The past century in the work is grief from the mind. The present century and the past century. “Woe from Wit”, A.S. Griboyedov

Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" was written in the first half

XIX century. Its main conflict is social, ideological: the clash of the “present century” and the “past century.” The first includes Chatsky himself, the main character of the comedy, and the second includes the entire Famus society. Let's look at the main issues on which the opinions of these parties differ radically.

Probably the most pressing of them is the attitude towards wealth and rank. The Famus Society is of the opinion that “to get rank, there are many channels.” For Chatsky, the only way is to serve the Fatherland, but not to the officials. Confirmation of this is his famous phrase: “I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.”

Naturally, for officials great importance has continuity, for example:

... we have been doing this since ancient times,

that there is honor between father and son;

Be bad, but if you get enough

Two thousand family showers, - Here is the groom.

And at this time Chatsky asks:

Where, tell us Fatherland fathers,

Which ones should we take as models?

Aren't these the ones who are rich in robbery?

We see that he would like to have a worthy example to follow, a certain ideal, then we can confidently say that in his passionate speeches he would speak about his ancestors with pride, and not with bitterness. He would be glad to have some kind of support in his judgments, but in front of him is a completely different society that cannot give him this support, and poor Chatsky has no choice but to try alone to prove to those around them that they are wrong. In fact, he stands alone against the whole of Moscow, so his positions and points of view are doomed to failure in advance. But with stubbornness, perhaps worthy of reproach, and perhaps even admiration, he fights for his views on life. He is not at all afraid to express an honest and provocative opinion that “the world has begun to grow stupid”:

The legend is fresh, but hard to believe;

As he was famous for, whose neck bent more often;

As not in war, but in peace they took it head on,

They hit the floor without regret!

Who needs it: those are arrogant, they lie in the dust,

And for those who are higher, flattery was woven like lace.

It was an age of obedience and fear,

All under the guise of zeal for the king.

For Famusov himself, the opinion of the world is important. He only cares about the reputation of a respectable person, but only to maintain external decency. She and Chatsky talk, practically not listening to each other.

The next question is the attitude towards education and upbringing. Famusov himself spoke quite eloquently:

Learning is the plague, learning is the reason,

What is worse now than then,

There were crazy people, deeds, and opinions.

Oh! Let's move on to education.

That now, just as in ancient times,

The regiments are busy recruiting teachers,

More in number, cheaper in price?

It’s not that they are far off in science;

In Russia, under a great fine,

We are told to recognize everyone

Historian and geographer!

Our mentor, remember his cap, robe,

Index finger, all signs of learning

How our timid minds were disturbed,

As we have been accustomed to believe since early times,

That without the Germans we have no salvation!

Famusov's society does not accept any innovations. Therefore, his opinion on the issue of serfdom differs from Chatsky’s position:

That Nestor, a noble scoundrel,

Surrounded by a crowd of servants;

Zealous, they are in the hours of wine and fights

Both his life and honor saved him more than once: suddenly

He traded three greyhounds for them!!!

Or that one over there, which is for tricks

He drove to the serf ballet on many wagons

From mothers and fathers of rejected children?!

I myself am immersed in mind in Zephyrs and Cupids,

Made all of Moscow marvel at their beauty!

But the debtors did not agree to a deferment:

Cupids and Zephyrs are all sold out individually!!!

What is the attitude of the heroes towards love? Chatsky explains to Sophia, saying: “And yet I love you madly.” But Sophia, although she is the same age as him, is more of a Famusov society, rather than to supporters of Chatsky’s crazy ideas. Having a “bookish” upbringing, she prefers the quiet Molchalin to him, who loves her “by position.” To this, Chatsky accurately remarks: “After all, nowadays they love the dumb.”

