Epic tales of Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber. Epics, legends and talesIlya of Murom and the Nightingale the Robber. Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka - Russian folk tale

Ilya left Murom early and early, and he wanted to get to the capital Kyiv-grad by lunchtime. His fast horse gallops a little lower than the walking cloud, higher than the standing forest. And quickly the hero arrived to the city of Chernigov. And near Chernigov there is a countless enemy force. There is no pedestrian or horse passage. Enemy hordes are approaching the fortress walls, planning to overwhelm and ruin Chernigov. Ilya rode up to the countless army and began to beat the rapist invaders like mowing grass. And with a sword, and a spear, and a heavy club [A club is a war club.], and a heroic horse tramples enemies. And he soon nailed and trampled that great enemy force.
The gates in the fortress wall opened, the Chernigovites came out, bowed low to the hero and called him the governor of Chernigov-grad.
“Thank you for the honor, men of Chernigov, but I don’t want to sit as a governor in Chernigov,” answered Ilya Ivanovich. – I’m in a hurry to the capital Kyiv-grad. Show me the straight path!
- You are our deliverer, glorious Russian hero, the direct road to Kyiv-grad is overgrown and walled up. The roundabout route is now used on foot and on horseback. Near Black Mud, near the Smorodinka River, Nightingale the Robber, Odikhmantiev’s son, settled. The robber sits on twelve oak trees. The villain whistles like a nightingale, screams like an animal, and from the whistling of the nightingale and from the cry of the animal, all the ant-grass withered, the azure flowers crumbled, dark forests It's leaning towards the ground, and people are lying dead! Don't go that way, glorious hero!

Ilya did not listen to the Chernigovites and went straight ahead. He approaches the Smorodinka River and the Black Mud.
The Nightingale the Robber noticed him and began to whistle like a nightingale, screamed like an animal, and the villain hissed like a snake. The grass withered, the flowers fell off, the trees bowed to the ground, and the horse under Ilya began to stumble. The hero got angry and swung a silk whip at the horse.

- Why are you, a wolf's feed [Syt - food, food], grass bag, starting to stumble? Apparently you haven’t heard the whistle of a nightingale, the thorn of a snake or the cry of an animal?

He himself grabbed a tight, explosive bow and shot at the Nightingale the Robber, wounding the monster’s right eye and right hand, and the villain fell to the ground. The hero tied the robber to the stirrup and drove Nightingale across the open field past Nightingale’s lair. The sons and daughters saw how they were carrying their father, tied to the stirrup, grabbed swords and spears, and ran to rescue the Nightingale the Robber. And Ilya scattered them, scattered them and, without hesitation, began to continue his path.
Ilya arrived in the capital Kyiv-grad, to the wide princely courtyard. And the glorious Prince Vladimir - Krasno Solnyshko with the popliteal princes [Podlitelny - here: subordinate.], with the honorable boyars and the mighty heroes, had just sat down at the dinner table.
Ilya parked his horse in the middle of the yard and entered the dining room himself. He laid down the cross in the written way, bowed on four sides in a learned way, and made a special appearance to the Grand Duke himself.
Prince Vladimir began to ask:
- Where are you from, good fellow, what is your name, what is your patronymic?
– I am from the city of Murom, from the suburban village of Karacharova, Ilya Muromets.
How long ago, good fellow, did you leave Murom?
“I left Murom early in the morning,” answered Ilya, “I wanted to be in time for mass in Kyiv-grad, but on the way, I was late on the way.” And I was driving straight along the road past the city of Chernigov, past the Smorodinka River and Black Mud.
The prince frowned, frowned, and looked unkindly:
“You, peasant hillbilly, are mocking us to our face!” There is an enemy army near Chernigov - a countless force, and there is no passage or passage for either foot or horse. And from Chernigov to Kyiv the straight road has long been overgrown and foggy. Near the river Smorodinka and Black Mud, the robber Nightingale, Odikhmantiev’s son, sits on twelve oak trees, and does not allow anyone on foot or on horseback to pass. Not even a falcon bird can fly there!
Ilya Muromets responds to those words:

