Draw a nose with a pencil step by step for beginners. How to draw a nose step by step with a pencil. Finished works of a human nose in pencil, photos of step-by-step works for beginners

When sketching a person's face, all his features should be harmoniously combined with each other. In particular, you need to know how to draw a person’s nose with a pencil correctly. For beginners, our article presents step by step instructions, thanks to which there will definitely be no difficulties in the process of performing this task!

Drawing a human nose with a pencil

To correctly draw a person's nose with a pencil, it is important to carefully study each step. Proportions must be maintained and attention must be paid to every detail. Actually, draw a person's nose with a simple pencil Even a child can do it step by step.

Step 1: marking

First of all, you need to mark with a pencil on a sheet of paper. Each person's nose has certain characteristics, so it is impossible to accurately convey the shapes characteristic of any face. It is only possible to create an “academic” drawing. The marking is done in the form of two perpendicular lines intersecting each other, as in the photo.

Step 2: contours of the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose

The bridge of the nose and wings are the main components of the nose, so they should be drawn at this stage. It is worth noting that the distance from one wing to the other is almost half a vertical line. To correctly draw a person’s nose with a pencil, you must maintain proportions. Otherwise the drawing will be incorrect.

Step 3: Drawing Real Shapes

At this stage it is necessary to draw the correct shape of the nose. If the markings were done correctly, drawing further details will not be difficult. It is necessary to outline the streamlined shapes, outline two lines and then draw the tip of the nose.

Step 4: Finishing Touches

This stage involves removing excess lines using an eraser. The result will be an ordinary academic nose. Next you will have to finish drawing small elements, which is especially difficult for beginners. After all, even a small inaccuracy causes a distortion of the drawing. Sometimes the nose turns out to be too wide or, conversely, narrow. Such inaccuracies will have to be corrected until the correct form is obtained.

Step 5: Add Volume

To give the nose volume, you will need to draw shadows using a simple pencil. As a result, the drawing will turn out to be three-dimensional, like those of real artists.

In the process of drawing a human nose, it is important to adhere to basic recommendations and maintain proportions. Each line must be applied correctly and the shadows must be conveyed successfully. It is advisable to do them with a soft pencil.

On a note! Experts recommend drawing facial features such as eyes and nose at the beginning of the lesson, since these are the details that should be given the most attention and also require a lot of effort. The remaining elements can be corrected. If the nose or eyes turn out to be unsuccessful, the person’s face will be spoiled, and the portrait will be conveyed without obvious resemblance.

According to the proposed scheme, you can draw the nose of a woman, man or child with a pencil step by step. It is suitable specifically for beginner artists who cannot yet depict complex lines and group them into a single drawing.

Video for beginners: how to draw a human nose step by step

Below in the video are training lessons that will help you quickly and easily draw a person’s nose with a simple pencil, correctly convey shadows and indicate the main strokes.

In order to become good artist, you need to train your hand all the time. Sketches of any objects or certain fragments of human figures should become a kind of exercise. For example, do you have a question about how to draw a person’s nose beautifully? Feel free to pick up a pencil and try, the main thing is not to be afraid to make mistakes. Athletes also train almost every day in order to achieve success. Everywhere you need to make an effort, and often a lot.

If you are just learning the basics of drawing and trying yourself in the portrait genre, perhaps this lesson will help you figure out how to draw a person’s nose. We will not delve into complex anatomical details, but will try to schematically make this task easier for ourselves.

There are many different techniques and options. Every teacher and every art studio will teach you how to draw using his knowledge and tips. Today we will use a not very complicated diagram and try to draw a person’s nose from the front. If this tutorial is easy for you, try sketching from other angles. Change the angle of rotation, make sure that in your drawings you can “read” whose nose it is: a man’s or a woman’s.

So, how to draw a nose with a pencil step by step?

1. We won’t remind you about pencils and paper here. Let's start drawing. The first step, as always, starts with a sketch. Draw a small circle - this will outline the tip of the future nose.

2. The next step will be the bridge of the nose. Draw two vertical lines up. Yes, it doesn't look much like a nose. But be patient, it will soon begin to emerge.

