What does the work in m garshina signal teach? Lesson summary “analytical reading of a story in. M. Garshina "signal"

Semyon Ivanov serves as a watchman at railway. He is an experienced man, but not very successful. Nine years ago, in 1878, I went to war and fought with the Turks. He was not wounded, but lost his health.

Returned to native village- the farm didn’t work out, their little son died, and he and his wife went to new places to look for happiness. Not found.

Semyon met a former officer of his regiment during his wanderings. He recognized Semyon, sympathized and found him a job at railway station, over which he was in charge.

Semyon received a new hut, as much firewood as you wanted, a vegetable garden, a salary - and he and his wife began to set up housekeeping. The work was not a burden to Semyon, and he kept his entire section of the journey in order.

Semyon also met his neighbor Vasily, who was looking after the adjacent plot. When they met on rounds, they began to talk.

Semyon endures all his troubles and failures stoically: “God did not give him happiness.” Vasily believes that his life is so poor because others profit from his work - rich people and bosses, all of them are bloodsuckers and flayers, and he hates all of them fiercely.

Meanwhile, an important audit arrives from St. Petersburg. Semyon put everything in order in his area ahead of time, and he was praised. But at Vasily’s site everything turned out differently. He had been in a quarrel with the road foreman for a long time. According to the rules, it was necessary to ask this master for permission to plant a vegetable garden, but Vasily neglected it and planted cabbage without permission - he ordered it to be dug up. Vasily got angry and decided to complain about the master to the big boss. Not only did he not accept the complaint, but he yelled at Vasily and hit him in the face.

Vasily threw the booth at his wife - and went to Moscow to seek justice, now against this boss. Yes, apparently I didn’t find it. Four days passed, Semyon met Vasily’s wife on a round, her face was swollen from tears, and she did not want to talk to Semyon.

Just at this time, Semyon went into the forest to cut the willow grass: he made pipes out of it for sale. While returning, near the railway embankment I heard strange sounds - as if iron was clanking on iron. He crept closer and saw: Vasily had tampered with the rail with a crowbar and had torn up the track. I saw Semyon and ran away.

Semyon stands over the torn rail and doesn’t know what to do. You can't put it in place with your bare hands. Vasily has the key and crowbar - but no matter how much Semyon called him to come back, he didn’t come back. A passenger train should be leaving soon.

“It’s at this curve that he’ll get off the rail,” Semyon thinks, “and the embankment is high, eleven fathoms, the carriages will fall down, and there will be small children...” Semyon started to run to the hut for the tool, but realized that he wouldn’t have time . I ran back - I could already hear the distant whistle - the train was coming soon.

Then a light seemed to illuminate his head. Semyon took off his hat, took out a scarf from it, crossed himself, hit himself right hand with a knife above the elbow, a stream of blood sprayed out. He soaked his handkerchief in it, put it on a stick (the waistcoat that he brought from the forest came in handy) - and raised a red flag - a signal to the driver that he needed to stop the train.

But, apparently, Semyon wounded his hand too deeply - the blood is gushing without stopping, his eyes are getting dark and there is only one thought in his head: “Help, Lord, send a shift.”

Semyon could not stand it and lost consciousness, fell to the ground, but the flag did not fall - his other hand grabbed it and raised it high towards the train. The driver manages to brake, people jump out onto the embankment and see a man covered in blood, lying unconscious, and next to another, with a bloody rag in his hand...

This is Vasily. He looks around at those gathered and says: “Tie me up, I turned away the rail.”

In the story “The Signal” (1887) no love story, but the noted motive manifests itself even more sharply in it. The heroes of the story do not paint pictures, do not discuss philosophical problems and cannot determine the fate of humanity. They are small people who live by small interests: a cabbage patch, a salary, oppression from their superiors - their interests do not go further. But in their conversations about these subjects, Semyon and Vasily pose the same question as Gelfreich, who created his painting about Ilya Muromets.

In his youth, Semyon was at war, served as an orderly and could not perform any remarkable feats that could determine the outcome of the battle due to his position. But for Garshin, Semyon is a man of great soul, and his feat lies in the fact that he did not become embittered towards life and people, although he had every reason for this.

