How to draw a beautiful snowflake step by step. How to easily draw a simple snowflake: step-by-step photos and video instructions. A snowflake has an even number of rays

1. When drawing leaves, note that the vein goes into the stalk. Note also that the midrib of some leaves divides them exactly in half.
To draw a leaf, first draw an oval. Then swipe midline and lightly outline both halves. Check the accuracy of the drawing, and then draw the halves more clearly. Now add cloves along the edges of the leaf.
When coloring a leaf, remember that the veins are lighter than the leaf itself.

2. You can start drawing an oak leaf with an oval narrowed downward. A vein runs through the middle of the oval, turning into the leaf stalk. The edges of an oak leaf resemble waves.

3. Let's start drawing a maple leaf by showing its shape. Then you need to find the node of all the veins of the leaf (a maple leaf has five main veins, around each of which there is, as it were, a separate leaf) and outline their direction. Then draw the jagged edges.

4. Now let's try to draw a branch with leaves. First, look at it: how many leaves are on the branch, how are they located relative to the branch, what size are they, are they all visible in their entirety, what is the shape of the leaves, which leaves seem darker, which are lighter, are the leaves the same color? Having answered these questions, proceed to drawing according to the first scheme.
As you begin the second stage, trace the direction of the veins and marginal notches on each leaf.
When painting the drawing, use light and shadow to show the volume and color of the leaves.

5. Drawing a tree should start from the trunk. The trunk is the thickest part of the tree. The trunk is thinner at the top and thicker at the bottom. The branches are located along the trunk and directed upward. The closer to the top of the tree, the shorter the tree branches.
After the trunk, draw large tree branches. They are drawn in the same way as a trunk: thinner at the top, thicker closer to the trunk. The branches on the trunk are at different distances.
Then we draw small branches that extend from the large ones. A lot of them. Small branches are drawn of the same thickness - they are thin, but in many trees they also stretch upward.

6. One of the most common trees in our country is birch. Before you draw it, look at it carefully. The peculiarity of birch branches is that they are quite thin, bend, hang down, and thicker branches are divided into even thinner branches. When the wind blows, the birch branches sway from side to side.

7. The silhouette of the Christmas tree resembles a triangle. When drawing it, you should remember that instead of leaves it has needles.

8. When drawing trees in a landscape, it should be taken into account that being away from the tree, we see only its general shape, which needs to be depicted.

Drawing trees is always very interesting and quite simple. The main thing is to know some rules and be observant. How to draw a tree? First of all, you need to know what kind of species or breed this is? How do the branches grow - straight, to the sides, down to the ground? What kind of crown does the plant have - lush, small, round, dense, triangular? The birch has its own crown silhouette, the pine has its own. In this lesson we will try to draw a tree step by step. You will understand how to correctly depict thick foliage, bark, and roots of a tree. This knowledge will be useful to you when you go plein air or want to draw something of your own.

  1. Take a thick sheet of watercolor paper, a simple pencil, and an eraser. If you want to draw a tree using the “wet” technique, then lightly moisten the sheet with water. This can be done with a wide soft brush or sponge. This technique will produce very beautiful stains and gradients. First, let's outline our tree with a pencil. Let's draw it with a lush green crown. In summer and spring, the trees are especially beautiful, the sun reflects from each leaf and they seem to glow. Let's draw the earth in a semicircle. Let us depict the tree itself with small roots. The tree is far away from the viewer, so the roots will appear small. We make the thickness of the branches such that the approximate sum of their thicknesses is equal to the trunk of our tree. The higher the branches are, the thinner they become. At the top of the crown the branches are the thinnest and youngest. We draw the crown of the tree in general, with an uneven circle.

  2. Now let’s designate the “floors” of the crown. If you look closely at any tree, each large branch creates a separate “tier”, a kind of mini-tree, and all together they form a lush crown. Each such “tier” has its own volume, they overlap each other, later we will denote this as a play of shadows and light.

  3. To make the tree look more organic, we will add elements of the landscape - the sky, clouds, as well as the shadow of the tree. We’ll just outline the clouds lightly with a pencil, then we’ll simply outline these areas of white paper with blue paint, and add a light shadow for volume. To prevent the tree trunk from looking smooth and boring, let's draw it as if it consists of many large branches. The texture of the bark will not be visible, so we will paint the tree trunk with color shades, without drawing out small details.

