Understand business, time for fun, hour. The meaning of the proverb “For business there is time, for fun there is an hour”

“Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with the boyars on falconry near Moscow”
Painting by Nikolai Sverchkov. 1877

We all know the proverb " Time for business, time for fun", including thanks to the pop hit by Alla Pugacheva to the music of Raymond Pauls, released in 1985. However, this phrase was born not in the twentieth, but in the distant 17th century, and belongs to the second Russian Tsar from the Romanov dynasty Alexey Mikhailovich, father of the first Russian Emperor Peter I.

The king wrote these lines in the preface to the collection of falconry rules he compiled. The full phrase sounds like this:

« The story is from the book or your own: this is a parable for the soul and the body; do not forget truth and justice and merciful love and military formation: time for business and fun».

Since Alexey Mikhailovich loved order and believed that “ without rank, every thing will not be established and strengthened“, then he put the time allotted to the case first. However, he added that in addition to work, you need to pay attention to fun (rest).

The royal wisdom fell in love with the people and became a proverb that has come down to our time through 4 centuries.

An extraordinary painting depicting Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was painted in 2001 by a modern Russian painter Pavel Ryzhenko(1970-2014), whose work, unfortunately, is still not known to everyone, although it rightfully deserves not only its own hall in a large art gallery, but even a whole separate museum. (Website - pavel-ryzhenko.rf).

In this picture the king seems to be alive. He looks at us with a thoughtful, slightly distant look. Nearby is a book, possibly Holy Scripture. Behind is an icon with a lit lamp. There is no condemnation in the eyes of the tsar, but one involuntarily recalls Lermontov’s lines: “I look sadly at our generation!” Under the double gaze of the heavenly king and the earthly king, we become ashamed of everything that we once did wrong.

Commentary by Pavel Ryzhenko on the painting:

Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich the Quiet, the father of the first Russian Emperor Peter I, is the last sovereign of the so-called “pre-Petrine” time. It is generally accepted that this time is dark, ignorant, and the Sovereigns are considered almost fabulous old bearded men. But they weren't really like that. Not fussiness, passed off as excessive efficiency, but prayerful peace and strength were characteristic of these giants of spirit. These were not chosen by the crowd and money, but anointed ones appointed by God. No wonder Alexey Mikhailovich was called the Quietest by the people. In this naming one feels both filial love and recognition of the power of the royal service, which, like any true power, is always quiet like the ocean.

Documentary film by Elena Kozenkova "Choice of Faith". Dedicated to the memory of the Russian artist Pavel Ryzhenko, who left us in eternal life July 16, 2014:

The program "Orthodox Encyclopedia. Spiritual feat and military feat" with the participation of Pavel Ryzhenko:

Elena Kabilova

The Russian language is rich in various proverbs, sayings and aphorisms. For absolutely all situations, you can find a proverb that has a very deep inner meaning. Every saying of the people is imbued with enormous wisdom, which was collected from the life of many generations. There are many proverbs for various types work. One of these proverbs is “time for business, time for fun,” the meaning and origin of which are very curious and educational.

Origin of the proverb

Many historians refer to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who during his reign wrote the words of this proverb in a book with the rules of falconry. In those days, this type of pleasure was extremely popular. It was falconry that was intended by the king as fun, specified in the words of the proverb.

However, deeper research showed that he was not the author of these lines, but a saying with a similar meaning already existed among people. In addition, other nations already had sayings with a similar meaning, and if Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich lived in our time, these words would be considered plagiarism. And he inserted them into the book in order to increase its significance and make it more accessible to understanding. One way or another, it is the Tsar’s merit that this proverb has survived to this day and is used so widely.

Meaning of the proverb

After the origin of the proverb “time for business, time for fun” has become clear, the meaning is the second most important thing you need to know. Understanding the meaning is necessary in order to use a proverb or saying in the right context, in the right situation.

Initially, during the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, when people said that there was time for work, time for fun, the meaning was the following: do the work, but do not forget about fun or, in other words, about entertainment. Later, in the 19th century, the syntactic structure of the proverb changed, and the contrastive conjunction “a” appeared, which radically changed its meaning. The proverb began to look and sound differently, namely: there is time for business, but there is an hour for fun. This already meant that more time should be devoted to work or some business than to fun, for which only an hour is allocated, which is incomparable with the rest of the time in length. By the way, the concept of an hour is quite arbitrary; the main thing was to show the contrast.

