What happens to a person when he is cursed. How to determine if your family is cursed. How to remove a generational curse

Family curses are not a myth. Sometimes people live with it all their lives and don’t notice anything, but it happens that even a weak curse or evil eye radically changes the life of the whole family.

There are known methods how to determine damage and even return it to the enemy, however, when a person is dealing with a family curse, even fire protection does not always work. You need to understand the root of the evil that haunts your family.

How can you know if you are under a generational curse and how can you remove the generational curse.

  • What is the generational curse?
  • Why does a person come under the curse of generations?
  • How a person comes under the curse of generations.
Let us first go to the Lord for peace, perseverance and protection. Satan doesn't want you to have this information, so he can either try to distract you, tire you out, or even harm you.

O merciful and loving father, please grant us peace during this discussion. Let no one call us or distract us from others, and please help us to give our whole heart as we strive to be obedient to your Word. Furthermore, Father, please protect us from the power of Satan through the mighty name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray, amen.

How to determine the presence of a curse

As mentioned above, it is not always possible to determine a curse by observation alone. One way or another, you need to first understand if the problem is with you? Maybe your endless problems are caused by personal reasons, or you're dealing with depression and just see the negative in everything.

There are good and time-tested ways to accurately determine the damage that has been imposed on a specific person. To check on your home and family, you will need to carefully observe what is happening in your home. There are many signs of the presence of damage, but if, for example, one or two appear, this does not always mean the presence of something dark in your home.

To begin, a generational curse is a curse that God will place on a person's family when that person is guilty of committing a sin that is so disgusting to God that He considers it an abomination. One sin that is high on God's list of abominations is idolatry. In fact, for the first time God talks about the generational curse, it is related to this sin. Let's look at Exodus 20, which begins with the Ten Commandments.

You shall not make any idolatry or any likeness of any thing that is in the heavens above, or that is on the earth below, or that is in the water under the earth.

  • We should not make idols.
  • We shouldn't bow to them.
  • We shouldn't serve them.
The second half of the pass contains a penalty for violating this rule.

So, here are the main signs of a curse on a family:

  • Constant quarrels. Pay attention to this fact. If you and your loved ones often lose your temper, then this is a wake-up call. Either you all have a bad character, or someone has worked on your aura. Quarrels usually occur spontaneously and for no particular reason. Think about what it looks like from the outside. If there are no compelling reasons, then most likely you have been cursed or damaged the whole family at once.
  • Diseases. Constant quarrels lead to illness, as low energy and nerves take their toll. If you continuously remain negative, it will definitely affect your health. Also, a long-lasting curse on your family or home usually gets stronger. You seem to dress warmly, take care of yourself, but you constantly catch a cold and feel unwell. Sometimes curses are expressed in serious illnesses. When the curse is lifted, the disease goes away with it. Very often it happens that it is simply impossible to make a diagnosis: in these situations it is almost 100% possible to say that there is a curse on you and your family.
  • Accidents. All of the above can lead to an accident. It’s not so rare that they turn out to be the result of some kind of curse or a strong family evil eye.
  • Money leakage. A sick, unhappy and sad family will have little money. Inventories decrease, expenses increase. Usually, if there is a curse on a family, the money goes somewhere by itself. You're left wondering what you could have spent that amount on while you lose wallets, forget money, or buy unnecessary things.
  • It usually ends either in divorce or even more negative problems. This is the purpose of family curses - to destroy the connection between people and alienate them from each other. You should not allow serious problems to arise and wait until negative energy manifests itself in full force.

    The word visiting in this sense means giving or assigning. Lawlessness, of course, is sin. "Third and fourth generations." God curses four entire generations with the sin of which the parent is guilty. So, if a parent commits idolatry, four generations of descendants also commit idolatry. If a parent practiced witchcraft, four generations of descendants will also practice witchcraft. This is because God cursed children for disobeying their parent.

    God also curses the descendants of each of the four generations, also for four generations. “To praise thousands of people, to forgive iniquity and iniquity and sin, and this will in no way cleanse the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and on the children’s children to the third and fourth generations.”

    What to do if you suspect a curse

    This could be a generational curse. You can interrupt a negative program by working on yourself and on family problems. Perhaps one of your great-grandfather's or great-grandmother's enemies got angry at him and created such a strong energy curse that it is very difficult to get rid of. Or someone in the last generation did something wrong and brought upon themselves evil words that become attached to your entire blood family. Family history helps to shed light on dark energy and overcome the negative program of the family.

    That's sixteen generations of descendants under God's curse, all because of the sin of one ancestor. Over time, this will become an eternal curse, because if original sin is not addressed, each subsequent generation will commit the same sin and be cursed again. Without intervention, the entire line will eventually be cursed. Many reading this have already started making some connections.

