Sample report for being late for work. Disciplinary action for being late for work: sample. When you can not draw up a report about being late for work

How to fill out a report of being late for work

The mandatory attribute “Date of document” must also be supplemented with the time of drawing up the act: this is a special case that is resorted to when the activated event is somehow tied to time. The main text of the act contains information that the employee (position, surname, first name and patronymic write in full) was late for work. The number of minutes late and the time of appearance are recorded. It must be written that the boss was not warned about being late.

One should beware of the wording “without good reason" By Labor Code the employee has two days to provide a written explanation of his misconduct, which the employer must still request from him (Part 1 of Article 193). Thus, the act records the delay and nothing more. It is also impossible to write that the employee refused to explain.

In some companies, it is customary to draw up an act of being late for work in two copies: one for the late worker, the second for the HR department. This is not necessary, but the practice is quite common and comes from general rules office work: the number of copies of the act is determined by the number of interested parties.

How to sign an act of being late for work

The act of lateness is signed by everyone who drew it up, as well as the late employee: he writes that he has read the act, after which he signs and puts the date. If an employee refuses to familiarize himself with the act (which he has the right to), a corresponding entry is made about this.

What to do next with the act

The signed act is registered in accordance with the general procedure adopted in the organization for recording internal documents. For many employees, this is already a sufficient measure, and after that they stop being late. For others, administrative measures have to be completed: the act is put into operation.

Formation of an act of lateness is drawn up in cases where an employee of an enterprise comes to work later than the time indicated in his employment contract like the start of a working day.

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Who monitors staff working hours?

Every fairly large organization has an employee who is responsible for recording staff working hours. Usually this is:

  • HR specialist;
  • security service representative;
  • head of one or another structural unit;
  • secretary.

In a special journal, this person notes the time his colleagues arrived at work, as well as the time they left home.

All lateness, absenteeism, absences from the workplace for professional needs and personal matters, and overtime are also entered into the accounting document.

This practice allows the employer to know exactly how much time one or another of his subordinates spent at his workplace, whether he worked the required hours, how accurately he complies with labor discipline and the work and rest regime in force at the enterprise.

Situations in which it is impossible to do without drawing up a report of being late for work

Each company has its own operating hours. In some places the work schedule is quite free - the main thing is to work the required 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week, and in some places being late even one minute is a serious administrative offense (more often in large industrial enterprises with a continuous production cycle).

Usually, if an employee is late for work without serious reasons and good reasons, he strives to somehow come to an agreement with the employer. And in most cases this can be done. However, such a peaceful way of resolving the situation will not work if the employee is late for more than the first time, or if he behaves provocatively and inappropriately.

In such cases, the employer's representative will most likely draw up a report of lateness. And this will be a serious document, on the basis of which the violator may be subject to disciplinary action in the future (up to and including dismissal for regular lateness).

Who forms the act of lateness?

The report of lateness is usually written by the same employee who keeps track of the employees’ working hours.

When drawing up the act, it is imperative that at least one, or preferably two, witnesses be present, who will certify with their autographs that all the information included in the act is true.

The employee who is late must also sign the document. If for some reason he does not want to do this, this must be noted in the act.

Features of the act, general information

If you are faced with the need to draw up an act of being late for work, and you do not know exactly how to do this, read our advice and pay attention to the example document.

First let's give general information, which applies to any papers of this kind:

  1. Today there is no unified model of the act. This means that you can write it in free form or, if the organization has a document template, according to its type.
  2. Any act must have a certain structure, which includes a “header” - the beginning of the document, the main part and the conclusion.
  3. The act must necessarily include the signatures of the drafters, but it is not necessary to put a stamp on it. This is due to the fact that recently mandatory requirement on the use of stamps for document approval has been cancelled, so the act must be stamped only when such a rule is in the organization’s regulatory documents.

In addition, keep in mind that the act can be drawn up in regular clean slate any convenient format (preferably A4) or on company letterhead. It is allowed to print the act on a computer (with subsequent printing) or write it by hand (without blots, errors or corrections) - all this does not matter in determining the legality of the document.

The act is done in duplicate, which must be identical in content and equal in right. One copy of the document remains with the employer, the second is given to the employee who is late for work.

Sample document

At the beginning of the document it is written:

  • its name;
  • date of drawing up the act;
  • place (settlement) where the employing organization is registered.

Then comes the main part. This includes:

  • the official drawing up the act (his position, full name);
  • in the same way - all other persons present during the formation of the document;
  • personal data of the offender labor discipline;
  • time at which the offender arrived at workplace. Here you must indicate exactly how late (in hours and minutes) the employee was late.

