Black magic and runes protection. Black magic and runes application for beginners at home. The use of runes in magic rituals.

V in capable hands They can not only attract good luck and money, but also attract misfortune, severely punish the offender, bewitch a loved one, and even bring illness or death.

The thing is that runes are also, although magical, living and unique creatures. And they can quarrel and hate, be sympathetic or neutral. And with enough diligence, dexterity and patience, you can tame runes and successfully work with them in black magic.

What is needed for the ritual

Let the name reflect as you say it. When you reach the north again, start with the hagalaz in the north. At the end you should have three circles of runes around you. If you have memorized the runes and their order well, you can trace them around you with red energy as you summon each one. It's very difficult to remember every rune, but it's a lot of fun. When tracing runes in the air, it is important to use long, large strokes. Small strokes provide some energy, you want the power to go into these symbols, so start moving with fun!

Interconnected black magic and runes special ritual actions and ceremonies. Runic signs include both positive and negative energy, and some runes in an inverted or mirror outline carry negativity.

Here is an example of such runes:

Reversed rune Nautiz- tears, need and grief.

Again, make sure you say the rune name as you do this. It is important to know the correct order and way to say the runes when using them in magic. Correct order, pronunciation and literal translation of the Elder Futhark. The sets are a horizontal line.

Well, how would you call the element? You can combine many of these into a ritual, or simply use it in a short spell or enchantment. The more you know about the rune, the more creativity you can incorporate into your spelling.

Whenever you write a rune, it should always be spoken. If you can't say it out loud, do it in your mind or whisper it under your breath. Runes gain power through the vibration of their names. Express the word embedded in the silo. Say it normally, then pull it out again. Feel the word coming from your mouth, inhale the word to give it the power of your breath.

Mirror Teyvaz And Eyvaz- damage to the spine, back.

Inverted Berkana- infertility.

Vunyo- poisoning.

Runes correlate with death and destruction Eyvaz And Hagalaz, and here is the rune Ansuz will bring throat diseases, muteness, injuries to the neck and larynx.

In general, it is believed that a rune inscribed several times is much more effective, but the symbol of mirror, or inverted, runes acquires a secret double power.

Runes are usually written in red, but gold, blue, black or white are sometimes used. Runic symbols, rune bindings and sigils are also very widely used in rune magic. Fortune telling, feng shui and metaphysical supply. Our metaphysical store offers our scented candles, incense and aromatherapy products, pagan clothing, jewelry, ritual supplies, gifts and home decor. We have feng shui items, tarot cards, crystal ball, fortune telling and tools for mental development.

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We will show you an example black magic spell using the Feu rune.

The Feu rune, inscribed in a special way, leads to the deactivation of physical manifestations, making mistakes, and conflicts. It inhibits desires and leads to ruin. If you draw a rune in this way on a person’s clothing or belongings and cast a special spell, you will attract negative energy flows into his life. He will become defenseless against circumstances and magical influence, will become weak-willed and apathetic. Magical energy will force him to isolate himself from the team and avoid society. And if a rune is sewn into his hem, then the person can become a real outcast.

The runic oracle, based on the ancient Germanic script of the Elder Futhark, is available for free. The autumn path is the path to creativity and inspiration moves freely. It doesn't really have anything to do with runes, but I like the art. Avalon says: Using alternatives to perceived realities is what my art is about. than the projection of individual awareness, which no two people can share in the same way.

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A love spell using runes is very powerful in black magic. It is not necessary to use inverted runes. For example, you can use the Thurisaz rune for this purpose. Thurisaz symbolizes active action, kindles the fire of passion and love and inspires a strong need for partnership. Thurisaz, like the thorns of a rose, casts a magical spell. On the waning moon, light a red candle, placing it in the upper right corner of the table. Pour salt into the lower right corner, place a glass of water into the lower left corner, and incense into the upper left corner. Then take a photo of your lover, apply the sign of the Thurisaz rune with a red pen in the heart area, and hide it securely.

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Black magic and runes forum

This is far from the only ritual that can be performed using runes. If you are interested black magic and runes forum will help you. You can learn about the use of runes in certain situations, ask a magician for advice about any of the runes, and simply gain experience in black magic. You will learn how to draw a rune, or a script made up of several runes, in order to achieve the effect without harming yourself. Welcome!

Black runic plot “Ring of Obedience”

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The past that negatively affects your current life is expelled from your life. There are some experiences in our life that still haunt our minds or thoughts, so these past experiences or impressions will harm us and affect our life negatively. For example, it could be the memory of bad relationship, unhappy childhood, trauma from some life situation or an accident.

