New Russian nuclear submarine. Legendary Russian submarines

  • 15 nuclear submarines with ballistic missiles, of which 5 are in repair or in reserve;
  • 9 nuclear submarines with cruise missiles, 5 of which are under repair or in reserve;
  • 12 nuclear torpedo submarines, of which 7 are in reserve;
  • special purpose nuclear submarines 7 pieces;
  • 19 diesel submarines, of which 3 are under repair;
The average age of submarines is about 20 years

Project 941 Akula nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine

Underwater displacement 48,000 tons. Length 172 m, width 23.3 m, draft 11 m. Full submerged speed 25 knots. The power of the nuclear power plant is 100 thousand liters. With. Armament - 20 RSM-52 missile launchers (200 warheads), 6 torpedo tubes. Crew 160 people (including 52 officers).

Project 667BDR Kalmar nuclear submarine with ballistic missiles.

Underwater displacement 16,000 tons. Length 155 m, width 11.7 m, draft 8.7 m. Full submerged speed 24 knots. The power of the nuclear power plant is 40 thousand liters. With. Armament - 16 RSM-50 missile launchers (48 warheads), 4 torpedo tubes. Crew 130 people (including 40 officers).

Project 667BDRM "Dolphin" nuclear submarine with ballistic missiles.

Underwater displacement 18,200 tons. Length 167 m, width 11.7 m, draft 8.8 m. Full submerged speed 24 knots. The power of the nuclear power plant is 40 thousand liters. With. Armament - 16 RSM-54 missile launchers (64 warheads), 4 torpedo tubes. Crew 130 people (including 40 officers).

Project 949A Antey nuclear submarine with cruise missiles.

Underwater displacement 24,000 tons. Length 155 m, width 18.2 m, draft 9.2 m. Full submerged speed 30 knots. The power of the nuclear power plant is 100 thousand liters. With. Armament - 24 launchers of P-700 "Granit" anti-ship missiles with a range of 550 km, 6 torpedo tubes. Crew 107 people (including 48 officers).

Project 971 nuclear torpedo submarine "Shchuka-B".

Underwater displacement 12,770 tons. Length 110.3 m, width 13.5 m, draft 9.6 m. Full submerged speed 30 knots. The power of the nuclear power plant is 50 thousand liters. With. Armament: eight torpedo tubes. Crew 73 people (including 33 officers).

Performance characteristics of Projects 677 Lada and 677E Amur-1605 (export).

Surface displacement, t 1765
Length, m 67.0
Width, m 7.1
Underwater cruising range (at cruising speed 3 knots), miles 650
Underwater cruising range (in RDP mode), miles 6000
Working immersion depth, m 240
Maximum immersion depth, m 300
Autonomy (in terms of provisions), 45 days
Crew, people 35
Torpedo armament: number and caliber of TA, mm - 6 x 533, ammunition (type) of torpedoes or anti-ship missiles - 18 torpedoes (USET-80K) and anti-ship missiles ("Club-S"), SUTA - "Moray".
Anti-aircraft armament: missile system type MANPADS - "Igla-1M", number of cont. for storing ZR - 1, ammunition for ZR - 6.
Radio-electronic weapons: KAS - "Lithium", KNS - "Andoga", RLK - new generation, GAK - new generation with a large effective area antenna.

Project 885 ships last word in Russian submarine shipbuilding. The quietest and most powerful weapons in terms of composition. They are often compared in terms of combat capabilities with the American submarine “classmates” of the SeaWolf type, the construction of which was abandoned by the United States and Virginia for financial reasons.

Experts from the British The Sunday Times once assessed the capabilities of Project 885 submarines:

“The new Russian submarine fleet will have eight Yasen-class submarines, each with 24 long-range cruise missiles, the Granat with a 200-kiloton warhead.

The technical performance of the new submarine is such that it is almost impossible to detect in the World Ocean, which makes Severodvinsk practically invulnerable in the face of the latest anti-submarine weapons systems. Russia has taken the lead in underwater technology."

“First of all, the United States is concerned about the appearance of a new Russian submarine,” the publication quotes a source from the intelligence services as saying. “We don’t know half of what’s on board this submarine.” It’s good that there aren’t many such ships yet,” the expert states.

