Visual tabs for the Mozilla Firefox browser. Visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox

Immediately after opening, it presents the user with a page on which all available visual bookmarks are stored. Due to failures or incorrect installation, the application may not have such a page; in the article we provide a list of recommended measures that will help display visual bookmarks in any browser installed on the computer. Don’t neglect the convenience that a list with links to the most frequently visited sites can provide. As practice shows, bookmarks significantly save time searching for the desired resource, optimizing the user’s experience on the Internet.

Mozilla Firefox web browser

Make visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox possible in two ways.

To configure tabs in the first way, you need to remember the features of this browser; in Firefox, the system settings stored by default will include on the home page those visual bookmarks that are links to sites visited the last time you used the application.

So that the user can personally verify the information that is on this moment located on the home page, you need to find the “Settings” subcategory in the browser program menu. Among other options, selecting the “Basic” section will help you adjust the work of Firefox in accordance with your personal preferences. In one of the drop-down menu items called “When Firefox starts,” you should select the command “Show windows and tabs opened last time.” Then in the field that is located opposite the home page address, you need to delete all the data so that it remains empty. The above manipulations will allow Firefox to set its page first, in other words, display visual bookmarks as the first loaded page. As a result, you will only need to save the created changes.

To create visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox in the second way, you will have to resort to the help of one of the most popular Yandex services.

One of the most famous and popular search engines among users, Yandex, allows anyone to install a specific add-on that allows detailed customization of visual bookmarks, while simultaneously increasing their quantitative volume.

After the user downloads the corresponding program, it will need to be installed, allowing the web browser to add an add-on. The application to install requires restarting Firefox.

Working in the Google Chrome web browser

Visual bookmarks that appear in Chrome browser, can only be edited when the “Quick Access Page” is enabled as the initial page. You can configure it through the “Settings” category, which is located in the main menu of the program. When setting the parameters of the “Initial group”, you need to check the box next to the “Quick access page” section.

After the next opening Google Chrome will display visual bookmarks of pages that the user visited during his last time on the Internet.

Today you can find more advanced visual bookmarks for Google Chrome. You can install them using a specialized extension. To do this, you need to find the “Extensions” section in the system settings; if it is empty, you will have to check the gallery. Among other extensions, visual bookmarks for Google Chrome will help you install the found “speed dial”. This extension will appear in your web browser immediately after you click Install. This procedure will allow you to add your favorite resources to your home page in a way that is more convenient for the PC owner.

Opera browser

It should be noted that in earlier versions the user had to manually configure visual bookmarks, while latest versions programs have them by default.

To add a list of preferred web resources, enter the main menu by clicking on the “Opera” button and select the “Preferences” category in the “Settings” of your web browser. The same manipulation can be performed by simultaneously pressing the CTRL+F12 keys. Then, in the “General” category, find the “Startup” section. In the start page settings, you must select the “Start with Speed ​​Dial” command. This will allow you to display visual bookmarks. The created changes should be saved using the “Ok” button.

Standard web browser Internet Explorer

Despite the fact that this particular web browser was one of the first to be created, the speed of its development today leaves much to be desired. Unlike typical applications, it improves too slowly; even in versions 8 and 9, Internet Explorer did not have automatically configured visual bookmarks that functioned by default. You could set up the home page using the second method, used in Mozilla (Mozilla Firefox).

In other words, the program could be supplemented exclusively by third-party Yandex extensions. The user must go to the search engine page using Internet Explorer, find the appropriate extension and install it to further display tabs.

Working in Yandex Browser

Making visual bookmarks for Yandex Browser is very simple; all you need to do is open the application. The Yandex web browser provides the user with the opportunity to begin setting up tabs immediately after installing the program.

So, having visual bookmarks for the Yandex browser by default, you can open a new tab by clicking on the “+” icon located with right side, next to the last tab you opened. This manipulation can be done by simultaneously pressing the “CTRL+N” buttons.

For the first time, the list opened on the screen will display the sites that the user visited during his last visit to the global network. You can add new web resources by clicking on the “Add site” command located on the right side.

Visual bookmarks for the Yandex browser can be configured by manually entering the electronic name of the corresponding site, or by copying the contents of the address bar. After clicking on the search result, the important resource will automatically appear in the list.

The advantage of Yandex.Browser is that the user can change electronic web resources in places by dragging them at his discretion using the mouse, delete unnecessary sites and pin the necessary ones. Equipped with a button and a cross, the tab helps to respectively pin (install in a specific location) and remove an unnecessary site from the list of bookmarks. You can confirm the changes made by clicking on the “Done” button.

Among other things, visual bookmarks for the Yandex browser can be more optimal and functional; this effect can be achieved by installing a specialized extension.


Modern web browsers allow the user to customize applications in accordance with the personal preferences of the PC owner. The user can remove and add visual tabs, making working at the computer more convenient.

