What is aho? AHO specialist - who is he? Administrative and economic department: structure, employees, management

Success awaits a company only with a first-class level of organization. It is necessary to properly resolve not only core issues, but also economic ones. The offices must be equipped with office supplies, the premises must be prepared for meetings, vehicles filled with fuel. Ultimately, this creates the preconditions for increasing the productivity of employees. The company's rear is covered.

AXO-shnik: functional responsibilities of a specialist

What exactly does the head of the economic department do? The list of requirements for a specialist is quite wide - a lot depends on the size of the company and the area in which it is represented. In general, he supervises leasing issues, is responsible for interaction with supervisory structures, and manages the work service personnel office or industrial premises. The responsibilities of the head of the administrative office include ensuring the functioning of the head office, purchasing furniture, office equipment, and consumables. Strong personal qualities An employee applying for this vacancy must have communication skills, exactingness, stress resistance, and high self-organization.

Are recruiters looking for the company as the head of the administration?

Effective methods for searching for a manager economic department from managers allow you to quickly resolve “personnel shortages”. During the preliminary meeting, the client outlines a list of requirements. The staff of the recruitment agency is already looking for an applicant who best suits the stated criteria. Managers of the recruiting company select the most suitable applicants for the position, weed out random candidates, and conduct a preliminary conversation with those who have responded to the vacancy.

The position of head of the administrative and economic department (ACD), as a rule, exists in enterprises with more than 100 employees. In other cases, the functions of the head of the administration and the entire department are performed by the secretary (up to 25 people), as well as the office manager or supply manager (up to 100 people).

The head of the maintenance department supervises the work of repair teams (locksmiths, plumbers, etc.), general workers, and cleaners. In relatively small organizations (up to 600 people), security, transport (drivers and mechanics) and warehouse services (storekeeper) usually fall under his command. At large enterprises and in educational institutions, the position of the head of the administrative department corresponds to the position of the deputy director for administrative and administrative department or administrative department (administrative department or work).

Responsibilities of the head of the administrative office.

The head of the administrative office is responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of premises and associated areas, taking into account sanitary and fire safety standards. He organizes current and major repairs of buildings, enters into service contracts with utility and communication service providers. He provides workers with consumables for housekeeping and office supplies, and, in agreement with the director, with furniture and office equipment.

Work as the head of the administrative office assumes responsibility for servicing delegations visiting the enterprise.

The financial responsibility imposed by job responsibilities forces the head of the administrative office to work in close cooperation with the accounting department.

The head of the administrative office maintains reports on the activities of the department. Rewards, punishments, hiring and dismissal of department employees are carried out by the director on the recommendation of the head of the administrative office.

Such a variety of responsibilities requires the head of the administrative office to have high communication skills (the ability to communicate at any level), responsibility, discipline, punctuality, mobility, independence, and stress resistance. He must have skills in working with documents, universal engineering and technical knowledge.

Such a position can be applied for by a person with a higher professional or secondary specialized education and work experience in this field of at least 2 and 5 years, respectively. Most often, due to the specific requirements, these are males 30-45 years old (women occupy the positions of office manager and caretaker in small institutions). Depending on the region and the enterprise, the salary of the head of the administrative and maintenance department in Russia ranges from 1000 to 2000 in dollar equivalent.



01.06.2009 _ № _37_ General manager

(date) (number) (manager position)

Moscow Ivanov

(signature) (signature decryption)



Head of administrative and economic department


1.4. The head of the administrative and economic department is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the general director.

1.5. The head of the administrative and economic department reports directly to the deputy general director for general questions.


Head of administrative and economic department:

2.1. Provides economic maintenance and proper condition in accordance with the rules and regulations of industrial sanitation and fire protection of buildings and premises in which the organization's divisions are located, as well as control over the serviceability of equipment (elevators, lighting, heating, ventilation systems, etc.).

2.2. Participates in the development of plans for current and major repairs of fixed assets (buildings, water supply systems, air ducts and other structures), and in the preparation of estimates of business expenses.

2.4. Provides departments of the organization with furniture, household equipment, means of mechanization of engineering and management work, monitors their safety and timely repairs.

2.5. Organizes registration necessary documents for concluding contracts for the provision of services, receiving and storing office supplies, necessary household materials, equipment and inventory, providing them to structural units, as well as keeping records of their expenditure and drawing up established reporting.