According to legend, runes and runic magic have Scandinavian roots, and came to us from mythology from this territory. Legend has it that for the first time the runes opened and showed their essence in front of Odin, who hung for 9 days on a tree branch with a sword piercing his body. After drinking a sacred drink made from honey on the 10th day, he saw runes that he wrote with his blood on the surface of a tree trunk. In the future, the legend tells that the magic of runes became the main one for the Scandinavian peoples and was used to achieve various goals.

Darmond's best day is Saturday, but every day is ok too. This symbolizes the end of suffering. Death must come first to restart. Write a list of past, past experiences that you would like to forget and ban. Best time for this - the day after the New Moon. Then you will work on it every day, that is 28 days on your “list”. This will provide sufficient energy for the final ritual. - Every day you will say to each of the experiences: I perceive it as they are. Thank you for the lesson you gave me.

Runes and their meaning

So now you have no more power over me. Goodbye. - You won't feel right at first, you may feel resistance when you want to say sentences. Do this, but only mechanically. Think about the help that will be your reward! Do this before the day of the dark moon.

Runes - Scandinavian magic

Concept and brief description

The use of runes, as well as their production, began quite a long time ago, and their popularity is only growing. At their core, runes are magical natural objects, and are made exclusively from natural materials, such as:

  • tree bark;
  • stones;
  • sheets of papyrus;
  • branches and pieces of trees;
  • threads

One of the main functions of runes in magic is protection and maintaining the safety of the person to whom the rune belongs or is intended. At its core, a protective rune is part of certain systems that allow, in the event of danger, when strangers trying to cause harm, not to let him within the boundaries. This method of protection guarantees that evil thoughts directed at a person will remain only thoughts and will not materialize.

You will then perform the ritual and after the ritual you will burn your list and pour the ashes into running water. coal charcoal and a fireproof bowl. An incense mixture that you put in church matches or lighter chalk or salt for a magic circle. Blue candle. Black cable. List of past experiences.

Make a circle to highlight the circle, use chalk or salt. Bring the coal to a boil and make a candle. Say: “Where there was darkness, there is now light.” Spread the incense over the charcoal. Relax and feel the smoke cleanse the atmosphere. Tie a knot on the left side of the cable, it represents your past. Tie another knot with right side cable. It represents your future, free from past experiences. Ask higher power light and love to come and support you. There are two ways to reduce the connection between the past and the future.

Runes can be made from wood

Runes of protection

In the list of the most effective protective runes there are two types of runes that have proven their reliability over the years. This:

  • rune Nautiz;
  • rune Turiaz.

Rune number one is the main one, and is the source powerful protection, especially during periods when there is a serious need for it. The use of this rune allows you to separate two elements, so any conflict, regardless of its seriousness, can be resolved with its help, thanks to the parallel impact on the opposing forces. Nautiz is a bright fiery rune, the action of which is significantly different from Algiz. The use of this rune is recommended exclusively for those people who know how to control own desires, since, otherwise, excessive magical effects may have negative impact, and lead to irreparable consequences for the implementation of the intended business.

The first is to hold the “past” in your left hand and the “future” in right hand, and let the flame burn the cable. Another possibility is to cut the connection between "past" and "future" using scissors. Choose the one that suits you best. Then place the "past" node along with the document in a fireproof bowl and let it burn completely. Sit, relax and meditate. Thanks for this help. Finish the ritual. Then go out into nature and sprinkle the ashes into running water. Or you climb a hill and let the wind carry the ashes.

Energy Living Room Cleaning

Shamanic cleansing rituals can also be very beneficial for objects and spaces. You can revive the animated ones vital energies so that new ones can enter. Let's say someone moves into a house that used to be inhabited by very controversial people. The energy or echo of this conflict will gradually negatively affect the new inhabitants and they will likely develop a tendency to argue more. If the house is cleared of such energies, it will be easier for new residents. You can then fill the house with your positive energies.

Thurizas is an amazing rune that does not tolerate evil at all. In situations where the owner has a rune, villains and various kinds of scammers prefer to abandon their plans to commit atrocities.