1. Below the grass, quieter than water

The Russian Navy has only one Yasen-class boat, the Severodvinsk. Three more: “Kazan”, “Novosibirsk” and “Krasnoyarsk” are in the workshop of the Severodvinsk Machine-Building Enterprise in varying degrees of readiness. In total, by 2020 it is planned to lay down 7 submarines of this project. All of them will be built according to an updated project with the letter “M”. "Yasen-M" differs from the classic "Yasen" project in having more advanced electronic weapons.

“Project 885” is the most secret project of the RUSSIAN fleet.

As experts say, Project 885 boats are direct descendants of the extremely successful series of our 3rd generation Project 971 “Akula” type submarines. These ships today form the basis of our multi-purpose attack submarines designed for raiding operations on sea lanes. Almost silent in the ocean depths, they are equally effective against transports, warships, and striking enemy coastal infrastructure with cruise missiles.

Most recently, they spotted themselves in a 200-mile zone off the coast of the United States and Canada, which caused serious commotion among the American and Canadian military. Both were unable to track the movements of Russian submarines. The concerns are understandable. On board the Akula there are Kh-55 Granat cruise missiles (28 pieces) similar to the American Tomahawks, capable of covering 3 thousand kilometers and delivering to right place 200 kiloton nuclear warheads.

2. "M" means modernized

in contrast to the newest strategic submarine missile carriers of the 4th generation 955 project of the "Borey" type: "Yuri Dolgoruky" and "Alexander Nevsky" in which the technical filling used for the first time is no more than 40%, the nuclear submarine "Kazan" has all systems, components and mechanisms completely new , never used anywhere before. This is completely new high-tech equipment that has no analogues in Soviet and Russian military shipbuilding. According to some data, for comparison, one ship of the 955 project costs the Ministry of Defense 23 billion - “Ash” in an amount exceeding 200 billion rubles.

If we draw parallels with the Americans, then the cost of “Ash” is quite tolerable. So, " Sea wolf» cost the US budget $4.4 billion (the total cost of construction of 3 nuclear submarines is estimated at no less than $13.2 billion). For comparison, the latest nuclear-powered aircraft carriers of the Nimitz class, together with the air group, cost the American budget just over $5 billion, and one nuclear submarine of the previous Los Angeles class project cost only $741 million.

3. Goldfish “Ash”

Project 885 is the quintessence of everything that the domestic defense industry has developed over more than half a century of development of submarine shipbuilding. The project uses a compromise mixed design system, where the lightweight hull “envelops” only part of the durable hull in the bow of the submarine to reduce noise.

For the first time in the practice of domestic shipbuilding, torpedo tubes are located not in the bow of the ship, but behind the central post compartment, which made it possible to place the antenna of the new hydroacoustic complex in the bow. Eight vertical launchers are used for missile weapons.

The ship's hull is made of high-strength low-magnetic steel. Therefore, it can dive to 600 (ordinary boats no more than 300 meters) and more meters, which makes it practically inaccessible to all types of modern anti-submarine weapons. Maximum speed speed more than 30 knots (60 km/h). There is one reactor on the boat (all projects have 2).

In the central part of the hull there is a missile compartment with 8 universal missile silos. They can house 3M55 Onyx anti-ship operational-tactical missiles (24 missiles, 3 in each silo). This is an analogue of the Russian-Indian BrahMos complex. On the basis of this machine, the Zircon hypersonic strike complex is now being created.

The ship is also capable of using anti-ship tactical missiles of the Kh-35 type, strategic cruise missiles Kh-101 or ZM-14E of the P-900 “Club” complex. which can reach any coastal object from a distance of 5000 km. The boat is also equipped with six 650- and 533-mm torpedo tubes, through which the crew can fire all types of modern torpedoes, carry out minelaying and even use unmanned underwater vehicles.

According to its characteristics, Severodvinsk is capable of solving any task: fighting aircraft carrier formations, hunting enemy strategic nuclear submarines, or launching massive missile strikes against coastal targets. All this makes it a more versatile weapon system than the American SeaWolf.

The State Armaments Program until 2020 puts the development of the fleet and its underwater component on a par with strategic nuclear forces, as one of the main priorities of the state. Out of 22 trillion. the fleet accounts for almost 5 trillion. rubles The amounts are astronomical, but necessary. Experts say that even 8 Russian submarines on combat duty provide parity with the United States. And with the start of commissioning of the new generations of submarines of the 955 and 885 series, we will take a significant step forward. Submariners are convinced: despite the fact that Moscow and Washington declare partnership relations, there is real war. A war of technology in which our submarine fleet is not only a worthy adversary, but also a serious competitor.

