Poem Uncle Styopa and Egor. Poem Uncle Styopa and Egor What did Uncle Styopa's son want to become?

Poems for children are certainly associated with the name Mikhalkov. Mikhalkov wrote many poems for children. He began writing poetry for children early. In 1935 in the magazine "Pioneer", the newspapers "Izvestia" and " Komsomolskaya Pravda"Mikhalkov's first poems for children appeared. These were Three Citizens, Uncle Styopa, What Do You Have?, About Mimosa, Stubborn Thomas and other poems for children. In 1936, his first collection Poems for Children was published in the series "Ogonyok Library" Mikhalkov entered children's literature quickly and triumphantly, the circulation of his books very quickly became equal to the circulation of Marshak and Chukovsky. Mikhalkov's poems for children are famous, in which he was able, in the words of A.A. Fadeev, to give the foundations of the social in a lively and entertaining form. education. In play and through play, Mikhalkov helps the child to learn. the world around us, instills a love of work.

More than one generation has grown up on the wonderful poems of Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov. The poem for children “Uncle Styopa” is one of the writer’s most famous and beloved works.

Uncle Styopa and Egor

I, friends, will tell you right away:
This book is on order.

I arrived in kindergarten,
I perform for the guys. -
Read "Uncle Styopa" -
The chorus asks for the first row.

I read a book to the guys,
I didn’t have time to sit down,
The boy gets up:
- Does Styopa have children?

What will I tell him in response?
It's hard to answer: no.

I am a poem about Uncle Styopa
Started many years ago
And nowhere about Uncle Styopa
Didn't say he was married.
That one day he fell in love
I chose one girl
And he married Manechka,
And he brought his wife home...

Uncle Styopa and Egor

What happened in the maternity hospital
On this winter day in the morning!
This is who guests are introduced to
Sisters, nannies, doctors?

In a bright, sunny room,
Near mom, on the bed,
In front of other mothers,
An unprecedented child sleeps,
Not a baby, but a whole little one -
Full eight kilograms!

Whispers are heard in the corridor,
A loud conversation is heard:
- Born to Uncle Styopa
A son named Egor!........................

Nikolai Vladimirovich Litvinov (May 19, 1907 - December 27, 1987) - actor, director, People's Artist RSFSR (1972). One of the leading Soviet masters of radio broadcasting for children. Among the most famous works: “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” (1949, based on the fairy tale by A. N. Tolstoy), where Litvinov played all the roles - this fact can illustrate the versatility of Litvinov’s talent; "Persistent tin soldier"(based on Andersen's fairy tale); "Drummer's Fate" and " Distant countries"(according to A.P. Gaidar); “The story of how Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich quarreled” (according to N.V. Gogol); “The jumping firefire”, “Sinyushkin’s well”, etc. (according to Bazhov’s tales), etc.

He staged a series of radio games for children, “Guessing Game,” in which he himself took part as a presenter. For my creative life N.V. Litvinov staged hundreds of radio plays and conducted thousands of radio broadcasts. In the 1970s and 1980s, the “Baby Monitor” program, which was also created under the leadership of Litvinov and with his participation, enjoyed great success.
He made his last radio recording on December 24, 1987, and on December 27 he passed away.

In the house there are eight fraction one

At the Ilyich outpost

There lived a tall citizen

Nicknamed Kalancha,

By surname Stepanov

And named Stepan,

From the regional giants

The most important giant.

Respected Uncle Styopa

For such a height.

Uncle Styopa was coming home from work -

It was visible a mile away.

Dashingly measured their steps

Two huge legs:

Size forty five

He bought boots.

He was looking for in the market

Greatest boots

He was looking for his pants

Unprecedented width.

Will buy with grief in half,

Turns to the mirrors -

All tailoring work

It's coming apart at the seams!

He's through any fence

From the pavement I looked into the courtyard.

The dogs started barking:

They thought it was a thief.

Uncle Styopa took it from the dining room

Double lunch for yourself.

Uncle Styopa went to bed -

He put his feet on a stool.

While sitting, he took books from the cabinet.

And more than once he goes to the cinema

They said: - Sit on the floor,

You, comrade, don’t care!

But to the stadium

It was free:

They let Uncle Styopa through -

They thought he was a champion.

From gate to gate

All the people in the area knew

Where does Stepanov work?