True, passivity and fatalism are clearly noticeable in his attitude to life. These are the traits that irritate his interlocutor Vasily. “It’s not talent-fate,” Vasily objects to Semyon, “that is eating away at you and me forever, but people. There is no beast in the world more predatory and meaner than a man" Vasily’s position is that of a person who does not want to submit to fate and therefore enters into a struggle with people and circumstances. But for Garshin, the laws of struggle have their own harsh dialectics: an embittered person who has lost faith in people, even in his just anger against the perpetrators of evil, can cause the death of innocent people. Here Semyon and Vasily change places. Semyon actively takes part in the fight against evil, saving a train with people unaware of the danger that threatens them, and Vasily recognizes his rightness and the unrighteousness of the path he has taken. But Semyon’s activity is of a special kind. It is based on self-sacrifice, and if he raises a red flag, then this flag is soaked in his own blood.

The question of what is good and evil is posed in this story somewhat simplified and unambiguous, in the spirit of Tolstoy’s morality of non-resistance to evil through violence, but thanks to the simplicity of the plot and the noble heroic sacrifice of its protagonist, the story produces a strong emotional impact. It was precisely this goal that Garshin strove for, since he intended it for the people.

For Garshin, morality has always been simple, but the question of why this simple morality cannot be realized in people’s lives was endlessly complex. In each of his stories, Garshin posed with painful acuteness the question of truth and untruth, about the various manifestations and forms of modern evil, and therefore his small stories were filled with large and deep content.

Gleb Uspensky rightly wrote: “...in his small stories and fairy tales, sometimes several pages long, the entire content of our life, under the conditions in which both Garshin and all his readers had to live, was positively exhausted.

When I say “the entire content of our life,” I am not using some pompous and thoughtless phrase here, no, precisely everything that our life gave the most important to his mind and heart (ours does not mean only Russian, but the life of people of our time in general), everything down to the last detail was experienced, felt by him with the most burning feeling, and that is why it could only be expressed in two, and even such small, books.” The same idea was expressed by another contemporary of Garshin, P. F. Yakubovich.

Both the revolutionary poet and the greatest prose writer and essayist-sociologist essentially recognized a fact that was unusual both for the literature of the 80s and for previous Russian literature. Short stories reflected the main content of the era.

Later, thanks to Korolenko, Chekhov, Bunin, this idea will no longer be perceived as a paradox. Garshin managed to open up new possibilities for the small genre. He combined the strict objectivity of the narrative with lyrical emotion and a clearly formulated author's point of view.

In subjective lyrical experiences he discovered social basis. He combined the realism of descriptions with a romantic transformation of life, specific images with allegorical and symbolic generalizations, everyday sketches with philosophical understanding reality.

Garshin contrasted the gloomy pessimism and rosy optimism, not uncommon in the literature of the 80s, with his doubts, questions, wise skepticism and at the same time the pathos of asceticism. In the usual course of everyday life, he was able to see the tragedy, and in tragic fate extraordinary heroes are features of the new morality.

He created new type a hero - a man of sensitive conscience and exposed nerves, who felt personal responsibility for public untruths, a hero who will become one of the main ones in democratic literature late XIX V.

History of Russian literature: in 4 volumes / Edited by N.I. Prutskov and others - L., 1980-1983.

The railway watchman Semyon saw the rails damaged by his envious neighbor Vasily, and an approaching train in the distance. Semyon decided to warn the driver. He inflicted a deep wound on himself, moistened a rag with blood and raised the flag. However, from loss of blood, Semyon fell and lost consciousness. The train driver, seeing a red signal ahead, stopped the train. The people who got off the train were amazed: a bloody Semyon was lying on the rails, and Vasily was holding a red rag next to him and repeating his confession of guilt.

Detailed retelling

Ivanov Semyon worked as a security guard on the railway. After returning from the war against the Turks, Semyon could not find work for a long time. The only son died. He and his wife had to move to new lands and look for a good life. During his wanderings, Semyon met an officer with whom he served together. The officer was in charge of the railway station, and he assigned Semyon to his job as a watchman. They allocated Ivanov a trailer, and he and his wife began to settle in. They planted a vegetable garden and organized the farm. Semyon liked this work; his section of the route was always in perfect order.

Ivanov became friends with his neighbor, his name was Vasily. He constantly blamed all his bosses for his misfortunes and believed that they were profiting from his labors. Vasily was overwhelmed with feelings of hatred towards people. Semyon endured all the hardships steadfastly and courageously, believing that everything was God’s will. Semyon was the complete opposite of his neighbor.