Visual bookmarks is an extension with which you can go to sites you frequently visit in one click. Bookmarks are saved as thumbnail images and are available when you open a new browser tab. In addition, Visual Bookmarks allow you to:

Add a visual bookmark

By default, the new tab page displays the sites you visit most often. This list is constantly changing.

You can add the sites you need manually, in which case they will always be on the screen. To add a visual bookmark:

  1. Open a new tab.
  2. On the right under visual bookmarks, click the button Add a bookmark.
  3. Enter the website address. You can also select a site from the Popular or Recently visited.
  4. If you want to change the site name on the widget, click the button Edit description.

Edit list of visual bookmarks

To reposition or edit a bookmark, hover your mouse over the bookmark. In the upper right corner of the bookmark you will see icons that you can use to:

Change the position of bookmarks
Pin bookmark
Unpin bookmark
Delete bookmark Click the icon.
Change bookmark position
Edit bookmark
Edit description
Change the position of bookmarks
Pin bookmark The position of your bookmarks changes, as their list is automatically generated from the sites you visit most. To ensure that the bookmark always remains in the same place and does not disappear over time, click the icon.
Unpin bookmark Click the icon. The bookmark may then be replaced over time by a site you visit more often, or moved.
Delete bookmark Click the icon.
Change bookmark position Touch and hold a bookmark and drag it to a new location.
Edit bookmark
Change the page the bookmark goes to Click the icon and enter the site address in the window that appears.
Add or edit page title on a bookmark Click the icon, then in the window that appears, click the button Edit description and enter or edit the page title.

Customize Visual Bookmarks

Also on the new tab you can further customize the extension: change the number of bookmarks and their appearance on the page, as well as select the background and make backup copy bookmarks

To open the settings menu:

  1. Open a new tab.
  2. On the right, under visual bookmarks, click the Settings button.

You can change the following settings:

Number of bookmarks Allows you to increase or decrease the number of displayed bookmarks.
Bookmark type Allows you to change the appearance of visual bookmarks:

    logos and headings;

    logos and screenshots;

    website screenshots.

Change background Changes the background to one of the preset images.
Upload your background Allows you to upload an image from your computer. We recommend choosing an image that is the same size as your screen, such as a desktop wallpaper. If the image is smaller, the browser will stretch it.
Change background every day Enables alternating preset background images.
Extra options
Bookmarks bar Allows you to quickly go to the main and initial pages of the browser, as well as to Yandex services.
Search bar Shows the Yandex search bar in a new tab.
Context Suggestions Allows you to enable or disable contextual advertising on the page with visual bookmarks.
Take into account my location in Yandex services When this option is enabled, services take your location into account. For example, Weather will show the forecast for the location where you are.
Automatically send anonymous statistics Allows sending anonymous statistics to Yandex. This helps make our services better.
Show information panel Enables an information panel in a new tab. The panel displays:
  • location;
  • weather;
  • traffic congestion;
  • Exchange Rates.
Show in a new tab Zen - personal recommendations feed Enables Zen when opening a new tab. The selection of content is based on your interests, search queries and browser history.
Save to file You can save a list of your bookmarks to a file. This will help you avoid losing them if synchronization was not enabled and the browser crashed.
Load from file It will help you transfer your bookmarks from another browser or restore them if a failure occurs or you accidentally deleted them.

Many users, when launching their browser, begin to enter a specific address into the address bar, most often this is the familiar search engine Yandex or Google. Agree – this is not always convenient.

That is why in this article I will tell you how to make a start page in various popular browsers.

The start page is the page that opens immediately when the browser starts. Accordingly, you can start working with it without doing any unnecessary actions.

In many browsers, you can set any site that is interesting to you as the start page. For example, in the article I will describe, how to make the Yandex search engine your start page in selected browsers.

How to make a start page in Google Chrome

Launch Google Chrome, click on the “Menu” button and go to the “Settings” of the browser.

In field "Add page" Enter the URL of the site we need and click “OK”. As I said above, I enter the address of the Yandex search engine. You can insert here any other address of a site that is interesting to you.

Please note that when you launch the browser, all pages in this list will open in tabs. Those of them that you do not need can be deleted by clicking on the cross.

If you have several pages from which you prefer to start working in the browser, you can use visual bookmarks for Google Chrome. For convenience, you can also configure settings home page by clicking on the house icon in the upper left corner of the browser.

How to make a start page in Mozilla Firefox

Launch Firefox and go to “Menu” - “Settings”.

On the “Basic” tab, expand the drop-down list "When Firefox starts" and take in "Show home page".

Now in the field "Homepage" enter the desired address. In my case, the Yandex search engine will be the start page for Mozilla Firefox.

Thanks to many different extensions, you can set Yandex visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox as your start page. Install the desired extension and copy the address of the page with open visual bookmarks into the field "Homepage".

With their help you will get quick access to many sites. Moreover, they display the sites that you visit most often, and you can also customize them yourself.