Where is it registered?

How does he live?

Because everyone is faster

Without special efforts

He filmed the kite for the guys

From telegraph wires.

And the one who is small in stature,

At the parade he raised

Because everyone should

See the country's army.

Everyone loved Uncle Styopa,

Respected Uncle Styopa:

He was the best friend

All the guys from all the yards.

He is in a hurry home from Arbat.

- How are you living? - the guys shout.

He sneezes - the guys chorus:

- Uncle Styopa, be healthy!

Uncle Styopa early in the morning

He quickly jumped up from the sofa,

The windows were opened wide,

I took a cold shower.

Uncle Styopa brushing teeth

I never forgot.

A man sits in the saddle

Legs dragging along the ground -

This is Uncle Styopa coming

Along the boulevard on a donkey.

“You,” people shout to Stepan, “

You need to ride a camel!

He rode on a camel -

People are choking with laughter:

- Hey, comrade, where are you from?

You will crush the camel!

To you, at your height,

You need to ride an elephant!

Uncle Styopa two minutes

It remains until the jump.

He's standing under a parachute

And he's a little worried.

And below the people laugh:

The tower wants to jump from the tower!

To the shooting range, under a low canopy,

Uncle Styopa barely got in.

- Let me address you,

I pay for the shots.

In this ball and in this bird

I want to take aim!

Looking around the shooting range with alarm,

The cashier says in response:

-You'll have to kneel

Dear comrade, stand up -

You can target

Without a gun, reach it with your hand!

Until the morning in the alleys of the park

It will be fun and bright

The music will thunder

The audience will be noisy.

Uncle Styopa asks for the cash register:

- I came to the carnival.

Give me this mask

So that no one finds out!

“It’s quite easy to recognize you,”

There is a friendly laugh -

We recognize you by your height:

You, comrade, are above everyone!

What's happened?

What kind of scream?

- It’s a student drowning!

He fell off a cliff into the river -

Help the man!

In front of all the people

Uncle Styopa climbs into the water.

- This is extraordinary! –

Everyone shouts to him from the bridge. –

You, comrade, are knee-deep

All deep places!

Alive, healthy and unharmed

Boy Vasya Borodin.

Uncle Styopa this time

Saved a drowning man.

For a noble deed

Everyone thanks him.

“Ask for anything,”

They tell Uncle Styopa.

– I don’t need anything –

I saved him for nothing!

The locomotive is flying, humming,

The driver looks ahead.

Driver at the stop

Kochegaru says:

– From station to station

I made a lot of flights,

But I’m ready to argue -

This is a new semaphore.

They drive up to the semaphore.

What kind of deception is this?

No semaphore -

Stepan is standing by the path.

He stands and says:

“The path here is washed out by the rains.”

I deliberately raised my hand -

Show that the path is closed.

What's that smoke overhead?

What's that thunder on the pavement?

The house is burning around the corner

Hundreds of onlookers stand around.

The team is putting up the ladders,

Saves the house from fire.

The whole attic is already on fire,

Pigeons are fighting in the window.

In the yard in a crowd of guys

They say to Uncle Styopa:

- Is it really together with the house?

Will our pigeons burn?

Uncle Styopa from the sidewalk

Reaches up to the attic.

Through the fire and smoke of the fire

His hand reaches out.

He opens the window.

They fly out of the window

Eighteen doves

And behind them is a sparrow.

Everyone is grateful to Stepan:

He saved the birds, and therefore

Become a firefighter immediately

Everyone advises him.

But in response to the firefighters

Stepanov says: “No!”

I'm going to serve in the navy,

If I'm tall enough.

There is laughter and whispering in the corridor,

There is a buzz of speeches in the corridor.

Uncle Styopa is in the office

Being examined by doctors.

He's standing. Him bend over

The sister asks politely.

– We can’t reach!

Doctors explain. –

Everything from sight to hearing

We will investigate for you:

Does your ear hear well?

How far can the eye see?

Uncle Styopa was examined

Conducted to the scales

And they said: - In this body

My heart beats like a clock!

The growth is great, but nothing -

Let's take him into the army!

But you are not fit to be a tank driver:

You won't fit in the tank!

And they are not fit for infantry:

You can be seen from the trench!

With your height on the plane

Inconvenient to be on a flight:

Your legs will get tired -

You have nowhere to put them!

