How to draw graffiti beautifully with a pencil. How to draw graffiti? We draw graffiti with our own hands

Graffiti is a modern street art that is popular among young people. Undoubtedly, every person has seen these drawings on the walls of houses, on garages and on abandoned buildings. Some people like it all, while others consider it hooliganism and not creativity.

Graffiti began to spread in the 70s. In those days, writers (i.e., graffiti artists), if seen on the streets doing their work, could be fined, punished, and even imprisoned. Nowadays, this type of art is not treated so categorically and the authorities themselves allocate places in cities for graffiti art. Some cities even hold competitions between writers.

You need to start drawing graffiti with a pencil (and it’s better to stop there so as not to spoil the walls on city streets). There are entire guides that help you draw graffiti with a pencil on paper step by step.

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Let's start drawing

First you need to try to determine your drawing style. This is not easy to do, but to understand the full meaning of graffiti, you can study the drawings of already established artists and try to copy something.

Or start drawing in the simplest and most common Bubble style - it is characterized by round letters of various sizes (you can gradually add your own effects to the drawing). During such training, over time, you will develop your own individual style.

  • You need to take a landscape piece of paper or an A4 sheet (it’s better to avoid a notebook sheet with rulers and squares - the lines will be distracting). Prepare an eraser, a simple pencil, colored pencils, markers or paints.
  • Try to start drawing better by writing own name: You need to write a name in the center of a piece of paper, leaving gaps between the letters (in the future, these gaps will need to be filled). To do this, you need to change the size of the letters, their thickness, and add new layers.
  • Now you need to call on your imagination to help and add your own effects to the drawing. For example: stars, lightning, a small cloud, a drop of rain - in general, anything you want to add.
  • The finished drawing needs to be decorated with bright colors.

In conclusion, a couple of tips:

  • Sketches need to be repeated again and again until the drawing is perfect. If during the work it is clear that some detail does not look right in the drawing, it is better not to continue drawing, but to take a new sheet of paper and draw everything exactly up to this failed detail and then draw new effects.
  • You need to add paint to the drawing only after a simple pencil has been thoroughly studied. Selecting colors is also an art. To begin with, you can study color selections more experienced artists.

The main thing in drawing graffiti is perseverance, perseverance and unlimited imagination.


Consider which version of your name you want to write if your name has a short and a long form.

Decide what font would be best to write your name. There are a variety of fonts in graffiti: classic, more rounded, angular, deliberately difficult to read, printed, italic, and capital. The choice of fonts is not limited to existing options. It will be much more interesting to come up with your own font that will become your individual style.
It’s very difficult to come up with your own style right away. Beginners can be guided by already created works of other graffiti.

Choose the fonts that are closest to you. Try to imagine what your name would look like written by them. Decide which font will suit you best. In the future, when writing a name, you can copy it completely or modify it slightly.

Take a sheet of paper (preferably A4 format) and a simple pencil.
Start drawing your name in the chosen font, using light strokes, removing blemishes with an eraser.
Take your time, achieve the best result. Play a little with the font, make it more round or, conversely, angular, change the size of the letters and their individual elements.
Please pay attention Special attention connecting letters or transitioning from one letter to another. Use your imagination and the lettering will turn out creative.
You will do better with each one, because learning is very important in graffiti.
When pencil sketch When it’s ready, trace it with a pen and erase the pencil strokes with an eraser.

Choose ones that make your name look good. The colors must be compatible with each other. Let's say you want to make a transition from one color, which will be the first sign, to another, which will be the last sign. Then it will be especially important to have primary colors of equal intensity and lighter ones for transition. You will spray them on each other.
Thinking through the color scheme is very important. If you have a font, do not overload the inscription with complex color combinations. A simple font will benefit from bright, creative coloring.
Color the name according to your plan with markers.

When you have the desired sketch on paper, transfer it to the concrete wall. Choose walls with slightly rough surfaces to reduce paint smudges.


  • how to draw graffiti with the name Nastya

Own style- This is a manifestation of individuality. In it you can display personal experience, character traits that you are proud of or simply flaunt, show imagination. Availability individual style demonstrates your willingness to express your own opinion, to be different from most people. For creating own style you need to develop aesthetic taste, which will tell you what is best to combine with what.

For me personally this is a new technique. I rarely draw in color, and this is the first time I’ve ever drawn letters. However, I tried to make a tutorial for beginners on how to draw graffiti with a pencil. Yes, I could have used an aerosol can, or other materials typical for this style, but I didn’t and I don’t recommend it! Want to know why? Firstly, the older generation is very skeptical about graffiti and will in no way approve of your desire to paint the walls in the house, and secondly, this may result in punishment from the authorities for damage to property. So be extremely careful! After all, even the coolest graffiti artists prefer to remain anonymous.