Time for business, time for fun: the meaning of the proverb for children and parents

Our life consists of many different situations, which sometimes turn into problems. Of course, many of them occur due to our irresponsibility and laziness. That is why many proverbs were born among the people, which warned in advance about possible complications that could arise due to these vices.

That’s why you can often hear from parents who tell their children who don’t want to do their homework but want to watch TV: “Time for work, time for fun!” There is no need to explain the meaning of the proverb to anyone; it is understandable even without unnecessary words. That constant procrastination homework will entail many problems at school and, as a result, difficulties will arise with self-esteem and the further implementation of life's path, obviously.

Why do we use proverbs?

What is the reason for the popularity of proverbs? Why are they so “tenacious” and many people use them completely unconsciously in their speech, sometimes without even thinking that these are the most famous words that came to us from antiquity? The fact is that a proverb usually represents a very intelligible and succinct interpretation of the desired situation. Proverbs are alive in the memory of the people, and therefore, if someone is told that there is time for business, time for fun, the meaning becomes clear immediately without additional explanation.

Proverbs and sayings are also a decoration of the language, which becomes even better, richer and more colorful from them. We don’t hesitate to use various proverbs in conversations, and all because we ourselves grew up in an atmosphere filled with these popular expressions.

Time for business, time for fun: meaning in examples from the classics

Various writers and writers have always willingly used in their work folklore And idioms. The reason is that it decorates any work and brings it closer to the people. Therefore, quite often on the pages of books different writers You can find proverbs and sayings.

For example, in his work “Memoirs” he wrote that during his studies no one went to visit or received guests. After all, business takes time (an hour of fun). The importance of education was very great in the family of the writer who later became so famous.

Soviet writer Boris Izyumsky, who is not very famous to a wide circle readers, but who wrote many works during his life, also addressed this proverb in the novel “Scarlet Epaulets”. AND famous director and the playwright in his book “On the Theater” also referred to this proverb. Why indulge in lengthy discussions, rather than it being easier to express your thoughts in easy simple a phrase consisting of only four words, but containing so much wisdom and knowledge.


If you look at the words of the proverb separately from each other, they are unlikely to have makes a lot of sense. Business, time, fun, hour - the meaning slips away and becomes foggy and vague. It is in conjunction that all these words acquire a new meaning. This proverb refers to the category of educators who teach and instruct on the right path. We immediately gather ourselves internally and switch from any kind of entertainment to work when we hear addressed to us: “Stop resting! It’s time for business, time for fun!” The meaning of a phraseological unit becomes clear through the images it gives. IN in this case The image of a hardworking person appears before your eyes, devoting almost all of his time to work, leaving only a small part of it for entertainment.

We often underestimate the wealth that we have thanks to our native language. The ability to speak beautifully and concisely, convincingly and eloquently - all this is available to us. You just need to learn to use the resources of the language to the maximum by reading classic literature and studying the heritage of our ancestors.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Time for business, time for fun

Time for business, time for fun

Words from a collection of falconry rules entitled “The Book of the Constable: New Code and Order of the Falconer’s Way,” which was compiled in 1656. by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1629-1676). First published (1865) by P. Bartenev.

At the end of the preface to the “Uryadnik”, the tsar made a note in his own hand: “The book’s preface or his own: this is a parable of the soul and the body; “Don’t forget truth and justice and merciful love and military formation: it’s time for business and fun.” This preposition (postscript) has become a proverb, which is sometimes interpreted to mean: business has time, but fun has only an hour of this time.

The king had something else in mind: he simply wanted to say that you need to do business and pay attention to fun (rest), and also devote your time. And in order to avoid tautology, Alexey Mikhailovich found a synonym for the word “time” - the word “hour”, which in the Old Russian language also meant time (as it is now in modern Polish). The fact that “time” and “hour” are equivalent is shown by another place from the “Uryadnik”, where it is said: “Time along with and an hour for beauty...”, that is, you need to devote time to both.

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Contents [Show]

IN sayings and proverbs contain the wisdom of generations. Our ancestors often framed their thoughts in the form of an allegorical statement in order to preserve a legacy for their children and grandchildren. But over time, sayings often lose their meaning, remaining just an empty phrase that is present in the passive vocabulary of most people. Many people find it problematic to actively use them in speech due to lack of knowledge exact value, so people underestimate the role of such statements.

Based on the fact that, having studied detailed meaning a separate proverb can not only replenish your lexicon, but also to learn something, I propose to understand the proverb - “There is time for work, there is an hour for fun.” After all, a phrase of several words formulates a specific thought that hides deep meaning, wisdom, a lesson or life experience.

