Three girls in a new way. Humorous sketch "a fairy tale in a new way." Marriages are based on sex. No sex - no marriage, That's where the dog is buried



Storyteller 1:- Dear viewers,

Would you like to see a fairy tale?

Surprisingly familiar

But with creative additions!

2 storytellers come out. Music sounds quietly.

2nd storyteller. The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it -

A lesson to good fellows!

1st storyteller

Three maidens by the window
We spun late in the evening.

(The first is eating a bun, the second is embroidering, the third is looking around)

2nd storyteller

The three of them gathered

Talk about your own.

1. girl (Enshina Darina).

If only I were a queen

says one girl

I would at any time of the year

I was only involved in fashion.

By its thin figure,

I would have three sheepskin coats:

Mini, maxi, whichever is cooler,

And the only perfume is Gucci

2nd girl (Bogatyreva Maria).

If only I were a queen

Her sister says

I wish I could find myself a groom

The house is huge with a mezzanine,

Near the poplar house,

And carpets and pianos,

in a hill for crystal!

Polish furniture in the kitchen,

Things are super duper, yes!

Your wallet is swelling with money,

Six hundredth Mercedes!

2nd narrator:

Well, you are a beautiful girl,

If you were a queen,
What would you be proud of?
What would you do then?

I would like the king's father

I would take care of it and love it,
I would sit next to him,
I could look at him forever!
1 narrator:

The midnight hour was approaching,

There was a stomping sound in the yard:

Five heroes enter

Five ruddy barbels.

Grooms to choose from

here Koschey and the old waterman are fat and lame.

Kolobok, the evil wolf, the scientist cat in chains

Everyone is smart, modest, decent

And everyone is dressed perfectly.

Everyone is a noble gentleman!

Virgos will be lucky now!

One two three four five,-

Yes, of course, Vodyanoy,
Old, fat and lame...
But all the power is in your hands,
Pisces, however, are not happy about it.
He gives out all the decrees,
It just doesn’t give you the will!
2nd girl:

Maybe I should marry the goblin?
Good fellow, friend of the forests,
Loud bird voices.
And a lover of poetry,
AND football matches viewer…
Loves to wander around
Enter into the thicket of the forest
And about the fact that no cola
And he doesn’t have a hut.
Only he can sing sweetly!..
Where and on what will I live?
Do you cry and grieve bitterly?
Well, I do not! I won't!
Better will, but your own!

3rd girl (Bublikova Diana).

There Koschey is always rich,
He's wearing an expensive robe,
Eats on gold, silver,
Travels everywhere. Only Koschey is always stingy,
Even melt water
Everything is subject to accounting
The one that runs in the spring...
And he suffers from boredom -
The whole district knows this...
1 girl looks at the bun.

What kind of animal are you, what kind of fish?
Either you are a fruit, a vegetable or
Are you a frog or a cancer?

1 Storyteller:

Kolobok (Alina Tatarnikova) answered them:
-Are you out of your mind, or not?!

It became stale while it was rolling
Through the forests and through the valleys.
Tanned and hardened
I became hard as a rock.

The girls thought.

“Maybe the wolf will be useful to you,” the cat meowed importantly.

There is money and appearance

Will not offend anyone!

He has a huge eye!
This time.

2 girl

big head!
That's two.

3 girl
And the fangs are sticking out, look!
That's three.

In general, you are not welcome,

get out of the way

1 storyteller

The grooms turned

went home

And everything agrees again

They began to live and get along.

Outside the window the dawn woke up,

She winked and smiled:

Everyone went home

Modern chambers.

And dreams are like stars from the sky,

They won't ask for bread in the morning.

I wish I knew the price of those dreams,

It would be easier, maybe, for us.

2 storyteller

Quickly the tale is told
And misfortune lasts a long time...
Maybe some girls
This tale will come in handy!



Storyteller 1:- Dear viewers,

Would you like to see a fairy tale?

Surprisingly familiar

But with creative additions!

2 storytellers come out. Music sounds quietly.

2nd storyteller. The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it -

A lesson to good fellows!

