House 2 fresh fight Gritsenko. Roman Gritsenko may leave the project due to a fight with Maslov

The other day there was a terrible brawl between Roman Gritsenko and Zhenya Maslov. The guys spent time in the clearing another competition, and suddenly Artem Soroka made an unsuccessful joke in the direction of Gritsenko, picking up the same joke Zhenya also began to mock Roma, the “project leader” Roma several times warned Zhenya to stop, but the guy continued to provoke.
Gritsenko, unable to contain his emotions, attacked the provocateur Zhenya and began beating him. The guys in the clearing at first tried to separate the guys, but later they left them alone so that they could measure their strength.
So a serious fight broke out between the guys. During the fight, both participants were injured.
The consequences are not comforting, Gritsenko broke his arm, after which he was put in a plaster cast, and Zhenya ended up with a black eye and serious problems with it, his eyesight dropped significantly.
Maslova, presenter - Andrey Cherkasov on frontal place deprived of disqualification from the project for a week so that he could receive medical treatment and at the same time think about his behavior, but whether he will return to the clearing or not is not yet known.

Yes, of course both are to blame! This cruelty and impunity, what next? Your vision may not be the same as before! “I’m sure everything that was not shown on air, but it’s just meat,” Maslov said.

They decided not to kick out the favorite of presenter Olga Buzova, Roman Gritsenko, from the TV set, but only to intimidate him. And we will learn from the broadcasts what they will decide next with the robbers.

"happened another fight. Based on the consequences, this brawl will probably be remembered by TV viewers for a long time. They clashed in a fierce battle new member Evgeniy Maslov and Roman Gritsenko, who considers himself a “legend” of the project and is known to fans of the TV show as a fan of Olga Buzova.

It all started with a joke addressed to Roma. Moreover, caustic statements came from the mouth of another participant Artema Soroka. Zhenya appreciated the joke and decided to repeat it several times. Gritsenko asked his colleague to “shut his mouth,” at which Maslov lost his temper and, taking out an umbrella from somewhere, swung at his opponent. As a result, the guys attacked each other. It is curious that the witnesses to the fight did not try to separate Roma and Zhenya, but considered that the guys should resolve the issue in a fair fight. As a result, Gritsenko broke his arm, and Maslov almost lost his eye.

Fight between Roma Gritsenko and Zhenya Maslov

The presenters of “House-2”, having learned about the incident, assembled an emergency Execution Station. The project participants were divided into two camps: some called Zhenya Maslov a provocateur, others thought that Roma Gritsenko was arrogant and allowed himself too much. As a result, the resolution of the issue was postponed for a week.

While Roman Gritsenko remains silent, Evgeniy Maslov published a photo on his Instagram microblog showing the consequences of a terrible fight. " Well, what is your opinion on this situation? Yes, of course both are to blame, but? This cruelty and impunity, what next? Your vision may not be the same as before! I’m sure everything that was not shown on air, but it’s just meat!” - wrote a participant in “House-2” (the author’s spelling and punctuation are given without changes. - Note ed.).

Evgeny Maslov almost lost his eye

Roman Gritsenko broke his arm

Let us remember that Roman Gritsenko has been involved in fights more than once. So, in early July, Artem Soroka fell under his hot hand. Roma didn’t like that Artyom interrupted him. Gritsenko attacked Soroka with his fists right in front of the presenters. The guys were separated by other participants and security.

Roman Gritsenko attacked Artem Soroka with his fists (still from the reality show “Dom-2”)

In the clearing, the participants had a joint dinner. Victor hid Lena Khromina’s plate with food, Khromina got angry and pushed the glass of milk away from her, the glass fell and the milk spilled. Simon reprimanded Lena and insulted her. Mardanshin suggested to Lena that she clean the kitchen and not do the work. Lena quarreled with everyone.

Fight between Simon and Artyom Soroka

Sam took Margot in his arms and left the forehead with her, Lena gave him a kick. Soroka went after the couple. Artem said that his woman had been taken away and he was going to rescue her. Lena told the host that Sam told her that she had been bullying him for a whole week, and now he would mock her until she apologized.

Simon told Margot that it was a mistake that they separated. Artem came and invited Margo to return to the front office. Mardanshin got angry and got into a fight with Artyom. Lena joined Artem. The guys separated everyone, and Borodina asked Simon what reaction he expected from Lena; they broke up three minutes ago.

The day before, Roma Gritsenko and Zhenya Maslov beat each other. The fight was very brutal and such aggression has not happened on the project for a long time. And, if Zhenya Maslov is the instigator of constant assault and a provocateur, then Roman’s actions caused surprise among the entire team.

The project participants do not recognize Roma, the once kind and positive guy who with such anger struck Zhenya in the face and continued to hit him while he was lying on the ground. And although the reason for the fight was a harmless joke from Evgeniy, the team suspects that main reason Roman's failures on the project could have been. Gritsenko in lately dreamed of becoming a presenter, but so far no one is going to appoint him, and Buzova is in no hurry to build a relationship with him.

So far, the presenters have made a decision only about Maslov - he is disqualified. Zhenya has a serious eye injury, and Roman has a broken arm. Gritsenko is very worried about this situation, because his stay on the project is under threat.

Despite good relationship with the team, many participants believe that Roma needs to be severely punished, and some find it difficult to objectively assess the situation because of friendship. Tatyana Musulbes published an entire post in support of Roma, where she admitted that she could not be objective and did not want Gritsenko to leave the project. And what punishment Roman Gritsenko will suffer will be decided tonight by the hosts at the front.

The day before, July 16, participants urgently gathered in “House-2” at the place of execution under the leadership of presenter Andrei Cherkasov. The reason for the meeting turned out to be a bloody fight between Roman Gritsenko and Evgeniy Maslov. Let us note that the boys themselves suffered as a result of the massacre. Gritsenko broke his fingers, and Maslov’s eye was very swollen from the blows. Moreover, Evgeniy stated that, fortunately, the eye was saved, but he cannot see with it.


Judging by the recording of the fight shown on the show, Evgeniy became the initiator of the massacre. He made jokes of an intimate nature to Roman several times, and eventually the guy’s patience ran out. The rest of the participants tried to separate the rivals, but they failed. As a result, the guys gave up on Gritsenko and Maslov and just watched as the guys beat each other up.

TV presenters and participants are terrified of the consequences. Judging by the situation, Gritsenko and Maslova will not let this happen. Please note that assault is prohibited in “House-2”.

Show participant Sasha Cherno commented on what happened on her Instagram page: “My wife was very lucky that they didn’t show everything, otherwise he would have been not just outside the perimeter, but not in such remote places. This situation simply did not pass by more than one participant, Conclusions They did everything. I personally will never raise my hand against anyone again. Therefore, he is lucky that in this situation he is a victim. I wish him a speedy recovery, keep an eye on his language, and control his actions in the future. in a fit of anger (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved. – Editor’s note).”