The words mentioned above belong to the Russian prince of the Romanov dynasty, Alexei Mikhailovich. A deeply educated and highly intelligent man, he, without knowing it, uttered a truth that has become widespread and has retained its simple, but at the same time, to this day. brilliant meaning. After all, as you know, everything ingenious is simple. The meaning of the phrase is not at all that less time should be allocated to “fun” than to “business,” as it might seem. The word “hour” does not mean a smaller fraction; on the contrary, it can be equated with the word “time”. Using the synonymous words “time” and “hour,” Alexey Mikhailovich emphasizes: both should be given equal attention. Thus, he emphasized: it is important to plan your time correctly and not focus exclusively on one component of your routine.

In the twenty-first century, this saying is indeed one of the most relevant, since in the past the course of life was much more measured. Now people are in a hurry all the time, trying to meet deadlines and stay on schedule. Very important to modern man be able to correctly create a daily routine, as this helps to keep up with everything, feel full and cheerful. Sometimes, plunged into a work routine and feeling responsible for the responsibilities assigned to ourselves, we neglect rest, assuring ourselves that now is not the right time. Other people, on the contrary, tend to succumb to laziness; it is difficult to concentrate on business when the temptation to be distracted by entertainment is so great. The first case will certainly lead to chronic fatigue, and the second - to complete idleness. Both options are unfavorable for us. This is precisely what words spoken many years ago warn about. There should be harmony in life: work will then be as productive as possible, and leisure will then bring pleasure when both factors are present and coexist equally.

Consequently, the etymology of this saying is noticeably different from others, which at first glance seem synonymous. For example: “If you’ve done the job, go for a walk” has a completely different essence, although it also applies to sayings designed to help us plan and distribute our time. If we formulate the meaning of the proverb in question in a few sentences, we can say the following. It is human nature to get carried away and focus on in a certain form activity, be it work or leisure - everyone has their own inclination. But wisdom says: there should be a natural balance in everything, and the daily routine is no exception.

You need to allocate equal amounts of time for leisure and work, not only in order to do everything on time and meet deadlines, but also to maintain your physical and mental health, that is, to keep your body and mind in good shape. It’s time for business to benefit society and oneself, develop existing skills and acquire new skills. Fun - an hour to give your body a break, nervous system, reason and reward yourself for the work done.

To summarize, we can definitely say that sometimes a simple proverb hides a much deeper, multifaceted meaning, and most importantly, one that can be beneficial for us. Therefore, it is very important to be able to learn from the experience of others, to take into account not only your own opinion, but also the truths tested by many generations of people. After all, this is their main purpose - to make our lives easier and to warn against possible mistakes.

“For business there is time, for fun there is an hour” is an excellent example of a proverb whose meaning has been unjustifiably forgotten. After detailed study, we understand that it is priceless in its uniqueness, and we should turn to it regularly in order to avoid disruption of the correct life regime. She teaches us not to deprive ourselves of all the delights of life, to value our time and manage it wisely.

On this page: the meaning (interpretation, explanation) of the proverb “For business there is time, for fun there is an hour.”

Good day, Dear friends. In this article I will touch on the topic proverbs about time and sayings about time

As you know, everyone needs a watch; without them, our life would turn into chaos. When we make an appointment, we indicate at what time; when we go to the train, we also do so at a certain time; We go to work not when we wake up (although it would be nice), but at a certain time. Yes, in general, everything we do is related to the calculation of time. People have written a lot of sayings on the topic of time, which confirms the important role of time. Let's try to look at some of them.

Proverb time for business is time for fun. Teaches us that there is no need to simply waste time. When you don't control your time, it will simply slip away from you. And in ancient times this proverb was especially important, since there was a lot of work. If you don’t sow on time and harvest on time, you will remain hungry. If you don't prepare firewood, you'll freeze. Therefore, it was necessary to clearly limit your time for entertainment. On the other hand, what is scarce is more valuable. That's why people had fun from the heart, with songs and dances. Following the proverb, time for business - time for fun, you can achieve a lot in life.

Proverb The century is long and the hour is dear. Also reminds us of the value of time. If you spend every hour usefully, then your whole life will be full. After all, as you know, the ruble consists of 100 kopecks. A life path consists of many steps (hours), where each hour is very important. As the Japanese philosophy of Kaizen teaches, constantly improve. By devoting even a few minutes every day to any task, you can achieve great success in it.