1st storyteller

Three maidens by the window
We spun late in the evening.

(The first is eating a bun, the second is embroidering, the third is looking around)

2nd storyteller

The three of them gathered

Talk about your own.

1. girl (Enshina Darina).

If only I were a queen

says one girl

I would at any time of the year

I was only involved in fashion.

By its thin figure,

I would have three sheepskin coats:

Mini, maxi, whichever is cooler,

And the only perfume is Gucci

2nd girl (Bogatyreva Maria).

If only I were a queen

Her sister says

I wish I could find myself a groom

The house is huge with a mezzanine,

Near the poplar house,

And carpets and pianos,

in a hill for crystal!

Polish furniture in the kitchen,

Things are super duper, yes!

Your wallet is swelling with money,

Six hundredth Mercedes!

2nd narrator:

Well, you are a beautiful girl,

If you were a queen,
What would you be proud of?
What would you do then?

3rd girl:

I would like the king's father

I would take care of it and love it,
I would sit next to him,
I could look at him forever!
1 narrator:

The midnight hour was approaching,

There was a stomping sound in the yard:

Five heroes enter

Five ruddy barbels.

Grooms to choose from

here Koschey and the old waterman are fat and lame.

Kolobok, the evil wolf, the scientist cat in chains

Everyone is smart, modest, decent

And everyone is dressed perfectly.

Everyone is a noble gentleman!

Virgos will be lucky now!

One two three four five,-

1 girl:

Yes, of course, Vodyanoy,
Old, fat and lame...
But all the power is in your hands,
Pisces, however, are not happy about it.
He gives out all the decrees,
It just doesn’t give you the will!
2nd girl:

Maybe I should marry the goblin?
Good fellow, friend of the forests,
Loud bird voices.
And a lover of poetry,
And a spectator of football matches...
Loves to wander around
Enter into the thicket of the forest
And about the fact that no cola
And he doesn’t have a hut.
Only he can sing sweetly!..
Where and on what will I live?
Do you cry and grieve bitterly?
Well, I do not! I won't!
Better will, but your own!

3rd girl (Bublikova Diana).

There Koschey is always rich,
He's wearing an expensive robe,
Eats on gold, silver,
Travels everywhere. Only Koschey is always stingy,
Even melt water
Everything is subject to accounting
The one that runs in the spring...
And he suffers from boredom -
The whole district knows this...
1 girl looks at the bun.

What kind of animal are you, what kind of fish?
Either you are a fruit, a vegetable or
Are you a frog or a cancer?

1 Storyteller:

Kolobok (Alina Tatarnikova) answered them:
-Are you out of your mind, or not?!

It became stale while it was rolling
Through the forests and through the valleys.
Tanned and hardened
I became hard as a rock.

The girls thought.

“Maybe the wolf will be useful to you,” the cat meowed importantly.


There is money and appearance

Will not offend anyone!

1 girl

He has a huge eye!
This time.

2 girl

big head!
That's two.

3 girl
And the fangs are sticking out, look!
That's three.

In general, you are not welcome,

get out of the way

1 storyteller

The grooms turned

went home

And everything agrees again

They began to live and get along.

Outside the window the dawn woke up,

She winked and smiled:

Everyone went home

Modern chambers.

And dreams are like stars from the sky,

They won't ask for bread in the morning.

I wish I knew the price of those dreams,

It would be easier, maybe, for us.

2 storyteller

Quickly the tale is told
And misfortune lasts a long time...
Maybe some girls
This tale will come in handy!

Fairy tale "Three girls under the window"

Author: Three girls were spinning under the window late in the evening.
Singer If only I were a queen, -
Author One girl says, -
Singer I would sing all day long, I would become a superstar.
Fashion designer If only I were a queen, -
Author Her sister says, -
Fashion designer If she didn't wear old clothes, she would become the best couturier.
Queen If only I were a queen, -
Author The third girl said, -
Queen I would give birth to a hero for the father of the king.