    Now that we know what a generational curse is and why God places a generational curse on a family, let's look at the sins that God considers abominations. As we have seen, idolatry is number one on the list. What few people nowadays understand is that, according to the Bible, to see anyone naked other than our spouse or our children is an abomination to God and thus pornography.

    But if the curse is not a family curse (there are no misfortunes or ominous legends in the family that are repeated from generation to generation), it means that someone sent it to you. To remove it, you first need to calm down and get rid of negative thoughts. The worst-case scenario would be the path of revenge. If you are filled with anger and look for a way to take revenge, you can ruin your energy even more.

    When they reach an age where they begin to recognize their bodies, they are naturally modest. Not only do they not want anyone to see their nakedness, but they don't particularly like to see anyone else's nakedness. IN school school society makes them ashamed of their modesty.

    Americans who tout an open society are quoted as "uninhibited" Europeans. Few people, except those who have lived abroad, know, however, that Europeans are obsessed with sex. Being “liberated” and “uninhibited” did not bring positive results for Europeans: it only made them want to have sex more. Only they don't make their dirt at home. They go to third world countries like the Philippines to live out their sexual fantasies.

    Calm down and try to find traces of what can be called lining. The lining is what is the source of the curse. This is a thing or some object that emits negativity. It could be a handful of earth, a ball of thread, or something similar. Remember if any of your friends came to your home recently or before a dark streak began in the life of the family. Inspect the threshold, the doormat, and secluded places. What you find must be burned and the ashes buried.

    Adultery. “You must not lie carnally with your neighbor’s wife, so as to defile yourself with her.” Victim of children. “You shall not let one of your seed pass through the fire to Molech.” Molech was a Babylonian deity - an idol. Parents will sacrifice their children to this idol, throwing them into the fire in front of his image. It is still practiced today in secret.

    Profiling the name of God. “And you shall not profane the name of your God.” Besides perverting God's intention for sexual relationships to be exclusively between a man and a woman, homosexuality is a sin against the body because the body is the temple of God. Sodom and Gomorrah is God's warning to us that He hates homosexuality. He hates him so much that He not only destroyed these two cities, but also destroyed “all the cities of the plain” except the city where Lot and his family fled. God basically destroyed an entire state for the sin of homosexuality.

    Regardless of whether you found the lining or not, you can and even need to take protective measures:

The most terrible way to influence people is a curse. It can spread over seven generations and destroy both adults and children. History knows of crowned families who were subject to this terrible scourge. How much ordinary people doomed to torment and destroyed magical dark forces? One can only guess about this. How can you tell if a creepy spell has been cast or not? To do this, let's look at the signs of a curse:

Many homosexuals hate the Bible, especially the Book of Leviticus, because it reveals God's hatred of the homosexual lifestyle. Many so-called Christians who defend homosexuals like to say, “God hates homosexuality, but he loves homosexuals.” This is similar to saying, “God hates murder, but He loves murderers,” or “God hates child molestation, but He loves child molesters.” Clearly this conveys the wrong idea. It is better to say that God loves man, but He hates their sin.

We must love homosexuals to tell them the truth. Bestiality. “And you will not lie with any beast to defile yourself.” Kidnapping of parents and father. “For whoever curses his father or his mother will certainly perish.” Witchcraft. We will look at this sin in more detail because it is so common today that even many Christians practice it unwittingly. There are several activities that God calls witchcraft and they can be found in the chapter of Deuteronomy.

There are a lot of widows and widowers in the family. Their number reaches 50% of the total number of all relatives. With a simple eye it is clear that this is not normal.

Relatives live estranged and try to meet with each other as little as possible. The reason for this lies in some long-standing grievances that people cannot forgive their loved ones.

They speak little and sparingly about deceased family members. People practically never go to the graves, and they fall into complete disrepair, since no one looks after them.

This means child sacrifice, a common practice among ancient people. Parents would sacrifice their children to the god Molech, throwing them alive into the fire in front of his image. The child sacrifice never stopped. In fact, a few days ago, news broke that 32 girls were being used as breeders. The children they produced were sold into prostitution, slavery and child sacrifice.

But this practice is not limited to Nigeria; this happens all over the world, especially in the United States. Read more about this by John Descamps. You will be amazed - no, horrified - to know what is happening in every city in America right under our noses. Fortune telling is the practice of trying to see the future. Note that the root word of divination is divine; in other words, it is an activity designed only for God to participate. Anyone who tries to see the future is trying to usurp the authority of God.

Among relatives, the prevailing feeling towards each other is envy. Any success of one immediately causes negativity in others. No one is sincerely happy for their loved ones, sympathizes with them in grief, or helps them financially.

