We draw three-dimensional drawings with a pencil step by step. How it's made, how it works, how it works

Hello?. Rustam Zakirov is in touch and I have another article for you, the topic of which is in pencil. In this article we will draw such an intricate 3D cube.

I’ll immediately share my impressions, so far this is the most complex 3D drawing that I have ever had to draw with a pencil on paper. Of course, from the outside it doesn’t seem so complicated (I thought so too).

The difficulty of this drawing is that there are a lot of shadows. Special art education I don’t have one (and I don’t draw well), so it seemed a little difficult for me.

How to easily draw any 3D drawings.

I pulled out this cube from this picture that I found on the Internet.

You need to photograph a 3D drawing from the correct angle, then it will look as voluminous and correct in the photo as possible.

If you are uncomfortable translating from the monitor screen, you can simply print it out and translate it, for example, using a window. And this is what the printed version looks like.

Step #2. Cut out the excess.

To add more volume to the 3D drawing, take and cut off the excess part of the sheet. This will make it look like the cube is protruding above the surface.

We do the same with the drawn version.

The 3d drawing is now completely finished. Who else would like to draw such 3D drawings, you can find them here (this is what it looks like)

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And good luck to you all, good drawings, Bye…

I pulled these cubes out of this picture, which I simply found on the Internet. Here she is.

Another way to translate 3D drawings.

If you have any big or complex drawing It’s better to somehow place the screen horizontally to make it easier to translate it, or use the following method.

And the next method is that the finished 3D drawing must first be printed, and then translated from it (using the same principle).

Minus this method is that you need to print the 3D drawing itself. The advantage is that it is more convenient to “glaze” in this way and the quality of transmission will be better.

This method is more suitable for people who do or want to do 3D drawings more professionally and even create .

And that's all for me. Those who want to receive 3D drawings (for testing) write in the comments.

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Good luck to you all, good drawings, bye...

These incredible volumetric works attract the eye and make us repeat “Wow!” over and over again. Unusual technique drawing allows you to deceive the eye and make a flat drawing three-dimensional. So how are such drawings created? Maybe special magic pencils? =)

3D bridge drawn with a simple pencil

3D pencil drawings - where to start?

So, first of all, let's decide on the most important thing. What gives volume to drawn images? Everything is simple 1 is a shadow. It is the shadow that creates volume. Our brain reads visual information from the picture and interprets it for our perception in the same way as we are used to seeing objects in real life. An illusion of volume is created.

Terrible voluminous hand!

To draw a realistic object, you need to study it in detail. Most attention should be paid to the shape of the object, its texture and, most importantly, the shadow. It is worth immediately determining the light source - the realism of the shadow depends on this.

Toothy mouth, ah-ah-ah!

To begin with, a rough sketch is created - a sketch. The sketch conveys the shape of objects. Light sources are also immediately indicated on the sketch. The closer an object is to the light source, the lighter it is depicted. And vice versa, when moving away from the source, the object in the picture becomes darker.

A drawn man does not allow you to fold a piece of paper

You shouldn't draw a shadow right away. At the beginning, it’s worth making a small sketch to understand whether the light transmission is correct. Adding contrast is not difficult, but making it lighter is a real challenge. Therefore, take your time, shade the shadow in several stages and you will definitely succeed!

Volumetric cube drawn in pencil

Try to make the difference between the deep shadow and the lighter one as smooth as possible. The smoother the transition, the more realistic drawing. You can use an eraser or a piece of paper - each artist has his own secrets.

The painted snake looks like a real one!

As a practice, you can try drawing something simple. For example, some geometric primitive - a ball, a cube, etc. When you learn to convey their shape quite clearly, you can move on to more complex compositions.

Volumetric arch

To make your task easier, try to break complex shapes into simple ones. Fragment complex parts. This will make it easier for you to determine where the light is coming from and how the shadow should behave with this or that fragment.

A painted dolphin jumps through a three-dimensional ring

The answer to the question of how to draw a 3D drawing on paper is, in fact, not as complicated as it seems, but not entirely simple either. To master the technique of three-dimensional drawing with a pencil, you will have to not only learn the basics artistic arts, but also to get an idea of ​​the play of light and shadow. Do not despair at the first failures - even without innate artistic talent, this art can always be learned.

How to draw a 3D drawing - we work step by step

Before you draw a 3D drawing, remember - the effect of a three-dimensional image is achieved thanks to the correct play of light and shadow. Of course, creating such a drawing will take a lot of time, but the result is worth the effort. Working step by step and creating a schematic drawing of the future composition, first of all you need to learn how to create volume. As an initial training, you can try to draw a simple geometric figure - for example, a cylinder. The next step is drawing shadows. We all know that every object casts a shadow in the direction opposite to the light source. Before you draw a 3D drawing, carefully study the object being depicted: evaluate the light source and the height at which it is located - the position, size and depth of the shadow will depend on this.
To get an idea of ​​how to draw 3D drawings, just follow the following sequence of actions:

Let's create a sketch - arm yourself with a sheet of paper, a simple pencil and an eraser. It is better if the paper is marked in a cage. Now you need to draw the main baselines that will form the basis of the future drawing.

We master the technique of shading - continuing to draw 3D, we begin drawing shadows. Assess which side of your work the light source is located on and, based on this, paint the side of the object opposite to the light tightly, and fill the highlighted side with frequent vertical lines to create the effect of a lighter surface. Now you can shade everything using a cotton pad, making the image uniform.

Consolidating the result - now that the basic rules are clear to us, it’s time to hone your skills. Let's try to figure out how to draw a 3d staircase. To do this, draw an asymmetrical square, and using a ruler we draw a diagram of future steps. When the sketch is done, we proceed to shading - the vertical sides of the steps should be much darker, therefore, here we press the pencil harder. Don't forget about shading.

Selecting an object for the first “test of the pen”

Having firmly decided to master the tride drawing technique, you will have to decide what you will depict at the very beginning of your creative path. Of course, the first step is to learn how to draw the simplest geometric shapes- a ball, cube, cylinder or drop of water. When you start to succeed in such objects, you can start working on animals or cartoon characters. And only when you hone your skills, will you be able to take on more complex compositions - landscape fragments or landscapes, buildings and ships, etc. On initial stage You can copy other people's ideas in detail - there is nothing wrong with learning how to recreate what you see. But in the future, your mastery of artistic illusions will be the envy of recognized geniuses of world art.