A special feature of this rune is the ability to reflect not only blows, but also intentions, as a result of which impressive results can be achieved with its use. It should be remembered that Turiaz magic can be used exclusively for defensive purposes, since attempts to use it as an attack weapon can result in negative consequences for the aggressor. For protection, you can use a combination of several runes, Algiz and Teyvaz. This combination can be very effective for achieving goals and victories in different situations that fate puts before a person. Proof of this in history is the ubiquitous depiction of various runes on the shields of Scandinavian warriors, who thus inclined luck to their side and received additional protection and confidence in their own abilities. The main task, which the protective magic of runes performs, is the constant replenishment of a person with energy, allowing:

Then shamanic smoking of living rooms can help. Or there are other vigorous cleansing rituals that may provide relief. There is also the phenomenon that the deceased is still living there because they have not yet found their way to the eternal hunting grounds. In such a case, there are also rituals that can be performed so that the dead can find peace and return to life.

Purification rituals exist for humans, animals, forests, places, spaces and objects. In my seminars I, among other things, the following things. Energetic cleansing of spaces and objects Energetic cleansing of relationships Cleansing the world of thoughts and emotions Incorporating energy fields into the cosmos Creating and working on ineffective energies Back to nature Send cleansing with incense, drums, sounds, stones, Reiki Help dead souls. Black magic is the perishable side of magical practice.

  • look at the conflict situation differently;
  • change your attitude to the situation, transforming minuses into pluses;
  • help release internal forces.

Nautiz - fire rune

Dark magic and runes

Black magic and runes are also quite closely related. This is explained by the fact that the symbols personifying the runes conceal enormous knowledge of sacred power, which has power over the whole world, as well as human lives, which leads to a miraculous concentration of forces. In the hands of a skilled person, runes and runic symbols can help attract good luck, financial well-being, as well as provide protection from various misfortunes and help implement cherished dreams. In addition, with the help of runes you can:

How to learn black magic?

It is based on the idea of ​​gaining control over some internal forces nature, bypassing their own spiritual and moral development through illegal, often brutal machinations. To practice this means to enter into an alliance with Ahriman and begin where occult activities are carried out into the world without selfless interest in the world. In yet to a greater extent the seduction of black magic comes from the asuras, who are the spirits of the strongest egoism.

Practice black magic

Almost the path to black magic begins to transform into a living being and experience pleasure from its pain. Sexual excesses contribute to the flourishing of black magic. But the simplest lie brings us closer to black magic. Lies on the physical plane are intended to be destroyed on the astral plane. A lie is murder on the astral plane. This phenomenon is the source of black magic. The commandment on the physical plane: do not kill - therefore can be translated for the astral plane: On the physical plane, a lie is only a word, an imagination, an illusion, it can cause many disasters, but it does not destroy anything: on the astral plane there are all feelings, all thoughts are visible formations, living forces of the Astralplane leads lies to a clash between the false and true forms, they kill each other.

  • severely punish enemies;
  • doom a person to negative phenomena and misfortunes;
  • to attract illness or lack of luck in any business to an enemy.

A magical ritual using runes also allows you to cast a love spell and return a person to your family, or receive long-awaited personal happiness. Black magic and runes are something with which you should be extremely careful and attentive, since this kind of witchcraft, if used ineptly, can result in negative consequences for the person performing the magic ritual. Some runes carry negative information when they are drawn as a mirror (inverted) reflection of themselves. So the Nautiz rune brings about the appearance of tears, need, and grief, while Teyvaz and Eyvaz, depicted in this way, can cause back diseases. Berkana runes and their meaning in mirror form completely changes and becomes a symbol of infertility. Destruction and death carry the reverse image of the runes of Eyvaz and Hagalayz.

Mysteries of dark magic

The white magician wants to give other souls the spiritual life that he carries within himself. The black magpie wants to kill in order to create a void around him in the astral world, because this void around him creates a field for him in which he can develop his egoistic passions. To do this, he needs power, which he masters by capturing vitality all living beings, that is, killing him.

This is the first law of black magic: a person must conquer life. Consequently, in some black schools, students are taught the disgusting, cruel practice of placing live animals on live animals, with precise instructions on the position of the animal's body to increase the strength of the victim. In appearance one can establish similarities between black magic and vivisection. Today's science depends on vivisection because of its materialism. Opposition to vivisection arises from deep moral considerations.

Rune Teyvaz can bring back diseases

Runes and their meaning

The image of chaos and destruction is a symbol that must be treated with the utmost caution, as this rune can have an effect that is difficult to predict. A magical ritual performed with such a rune can cause problems at the mental level, or lead to negative events in the physiological state of the body.

In order to use this rune ritual, it is enough to quietly place them on your enemy on the same day they were made, before sunset. Otherwise, the magic will have an effect on the person who made the runes.

