in principle, you can look for someone on sale, I think if you bother with it, you can find it.

As I said above, when you craft things yourself, you receive a significant bonus. In this regard, it would not be amiss to look at the availability of items in the equipment that can be replaced with items made by yourself.
Forging Features

  • It doesn’t matter what level a thing is, it always turns out to be the same level as you.
  • There is only one bonus and it is always random.
  • Damage is also clearly tailored to our level.
  • It is important to remember that many recipes may not work due to the release of new patches and updates. You can also use a repair hammer instead of a Hammer.

Features of sharpening objects

  • The damage buff is always the same. It never falls out more or less.
  • The bonus is not tied to the crafting level.

All of the above was personally tested by me with daggers. By the way, excellent knives are made from gold table knives.

Let's do it first!

  • When reaching the fifth level of crafting, be sure to drive nails into all the shoes, which will provide us with an imbalance bonus - immunity to falling.
  • Sharpen all weapons.
  • When using an anvil, collect metal armor.

If you were able to obtain the components for the Buffalo Saber, it would be appropriate to sell it in parts. At the same time, we will be able to save significantly.

Several recipes for crafting things

Upon reaching level 10, we should have characteristics such as Slashing 77-10 20, +Strength. Moreover, by this time Medora should have had a level 7 ax long ago.

If everything has already been done and you want to tinker with your armor, then here are some tips for leveling up your armor.
As before, the level of the “craft” and “blacksmith” skills plays an important role here.

It is very interesting to improve helmets, since they are completely redesigned and give good stats. For crafting you will need any leather helmet, it is the basis. For example, when combined with a feather, we get +1 to stealth and + 15% to wind resistance, and if we use a magic eye, we get an increase in perception by +1.

To boost armor, two methods are used, the first is leather armor + boiling water, we will get an increase in rating. Or instead of boiling water, scrap metal.
To add resistance to elemental damage, you can use elemental essences and rubies.
For increasing value - the holy grail.

Having studied the leveling of this game a little, I was horrified by the small intelligence of the creators of this leveling.
Firstly, character traits DO NOT INCREASE for each point in them, this or that factor is MORE and MORE. An example is altruism. Gives +2 reputation. But having 4 points in it, the reputation only grows by 2 and not by 8 (2x4). So, as for the characteristics of the character’s character, a bonus is given only by the one of the two dilemmas in which MORE points are invested than in the other (which is known to everyone), BUT(!) Only the described bonus will be given. In the singular. No matter how many points you have. Let's move on, as for clothes with bonuses, the system is different. Each point from the total amount of all clothes gives its own SEPARATE increase. That is, if having altruism 5 you will only receive a bonus as if it were altruism 1, then having a bonus from ALL equipment +5 you will receive +5 points.
Now the most immeasurable part of the mind is the actual pumping.
There's a real web here. I conducted various experiments and realized that pumping up any skill with points... I don’t even know what to call it, call it or describe it... It follows the scheme I described above - what level is so many points required, and again BUT(!). Here there is a deduction from VARIETIES of bonuses that increase this skill, for each requirement separately. I'll try to give a clear diagram. First, you should firmly understand that there are varieties, let's talk about handicrafts, to add to this skill 3. Equipment, talent, character trait (pragmatism).
For example, you have a level 4 handicraft skill, and you already have two bonuses - equipment + talent. In total, you have TWO types of third-party addition. NO GLASSES. And varieties. Even if the equipment gives you 3 handicraft points, and the talent 1, the deduction will not be 4 points generally added by third-party bonuses, but 2 points from types of bonuses: equipment and talent (1+1). This means that in such a situation, in order for you to raise your skill from level 4 to level 5, you will need 3 points. Now, in more detail on this point. That is, as stated above, you need as many points in a skill depending on its level. This means - 5. Minus the number of varieties from bonuses - 2. Therefore, 3. But it is also worth knowing that the increase in this case cannot fall below 1 point. This is the minimum that cannot be changed. Even if you have a skill of the 2nd level (3 points are required to upgrade to the third), and there are three “varieties” of bonuses. The scheme “required number of points - Number of types of bonuses” (hereinafter I will call this scheme in short TKO-CHRB) will not work. Because it turns out 3-3=0. There will always be a minimum of 3-3=1.

