Characteristics and image of Vozhevatov in the play The Dowry of Ostrovsky essay. Characteristics and image of Vozhevatov in the play The Dowry of Ostrovsky, essay Stage fate. Reviews

Vozhevatov Vasily Danilych - one of the characters in the play "Dowry", a very young man, a representative of a wealthy trading company, likes to dress in European style, typical example merchant nobility of the 19th century. This hero relies only on cold calculation and money is an end in itself for him. He treats people depending on their material well-being and social status. The author himself disapproves and even contemptuously treats this hero. Despite the fact that he could very well marry Larisa and save her situation, he prefers to remain on the sidelines. After all, he does not know the feeling of love. He is cold, practical, calculating and does not intend to marry a dowry.

He describes his relationship with Larisa as friendly, nothing more. She is like a toy for him. He can pour her an extra glass of champagne secretly from Kharita Ignatievna, bring her books with romantic content. He doesn't care about her morality, he's just having fun. When Larisa seeks his sympathy and understanding, he says: “I respect you and would be glad... I can’t do anything.” At the same time, he easily played toss with Knurov in honor of the girl. When luck was on Knurov’s side, he was even glad that there would be less waste.

Comparing merchants of old and new formations, G.I. Uspensky wrote in the essay “The Book of Checks”: “The old-fashioned merchant... lived by deception, wealth came to him in dark ways... The merchant was the cash cow of everyone who represented some kind of power... the old type considered his business in the depths of his soul “not quite like a god,” but the new one, on the contrary, has no doubt at all that his business is real and that the fatherland even owes him gratitude for the fact that he sacrifices his capital for the common good, and although he acts “for personal gain, he gives bread to others...”.

How do Knurov and Vozhevatov differ from the merchants depicted in the drama “The Thunderstorm”?

What imprint does social position leave on the characters, psychology, and behavior of merchants?

(Knurov and Vozhevatov belong to a new type of merchants. Unlike the wild ones, they received a decent education. Knurov reads a French newspaper, is going to go to an exhibition in Paris. From the conversation between Gavrila and Ivan, we learn that Knurov is withdrawn and taciturn. In the city, according to his position there are no equals. Even with Vozhevatov, he behaves patronizingly and condescendingly. Tyrant merchants are characterized by complete disregard for public opinion. Now merchants are forced to take into account what they will say about them. public opinion. This is Vozhevatov’s idea to drink champagne from teapots, “so that people don’t say anything bad.”)

What are the relationships between merchants?

(Based on the dialogue between Knurov and Vozhevatov, we judge the relationship between the merchants. They are united in relation to the people dependent on them, but behind the external complacency one feels wariness and distrust of each other. When Knurov asks Vozhevatov about his commercial affairs, Vozhevatov gives evasive answers.)

How does Knurov’s attitude towards Larisa characterize? What is the true reason behind his attitude?

(In relations with Larisa, Knurov’s cynicism is covered with a mask of respect and ostentatious goodwill: “I kept thinking about Larisa Dmitrievna,” he turns to Vozhevatov before casting lots. “It seems to me that she is now in such a position that we, close people ", not only is it not permissible, but we are even obliged to take part in her fate." He tells her: “For me, the impossible is not enough. Don’t be afraid, there will be no condemnation...”)

What is Vozhevatov’s attitude towards Larisa?

(Vozhevatov, like Knurov, is a calculating egoist. He talks about Larisa’s fate with a laugh. It is a great pleasure for Vozhevatov to visit the Ogudalovs’ house, joke with Larisa, and listen to her sing. But he will never lose his head, he subordinates his feelings to sober calculation: “No , somehow I, Moky Parmenych, don’t notice this in myself at all... what is called love, he says to Knurov, and he approves of him: “It’s commendable, you will be a good merchant.”)

When is Vozhevatov’s callous attitude towards Larisa most clearly manifested? How does this characterize him as a merchant? What was the basis of life for merchants of that time?

