How to summon a fairy for real without anything. How to summon the wish fairy? Instructions for the day, full moon, home conditions

How to summon the wish fairy? Each of us definitely has a pipe dream that we can't reach real life almost out of reach. If you are not a follower dark magic, but you really want to get what you want, then use the ritual of calling the wish fairy.

In the article:

How to summon a wish fairy at home?

Summoning the wish fairy during the day yourself

For this ritual, it does not matter the presence of a satin ribbon (which is often used when summoning fairies), special weather conditions, or the time of day. You can perform this simple ritual even in the middle of the day.

The most important thing is that you must clearly understand that you want your dream to come true. Better yet, explain to yourself why you want this to happen. Remember that the fairy will only respond to a sincere wish.

An important condition is that the dream must be clearly formulated and truly important.

Even if the fairy responds to some trifle, she will not be happy that she is summoned because of nonsense. Ask only for what you can achieve for yourself. at the moment you can't. An offended fairy may not come again, and when you need to ask her for something really important, she simply will not respond.

To perform the ritual, take:

  • three lumps of sugar;
  • three containers with drinking water;
  • a note with your wishes clearly stated on it.

note three lumps of sugar three containers of drinking water chalk

Wear a jacket that has pockets. Place the piece of paper with the inscription in your left pocket. Using chalk, draw a circle in the middle of the room and, placing a stool in the center, place three containers of water on it. Place a piece of sugar in each one in turn and wait until it melts. Stand in the drawn circle and say:

I call you, fairy of desires, wake up from your sleep, come to me even for a minute.

You only need to repeat the words five times. Then say your wish clearly and loudly. The text must completely match what is written on your piece of paper. When the ritual is completed, place the containers with the sweet liquid on the windowsill and destroy the protective circle.

If you want to increase the power of your conspiracy, then contact and perform the ritual on the 15-16th lunar day. If during the ritual or after its completion you realized that you formulated your wish incorrectly or that you did not wish for what you really wanted, then you should call on the fairy again.

This time, apologize to her for bothering her in vain, ask her to forget the old request and voice a new one. To appease the fairy of wishes after the repeat ceremony, leave a whole open chocolate bar on the table.

A simple call to the wish fairy in nature

Such a ritual will have to be carried out not indoors, but in the fresh air. After all, fairies are creatures who love space and freedom, so in the fresh air they will make contact much more willingly than indoors.

If you have the opportunity to perform a ritual in the forest or on the shore of a reservoir, then you will ensure yourself a quick, and most importantly, excellent result.

To conduct the ceremony, choose an area where there are no people. No one should interfere with your communication with spirit. You need to take with you:

  • a pre-prepared note detailing your wishes;
  • bell.

bell note

Take a piece of paper with a wish right hand, and squeeze the bell into another. Select a small clearing for the ritual and begin walking along it counterclockwise. In total you need to make three full circles. After this, stand up straight, take out the note with your wish and say:

Fairy of desires, I call on you, I trust in you. Fulfill my cherished dream... (here you need to voice what you want to receive from the fairy).

Repeat the text three times. The entire time you are reciting the plot, ring the bell. For the ritual to work, you must be confident in your abilities and definitely believe that you will be able to carry out your plans.

Otherwise, the magical creature will doubt the sincerity of your words and will not believe that you really want it. As a result, the desire will remain unfulfilled.

How to contact a magical assistant outside the home?

If you don’t have the opportunity to perform the ritual in your apartment and get out into nature, don’t despair. You can contact your magical assistant at any time, anywhere, and you don’t even need to accompany your thoughts with manipulations of magical attributes.

To contact the fairy, just sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and scroll through your wish three times in your head. Now cast the spell.

How to summon the fairy of wishes during the day at home? There are many methods that will help you summon a variety of fairies at home or on the street. If you want your most sacred desire to come true, then use these summoning rituals.

How to summon the fairy of wishes during the day at home?

Almost every person wants his sacred dreams to come true. To do this, you can call on a gnome or a little mermaid. but for those who wish to contact the safest creature, there are a number of rituals that will help summon the fairy.

A similar ritual is available even to novice wizards. In order to carry it out, you need to arm yourself in advance with the following attributes:

  • three wax candles;
  • large container with water;
  • sweetness.

sweetness three wax candles large container of water

You need to wait for the full moon and at exactly 12 noon put a bowl of water on the table, and place candles around it, at an equal distance from each other. Open the window slightly so that the fairy can fly into the room through it. Over a container of water you need to shout three times:

Fairy of desires, I conjure, hear my cry! Come and make a wish!

If after casting a spell you hear the hum of bells, then this means that the magical creature has decided to come to your cry and agree to fulfill your request. At the same moment, ripples should appear in the water. If this does not work out, this means that the magical creature does not agree to cooperate with you.