Near Chernigov, the enemy army lies beaten and fought, and the Nightingale the Robber is in your yard, wounded, tied to a stirrup.
Prince Vladimir jumped out from behind the table, threw a marten coat over one shoulder, a sable hat over one ear, and ran out onto the red porch. I saw the Nightingale the Robber, tied to his stirrup:
- Whistle, Nightingale, like a nightingale, scream, dog, like an animal, hiss, robber, like a snake!
“It was not you, prince, who captivated me and defeated me.” Ilya Muromets won and captivated me. And I won’t listen to anyone but him.
“Order, Ilya Muromets,” says Prince Vladimir. - whistle, shout, hiss to the Nightingale!
Ilya Muromets ordered:
- Whistle, Nightingale, half the whistle of a nightingale, scream half the cry of an animal, hiss half the thorn of a snake!
- From a bloody wound. “The Nightingale says,” my mouth is dry. You ordered me to pour a glass of green wine, not a small glass - one and a half buckets, and then I will amuse the princes of Vladimir.
They brought the Nightingale the Robber a glass of green wine. The villain took the charm with one hand and drank the charm as one spirit. After that, he whistled with a full whistle like a nightingale, screamed with a full cry like an animal, and hissed with a full thorn like a snake. Here the domes on the towers became crooked, and the windows [Okolenki - window frame, window frame.] in the towers crumbled, all the people who were in the yard lay dead. Vladimir the Prince of Stolno-Kiev covers himself with a marten fur coat and crawls around.
Ilya Muromets got angry. He mounted his good horse and took the Nightingale the Robber out into the open field:
– You’re full of ruining people, villain! - And he cut off the head of the Nightingale.
This is how long the Nightingale the Robber lived in the world. That's where the story ended.

Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber online- an opportunity to enjoy an excellent Russian fairy tale with your children. The cartoon talks about outstanding hero Rus', who always protects the poor and helps defenseless compatriots defend their rights. This time he will have to single-handedly repel a scoundrel named Nightingale the Robber. With his whistle, he forces all innocent people to hide in the back streets and give away their acquired goods. Only a large and strong knight is able to resist his power, who is not afraid to fight the horde of Nightingale’s assistants and his mystical abilities, to blow away everything from his path.

Ilya Muromets is ready for a feat!

The brave Ilya Muromets has already won many victories over his enemies. However, he had never encountered such a dangerous and insidious opponent. Nightingale the Robber feels that he does not have to pay for his crimes. The Prince of Kiev cannot do anything about his attacks and constant tricks. Nightingale regularly attacks foreign principalities and robs the treasury. All that remains for the king is to turn to Ilya for help. He, in turn, just began to enjoy a simple, measured life with his beloved. Watching a cartoon about Ilya Muromets is useful for children because it reveals the concept of responsibility, because the main character has to fulfill his duties, regardless of his desires.

Duty calls!

And so, the main characters, including the king and the horse Julius, set off on a new journey. Together with his beloved, Ilya Muromets sails the sea in order to return the property of her loved ones. He is ready to fight for the property that belongs to his compatriots. The hero knows the responsibility, but things are not that simple. Nightingale the Robber is a cunning criminal who is accustomed to living off the labors of others. He does not intend to give up the stolen property without a fight. The heroes will have to go through many tests to get to the evil genius, who can destroy all living things with a whistle in a matter of seconds. Even adults will be interested in watching the adventures of Ilya Muromets for free.

Russian folk tale about the hero Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber will be of interest to both children and adults. It tells about the glorious hero Ilya from Murom, who caught the Nightingale the Robber and took him to Kyiv to Prince Vladimir.

Read online Russian folk tale Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber

Ilya Muromets gallops at full speed. His horse, Burushka-Kosmatushka, jumps from mountain to mountain, jumps over rivers and lakes, and flies over hills. They galloped to the Bryn forests; Burushka could not ride any further: the swamps were swampy, and the horse was drowning in water up to its belly. Ilya jumped off his horse. He supports Burushka with his left hand, and right hand It tears up oak trees by the roots and lays oak floorings across the swamp. Ilya laid out decks for thirty miles - good people still ride on them.