By the end of the comedy, the situation is heating up, and more and more representatives of old Moscow are speaking out against Chatsky. Sophia does not accept his advances. He is left all alone. Why? Because the environment of people in which he found himself is very conservative. It lives by its own laws, which do not suit such an honest and decent Chatsky. He does not accept them, therefore, society does not accept Chatsky himself. He is an innovator at his core, a supporter of reforms, and Famus society does not accept them as such. It is not surprising that Chatsky is declared crazy. After all, in the eyes of old Moscow, with his crazy ideas and revealing speeches, this is exactly what he looks like. In despair, he pronounces his last monologue:

So! I have completely sobered up

Dreams out of sight - and the veil fell;

Now it wouldn't be a bad thing

For daughter and father

And for a foolish lover,

And pour out all the bile and all the frustration to the whole world.

“The present century” and “the past century.”
In the comedy “Woe from Wit,” written at the beginning of the 19th century, A. S. Griboyedov touches on many serious issues of social life, morality, and culture that are relevant in the era of the change of centuries, when social foundations are changing and contradictions between representatives of the “present century” and "the century of the past."
In the work there are people from different societies, from Famusov and Khlestova to serf servants. The representative of an advanced, revolutionary-minded society is Alexander Andreevich Chatsky; he is opposed to the conservative Famus society, which includes both the older generation (Skalozub, Khryumina) and young people (Sofya, Molchalin). “The past century” is not only an indicator of age, but also a system of outdated views.
So what are the main contradictions between the “present century” and the “past century”?
Members of the Famus society value a person only by origin, wealth, and position in society. Their ideals are people like Maxim Petrovich, an arrogant nobleman and a “hunter of indecency.” All character traits The veneration of rank of that time is clearly expressed in the image of Mochalin: he is silent, afraid to express his opinion, seeks the favor of everyone whose rank is higher than his own, in order to become an important official, he is ready to do a lot. For Chatsky the main thing human quality is rich spiritual world. He communicates with those who are really interesting to him and does not curry favor with the guests of Famusov’s house.
The goal of life for Pavel Afanasyevich and others like him is career and enrichment. Nepotism is common in their circles. Socialites serve not for the benefit of the state, but for personal gain, this is confirmed by the statement of Colonel Skalozub:
Yes, to get ranks, there are many channels;
I judge them as a true philosopher:
I just wish I could become a general.
Chatsky, on the other hand, does not want to serve “persons”; it was he who made the statement: “I would be glad to serve, but it’s sickening to be served.”
Alexander Andreevich is a well-educated person. He spent three years abroad, which changed his worldview. Chatsky is the bearer of new, revolutionary ideas, but it is everything new and progressive that frightens Famus society, and these people see the source of “freethinking” in education:
Learning is the plague, learning is the reason,
What's worse now than ever?
There were crazy people, deeds, and thoughts.
Society saw in Chatsky a person who contradicted basic moral principles, which is why the rumor about his madness spread so quickly, and it was not difficult for anyone to believe in him.
Representatives of two centuries have different views on love. Famusov managed to benefit from the brightest and purest feeling: for his daughter, he chose Skalozub as her husband, who “is a golden bag and aims to be a general.” It is clear that with such an attitude, oh true love there is no need to talk. Chatsky kept for many years sincere feelings to Sophia. Returning to Moscow, he hoped for reciprocity, but Sophia found herself under the strong influence of her father’s society, and also, having read French novels, she found herself “both a husband-boy and a husband-servant” Molchalin, and he, in turn, with the help of Sophia, was going to receive another rank:
And now I take the form of a lover
To please the daughter of such a man
The only time the opinions of Famusov and Chatsky coincide is on the issue of the influence of foreigners on Russia, but each has their own reasons. Chatsky says how true patriot, he is an opponent of “empty, slavish, blind imitation” of foreigners, he is disgusted to listen to the speech of the people of Famusov’s society, where “a mixture of languages: French and Nizhny Novgorod” dominated. Famusov has a negative attitude towards foreigners only because he is a father, and his daughter might accidentally marry some Frenchman:
And all the Kuznetsky Bridge and the eternal French,
From there fashion comes to us, both authors and muses:
Robbers of pockets and hearts.
In a clash with Famus society, Chatsky is defeated, but he remains undefeated, as he understands the need to fight the “past century.” He believes that the future belongs to his fellow souls.