But if the fairy does come, then you need to correctly construct your request. In order not to stumble and say everything correctly, write everything on a piece of paper in advance. Remember that you can only make one request. The fairy will not be able to accomplish more at once. There is also no need to resort to her help more often than once a month.

If you abuse this rule, your wishes will not come true. Also, you can’t ask for something supernatural - magical power, an endless stream of material goods, power over the whole world, etc. The magical creature is not able to fulfill such requests.

Normal summoning of magical essence

There is another method that will help you summon the fairy of wishes at home during the day. To do this you need to prepare the following attributes:

  • refined sugar;
  • a leaf with a wish;
  • three bowls of spring water.

three bowls of spring water, refined sugar, chalk leaf with a wish

It is very important, before starting to carry out this ritual, to understand that in essence you want such a desire to come true.

It is not entirely correct to use it if you want to attract love into your life (it is better to use a strong love spell) or funds (there are separate rituals for recruiting funds).

The sorcerer needs to construct his wish very accurately. Remember, some phrases can be interpreted in different ways, and in order for the fairy to understand you correctly, you need to succinctly express your dreams.

Remember, if you bother her over trifles, then not only will your desire not come true, but similar actions can anger the magical creature. In this case, she will punish you for similar recklessness.

But if a person is well prepared for the ritual and essentially desires the fulfillment of what was envisioned, then nothing threatens him. He should put a piece of paper with a wish written on it in his pocket and draw a large circle around him with chalk.

Then place three bowls of water in it and drop a few pieces of sugar into each of them. How this will be made must be said three times:

Fairy of wishes, hear my cry. I'm calling you. Wake up from your sleep. Come to me!

Usually after these words the fairy of wishes appears immediately. The sorcerer can sense her presence using different methods. Some hear the hum of bells, some feel an energy flow, others notice a glow in the air.

After the fairy appears, you will need to immediately apologize to her for disturbing her, and then read your wish written on a piece of paper. Now the sorcerer’s task is to apologize again and let the magical creature go.

More information

You can use a similar summoning ritual at different times of the day and night, on different lunar days. But the ritual performed during the waxing moon will be most effective.

A similar ritual can also be used if you want to receive the power of a magical creature (with or without transformation), but then you need to immediately clarify what specifically requires obtaining magical capabilities. In this case, the fairy queen herself will decide whether to fulfill a similar request or not.

If the wish was formulated incorrectly, then the sorcerer should ask the fairy to forget it. Only then can you thank her for coming and not ignoring your request.

Do not try to capture the fairy's arrival by any means. If you shoot a video or try to take a photo, the magical creature remains inconspicuous and the camera will not be able to capture it.

How to summon the fairy of wishes during the day at home? Perform a ritual that will help you come into contact with a magical creature. painfully simple. It is enough just to wish for this meeting with all your heart and dream of fulfilling your brightest and most sincere desire.

How to summon the fairy of wishes during the day at home? There are many ways that will help you summon a wide variety of fairies at home or on the street. If you want your deepest desire to come true, then use these summoning rituals.

In the article:

How to summon the fairy of wishes during the day at home?

Almost every person wants his cherished dreams to come true. To do this, you can or, but for those who want to contact the most harmless creature, there are a number of rituals that will help summon the fairy.

This ritual is accessible even to novice wizards. In order to carry it out, you need to arm yourself with the following attributes in advance:

  • three wax candles;
  • large container with water;
  • sweetness.

sweetness three wax candles large container of water

It is necessary to wait for the full moon and at exactly 12 o'clock in the afternoon put a bowl of water on the table, and place candles around it, at an equal distance from each other. Open the window slightly so that the fairy can fly into the room through it. Over a container of water you need to exclaim three times:

Fairy of desires, I conjure, hear my call! Come and make your wish come true!

If after this spell you hear the ringing of bells, then this indicates that the magical creature has decided to come to your call and agree to fulfill your request. At the same moment, ripples should appear in the water. If this does not happen, this indicates that the magical creature does not agree to cooperate with you.

But if the fairy does come, then you need to clearly formulate your request. In order not to stammer and say everything correctly, write everything on a piece of paper in advance. Remember that you can only make one request. The fairy will not be able to do more at one time. It is also undesirable to resort to her help more than once a month.

If you neglect this rule, your wishes will not come true. Also, you can’t ask for something supernatural - magical power, an endless flow of material wealth, power over the whole world, etc. The magical creature is not able to fulfill such requests.

A simple summoning of a magical essence

There is another simple way that will help you achieve your goals at home during the day. To do this, you need to prepare the following attributes:

  • refined sugar;
  • a leaf with a wish;
  • three bowls of spring water.

three bowls of spring water refined sugar chalk leaf with a wish

It is very important, before starting this ritual, to realize that in fact you want such a desire to come true.