So Ilya reached the Smorodina River. The river flows wide, turbulent, and rolls from stone to stone. The horse Burushka neighed, soared higher than the dark forest and jumped over the river in one bound. And across the river the Nightingale the Robber sits on three oak trees, on nine branches. Neither a falcon will fly past those oak trees, nor a beast will run, nor a snake will crawl past them. Everyone is afraid of the Nightingale the Robber, no one wants to die... The Nightingale heard the gallop of a horse, stood up on the oak trees, and shouted in a terrible voice:

What kind of ignoramus is driving here, past my protected oak trees? Doesn't let the Robber Nightingale sleep!

Yes, as he whistled like a nightingale, roared like an animal, hissed like a snake, the whole earth trembled, the hundred-year-old oaks swayed, the flowers fell off, the grass lay down. Burushka-Kosmatushka fell to his knees. And Ilya sits in the saddle, does not move, the light brown curls on his head do not tremble. He took a silk whip and hit the horse on the steep sides.

You are a bag of grass, not a heroic horse. Have you not heard the squeak of a bird, the hiss of a viper? Get on your feet, take me closer to the Nightingale’s Nest, or I’ll throw you to the wolves.

Then Burushka jumped to his feet and galloped towards the Nightingale’s nest. The Nightingale the Robber was surprised

- What is this?

He leaned out of the nest. And Ilya, without hesitating for a minute, pulled his tight bow and released a hardened arrow, a small arrow weighing a whole pound. The bowstring howled, the arrow flew, hit the Nightingale in the right eye, and flew out through the left ear. The Nightingale rolled out of the nest like a sheaf of oats. Ilya picked him up in his arms, tied him tightly with rawhide straps, and tied him to the left stirrup.

The Nightingale looks at Ilya, afraid to say a word.

Why are you looking at me, robber, or have you never seen Russian heroes?

Oh, I’m in strong hands, I’ll probably never be free again!

Ilya galloped further along the straight road and rode to the farmstead of the Nightingale the Robber. He has a courtyard of seven miles, on seven pillars, he has an iron fence around him, on each stamen there is a crown, on each crown there is the head of a slain hero. And in the courtyard there are white stone chambers, gilded porches burning like heat.

Nightingale’s daughter saw the heroic horse and shouted to the whole yard:

Our father Solovey Rakhmanovich is riding, riding, carrying a peasant villager at his stirrup.

The wife of the Nightingale the Robber looked out the window and clasped her hands:

What are you saying, foolish one! This is a country man riding and carrying our father, Solovy Rakhmanovich, at the stirrup!

Nightingale’s eldest daughter, Pelka, ran out into the yard, grabbed an iron board weighing ninety pounds and threw it at Ilya Muromets. But Ilya was dexterous and evasive, he waved the board away with a heroic hand, the board flew back, hit Pelka and killed her to death. Nightingale’s wife threw herself at Ilya’s feet:

Take from us, hero, silver, gold, priceless pearls, as much as your heroic horse can carry, just release our father, Nightingale the Robber.

Ilya says to her in response:

I don’t need unjust gifts. They were obtained with the tears of children, they were watered with Russian blood, acquired by peasant need. Like a robber in the hands - he is always your friend, but if you let him go, you will cry with him again. I’ll take Nightingale to Kyiv-Gorod, where I’ll drink kvass and make kalachi.

Ilya turned his horse and galloped towards Kyiv. The Nightingale fell silent and did not move. Ilya is driving around Kyiv, approaching the princely chambers. He tied the horse to a chiseled post, left the Nightingale the Robber on it, and he himself went to the bright room. There, Prince Vladimir is having a feast, Russian heroes are sitting at the tables. Ilya entered, bowed, and stood at the threshold:

Hello, Prince Vladimir and Princess Apraxia, are you receiving a visiting young man?

Vladimir Red Sun asks him:

Where are you from, good fellow, what is your name? What tribe are you?

My name is Ilya. I'm from near Murom. Peasant son from the village of Karacharova. I was driving from Chernigov along a straight, wide road. I brought you, prince, the Nightingale the Robber, he is tied to my horse in your yard. Wouldn't you like to take a look at him?

