Where does the life line begin? Fortune telling by hand - palmistry. Palmists include the main lines

The line pattern on each person's hands is unique. We are talking not only about fingerprints, which have long been a recognized method of personal identification, but also about stripes and marks on the palms. Even the ancient peoples had a great interest in these symbols, endowing them with a special meaning. These patterns are both familiar to everyone, and also mysterious and mysterious. They also have a number of amazing properties:

  • it is impossible to find people with two identical hands;
  • the presence in the hands of most people of the main lines: life, fate, mind, destiny (their absence is very rare);
  • The pattern of the palms can change throughout life, so predicting the fate of children in this way is undesirable.

Ideally, the line of life on the hand should not be very wide and not very deep, the same color, long and completely and evenly without any sharp turns

Line meaning

Since childhood, many people believe that the life line shows life expectancy. At the same time, people with short line– it will be short-lived, but those who have a long one will have a long and happy life. This is just children's fortune-telling and a common misconception. As a rule, it talks more about the state of health and well-being, foreshadows changes and unexpected events.

The life line is one of the most important signs on the hand, but it must be interpreted based on a combination of many factors. A very long, smooth and deep stripe speaks of a person’s phenomenal physical and mental health and ability to withstand adversity. However, even such people can be overtaken by illness or bad events, and a short and thin line does not necessarily predict a short life.

The life line in palmistry predetermines the events of the life path and speaks of what is destined for the Universe


The life line is located around thumb, wrapping it around him like a ring. You can see the exact location in the photo:

It surrounds the Mount of Venus, which is responsible for life potential and innate abilities. From her position and appearance envy is the degree to which this potential is revealed, as well as the character of the person. So, if the line is located too close to the thumb, this indicates a weak will, lack of self-confidence and a tendency to depression.

But the further it is located from the Mount of Venus, the stronger, more confident and energetic its owner is. IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Baba Nina: “To break out of lack of money once and for all, make it a rule to wear simple..”

Read the article >> http://c.twnt.ru/pbH9 People often wonder where to look at the life line, because it is present on both hands. Of course, professionals in the field of palmistry make a detailed forecast for two palms, but greatest attention

is given to the signs on the leading hand. Therefore, if you are right-handed, pay more attention to the right, and if you are left-handed, pay more attention to the left. Any branches, dashes, dots, and other changes in the life line can, to one degree or another, affect life path


Perfect line A good sign is the presence of a clear, even, moderate in width and depth life line. The ideal option is a long and uniform line, as well as the absence of various defects (dots, breaks, skeletons, etc.). Nice drawing

can be compared to the flow of a river; the fewer winding sections and obstacles along its path, the greater its strength.

If it is thin and not clear, this indicates character traits such as anxiety and excessive impressionability, an unstable state of physical and mental health.

You should be wary of people who take away your energy, try not to get upset over little things and not perceive every problem as unsolvable.

Double line On the palms of some lucky people you can see a double line running parallel along inside

(closer to the thumb). The presence of such a “understudy” is a wonderful sign that speaks of innate luck and outstanding personality abilities. Such a sign can even weaken the meaning of negative signs on a person’s hands.

A straight life line means powerful emotional energy

The owner of such a symbol is a unique person; he has a high supply of energy and a strong will. Such a person can quickly recover from the most serious illness and emerge victorious from the most difficult situations. A wonderful career awaits such people; they are often very popular with the opposite sex. However, owners of such a line should be wary of envy and intrigues on the part of others.

