Draw a line: how to draw perfect arrows. How to draw a devil with a pencil step by step Devil from a fairy tale pencil drawing

This is quite a difficult lesson, so it may take you quite a lot of effort to repeat it. If you didn’t succeed in drawing the devil the first time, don’t despair and try again. Try your best to complete this lesson. If it still doesn’t work out, you can try to complete the lesson “”. But I believe that you will succeed.

What you will need

In order to draw a devil we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Drawing characters from films, cartoons and stories is much easier than drawing real people and animals. There is no need to adhere to the rules of anatomy and physics, but each character is unique in its own way. The authors created them using special patterns, which must be repeated quite accurately. But if you want, when you try to draw the devil, you can always make the eyes a little bigger. This will give it a more cartoonish feel.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

All complex drawings must be created through forward thinking and vision. The subject must be more than just a form on a sheet of paper. You must draw it three-dimensionally, that is, creating it from simple geometric bodies as if they were on top of each other: here is a ball on a cube, and here are two balls next to each other. All living and non-living things on earth consist of these primitive forms.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

Step one. Using lines, create a matchstick man with a long tail.

Step two. Outline the lines to create the body of the creature. Add more horns and chain to the hand.

Step three. Remove the initial shape with an eraser and carefully trace the drawing, sketching any missing places.

Step four. Start drawing the body, musculature and muscles; there should be sharp claws on the paws.

Step five. All that remains is to work it out, and he must hold a huge chain in his hands. Next, take colored pencils and you can color it as in the very first picture above.

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed the lesson on how to draw a devil and I hope that you were able to repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share this lesson with your friends on social media. networks.

Note: I did this tutorial a long time ago. It was gathering dust somewhere in the bins of a hard drive and he was very lonely, so I’ll publish it here. What if it will be useful for you?

Somewhere in parallel universe coming eternal struggle between the forces of evil and good. In our universe, evil has long killed everyone and is quietly enjoying beautiful scenery and clean air. Runs it all famous character, colorfully described in stories and films. There is probably no person who does not know who he is. And if so, we must also learn how to draw a devil with a pencil. Damn (from ancient unintelligible damn) — guru of all evil and not very good creatures. It is usually depicted in red, with hooves and a tail. You should not imagine hell as the personification of chaos, because it has a clear hierarchy consisting of the devil, demons, succubi, siths, pirates, gopniks and swine flu bacteria.

The subject is often remembered in folklore and different stories, but basically he is being bred like a sucker:

  • Everyone who is not too lazy is sent to him;
  • If something goes wrong, damn it, or fuck it, or God knows what is right;
  • According to statistics, every inhabitant of this planet was sent to him at least once;
  • They call him differently: Satan, Shaitan, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, Lucifer and thousands of other names depending on the people and the level of aikyu.

You can also come up with a name for him, I think he won’t be offended:

How to draw a devil with a pencil step by step

Step one. Using lines, create a matchstick man with wings and a long tail. Step two. Outline the lines to create the body of the creature. Add more horns and chain to the hand. Step three. Remove the initial shape with an eraser and carefully trace the drawing, sketching any missing places. Step four. Start drawing the body, musculature and muscles; there should be sharp claws on the paws. Step five. All that remains is to work on the face, and he must hold a huge chain in his hands. Next, take colored pencils and you can color it as in the very first picture above. We have a lot of horror films here, try to depict them:

  1. The devil himself;
  2. Monster;
  3. Draw a huge bat;
  4. Gargoyle;
  5. Alien;
  6. Alien;
  7. Grim Reaper;
  8. Werewolf;
  9. Vampire;
  10. Walking Zombie;

People are so designed that they always want to look into the future. Humanity has a great passion for everything mysterious and otherworldly, and this is what pushes them to perform various rituals.

Calling the devil is the most common. The devil is an entity belonging to the black forces; he is quite sociable and usually never refuses to communicate. In this article we will figure out how to summon a devil, what is necessary for this, how to carry out the ceremony without consequences for yourself, because black magic is no joke.

Consequences of black magic

Before we begin fortune telling, I would like to warn you about the consequences of turning to black magic. Many people think that they are in no danger if they turn to witchcraft to punish evil. This is wrong. Especially when an absolute amateur undertakes the rituals.

The consequences can be very serious; victims of witchcraft often begin to get sick, tragedies and troubles happen to them. Moreover, all this can be passed on to future generations. Think very carefully, do you really need this?

Summoning evil spirits: basic methods

Why do people want to summon the devil? And who is he, anyway? Little imp is small evil spirits, but it is not as safe as it might seem. Fortune tellers have no idea what consequences may occur after the ritual. The devils are very clingy; once they get into the house, they don’t want to leave. They begin to joke, scare, misbehave and harm their owners. That is why it is important to comply with all the conditions and complete the session correctly so that the devil goes back to where he came from.

It is necessary to clear the room of unnecessary things before guessing. The devil is a servant of Satan, so all icons and other church things must be removed. Turn off electrical appliances so that there is no interference with opening the portal. Always have holy water at hand, which should be poured into a dark bottle and well closed so that the devils do not smell it.

