What does the expression well, anime boys mean? Che guys, anime

5 May the Internet not be depleted of various stupid memes. After all, without them, life would become so boring that even school would seem like heaven on earth. True, sometimes some individuals have questions about the origin of a particular meme. It's no secret that they appear for completely stupid reasons. Therefore, in order to explain to the suffering and thirsty the meaning and meaning of these funny pictures and phrases, we have created a website on our website separate category, where we will decipher such memes. Today we’ll talk about a meme that has suddenly become popular again What boys, anime, which means you can read just below.
However, before continuing, I want to recommend you a few more funny memes to cheer you up. For example, what does This fiasco mean, bro, the meaning of So Blat, what does Chevapchichi mean, what is Shooting Stars, etc.
So let's continue what does it mean guys anime?

In fact, the origins of this meme go deep into history. Of course not to Alexander the Great, but also not fresh. For the first time, people learned this expression from a small video that one of these very bad guys posted online in 2011. However, the tragic scene itself took place a year earlier, namely in 2010, for which I congratulate you, comrades. Why? Yes, I'm a heezy!

what guys anime meme.
what guys anime meme.
what guys anime meme.

Having carefully watched this informative and instructive video, we see how a group of inadequate individuals found guys sitting on a hillock, looking like a Soviet version of Sadboys, and girls who were ahead of time, and were already looking like Vinishko-chan.
It is clear that the cattle were confused, and like all inadequate people, they were only able to respond with aggression to any external stimuli.

Since the most shameful thing in their understanding is japanese cartoons, then the main gopnik, harshly puts them down with the phrase: " What guys, anime or what?? It’s unlikely that these were anime fans, but most likely they were just ordinary fashionistas who had absorbed the pernicious influence of the West.
Be that as it may, after this question, Gopnik, hooting joyfully, lightly touches his back with his boot. Of course, the asshole would have been more productive in this case, but he had no choice, because the mod’s seat was firmly pressed to the ground.

Annoyed by the interference in their peacefully ongoing conversation about Western values ​​and the meaning of existence, the man with the bangs jumps up and tries to scare the gloomy gopnik with his appearance. However, it was not to be, the redneck turned out to be a grated roll, and with the words: " Why are you up, now you're going to bed", busily pokes his fist at the "bright face", and speaking in simple words, into the “shaman’s tambourine” of a fashionable guy. And he, clumsily waving his arms, hits his back and the back of his head quite hard on the ground. After which, he freezes, probably passed out, and may have received a slight concussion. The boys smile contentedly and shake each other's claws, and at this moment, such a life-affirming video ends.

After several years, this phrase, " What's up guys, anime?" began to be used to start a conversation, and as a greeting. In addition, impressed by the brutal reprisal, the shkololo began to make clumsy parodies, which force many to lolie. Over time, no one remembers the context of the meme anymore, but simply use it in their communication and comments.

Of course, you may ask, how could this bullshit video become a meme in 2017? The fact is that the odious rapper contributed to its popularization Face(an artist who gained great popularity after creating a video for the track “Gosha Rubchinsky”, and his work is classified by many as “meme-rap”). Who once made a tongue-in-cheek tweet that was followed by many retweets from his fans.

Moreover, public Penguin, seeing how popular the gopot meme was, he posted an image on which was the same penguin of the same name with the signature that everyone was already tired of " What, guys, anime?"

At first, this phrase had a clear negative connotation. For example, this could be said by a person who makes a complaint about the insult of his FC Spartak. Well, this is me, for example, purely hypothetically. Now this expression has simply turned into a meaningless set of letters, from which every second schoolchild cringes. Probably in such individuals vocabulary includes a dozen words, like Elochka the cannibal. One of which, I would like to highlight the term “Eshkere”, is constantly shouted by a strange black man in dreadlocks. Today, using the phrase " What's up guys, anime?“It’s customary to start an unpleasant discussion or “bazaar” with the goal of humiliating and trampling your interlocutor.

After reading this ironic article, you finally found out what does the Che guys anime meme mean?, and you will no longer find yourself in a stupid position when someone utters this phrase in front of you.

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What's up guys, anime?- a phrase from a viral video in which gopniks pester teenagers with long bangs with the phrase “What, guys, anime?” Became a popular meme in 2017.


In April 2011, a short video went viral showing a group of redneck guys harassing teenagers with long bangs. The description says that the action took place in 2010.

The conversation begins with the question: “What are you guys, anime or what?” The teenagers tried to disown involvement in the subculture, but this did not save them. The most greyhound gopnik first kicked the sitting guy in the back. When another “anime guy” tried to get up, he received an instant knockout to the traditional “Why are you up, you’re going to lie down now.” How the story ended is unknown.

The phrase “What guys, anime?” began to be used online to “greet” and mock anime fans. Poorly edited parodies began appearing on YouTube. Gradually, the context of the meme disappeared, and the phrase began to be used simply like that: in comments to posts, as well as in other abstract memes.

In 2017, the number of memes and mentions of this quote increased significantly. Contributed largely to this tweet rapper Face.

Also in 2017, this slang appeal became associated with another meme - the public page of the same name published a picture on June 29 showing a drawn penguin in a hat and glasses, with a revolver in his hand. Next to it was the caption: “What are the anime boys?”


The “Who are the anime boys” meme was originally used as a greeting with a negative connotation, which implies some kind of claim or “presentation.” Subsequently, the phrase became a typical meaningless chant (like ), which is inserted anywhere. These words are often used to start a conversation or discussion, especially for the purpose of trolling.