The prince and princess and all the heroes jumped up from their seats and hurried after Ilya to the prince’s court. They ran up to Burushka-Kosmatushka. And the robber hangs by the stirrup, hanging with a grass bag, his hands and feet tied with straps. With his left eye he looks at Kyiv and Prince Vladimir.

Prince Vladimir tells him:

Come on, whistle like a nightingale, roar like an animal!

The Nightingale the Thief does not look at him, does not listen:

It was not you who took me in battle, it is not you who ordered me.

Then Prince Vladimir asks Ilya Muromets:

Order him, Ilya Ivanovich.

Okay, but don’t be angry with me, prince, I’ll cover you and the princess with the skirts of my peasant caftan, no matter how much trouble there is. And you, Solovey Rakhmanovich, do as you are ordered.

I can’t whistle, my mouth is caked.

Give the Nightingale Chara a bucket and a half of sweet wine, and another of bitter beer, and a third of intoxicating honey, give him a snack of rye roll, then he will whistle and amuse us...

They gave the Nightingale a drink, fed it, and the Nightingale got ready to whistle.

Look, Nightingale,” says Ilya, “don’t you dare whistle at the top of your voice, but whistle half-whistle, growl half-roar, otherwise it will be bad for you.”

Nightingale did not listen to the order of Ilya Muromets, he wanted to ruin Kyiv City, he wanted to kill the prince and princess and all the Russian heroes. He whistled like a nightingale, roared like a snake, and hissed like a snake.

What happened here! The turrets on the towers became crooked, the porches fell off the walls, the glass in the upper rooms burst, the horses ran away from the stables, all the heroes fell to the ground and crawled around the yard on all fours. Prince Vladimir himself is barely alive, staggering, hiding under Ilya’s caftan.

Ilya got angry with the robber:

I told you to amuse the prince and princess, but you did so much trouble. Well, now I’ll pay you off for everything. You are full of offending fathers and mothers, you are full of widowing young women, you are full of orphaning children, you are full of robberies. Ilya took a sharp saber and cut off the Nightingale’s head. Here the end of the Nightingale came.

Thank you, Ilya Muromets, says Vladimir the Prince. - Stay in my squad, you will be a senior hero, a boss over other heroes. And live with us in Kyiv, live forever, from now until death.

Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber- Russian epic about a mighty hero and an evil robber. The text of the epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” can be read online in full, or downloaded in PDF or DOC format.
Listen to the epic“Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” online will appeal to children of any age. If you wish, you can download the audiobook to your device in MP3 format for free.
Print text epics “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” are convenient for sight reading, memorization or performance children's performance based on Russian folk epics.
Summary epics “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”: From Murom, and the village of Karacharova, the hero Ilya Muromets rode to the capital Kyiv-grad. One road was a long detour, and the other was half as long. But no one drove along it, passed through, or flew over it. It is overgrown with grass, and the culprit is the Nightingale the Robber, who whistles like a nightingale and screams like an animal. But his hero was not afraid, he mounted his good horse and rode to the Smorodina River. The Nightingale the Robber began to whistle and shout, scaring the hero. Ilya Muromets pulled a tight bowstring and shot an arrow straight into the right eye of the Nightingale Robber. He lowered him to the ground, chained him to a stirrup, and drove him across the field, past the Nightingale House, to Kyiv City. He came to Prince Vladimir in the wide courtyard and told him that he had caught the Nightingale the Robber. The prince did not believe it at first, and then asked the Nightingale to whistle. The robber did not listen to his order, he ordered him to bring wine and orders from Ilya Muromets. The hero allowed him to whistle at full strength, but Nightingale did not listen to him and whistled at full strength. From his whistle, the tops of churches became crooked, and people fell dead. Ilya Muromets got angry, took the Nightingale the Robber to an open field, and cut off his violent head.
Main characters epics “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”: Ilya Muromets is a mighty hero, strong not only physically, but also in spirit. Loves his native land and is always ready to protect her from enemies and robbers. The Nightingale Robber is a humanoid creature with super powers. Evil, cunning, treacherous.
Main idea epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" is that kind person strong in spirit and by faith no evil force can conquer.
What does it teach epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”: Teaches courage, honor, dignity. Be courageous, be able to protect yourself, others, and your homeland.