Black magic and runes make it possible to use a symbol called a “cap,” which can turn a popular person into a social outcast, blocking his existing contacts with others. Performing this ritual requires that the recipient of the magic spell touch the stub of the rune, and the magician who made it avoided a personal meeting. The best solution to this problem is to transfer the “cap” by postal services or courier delivery. The dark magical ritual of “suggestion”, carried out using runes, allows you to influence not only elements related to physical world, but also on the human psyche. Magicians have the opportunity to draw such symbols, with the goal of instilling their thoughts in the chosen victim. One of the main conditions for a successful ceremony is that the broadcast begins only when the runes are in the hands of the chosen victim.

Malicious runes must be planted on the enemy on the day they are made

Other possibilities

Besides negative influence, which can be exerted on a person by resorting to the help of dark runic forces, these symbols can be used for the purpose of personal enrichment, as well as increasing the well-being of others. Thus, an amulet of prosperity and success can help its owner to short terms took a high place in the social hierarchy. This symbol is embossed on special plates made from noble types of wood, which include oak, beech and ash. In order to enhance the beneficial magical effect of using such an amulet, you must carry it with you constantly.

  1. The meaning of runes of a certain nature indicates that they can contribute to the emergence of the possibility of additional income. Such runes act quite quickly, and are often used in cases where it is necessary to urgently solve financial matters. The production of new amulets for additional income is carried out by drawing a symbol on paper, and then placing it in a purse or purses. It is very important to destroy such a leaf immediately after solving a financial problem by burying it in the ground or burning it.
  2. Some meaning of the runes allows you to attract the favor of luck to a person. This magic can solve most of a person’s everyday problems that are associated with lack of luck. Carrying out the ritual does not require serious preparation and consists of making runes after sunset, being alone with oneself. To apply a symbol on paper, you need to use red or green ink. It is very important not to tell anyone that you have made a rune that evokes the favor of Fortune.
  3. White magic of runes allows you to learn about the future, as well as interpret any situation correctly, using ancient knowledge, but runes are most popular among dark magicians, who with their help accomplish incredible things.
  4. The importance of runes for rites and rituals of black magic is difficult to overestimate, since by using this tool, an experienced and strong wizard is able to perform a ritual of sexual attachment, as well as perform love spells or lapels. It should be noted that all rituals that are associated with love or sexual affairs are carried out exclusively with the help of dark forces, since followers of white magic do not want to interfere in matters of the heart under any pretext, and often do not have the strength to do so.

Love rituals are performed only by black magicians

Runes in dark magic

Followers of dark magic, taking advantage of the power that the runes conceal, are able to make successful people instantly turn into outcasts. Magicians make their enemies lonely and unhappy, because even in a crowd of people they cannot feel the support and presence of company. A person who has lost social support and communication is unable to achieve even minimal success in the future. The significance of runes in black magic, which is used to cast a curse on an area, is also very great. With the help of such spells, an experienced magician is able to summon a dark entity that will spoil human lives to those who live in the cursed territory. The manifestation of such a curse occurs in:

  • constant illnesses;
  • total bad luck;
  • inability to get rich;
  • lack of happiness.

Instilling certain thoughts at a distance into other people can also be done by using special runes. In addition, a strong magician can change existing thoughts, forcing a person to change his mind or change the vector of development of his life. The use of runes allows you to perform translations.

Those people who set themselves the goal of learning dark magic and want to choose the path of a witch or wizard should first of all clearly understand what results they want to achieve.

Everything you need for dark magic can be purchased online

The main weapons of representatives of dark magic are the forces of darkness, which require constant and continuous interaction. Dark magic cannot be compared with the use of magic wands, since it requires a change in lifestyle, and this point must be taken into account. In a situation where a person has realized the above and has a desire to engage in the chosen business, one can safely undergo the rite of renunciation of the cross and communion with the dark forces. Today, obtaining all the necessary information about dark forces is in no way difficult and is available on the pages of special portals and forums where you can communicate with representatives and adherents of black magic. All necessary accessories for rituals can also be purchased online

It is necessary to take into account that the use of runes in black magic will require the magician to regularly use his own blood to perform certain rituals, since a strong connection must be established between the runes and the magician.

Possible consequences of using dark forces

Most of those people who have previously practiced black magic indicate that cooperation with dark forces is fraught with serious consequences. Based on this, large number magicians try to do everything to divert such consequences to other people. Sin from spiritual or physical contamination stranger still remains.

At the same time, consequences threaten those who use the services of dark magicians for selfish or bringing evil purposes. The worst thing is to determine how and when it will manifest itself negative consequence from communication with the forces of darkness is difficult to predict. In some cases, the use of black magic for malicious purposes leads to the fact that several generations have to pay for such sins.