It is not entirely correct to use it if you want to attract love into your life (it is better to use) or money (there are separate ones).

The magician needs to formulate his wishes very clearly. Remember, some phrases can be interpreted in different ways, and in order for the fairy to understand you correctly, you need to succinctly express your dreams.

Remember, if you bother her over trifles, then not only will your wish not come true, but such actions can anger the magical creature. In this case, she will punish you for such rashness.

But if a person is well prepared for the ritual and really wants the plan to be realized, then nothing threatens him. He should put the piece of paper with the wish written on it in his pocket and draw a large circle around himself with chalk.

After this, place three bowls of water in it and drop a few pieces of sugar into each of them. Once this is done, you must say three times:

Fairy of wishes, hear my call. I'm calling you. Wake up from your sleep. Come to me!

Usually after these words the wish fairy appears immediately. The mage can sense her presence in various ways. Some people hear the ringing of bells, some feel an energy flow, others notice a glow in the air.

After the fairy appears, you will need to immediately apologize to her for disturbing her, and after that read your wish written on the piece of paper. Now the magician’s task is to apologize again and let the magical creature go.

More information

You can use a similar calling ritual at different times of the day and night, at different lunar days. But the ritual performed during the waxing moon will be most effective.

A similar ritual can also be used if you want (with or without transformation), but then you need to immediately clarify that it is precisely the acquisition of magical abilities that is required. In this case, the fairy queen herself will decide whether to fulfill such a request or not.

Whatever our registered age, somewhere in the depths of our subconscious we all remain children who believe in miracles. So why not allow yourself to play a little and at the same time fulfill your deepest dream? And a mythical creature from parallel worlds will help us with this - a beautiful lady who is called the Fairy of Desires. Cast aside all doubts, try to imagine as clearly as possible the image of a charming young girl, an elegant middle-aged woman or a sweet gray-haired old woman. Everyone has their own Fairy of Desires, but this does not make her wonderful gift any weaker; she will definitely come to the rescue to fulfill your request.

Draw your Fairy

To perform this ritual you need to have at least minimal artistic skills. Transfer the female silhouette created in your imagination onto a sheet of paper. It doesn’t matter what you draw with - colored pencils, watercolors or felt-tip pens. The main thing is that the Fairy’s face is clearly defined, her eyes are wide open, and the corners of her lips are raised.

Your Good Witch must smile. In a good mood, she will respond to your call faster. Look closely at the painted portrait and repeat your wish three times in a whisper or out loud. It is advisable to carry out the ritual after sunset, in the absence of other people in the house. As a last resort, retire to a separate room. You can light a candle if you wish, but this is not necessary. You can get by with an electric night light.

After making visual contact with the Fairy, place the drawing under your pillow. Before going to bed, you cannot talk to anyone, listen to music, watch TV or make phone calls. All attention should be directed only to your dream and the imagination of the changes in life that will occur after the implementation of your plan.

Magic of water and fire

The next ritual is usually performed closer to midnight and only during the period when the Moon is in its full phase. So let's begin. Curtain the windows tightly, place three candles in the shape of a triangle on the table, and place a glass filled with clean water in the center. Without taking your eyes off the glass vessel, say the spell: “ Good Fairy, come quickly, help me fulfill my wish.”

The ripples that appear on the surface of the water mean that the nymph is somewhere nearby. At this moment, you need to express your request out loud three times and blow out the candles. When going to bed, do not forget to place candy on the windowsill in the room to awaken the Fairy's favor. Do not abuse this ritual too often; do not disturb the mysterious lady more than twice a month.

Summoning the Fairy of Wishes during the day

Treat the Fairy with ripe berries

People who are afraid of night mystical ceremonies are recommended to call the Fairy of Desires during daylight hours. The first method is only feasible if there is a forest in the area where you live. Buy a new beautiful basket and go foraging for forest gifts. Depending on the time of year, pick ripe strawberries, raspberries or blackberries.

Leave the basket at the edge of the trees, say your wish out loud, thank the Fairy in advance for fulfilling your request, and return home. Don't look back along the way, otherwise you will anger the forest spirits, and your dream will not come true.

Fairies, like all women, are partial to sweets

On any day of the week you can perform a simple, but quite beautiful and effective ritual to call the Fairy of Desires. In the kitchen or in a room where there are no floor carpets, prepare a low table or stool, place three saucers of water on it, and place three cubes of instant refined sugar next to it. Sit in a chair, sit in silence for a few minutes, closing your eyes. Think carefully about your desire, then write it down on paper and put the piece of paper in your left pocket.