For people like you

There are no horses

And the navy needs you -

Serve for the country!

“I am ready to serve the people,”

Stepin's bass is heard, -

I will go through fire and water!

Send it now!

Winter and summer have passed.

And winter came again.

- Uncle Styopa, how are you? Where are you?

There is no answer for us from the sea,

No postcard, no letter...

And one day past the bridge

To the house eight fraction one

I, friends, will tell you right away:

This book is on order.

I arrived at kindergarten

I perform for the guys.

“Read “Uncle Styopa,” -

The chorus asks for the first row.

I read a book to the guys,

I didn’t have time to sit down,

The boy gets up:

“Does Styopa have children?”

What will I tell him in response?

It's hard to answer: no.

What happened in the maternity hospital

On this winter day in the morning!

This is who guests are introduced to

Sisters, nannies, doctors?

In a bright, sunny room,

Near mom, on the bed,

In front of other mothers,

An unprecedented child sleeps,

Not a baby, but a whole little one -

Full eight kilograms!

Whispers are heard throughout the chambers,

A loud conversation is heard:

Born to Uncle Styopa

Son named Egor!

To the seventh department

To the elder dad

Sends congratulations

The entire police force of the country.

Telegrams arrive:




Congratulations to the city of Gorky -

October kids:



Congratulations to Uncle Styopa

And Tashkent and Sevastopol,

Sends a gift to the baby

Combat Baltic Fleet.

Congratulations to the department

The postman is tired of carrying.

Uncle Styopa is excited

I even began to stutter.

A hero, not a child!

How not to believe in miracles?

Growing out of diapers

Not by days, but by hours.

Now he’s eating jelly from a spoon,

He says: “Aha, aha...”

Now he's back on his feet,

I took the first two steps.

Yegorka is already standing

At the blackboard with chalk in hand,

Here are the first "five"

In Yegorka's diary...

By the hour he goes to bed,

Doesn't wait for instructions.

Even if you dream about something -

At seven in the morning Yegor gets up.

Whether it’s hot or cold, it doesn’t matter

He opens the window.

Charges quickly

Eats soft-boiled eggs for breakfast,

Five potato cutlets

Two glasses of curdled milk

And a plate of semolina porridge -

Porridge is also not harmful!

About Stepanov Egor

The rumor spread very quickly:

The boy is ten years old

But for a small child

Strong beyond his age.

Not a child, but an athlete!

Among thousands of kids

There are no such strong men.

A quarrel is brewing somewhere,

The argument turns into a fight -

There is no fight, no discord,

If Egor is nearby.

Although not his father’s height -

You won't offend the young man:

He puts it on two shoulder blades

At the school of the best wrestler -

Wrestling champion

From seventh grade "B".

Uncle Styopa is happy and proud,

That my son loves sports.

Once a Volga got stuck in the snow,

I skidded for a very long time,

I would still be skidding -

Don't notice her Egor.

The driver is driving obliquely

Looks with sadness at the wheels,

He mutters evil to himself:

The trouble is, how skidded!

Egorka came up from behind

And helped someone else's uncle:

I rested my foot on the fence,

I pressed it once or twice...

Uncle was very surprised

I gave the signal and started rolling!

Shoes are sliding on the grass,

Eagles soar in the blue.

Stretched along the path

Tourist squad.

It’s a little difficult for everyone on the hike -

Everyone doesn't go easy,

And they don’t lie like fluff and cotton wool

In a pioneer backpack.

The mountain is moving uphill

All kinds of good -

This is our Egorka dragging

Two tents, two buckets

And firewood for the fire.

He loaded so much luggage

Neither in front nor behind

You don't recognize him.

What to do, once in the squad

There is no one stronger!

Day after day, year after year

Uncle Stepin's son is growing up.

Red-cheeked, broad-shouldered,

Walks in the first strongmen.

Chunky and muscular

A universally recognized weightlifter.

First day of the competition.

In the hall you can hear: “Attention!

“Middleweight” performs!”

Yegor comes out onto the platform,

People can't take their eyes off him

Show interest.

Not for the first time in this hall

World records are being broken -

And gold medals

Issued to masters.

This time a European record

Uncle Styopa's son beats:





From such great luck

Uncle Styopa is almost crying,

Whispers in his wife's ear:

I, Marusya, like in a dream...