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Epic Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber read

Either from the city of Murom,
From that village and Karacharova
A remote, portly, kind fellow was leaving.
He stood at Matins in Murom,
And he wanted to be in time for lunch in the capital Kyiv-grad.
Yes, he drove up to the glorious city of Chernigov.
Is it near the city of Chernigov?
The forces are caught up in black and black,
And it’s as black as a black crow.
So no one walks here like infantry,
No one rides here on a good horse,
The black raven bird does not fly by,
Let the gray beast not prowl.
And he approached as if to a great powerhouse,
How did he become this great powerhouse,
He began to trample with his horse and began to stab with a spear,
And he beat this great force.

He drove up to the glorious city of Chernigov,
The peasants came out and here Chernigov
And they opened the gates to Chernigov-grad,
And they call him a governor in Chernigov.
Ilya tells them these words:
- Hey guys, you are from Chernigov!
I am not coming to you as a commander in Chernigov.
Show me the straight path,
I'm going straight to the capital Kyiv-grad.
The peasants spoke to him in Chernigov style:
- You, a remote, portly, kind fellow,
Oh, you glorious hero and Holy Russian!
The straight path is blocked,
The path was blocked up and walled up.
Should I take the straight path?
Yes, no one walked by the infantry,
No one rode by on a good horse.
Like that one or Gryazi or Black one,
Yes, whether it’s near the birch tree or the gag,
Is it near that river near Smorodina,
At that cross near Levanidov
Nightingale the Robber sits on a damp oak tree,
The Nightingale the Robber of Odikhmantiev's son is sitting.
Otherwise the Nightingale whistles like a nightingale,
He screams, the villainous robber, like an animal,
And is it from him or from the nightingale's whistle,
And is it from him or from the cry of an animal?
All those ant grasses are tangled up,
All the azure flowers fall off,
The dark forests all bow to the ground, -

The straight road is five hundred miles away,
And along the roundabout path - as many as a thousand.

He unleashed a good horse and a heroic one,
He took the straight path.

He began to jump from mountain to mountain,
He began to swing from hill to hill,
There were small rivers and little lakes between my legs.
He drives up to the river near Smorodina,
Yes, to the one he is to the Dirt, he is to the Black one,
Yes, to that birch tree, to the curse,
To that glorious cross to Levanidov.
The Nightingale whistled like a nightingale,
The villain-robber screamed like an animal -
So all the grass-ants were entwined,
Yes, the azure flowers fell off,
The dark forests all bowed to the ground.

His good horse and heroic
And he stumbles on the roots -
And how old - from the Cossack and Ilya Muromets
He takes a silk whip in his white hand,
And he hit the horse and on the steep ribs,
He, Ilya, spoke, these are the words:
- Oh, you wolf's fill and a bag of grass!
Or don’t you want to go, or can’t carry it?
Why are you stumbling on the roots, dog?
Have you heard the nightingale whistle,
Have you heard the cry of an animal?
Have you seen any heroic blows?

Yes, he takes his tight, explosive bow,
He takes it in his own hands.
He pulled the silken string,
And he put a red-hot arrow,
He shot at that Nightingale the Robber,
He knocked out his right eye with a pigtail,
He let the Nightingale fall to the damp ground,
He fastened it to the right one with a damask stirrup,
He drove him across the glorious open field,
He took a nightingale past the nest.

In that nest and the nightingale
And it happened that there were three daughters,
And his three beloved daughters.
Big daughter - this one looks out the window awkwardly,
She says these are the words:
- Our father is driving through an open field,
And he sits on a good horse,
And he's carrying a hillbilly peasant
Yes, the one on the right is chained to the stirrup.

Looked like another beloved daughter,

- Father is driving along the open field of the land,
Yes, he’s carrying a peasant hillbilly
Yes, I am chained to the right stirrup, -
His beloved little daughter looked at him,
She said these words:
- A rustic peasant is coming,
Yes, there is a man sitting on a good horse,
Yes, our father is lucky at the stirrup,
The damask one is chained to the stirrup -
His right eye with a pigtail was knocked out.