Proverb If you miss an hour, you won’t make it up in a year. Catch up here is used in the sense of catching up. Here attention is paid to the timeliness of each task. Sometimes you need to do something now, because later it will no longer be necessary. And no matter how hard you try, you can’t fix it.

Proverb: A promise is waited for three years.“Blessed is he who waits and reaches 1335 days” - a quote from the book of the prophet Daniel. 1335 days corresponds to three and a half years. Also, three years is the period during which you can still file a lawsuit against someone (Civil Code.) For example, to recover money lent, and therefore you can still wait and hope to return what was promised.

The proverb the snail moves, when it will happen. also has an indirect relation to time. everything comes to an end. Even when you move very slowly, you will still end up further than someone who is standing still.

Proverb: Every vegetable has its time. Don't rush things and don't miss opportunities. Do everything on time. IN ancient Rus' this had a literal meaning, since people lived thanks to the harvest and knew exactly when and what needed to be collected.

The proverb the sun rises does not ask for hours. Everything in the world is subject to the laws of nature. And we need to live by these laws. Even if we have Bad mood or we don’t have time to do something, the sun will still rise as it should.

Here's another proverbs about time:

  • Better late than never
  • Money is lost - you will make money, time is lost - you will not get it back
  • Happy hours don't watch
  • Another time, another burden
  • Time gives the mind
  • You can't hold time with your hands
  • Every seed knows its time
  • Time is money
  • An hour is precious not because it is long, but because it is short.
  • What you miss, you won’t make up for in a year
  • A minute saves an hour
  • If you miss a minute, you lose an hour
  • The mind will come, but time will go

There are a great many proverbs and sayings. If you have anything to add about proverbs, do not waste time write in the comments. Good luck.

What is the origin of the proverb “Time for business, time for fun”? What does it mean? Who can you advise to follow this proverb?


Currently, the meaning of the proverb is as follows: work and business must be given more time than relaxation and entertainment. This change in meaning occurred in the 19th century, when the conjunction “a” appeared, which radically changed the meaning of this proverb. Many sources indicate that the author of this proverb was Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, when in 1656, on his order, it was compiled collection book rules of falconry. Falconry was a popular pastime of the time. It was in this collection that Alexey Mikhailovich made a postscript in his own hand: “The book’s or his own addition: this is a parable for the soul and the body; do not forget truth and justice and merciful love and military formation: time for business and fun.” However, a similar model of a proverb could be found earlier, for example, at the beginning of the 17th century. the popular expression was used for Singing time and hour for prayer and Time along with time for beauty. As for the meaning of this proverb. The king did not even think of devoting just an hour of time to fun. Previously, the word “hour” meant time, and general meaning The proverb was as follows: “There is a time for everything: both business and fun.” And the tsar’s note reminded the hunters that while they are carried away by fun, they should not forget about business - about serving the state. In my opinion, absolutely everyone should use this proverb. After all, if a student devotes his time only to fun, he will not have any prepared lessons; if a student has fun all the time and simply forgets about studying, he will be expelled from the institute; if a worker at work only amuses himself, he will be fired from work altogether. Thus, we can conclude that this proverb is important to all people on the planet.

Time for work, hour for fun - Russian proverb meaning: You need to devote a lot of time to work (business), and much less to rest and entertainment (fun).

The proverb is listed in the book “Proverbs of the Russian People” (1853) by V.I. Dahl (section - “Games - Fun - Catching”).

It is believed that this proverb was introduced into wide circulation by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1629 - 1676). So, in 1656, on his order, a Collection of falconry rules was compiled under the title “The Book of the Constable: a New Code and Organization of the Order of the Falconer’s Way” (first published in 1865 by P. Bartenev). At the end of the preface to the “Uryadnik”, the tsar made a note in his own hand: “The book’s preface or his own: this is a parable of the soul and the body; “Don’t forget truth and justice and merciful love and military formation: it’s time for business and fun.”

Now this proverb is understood as: business has time, but fun has only an hour of this time.

Serov V.V. in the book “Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions,” 2003, he writes that the Tsar had something else in mind: he simply wanted to say that you need to do business and pay attention to fun (rest), and also devote your time. And in order to avoid tautology, Alexey Mikhailovich found a synonym for the word “time” - the word “hour”, which in the Old Russian language also meant time (as it is now in modern Polish). The fact that “time” and “hour” are equivalent is shown by another place from the “Uryadnik”, where it is said: “Time along with and an hour for beauty...”, that is, you need to devote time to both. That is, the Tsar wanted to say that there is a time for everything, so that the readers of “Uryadnik”, carried away by the fun, do not forget about something else - about serving the state.

