How to register in Minecraft to. Main server team

The admin, otherwise known as the server operator in Minecraft, has a number of commands that can be used to manage the server. These are basic commands; you do not need to install any plugins/additions to use them. Commands must be entered into the chat. Before entering the command, you must write the “/” character (slash). Required command parameters are circled<такими скобками>, additional parameters [such].

  • /ban<никнейм>— Bans a player on the server by removing him from the white list and blacklisting him. Banned players cannot play on the server.
  • /pardon <никнейм>- The opposite team to ban. Unbans a player by removing his name from the blacklist.
  • /ban-ip — Bans an IP address by blacklisting it. Players with an IP address on the blacklist cannot play on the server.
  • /pardon-ip <никнейм>— The opposite of an IP ban. Removes an IP from the blacklist.
  • /banlist— Displays a list of banned players. If the optional ips parameter is used, displays a list of banned IP addresses.
  • /deop<никнейм>— Deprives the player of administrator (operator) rights.
  • /op<никнейм>- Opposite deop command. Gives the player administrator (operator) rights.
  • /gamemode <0/1/2 [никнейм]>— Changes the game mode for players. If the additional nickname parameter is specified, the team will change the game mode for this player. If the parameter is not specified, the mode of the person who entered the command will be changed. In order for the command to work, the player whose mode is being changed must be in the game.
  • /defaultgamemode <2/1/0>- Changes the game mode of the world.
  • /give<никнейм> <номер предмета [количество]>— Gives the player an item with the specified ID in the specified quantity.
  • /help— Output of all available console commands.
  • /kick <никнейм>— Kicks the selected player from the server.
  • /list— Displays a list of players on the server.
  • /me— A command that allows you to send messages from a third party.
  • /save-all— A command that backups (saves) the current state of the server to the hard drive.
  • /save-off— Disables the server's ability to save server state to the hard drive.
  • /save-on— As opposed to the save-off command, allows the server to save the server state to the hard drive.
  • /say <сообщение>- “Says the server.” The message entered using this command is displayed in pink.
  • /stop— Disables the server. Before shutting down, the server is automatically saved.
  • /time <число>— Sets the time, or adds time to the current one.
  • /toggledownfall- Changes the weather.
  • /tp <никнейм1> <никнейм2>— Teleports the player with Nickname1 to the player with Nickname2.
  • /tp <никнейм> — Teleports the player to the specified coordinates.
  • /whitelist <никнейм>— Adds or removes a player from the whitelist.
  • /whitelist list— Displays a list of players on the whitelist.
  • /whitelist— Activates/deactivates the whitelist.
  • /whitelist reload— Reloads the white list.
  • /xp<количество> <никнейм>— Gives the player with the specified nickname the specified number of xp points.
  • /publish— Allows access to the server via LAN.
  • /debug— Starts a new debug mode session.

Here are all the admin commands in Minecraft.