The champion was immediately given

Two gold medals.

The newspapers called:

They urgently require a portrait.

Two overseas reporters

They ask Egor politely

Answer the questions.

How old are you?

Twenty years.

What is your main desire?

Get an education.

What do you want to become?

Fly between the stars!

The reporters smiled:

Can you dream?

Yes! - said Yegor. - I can.

I don’t dare deny myself!

This is what the whole country dreams of,

The whole family is ours...

Meet my dad -

Police sergeant!

The reporters bowed

They apologized in English

And, closing the tape recorder,

They quickly ran out.

The port is open international -

The port is air, not water.

New airport terminal.

The hall is full of passengers.

Every minute

The ships are flying away -

One to Havana, one to Calcutta,

To the other end of the earth.

Like heavenly princesses

The flight attendants are running by.

Border Guard

At his posts:

Places stamps in foreign countries

And in Soviet passports.

People have tickets in their hands,

Both bouquets and packages.

Loud talk. Jokes. Laughter.

Only these are not tourists,

And gymnasts and weightlifters,

And, of course, football players -

We know everyone very well!

They are all by name

We have known each other since childhood.

Seeing off moms, dads,

Uncle Kolya, Aunt Kapa,

Grandchildren, daughters, sons -

Everyone has a family!

Goodbye everything

Mixed together they say:

If you run, don’t stumble,

If you come running, you won’t catch a cold!

Every business requires experience

So as not to waste your energy...

Uncle Styopa jokes with his son:

Did you forget the barbell at home?

Three weeks have passed.

Have you arrived?

We've arrived!

How did you fly? Aren't you tired?

Everything is fine!

Hello son!

Hello, dad! -

Uncle Styopa shouted from the gangway

Olympic champion.

We have an inconspicuous

Semi-secret town

A fence surrounded it...

Among military pilots -

Excellent testers -

Yegor lives in the town,

He is a major by rank.

Strong, brave and serious,

He achieved his dream

In the study they gave a stellar one,

Conquering heights.

To complete the task

On a rocket ship

Unearthly trials

It took place on Earth.

And one morning early

We will hear in silence:

"Cosmonaut Egor Stepanov

From Mars sends greetings to the Moon!

This is what the message will be:


That will be admiration!

And to the seventh department

Congratulations from the Minister

I, friends, will tell you right away:
This book is on order.

I arrived at kindergarten
I perform for the guys. —
Read "Uncle Styopa" -
The chorus asks for the first row.

I read a book to the guys,
I didn’t have time to sit down,
The boy gets up:
- Does Styopa have children?

What will I tell him in response?
It's hard to answer: no.

I am a poem about Uncle Styopa
Started many years ago
And nowhere about Uncle Styopa
Didn't say he was married.
That one day he fell in love
I chose one girl
And he married Manechka,
And he brought his wife home...

Uncle Styopa and Egor

What happened in the maternity hospital
On this winter day in the morning!
This is who guests are introduced to
Sisters, nannies, doctors?

In a bright, sunny room,
Near mom, on the bed,
In front of other mothers,
An unprecedented child sleeps,
Not a baby, but a whole little one -
Full eight kilograms!

Whispers are heard in the corridor,
A loud conversation is heard:
— Born to Uncle Styopa
Son named Egor!

To the seventh department
To the elder dad
Sends congratulations
The entire police force of the country.

Telegrams arrive:

Congratulations to the city of Gorky -
October kids:

Congratulations to Uncle Styopa
And Tashkent and Sevastopol,
Sends a gift to the baby
Combat Baltic Fleet.

Congratulations to the department
The postman is tired of carrying.
Uncle Styopa is excited
I even began to stutter.

A hero, not a child!
How not to believe in miracles?
Growing out of diapers
Not by days, but by hours.

Now he’s eating jelly from a spoon,
He says: “Aha, aha”
Now he's back on his feet,
I took the first two steps.

Yegorka is already standing
At the blackboard with chalk in hand,
Here are the first "five"
In Yegorka’s diary...

By the hour - he goes to bed,
Doesn't wait for instructions.
Even if you dream about something -
At seven in the morning Yegor gets up.

Whether it’s hot or cold, it’s all the same
He opens the window.