She said these words:
- And our beloved husbands!
Take the animal spears,
Yes, run to the open field in the expanse,
Yes, you beat the hillbilly peasant!

These husbands and their beloved ones,
There are sons-in-law and nightingales,
They grabbed me like animal horns,
And yes, they ran into an open field
Or to the peasant-hillbilly,
Yes, they want to kill the hillbilly peasant.

Nightingale the Robber of Odikhmantiev’s son tells them:
- Oh, my beloved sons-in-law!
Throw down the animal spears,
You call a man and a hillbilly,
Call the nightingale to your nest,
Yes, feed him some sugar,
Yes, you sing it with a drink of honey,
Yes, give him precious gifts!

These sons-in-law and nightingales
They threw away the animals' spears,
And the name of the man and the hillbilly
In that nest and the nightingale.

Yes, the guy, the hillbilly, didn’t listen,
And he’s driving through a glorious open field
Directly along the path to the capital Kyiv-grad.
He came to the glorious capital Kyiv city
And to the glorious prince in the wide courtyard.
And Vladimir the Prince, he left God’s church,
He came to the white stone chamber,
To your dining room in the little room,
He sat down to eat and drink and eat bread,
Eat bread and have lunch.
And here is the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets
He stood his horse in the middle of the yard,
He himself goes to the white-stone chambers.
He walked into the dining room in the little room,
He swung the door on his heel.
He laid the cross in a written way,
He bowed like a scientist,
At all three, at four, he bowed low to the sides,
To Prince Vladimir himself especially,
He is also under the knees of all his princes.

Then Vladimir the Prince began to ask the young man:
- Just tell me, you’re a great, burly, kind fellow,
Somehow, well done, they call you by your name,
Call him a daring man after his fatherland?

The old Cossack and Ilya Muromets said:
- I am from the glorious city of Murom,
From that village and Karacharova,
I am an old Cossack and Ilya Muromets,
Ilya Muromets and son Ivanovich.

Vladimir says these words to him:
- Oh, old Cossack and Ilya Muromets!
How long have you left Murom?
And which road did you take to the capital Kyiv-grad?
Ilya spoke these words:
- Oh, you glorious Vladimir Stolno-Kyiv!
I stood at Matins of Christ in Murom,
And I wanted to be in time for lunch in the capital Kyiv-grad,
Then my path was slow.
And I was driving along the straight path,
I drove along the straight road past Chernigov-grad,
I drove past this Mud and past the Black one,
I pass by the glorious river Smorodina,
I’ll curse that glorious birch tree past,
The glorious Levanid cross rode past.

Vladimir spoke to him these words:
- Hey, what a hillbilly peasant,
In your eyes, man, you're playing tricks,
In your eyes, man, you're mocking!
Like the glorious city of Chernigov
A lot of force has been gathered here -
No one was walking around with infantry
And no one rode on a good horse,
The gray beast did not prowl there,
The black raven bird did not fly by.
Is it at that one or at Gryazi’s or at Chernoya’s,
Yes, by the glorious river near Smorodina,
And whether it’s near the birch tree or the gag,
At that cross near Levanidov
Nightingale sits Robber Odikhmantiev's son.
The way the Nightingale whistles, like a nightingale,
How the villain-robber screams like an animal -
Then all the grass-ants are entangled,
And the azure flowers fall away,
The dark forests all bow to the ground,
And as far as people are concerned, they are all lying dead.

Ilya spoke to him and these are the words:
- You, Vladimir the Prince of Stolno-Kiev!
Nightingale the Robber in your yard.
His right eye with a braid was knocked out,
And he is chained to a damask stirrup.

That Vladimir-prince-from Stolno-Kyiv
He quickly got up and on his quick legs,
He threw his marten fur coat over one shoulder,
Then he wears a sable cap on one ear,
He goes out into his own wide yard
Look at Nightingale the Robber.
Prince Vladimir spoke, and these are the words:
- Whistle, Nightingale, you sound like a nightingale,
Cry like an animal, you dog.