Go to the table with saucers and draw a line on the floor with chalk so that you and the makeshift altar are inside a closed circle. Bending over the water, say loudly three times: “Fairy of Desires, wake up from your sleep, appear before me just for a minute!” After repeating the phrase again, place a piece of sugar in each of the three saucers of water. As soon as the refined sugar melts, you can assume that the Fairy heard you and accepted your gifts. In order for your wish to come true in the near future, you need to perform this ritual in the last quarter of the lunar cycle.

What does a real Fairy of Wishes look like?

They say she is incredibly beautiful.
A fairy-tale creature comes to children.
In order to meet her, you need to perform a ritual. The fairy of desires is usually called in the afternoon or evening with pure thoughts; it is important to monitor your own desires!

Basic rules:

  1. Only good people receive help.
  2. The sorceress loves to fulfill wishes that bring benefit to others.
  3. Most often, dreams come true for diligent students.
  4. You can't do bad things.
  5. You need to be grateful.

Basic ways to summon a creature

So, there are 3 possibilities on how to summon the Fairy of Desires at home, let’s look at them.

Option 1

Choose the most bright colors and draw a fairy. All colors should be in harmony. You need to depict a sorceress in a flower meadow or by a pond. After this, the drawing is neatly folded and put away under the pillow.

If you can’t draw, then you should make a beautiful collage or appliqué. The main thing is that the image of the fairy is made with your own hands.

After creative process finished, before going to bed they repeat their cherished wish three times.

Option 2

Write a letter with your wishes. After this, the leaf with the cherished desire is buried under the fruit tree.

Option 3

When it rains with a thunderstorm, you need to take a glass of warm water. Write your wish on a piece of paper, then cut it into small pieces. After this, all parts of the letter are placed in a glass and mixed.

The ritual takes no more than 10 minutes. During this period the weather should change.

If it rains harder, then you need to wait for a more opportune moment and repeat the procedure another day. And if it subsides, then the wish will definitely come true in two weeks. If everything is successful and the fairy fulfills the wish, you need to thank her.

➤ New: The simplest ones give the most effective results.

How to become a Fairy of Wishes

To turn into a little magician yourself, you need to go through a ritual. Let's consider the algorithm for carrying it out:

1. Always have something green with you. This will be needed in order to give an item (candy, beads, pendant) to another fairy-tale creature.

2. Preparing for a meeting with dark fairies.

In order to avoid an unpleasant meeting with dark creatures, it is enough to wear clothes inside out. And if you do happen to see them, you need to show them a metal object when you meet.

3. Return of all debts and promises.

The absence of all debts will help to complete the transformation process faster.

4. Search for a lonely flower;

You need to find a flower that will grow away from others. It must be picked and preserved until a certain point.

➤ Secrets: These are worth watching for every person in their free time.

5. Storing threads in water;

A skein of white thread is dropped into a glass of water. After this, you need to place it so that the light of the night moon falls on the glass.

6. Memorizing the spell;

You should memorize: “I want you to come to me, turn me into a fairy and take me with you. I believe in the Moon, Love and Goodness."

7. Implementation of the call.

White threads come out of the glass. A circle is laid out on the floor. A single flower is placed in the center of the circle and a spell is cast. At night you can wait for the fairy, who must extend her hand. After this, the request will be completed.

Dangerous occupation

Many argue that summoning a fairy is dangerous. Why?

If you call a sorceress with bad intentions, malice, or to harm others, then everything may turn out differently. Mysterious creatures don't like evil people. They are capable of bringing a number of troubles upon them.

You should also be careful if you don't have faith. The Fairy of Desires treats the distrustful with caution. After she realizes that a person does not believe in her existence, she will disappear forever and take her luck with her.

Who else makes wishes come true?

For these purposes, you can call the Dwarf of Desires. He must not be disturbed during Orthodox holidays. A good period for the Gnome to come to visit is Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala, Rusal Week and many other pagan holidays.

To carry out the ritual, all icons are removed from the room and crosses are removed. It is forbidden to leave the room, shout or make noise with foreign objects until completion. Everything is carried out at night.

Various candies are taken. Everyone who wants to make their dream come true will need one. It is necessary to stretch a thread between the legs of the table, onto which the treats are later attached. They should not touch the floor.

The spell is pronounced: “Gnome of Desires, come visit.” When the rustling of candy wrappers is heard, each participant must mentally imagine their desire. The gnome will bite or eat the candy of those whose wish will come true.

➤ This is cool: I finally figured it out and found how to quickly fix this problem.

Fiction or reality

Both the calling of the Fairy of Desires and the existence of other mysterious magicians depend on the degree of faith of a person.

Therefore, you yourself can find a way to summon the Fairy of Wishes during the day at home.
There are references to these creatures in history.

But for some reason, in our era, no one has yet met a fairy.

At least from adults. Maybe children are a mystery...