How to properly and accurately stick protective glass onto the screen of a phone or tablet without bubbles at home: instructions, photos, videos. How to remove air bubbles from under protective glass: tips. How to stick protective glass on a smartphone

The Samsung i9190 Galaxy s4 mini was chosen as the “experimental” phone. The glass of the device was cracked, which has not yet been replaced. To protect the screen from dust and moisture getting inside, as well as from further cracking, it was decided to temporarily stick a protective glass on the phone.

Glass has a number of advantages over film:

  • the ability to protect the glass of the device from cracking when dropped with the display facing down;
  • scratch resistance;
  • ease of gluing;
  • excellent fixation with the screen;
  • aesthetic appearance.

Preparation of the workplace.

Glass to save money Money was ordered on one of the Chinese sites. It came with two napkins in individual packages:

1. wet, with cleaning and degreasing impregnation;

2. dry non-woven.

If such wipes are not included in the kit, they can be replaced with a regular alcohol wipe (or a cotton pad soaked in vodka or alcohol) and a microfiber cloth. You may also need clear tape to remove tiny fibers from the screen.

The work area should be solid (such as a kitchen table) and well lit. Otherwise, dust and stains may go unnoticed when gluing glass.

Preparing the phone glass

1. Wash your hands to avoid accidentally leaving greasy fingerprints on the glass and phone.

2. If there is a protective film on the phone, remove it.

3. Take an alcohol wipe (in our case, it’s the wipe from bag No. 1) and wipe the entire phone screen centimeter by centimeter, without missing a single spot.

4. Take a microfiber cloth (we used a tiny cloth from package #2) and wipe the glass dry.

5. Look at the phone in the light to see if there are any untreated areas, dust particles or lint left on it. If any are noticed, they can be removed using the sticky side of regular transparent tape followed by microfiber treatment.

Glass gluing

  • The glass has a protective film on one side, which must be removed by pulling the tab before gluing. The glass must be held at all times sides so as not to leave marks on it.
  • Having freed from the film, this side of the glass needs to be brought to the phone screen, aligning it as much as possible with the edges of the display, buttons and speaker.
  • After making sure that all the guidelines are met and the glass is aligned with the edges, lower it onto the screen. The silicone coating of the protection promotes self-adhesive glass.
  • If you find any air pockets under the glass, remove them with a napkin by smoothing them through the adhesive protection.

To protect the screen of your device, you need to know how to apply protective glass to your phone. It is much more durable, but at the same time flexible.

The film can only protect the display from scratches, but protective screen It also prevents the formation of cracks after the smartphone falls.

You should be very careful when purchasing universal glass; it may be of poor quality.

Some tips for choosing:

  • There are two types of glass: glossy and matte. The first option is cheaper, however, it can only protect the smartphone display from impacts. Before purchasing, check the strength of the glass; it should not bend too much;
  • Frosted glass is more expensive and can protect the phone from shocks, falls, and even glare. The disadvantage of such glass is that the color rendering quality of the smartphone display may deteriorate;
  • Good glass must have an oleophobic coating. It prevents the coating from getting dirty with grease;
  • It is advisable to buy glass options that include special napkins and spare protective glasses;
  • The thicker the glass, the higher its strength and level of protection for the phone during shocks and falls.

Glass gluing process

Follow the instructions to add additional protective glass to your smartphone:

  • First of all, clean your workplace. Many instructions for gluing glass are silent on this point, however, it is very important to remove all dust from the working surface. It is there even if you don't see it.
  • Take a clean rag and glass cleaner. Wipe the surface and wait until it dries. This way you will remove maximum amount dust particles and there will be less chance that they will fall under the protective glass;
  • Turn off your smartphone during the entire procedure so that the screen does not turn on during the gluing process;
  • Take a damp cleaning cloth and wipe your phone's display thoroughly with it. You can buy similar napkins at economic department any store. Wipes for cleaning glasses are also suitable.
  • Then wipe the display with a dry cloth to remove streaks and fingerprints;

  • Take a protective screen. Peel off the film on it from the side that will be adjacent to the smartphone display;

  • Now position the glass - without touching it, position it over the entire screen area. All steps must be done very quickly;

  • Now carefully place the glass so that it perfectly covers the surface of the phone and release it. The protective glass will stick on its own. If you have cleaned the display surface well, air and dust will not appear.

What to do if air gets in? If air bubbles still appear, go over the surface of the protective glass with a napkin, pressing lightly so that they go beyond the limits.

After gluing, turn on the smartphone and check the operation of the sensor.

Important! Many smartphone owners are wondering: is it possible to re-stick the protective glass if it comes off? Perhaps too much a large number of dust particles or air under the screen prevent it from securing itself. Carefully peel it off, wipe the smartphone display and repeat the sticker procedure again. Reinstalling on an already clean surface may solve the problem.

How to remove the protective glass?

Removing protective glass is much more difficult than removing film. If you glued it incorrectly, remove it using the tab located on the outside of the protective screen.