Vasily had disagreements with the local road foreman. Vasily planted a vegetable garden on his property without permission or relevant documents. The master did not like this, he ordered the garden to be destroyed. The men got into a fight. Vasily complained to the chief about the foreman, but he scolded the watchman and refused the complaint. An inspection arrived at the station. Semyon was fine at the station, but Vasily received a reprimand. Then Vasily decided to go to the capital, seek advice from the local leadership, from higher authorities. He returned from Moscow a few days later, having achieved nothing. Vasily became even more embittered.

One day Semyon went into the forest to trim some willow branches. He made pipes from them, and then sold them at the local market, at least some extra penny for the house. On the way back, he heard a metallic grinding sound at the station, the watchman thought that someone was plundering the road; coming closer, Semyon saw Vasily destroying the railway tracks with a crowbar. The neighbor moved the rail, and, noticing Semyon, disappeared into the forest.

Semyon knew that a passenger train was about to leave. I tried to return the rail to its place with my bare hands, but it didn’t work, I needed a tool. You won't have time to run far to the station, the train will derail. He shouted to his neighbor Vasily, but he didn’t come. The whistle of an approaching train sounded. Semyon was afraid there would be an accident. It would be necessary to signal the driver to brake, but there is nothing to do. Then Semyon took off his hat, took out a white handkerchief, wounded his hand with the tip of a knife, soaked the handkerchief in blood and waved at the train. The watchman asks God to help him with this. The man feels sick, he loses consciousness, but he thinks about one thing, if only the driver sees the signal. Semyon fell, and someone’s hand grabbed his handkerchief and waved it. The driver saw the signal and stopped the train. People came running, a man was lying on the tracks covered in blood, and Vasily was standing next to him with a scarf. Arrest me, said Vasily, it was I who caused the accident.

This is a work about great courage common man, he was not afraid to sacrifice his health, to risk his life, so that other people could live. The story teaches decency and courage.

Picture or drawing Signal

Other retellings for the reader's diary

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Zibritskaya Victoria

In the essay the author raises moral problems good and evil, analyzing the story of V.M. Garshin "Signal" and the story by V. A. Soloukhin "Avenger". Both works lead the reader to the idea that revenge is a terrible act. Each person has a choice: to take revenge or to refuse revenge.




"Only man is responsible

For good and evil"

8th grade student.

Head: Kenzhebaeva L.I.-

Russian language teacher and


Municipal state educational institution

"Skalista comprehensive school"


Everyone chooses for themselves

A woman, religion, a road.

To serve the devil or the prophet

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Yu. Levitansky.

Life is so arranged that sometimes we are greatly offended. But sometimes we ourselves

we offend other people. It happens: we are overwhelmed by resentment, and there is a desire to take revenge, to hurt the one who offended us or to punish him in some other way. Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin described this situation to us in his story “Signal”.

In this story, the main characters Semyon and Vasily are watchmen on the railway. Vasily is a very difficult person, harmful, always dissatisfied with everything. He always complained to his partner Semyon about life. Vasily received more salary than Semyon. Vasily had a conflict with the head of the distance.

I believe that Vasily himself is to blame, because he should not have approached the boss with his complaint about the vegetable garden during the commission’s inspection of the tracks. The boss simply had no time for him, Vasily insulted the boss, and he hit him. And after the blow from his boss, Vasily was blinded by resentment; at first he went to Moscow to complain about his boss, but returned with nothing. And he came up with a plan for revenge, he decided to damage the railway track. He thought only about himself, he wanted to kill a lot of people out of resentment. Because of his desire for revenge, Vasily did not think about anyone. He didn't think about the passengers. Why should they die? Why will the innocent suffer? He left them no choice, they would all die. If his partner Semyon had also thought only about himself, he, killed by his problems, would have closed his eyes and passed by. What would have happened if it hadn't been good people. If Vasily had broken the rails, and Semyon would have passed by. Semyon committed heroic act! He took responsibility for what was happening. Because of his problems, he did not become embittered, nor did he lose the kindness in his heart. Semyon

inflicts a deep cut on himself, blood runs heavily from the wound, in it he wets a handkerchief, turning it into a banner, and waves it, stopping the train. But everything turned black in his eyes, Semyon would have fallen if Vasily had been in last moment didn't support him.

Vasily came to his senses and returned, confessing to his crime.