Author As soon as I had time to say something, the door creaked quietly,
And the king, the sovereign of that side, enters the room.
Tsar Good evening! It just so happened that I heard your words.
Have it your way, girls! To be one of you singers.
Voiced, super old, with a microphone and guitar.
And the other one to be a couturier!
Fashion designer Couturier!
Tsar Don't argue with the Tsar!
You will dress everyone very fashionably, and me first of all!
Well, you, soul-maiden, -
The author says,
King Be a queen
And give birth to a hero for me by the end of September.
Author The king did not gather for long. Got married that same evening
And the young queen, without putting things off,
I carried it from the first night. At that time there was war.
The king said goodbye to his wife and set off on a long journey.
And the queen began to wait and protect the offspring.
(Reporters run onto the stage with cameras and cameras, the singer walks, hides behind the throne, the reporters run away).
Queen What a noise! Maybe a thunderstorm? I can't worry.
Singer A! Sister, how are you?
Queen Yes, she hasn’t given birth yet!
Well, what about you? Have you become a singer? Loud, super old?
Singer Vociferous, super old. With microphone and guitar.
The Tsar, as promised, gave me away as a producer.
Oh look! And here he is!
Queen What's your name?
Singer Philemon!
(Producer enters)
song. (phonogram “Tea Rose”, during the song a devil crawls out of a black piano).
Philemon That's it! She got up and left. I said: I got up and left.
(The singer fawns over the producer, kicks the queen out of the throne and makes her husband sit down.)
Queen Look what! Drive away the queen.
(takes out a scroll) Filya! Can I sign?
Philemon A, autograph? It's possible! It's not difficult for me to subscribe.
What is written? "Decree! Beheaded at the same hour..."
Decapitate? Who?
Queen A of the giver of this.
Philemon Are you a queen? Honest mother! Didn't admit it. Sorry, dear!
You sit down, and we'll go! We would like to have time for the reception,
The oligarchs there, the officials, are of such magnitude!
Queen And the autograph?
Philemon I'll run to you later, if possible!
Queen Run in, of course you can! All sorts of people are walking around and disturbing me!
(He just sits down, let’s go the models. The queen lifts her legs up on the throne. The fashion designer comes out and sings the song “Good for the Beauties”).
Fashion designer Why, dear queen, didn’t you recognize your sister?
Well, dear, how are you?
Queen Yes, she hasn't given birth yet.
But with such relatives, it won’t take long to give birth before your due date.
Fashion designer It's okay to rat around idle, better look at what I've got locked up.
Cool clothes - atas! On you right now.
And models are models! It is clear that they have eaten.
In general, keep your mouth shut! Choose what you like!
(The Queen takes one of the things and examines it skeptically)
Queen No, I certainly won’t wear this even at night.
Fashion designer In vain! Today it is in fashion. That's it, girls, we're leaving!
If you change your mind, call! I'm in tent number 3
In Cherkizovsky everyone knows where to find me, dear!
(They leave. The queen goes into the tent)
Author While the king fights far away, long and cruelly,
The time of birth is coming; God gave them a son in arshin.
(The queen leaves the tent with the child. The sisters run in).
Singer Oh! How good!
Fashion designer Beautiful.
Singer The king's labor was not in vain.
Fashion designer Nose, eyes - amazing!
Singer Let me have a look too!
Fashion designer And look at her little hands!
Queen Quiet! Don't break it!
Singer Na, listen (shoves headphones to the child) - this is your aunt singing!
Queen This music, sister, is not suitable for a child. (Pushes aside headphones)
Singer What! I do not like? (steps aside) Well, okay!
Fashion designer Look! She's annoyed!
Go give birth to your own! You, baby, look!
Super thing! Let's try it on now!
Queen I don't believe my eyes.
Fashion designer Why are you ratting! Yes, almost half the planet walks around in this.
Queen You haven't had time to understand the world, the word first thing to say,
And they are already pushing everything that they try on on you.
In the yard, in the entrance, at school, everyone knows what’s funniest,
What's in fashion, what's on air. Everyone will be mixed up in a gray world.
Fashion designer I didn’t understand something!
What strange things!
Singer Everything is clear. We sent!
Fashion designer And we'll leave it like that?
We will resolve everything instantly. So it is! Sit down and write!
You are our king! Lord of the world!
Singer Very beautifully said.
Fashion designer The queen gave birth to either a son or a daughter that night;