In most cases, the need to remove the protective shield occurs after a serious fall. When the screen is broken, the glass must be removed as carefully as possible.

The easiest way is to take a plastic card (for example, a regular bank card) and pry the edge. Then run the card under the entire surface of the screen, detaching it from the device.

Advice! To make the peeling process easier, stick the phone screen in your palms.

Do you want to protect your phone from damage as much as possible? Then you should think about purchasing and installing protective glass! We will tell you how to glue protective glass yourself in this article!

Why protective glass?

Despite the fact that many manufacturers install special Corning Gorilla Glass on phones, which in theory should protect the display from scratches and cracking during an accidental fall, as practice shows, they provide little protection and it is better to add additional protective glass.

Protective film or glass

Protective film and protective glass are not the same thing! Glass is much denser than film, does not impair the clickability of the screen and color rendition, better protects the display when the phone falls from a height, and can improve image quality in bright sunlight thanks to the anti-reflective coating. Therefore, when the question is what to choose, film or glass, it is better to give your preference, of course, to protective glass.

By the way, it is worth noting that protective glass is much easier to glue than film!

How to ideally stick protective glass?

If you are going to glue the protective glass on your smartphone yourself, especially for the first time, then it is best to do this in a pre-steamed bath, this is necessary so that all the dust has settled, or in a well-cleaned room, after closing all the windows, turning off the fans and air conditioning .

1 Open the package and remove all the contents; on the table in front of you should be - protective film, wet wipe (number 1), dry wipe, adhesive film or tape, stickers.

2 Thoroughly wipe the phone display with a damp cloth to remove greasy deposits, and then with a dry cloth, then use an adhesive film to go over the entire screen to completely remove dust.

3 Take the protective glass in your hands and determine its lower part, which will be glued to the phone’s display, and the upper part, on which you will press. The bottom one is marked with the number 1, and the top one with the number 2.

4 Place the protective glass and carefully peel off the bottom protective film (1),
then slowly center the glass and apply it to the phone display.

5 Using smooth movements, preferably with a dry cloth, smooth the glass from the center to the edges of the display and then carefully press it along all bases of the screen. You must do everything quickly so that no dust gets in the first time, otherwise the adhesive layer will hold worse if this is the second attempt.

6 When the protective glass is glued to the phone display, carefully remove the top protective film (2). Hooray! You managed to stick a protective glass on your smartphone!

Watch also the video version on how to correctly and ideally stick protective glass on your phone.

Do you still have additional questions? Write them in the comments about what you did or vice versa!

After purchasing a new smartphone, the user strives to maximally secure and protect the device from damage. In this case, additional accessories and protective elements come to the rescue. Previously, protective films were at the peak of popularity, allowing you to protect the screen from minor mechanical damage. Today the question is increasingly being asked,how to stick protective glass on your phone,because today it is the one that is leading the way in ensuring display integrity.

Uninitiated users do not see much difference between the usual film and protective glass. It is just as flexible and elastic. But still, it is glass, and it is additionally tempered and especially durable, capable of protecting the screen from most possible damage. The accessory is great for people who often drop their smartphones or are afraid of scratching the screen. The coating perfectly strengthens the screen and allows you to maintain the integrity of the display, even if the gadget falls face down. If the blow turns out to be very strong, the protective glass will not allow fragments to fly away, which can be very dangerous.

Due to more significant characteristics, the cost of such an accessory is much higher than, for example, films. At the same time, the glass cannot be cut to fit the gadget, so you have to buy ready-made products adapted for a specific model. The question ishow to stick protective glass on your phone, users are interested in due to the fact that it costs extra money in the salon, but you can handle the process yourself.

The thickness of the coating ranges from 0.18-0.33 mm. It can add weight to the device and make it somewhat bulkier, so you need to be prepared for this.

Protective glass consists of several layers:

  • silicone backing, necessary for the strongest possible fixation of the accessory on the screen;
  • the next layer, the restraining layer, fixes glass fragments and prevents them from scattering in the event of a serious impact;
  • a protective layer responsible for the strength of the glass itself;
  • anti-reflective layer - ensures comfortable use of the gadget even in sunny weather;
  • oleophobic layer - a coating that prevents fingerprints from being left on the display.

Glass does not affect the sensitivity of the sensor, does not spoil the image, that is, it allows you to use the gadget with no less comfort. Thanks to all the advantages of such protection, it has become in demand and fully meets consumer expectations.

How to stick protective glass on your phone

How already mentioned above,stick protective glass on your smartphoneyou can do it yourself. To do this, just follow some recommendations.

Materials and tools

Despite the fact that the process is accessible, you should prepare the necessary tools in advance so as not to be distracted. In order to stick the protection on the screen yourself you will need:

  • alcohol wipe, you can buy them at the pharmacy;
  • dry soft cloth;
  • liquid for cleaning displays and TV screens, you can buy it or mix it yourself, for this you will need water, alcohol and dishwashing detergent;
  • dust collector or tape (to attract dust particles);
  • the protective glass itself.