  • Main constituent element
    • text : A string representing the text that will be directly displayed. Please note that selectors will not be translated into player names; use instead selector. "\n" is used to break to a new line.
    • translate : The translation ID of the text that will be translated into the player's language. The identifiers are located in the language files of the game or resource pack. If the identifier is not in the translation file, the text recorded in this identifier will be displayed. Ignored if already present text.
    • with : List of text components used translate.
      • The number of the element in the list corresponds to the number of the %s argument in the translation string. That is, the first element of the list corresponds to %1$s in the translation string. For example: /tellraw @a ("translate":"<%2$s>%1$s","with":[("translate":"I want to see %s!","with":[("text":"honey","color":"gold")])," Bear"]) will display in chat " <Медведь>I want to see honey "
    • score : The player's score in the task. Will display an empty line if the player is not yet being tracked in this task. Ignored if already present text or translate.
      • name : The name of the player whose score will be displayed. Selectors can be used. If "*" is specified, then the player for whom the text is displayed will have his own score displayed. For example, /tellraw @a ("score":("name":"*","objective":"obj")) will show each player their own score in the "obj" task.
      • objective : Name of the task whose score will be displayed.
      • value : Optional. When used, will display the specified value regardless of what it actually is.
    • selector : A string containing the selector (@p , @a , @r , @e or @s ) and optionally the conditions for it. Unlike text, selector will be translated into the creature's name. If the selector found more than one entity, it will be displayed as Name1 and Name2 or Name1, Name2, Name3 and Name4. Clicking LMB on a player's name, displayed by the /tellraw command, will enter /msg into the chat player_name. Pressing ⇧ Shift + LMB on a player's name will enter it into the chat line. Pressing ⇧ Shift + LMB on an entity name will enter its UUID into the chat line. Ignored if already present text, translate or score.
    • keybind : A string representing the key required to perform a specific action. For example, key.inventory will display "E" until the player changes the inventory key.
    • extra : List of extra elements.
      • A list of elements in the same format as the initial JSON object. Note that all properties of this object are inherited by child elements. That is, child elements will retain the same formatting and events until they are overwritten.
    • color : The color of the displayed text. Possible values: "black", "dark_blue", "dark_green", "dark_aqua", "dark_red", "dark_purple", "gold", "gray", "dark_gray", "blue", "green", "aqua" , "red", "light_purple", "yellow", "white" and "reset" (resets the color of the ancestor elements). Technically, "bold", "underline", "italic", "strikethrough", and "obfuscated" are also possible, but it is better to use the tags below.
    • bold : Makes the text bold. Default value: "false".
    • italic : Makes the text italic. Default value: "false".
    • underlined : Makes the text underlined. Default value: "false".
    • strikethrough : Makes the text strikethrough. Default value: "false".
    • obfuscated : Causes the characters in the text to constantly change. Default value: "false".
    • insertion : When a player clicks on text using ⇧ Shift + LMB, the string of that element will be inserted into the chat. This will not affect previously written text.
    • clickEvent: Performs some action when the player clicks on the text.
      • action : The action that is performed when clicked.
        • open_url: Opens value as a link in the player's browser.
        • open_file: Opens value like a file on your computer. Only used in messages generated by the game (for example, when taking a screenshot).
        • run_command: Executes value as if the player himself entered it in the chat. This can also be a command, but it will not work if the player does not have enough rights to execute it.
        • change_page: Redirects to the page specified in value, if it exists. Can only be used in completed books.
        • suggest_command: Inserts value to the player's chat; in this case, all previously written text disappears.
      • value : URL, text, or book page number used action. Note that commands must be preceded by a forward slash (/).
    • hoverEvent : Shows a tooltip when hovering over text.
      • action : Tooltip type.
        • show_text Shows text in JSON format.
        • show_item: Shows a tooltip of the item, which may also contain NBT tags.
        • show_entity: Shows the entity name and, if possible, its type and UUID.
      • value : Possible values ​​for this argument depend on the selected action.
        • show_text: Can be either just a string or a JSON object with the same formatting as the main one.
        • show_item: String with NBT data of the item.
        • show_entity: A compound string with the keys "type", "name" and "id" (must be a UUID, but actually accepts any string).

In Minecraft, the player sooner or later encounters situations that are so dangerous for him that he himself does not know whether he can cope with them and not lose all the things in his inventory. It is in such cases that a command can be used that allows you to preserve personal items after death.

As any player knows, the universe is filled with numerous types of different monsters, otherwise called mobs, which, even in late stages games you can get killed. Therefore, sometimes the command in Minecraft to prevent things from falling out upon death is very useful. Moreover, there are other ways to die: a banal fall into lava can lead to inevitable death. The hero can be crushed by blocks while working in a mine or fall from a great height.

These cases are not so rare, and there is no way to insure against them. You can only rely on your luck and attentiveness. Among advanced gamers, the command for protecting things from falling out upon death has long been popular. They need it as much as possible, because diamond things mined by complex and the long way, I don’t really want to lose because of stupid bad luck.

Command for saving things in Minecraft

Let's look at how to use this command and other useful things to cover. Let's start with the concept of a "spawn point" - in other words, the place where you appear at the beginning of the game or after death. It has specific coordinates and can be specified as a separate command.