(Vozhevatov’s cold prudence and callousness are especially clearly revealed in Act IV. “Vasya, I’m dying!” Larisa turns to Vozhevatov in despair. “... you and I have known each other since childhood... what should I do - teach me!” But he refused to help her Because, firstly, in this society, everyone is for himself, and after Vozhevatov realized that Larisa could not be his mistress, his toy, he lost interest in her, and secondly, it’s a matter of a peculiarly understood merchant; honor. Vozhevatov gave Knurov his word and cannot break it, even if a person died before his eyes. An honest word is the mark of a merchant.)

V. Analysis of Karandyshev’s image

Who is Karandyshev?

(Karandyshev grew up in a bourgeois environment, experiencing humiliation from childhood powerful of the world this. He condemns their morals and behavior, but at the same time envies them and claims to be the master of life; he is very ambitious. A minor official, Karandyshev tries to prove to everyone that he is no worse than others. He constantly teaches and reads instructions.)

How does he behave with Vozhevatov, Knurov, Paratov and others?

(We can judge his attitude towards other heroes by his speech. He is friends with Vozhevatov: “Vasily Danilych, that’s it: come and dine with me today!” It sounds like ease, familiarity. He speaks respectfully to Knurov: “Wet Parmenych, no Would you like to dine with me today?" Karandyshev is arrogant with the servants. And in this change in the tone of the hero’s speech, his servile, bureaucratic nature is revealed: everyone mocks him: both the merchants and the servants ignore Karandyshev, shielding themselves from him with a newspaper. .)

How is the relationship between Karandyshev and Larisa? (D. I, appearance 4; D. II, appearance 6; D. III, appearance 11, 13, 14; D. IV, appearance 10-11).

(Challenging Paratov’s inconstancy, Larisa is ready to marry Karandyshev. Let’s see how Larisa’s attitude towards Karandyshev changes (an excerpt is read from the words “You yourself mean something, but from comparison with Sergei Sergeevich you lose everything...” to “I’m too precious for you.”)

Of course, Larisa did not like Karandyshev. She decides to marry him, trying to find something good in him. Betrothal to him is an attempt to escape from home, a desire to forget Paratov, a search for a quiet corner where she can become a free seagull. But Karandyshev failed to understand her. Marriage with Larisa is for him an opportunity to enter the society of the elite, those whom he hates, but whom he blindly imitates.)

What is the complexity of Karandyshev’s image? How does it make you feel?

(But Karandyshev not only evokes laughter and condemnation in us. We understand that his self-confidence hides inner timidity. His attempts to stand in line with the merchants are absurd, but we watch with bitterness the brazen mockery of him by the masters of life. Larisa’s flight with the merchants is for him terrible disaster. He feels confusion, bitterness, a sense of insulted human dignity, and impotent anger. He decides to take revenge on his offenders.)

VII. Summing up the discussions

Students debate in free form about the meaning of the images of heroes. The main idea and concept of the drama develops around the main character - Larisa Ogudalova. Her image is the subject of discussion in the next lesson.


1. Prepare for the mini-test.

2. Prepare to characterize Larisa’s image.

Lesson 4. Lesson progress

I. Mini-test

Materials are at the end of the manual in the form of cut cards.

II. Discussion of the topic of the lesson - the image of Larisa

First meeting with the heroine

The most unexpected thing is her first words. When a person arrives, it is logical to say “hello!”, and Larisa’s first words in the play are the words “goodbye.”

What do we know about her? What is the need for its appearance? What does Larisa do when everyone is talking about her?

How do we see the main character?

(Larissa is a richly gifted person, she is talented, artistic: she plays the piano, sings, accompanies herself on the guitar; she has a poetic soul. She is sensitive, impressionable, loves to walk in nature; her soul soars like a bird, she dreams of the sublime , bright. Larisa is trusting, sincere, downright stuffy in her relationships with people.)

To which of literary heroines is she close?