Charges quickly
Eats soft-boiled eggs for breakfast,
Five potato cutlets
Two glasses of curdled milk
And a plate of semolina porridge -
Porridge is also not harmful!

About Stepanov Egor
The rumor spread very quickly:
The boy is ten years old
But for a small child
Not strong for his age.
Not a child, but an athlete!

Among thousands of kids
There are no such strong men.

A quarrel is brewing somewhere,
The dispute turns into a fight -
There is no fight, no discord,
If Egor is nearby.

Although he is not as tall as his father -
You won't offend the young man:
He puts it on two shoulder blades
In the school of the best wrestler -
Wrestling champion
From seventh grade "B".

Uncle Styopa is happy and proud,
That my son loves sports.

Once a Volga got stuck in the snow,
I skidded for a very long time,
I would still be skidding -
Don't notice her Egor.

The driver is driving obliquely
Looks with sadness at the wheels,
He mutters evil to himself:
- The trouble is, how skidded!

Egorka came up from behind
And helped someone else's uncle:
I rested my foot on the fence,
I pushed once or twice...

Uncle was very surprised
I gave the signal and started rolling!

Shoes are sliding on the grass,
Eagles soar in the blue.
Stretched along the path
Tourist squad.

It’s difficult for everyone on the hike,
Everyone doesn't go easy,
And they don’t lie like fluff and cotton wool
In a pioneer backpack.

The mountain is moving uphill
All kinds of good -
This is our Egorka dragging
Two tents, two buckets
And firewood for the fire.

He loaded so much luggage
Neither in front nor behind
You don't recognize him.

What to do, once in the squad
There is no one stronger!
Day after day, year after year
Uncle Stepin's son is growing up.
Red-cheeked, broad-shouldered,
Walks in the first strongmen.
Chunky and muscular
A universally recognized weightlifter.

First day of the competition.
You can hear in the hall:
- Attention!
"Middleweight" performs! —
Yegor comes out onto the platform,
People can't take their eyes off him
Show interest.

Not for the first time in this hall
World records are being broken -
And gold medals
Issued to masters.

This time a European record
Uncle Styopa's son hits:

From such great luck
Uncle Styopa is almost crying,
Whispers in his wife's ear:
- I, Marusya, like in a dream...

The champion was immediately given
Two gold medals.
The newspapers called:
They urgently require a portrait.

Two overseas reporters
They ask Egor politely
Answer the questions.

- How old are you?
- Twenty years.
— What is your main desire?
- Get an education.
-What do you want to become?
- Fly between the stars! —
The reporters smiled:
-Can you dream?

- Yes! - said Yegor. - I can.
I don’t dare deny myself!
This is what the whole country dreams of,
The whole family is ours...
Meet my dad -
Police sergeant! —

The reporters bowed
They apologized in English
And, closing the tape recorder,
They quickly ran out.

The international port is open -
The port is air, not water.
New airport terminal.
The hall is full of passengers.

Every minute
The ships are flying away -
The one to Havana
The one in Calcutta
To the other end of the earth.

Like heavenly princesses
The flight attendants are running by.

Border Guard
At his posts:
Places stamps in foreign countries
And in Soviet passports.

People have tickets in their hands,
Both bouquets and packages.
Loud talk. Jokes. Laughter.

Only these are not tourists,
And gymnasts and weightlifters,
And, of course, football players -
We know everyone very well!

They are all by name
We have known each other since childhood...

Seeing off moms, dads,
Uncle Kolya, Aunt Kapa,
Grandchildren, daughters, sons -
Everyone has a family!

Goodbye everything
They say intermittently:

- If you run, don’t stumble,
If you come running, you won’t catch a cold!
- Every business requires experience,
So as not to waste your energy...

Uncle Styopa jokes with his son:
— Did you forget the barbell at home? —

Three weeks have passed.
— Have you arrived?
- We've arrived!
- How did you fly? Aren't you tired?
- Everything is fine!
- Where are the medals? —
Voices from all sides...
- Hello, son!
- Great, dad! —
Uncle Styopa shouted from the gangway
Olympic champion.

We have an inconspicuous
The town is semi-secret.
A fence surrounded it...

Among military pilots -
Excellent testers -
Yegor lives in the town,
He is a major by rank.

Strong, brave and serious,
He achieved his dream
In the study they gave a stellar one,
Conquering heights.

To complete the task
On a rocket ship
Unearthly trials
It took place on Earth.