Children often die in the family, mostly at the age of three years. Women often experience miscarriages, which indicates a serious anomaly. Mentally retarded children who cannot continue their family line are also becoming commonplace.

Yes, astrology is an abomination to God. When God created the sun, moon and stars He said. “Let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years.” He didn't say that we would use them to talk about the future. Let me repeat this for you because some Christian will try to justify his participation in this activity.

God will use the planets and stars as foreshadowings of the impending coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. When you practice astrology you are desecrating our Lord and by reading your horoscope in the newspaper or on the internet you are actually committing an abomination in the eyes of God. The same goes for those Christians who call themselves Leos, Virgos or any other astrological sign.

There are many drunkards in the family. This applies not only to men, but also to women. IN lately Cases of drug addiction have become more frequent. All this leads to spiritual degradation and degeneration.

Close relatives voluntarily abandon each other. A son abandons his mother, a father abandons his daughter, husband and wife divorce and become sworn enemies.

Astrology is diametrically opposed to the Bible because astrology teaches that a person's personality is unchangeable and is determined by what sign he is born with. But the Word of God says that anyone can be changed through the blood of Jesus Christ. That's why astrology calls Jesus Christ a liar. Talking about the future is the devil's counterfeit of the power of God.

Another word for sorcerer is sorcerer. This is a person who makes magic through spells and incantations. An example of this would be a witch waving her wand while casting a spell like "Abracadabra". Interestingly, the Hebrew root of this word is similar to the word for the hissing of a serpent.

When dividing the inheritance of a deceased relative, squabbles, quarrels and intrigues arise. Everyone tries to grab a bigger piece for themselves, without thinking about others at all. From the outside it all looks disgusting and unpleasant.

The only thing that the curse does not apply to is material well-being. All members of the family can be extremely rich people. Poverty is rare among them. But even more rare is simple human happiness. More precisely, it does not exist at all, but there is only envy, hatred and anger.

Enchantment also means hypnosis, as the Hebrew word also means "to whisper." With that said, does The Whispering Horse make more sense to you? In this sense, fascination would be the appropriate term. An example of charm in the form of bewitching or hypnotism can be found in the book of Acts, in the case of Simon the Wizard, who hypnotized an entire country.

But there was a certain man named Simon, who first of all in the same city used witchcraft and bewitched the inhabitants of Samaria, giving himself that he was great. To whom they all listened, from the least to the greatest, saying: This man is the great power of God.

If someone from all the listed signs of a curse finds three or more inherent in his family, then we can talk about the presence of a negative magic spell. But if there are only two or one matches, then there is no reason to worry. It should also be said about curses that are imposed on specific people, and not on the whole family. They are divided into two types.

“And they treated him because for a long time he had bewitched them with witchcraft.” Now, if you find it hard to believe that an entire country can be hypnotized, think again. Entire countries were bewitched in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Do you think Hitler fooled the German people into thinking that killing Jews was a good idea just by being charismatic? These people were fascinated - enchanted. This happened here in America in the last presidential election. And it will happen again on a worldwide scale as the world worships the Antichrist.

The first type affects health, luck, family relationships. A person may be injured during an accident, develop severe headaches, or develop cravings for alcohol or drugs. There is also a curse for infertility. It usually starts working after the words: so that you feel empty.

The second type radically affects the psyche and turns people into complete losers. Here the signs of a curse are expressed in indecision, hopelessness, and fear of the future. Such people are characterized by a constant state of anxiety. They lack self-confidence and cannot achieve their life goals.

Meditation also falls under the fascination, except that the person does it for himself. When a person repeats a mantra, they are actually casting a spell; they are hypnotizing and enchanting. The danger with this is that they become an empty vessel that can be filled with something like a demon. By the way, the term “yoga” in Sanskrit means “yoke” or to bind. Do you want to guess what? Can any of the Hinduisms have more than three hundred and fifty million gods and goddesses?

Hypnotism is forbidden by God and is very dangerous. Psychologists successfully removed the memory of the event from the woman's mind, only with a devastating consequence: she completely lost the ability to form a mental picture or see anything in her mind's eye. In other words, she couldn't imagine anymore. It is a general term for a person who practices magic through spells and incantations. Witchcraft apologists argue that the term "witch" originally meant "wise", and witches were simply knowledgeable people, which has given the Christian church a bad name.

A person exposed to negative magical effects resembles a zombie in his behavior. Disorganization, nervousness, haste and vanity become the norm for him. He constantly finds himself in some unpleasant situations, provokes squabbles and scandals.

To get rid of the curse, you need to turn to a strong and experienced magician. He will perform a special ceremony, and sometimes several rituals, to destroy the spell cast with the help of black magic. After this, the situation will change dramatically in better side, and the signs of the curse will disappear.