  4. Let's start painting with watercolors. We start with the crown of the tree and use transparent yellow-green paint to unevenly paint this area with a soft, wide brush. Here and there we leave white spots, somewhere we add thicker paint, but don’t overdo it. The grass on the ground will be cooler in shade, so add a little blue or blue. Let's outline the shadow of the tree. We paint the sky with a gradient of blue, the thickest shade at the top, gradually diluting the paint with water towards the horizon. We simply outline the clouds with a brush.

  5. Drawing shadows. We take a green shade with the addition of blue and “sculpt” the crown with short strokes. On the lower “floor” the shadows will be larger and darker; towards the top the brush strokes will become shorter and lighter. Carefully outline a couple of branches in the middle. We add volume to the tree trunk. The shadows throughout the picture are on the left. Using different shades of brown (with the addition of ocher, blue and a little green) we paint the tree bark, leaving white spots of light here and there. We also make shadows on the clouds - we paint the lower part of each cloud with a gray-blue tint.

  6. The most “delicious” stage is drawing the details. Now we need the thinnest brush. Go over all the shadows again and make them more saturated. The viewer's attention should be focused on the central part of the drawing; it must be drawn especially carefully to make it interesting to look at. Therefore, we add contrast to the branches, in the shadows on the crown and trunk of the tree. Using thin strokes we denote small branches deep in the crown. We draw the grass with light strokes (touch the paper with the brush and make a quick stroke with it moving away from you).

The watercolor drawing is completely ready. I hope it wasn’t too difficult for you to draw a tree, and that the lesson was informative and useful. Knowing these small artistic techniques, you can easily draw any tree you want.

In this lesson you will learn how to draw trees with a pencil. The question may seem tritely simple, but in fact it is difficult, because we are trying to make it as realistic as possible. The tree does not have any clear outlines, and the many branches and leaves make the work long and difficult. We will try to create the visual effect of a realistic tree using light and shadows.

How to draw trees with a pencil step by step

Step 1. So, I will show you how to draw an oak tree. And the first thing you have to do is outline the line of the ground, draw a trunk (usually an oak tree is thick, uneven, and the branches begin to grow low) and several large branches, from which you can draw a couple more small branches. Step 2. Then your tree needs to draw foliage and crown. This is an important point, since the shape of the crown determines the impression of the entire tree. In this picture I depicted it expanded in both directions, but you, of course, can illustrate it as you please. As for the leaves, you can make them smeared or, on the contrary, draw each leaf, it depends on what effect you want to achieve. Step 3. Next, we will add density to our foliage, which will make your tree more voluminous, which will give it lightness and liveliness. Here you need to take into account that the lower part of the crown is always a little darker than the upper part, which comes into direct contact with the sun's rays. Step 4. After this, we will highlight the contours of the tree trunk and branches emanating from it, coloring them with a pencil, and also add density to the leaves around the branches. Step 5. And let’s add the final touch to our drawing - we’ll draw the final outline of the crown and draw a shadow under the tree. I hope now you have an idea of ​​how to draw trees with a pencil. If you have ideas on how else you can draw a tree, write about it in the comments or. In the meantime, I have made a few more drawing lessons on landscapes especially for you. Try drawing it here.

Trees quite often become the subject of children's drawings. What picture of nature would be complete without trees? But trees are not as easy to draw as they seem, so it is better for novice artists to draw a tree step by step and first with a simple pencil. And only after completing the drawing with a pencil correctly, it will be possible to color it with paints. It is quite difficult to draw branches in a tree. They should be evenly spaced along the trunk and stretch upward towards the sun, and also have many small branches of branches inside. To make the tree look more beautiful in the picture, make the crown and trunk of the correct shape.
First, mark the lines of the branches, then make them almost invisible in the crown of foliage. The easiest way to learn how to draw a spruce. It has a fairly simple structure, but we will try to make the task more difficult. In this lesson we will draw a tree, step by step with a pencil.