3. After the bridge of the nose, we move on to the wings of the nose. We outline the future nostrils. You see, it’s already better! Even in this form, the nose is easy to guess.

4. At this stage you need to focus a little. Take a closer look at the drawing, you will see that you need to draw lines from the wings of the nose to the bridge of the nose. We outline the horizontal line of the nostrils - this will be the place of the future highlight at the very tip of the nose. We lower the lines of the bridge of the nose to the line of the nostrils and bend them slightly in the middle towards the base of our initial circle. It may seem a little confusing, but these lines will help you with the next step. Try to draw everything lightly, barely touching the sheet. Then you will need extra lines erase.

5. Now you can move on to creativity. We begin to designate the shadows, without which your drawing will remain flat. Try to develop an academic stroke at 45 degrees and place the strokes close to each other. Here the lines that we outlined in the previous step will serve as a kind of boundaries.

6. Now you need to erase all the lines that bother you, correct the shadows, soften them with your finger or a piece of soft cloth, lightly rubbing along the main lines. Don't get too carried away; if you are not sure that you will rub the pencil correctly, skip this step. However, you can fix everything with an elastic band.

7. Make the shadows a little more contrasting, draw in the nostrils. Correct the bridge of your nose. This is the last step in how to draw a nose.

Your nose is ready! Now you can show others how to draw a nose.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that even when drawing individual parts face or portrait as a whole, try to maintain proportions, pay attention to the angle of rotation of the head and, accordingly, the nose, do not forget about chiaroscuro. Practice drawing yourself while looking in the mirror. Good luck in your studies!

It's step-by-step lesson on drawing a nose from the front. Below is a diagram of the nose, which is represented as the sum of the bridge, nostrils and tip. This division makes drawing the nose easier! First, we will limit ourselves to simple shapes as a constructor for constructing the shape of the nose and creating symmetry.

In this tutorial I will use the following materials:

— mechanical pencil (0.5 HB leads);
- kneaded eraser;
- growth;
- Bristol paper (for example, Canson), its smooth side.

How to draw a person's nose

Step 1:

Draw a ball (this will be the tip of the nose) and two adjacent curved lines on each side (bridge of the nose). Draw with barely noticeable strokes so that they can be erased unnoticeably later.

Step 2:

Draw a horizontal line through the center of the circle and draw a diamond-like shape around it to draw the wings of the nose.

Step 3:

Darken the outer part of the bridge of the nose and around the inner part of the circle; you will get an elongated letter U. You see that at the top of the bridge of the nose the shadow is wider - there the bridge of the nose goes into the protrusion of the skull where the eyebrows are. Don't despair if the previously marked lines are still visible - they will disappear with further darkening.

Step 4:

Draw the nostrils based on the outline of the “diamond”. Now it looks like the real thing!

Step 5:

Darken the nostrils and be sure to leave areas where the light hits them unpainted.

Step 6:

Outline the bridge of the nose and the tip of the nose. You can put shadows around the top of the circle to make the nose appear pointed, or darken the center if you want to create a flattened nose. Using an eraser, correct the overly dark areas and those lines that you want to highlight with light.

Step 7 (final):

Next, you will need a feathering brush to create soft transitions between the shading of the skin. Add adjustments and go over the highlighted areas with the kneaded eraser again. You can experiment with the shapes and sizes of the circle and diamonds when drawing different noses. Also practice your shading skills to draw longer, flatter, and more expressive noses. you can see how to draw a nose from other angles.

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The article was translated from the site rapidfireart.com.

If you have a desire to draw a human face, then you need to know that not only the eyes and lips, but also the nose should be drawn beautifully and correctly. When drawing a face, you need to take into account that there are no parts where imperfections are invisible - everything must be drawn correctly and clearly. To draw a nose correctly and accurately, you need to know how to do it correctly. This time we will talk about how to draw a person's nose with a pencil step by step.

1. Start drawing with a simple diagram

All people have an individual nose structure, which is why it is impossible to give a specific answer on how to correctly draw a nose with a pencil. It is only possible to create an academic (also called abstract style) nose drawing. IN this lesson This is exactly the way to draw a nose will be presented. I believe no explanation is required on how to create a diagram in the form of intersecting lines.