And one morning early
We will hear in silence:
"Cosmonaut Egor Stepanov
From Mars sends greetings to the Moon!

This is what the message will be:
"From Mars! Sends greetings to the Moon!

That will be admiration!
And to the seventh department
Congratulations from the Minister
Uncle Styopa - foreman!

Page 1 of 2

Verse: Uncle Styopa and Egor

I, friends, will tell you right away:
This book is on order.
I arrived at kindergarten
I perform for the guys.
Read "Uncle Styopa"
The chorus asks for the first row.
I read a book to the guys,
I didn’t have time to sit down,
The boy gets up:
– Does Styopa have children?
What will I tell him in response?
It's hard to answer: no.
I am a poem about Uncle Styopa
Started many years ago
And nowhere about Uncle Styopa
Didn't say he was married.
That one day he fell in love
I chose one girl
And he married Manechka,
And he brought his wife home...
Uncle Styopa and Egor
What happened in the maternity hospital
On this winter day in the morning!
This is who guests are introduced to
Sisters, nannies, doctors?
In a bright, sunny room,
Near mom, on the bed,
In front of other mothers,
An unprecedented child sleeps,
Not a baby, but a whole little one
Full eight kilograms!
Whispers are heard in the corridor,
A loud conversation is heard:
– Born to Uncle Styopa
Son named Egor!
To the seventh department
To the father-senior
Sends congratulations
The entire police force of the country.
Telegrams arrive:
Congratulations from the city of Gorky
October kids:
Congratulations to Uncle Styopa
And Tashkent and Sevastopol,
Sends a gift to the baby
Combat Baltic Fleet.
Congratulations to the department
The postman is tired of carrying.
Uncle Styopa is excited
I even began to stutter.
A hero, not a child!
How not to believe in miracles?
Growing out of diapers
Not by days, but by hours.
Now he’s eating jelly from a spoon,
He says: "Aha, aha"
Now he is back on his feet,
I took the first two steps.
Yegorka is already standing
At the blackboard with chalk in hand,
Here are the first "five"
In Yegorka's diary...
By the hour
he goes to bed,
Doesn't wait for instructions.
Even if you dream about something
At seven in the morning Yegor gets up.
Whether it’s hot or cold, it’s all the same
He opens the window.
Charges quickly
Eats soft-boiled eggs for breakfast,
Five potato cutlets
Two glasses of curdled milk
And a plate of semolina porridge
Porridge is also not harmful!
About Stepanov Egor
The rumor spread very quickly:
The boy is ten years old
But for a small child
Not strong for his age.
Not a child, but an athlete!
Among thousands of kids
There are no such strong men.
A quarrel is brewing somewhere,
Argument turns into a fight
There is no fight, no discord,
If Egor is nearby.
Although he is not as tall as his father
You won't offend the young man:
He puts it on two shoulder blades
At the school of the best wrestler
Wrestling champion
From seventh grade "B".
Uncle Styopa is happy and proud,
That my son loves sports.
* * *
Once a Volga got stuck in the snow,
I skidded for a very long time,
I would still be skidding
Don't notice her Egor.
The driver is driving obliquely
Looks with sadness at the wheels,
He mutters evil to himself:
- The trouble is, how skidded!
Egorka came up from behind
And helped someone else's uncle:
I rested my foot on the fence,
I pushed once or twice...
Uncle was very surprised
I gave the signal and started rolling!
* * *
Shoes are sliding on the grass,
Eagles soar in the blue.
Stretched along the path
Tourist squad.
It’s difficult for everyone on the hike,
Everyone doesn't go easy,
And they don’t lie like fluff and cotton wool
In a pioneer backpack.
The mountain is moving uphill
All kinds of goodness
This is our Egorka dragging
Two tents, two buckets
And firewood for the fire.
He loaded so much luggage
Neither in front nor behind
You don't recognize him.
What to do
once in the squad
There is no one stronger!
* * *
Day after day,
from year to year
Uncle Stepin's son is growing up.
Red-cheeked, broad-shouldered,
Walks in the first strongmen.
Chunky and muscular
A universally recognized weightlifter.
First day of the competition.
You can hear in the hall:
- Attention!
"Middleweight" performs!
Yegor comes out onto the platform,
People can't take their eyes off him
Show interest.