1. Let's mark the tree trunk

First we need to mark the base of the branches and trunk. To do this, draw two main vertical lines in the middle of a sheet of paper. From them we will make branches for branches stretching upward, but at the next stage.

2. Contours of the main branches

Try to make the contours of the branches at slightly different distances from each other so that you do not end up with strict symmetry, which practically does not happen in nature.

3. Add small branches to the drawing

Further, from these main branch branches you need to make many more branches, of which there are many on any tree. But in our drawing everything is conditional, therefore, we should not draw too many of these branches. Don't do them symmetrically either. Leaves will be drawn on these future branches.

4. Let’s finally draw the entire tree, except for the leaves.

By preliminary contours let's outline actual sizes trunk and branches. To do this, circle main line two others, but not so smooth, since the surface of a tree is only smooth on a pole. We will do the same with the branches, only we will add along one line, since there is not necessarily a perfect similarity. Draw many bunches on the trunk; they will be branches facing us. This is very often forgotten, and tree drawing turns out flat. At the next stage, we will determine the size of the leaves of our tree and outline the counter for the future crown.

5. Draw tree leaves

Drawing tree leaves is not so much difficult as it takes a long time. Firstly, they are small, and secondly, there are a lot of them and, if possible, you need to draw each leaf separately. To quickly draw tree leaves, draw small elongated ovals, just make sure they don’t go too far beyond general outline tree. Draw them according to the location of the branches, and do not leave spaces between them.

6. Pencil drawing of a tree

If you draw only with a simple pencil, then add a few more small details, shade the tree trunk, and remove unnecessary strokes from the drawing. And so that black and white drawing The tree was more picturesque, you need to add small details surrounding the tree. For example, draw grass next to it, use dark strokes to depict the shadow of a tree crown, etc.

7. Drawing trees with paints

This tutorial is about how to draw a maple leaf. But, if you draw other trees, this lesson will help you draw leaves of any trees correctly.

Try to draw a flying parrot. In the future, if you can draw a parrot correctly, you will be able to draw any birds, even the firebird. It is best to draw it against the background of tree leaves.

If you draw a forest, you can also draw mushrooms. Mushrooms will be a good decoration for your drawing, especially if you color them with colored pencils.

The Christmas tree often needs to be drawn for New Year's cards or wall newspapers. If you draw christmas tree, you can draw Father Frost and Snow Maiden. There are such lessons on the site.

An apple tree is practically no different from an ordinary deciduous tree, only its branches are always widely “scattered” and bend towards the ground, because in good year heavy apples bend them to the ground.

The house can be drawn in many different ways, such as making a tile roof, drawing double doors, or adding a brick chimney for the fireplace. It depends on your desire, but any house must have a foundation, walls, a roof and doors with windows. When drawing the surrounding landscape around the house, you can’t do without drawing trees.

There is a wide variety of trees in nature, as well as a wide variety of animals or birds. All this huge variety is classified according to different criteria. But features are important for an artist appearance tree. And in order to learn how to draw it, you need to observe the shape of the trunk, the shape of the branches, leaves, and the shape of the entire crown of the tree. After all, each breed has its own characteristics. Therefore, we will discuss these features of 6 types of trees - maple, birch, pine, spruce, willow and oak (but I recommend reading first).


  • The maple trunk can bend and branch, which gives it a sinuous shape.
  • Bark dark color, is generally similar to the bark of most trees.
  • The top of the crown of this tree is rounded, but may also have an irregular shape.
  • The maple leaf is known to have a pointed shape, similar to a star. Large masses maple leaves create a “spiky” texture of the crown surface.
  • When shading the crown, you can also use longitudinal strokes, but to show the character of maple foliage, it is better to add a “clumsy” or “prickly” textured stroke to the drawing, similar to maple leaves (I wrote about the texture of shading). The same principle should be followed in painting, painting the canvas with strokes that would create the illusion of foliage. Considering that leaves and branches are combined into separate groups, the texture of shading and painterly strokes should be varied.