The proverb “Time for business, time for fun” is listed in M. I. Michelson’s Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (1904).


Time for business, time for fun


Saltykov-Shchedrin Mikhail Evgrafovich

“Well-Intentioned Speeches,” 15: “Gorokhov... as head of the office... remembers very well wise saying: « business time - fun time". He had this saying in mind when he got married, namely: he asked for a twenty-eight-day vacation in order to devote this time entirely to fun, and then get down to business with a fresh head.”

Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

(“Uryadnik”): “ Time for work, time for fun«.

“Khutorok”: “There is grief - don’t worry, there is business - work; And I fell into an accident: “Have a good walk!”

IN sayings and proverbs contain the wisdom of generations. Our ancestors often framed their thoughts in the form of an allegorical statement in order to preserve a legacy for their children and grandchildren. But over time, sayings often lose their meaning, remaining just an empty phrase that is present in the passive vocabulary of most people. It is problematic for many people to actively use them in speech due to not knowing the exact meaning, so people underestimate the role of such statements.

Based on the fact that by studying the detailed meaning of a particular proverb you can not only replenish your vocabulary, but also learn something, I propose to understand the proverb - “There is time for business, an hour for fun.” After all, a phrase of several words formulates a specific thought that hides deep meaning, wisdom, a lesson or life experience.

The words mentioned above belong to the Russian prince of the Romanov dynasty, Alexei Mikhailovich. A deeply educated and highly intelligent man, he, without knowing it, uttered a truth that has become widespread and has retained its simple, but at the same time, brilliant meaning to this day. After all, as you know, everything ingenious is simple. The meaning of the phrase is not at all that less time should be allocated to “fun” than to “business,” as it might seem. The word “hour” does not mean a smaller fraction; on the contrary, it can be equated with the word “time”. Using the synonymous words “time” and “hour,” Alexey Mikhailovich emphasizes: both should be given equal attention. Thus, he emphasized: it is important to plan your time correctly and not focus exclusively on one component of your routine.

In the twenty-first century, this saying is indeed one of the most relevant, since in the past the course of life was much more measured. Now people are in a hurry all the time, trying to meet deadlines and stay on schedule. It is very important for a modern person to be able to correctly create a daily routine, as this helps to keep up with everything, feel full and cheerful. Sometimes, plunged into a work routine and feeling responsible for the responsibilities assigned to ourselves, we neglect rest, assuring ourselves that now is not the right time. Other people, on the contrary, tend to succumb to laziness; it is difficult to concentrate on business when the temptation to be distracted by entertainment is so great. The first case will certainly lead to chronic fatigue, and the second - to complete idleness. Both options are unfavorable for us. This is precisely what words spoken many years ago warn about. There should be harmony in life: work will then be as productive as possible, and leisure will then bring pleasure when both factors are present and coexist equally.

Consequently, the etymology of this saying is noticeably different from others, which at first glance seem synonymous. For example: “If you’ve done the job, go for a walk” has a completely different essence, although it also applies to sayings designed to help us plan and distribute our time. If we formulate the meaning of the proverb in question in a few sentences, we can say the following. It is human nature to get carried away and focus on a certain type of activity, be it work or leisure - everyone has their own inclination. But wisdom says: there should be a natural balance in everything, and the daily routine is no exception.

You need to allocate equal amounts of time for leisure and work, not only in order to do everything on time and meet deadlines, but also to maintain your physical and mental health, that is, to keep your body and mind in good shape. This is a time for business to benefit society and oneself, develop existing skills and acquire new skills. Fun - an hour to give your body, nervous system, mind a break and reward yourself for the work done.

To summarize, we can definitely say that sometimes a simple proverb hides a much deeper, multifaceted meaning, and most importantly, one that can be beneficial for us. Therefore, it is very important to be able to learn from the experience of others, to take into account not only your own opinion, but also the truths tested by many generations of people. After all, this is their main purpose - to make our lives easier and to warn against possible mistakes.

“For business there is time, for fun there is an hour” is an excellent example of a proverb whose meaning has been unjustifiably forgotten. After a detailed study, we understand that it is priceless in its uniqueness, and we should turn to it regularly in order to avoid disruption of the correct life regime. She teaches us not to deprive ourselves of all the delights of life, to value our time and manage it wisely.

On this page: the meaning (interpretation, explanation) of the proverb “For business there is time, for fun there is an hour.”