Operating principle of the submarine

The submarine's submersion and ascent system includes ballast and auxiliary tanks, as well as connecting pipelines and fittings. The main element here is the main ballast tanks, by filling them with water the main buoyancy reserve of the submarine is extinguished. All tanks are included in the bow, stern and middle groups. They can be filled and purged one at a time or simultaneously.

The submarine has trim tanks necessary to compensate for the longitudinal displacement of cargo. The ballast between trim tanks is blown using compressed air or pumped using special pumps. Trimming is the name of the technique, the purpose of which is to “balance” the submerged submarine.

Nuclear submarines are divided into generations. The first (50th) is characterized by relatively high noise and imperfect hydroacoustic systems. The second generation was built in the 60s and 70s: the hull shape was optimized to increase speed. The boats of the third are larger, and they also have electronic warfare equipment. The fourth generation nuclear submarines are characterized by an unprecedented low noise level and advanced electronics. The appearance of the fifth generation boats is being worked out these days.

An important component of any submarine is the air system. Diving, surfacing, removing waste - all this is done using compressed air. The latter is stored under high pressure on board the submarine: this way it takes up less space and allows you to accumulate more energy. High-pressure air is in special cylinders: as a rule, its quantity is monitored by a senior mechanic. Compressed air reserves are replenished upon ascent. This is a long and labor-intensive procedure that requires special attention. To ensure that the crew of the boat has something to breathe, air regeneration units are installed on board the submarine, allowing them to obtain oxygen from seawater.

Premier League: what are they?

A nuclear boat has a nuclear power plant (which is where the name actually comes from). Nowadays, many countries also operate diesel-electric submarines (submarines). The level of autonomy of nuclear submarines is much higher, and they can perform a wider range of tasks. The Americans and British have stopped using non-nuclear submarines altogether, while the Russian submarine fleet has mixed composition. In general, only five countries have nuclear submarines. In addition to the USA and the Russian Federation, the “club of the elite” includes France, England and China. Other maritime powers use diesel-electric submarines.

The future of Russian submarine fleet associated with two new nuclear submarines. It's about multi-purpose boats project 885 "Ash" and strategic missile submarine cruisers 955 "Borey". Eight units of Project 885 boats will be built, and the number of Boreys will reach seven. The Russian submarine fleet will not be comparable to the American one (the United States will have dozens of new submarines), but it will occupy second place in the world rankings.

Russian and American boats differ in their architecture. The United States makes its nuclear submarines single-hull (the hull both resists pressure and has a streamlined shape), while Russia makes its nuclear submarines double-hulled: in this case, there is an internal, rough, durable hull and an external, streamlined, lightweight one. On Project 949A Antey nuclear submarines, which included the infamous Kursk, the distance between the hulls is 3.5 m. It is believed that double-hull boats are more durable, while single-hull boats, all other things being equal, have less weight. In single-hull boats, the main ballast tanks, which ensure ascent and submersion, are located inside a durable hull, while in double-hull boats, they are located inside a lightweight outer hull. Every domestic submarine must survive if any compartment is completely flooded with water - this is one of the main requirements for submarines.

In general, there is a tendency to switch to single-hull nuclear submarines, since the latest steel from which the hulls of American boats are made allows them to withstand enormous loads at depth and provides the submarine with a high level of survivability. We are talking, in particular, about high-strength steel grade HY-80/100 with a yield strength of 56-84 kgf/mm. Obviously, even more advanced materials will be used in the future.

There are also boats with a mixed hull (when a light hull only partially covers the main one) and multi-hulls (several strong hulls inside a light one). The latter includes the domestic missile submarine cruiser Project 941, the largest nuclear submarine in the world. Inside its lightweight body are five durable housings, two of which are the main ones. Titanium alloys were used to make durable cases, and steel alloys were used for lightweight ones. It is covered with a non-resonant anti-location soundproofing rubber coating, weighing 800 tons. This coating alone weighs more than the American nuclear submarine NR-1. Project 941 is truly a gigantic submarine. Its length is 172 and its width is 23 m. 160 people serve on board.