In addition, you should know that all this is not graffiti:

  • Vulgar inscriptions on the walls, at a level of 1-1.5 meters from the ground;
  • Scratched nasty things on school desks, or toilets, made by the same individuals as in the previous paragraph;
  • Signatures on the walls of houses by various groups to mark the territory;
  • Texts like: Kisa and Osya were here, and / or Marina I love you;
  • Any other scribble that makes you want to gouge your eyes out;

All of the above is subject to liability under the law of the Russian Federation. Although you may also get into trouble for real graffiti, if it is high-quality work, you can get away with a slight fright. This is what real graffiti is:

  • Street painting of fences, walls, asphalt with various words and exquisite drawings;
  • Spray art is the most common type. These are inscriptions applied using aerosol paint;
  • Bubble style - letters are rounded and look like bubbles (2-3 colors are used);
  • Blockbuster style - Huge letters without interlacing or any problems. Usually one color (well, maximum 2). Rollers are used for drawing;
  • Wild style is one of the most difficult. The letters become very complex and confusing. Sometimes it is even difficult to read what is written.
  • FX (Daima) style – volumetric 3D letters in a pronounced perspective, characterized by the play of light and shadow, smooth color gradients and realistic picture.
  • Any other elegant images on the walls. There are so many types and styles that I can’t describe them all here;

For the tutorial I will try to make a picture in Spray Art style. But my instruments will not be aerosol paints, and as usual pencils, eraser and watercolor paper. Using even these tools, you can create great amount variety of styles and technician. You can draw your name, or some other important word. I took the name of my blog – DayFun! If you want, you can draw it too, I will be very pleased!

How to draw Graffiti with a pencil step by step

Step one. I didn't want to bend the letters too much, so I just added some arrows. Anticipating your questions, I’ll say right away: I draw on watercolor paper with simple and colored pencils from Marco. If anyone is interested I can show you a photo.
Step two. Let's add a background and start coloring the letters.
Step three. I add shadow and begin to brighten the coloring.
Step four. Now let's start coloring the background.
Step five.
Step six.
Step seven.
Step eight. If you can't see the pictures, click on them and they will enlarge. If you want, I can show full-size photos. Here's the graffiti I came up with: I'll be glad to see your creativity! Attach your work below this article in the comments.

Today we will draw graffiti with a pencil on paper of a rather complex shape. We will draw the word “STREET”. Streets have their own directions, intersections and dead ends - this is what I wanted to depict in this graffiti drawing.

Drawing graffiti with a pencil

We draw the first letter “S”, at the ends of which there are arrows in the form of direction indicators. Try to draw the letter evenly, with the same thickness everywhere.

Let's move on to drawing the second letter "T" - it will also be in the form of directions. WITH right side the letter is not finished, because it will be slightly overlapped by the third letter “R”. Focus on the drawings of each stage, use a ruler.

Third stage of the lesson graffiti in pencil on paper - the letter "R". Draw a third letter and continue with the letter "T". Pay attention to how the letters intertwine with each other, try not to make mistakes. It is important to draw all letters the same thickness!

The last letter is “T” - it starts from the second “E”, goes up and “turns” to the left. There are arrows drawn on the ends of the top of the "T".

If you succeeded, then I want to make you happy - the biggest difficulty is behind you. It was important to draw the letters correctly in the directions, and to intertwine the “T” with the “R” and “S” correctly. Next, you need to outline and color the middle with black, a pencil or marker.

The next step is to circle it with a different color. I took a green pencil, you can see its shade in the picture below.

We are reaching the finish line – we begin to paint “STREET” with the same color as in the previous stage. You can leave some areas lighter, some darker. For example, they painted over it with a pencil, and then drew a line (wiped it off) with an eraser - they lightened it. You can add strokes with a black pencil on top of the green. If you look closely at the drawing below, you will be able to see both lightened areas and strokes with a black pencil on the “S”.

Buenos dias amigo. I haven’t written anything useful for a long time about how to learn to draw graffiti on paper, in other words, I haven’t given sketching lessons for a long time. So, I decided to correct myself and introduce you all to a style called wild.

Not very complex, but an incredibly cool font, if, of course, you draw it correctly. Probably the most important thing is harmony. At first, you will have to work on your accuracy in drawing the volume, because if its thickness is always different, you will end up with a disgusting drawing. So try to always draw the volume in one direction and repeat the thickness you have chosen in the volume of each letter.

Arrows, stars and an insanely bright palette of colors are the best wild traditions.

So let's get started:

You will need: your sketch book, a simple pencil, an eraser and a black pen (preferably gel), a set of markers or pencils.

The first photo is not the very beginning, it is the first important stage which you must learn.

You need to sketch out approximately what you want to draw, add arrows, stars and all that kind of nonsense. If you are satisfied with the result, correct all the bad places and circle the font with a pen. After that, choose the direction of the volume and draw it, remember what I told you about the same thickness. Again, correct all the mistakes and circle the volume with a pen.

Fill the volume with the color you need. The colors can be any, but we chose the classic - black. If you wish, you can leave empty (white) highlights - these are light stripes on the volume. Just don’t overdo it, everything should be in moderation.

Let's start painting. I repeat once again, do not be afraid to experiment with colors, wild does not tolerate dull monochromatic fills, here you need bright colors, then everything will look great.

They mainly use color transitions - as in our example. But you can try to do everything in one color, but change the tone, for example, from the center, to the right and left to lighten or darken the color. Well, in short, don't be afraid to experiment, it will benefit you anyway.

The drawings had a very simple font, you can always add effects.

A little later there will be a video lesson on this sketch.

Having learned to draw, you will be able to write any letters and design anything, be it a Tomsk poster, a poster or business cards. Stay up to date with the news. By the way, summer has now begun and something interesting is happening in Tomsk all the time. I recommend.