  • break: if the line of fate is interrupted on both palms in the same area, this is a warning about the possibility of an accident or a dangerous illness. The worst outcome is predicted when the highest part of the line before the break has a branch towards the thumb. If after an interruption it is gradually restored, after a while everything will work out and life will gradually improve;
  • a chain-like life line is a bad omen. Poor health and illness can haunt a person long years(until the chain section ends);
  • dots and crosses on the life line mean a threat to health or a dangerous situation;
  • the cross at the end of the strip is a sign of a significant deterioration in financial situation in old age;
  • a triangle located between the life line and the fate line: symbolizes future financial income and wealth. It's even possible big win to the lottery.
  • if it intersects with many small stripes of “stress” directed in its direction: excessive worry and anxiety over trifles should be avoided. Your life is already full of stress and emotional negativity.
  • if the lines of life, mind and heart are connected to each other: a person is prone to excessively risky behavior. You should be careful, otherwise fate may lead to fatal events.
  • connection only with the line of the mind: on the contrary, a sign of a person who is too calm and unsure of his abilities.
  • insula: negative sign. It warns of possible health problems. Circle-shaped islands indicate vision problems. If the island is adjacent to the square, the disease will pass and leave no trace.
  • the life line bifurcates: a stripe bifurcated into two parts means traveling or moving to a permanent place of residence in another country.

Of course, everyone wants to have exclusively positive signs on their palms and minimize the impact of negative ones. The pattern of your palms can change over the course of your life, so your fate is entirely in your hands, in every sense. Only persistent and systematic work on yourself will help you find the true meaning of current events and get to know yourself better.

People with the right life line have not only good health, but also a stable psyche. It is difficult to unbalance them and upset them with something, maybe that is why life goes well. These are hardy people who never give up and take the maximum benefits from fate.

A thin, barely noticeable line speaks of an insecure and suspicious person. He has little vital energy, so he is not in good health and does not have charisma. As a rule, these are losers in life who simply exist. They perceive any negative situations acutely, worry for a long time and often suffer from colds.

If this line is located too close to the thumb, this will indicate a tendency to dramatize events. A person may fall into depressive state for any reason and do not leave it for a long time.

You should be wary of people who take away your energy, try not to get upset over little things and not perceive every problem as unsolvable.

Sometimes you can find a double life line. What does this mean? Palmists claim that the second line shows a strong human genetic fund. These people are the owners of powerful self-healing energy, they are knee-deep in the sea and can handle everything. In addition, they have a very strong will, which few people manage to bend.

These are the darlings of fate, optimists and lucky ones. They go through life singing and are not afraid of anything. A light line can predict a brilliant military career, while a dark red line can show a heartthrob or a loving person. Such people are very attractive to others because they have charisma. However, the envy of others is not a hindrance for them - powerful energy is capable of suppressing any energy message in their direction.

What do the thin lines that cross the life line mean? They indicate a person’s emotional mobility. Very good sign appears near this line - this speaks of unexpected wealth. But the triangle, located directly on the line itself, symbolizes possible death in a fire.

If the lines rise up towards the fingers, this indicates a constant replenishment of vitality. It’s bad if the lines are directed towards the wrist - your vitality is constantly decreasing.

Forked line

What does it mean if a line bifurcates? This can be seen when there is a short life line. This indicates a lack of vitality. These people often get sick, are constantly tired and look apathetic. But if the life bar bifurcates at the very top, this predicts the patronage of an authoritative person.

Short line

Many people believe that a short life line predicts early death. Is it so? Palmists claim that this speaks of the coldness of a person’s nature, and not of his short century. But if the line suddenly breaks off right at the thumb, this may be a sign of premature death.

Is it possible to extend your life? Globa proposed his own version of life extension: you need to draw on the right hand exactly the strip you need. This is a kind of programming to extend your life. Draw the stripe with a pen with red ink or a red felt-tip pen until your living space expands. How can this be felt? First intuitively, and then you will notice that your life line has lengthened in the palm of your hand.

Danger signs

Many people get scared when they see a gap in the main line of the palm. How to determine how long to live? Does the rupture indicate sudden death? Palmistry reassures on this score, saying that a break symbolizes changes in life. For example, a person will change his worldview or move from one faith to another.

However, if breaks are visible on both palms in the same place, it is worth considering. Sometimes it symbolizes an accident or some tragedy in life. If crosses or dashes appear on the lines, this can warn of risky situations or illnesses.

A bad sign is the combination of three lines into one - the lines of life, heart and head. What is the meaning of this combination? This speaks of a person’s adventurous character, love of adrenaline and risky adventures. As a rule, such individuals do not live long, as they die in the next adventure.