You can see how different nuclear submarines are and how different their “contents” are. Now let’s take a closer look at several domestic submarines: boats of project 971, 949A and 955. All of these are powerful and modern submarines serving in the Russian Navy. Boats belong to three different types The nuclear submarines we talked about above:

Nuclear submarines are divided according to their purpose:

· SSBN (Strategic Missile Submarine Cruiser). As part of the nuclear triad, these submarines carry ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. The main targets of such ships are military bases and enemy cities. The SSBN includes the new Russian nuclear submarine 955 Borei. In America, this type of submarine is called SSBN (Ship Submarine Ballistic Nuclear): this includes the most powerful of these submarines - the Ohio-class boat. To accommodate the entire lethal arsenal on board, SSBNs are designed taking into account the requirements of a large internal volume. Their length often exceeds 170 m - this is noticeably longer than the length of multi-purpose submarines.

· PLAT (nuclear torpedo submarine). Such boats are also called multi-purpose. Their purpose: the destruction of ships, other submarines, tactical targets on the ground and the collection of intelligence data. They are smaller than SSBNs and have better speed and mobility. PLATs can use torpedoes or high-precision cruise missiles. Such nuclear submarines include the American Los Angeles or the Soviet/Russian MPLATRK Project 971 Shchuka-B.

The American Seawolf is considered the most advanced multi-purpose nuclear submarine. Her main featurehighest level stealth and deadly weapons on board. One such submarine carries up to 50 Harpoon or Tomahawk missiles. There are also torpedoes. Due to the high cost, the US Navy received only three of these submarines.

· SSGN (nuclear submarine with cruise missiles). This is the smallest group of modern nuclear submarines. This includes the Russian 949A Antey and some American Ohio cruise missiles converted into cruise missile carriers. The SSGN concept has something in common with multi-purpose nuclear submarines. Submarines of the SSGN type, however, are larger - they are large floating underwater platforms with high-precision weapons. In the Soviet/Russian navy these boats are also called “aircraft carrier killers”.

Inside a submarine

It is difficult to examine in detail the design of all the main types of nuclear submarines, but it is quite possible to analyze the design of one of these boats. It will be the Project 949A submarine “Antey”, a landmark (in every sense) for the Russian fleet. To increase survivability, the creators duplicated many important components this nuclear submarine. These boats received a pair of reactors, turbines and propellers. The failure of one of them, according to the plan, should not be fatal for the boat. The submarine's compartments are separated by intercompartment bulkheads: they are designed for a pressure of 10 atmospheres and are connected by hatches that can be sealed if necessary. Not all domestic nuclear submarines have so many compartments. The Project 971 multipurpose nuclear submarine, for example, is divided into six compartments, and the new Project 955 SSBN is divided into eight.

The infamous Kursk belongs to the Project 949A boats. This submarine sank in the Barents Sea on August 12, 2000. All 118 crew members on board became victims of the disaster. Many versions of what happened have been put forward: the most likely of all is the explosion of a 650 mm torpedo stored in the first compartment. According to the official version, the tragedy occurred due to a leak of a torpedo fuel component, namely hydrogen peroxide.

The Project 949A nuclear submarine has a very advanced (by the standards of the 80s) apparatus, including the MGK-540 Skat-3 hydroacoustic system and many other systems. The boat is also equipped with an automated Symphony-U navigation system that has increased accuracy, increased range and a large volume of processed information. Most of the information about all these complexes is kept secret.

Compartments of the Project 949A Antey nuclear submarine:

First compartment:

It is also called bow or torpedo. This is where the torpedo tubes are located. The boat has two 650 mm and four 533 mm torpedo tubes, and in total there are 28 torpedoes on board the submarine. The first compartment consists of three decks. The combat stock is stored on racks designed for this purpose, and torpedoes are fed into the apparatus using a special mechanism. There are also batteries located here, which are separated from the torpedoes by special flooring for safety reasons. The first compartment usually houses five crew members.

Second compartment:

This compartment on submarines of projects 949A and 955 (and not only on them) plays the role of the “brain of the boat”. This is where the central control panel is located, and this is where the submarine is controlled. There are consoles for hydroacoustic systems, microclimate regulators and navigation satellite equipment. There are 30 crew members serving in the compartment. From it you can get into the control room of the nuclear submarine, designed for monitoring the surface of the sea. There are also retractable devices: periscopes, antennas and radars.

Third compartment:

The third is the radio-electronic compartment. Here, in particular, there are multi-profile communication antennas and many other systems. The equipment of this compartment allows receiving target indications, including from space. After processing, the received information is entered into the ship's combat information and control system. Let's add that submarine rarely gets in touch so as not to be unmasked.