So, there are three main ways to call a devil at home:

  • calling with a needle;
  • ritual with a mirror;
  • saucer method.

For this ritual you need to prepare a needle, an A4 sheet, a pen or pencil, and thread. In the center of the sheet you need make a drawing of the devil and be sure to draw a navel for him. Write the entire alphabet at the top of the paper, write the numbers from 0 to 9 at the bottom, place the word “Yes” on the left, and “No” on the right. Thread the needle and start telling fortunes.

Before the challenge, everyone who tells fortunes must remove metal jewelry and crosses. They tell fortunes in the dark by candlelight. The one who will lead the process pierces his finger with a needle, drips blood onto the drawing and places the needle on the devil’s navel. The fortune tellers hold hands and say the words: devil, devil come. Then they ask: the hell are you here?

If the needle moves towards the word “Yes”, then everything worked out and you can start asking questions. The answers will consist of letters and numbers, which were drawn on the sheet. After completing the session, be sure to thank the assistant and say: devil, devil go away. From the beginning to the end of the ritual, the window must be kept open.

Mirror challenge

This ritual, as those who performed it say, can be very frightening. So think carefully about whether you can complete it.

For the ritual you will need:

  • Vase (better if it is crystal with gilding, because the devils love wealth).
  • Water.
  • Candles (only non-church ones, remember that these entities are afraid of religious things).
  • Round mirror.
  • Holy water, in a dark bottle, to complete the session.

Pour plain water into the vase, lower the mirror to the bottom and say: devil, devil show up. Look in the mirror, if everything is done correctly, then in the reflection you will see the devil. You need to clearly formulate your desire and voice it. After this, pour holy water into the vase to end the session. Remember, the imp will not help in love affairs, he is more of a materialist, so ask for money, a house, a car, etc.

As soon as you notice that a coating has appeared on the mirror, you need to get rid of it. Wash it with holy water, break it and throw it away. For subsequent rituals you will have to buy a new one.

If instead of an imp, a person is looking at you from the mirror, know that this is an ill-wisher. You can ask the evil spirits to punish him. The offender will be in trouble as long as the mirror is in the water.

Fortune telling with a saucer

To call the devil in this way you need to have: whatman paper, a saucer, a pen, a marker, a candle. Place the saucer in the center of the paper upside down and trace it along the outline, draw a line in the center. Write everything else exactly as when telling fortunes with a needle. Draw an arrow on the saucer with a marker. Take on the challenge. Heat the bottom of the saucer over a candle and place it in the center of whatman paper. Everyone present places their fingertips on the saucer, but does not press on it. The questioner, when shitting on the devil, says: “Devil, devil come.” Then he asks, “Damn, are you here?” And the plate begins to move along the sheet, pointing with an arrow to the letters and numbers. At the end of the ceremony, say: devil, devil go away.

In conclusion, a few words about how to better ask questions. Don't ask the same thing several times, this will only anger the devil. The questions should be those that can be answered in monosyllables: yes, no, I don’t know. Very long questions may simply not be answered. In order not to get confused during the ritual, you can write down everything you want to know on a piece of paper. After the call, be sure to thank the assistant and close the window after the session. If this is not done, the horned one may stay as your guest for a long time and cause a lot of trouble.

Attention, TODAY only!

Note: I did this tutorial a long time ago. It was gathering dust somewhere in the bins of a hard drive and he was very lonely, so I’ll publish it here. What if it will be useful for you?

Somewhere in a parallel universe there is an eternal struggle between the forces of evil and good. In our universe, evil has long killed everyone and is quietly enjoying the beautiful landscapes and clean air. All this is run by a famous character, colorfully described in stories and films. There is probably no person who does not know who he is. And if so, we must also learn how to draw a devil with a pencil. Damn (from ancient unintelligible damn) — guru of all evil and not very good creatures. It is usually depicted in red, with hooves and a tail. You should not imagine hell as the personification of chaos, because it has a clear hierarchy, consisting of the devil, succubi, siths, gopniks and swine flu bacteria.

The subject is often remembered in folklore and various stories, but mostly it is played like a sucker:

  • Everyone who is not too lazy is sent to him;
  • If something goes wrong, damn it, or fuck it, or God knows what is right;
  • According to statistics, every inhabitant of this planet was sent to him at least once;
  • They call him differently: Satan, Shaitan, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, Lucifer and thousands of other names depending on the people and the level of aikyu.

You can also come up with a name for him, I think he won’t be offended:

How to draw a devil with a pencil step by step

Step one. Using lines, create a matchstick man with wings and a long tail. Step two. Outline the lines to create the body of the creature. Add more horns and chain to the hand. Step three. Remove the initial shape with an eraser and carefully trace the drawing, sketching any missing places. Step four. Start drawing the body, musculature and muscles; there should be sharp claws on the paws. Step five. All that remains is to work on the face, and he must hold a huge chain in his hands. Next, take colored pencils and you can color it as in the very first picture above. We still have a lot of horror films here, try to portray them.