2.6. Controls the rational use of materials and funds allocated for economic purposes.

2.7. Organizes reception, registration and necessary services for delegations and persons arriving on business trips. Supervises landscaping, landscaping and cleaning of the territory, festive decoration facades of buildings, walkways.

2.8. Organizes economic and logistical support for meetings, conferences, seminars and other events.

2.9. Performs work on organizing timekeeping records, rational nutrition workers during lunch breaks, drawing up vacation schedules and workday routines.

2.10. Ensures the implementation of fire prevention measures and maintenance of fire equipment in good condition.

2.11. Takes measures to introduce communications, computing and organizational technology.

2.12. Manages department employees.

The head of the administrative and economic department has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the organization concerning the activities of the department headed.

3.2. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the work performed by him job responsibilities, and the work of the department headed.

3.3. Submit proposals to improve the department’s activities for consideration by the head of the organization.

3.4. Interact with the heads of other structural divisions of the organization.

3.5. Sign (endorse) documents within your competence.

3.6. Make proposals to the management of the organization to encourage department employees and impose penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.


The head of the administrative and economic department is responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation:

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of one’s duties stipulated by the employment contract and this job description.

4.2. For causing material damage to the organization.

4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor protection and fire safety.

The job description was developed in accordance with the order of the General Director dated January 1, 2001 No. 25

(name of the position of the immediate supervisor

(head of structural unit) (signature) (signature transcript)


I have read this job description.

I received one copy

and I undertake to keep it at work Smirnov

(signature) (signature decryption)


Legal Advisor _ Chernova ___

(legal service officials visa) (signature) (signature transcript)


____________________________ __________ ________________

(legal service official) (signature) (signature transcript)

Every person who has had work experience understands how important it is when a company properly maintains its operations and ensures the safety of its employees. Let's find out which employees should be included in the company's staff in order to make their stay in it comfortable.

Why is AHO created?

First, let us explain that the Administration and Management Department is an administrative and economic department. Typically, such structural divisions are created at large enterprises with a branched structure economic activity. In small companies, the functions of an entire department can be performed by one person. The main function of the employees of this department is to competently organize administrative and economic activities, minimizing the company’s costs of ensuring its livelihoods and creating comfortable conditions for staying in the workplace.

Department structure

As mentioned above, an administrative maintenance officer is a position that is more typical for a large organization, where an independent structural unit is formed and a regulation on administrative maintenance is created.

In multi-thousand holdings, areas and groups can be allocated within the framework of the administrative management organization.

So, within the department we can distinguish sectors:

1. Planning and accounting, the main task of which is to plan expenses and determine their feasibility.

2. Material and resource - carries out consumables.

3. Social security - creates conditions for a comfortable existence of company employees.

Main tasks of the department

This department is faced with quite a lot of tasks; in a large organization you can rarely hear the question: “ AHO specialist - who is this?”

It is clear to all team members that department employees are engaged in important issues, the solution of which contributes to the effective operation of the enterprise:

Administrative and economic department. Functions

Due to the fact that the tasks facing this structural unit can be very diverse, but are somehow related to providing economic services at the appropriate level, the following functions can be outlined:

  • ensuring appropriate maintenance of enterprise premises;
  • monitoring the proper operation of equipment;
  • reconstruction planning, ;
  • carrying out planned repairs, their control and acceptance;
  • improvement of the building and its facade, landscaping;
  • expenses;
  • preparation of all necessary documentation;
  • providing office employees with everything necessary for effective work.

Based on this, we can conclude that work in the Administrative Operations requires compliance with large quantity rules and regulations and is inextricably linked with high degree responsibility for the execution of work.

About rights

Now let's talk about what rights he has AHO specialist (who is this - we have already decided). This paragraph will also indicate who is responsible for the performance of duties by department employees.

As one might expect, this paragraph includes everything related to monitoring compliance with various standards and requirements for preserving the company’s property, which is in operational use.

The department can also control proper storage property in the warehouse, require reports on the use of office supplies.

Of course, the right of this structural unit is to represent the interests of the company in interaction with various institutions (repair, construction organizations) if necessary to resolve issues within his area of ​​responsibility.

Based on the results of the inspections, the head of the administration may initiate, through management, the issuance of an order to impose disciplinary action for damage to property.