Fourth compartment:

This compartment is residential. Here the crew not only sleeps, but also spends free time. There is a sauna, gym, showers and a common area for communal relaxation. In the compartment there is a room that allows you to relieve emotional stress - for this, for example, there is an aquarium with fish. In addition, in the fourth compartment there is a galley, or, in simple terms, a nuclear submarine kitchen.

Fifth compartment:

There is a diesel generator that generates energy here. Here you can also see an electrolysis installation for air regeneration, high-pressure compressors, a shore power supply panel, diesel fuel and oil reserves.

5 bis:

This room is needed for decontamination of crew members who worked in the reactor compartment. We are talking about removing radioactive substances from surfaces and reducing radioactive contamination. Due to the fact that there are two fifths of the compartment, confusion often occurs: some sources claim that the nuclear submarine has ten compartments, others say nine. Even though the last compartment is the ninth, there are ten of them in total on the nuclear submarine (including 5 bis).

Sixth compartment:

This compartment, one might say, is located in the very center of the nuclear submarine. It is of particular importance, because it is here that two OK-650V nuclear reactors with a capacity of 190 MW are located. The reactor belongs to the OK-650 series - a series of water-cooled nuclear reactors using thermal neutrons. The role of nuclear fuel is played by uranium dioxide, highly enriched in the 235th isotope. The compartment has a volume of 641 m³. Above the reactor there are two corridors that allow access to other parts of the nuclear submarine.

Seventh compartment:

It is also called turbine. The volume of this compartment is 1116 m³. This room is intended for the main distribution board; power plants; emergency control panel for the main power plant; as well as a number of other devices that ensure the movement of the submarine.

Eighth compartment:

This compartment is very similar to the seventh, and is also called the turbine compartment. The volume is 1072 m³. The power plant can be seen here; turbines that drive nuclear submarine propellers; a turbogenerator that provides the boat with electricity, and water desalination plants.

Ninth compartment:

This is an extremely small shelter compartment, with a volume of 542 m³, with an escape hatch. This compartment, in theory, will allow crew members to survive in the event of a disaster. There are six inflatable rafts (each designed for 20 people), 120 gas masks and rescue kits for individual ascent. In addition, the compartment contains: steering system hydraulics; high pressure air compressor; electric motor control station; lathe; combat post for reserve rudder control; shower and food supply for six days.


Let us separately consider the armament of the Project 949A nuclear submarine. In addition to torpedoes (which we have already discussed), the boat carries 24 P-700 Granit anti-ship cruise missiles. These are long-range missiles that can fly along a combined trajectory of up to 625 km. To aim at a target, the P-700 has an active radar guidance head.

The missiles are located in special containers between the light and durable hulls of nuclear submarines. Their arrangement roughly corresponds to the central compartments of the boat: containers with missiles go on both sides of the submarine, 12 on each side. All of them are turned forward from the vertical at an angle of 40-45°. Each of these containers has a special lid that slides out during a rocket launch.

P-700 Granit cruise missiles are the basis of the arsenal of the Project 949A boat. Meanwhile real experience There is no evidence for the use of these missiles in combat, so it is difficult to judge the combat effectiveness of the complex. Tests have shown that due to the speed of the missile (1.5-2.5 M), it is very difficult to intercept it. However, not everything is so simple. Over land, the missile is not capable of flying at low altitude, and therefore represents an easy target for enemy air defense systems. At sea, the efficiency indicators are higher, but it is worth saying that the American aircraft carrier force (namely, the missile was created to fight them) has excellent air defense cover.

This type of weapon arrangement is not typical for nuclear submarines. On the American boat Ohio, for example, ballistic or cruise missiles are located in silos running in two longitudinal rows behind a fence of retractable devices. But the multi-purpose Seawolf launches cruise missiles from torpedo tubes. In the same way, cruise missiles are launched from the domestic Project 971 Shchuka-B MPLATRK. Of course, all these submarines also carry various torpedoes. The latter are used to destroy submarines and surface ships.

Submarines of project 955 (09551), 955A (09552) “Borey” (according to NATO codification SSBN “Borei”, also “Dolgorukiy” - on behalf of the lead ship of the class) - a series of Russian nuclear submarines of the class “strategic missile submarine cruiser” ( SSBN) fourth generation.