It often happens that by default, at the beginning of the game, a character appears in a place that is not very suitable or even dangerous for life, populated by various mobs that can kill the player immediately after his appearance. You can even be surrounded by lava, which will be difficult to get around. This is precisely why the inventory preservation command is needed - no one, under any circumstances, will knock your “treasures” out of you, no matter how many times you die.

If you are convinced of the usefulness of this command, you should start entering it. This is done quite simply, especially if you have already entered any codes into Minecraft game. When logging into any card or server, you must enable input mode and specify the following command:

Please note that it must be preceded by a "/" character. If everything was done correctly, the next time you die, all the items in your inventory will remain in their places!

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Command to save items - Video

What is the command in Minecraft to prevent things from falling out?

In the game Minecraft, for example, if you jump into lava, you can die, and things are lost, that is, they fall out, so that they are not lost after death, you need to enter this command in the chat line:

/gamerule keepInventory true

To cancel it, use this command:

/gamerule keepInventory false

This video shows this clearly:

In Minecraft, as in real life, unpleasant events happen, such as death away from home. This event leads to the player loses things, accumulated by backbreaking labor over a lifetime. After all, in order to recollect things that fall out after death, you must first find the place of death, and this can be very difficult.

Therefore the question is how to stop things from falling out, is very relevant.

Minecraft has a very useful /gamerule command that can be used in almost all cases. This team sets certain rules that apply during the game. By combining this command with others in Minecraft, you can achieve the desired effect.

For example, team in Minecraft so that things don't fall out, looks like this: /gamerule keepInventory true.

Disabling this command in Minecraft is done with another command: /gamerule keepInventory false.

In Minecraft, in order to collect the necessary equipment, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. And that’s why it’s doubly offensive when a hero dies in a game and all his things “disappear” along with him.

In order to solve this problem, there is the following command:

After entering it, the player is reborn with all inventory, without loss.

BUT! For this tool to work, cheats must be enabled. You can enable them by the following sequence of actions: press Esc --> next "Open for the network" --> next "Use cheats" --> then select "On 9 --> and then "Open the world for the network" (this works in single player).

In the now popular game Minecraft, not very pleasant events can happen to the player, and it could even be death.

And this leads to such events that the player will lose all his things that were accumulated during his life during the game.

The essence of the game is that the opportunity to collect your things can only appear if the place of death is found, and this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

In Minecraft, for this purpose, there is a network command that will help you solve problems and you can use it in different situations. And it is possible to combine this command with other commands and thanks to this solve your problems successfully. in Minecraft this command with others can achieve the desired effect.

And if you need things not to disappear, then you should enter and write the following command - gamerule keepInventory true.

/gamerule keepInventory TRUE- this command allows you not to lose things when you die.

For example: You are walking through a cave in Minecraft, adding your treasured diamonds as usual, and then a creeper sneaks up behind you, it exploded and your items did not fall, you still have them and you are reborn with them, thanks to this great team.

But there is less interest, there is no such excitement as there was before, so I recommend not using this command.

It's no secret that you can die in any game. But in the game Minecraft, your hard-earned inventory is burned along with your lives. To avoid unnecessary risks, just enter this command: /gamerule keepInventory TRUE and despite the death of your Hero, and he has a lot of chances to die, things will remain in the game until “rebirth9.

In some locations of the game, such as in the “Edge” location, there are a lot of different traps/monsters and therefore the question of saving your inventory items often arises. For such a case, a command is provided that looks like:

/gamerule keepInventory true.

Allowing the player not to lose his things after death.

In the game Minecraft you have to gradually collect or obtain inventory. And it becomes very sad when a hero or account dies. Because then all things (inventory) perish. To avoid losing your inventory, enter the following command in the game chat:

And then even after death things will be whole.

Yes, there really is such a command; if you know it, you can save all things, even after death.

/gamerule keepInventory TRUE - this is the command. My neighbor checked it, it works. In this game, it is important to save things, because the inventory is not so easy to refill.

As we wrote above, death forces you to look for things. You can think about this in advance and, to avoid unnecessary waste of time, write /gamerule keepInventory true on the command line. This command disables the item drop feature.