If the latecomer is ready to provide written explanations for his delay, this must be noted, as well as the opposite situation, when he does not have such explanations.

If necessary, the document can be supplemented with any other information, depending on the specific circumstances.

Finally, the act must be signed by all persons present.

After drawing up the act

After the form has been finalized and the offending employee has reviewed it, the document must be submitted to the director for resolution. Based on it, he makes his decision either on a reprimand to a subordinate (usually for the first time) or on a more serious punishment.

Then the document goes to the HR department, where it is attached to the employee’s personal file and stored throughout the entire period of validity of the employment contract. After the dismissal of the person in respect of whom it was drawn up, the act, among other personnel documentation related to the quitter, is transferred to the archives of the enterprise.

On our website you can download a sample report of being late for work for free.

What is considered late

Every large organization has a person who is responsible for and daily records the time workers arrive at work and the time they leave home.

The absence of an employee from the workplace at the time established for work for a period of 1 minute to 4 hours is considered, regardless of when it was recorded - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the working day. Absence of more than 4 hours is considered absenteeism.

In order for employees to maintain discipline, their late arrivals to work cannot be ignored. Every similar case must be recorded, discussed and decided. If the offense was committed without a good reason, sanctions in the form can be applied to the worker. Only in this way will workers understand the seriousness of the situation.

Drawing up an act of being late for work is the first step in documentation misdemeanor

Compilation rules

The act is a document on the basis of which the violator may be subject to disciplinary action.

It is drawn up by the employer in one copy and in free form. In this case, two witnesses must be present who, with their signatures, certify the correctness of the information specified in it. As an example, you can use the sample act of being late for work, posted in our article.

In the header you need to indicate:

  • name of the organization;
  • name of the document;
  • date of preparation, document number;

The main part states:

  • position and full name of the compiler;
  • positions and names of persons present during the preparation of the document;
  • position and full name of the labor discipline violator;
  • the time the employee arrives at the workplace. Here you must indicate exactly how many hours and minutes he was late.

The person has two days to present the employer with a written explanation of his misconduct. If it was provided, this must be indicated in the document, as well as the opposite situation, when the employee cannot give an explanation.

If necessary, it can be supplemented with any other information, depending on the specific circumstances. The finished document is signed by all persons present. The offending employee also signs his signature as a sign of familiarization with the paper. If for some reason he does not want to do this, he needs to make a note about this in the act and draw up a second act of refusal to familiarize himself.

Thus, we can say that the main reason for being late by less than 15 minutes is improper time planning. If you have not made allowances for the weather (for example, there is a lot of snow, and you have not had time to clear it yet), you have not prepared clothes in advance and have not collected necessary documents, then in the morning this can seriously hinder you. And you will spend extra time looking for lost apartment keys, instead of going to the office. The reasons for being late for work can be different. It happens that you prepared everything, woke up on time, left the house in certain hour, but a sudden traffic jam still delayed you. This is already an unforeseen circumstance, and this is the second most common reason for being late. This could be a traffic jam, a stuck elevator, a broken pipe in an apartment, or even a cat that has begun to give birth.

Act of being late for work

  • If within 2 days the employee does not provide the corresponding note and refuses any explanations, a Statement of Refusal of Explanations is drawn up in the presence of 3 witnesses.
  • If the reason is not valid, then a lateness report is drawn up. This document must be signed by 2 witnesses who confirm the fact of the violation.
  • If a violation is identified by the head of a unit, who does not have the right to impose a penalty, he writes a report addressed to his management and attaches the necessary documents.
  • After this, the head of the company sets a date and time for the analysis, where all involved persons are invited.
  • Based on the drawn up act and the analysis carried out, the enterprise issues an order, which will indicate the sanctions applied to the violator.
  • After this, it is necessary to familiarize the employee to whom the penalty is being applied with the order.

Certificate of absence of an employee from the workplace - sample


The employer decides independently whether the reasons for absence from work are valid. The legislation does not contain a list of such reasons.

Usually the following are considered respectful if they are confirmed by relevant documents:
  • temporary disability;
  • performance of state or public duties;
  • donation and preparation for it;
  • detention or administrative arrest;
  • transport problems caused by the emergency;
  • suspension of work due to a delay in payment of wages for 15 days or more (with written notification to the employer), etc.

Report of absence from work In order to apply any disciplinary sanction to an employee for absence from work, it is necessary to record this fact by documenting his guilt.