Photos of Russian nuclear submarines (21 photos)

A selection of photos of Russian nuclear submarines of various projects of the Northern and Pacific fleets in various weather conditions

Heavy strategic missile submarines of Project 941 "Akula" (SSBN "Typhoon" according to NATO codification) are a series of Soviet and Russian submarines, the world's largest nuclear submarines (and submarines in general).

The Project 877 diesel-electric submarine, or Varshavyanka, better known in the West as the Kilo-class submarine, was developed in the early 1970s. to provide anti-ship and anti-submarine defense of Soviet naval bases, coastal facilities and protection of sea communications, as well as for patrol duty and reconnaissance. These medium-range boats were first built in Komsomolsk-on-Amur on Far East, and then in Nizhny Novgorod and at the Admiralty Shipyard in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). The first boat was laid down in 1979 and delivered to the fleet in 1982.

Project 971 "Pike-B" - nuclear submarines

The nuclear submarine pr. 971 (code "Bars") was developed at SPMBM "Malachite" under the leadership of G.N. Chernyshova. It belongs to the third generation PLA and is multi-purpose in the full sense of the word. It is designed to search, detect and track enemy SSBNs and AUGs, destroy them with the outbreak of hostilities, as well as strike coastal targets. If necessary, the boat can carry mines.

Project 677 submarines (code "Lada") are a series of Russian diesel-electric submarines developed at the end of the 20th century at the Rubin Central Design Bureau. They are intended to carry out reconnaissance and sabotage activities against enemy surface ships and submarines, protect coastal areas from enemy landings, as well as lay minefields and other similar tasks.

Project 865 Piranha midget submarines

Small submarines of Project 865 "Piranha" - a project of submarines of the USSR Navy and Russian Federation. The type was in service with the fleet from 1990 to 1999. A total of 2 submarines of this project were built: MS-520 and MS-521. Further construction of similar boats in the USSR was suspended. As a result, the series was limited to the experimental MS-520 and the lead MS-521, delivered to the fleet in December 1990.

The first submarine of the intermediate project 641B "Som", intended to replace the long-range submarines of project 641 in the operational zones of the Black Sea and Northern fleets, was assembled in 1972 in Gorky. A total of 18 units of two modifications were built, with minor differences. Boats of later construction were several meters longer, possibly due to the installation of equipment for anti-aircraft missile systems. The bow sonar equipment was externally similar to that installed on modern Soviet nuclear attack submarines at the time, and the propulsion system was tested on the latest Foxtrot subclass.

APKR K-18 "Karelia" - nuclear submarine missile cruiser

After entering service, the boat was part of the 13th DiPL of the 3rd FlPL Northern Fleet, and from September 2000 - part of the 31st DiPL of the 12th EskPL Northern Fleet. Until it was put into medium repair (in August 2004), the ship undertook twelve autonomous trips to combat service, carried out combat duty at home bases 26 times and carried out fourteen practical launches of R-29RM missiles. In July-August 1994, K-18 under the command of Captain 1st Rank Yu.I. Yurchenko (senior on board Rear Admiral A.A. Berzin), while guarding the nuclear submarine B-414 (Project 671RTMK), undertook a trip to the waters of the Arctic with an ascent in the North Pole area.

"Dolphin" - the first Russian submarine

"Dolphin" is the first combat submarine of the Russian fleet, which served as a prototype for the subsequent development of domestic ships of this class until 1917. The project was developed by a special commission consisting of I.G. Bubnova, M.N. Beklemishev and I.S. Goryunova. The main ballast tanks were located in the light ends and ventilated inside the PC.

The construction in 1958 of the first Soviet submarines Project 633 (according to NATO classification "Romeo" type) in Gorky, as improved Project 613 submarines, coincided with the successful introduction of nuclear power plants in the USSR Navy. As a result, only 20 diesel-electric submarines of this project out of 560 originally planned were actually built.

Kasatka-class submarines

Submarine "Field Marshal Graf Sheremetyev" type "Kasatka"

Successful tests of the Dolphin submarine proved the readiness of the domestic industry to independently build submarines. I.G. Bubnov applied to the Naval Ministry for permission to begin developing “underwater destroyer No. 140.” On September 1, 1903, the manager of the Maritime Ministry authorized the development of drawings for the submarine, on December 20, 1903.

German U-Boat - submarines of the Second World War

Color film about German submarines of the Second World War, which torpedo Allied ships, mostly American. The video is of very high quality and in color, which was rare for that time.