The Nightingale, the Robber Odikhmantiev’s son, said to him:
- It’s not with you that I’m having lunch today, Prince.
It’s not you that I want to listen to.
I dined with the old Cossack Ilya Muromets,
Yes, I want to listen to him.

He spoke like Prince Vladimir of Stolno-Kiev.

Just order the Nightingale to whistle like a nightingale,
Just order me to scream like an animal.
Ilya spoke and these are the words:
- Oh, Nightingale the Robber Odikhmantiev’s son!
Whistle like a nightingale's whistle,
Scream like an animal.

Solovoy the Robber Odikhmantiev’s son told him:
- Oh, you old Cossack Ilya Muromets!
My bloody wounds are sealed,
Yes, my sugar lips don’t walk,
I can’t whistle like a nightingale,
I can’t scream like an animal.
And you tell Prince Vladimir
Pour me a glass of wine and some green wine.
I'll drink like a glass of green wine -
My bloody wounds will burst,
May my sugar lips part,
Yes, then I will whistle like a nightingale,
Yes, then I will scream like an animal.

Ilya spoke here to Prince Vladimir:
- You, Vladimir the Prince of Stolno-Kiev,
You go to your dining room in the little room,
Pour some green wine.
You are not a small foot - but a bucket and a half,
Bring it directly to the Nightingale to the Robber. -
That is Vladimir the Prince and Stolno-Kiev,
He quickly went to the dining room to his little room,
He poured a glass of green wine,
Yes, he’s not a small foot - yes, one and a half buckets,
He cultivated standing honeys,
He brought it to the Nightingale the Robber.
Nightingale the Robber Odikhmantiev's son
He accepted the glass from the prince with one hand,
Nightingale drank that glass in one breath.

He whistled like a Nightingale here in a nightingale way,
The Robber shouted like an animal -
The poppies on the towers have become crooked,
And the shrapnel in the towers scattered.
From him, from the nightingale's whistle,
And what are some people - they’re all lying dead,
And Vladimir the Prince of Stolno-Kyiv
He covers himself with a marten fur coat.

And here is the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets,
He quickly mounted his good horse,
And he was taking Nightingale to an open field,
And he cut off his head.
Ilya spoke and these are the words:
- You should whistle like a nightingale,
You're tired of screaming like an animal,
You're full of tears and fathers and mothers,
It's enough for you to make widows and young wives,
You really have to waste orphans and little children!
And here the Nightingale sings his glory,
And they sing his glory for centuries!

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Premiere: 12/28/2007

Duration: 1:15

Domestic cartoon created "on new way": unsurpassed humor and many comical situations. This work definitely gave new life Russian folk tales about heroes, princes, robbers and beauties.
The story tells the viewer how Ilya Muromets was at enmity with Nightingale the Robber and tormented the latter in every possible way. Neither cunning nor deceit helped the robber defeat the Russian hero - Ilyusha’s kindness and strength always prevail over Nightingale, and even the absurd actions of the prince, who dared to go on a campaign with the hero, are not a hindrance to him.

Cartoons cycle

1. Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmey (2004)
2. Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmey Gorynych (2006)
3. Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber (2007)
4. Three heroes and the Shamakhan queen (2010)
5. Three heroes on distant shores (2012)
6. Three heroes: Knight's move (2014)

Interesting facts

  • At one point in the film, namely in the port, the head of Alyosha Popovich is depicted on the bow of one of the ships. This is a reference to the first part of the trilogy about Russian heroes called “Alyosha...
  • At one point in the film, namely in the port, the head of Alyosha Popovich is depicted on the bow of one of the ships. This is a reference to the first part of the trilogy about Russian heroes called “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent.”
  • Many moments at the beginning of the cartoon parody modern democratic Russian politics.
  • After the first battle, Ilya says "I'll be back", which is a reference to the phrase "I'll be back".
  • Perhaps there is a reference to the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!" (Edition 7, On the boat). The scene where the Nightingale inflates the sail with a whistle is very similar to the one from “Well, wait a minute!”
  • The scene in which Nightingale tells Vasilevs and the executioner his story repeats the scene from the film “New Adventures of the Elusive”, when Ataman Burnash tells Kudasov and Ovechkin about the elusive avengers.