Cheat codes are also desirable.

Enter the command /gamerule keepInventory TRUE after this, in case of death, things should be saved in the inventory.

There is one computer game, developed by programmer Markus Persson from Sweden, it is called Minecraft (from the English mine “mine”, “to mine” and the English craft “craft”). The main principle of the game comes down to sandbox graphics, thanks to which the player can build. Probably, like in many other games of this kind, everyone who is interested in them faced the problem that after defeat (death) all the found objects and things were lost/fell out. For single player(only on one computer) there is a solution to this problem command /gamerule keepInventory true

And you definitely need to enable cheats. If cheats are not enabled by default, then you need to press Esc>Open for the network>Use cheats>On>Open the world for the network.

There are many videos on the Internet showing how to do this clearly, for example here.

To private a territory, the WorldEdit plugin must be installed on the server. Without it, most likely nothing will work out.

We select the territory

There are several ways to select an area. The most common is using an ax. At the same time, it is not necessary to create it; you can simply enter a command in the chat;

Using the left mouse button, first mark the lowest point of your territory. If the coordinates appear, then you did everything correctly. Next, you need to note the most high point. Move the character to right place and rise to the required height and right-click to mark the second point.

You don’t have to select the highest or lowest points, but mark those that are at the same height. After that, enter two commands in the chat:

The first team marks the height of 20 cubes down, the second, respectively, the height of 20 cubes up. The number of cubes can be changed as desired. This will eliminate the need to build tall pillars and dig deep holes.

The question may arise as to why mark an area that goes deep or is located at the top. After all, there are no buildings on it. This is done to prevent evil players from harming you, for example, by flooding the entire area with lava or by digging under and getting to your chests.

The next method is similar to the previous one. Only instead of an ax we will use commands. You also need to stand at the lowest point of your territory and enter a command in the chat;

You can also use the commands;

They mark the points that the character is looking at. That is, where the cross in the middle of the screen is directed.

The most important thing is not to forget that the territory is private at an angle. If you mark a straight line with dots, then only what is between these two dots will be private.

Let's privatize the territory

Once the territory has been allocated, there is very little left for it to become completely yours. In chat you need to enter the command

Name – this is the name of the site, you can choose any one.

And that’s it, the territory is secured. Each territory has its own owner and members who have access to it and their actions are limited. If you created a region, then you automatically become its owner and can add new members to it.

For example, you have created a region and want to build something in it. And your friends want to help with this. In order for them to perform actions, you need to enter a command in the chat;

/region addowner “territory name” “friend1 name” “friend2 name”

Only all names and titles are written without quotation marks. There is also no need to separate them with commas or periods, just a space.

After construction is over and you want to live in peace and quiet, you can prohibit other participants from performing any actions as a team;

/region removeowner “territory name” “friend1 name” “friend2 name”

We also write all names without quotes.

Protection of private territory

You can use flags to protect your region. Flags in Minecraft are the imposition of any restrictions on the territory. They can only be installed by the region owner.

Flags are set by command;

/region flag “region name” “flag name” “value”

Everything is written without quotes, of course. There can be three values: deny-it is forbidden, allow-Can, none-not installed.

Flags that can be used to protect your territory:

  • Pvp– attack by other players, if you set a ban, then no one will be able to attack you
  • Sleep– whether players can sleep on the territory.
  • Creeper-explosion- creeper explosion, if you put a ban on it, then creepers will not be able to explode on your territory and will not be able to cause any damage to you or your buildings.
  • Lighter– use of a lighter; if prohibited, no one (including you) will be able to use a flint and light a fire. On the one hand, no one will cause damage, on the other, you will not be able to get into the lower worlds.
  • Lava-flow– damage from lava. With the ban, no one will be able to flood your entire territory with streams of hot lava, which causes enormous damage.
  • Potion-splash- damage from potions. When banned, you do not take damage from potions.
  • Water-flow– water damage. With the ban, no one will be able to cause a flood and destroy buildings.
  • Ghast-fireball- fireball damage. If you put a ban, then no one will be able to use the fireball throughout the entire territory.
  • Use- Use of mechanisms, doors. When banned, no one will be able to open doors or use mechanisms. Griffins' favorite pastime is using a piston and using it to move the house beyond the sealed area. And it’s already robbed.
  • Chest-access- Using chests. When banned, no one will be able to use your chests.