Keta - submarine

Lieutenant S.A. Yanovich, working on the submarine project of the inventor Kolbasyev, developed an interesting solution for a semi-submersible low visibility boat. He was given the hull of Drzewiecki's old boat (1880), which was remodeled, increased in size and installed with a car engine. The hull was lengthened from 5 to 7.5 m and reinforced with double walls. The resulting double-sided space was used as fuel and ballast tanks.

Type "Som" - submarines 1904 - 1906

On September 12, 1903, the Board of the Nevsky Shipbuilding and Mechanical Plants in St. Petersburg signed an agreement with the American company Holland Torpedo Boat, owned by J. Holland, on the right of the Nevsky Plant to build submarines according to Holland’s designs in Russia for 25 years.

Trout - submarine

The submarine "Forel" was built in 1902-1903. at the F. Krupp shipyard in Kiel own initiative as a “live” advertisement to attract the attention of the German government to submarines as a new means of combat at sea. It was built according to the design of the Spanish engineer R. Equileia.

"Sturgeon" type - submarines

Sturgeon-class submarine "Halibut"

The Russian-Japanese War that began on January 26, 1904 and the subsequent losses of the Russian squadron required the Russian government to urgently strengthen the fleet. Along with the development of the construction of domestic submarines, measures were taken to acquire submarines from foreign companies.

Submarines "Karp" type

On May 24, 1904, a contract was signed with the company of F. Krupp for the construction of 3 E-type submarines: the Karp submarine, the Kambala submarine, and the Karas submarine. These submarines were built under serial numbers 109, 110, 111. Given the novelty of the design, the contract did not provide for sanctions for failure to comply with the terms of the contract. Tests of the first submarine were to begin on January 10, 1905, the second and third - in February and March of the same year.

The future of the US Navy lies in modern US submarine class " USSVirginia"Equipped with the latest technologies, capable of swimming to the very shore and secretly monitoring the information of potential enemies and being ready to strike back with indestructible force. Nuclear submarines class " USSVirginia"represent a completely new class of US submarine fleet. The most advanced and most versatile submarines in the world with stunning capabilities. First submarine in a series called " USSVirginia"(SSN-744) was laid down in September 2000, launched on August 16, 2003, and put into operation on October 23, 2004.

This is one big weapons warehouse. Submarine « USSVirginia» can launch devastating attacks using torpedoes, can send cruise missiles up to 1500 km with high accuracy, and to avoid a meeting with a potential enemy modern submarine capable of diving to a depth of 250 m. This class of submarine stands head and shoulders above others due to its amazing tracking ability. She's been called the "perfect observer" and for good reason. US submarines class " USSVirginia"have the most sophisticated sensors ever installed on an American submarine.

Nuclear submarines equipped with the latest navigation system, which allows you to accurately navigate shallow water and determine precise coordinates. Submarine « USSVirginia“This is a sea creature of impressive size. Such a “sea monster” moves calmly underwater thanks to the dynamic force imparted by a nuclear reactor. His work plan is kept in the strictest confidence. It is known that the engine produces a colossal amount of energy. A compact nuclear reactor turns seawater into steam. The supercharged steam turns massive turbines, which in turn force submarine move forward. In addition, the nuclear power plant generates electricity for all devices and equipment on this submarine equipped with the most modern technology. The reactor is designed for 30 years of operation, which means that a modern submarine will not need to be refueled during its entire service life.

Today nuclear submarines class " USSVirginia"This is a story of amazing success. US submarine fleet has two main types of submarines: deep-sea ocean-going ballistic submarines, which have one strategic task to deliver a nuclear charge anywhere in the world; another type is hunting boats created for attack and lightning-fast destruction of enemy forces. The latter are designed to move quickly and hit enemy ships and vessels, deliver cruise missiles and peacekeeping troops to the site of military operations.

modern submarine USS Virginia

modern submarine project

construction 774 " USS Virginia »

modern submarine « USS Virginia » tests

first class nuclear submarine « USS Virginia »