About interaction

AHO specialist (who is this?manager or ordinary employee, it does not matter) when performing his work, he must build professional relationships with colleagues from other departments. This is necessary for high-quality performance of functions.

From employees of other structural divisions, the employee of the administrative and economic department receives applications for the purchase of things necessary for work (office equipment, office supplies, etc.), as well as reports of damage to property, written explanations of the causes of breakdowns.

The AO not only controls other departments regarding the execution of the range of issues entrusted to it, but also draws up plans for carrying out repairs on the premises based on the standards provided by the financial and accounting services.

In addition, the structural unit interacts with the personnel administration department (request staffing table, obtaining information about employee business trips) and the legal department (requesting consulting assistance in drawing up contracts).

About responsibility

Now it is necessary to touch upon the area of ​​responsibility that bears AHO specialist. Whoever decides to control it is the one must know that the head of the administrative and economic department is fully responsible for the performance of functions.

His responsibilities include, among other things, organizing the work of employees of the structural unit entrusted to him. The manager ensures high-quality and timely preparation of documentation and document management. It is the head of the administrative and maintenance department who is responsible for the execution of production discipline by employees. The area of ​​responsibility of other employees of the economic department is determined by job descriptions, which will be briefly discussed in this article.

Job description of the head of the administrative and maintenance department

Employees who are not involved in maintaining personnel document flow are unlikely to think that the designated instructions must meet certain requirements.

Nevertheless, it is so. The document must necessarily contain an indication of the qualifications of the head of the department and work experience requirements. As a rule, specialists with higher education (in our case, education can be technical or economic), and work experience (at least three years as a specialist, 1-2 years as a manager) are hired for the position of manager.

The head of the department needs to know all local regulations, orders for the organization that regulate its activities, and also be a guide to the corporate culture adopted in the company.

Any job description, whether for a manager, an administrative maintenance engineer or another employee, must include requirements for knowledge of occupational safety and health and fire safety standards and regulations.

The document must also contain information about who is the employee’s immediate superior and who replaces him during illness.

The responsibilities of the position “Chief of Administrative Operations” largely overlap with the functions of the department, which is not surprising. Nevertheless, let's designate them:

  • ensuring high-quality service and compliance with the norms and regulations of SNiP for the condition of the building and internal premises;
  • drawing up estimates, planning repair work;
  • provision of company employees necessary furniture, equipment, inventory, keeping records of them for the enterprise, organizing rational use materials;
  • management of territory improvement works;
  • organizing services at the appropriate level for meetings, conferences and other events;
  • management of employees of the department entrusted to him.

Information about rights is also required in the job description. Here we should talk about submitting service improvement projects to management for consideration, familiarizing themselves with the documents regulating the company’s activities, and informing management about shortcomings in business activities. As part of employee management, an official can make proposals for rewarding/punishing his specialists.

The responsibility section includes information about the need to properly perform your duties and take care of the employer's property.

Other positions in the department

The structure of the ACS presupposes the existence of a fairly large number of employees: these can be engineers, specialists, and assistants.

Depending on how complex the organization is, there may be leading, senior, junior specialists, and assistants. The job description is, of course, in in this case is prescribed directly for a specific position and organization, and implies a clear division of areas of responsibility.

Separately, it should be said about the responsibilities of such employees as a janitor, a cleaner, who are engaged in bringing the territory and premises into proper condition. Their work is not particularly difficult, but also comes with a certain degree of responsibility.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the work of ACS employees consists of competent planning and providing employees with resources. At the same time, specialists should not allow overspending and the occurrence of emergency situations.

Thus, working in an administrative office involves no less responsibility than in other positions.

Who is the head of the business department?

Any large enterprise must have a specialist involved in economic support of the work. His responsibilities include: renovation of the building in which the company is located, routine maintenance, monitoring the health of the infrastructure (from electricity and plumbing to the operation of elevators or air ducts).

It should be noted that an economic unit (also sometimes called AHO - administrative and economic department) is created only where the volume necessary work to maintain the functioning of the enterprise is very large. IN small companies Such activities can be carried out by an office manager or directly by the head of the enterprise. However, in large companies, the position of head of the housekeeping department is extremely important. In fact, it is on his shoulders to ensure the normal functioning of the entire organization.