(These qualities bring her closer to Tatyana Larina, who was brought up on French novels, but unlike her, Larisa was brought up on gypsy songs and Russian romances.)

Analysis of the first action.

Where does the heroine go in the first act? Who is she saying goodbye to?

What are these paths for Larisa?

How does Larisa Paratova see it? Is he her ideal? And since an ideal is the perfect embodiment of a dream, let’s try to understand what Larisa dreams of?

Why does the conversation about Paratov end with a conversation about death?

(Obviously, because this is not the path to freedom, which Larisa strives for, but the path to death, perhaps spiritual. But these are just guesses.)

How does Paratov appear? What can we tell about him by how he got here?

Why, having taken Robinson with him, did he not take the Unlucky merchant son? What is Robinson to him?

One of the main characters of A.N Ostrovsky’s play “Dowry” is Vasily Danilych Vozhevatov. Below we will try to characterize his image in more detail, based on his appearance and character traits.

Vozhevatov is a handsome, charismatic young man who is a representative of a steadily developing trading company, therefore, a young man with good in cash. His appearance excellent. He is dressed immaculately, in the European style, richly and aristocratically. In a word, he is a collective example of a typical merchant of the nineteenth century.

Of the character traits, commercialism is perhaps considered the most important. The most important thing for him in life is money, for which he cannot see the world. When communicating with people, he is guided only by his own cold calculations, hoping to snatch benefits from them. And his attitude towards people is in proportion to high financial condition- respect, low - rudeness. It is not surprising that even Ostrovsky himself has a negative attitude towards his hero.

The author could easily have done so (and had every right to do so!) that Larisa would marry him and, perhaps, improve his future, but Ostrovsky coldly bypasses Vozhevatov, as if sentencing him to a kind of punishment. The author pushes the reader to think that people like Vozhevatov do not know the feeling of love. He is cold as ice, he is practical as a knife, he is calculating as a mathematics professor.

And even more so, he wants to marry Larisa, not because he loves her madly, but because he can make a profit from this business. This is confirmed by the fact that the hero himself characterizes the relationship with Larisa not as love, but as friendship. And it’s hard to call them friendly, because in the eyes of Vozhevatov, a man who lives by the principle “The end justifies the means,” the heroine is just a means - nothing more.

For example, he is able to quietly slip Larisa an extra glass of alcohol, secretly from her mother. Or bring romance novels, which can introduce him to a girl as a sophisticated romantic. And so on.

When it comes to Vozhevatov, it is worth remembering that this man is deeply immoral. When communicating with people, he either has fun or admires himself. And sometimes it combines all of this.

When Larisa needs understanding and a close soul, the hero does not understand her (does not want to, or rather), justifying himself by saying that he cannot do anything. However, during the game with Knurov, the game in which Vozhevatov put Larisa on the line, he is glad that he is losing. There will be less money spent...

Essay on the topic Vasily Vozhevaty

One of the main characters of the play “Dowry” by A. N. Ostrovsky is Vasily Danilych Vozhevatov.

The young man is a representative of a very wealthy European company and likes to dress in a European style. One of the few people with whom Vozhevatov has normal contact is Merchant Knurov. Their relationship is built on the “make only money” scheme. They are typical representatives of the merchant nobility of the nineteenth century. And that is why the author chose such a surname for the main character, because the word “leader” used to be used to describe a very rich and wealthy person.

Money plays the main role in the life of Vasily Danilovich. His attitude towards other people depends directly on their position in society and also on their material security. Vozhevatov looks down on everyone. For the same reason, another hero Karandyshev is subjected to constant ridicule from Vozhevatov because of his position. Vasily Danilych considers him a complete loser who will never achieve anything in his life.

He does not tend to love, he is cold towards girls and in relationships he sees only material gain. A clear example of this is Larisa, whom he has known literally since childhood, whom he treats like a thing. Although he could easily marry her. Vozhevatov only likes to spend his time in society beautiful girl, but as soon as she asks him to help her, he indifference leaves her alone with his problems with the words: “I respect you and would be glad... I can’t do anything.”