USS New Hampshire"

modern submarine " USS North Carolina"

before the military campaign

To nuclear submarine« USSVirginia» was considered the pinnacle of military shipbuilding submarine class " Seawolf" The submarine gunship was designed during the Cold War for potential deep-sea battles against the powerful Soviet fleet, but in the early 1990s the political climate changed dramatically and the state called the USSR collapsed almost overnight. Main enemy The US simply disappeared; the costly arms race between the two superpowers was no longer relevant. In this new brave world It turned out to be completely natural that the countries’ military budgets were cut and nuclear submarines class " Seawolf"were no longer needed. But by the end of the 90s, the United States and its allies had new enemies - small terrorist groups. They forced the military leadership to reconsider the allocation of funds from the budget. What is the point in numerous submarine fleet, if the terrorists do not have sea power. Today, navies must be better informed about the emergence of an enemy from nowhere. Therefore, in 1995, the US government came to the conclusion of creating a new class of nuclear submarines. But submarine fleet put harsh conditions submarine developers. The new class of submarine must have exceptional tracking capabilities, they must navigate shallow waters with extreme precision, and they must remain stationary for several days regardless of underwater currents or the position of the drogue. A modern submarine must have ingenious maneuverability and disappear underwater for a period of up to three months without surfacing. These requirements are met by nuclear submarines of the " USSVirginia"and the first samples were built for less budget funds, how " Seawolf».

Modern submarine « USSVirginia"became the first design developed in three-dimensional images on computers, which later turned into a sea vessel. The program that made this project possible had already been tested in previous work and was used in the development of Boeing airliners. All designers have access to a three-dimensional computer model, which allows engineers to work in the same virtual space at the same time. Computer-aided design helps in this aspect.

The future of warfare is not at all clear, so modern submarine and is able to adapt to new conditions. Modern war tactics are changing, and atomic submarines new classes must change along with it in order to always be on top. To create this adaptability, the submarine's designers created a so-called modular design that incorporated an open system architecture, meaning the main structure consists of large open spaces. Pre-built modules can be placed in these spaces: such as weapon systems or a sonar station. These modules can be installed as single systems. They make it possible to take on board advanced systems, without the need to redesign the submarine structure. This saved money and nuclear submarines of the " USSVirginia"gained the right to life. Also thanks to an unprecedented act - the unification of two shipbuilding giants around one project " General Dynamics Electric Boat" And " Northrop Grumman Newport News"made it possible to build nuclear-powered ships.

on board a submarine « USS Virginia »

« Virginia» the most modern nuclear submarine in the world from a technical point of view. It was built using revolutionary methods, resulting in a lot of cost and time savings. On a submarine " Virginia» no periscope. Instead, she received a multisensor mask and cameras that transmit images from all sides of the underwater ship. These sensors are connected to a display at the control station and for the first time in the history of the submarine fleet, everyone on board can observe what is happening on the surface. Modern submarine equipped with a system that allows you to reproduce an accurate picture of the location of the mines. It is capable of finding them and detonating them at a safe distance. Uniqueness nuclear submarines odok class " Virginia"is that they can adapt to shallow water. This is achieved thanks to precision control. All ballast compartments are connected to one central program. Also, thanks to this special control program, the submarine can remain motionless, even despite the currents. For divers to exit the submarine, a special compartment for 9 people is provided, and not, like others, through torpedo tubes. The submarine's low noise level is ensured by placing the propeller in a pipe that absorbs noise, and in addition, the entire hull is covered with a layer of rubber.

First submarine She passed all sea trials so well that she entered service a year ahead of schedule. Today there are five submarines of this class in service: « USSVirginia», « USSTexas", "USSHawaii", "USSNorth Carolina", "USSNew Hampshire" but a total of thirty units are planned for descent, this is the name of some of them: « USSNew Mexico", "USSMissouri», « USSCalifornia", "USSMississippi", "USSMinnesota", "USSNorth Dakota", "USSJohn Warner", "SSN-786", "SSN-787", "SSN-788", "SSN-789", "SSN-790", "SSN-791".

Nuclear submarines « USSVirginia"became a striking event in the history of the US submarine fleet. New capabilities allow this class of submarines to be more than just a military vessel for naval battles with the enemy in the open ocean. The conflicts and operations in which they will have to participate may never become public knowledge, because there will always be military secrets.

ceremonial launching of another submarine

Technical characteristics of a nuclear submarine« USS Virginia» (SSN-774):
Length - 115 m;
Width - 10 m;
Displacement - 7800 tons;
Marine propulsion system- nuclear reactor type “S9G”;
Speed ​​- 25 knots;
Immersion depth - 250 m;
Crew - 134 people;
Cruise missiles " Tomahawk"-12;
Torpedo tubes 533 mm - 4;