  • The comedy by A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit” reflected with amazing accuracy the main conflict of the era - the clash of conservative forces of society with new people and new trends. For the first time in the history of Russian literature, not one vice of society was ridiculed, but all at once: serfdom, emerging bureaucracy, careerism, sycophancy, martinet, low level of education, admiration for everything foreign, servility, the fact that in society it is not the personal qualities of a person that are valued, but “two thousand tribal souls,” rank, money.
  • The main representative of the “present century” in comedy is Alexander Andreevich Chatsky - a young man, well educated, who realized that although the “smoke of the Fatherland” is “sweet and pleasant,” much in the life of Russia needs to be changed, and, first of all, the consciousness of people.
  • The hero is opposed by the so-called “Famus society”, which is dominated by fear of progressive ideas and free-thinking thoughts. His chief representative- Famusov is an official, a smart person in everyday life, but an ardent opponent of everything new and progressive.


This century

The past century

Attitude to wealth, to ranks

“They found protection from the court in friends, in kinship, building magnificent chambers where they indulge in feasts and extravagance, and where the foreign clients of their past lives do not resurrect the meanest traits,” “And for those who are higher, flattery is like weaving lace...”

“Be poor, but if you get enough, two thousand family souls, that’s the groom”

Attitude to service

“I’d be glad to serve, it’s sickening to be served”, “Uniform! one uniform! In their former life, he once covered, embroidered and beautiful, their weakness, their poverty of mind; And we follow them on a happy journey! And in wives and daughters there is the same passion for the uniform! How long ago did I renounce tenderness towards him?! Now I can’t fall into this childish behavior...”

“And for me, no matter what’s the matter, what’s not the matter, my custom is this: it’s signed, then off your shoulders.”

Attitude towards foreign

“And where foreign clients will not resurrect the meanest traits of their past lives.” “As from an early time we were accustomed to believe that without the Germans there was no salvation for us.”

“The door is open for those invited and uninvited, especially for foreigners.”

Attitude towards education

“What, now, just like in ancient times, are they bothering to recruit more teachers from regiments, at a cheaper price? ... we are ordered to recognize everyone as a historian and geographer.”

“They would take all the books and burn them,” “Learning is a plague, learning is the reason that now, more than ever, there are more crazy people, deeds, and opinions.”

Attitude to serfdom

“That Nestor is a noble scoundrel, surrounded by a crowd of servants; zealous, they saved his honor and life more than once in the hours of wine and fights: suddenly, he exchanged three greyhounds for them!!!”

Famusov is a defender of the old century, the heyday of serfdom.

Attitude to Moscow morals and pastimes

“And who in Moscow hasn’t had their mouths gagged at lunch, dinner and dance?”

“I’m called to Praskovya Fedorovna’s house on Tuesday for trout,” “On Thursday I’m called to a funeral,” “Or maybe on Friday, or maybe on Saturday, I have to baptize at the widow’s, at the doctor’s.”

Attitude towards nepotism, patronage

“And who are the judges?” - For ancient times free life their enmity is irreconcilable..."

“When I have employees, strangers are very rare, more and more sisters, sisters-in-law and children.”

Attitude to freedom of judgment

“For mercy, you and I are not guys, why are other people’s opinions only sacred?”

Learning is the plague, learning is the cause. What is worse now than before, crazy people and affairs and opinions

Attitude towards love

Sincerity of feeling

“Be bad, but if there are two thousand family souls, that’s the groom.”

Chatsky’s ideal is a free, independent person, alien to slavish humiliation.