Vozhevatov is indifferent and cold to everything that happens around him. He is completely indifferent to the girl’s feelings, because for him this is just ordinary entertainment. And it was in his head that the idea came to decide the fate of the girl with the help of a coin. However, here it is worth noting Vozhevatov’s straightforwardness, because he tells the whole truth about his feelings for Larisa, without hiding or hiding anything. As for the author himself, he treats Vasily Danilych with special contempt, because money kills his humanity.

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Knurov, Vozhevatov and Larisa

Knurov and Vozhevatov are typical representatives of the merchant class of the 19th century. These heroes are driven by cold calculation, and the main thing in their lives is money.

Knurov’s, like Vozhevatov’s, attitude towards people is determined by their financial situation. Therefore, Karandyshev’s behavior causes disapproval among the merchants, and even reaches the point of open bullying.

It is also impossible not to mention speaking surnames, because these are brief characteristics of the heroes. “Knur” means boar, boar. Knurov even walks solely for exercise, to work up an appetite and eat his sumptuous lunch. He is secretive and taciturn, but Gavrilo says about him: “How do you want him to talk when he has millions?...And he goes to Moscow, St. Petersburg and abroad to talk, where he has more space.” Mokiy
Parmenych is also distinguished by his determination, pursuing Larisa, although his attitude towards her is swinish. In his opinion, Larisa is an “expensive diamond” that requires an expensive setting, so Knurov offers the girl the humiliating position of a kept woman.

Vozhevatov, unlike Knurov, was young and could marry Larisa.
But he does not know the feeling of love, he is cold, practical and sarcastic. “What is my closeness?” - says Vozhevatov. - “Sometimes I’ll pour an extra glass of champagne on the sly from my mother [Larissa’s mother], I’ll learn a song, I’ll carry novels that girls are not allowed to read.” And he adds: “I don’t force it. Why should I care about her morality; I’m not her guardian.” Vasily Danilovich treats Larisa irresponsibly; she is like a toy for him. When a girl asks for help
Vozhevatova, he says: “Larisa Dmitrievna, I respect you and would be glad... I can’t do anything. Believe my word! By the way, it is Vozhevatov who comes up with the idea to decide Larisa’s fate with the help of a toss.

So, we can say that in this work A.N. Ostrovsky wanted to show what money does to people. Even in the title of the play you can already guess what it will be about. Money kills love, conscience, and makes you look down on those people who don’t have it. The coin decides the fate of a person, literally and figuratively.

Characteristics of the hero

It is no coincidence that A. N. Ostrovsky awarded this surname to one of the heroes of the play “Dowry.” This word was previously generally understood. “Marya is a little pockmarked, but humble and bossy” - this is how the matchmaker characterizes the bride in Nekrasov’s poem “The Matchmaker and the Groom.” Vasily Danilych Vozhevatov, a very young man, a representative of a wealthy trading company; European in dress. Vozhevatov is a typical representative of the merchant class of the 19th century. He is driven by cold calculation, and the main thing in his life is money. His attitude towards people is determined by his financial situation. Therefore, Karandyshev’s behavior causes disapproval and this even leads to open bullying. Vozhevatov was young and could have married Larisa. But he does not know the feeling of love, he is cold, practical and sarcastic. “What is my intimacy?” - says Vozhevatov. - “Sometimes I’ll pour an extra glass of champagne on the sly from my mother [Larissa’s mother], I’ll learn a song, I’ll carry novels that girls are not allowed to read.” And he adds: “I don’t force it. Why should I care about her morality? I’m not her guardian.” Vasily Danilovich treats Larisa irresponsibly; she is like a toy for him. When the girl asks Vozhevatov for help, he says: “Larisa Dmitrievna, I respect you, and I would be glad... I can’t do anything. Believe my word! By the way, it is Vozhevatov who comes up with the idea to decide Larisa’s fate with the help of a toss.