  • Birch comes in different varieties. IN middle lane The trunk of birches is usually straight and “slender”. In other areas, a birch trunk can form a “slingshot”, bifurcating at the root.
  • The crown of a birch often has an elongated shape, directed upward. However, there are also birches with a spreading, squat crown.
  • Birch bark is white on the surface. But it has dark “strokes”, which are essentially cracks through which the dark inner layer is visible. The closer to the ground, the more often these “strokes” appear on the bark. “Black lines” are present on the trunk at the base of the branches, i.e. in those places of the trunk from where the branches grow. They can have a triangular or rectilinear shape.
  • Small birch branches are so thin and flexible that they hang down, rushing down. The leaves growing on these branches form vertically directed rows. The branches bending towards the ground bend, giving the appearance of birches a special awe and lightness.
  • In pencil drawing or painting, the graceful character of birch trees can be conveyed by longitudinal vertical hatching or matching strokes of paint. Pencil movements or brush movements can follow the movement of the branches described above.


  • The pine trunk is straight. However, there are pine trees with a trunk that bends at the top and have a “stocky” character. Often there are ship pines in which the crown is located at the top of the tree and the trunk is straight and tall.
  • The bark of this tree has a red color, which, as it approaches the ground, becomes much darker, turning into gray-brown. In the middle of the trunk, the pine bark resembles a flaky, scaly structure. Closer to the ground it becomes coarser and forms a dense, cracking layer.
  • The crown of young pines has a triangular, cone-shaped shape. But the crown of mature trees will already be more rounded.
  • The branches of perennial old pine trees can be twisted and gnarled. As a rule, pine branches do not point very upward. IN to a greater extent they are directed away from the trunk.
  • Pine needles are longer than spruce needles. Therefore, they create the feeling of a fluffy crown, which needs to be displayed by graphic means, or painting techniques, if this is not a drawing, but a painting. It is necessary to use a textured stroke or appropriate strokes in painting. Each branch has light and shadow, so the artist needs to think about how to draw the volume of individual branches in the overall mass of the crown.

  • Spruce and pine have much in common, but they are different trees with their own characteristics. For example, if the trunk of a spruce tree is as straight as that of a pine tree, then the nature of the branches will already differ from the nature of pine branches. The branches of the spruce are slightly curved upward. In the lower tiers, the old branches are lowered down and resemble “paws”.
  • Spruce needles are shorter than pine needles, so general invoice The crown of this tree will be different from that of a pine tree.
  • The crown of the spruce tree is shaped like a triangle or a cone and consists of tiers.
  • When an artist paints a landscape, he paints trees in volume. To do this, you need to monitor how the entire tree is illuminated and how individual branches or tiers of branches are illuminated. For example, going inside the crown, the spruce “paw” plunges into the shadow. From the outside, it can remain light because it receives more daylight.
  • The color of spruce needles is dark and rich. Therefore, both individual spruce trees and the array spruce forest in general, will differ in color from other types of trees.

  • Willow trees can look different depending on the variety. For example, at weeping willow the branches are more flexible and plastic than those of ordinary willow. Because of this, its branches hang down, rushing to the ground.
  • Willow is characterized by constant branching of the trunk, as well as large branches.
  • Willow leaves are narrow and oblong. This greatly affects the appearance of the tree. Therefore, this feature must be reflected through shading or brushwork in painting.
  • The color of willow foliage is complex. On one side of the leaf the color is green. And on the other - light, gray-green. Therefore, the overall color of the tree is distinguished by gray-blue shades.

  • The oak trunk is powerful. In old trees it can reach a large diameter at the base. But in dry areas, oaks can be less stocky, looking like slender young oaks.
  • The branches and trunk of the oak tree are twisted and gnarled.
  • The shape of the leaves is wavy. That's why general form the foliage as a whole will be “gnarled and curly.”
  • The bark is rough and dense.
  • The foliage color is dark green, rich.

Here I looked at the appearance features of only six varieties of trees. In nature there are a huge variety of trees and other plants. How can you learn to draw, if not all of them, then at least a couple of dozen varieties? To do this you need to develop observation skills. If an artist has a good eye and good powers of observation, then it doesn’t matter what he draws. The main thing is to understand nature and notice key points. And what points you need to pay attention to are discussed in educational material. For those who want to learn how to draw landscapes with trees well, it will also be useful to study the diagrams and technique called (I mentioned it at the beginning of this article).