Being late for work: reasons, act, fine


According to the current Labor Code, it is prepared in a single copy and stored in the personnel department. The employee for whom the report was drawn up must write an explanatory note describing the reasons for the delay.

Based on these documents, the employer can apply the penalties described above. Explanatory note As mentioned above, the reason for writing an explanatory note is the drawing up of an act.
The employee is officially warned about this from the HR department. A notice may be sent to his name, which describes the time of his lateness and voices the requirements for obtaining an explanation.


The employee may refuse to draw up an explanatory note. But in this case he will have to write an official refusal.

When drawing up an explanatory note, you must clearly describe the circumstance that prevented you from coming to your workplace on time.

Act of absence from work. sample filling 2018

It must certainly contain instructions on:

  • place, date and time of compilation;
  • participants in the preparation of the document;
  • the essence of the event.

Handwritten signatures of the participants in the preparation of the document are required. It is possible to include information received from the employee about the reasons for the violation, if by the time the report was drawn up, he appeared at the workplace, and his signature confirming that he has read the report.

Although this does not relieve the employer from the need to require written explanations for the offense committed. The employee may refuse to provide such explanations. In this case, you will also have to draw up a corresponding act.

For information on how to draw it up, read the article “How to draw up an act of refusal to write an explanatory note?” A sample act of absence of an employee from the workplace can be seen on our website.

He can issue an order on his own initiative and dismiss the employee. Punishment for tardiness Lateness is not considered a serious violation, so the punishment can only be disciplinary. These include:

  • Note – if the employee was late once;
  • Reprimand – 2 or more latenesses;
  • Severe reprimand – delays are systematic;
  • Dismissal – regular lateness (3 times or more).

If the reason for being late was valid, and the employee has documented this, then no punishment will be imposed.

For 1 such violation, one disciplinary sanction is provided. The manager can apply punishment within 6 months after the violation.
All penalties are canceled after 1 year. If an employee has been reprimanded for a violation, the manager may remove it before the 12-month period, provided that this does not happen again.

Being late for work - what are the dangers and how to deal with it?

If for some reason he does not want to do this, this must be noted in the act. Feature of the act general information If you are faced with the need to draw up an act of being late for work, but you do not know exactly how to do this, read our advice and pay attention to the example document.

To begin with, we will give general information that applies to any papers of this kind:

  1. Today there is no unified model of the act. This means that you can write it in free form or, if the organization has a document template, according to its type.
  2. Any act must have a certain structure, which includes a “header” - the beginning of the document, the main part and the conclusion.
  3. The act must necessarily include the signatures of the drafters, but it is not necessary to put a stamp on it.

Every person has at least once experienced a moment when he was late for work for one reason or another. Modern world Although it requires one hundred percent punctuality from everyone without exception, we must not forget about sudden factors interfering with the planned course of affairs.

And even if we leave home early, something may happen on the way to the office that will prevent us from arriving on time. Any working person is interested in the questions: “What will happen to me and how will management react to being late? Will coming to work later than the time specified in the employment contract entail punishment? And, perhaps most importantly: “Will I lose my job because I’m late?” Why is the employee late? The reason for being late for work can be a mere trifle: for example, a button has come off your trousers, and, as luck would have it, there are no needles and threads at home.

Certificate of absence from work

How to register an employee’s absence from work? An example of a report form can be downloaded below; you can develop your own form of a truancy report. The document must contain the following information:

  • Title of the document, date of execution;
  • Registration number;
  • Full name and position of the person from whom the document is being filled out;
  • Full name and position of witnesses - employees who can confirm that the employee is really not at work;
  • Full name, position of the guilty employee;
  • Date of absence, time period of absence;
  • Reasons for absence;
  • Signatures of the person filling out the act form, as well as signatures of witnesses.

When drawing up the act, it is necessary to enlist the support of at least two witnesses.

The employee who committed absenteeism must also put his signature on the form.

Certificate of absence from work (sample)

The absence of an employee from the workplace at the established work time for a period of 1 minute to 4 hours is considered late, regardless of when it was recorded - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the working day. Absence of more than 4 hours is considered absenteeism. In order for employees to maintain discipline, their late arrivals to work cannot be ignored.

Each such case should be recorded, discussed and resolved. If the offense was committed without a good reason, sanctions in the form of disciplinary action can be applied to the worker. Only in this way will workers understand the seriousness of the situation. Drawing up an act of being late for work is the first step in documenting the offense. Rules for drawing up The act is a document on the basis of which the violator may be subject to disciplinary action.