2. Outlines of the bridge of the nose and “wings”

The structure of the human nose consists of the bridge and “wings”. These contours need to be transferred to paper in the first stages. The segment of the “wing” latitude in the attached figure is equal to almost half of the vertical line. You should create a drawing of the nose carefully, observing proportions.

3. Acquisition real shape human nose

Once the correct and accurate markings have been created, drawing the nose will seem like a simple matter. You've probably noticed that creating a drawing has now become much easier. It is necessary to draw fuzzy figures of the wings of the nose. Mark two lines next to the bridge of the nose, then draw the top of the nose.

4. The drawing is almost finished

At this stage, you should use an eraser to get rid of the additional unnecessary lines drawn. Now you are observing the shape of a real human nose. There is very little left to do - add a few additional small details that can convey the reality of the drawing. Creating a nose drawing is not a difficult process, however, if you make minor mistakes, the caricatured distortions will become quite noticeable. Such inaccuracies lead to the fact that a beautiful nose turns into too thick, like Santa Claus, or, conversely, very thin, like Baba Yaga.

5. Creating a voluminous nose

This stage of drawing, together with the next one, will pursue only one goal. All we will achieve is to make a drawing similar to those that real great artists draw. To bring this goal into reality, you need to carefully and correctly apply shadows with a soft pencil.

To draw a nose, it is not necessary to delve into its anatomical features. I suggest starting from simple geometric shapes, which are useful in drawing any complex and obscure shapes. And then gradually complicate these forms.

Drawing a nose using a simple shape

The average nose is symmetrical human face, located in its middle. And it can be schematically depicted in the form of such a trapezoidal shape.

This is such a figure, similar to a prism with an isosceles trapezoid at the base. The lines that form such a figure along the nose are not exact, they are arbitrary, but they will help to draw the nose symmetrically, find its size relative to the entire face, and catch the inclination of the nose.
As an example, I'll take this nose, located about three-quarters on the face.

That is, the trapezoidal shape in which the nose is placed also rotates three-quarters. I outline this shape along the most prominent points of the rounded surface of the nose.

What dimensions and inclinations should we estimate so that our nose corresponds to nature:
- the midline relative to which the nose is symmetrical, its slope and length

- dimensions of the front edge of the lower and upper trapezoid

- the width and inclination of the lower trapezoid, that is, how visible it is to us, how much the nose is turned up or down.

- width of the posterior edge of the lower trapezoid

For this nose, this length coincides with the height of the nose from the tip to the forehead.
The directions highlighted in red practically coincide with each other (I will not mention the perspective, which slightly brings them together - that is, they are not strictly parallel, but slightly converge, but in this figure there is practically no such effect). That is, the direction of the nose coincides with the direction of the lips, eyes and face as a whole.

Once you have decided on this simple form, you can begin to refine the details.
There may be a hump on the upper edge, the nose can narrow and widen along this upper edge, it all depends on individual characteristics bones in the nose. The place where bone meets cartilage may be quite pronounced, or may not be expressed at all.

The wings of the nose usually cause the most difficulty for students. We make sure that both wings, both above and below, are at the same level, and most importantly, we follow the nature: how the wings are rounded, what size they are, how visible the far wing is, or maybe it is not visible at all.

Under the wings of the nose there are nasal passages in the form of two holes. They are located symmetrically relative to the middle line and also at the same level. The nasal passage under the far wing may not be visible depending on how far the head is turned and how much it is obscured by the tip of the nose.

I outline the tip of the nose.

The sides of the nose blend smoothly into the cheeks.

We cover the nose with tone using shading

I cover the nose with tone using classic shading, which I apply according to the shape of the nose.
I start with the brightest and most contrasting place - with the falling shadow under the nose. Do not immediately apply the darkest areas with the full force of the pencil; when other elements are covered with tone, you can thicken them a little more if necessary.

The wings of the nose are characteristically rounded; I apply the stroke in the direction in which they are rounded. I leave the reflex.

Where the nose smoothly meets the cheeks, I also smoothly stretch the stroke from the side to the cheek.
The tip of the nose is rounded, I kind of round the stroke from one side of the tip to the other.