Irina kamiren from house 2 who is she. Plastic surgery by Elina Kamiren: before and after photos. New story on the project

Elina Kamiren (Karyakina) was born in 1986 in the Siberian city of Tyumen. She was raised by her mother, who opened her own beauty salon to adequately provide for her small family. At first, Elina took up gymnastics seriously, but her sports career was unsuccessful due to her height (179 cm). She even tried herself in basketball, but in the end she abandoned thoughts about sports for a long time.

After school, Elina went to England, where she worked for some time as a fashion model and improved her skills English language. She even managed to open her own modeling agency in London, but later sold it and returned to Russia. In the capital, Kamiren became a student at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas and, in addition, got a prestigious position in one of the large Moscow companies.

In 2011, Elina Kamiren decided to participate in the casting of the popular television project"Dom-2" and successfully completed it. TV show participants must choose a mate and build a relationship while living long time in a house that is a film set. It was during this period that Elina’s stormy personal life began to take shape.

Personal life

On the television project, Karyakina began to develop a relationship with Alexei Samsonov. It was quite whirlwind romance: the young people then dispersed, then came together again. Once they even left the show one after another, but Elina still returned to the project in 2013. It was then that she took the surname Kamiren. She quickly found a new lover - Alexander Zadoynov, who surrounded the girl with real romance. Elina became pregnant, and the lovers decided that they would get married after the birth of the child.

At the end of 2014, Elina and Alexander had a daughter, named Alexandra in honor of her father, but the latter had changed a lot by that time. Alexander began to suspect his common-law wife of infidelity and even declared that the child was not his. In addition, the TNT television channel refused the promised funding for the wedding that everyone was expecting. The young people decided to separate, remaining on friendly terms.

After some time, Alexander Zadoynov nevertheless decided to find out whether he was the father of the child. This situation became the topic of one of the episodes of the TV show “Live with Boris Korchevnikov.” A DNA test was performed to confirm paternity former member"House 2". As for Elina Kamiren, she opened her video blog on YouTube hosting, and is also in constant contact with fans on in social networks. The girl remained partial to scandalous antics, one of which was a real striptease, which Kamiren performed while broadcast online.

Elina Kamiren (Karyakina)– participant of the TV show, native of the city of Tyumen. Elina grew up in a wealthy family, graduated from school in England, after which, returning to Russia, she started her own business.

Elina spent a long time looking for something to do. At first, she decided to try herself in the modeling business and opened a modeling agency in Moscow. But, realizing that it was “not hers,” she sold the company and returned to Tyumen, where she began to engage in the oil business.

Elina’s relationships with men outside the perimeter did not work out. The girl lived for some time with a Moscow official, but this relationship did not lead to anything, and they broke up.

In 2011, Elina Karyakina decided to try her luck on the television project Dom-2. At the show she meets a handsome young man. Their relationship develops rapidly, she even introduces the guy to her mother. But rumors that suddenly appeared that Elina is not actually engaged in business, but provides escort services, force the couple to leave the project. Outside the walls of House-2, the relationship between Elina and Alexei quickly fades away and the guys separate.

In 2012, Alexey returned to the set and asked the whole country for Elina to return to him. The girl, melted by such an act, returns to the guy. However, this relationship was doomed to failure. Samsonov violated the rules of the project, for which he was kicked out of the clearing, Elina followed him. Outside the perimeter, their relationship lasted only a month.

On her third visit to the project, Elina met. Or rather, it is Sasha who pays attention to the eccentric blonde and begins to pursue her. After long and persistent attacks, Alexander manages to melt the girl’s heart, and their relationship begins. Soon, Sasha proposes to Kamiren, and they set a wedding day.

Elina with Sasha Zadoynov

At the moment when Sasha and Elina are planning a future celebration, two more couples begin to apply for the project money allocated for the weddings of the participants. As a result, each of them received 333 thousand rubles for organizing the celebration. This fact shook the relationship between Elina and Sasha, because they were hoping for a million. The need to find the missing amount forced Elina to look at her chosen one differently and understand that he would not “meet” her requests. The girl decides to break up with Sasha and leaves the project.

After some time, unexpectedly for everyone, Elina returns to the project, announcing that she is pregnant with Alexander’s child. The couple gets back together amid pregnancy, but their relationship is not easy. Alexander proves to Elina in every possible way his worth and that he can provide for his family. Elina’s mother turns out to be on his side and invites her daughter to give the guy a chance. Just before the birth, they leave Dom-2 and go to Tyumen for several months on maternity leave. In the fall of 2014, they have a daughter, who is named Alexandra in honor of her father.

Member name:

Age (birthday): 6.01.1986

City: Tyumen, Moscow

Education: Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Gubkina

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Elina was born in Tyumen on January 6, 1985. The girl’s mother, Elena Nikolaevna, raised her daughter on her own.

Since the father was a simple worker and did not want to develop, quarrels often arose between them and in the end they divorced.

The father did not pay attention to his daughter and did not support her in any way. And Elena Nikolaevna devoted herself to her upbringing. Elina graduated from school and visited the UK to improve her English.

She worked as a model and then opened her own modeling agency. without mother's help. After a while, she sold her business and moved to Moscow.

There she graduated from Russian State University oil and gas named after. THEM. Gubkina. After which I went on a TV show.

The beauty immediately charmed Alexey Samsonov.