In addition, a plastic one may come in handy if there is no special spatula included with the protection.

Preparation of the workplace

In addition to preparing the tool, it is also necessary to prepare the workplace. It is important that it is not dusty. It is best to carry out the procedure in the kitchen or bathroom. The less fabric material around, the less dust, which will certainly settle on the screen much faster than you expect.

The table on which work will be performed must be thoroughly wiped with napkins. Before starting the process, you also need to wash your hands with soap to get rid of accumulated fat. Once everything is ready, you can proceed directly to the process.

Pasting algorithm

How to stick a protective glass on a phoneNot everyone hires, but if you follow the recommendations that we will describe below, difficulties should not arise.

So, all the equipment has been collected, the work place and the master’s hands have been prepared, let’s move on to the main stage.

  1. Prepare your gadget's display. Remove the old covering by carefully picking up the edge and pulling. Regardless of whether the film on the device is factory-made or purchased, it peels off very easily.
  2. Clean the sensor surface with an alcohol wipe or cloth with screen cleaner. It is important to carefully treat the entire surface so as not to leave any contamination. The display needs to be rubbed to maximum shine.
  3. If dust particles remain on the surface, then it’s time to use a dust collector or tape. The whole process is aimed at attracting dust particles with static electricity (and under no circumstances sticking tape on the screen).
  4. We take the screen out of the packaging and remove all protective films from it. We combine all the elements of the screen with the holes on the glass (central button and speaker). Make sure that the protection fits evenly with the edges of the device and lies flat. At the same time, you need to hold the glass by the edges so as not to scratch it. If you doubt that you can handle it, it is better to wear medical gloves.
  5. Secure the protection by running your fingers from top to bottom along the center of the display. Then, using a spatula or credit card, remove the remaining air using characteristic movements from the center to the edge. If small droplets of air remain, this is not a problem. He will come out on his own in a few days. Therefore, do not put excessive pressure on the display.

If all measures are followed and recommendations are followed, the user will receive a perfectly even coating without streaks or clouding. If the latter appear, it means that the screen was poorly cleaned. To get rid of the jambs, you can peel off the glass and repeat the process.

This question follows on from the previous problem. Is it possible to remove the glass and clean the screen or re-stick the protection from one gadget to another. If the protection surface is not worn out, then this approach is quite appropriate.

In this case, additional processing of the adhesive silicone layer is required. Formic alcohol is used for processing. You need to carefully remove the glass and wipe the adhesive side with a cloth moistened with plenty of liquid. Wait until the liquid drains and dries and you can install the glass again.

Protective glass is several times harder than the most durable film, and therefore saves the device not only from... As the manufacturers say, it can even withstand a blow from a hammer. We do not recommend conducting such experiments. But we can say: if you fall, it is the protective glass that will most likely break, and not the screen of the device.

In this case, the glass does not affect the sensitivity of the sensor and the brightness of the image.

However, glass is more expensive than film. And you can select it only for relatively popular models of smartphones and tablets.

How to stick protective glass

Step 1. Prepare the room

If dust gets under the protective glass, you will have to live with bubbles on the gadget's screen or struggle to remove them. To avoid this, wet clean the room or at least:

  1. Ventilate the room.
  2. Using a clean cloth, preferably with detergent, wipe the table on which you are going to glue the protective glass.
  3. Wash your hands.

Step 2: Prepare your tools

In addition to the device and protective glass, you will need:

  1. Display cleaning liquid, antistatic agent or regular alcohol.
  2. Microfiber cloth.
  3. Stationery tape.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Plastic card or scraper.

Step 3: Degrease the screen surface

To do this, use display cleaning fluid, antistatic agent or alcohol. Carefully remove all stains. If you just removed the old one from your phone, wipe off any remaining adhesive. Then wipe the screen dry with microfiber.

Step 4. Glue the glass

Take the protective glass in your hands. On one side it is covered with a film that needs to be removed. Now the glass must be held at the edges so as not to leave fingerprints on the surface.

Carefully, without touching the screen, place the glass 5–10 mm from the smartphone. Align the glass so that the speakers and buttons are under the corresponding holes.

The most exciting moment has arrived. When the glass is perfectly aligned with the edges, simply lower it onto the screen. Thanks to the adhesive inner coating, it will stick on its own.

If any bubbles appear, remove them with a microfiber cloth. Wipe the screen with it from the center to the edges, expelling excess air.

Step 5: Remove missed dust particles

Perhaps some speck of dust got under the glass and left an additional bubble on the screen. Unfortunately, microfiber cannot be removed. You will have to re-raise the protective covering.

This can be done using a plastic card or a scraper. In addition, we will need a strip of stationery tape. It is better to take transparent adhesive tape: white construction tape or colored varieties will leave marks on.

Grab the edge of the glass, lift it enough so that you can get a speck of dust. Now stick a piece of tape on it and sharply tear it off along with the debris. All. All that remains is to return the protective glass to its place.