The ban command, for example, the use of chests in the House region will look like this;

/region flag House chest-access deny

If you put a ban on all flags, then your region will be ready for any surprise and will become invulnerable.

How to lock up a house

The privacy of a home is no different from the privacy of a territory. Strictly speaking, the player simply limits the territory on which the house is located. So the procedure is the same.

When selecting a territory, you need to mark points with a margin of distance. There must be at least five cubes from the border to the wall or roof. This way you can create maximum protection. When marking territory, make sure that it does not capture someone else’s region, otherwise you will not succeed.

You can go another way. Securing things separately, every detail of the house and its furnishings, but this is very tedious, time-consuming and tedious. If you have a lot of time, you can try it.

Creating a child region

On each private territory you can create another private region. For example, if you are not playing alone and you have a house that friends have access to. And you only want to have your own personal room in it.

First as a team;

select the zone that will be a region within a region, then enter the command;

/rg claim “new region name”

without quotes. After this, you need to make this territory a child territory, to do this, write in the chat;

/region “main region name” “child region name”

All names are without quotes.

This will be useful for those who have a large territory and there are many players in it.

How to check the territory for private

After all the actions have been completed and the commands have been entered, you will need to check whether it was possible to secure the territory. You need to pick up a stick (if old version, then a web) and poke it at any block. A message about the name of the territory will appear or it will not appear.

This method works with the territory of other players, and will also be useful if for some reason you have forgotten the name of your region.

Other useful private commands

If you get tired of the private area, you can remove it. Of course, you don’t have to do this, but then a piece of the world will be inaccessible to other players, and if they stop deleting the private message, then the territory may become inaccessible. Therefore, it is better to act as an honest crafter. The private is removed from the territory by the command;

/region delete “region name”

Remember that when you delete your region, you lose all buildings and acquired property.

If you want to enlarge or move a region, then it is not at all necessary to delete it and do it anew. There are special commands for these actions. First you need to select a new area or your territory and enter;

/region redefine "region name"

/region move “region name”

/region update "region name"

The private area will be changed, but the flags will remain in place.

You can also add a co-owner, but this is highly not recommended. He will have the same rights as you. A co-owner is added by the team;

/rg addowner "region name" "player name"

You can delete it by registering it in the chat;

/rg removeowner "region name" "player name"

By the way, having become a co-owner, he will also be able to use this command and remove you from your own region. So choose your partner carefully.

If you want to add friends, but you don’t quite trust them, then the team;

installs protection on chests, doors, stoves, hatches, elevators, and so on.

If you need to give access to them, then write the player’s nickname after the command. You can also set a password and not have to enter it every time new team with the player's name. It is installed if you write in the chat;

/cpassword "password"

Now you can simply provide your password to the right people. If you forget it, then all password-protected chests and doors can be opened using the command;

A removes protection;

If you have several regions, you can view their list by typing a command in the chat;


Many servers have certain restrictions regarding the privacy of the territory. It could be:

  • Prohibition of allocating territory from the very bottom of the world to the sky;
  • Ban on highlighting the entire world;
  • Restriction on the allocation of blocks (for example, the maximum number of cubes in the territory is 30,000);
  • Limit on the number of people in one region;
  • On some servers it is forbidden to call the region by your nickname;
  • Restriction on ownership of regions (for example, one person can only own 3 regions);
  • Prohibition on the seizure of someone else's acquired territory.

When privatizing a region, be careful, find out what restrictions there are on the server and carefully check the territory. Especially the starting points, it may turn out that something completely different from what is needed will be attached. Don't add untested people, they can ruin everything you've worked so hard for. Try to create reliable protection from griefers and you won’t have to worry about your property.

    In the game Minecraft you have to gradually collect or obtain inventory. And it becomes very sad when a hero or account dies. Because then all things (inventory) perish. To avoid losing your inventory, enter the following command in the game chat:

    And then even after death things will be whole.