The guys' relationship was full of passion, love and quarrels. Unable to control her emotions, Elina decided to leave the television set.

The girl traveled a lot, paid time for yourself, but she could not forget Alexei. She nevertheless returned to the project and again tried to create a couple with him.

The guys quarreled and made up again. They were even going to get married, but the celebration never took place.

In May 2012, the guy was asked to leave the show because he broke the rules. Elina also left Dom2.

Outside the perimeter they were together for only a month, then they broke up again. Then both returned to the television project, but Elina said that she is no longer interested in Lesha.

During her time on the show, she managed to kick out the Gusev family. The participant tried to build a relationship with a guy named Gabriel.

But they came to nothing. The relationship between Elina Karjakina and Elina collapsed in the same way.

The guys planned a wedding, but it didn’t take place. The couple began to quarrel over Alexander’s photographs and over the broadcast, where he abandoned his daughter.

Karjakina realized that Sasha was pulling her down and was not suitable for her. After all, the girl plans to develop her business and earn high incomes. Then there was a not very beautiful breakup, after which Karjakina left the TV show.

However, after 2 weeks it turned out that she was pregnant and the guys established a relationship.

The girl returned again to the television project House 2, where she continued to build a relationship with Alexander.

In 2014, Elina's daughter was born, whom she named Sasha in honor of the baby’s father. But the guys finally broke up.

Photo by Elina

The girl runs Instagram, where she constantly posts personal photos.

Age: 33 years

City: Tyumen

Height: 179 cm Weight: 52 kg

Was on the project 603 days

She changed her last name Karjakina to Kamiren.

Elina Karyakina born on January 6, 1985 in Tyumen. Elina's mother, Elena Karyakina, owns a beauty salon. She raised her daughter herself. After school, Elina went to the UK to improve her English. She worked as a model and was the owner of a modeling agency, which she opened independently without the support of her parents. Having sold the business, she moved to Moscow. In the capital she graduated from the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. THEM. Gubkina.

Elina Karyakina considers her main talent to be her ability to speak “a lot, for a long time and without interruption.” The girl was involved in choreography in her youth, has a second youth rank in gymnastics (uneven bars), has a rank in basketball, and loves to organize holidays, filming and other events.

On her first visit, the confident girl easily achieved Alexey Samsonov. The guys showed the country true love, full of scandals, hugs, tears and kisses. Unable to withstand the emotional intensity, Elina left the perimeter. For a whole year she took care of herself and traveled, but her love for Alexei still did not cool down.

Elina’s second visit to the project took place a year later, at the invitation of Alexey Samsonov. It turns out that all this time Lesha continued to love the eccentric blonde. And Elina was never able to erase the image of an alpha male from her heart. The scenario of the relationship between Karyakina and Samsonov has not changed: violent passion was replaced loud scandals, bright quarrels ended in heated reconciliations, temperamental Elina left the gate many times, but always returned to the arms of Lesha. The couple planned to legitimize their relationship, but things never came to a wedding. In May 2012, Samsonov was kicked out of the project for violating the rules, Elina also left House 2. And again deja vu: a month together, separation, Samsonov’s return to the ranks of the household.

Returning to the scandalous reality show for the third time, Elina Karyakina noted that her passion for Samsonov had long passed and she was no longer going to seek Alexei’s favor. For a long time, Karjakina was engaged exclusively in philosophical reasoning and provocative statements. The blonde even managed to kick the Gusev family out of the project. The girl tried to build a relationship with a participant with the exotic name Gabriel Diaz Alvarez, but nothing came of it.

It didn’t work out for Elina with Sasha Zadoynov, who sought her out for a very long time and persistently. The guy even proposed to the girl - the couple wanted to get married on the 10th anniversary of House 2 and were already planning a luxurious wedding. But after only 333 thousand remained of the wedding million promised by the project, the young people began to have problems. Elina began to quarrel with her boyfriend about his racy photographs taken at work in the club, about an old broadcast where Sasha abandoned his daughter and other reasons. According to Elina’s statement, she realized that Sasha is not her person, she wants to develop, run a business, get high earnings, but Sasha is dragging her down. After an ugly breakup, Kamiren left the project.

Elina Karjakina's VKontakte page.

January 15, 2018

Former member popular TV show Elina Kamiren is raising a three-year-old daughter from her relationship with Alexander Zadoynov. Recently, a scandal broke out between them again.

Photo: Instagram

Although they are trying to improve their relationship for the sake of their daughter after the breakup, scandals break out between them every now and then. This time, the cause of the disagreement was the daughter of the ex-lovers.

Very soon, Elina plans to go to the USA on a long work trip - she wanted to take her daughter with her, but Zadoynov is strongly against the baby flying away with her mother. Position ex-lover greatly surprises Elina, as Alexander comes up with rather strange reasons why he does not want to let his daughter go to America. Moreover, according to Kamiren herself, in Lately Zadoynov is not too interested in his daughter’s life.

“I’m flying to Los Angeles at the end of January. This is a work trip. I will stay in America for at least a month. Unfortunately, due to Zadoinov’s fault, I am flying without a child - he simply did not give me permission to take Alexandra to the States. I started talking about how I wanted to show my little girl America last year when I flew to New York. It feels like if he doesn’t have money for America, no one should go there, including a child, to sunbathe in the sun and swim in the ocean. Some kind of elementary envy,” said Kamiren