Revenge is a very bad feeling. Revenge is like a hurricane that sweeps away everything in its path, like a terrible fire that spares no one, like a boomerang. Each person has a choice: to take revenge or to refuse revenge. The one who starts a conflict and begins to take revenge does not know what awaits him, since they will also take revenge on him in return. Therefore, it is better to forgive your offender and give up revenge, although sometimes this is not easy to do. This theme - the theme of revenge continues in the works of modern writers.

I recently read V. Soloukhin’s story “The Avenger”. The desire for revenge is a very strong feeling that manifests itself regardless of what times people live in. It can be very difficult to resist him. A boy who finds himself in a very unpleasant situation does not know what to choose: to take revenge on the offender or to refrain from this desire.

One quiet, warm September morning, a boy main character story, with his classmates digging potatoes in the school plot, instead of sitting in a boring arithmetic lesson. The main entertainment for the boys was placing a heavy ball made of earth on a flexible rod. Then they, swinging the rod, threw the ball - who would go further. The balls flew so far that they were not even visible. The boy bent down to make a heavier ball, when he suddenly felt swipe between the shoulder blades. Straightening up, the boy saw Vitka Agafonov running from him across the paddock with a thick rod in his hand. The main character's eyes filled with tears, but not from physical pain, but from resentment. He thought for a long time why Vitka hit him, but he could not understand, but he felt very bad in his soul... And soon the hero - the narrator - had a plan for revenge, and at school he invited Vitka to the forest to burn a hothouse. But Vitya was afraid that the boy would want to take revenge on him and hit him, but the main character said that he had nothing to worry about, and Vitya agreed. During the walk, the boys became friends, but the narrator thought all the time: “Now I’m his...”, and then he realized that Vitka is a good person, and he should not take revenge on Vita. So the hero of the story decided that he should not beat Vitka, and his soul became light and pleasant, they entered the village as best friends - buddies.

I believe that the hero did the right thing when he decided not to take revenge on his peer, but to forgive the offense and make friends with him. I advise everyone to read this story; it is not only very interesting, but also helps you understand what to do in such a situation and whether it is worth spoiling your friendship with your peer for the sake of resentment.

Our Russian literature is a textbook of life for many readers. These works made me think about the problem moral choice. Each of us may find ourselves in a situation where we want to take revenge, and we decide what to do. We must not forget that “only man is responsible for good and evil.” I read about the life of Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin, he committed suicide, unable to bear it serious illness. Meanwhile, all his works teach us kindness, decency, and humanity. My most favorite piece

V. M. Garshina - fairy tale “Frog - Traveler”. He wrote it based on a foreign fairy tale about a turtle from the collection Indian fairy tales, which crashed after falling from a height. Garshin abandoned the cruel end, his heroine remains alive.

Garshin were addressed to children and that his last work was light and carefree. Against the background of other works by V.M. Garshin, sad and disturbing,

this fairy tale is like living evidence that the joy of life never disappears,

that “the light shines in the darkness.”

Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin


Semyon Ivanov serves as a watchman on the railway. He is an experienced man, but not very successful. Nine years ago, in 1878, I went to war and fought with the Turks. He was not wounded, but lost his health.

He returned to his native village - the farm did not work out, his son died, and he and his wife went to new places to seek happiness. Not found.

Semyon met a former officer of his regiment during his wanderings. He recognized Semyon, sympathized and found him a job at the railway station, over which he was in charge.

Semyon received a new hut, as much firewood as you wanted, a vegetable garden, a salary - and he and his wife began to set up housekeeping. The work was not a burden to Semyon, and he kept his entire section of the journey in order.

Semyon also met his neighbor Vasily, who was looking after the adjacent plot. When they met on rounds, they began to talk.

Semyon endures all his troubles and failures stoically: “God did not give him happiness.” Vasily believes that his life is so poor because others profit from his work - rich people and bosses, all of them are bloodsuckers and flayers, and he hates all of them fiercely.

Meanwhile, an important audit arrives from St. Petersburg. Semyon put everything in order in his area ahead of time, and he was praised. But at Vasily’s site everything turned out differently. He had been in a quarrel with the road foreman for a long time. According to the rules, it was necessary to ask this master for permission to plant a vegetable garden, but Vasily neglected it and planted cabbage without permission - he ordered it to be dug up. Vasily got angry and decided to complain about the master to the big boss. Not only did he not accept the complaint, but he yelled at Vasily and hit him in the face.