Famusov’s ideal is a nobleman of the Catherine century, “hunters of indecency”

In his comedy, Griboyedov deliberately collides the “present century” and the “past century.” For what? In order to expose the problems of both centuries. But there are many problems in Russia - serfdom, upbringing and education of youth, promotion to ranks. The present century is represented by the young nobleman Chatsky, who was educated in Europe. He wants to apply the acquired knowledge in Russia. But, alas, Russia lives in the past century with its terrible, ugly plague - serfdom. The past century represented by conservative feudal lords led by Famusov. They are not going to give up their positions without a fight. And so the swords of a verbal duel crossed, only sparks fly.

The first round is the attitude towards wealth and rank. Young people are ready and want to serve Russia. “I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.” This is Chatsky's slogan. What can Famusov offer in response? Hereditary service. His ideal is the dense uncle Maxim Petrovich (and where did he find him)? He served under Catherine the Great, and it doesn’t matter that he was a stupid buffoon.

Round two - attitude to education issues. Famusov's attack - education is not needed, it is scary, like the plague. Educated people are dangerous and scary. But following the fashion, they hire foreign teachers. Chatsky counters - he sees Russia as educated, enlightened, cultural. Somewhat reminiscent of the ideas of the early Decembrists.

Round three - attitude towards serfdom. Chatsky is indignant - he does not understand how people sell people like cattle, change them, play cards with them, separate families, send them to distant cold Siberia. For Famusov, this is common practice.

“The Past Century,” as is often customary in Russia, fights not according to the rules, not fairly. If you lose to your opponent, you need to neutralize him for a while and take him out of the game. Everything is simple and tastefully made by the hands of a once beloved woman. So as not to interfere with her and others living in the old way, she publicly slandered Chatsky, saying that he was mentally ill. It’s good that he’s not violently insane, otherwise he’d be completely isolated from society. And what to take from a sick person? He doesn't know what he's saying.

In fact, there is no one to support Chatsky. He has no comrades-in-arms, and he alone cannot cope with Famusov and others like him. The play mentions people who, from the point of view of the Famus company, are strange. This is Skalozub's cousin, reading books in the village. Yes, Prince Fedor, to whom the label “chemist and botanist” was firmly stuck. What is funny and shameful about this is not clear. Repetilov confidentially reports that he is a member of some society. Nobody knows what they are doing there. “We make noise,” as Repetilov himself puts it about his activities.

Humiliated, insulted, but not defeated, Chatsky has no choice but to leave this city and the people who slandered and rejected him.

Option 2

The story was completed by 1824. At this time, disagreements over views were growing between people in different strata of society. Literally a year later, the Decembrists rebelled and this happened approximately because of an emerging problem. Those who supported everything new, reforms, changes in both politics and literature, stood against conservative-minded relatives.

Chatsky was approximately as liberal-minded as he was, literally personifying youth, ardor and the desire for change. And Famusov, like all older people, was inclined to believe that “it was better before,” and therefore he advocated preserving this “before.” When Chatsky had to return to the capital, the first thing that caught his eye was that Sophia began to speak just like her father. The words of his beloved hurt, but the young man understood the power of propaganda that fell in powerful waves on Sophia from her father.

Actually, the first clash between the “past century” and the “present” occurred on the basis of military service. For Famusov, service is only a way to earn money. What is noteworthy: earning money at any cost. He doesn’t care that sometimes he has to accommodate higher ranks, but Chatsky has a different attitude. Having succinctly and a little rudely said the phrase “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to be served,” he clearly explained his position. He literally has an aversion to the blind worship of foreign things, veneration of rank, and serfdom, which are so dear to the Famus circle.

Famusov's friends, in turn, consider Sophia's lover to be an extravagant, insane, sloppy dandy in his actions and words. And now, you can imagine how difficult it was for Sophia: on the one hand, her father promotes foreign writers and everything else, and on the other, the young man talks about the uselessness of foreign teachers.