Seal it, put a seal on it! He will know how to offend!
(The king comes onto the stage and sits on the throne. A messenger comes running.)
Tsar The queen gave birth to either a son or a daughter that night;
Not a mouse, not a frog, but an unknown animal.
I saw this somewhere. Call Pushkin to me!
(Pushkin arrives)

What are you doing, Pushkin – son of a bitch! I came up with it myself, I said,
And here it is, word for word! Which one of you copied from which?
Pushkin Plagiarism! Your greatness! The most ordinary one!
Tsar What happened further in the fairy tale?
Pushkin That queen was slandered,
They were sent out to sea in a barrel, sad and forgotten.
Tsar That's it, now you're free, friend! Fairy tales, brothers, you need to listen to!
The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - good fellows- lesson.
(The king gets up and leaves)
Author On the same day, the king hastily surrendered and went to his wife.
(The king comes out with the queen and the child)
And the sisters, sensing grief, a fashion designer with a pop star
They fled to the corners. They were found by force there.
Here they confessed everything, apologized, and burst into tears.
The king, out of such joy, sent the sisters home.
Pushkin I was there; honey, drank beer - and just wet his mustache.

Final appearance of the actors.

What do children love most? Of course, cartoons. It is in this section that we have collected a variety of foreign and domestic cartoons. Among the huge selection, there is sure to be one that your child will especially love. If you have a lot to do or just want to relax, and the child asks for constant attention, and if there is none, then he begins to “mess up”, then cartoons will come to the rescue. By turning on a cartoon for a child, you can distract him for at least half an hour, or even two or three.

An art form such as animation has been around for quite a long time. During this time, the quality has improved, which is good news. Children of any generation absolutely love cartoons; everyone, as a child, loved cartoons. Many adults at one time had to wait on TV and had to watch what was shown. Some people were lucky at one time if their parents bought cassettes or discs. And the new generation can already watch what they want without spending money from their parents’ wallet, because almost every home already has a computer and the Internet, with the help of which a huge card index of cartoons can be opened for every taste and color.

For the little ones, the Soviet classics, which are famous for their simplicity, kindness and pleasant pictures, are perfect. For example, “Crocodile Gena”, “Prostokvashino”, “Well, wait a minute!”, “ The Bremen Town Musicians", "Flying ship", " Winnie the Pooh", "Baby and Carlson" and many others. You can even sit down with your child and reminisce about childhood. Also for young children there are many modern educational cartoons, which differ not only in brighter pictures, but also in content.

For children who are already finishing kindergarten or studying in primary school, cartoons of an entertaining nature are suitable, where heroes save someone or even the whole world. These include foreign cartoons about superheroes from comic books, about sorceresses or fairies, as well as domestic ones about heroes.

Those kids who are slowly and surely moving towards adolescence may already begin to be interested in cartoons that are especially different in plot. In such cartoons, in a relaxed manner, children are forced to think about serious things and experience a lot of emotions. They are suitable for viewing by the whole family, because due to the well-thought-out plot, they will be no less interesting for adults. Such cartoons can be safely placed on the same shelf as family films.

Teenagers, despite the fact that they consider themselves adults, still love to watch cartoons. For teenagers, they are already more daring and not as harmless as children. They are dominated by entertainment, adult jokes, and teenage problems. These are mainly foreign multi-part cartoons, such as “The Simpsons”, “Family Guy”, “Futurama”, etc.

Don't forget about adults. Yes, they also draw for adults, only they are somewhat similar to teenagers, but more rude, there may be curse words, intimate overtones and adult problems are touched upon ( family life, work, loans, midlife crisis, etc.).

Cartoons are an art form in which the author’s hands are completely free, because you can depict absolutely anything and at the same time add a charming story. We invite you to watch them right now and have great fun.