Vasily threw the booth at his wife - and went to Moscow to seek justice, now against this boss. Yes, apparently I didn’t find it. Four days passed, Semyon met Vasily’s wife on a round, her face was swollen from tears, and she did not want to talk to Semyon.

Just at this time, Semyon went into the forest to cut the willow grass: he made pipes out of it for sale. While returning, near the railway embankment I heard strange sounds - as if iron was clanking on iron. He crept closer and saw: Vasily had tampered with the rail with a crowbar and had torn up the track. I saw Semyon and ran away.

Semyon stands over the torn rail and doesn’t know what to do. You can't put it in place with your bare hands. Vasily has the key and crowbar - but no matter how much Semyon called him to come back, he didn’t come back. A passenger train should be leaving soon.

“It’s at this curve that he’ll come off the rail,” Semyon thinks, “and the embankment is high, eleven fathoms, and the carriages will fall down, and there will be small children...” Semyon started to run to the hut for the tool, but realized that he wouldn’t make it in time. I ran back - I could already hear the distant whistle - the train was coming.

Then a light seemed to illuminate his head. Semyon took off his hat, took out a scarf from it, crossed himself, stabbed himself in the right hand with a knife above the elbow, and a stream of blood sprayed out. He soaked his handkerchief in it, put it on a stick (the waistcoat he brought from the forest came in handy) and raised a red flag - a signal to the driver that he needed to stop the train.

But, apparently, Semyon wounded his hand too deeply - the blood is gushing without stopping, his eyes are getting dark and there is only one thought in his head: “Help, Lord, send a shift.”

Semyon could not stand it and lost consciousness, fell to the ground, but the flag did not fall - his other hand grabbed it and raised it high towards the train. The driver manages to brake, people jump out onto the embankment and see a man covered in blood, lying unconscious, and next to another, with a bloody rag in his hand...

This is Vasily. He looks around at those gathered and says: “Tie me up, I turned away the rail.”

Semyon Ivanov served as a watchman on the railway. There was no housing around, only booths like the ones Semyon had set up along the road. He got this job by chance. After the war with the Turks, which damaged Semyon’s health, he could not work on his land. Yes, both the father and his 4-year-old son died. So he and his wife went to other lands to seek happiness. Semyon could not find work, and his wife had to go to serve the merchant. And Semyon went on to look for work. At the station he met his regiment officer and he assigned him to serve on the railway. Although the booth was small, it was new and warm, and there was a small vegetable garden with it. Semyon was happy that he would get a cow, and yes, a horse.

Semyon performed his duties regularly, and there was order in his area. He regularly tightened the nuts and straightened the gravel. A couple of months later I met a neighbor. Semyon greeted him, but he muttered a greeting and left. Semyon's wife also dated the neighbor's wife, but his wife was also a woman of few words. However, a month later Semyon and his neighbor met and began to communicate more. But Semyon accepted all his troubles and difficulties and attributed them to fate, and his neighbor, Vasily, was still angry with his superiors that they were drinking his blood and getting fat and rich from it. And he began to complain to Semyon about the road foreman. Vasily planted cabbage in the spring, and the road foreman ordered it to be dug up, since he did not coordinate his planting with him. Vasily decided to complain to the station manager about the foreman, yes, and he fell under the hot hand and received a slap in the face. I decided not to let the station manager take offense and went to Moscow to look for the truth in the department, leaving the booth and his plot to his wife.

After 3 days, Semyon went into the forest to cut branches for pipes, so that he could sell them at the market. And he saw how Vasily pulled the rail to the side in order to lower the train downhill. Yes, but the passenger train had to go. Semyon ran to the booth for a crowbar, but before reaching it he heard that the train was already coming and turned back. There is no crowbar, the flags to warn the driver about the danger remained in the booth. Then Semyon grabbed his handkerchief, cut a vein above the elbow and soaked the handkerchief in red blood. He raised a homemade flag on a stick, which he cut off for pipes, and let’s wave it. Weakened, his eyes began to darken, as he cut his hand deeply, the blood was gushing out. Semyon began to sag and lose consciousness, but he prayed to God that only the driver would see the sign, so that God would send a replacement for Semyon and save the people. Semyon fell, but someone’s hand caught his stick. The driver saw the red flag and managed to brake to the wrong rail.

The train stopped and people got out. They stand, look at the bloody Semyon, and next to him Vasily stands with a bloody flag in his hand and says that he turned the rail and asks: “Tie me up.”