Now a full explanation of the words Radish, And LeonKiller.UA.
As it turned out, there are no those here who are right or wrong; it would be more accurate to say that all three of us are NOT COMPLETELY wrong.
Actually their example of pumping:
When I started playing on hard for the second time, of course, I figured out in advance how to distribute the points.
I took the bow:
1) scientist (+1 craft, +1 blacksmithing)
2) pragmatism (+1 craft) - social skill in conversations, see what you do
3) bracers (+1 craft, +1 blacksmithing)
4) belt (+1 craft +1 blacksmithing)
in total we have no invested points. Craft -4, Blacksmith -3.
we put 1 point into the craft - the total craft is 5
We invest 1+2=3 points in the blacksmith. Blacksmithing is also 5.
4 talent points, 1 trait and 1 social skill spent

Yes, it is also worth considering that the order of taking is not important, but I will do it in an example for ease of understanding and clarity.
So, taking the SCIENTIST talent at the beginning of the game. you will receive level 1. It would seem that the calculation should be according to TKO-CHRB, which means 1 point (first level requirement) minus 1 (variety from talent) = 0. But as I described the exception above - below the unit required for pumping, the requirement cannot fall below the MINIMUM. Therefore, having taken the scientist talent at the beginning, you will receive 1-1 = 1 (minimum required) request for 1 point for the increase that the talent already gives you (+1 handicraft), so you will have the 1st level of skill. And here, if you have one or more free ability points, you can check the accuracy of my studies. Point at the plus sign next to handicrafts (appears if there are enough points to level up) When raising the skill level from first to second (having a third-party bonus from talent, which means ONE number of types of bonuses) you will need 2 points (TKO) MINUS 1 point ( CHRB). In total, the second level can be obtained for the scientist talent (itself gives 1 point required for the first level of the skill) + (2-1) = 1 invested ability point.

But for now, considering the words of the people above as an example, we will remove this embedded point. We just have the talent of a scientist and the 1st level of skill. Next in line is pragmatism. Having received it, we get one skill point that it gives. And according to the TKO-CHRB scheme, we get the second level. Namely: the first level gives talent; the second one will pass (based on the calculation) 2(TKO)-2(CRB)=0. Yes, yes, it is the NBR that will be equal to two, because now this skill is increased for us by talent and character trait - TWO types of bonuses! But since the required minimum is 1 point, the second level will look like 2-2=1. 1 point required to obtain the second level. Pragmatism gives it to us. Therefore, the skill will become equal to level 2. Next, we find, for example, bracers for +1 needlework. There are two ways to calculate this, and both will be correct. Having already the second level of skill, and TWO types of third-party enhancements, we put on these same bracers. We get the third level.

The first method of calculation: we have the second level of skill, which means that to get the third, according to the TKO-CHRB scheme, 3-2 (talent + pragmatism) = 1 point is required. Since we put on the bracers, they give us this point - the skill becomes the third level

The second method of calculation: we have the second level of skill, which means that to get the third, according to the TKO-CHRB scheme, 3-3 (talent + pragmatism + equipment) = 0 points are required. But based on the “mandatory minimum”, one thing is still required. Since we put on the bracers, they give us this point - the skill becomes the third level

Let's move on. After the bracers, we find a belt with +1 needlework. There are NOT four varieties. And still three (equipment + talent + pragmatism). It’s just that one of these types of bonuses, namely equipment, gives two points when the others give one. This means that to raise a skill from the third level to the fourth, we need 4-3 = 1 point. Please note that the mandatory minimum is no longer considered, because 0 MSW is not created. And since we put on the belt, it gives us this point. We get the fourth level of the skill. It cost us talent (1) + pragmatism (1) + equipment (2). And yes, no points invested. But to raise the skill from the fourth to the fifth level, we need 5-3=2. Where 5 is the number of points required equal to the skill level. 3 - the number of varieties (equipment, talent, pragmatism), NOT dependent on the number of points received by each individually. The types of bonuses, I repeat, will remain equal to three. Only equipment will simply give +2 skill points.
It turns out that from the fourth to the fifth level, raising a skill costs 2 points. If you also (and if they exist in the game) find, for example, boots with +1 handicraft, then.... the skill will remain level 4. After all, 2 points are required.
The result will be like this:
According to the calculations above, we get the 4th level of needlework.
To get the fifth one, you need:
or put on an additional item that gives +2 handicrafts
or put on two additional things that give +1 handicrafts
or add 2 ability points
or put on an additional item that gives +1 handicraft, and put 1 point into it.

The sixth level will accordingly cost 6-3=3 in this case. Seventh 7-3=4, etc.
If you, for example, do not have pragmatism, then for everyone else you will only receive the 3rd level of skill. The fourth one will cost 4-2=2. And the fifth one is 5-2=3. Total 2 things + talent + 5 points. Instead of pragmatism + 2 things + talent + 2 points.
Wow, I wrote so much... But I got tired of all the music)
And will there be sincere believers who will call this.... creation - pre-antique delusional??))