It's also worth noting that this position is by no means new. Supply managers (as these specialists were usually called before) have been working in large organizations for many decades.

Structure of instructions for the position of head of the economic department

The job description is an optional document. Unlike employment contract the presence of instructions does not in any way affect the relationship between the management of the enterprise and employees. That is why the structure that a job description should have is not fixed anywhere in regulations, and mandatory requirements no to her.

Nevertheless, over the years of work, a certain approach to the preparation of such documents has developed in practice. They usually consist of the following sections:

  1. General provisions. This section describes what the position of the head of the economic department is, what requirements are imposed on him, to whom he reports and who he supervises.
  2. Responsibilities. It describes what the head of this department is obliged to do and, accordingly, what management has the right to demand from the person holding this position.
  3. Rights vested in a specialist. Fundamental rights are, of course, enshrined in labor legislation. But in order for the head of a department to be able to fully and efficiently perform his duties, he must be endowed with a certain number of rights. Those of them that are characteristic not of a position in general, but of a specific enterprise, make sense to be recorded specifically in the job description.
  4. The responsibility of the department head. Most of these provisions are enshrined in general regulations, so it is most reasonable in this section of the job description to limit ourselves to references to specific types of liability: disciplinary, civil, administrative and criminal. Labor law limits the capabilities of the management of the enterprise, therefore, his superiors have no right to assign responsibility to the head of a department that is not provided for by law.

Now let's see what exactly should be contained in the most important sections job description of the head of the economic department.

Responsibilities of the head of the economic department

When indicating in the job description the specific responsibilities assigned to the head of the economic department, it makes sense to use the contents of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions (USC). Although this act is not mandatory, but advisory, it is extremely useful. It sets out the requirements that are most often presented for a specific position. Accordingly, if employees of a particular enterprise do not have experience in compiling job descriptions, the EKS will at least give an idea of ​​what should be contained in such documents.

According to the EKS, the head of the economic department is assigned the following responsibilities:

  • ensuring the maintenance and maintenance in the required condition of buildings and premises in which the enterprise or institution is located (the condition in which the building or individual premises should be located is determined by sanitary standards and fire protection rules);
  • monitoring the serviceability of the internal equipment of the building or premises; equipment includes water supply, sewerage, power lines, etc.;
  • participation in planning current and major repairs that are required to maintain the normal operation of the organization;
  • drawing up estimates for the current expenses of the enterprise;
  • organizing repairs of both the building as a whole and the organization’s equipment, monitoring the quality of the repairs carried out;
  • providing both the enterprise as a whole and its individual divisions with inventory, equipment, consumables and other material resources required for normal operation;
  • monitoring the safety and proper use of the enterprise’s material assets;
  • preparation of documentation for contracts required for economic support of the organization;
  • maintaining the necessary reports on the use of equipment, inventory and materials;
  • monitoring that the funds allocated by management to ensure the operation of the enterprise are spent rationally;
  • reception and service of persons arriving on business trips;
  • management of territory improvement;
  • economic maintenance of ongoing events;
  • organization of timekeeping and meals for employees;
  • if necessary, together with the HR department, drawing up work schedules and work schedules;
  • carrying out fire protection measures, maintaining fire-fighting infrastructure and equipment in working order;
  • introduction of new technology in the field of communications, office equipment, etc.;
  • management of employees of the economic department and monitoring their compliance with discipline.

Rights of the head of the housekeeping department

In order to perform duties, an employee must be vested with rights. Typically these include the following:

  1. Contact the head of the enterprise and heads of departments with proposals regarding the economic maintenance of the enterprise.
  2. Interact with the managers of all structural parts of the enterprise on issues related to the management of work.
  3. Sign and affix visas to documents within his competence.
  4. Propose to the management of the enterprise the appointment, movement within the organization and dismissal of employees subordinate to the head of the economic department.
  5. Propose to management measures regarding rewards and punishments for department employees.
  6. Require the organization's management to provide assistance.
  7. Inform management about any deficiencies found in business maintenance and demand their elimination.

Requirements for a candidate to fill a vacancy

Any person who is appointed to this position can become the head of the economic department. However, EKC recommends that a candidate have either higher education specialty and work experience of at least 2 years, or 5 years of experience - then secondary is allowed special education. Specific requirements at each enterprise are established independently by management.