    In the now popular game Minecraft, not very pleasant events can happen to the player, and it could even be death.

    And this leads to such events that the player will lose all his things that were accumulated during his life during the game.

    The essence of the game is that the opportunity to collect your things can only appear if the place of death is found, and this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

    In Minecraft, for this purpose, there is a network command that will help you solve problems and you can use it in different situations. And it is possible to combine this command with other commands and thanks to this solve your problems successfully. in Minecraft this command with others can achieve the desired effect.

    And if you need things not to disappear, then you should enter and write the following command - gamerule keepInventory true.

    As we wrote above, death forces you to look for things. You can think about this in advance and, to avoid unnecessary waste of time, write /gamerule keepInventory true on the command line. This command disables the item drop feature.

    Cheat codes are also desirable.

    /gamerule keepInventory TRUE- this command allows you not to lose things when you die.

    For example: You are walking through a cave in Minecraft, adding your treasured diamonds as usual, and then a creeper sneaks up behind you, it exploded and your items did not fall, you still have them and you are reborn with them, thanks to this great team.

    But there is less interest, there is no such excitement as there was before, so I recommend not using this command.

    In Minecraft, just like in real life, unpleasant events happen, such as death far from home. This event leads to the player loses things, accumulated by backbreaking labor over a lifetime. After all, in order to recollect things that fall out after death, you must first find the place of death, and this can be very difficult.

    Therefore the question is how to stop things from falling out, is very relevant.

    Minecraft has a very useful /gamerule command that can be used in almost all cases. This team sets certain rules that apply during the game. By combining this command with others in Minecraft, you can achieve the desired effect.

    For example, team in Minecraft so that things don't fall out, looks like this: /gamerule keepInventory true.

    Disabling this command in Minecraft is done with another command: /gamerule keepInventory false.

    In some locations of the game, such as in the Edge location, there are a lot of different traps/monsters and therefore the question of saving your inventory items often arises. For such a case, a command is provided that looks like:

    /gamerule keepInventory true.

    Allowing the player not to lose his things after death.

    Yes, there really is such a command; if you know it, then you can save all things, even after death.

    /gamerule keepInventory TRUE - this is the command. My neighbor checked it, it works. In this game, it is important to save things, because the inventory is not so easy to refill.

    Enter the command /gamerule keepInventory TRUE after this, in case of death, things should be saved in the inventory.

    In Minecraft, in order to collect the necessary equipment, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. And that’s why it’s doubly offensive when a hero dies in a game and all his things disappear with him.

    In order to solve this problem, there is the following command:

    After entering it, the player is reborn with all inventory, without loss.

    BUT! For this tool to work, cheats must be enabled. You can enable them using the following sequence of actions: press Esc --> next Open for the network --> next Using cheats --> then select On. --> and then Open the world to the network (this works in single player).

    In the game Minecraft, for example, if you jump into lava, you can die, and things are lost, that is, they fall out, so that they are not lost after death, you need to enter this command in the chat line:

    /gamerule keepInventory true

    To cancel it, use this command:

    /gamerule keepInventory false

    This video shows this clearly:

    There is such a computer game developed by programmer Markus Persson from Sweden, it is called Minecraft (from the English mine, mine and English craft craft). The main principle of the game comes down to sandbox graphics, thanks to which the player can build. Probably, like in many other games of this kind, everyone who is interested in them faced the problem that after defeat (death) all the found objects and things were lost/fell out. For a single player game (only on one computer) there is a solution to this problem command /gamerule keepInventory true

    And you definitely need to enable cheats. If cheats are not enabled by default, then you need to press Esc>Open for the network>Use cheats>On>Open the world for the network.

    There are many videos on the Internet showing how to do this clearly, for example here.

    It's no secret that you can die in any game. But in the game Minecraft, your hard-earned inventory is burned along with your lives. To avoid unnecessary risks, just enter this command: /gamerule keepInventory TRUE and despite the death of your Hero, and he has a lot of chances to die, things will remain in the game until he is revived.