How to make a start page in Opera

Launch the browser and click the “Menu” button in the upper left corner, from the list go to “Settings”.

On the “Basic” tab, in the “At startup” section, put a marker next to the item “Open a specific page or several pages”, then follow the link "Set Pages".

Now in the field "Add the required page" enter the address of the page that will be your starting page and click “OK”.

Now I have a Yandex start page in Opera, you will have the one whose address you enter. This is what will open when you start the browser.

How to make a start page in Internet Explorer

Let's launch the browser. Unfortunately, you won’t find the “Menu” button here, so press Alt on your keyboard. The standard IE menu will appear. Click on the “Service” tab and select the item "Internet Options".

In the next window, on the “General” tab, pay attention to the section "Homepage". Now copy the URL of the page you want to make the start page and paste it into the free field, click “Apply” and “OK”.

If you want several pages to open at once when IE starts, enter the address of each of them in this field on a new line.

How to make a start page in Yandex.Browser

The browser is the newest, at the time of writing, and, in my opinion, the most “interesting”: after all, the developers in it have removed the function of customizing the start page (maybe they will change something later).

Click on the "Menu" button and select "Settings".

Here you can mark with a marker or , or “Restore tabs opened last time”.

In the second case, when you start the browser, all sites that you did not close last time will open. If you check this item and close all tabs when you finish working in the browser, then when you start it again, the Yandex start page will open.

Considering that, as an example, I make Yandex the start page in all browsers, this will suit me. But…

If you want to make any other site as a start page, check the box "Open quick access page". Now, when you launch Yandex.Browser, a page will open that looks like this - this is the so-called “Tableboard”.

It is very similar to visual bookmarks. Thumbnails of sites you frequently visit will be displayed in rectangles. By clicking on one of them, you will immediately go to the desired page. In addition, you can add up to 20 miniatures with the sites you need and pin any of them in a specific square. As for me, this can be used as an alternative to setting the start page in Yandex.Browser.

Now you should not have any questions about how to make the start page in such popular browsers as: Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, Internet Explorer and Yandex.Browser. Everything is done very easily and quickly.

A functional new tab in any browser is quite a useful thing, which allows you to quickly perform various operations, for example, open certain sites. For this reason, the “Visual Bookmarks” add-on, released by Yandex, is very popular among users of all browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc. Is it possible to install visual tabs in Yandex Browser, and how to do it?

If you have installed Yandex.Browser, then there is no need to set visual bookmarks separately, since they are already installed in the browser automatically. “Visual bookmarks” are part of Yandex Elements, which we talked about in more detail. It is also impossible to install visual bookmarks from Yandex from the Google extensions market - the browser will report that it does not support this extension.

You cannot disable or enable visual bookmarks yourself, and they are always available to the user when he opens a new tab by clicking on the corresponding icon in the tab row:

The difference between visual bookmarks in Yandex Browser and other browsers

The functionality of visual bookmarks built into Yandex and a separate extension installed in other browsers is absolutely identical. The difference lies only in some interface details - for their browser, the developers have made visual bookmarks somewhat more unique. Let's compare the visual bookmarks installed in Chrome:

And in Yandex.Browser:

The difference is small and is this:

  • in other browsers, the top toolbar with the address bar, bookmarks, and extension icons remains “native”, but in Yandex.Browser it changes when a new tab is open;
  • in Yandex Browser, the address bar also plays the role of a search bar, thereby not being duplicated, as in other browsers;
  • interface elements such as weather, traffic jams, mail, etc. are absent in the visual tabs of Yandex.Browser and are included as needed by the user;
  • the “Closed Tabs”, “Downloads”, “Bookmarks”, “History”, “Applications” buttons for Yandex Browser and other browsers are located in different places;
  • the settings for visual bookmarks in Yandex Browser and other browsers are different;
  • in Yandex.Browser all backgrounds are live (animated), but in other browsers they will be static.

How to set up visual bookmarks in Yandex Browser

Visual bookmarks in Yandex Browser are called “Tableau”. Here you can add up to 18 widgets of your favorite sites with counters. Counters display the number of incoming emails or in social networks, which eliminates the need to manually update sites. You can add a bookmark by clicking on the " Add»:

You can change the widget by hovering over it to the right top part- then 3 buttons will be displayed: blocking the widget’s location on the panel, settings, removing the widget from the panel:

Unlocked visual bookmarks can be easily dragged by clicking on them with the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag the widget to the desired location.

Using the " Enable Sync", you can synchronize Yandex.Browser of the current computer and other devices:

To open the bookmark manager that you created in Yandex.Browser, click on the button " All bookmarks»:

Button " Customize screen"allows you to access the settings of all widgets, add a new visual bookmark", as well as change the background of the tab:

We have already written more about how to change the background of visual bookmarks here:

Using visual bookmarks is a great way to not only quickly access the sites and browser functions you need, but also a great opportunity to decorate your new tab.