Thus, through the mouth of Chatsky, Griboyedov himself spoke to the people about the need for change. He tried in vain to convey that everything that exists in Russia is already good, that they have their own teachers, much better than foreign ones. And creativity... Griboyedov decided to prove by his own example that creativity is better in Russia.

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1. Introduction

a) representatives of the “past century”;

b) representatives of the “present century”.

2. Main part:

a) Chatsky’s point of view;

b) Famusov’s point of view;

c) conflict resolution.

3. Conclusion.

In the comedy "" by A.S. Griboyedov shows the conflict of the “present century” represented by Chatsky and the “past century” represented by the “Famusov society”. This main conflict, to whom the entire play is dedicated; No wonder Goncharov critical article“A Million Torments” writes that “Chatsky begins new Age- and this is his whole meaning and his whole “mind”. Thus, even the title of the work indicates that, first of all, Griboyedov wanted to show the collision of two centuries.

“The Past Century” is, of course, the Famusovs. Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, an elderly nobleman and official with money, and his daughter, Sofia Pavlovna Famusova, an educated and pretty young girl. This should also include Colonel Skalozub, as well as almost all minor characters comedies: the Tugoukhovsky couple, Mrs. Khlestova and others. All together they form the “Famus society”, the personification of the “past century”.

"The present century" - . Others are fleetingly mentioned, as if heroes similar in thinking to him: Skalozub’s cousin, Prince Fyodor - these young people also strive to live a different life, different from the life of “Famus society”. However, there is a significant difference between them and Chatsky: Chatsky is an accuser and an irreconcilable fighter, while these characters do not impose their point of view on anyone.

The collision between Famusov and Chatsky inevitably leads to a collision of the centuries to which they belong. According to Pavel Afanasyevich, Chatsky should take up service - Famusov sees in young man good makings for a brilliant career, besides, Alexander Andreevich is the son of his friend, so Famusov is extremely friendly towards him. Chatsky is also glad to return home, not yet knowing how this return will end; he is glad to see Famusov, but is not ready to share his views: “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to be served.”

A young nobleman, after traveling around Europe, sees all too clearly all the frightening flaws of the Motherland: destructive for human souls serfdom, imitation of foreigners, “subversion”, stupid and absurd “love of uniform”... each of these flaws raises a sincere protest in him, and Chatsky breaks out into another fiery tirade. His famous monologues “And sure enough, the world has begun to grow stupid”, “I won’t come to my senses...”, “Who are the judges?” - a desperate attempt to make people see what false ideals they follow, how they curtain their windows from the rays of a bright future with their own hands. Famusov is disappointed in Chatsky. “The little one with the head” refuses to follow generally accepted traditions, acts as an exposer and even an insult to the values ​​of “Famus society.” “Everything has its own laws,” and Chatsky diligently violates these laws, and then mocks them.

Of course, a worthy representative of Moscow society cannot tolerate this, and every now and then asks Chatsky to remain silent for his own good. Oddly enough, the most terrible, decisive clash does not occur between Pavel Afansevich and Chatsky. Yes, they are developing the conflict of centuries, demonstrating different views on the order in society, but it is not Famusov who will put an end to the conflict, but his daughter. , who was dearly loved by Chatsky to the last, not only exchanged him for the obliging hypocritical Molchalin, but also unwittingly became the culprit of his expulsion - it was because of her that Chatsky began to be considered crazy. Or rather, she just wanted to start a rumor in order to take revenge on him for ridiculing Molchalin, but the “Famus society” too readily picked it up and believed: after all, the madman is not dangerous, all his accusatory, terrible speeches for the “bygone century” can be attributed to clouding of reason...

So, “the present century” and the “past century” could not help but come into conflict because of too different, contradictory views on the correct structure of society and the behavior of people in it. And although in the comedy Chatsky flees Moscow, admitting his defeat, the “Famus society” does not have long left. Goncharov writes about it this way: “Chatsky is broken by the amount of old strength, inflicting a mortal blow on it in turn with the quality of fresh strength.”