Sometimes on the life line you can see islands that look like eyes. This indicates vision problems. If instead of islands you can see large islands, the sign warns of a serious illness. However, if you notice the squares, it means higher power you will be protected from premature death.

The grille is considered a very unfavorable sign. This is a symbol of restrictions of any kind, including a prison cell. However, there is no need to be upset in advance, because the grid shows both military service and study at a private college.

Hello! Every person would like to know what the Life line on the hand means? Let's try to figure it out by studying the main one, which goes around the Mount of Venus, which is near the thumb. This is the line of Life.

What is your potential?

- a science that studies human life based on the stripes on the palms of the hands. Most attention is paid to the Life line, which reveals the potential of the individual, indicates his life expectancy and much more.

Where is the Life line on your hand? An important feature can be seen on both the right and left hands. You need to look at both palms. And if you want to know more about your life, then right-handed people should watch life guidelines on the right hand.

A quality line should completely surround the Mount of Venus. There should be no tears or dents on it. If there are marks, they can tell a lot.

You shouldn’t be afraid of the signs; on the contrary, they can suggest that you can correct something in your destiny. Nice line– not wide, not very deep, uniform, one color. It should smoothly flow around the Mount of Venus.

A long line does not guarantee a long life, and a short line does not guarantee a quick death. It only shows the presence of energy and vitality.

Is the right or the left more important?

When starting to look at their destiny, people ask the question:

Which hand are they looking at? By right palm read the future and past of a person, as well as the physical condition on this moment. Marked on the left hand, personal traits and the potential inherent at birth. In children, you can even see the child’s inherent capabilities from the left hand.

If there is a break or split in the stripe on the right and left hands, and in the same place, then this is a fatal sign. Don’t worry either, today the possibilities of medicine are so extensive that they will save you in any situation. difficult situations.

Many people begin to worry if they see that there is a gap or that this line is short. You need to look at the other palm. If the strip there is flat and long, then perhaps a serious illness awaits you, which you will overcome and your “river” will flow on. If you see the “islands” on it, then this disease will periodically make itself felt.

If the tear is on both hands, then this is a sign of death. However, real palmists can look at the encouraging signs that are nearby. The main thing is not to panic! Tears to the side indicate injury. The wider the deviation to the side, the more severe the injuries will be. We must be careful!

If the gap is closed by another line, then this means a change in life or moving to another city. If this “road” is in the form of a chain, then there will be many diseases in life. Lefties look the other way around.

The double line or line of Mars indicates that the person has hidden reserves. He has excellent health and is lucky in life. These are real darlings of fate.

When analyzing a drawing, both hands should be considered, and for women and men, the drawings have the same meaning. They are not divided by gender.

The figure shows dashes crossing the main line. They indicate frequent illness or continuous stress.

What the signs are not silent about

The triangle on the Life line is a very important sign.

Palmists consider the best sign when it is located at the beginning or middle of the life line.

The photo shows the hand of a lucky person with such a triangle.

The figure marks a rise in the financial situation, rapid advancement in career ladder. If a triangle is “drawn”, directed upward to the Mount of Venus, then good luck in money awaits the person.

Whatever this lucky man plans, he will live with profit. This figure also indicates such character traits as:

  • determination,
  • talent in diplomacy,
  • ability to persuade.

The position of the triangle as in the figure indicates the ability to sacrifice everything that he has.

A fork on the Life line at its very beginning, and even looking up, is a sign of good ambitions and bursting energy. A successful career awaits its owner.

A line diverging in the middle or closer to the wrist, says that in front of you is an avid traveler or a change of place of residence awaits him. ABOUT dramatic changes, perhaps a change of citizenship, is indicated by a furrow diverging into two identical stripes.

Many thin stripes going down warn of health problems. It's worth visiting a doctor.

Island sign on the life line warns of a slowdown in the flow of energy, lingering illnesses, and stagnation in one’s career.

Square or quadrilateral the real lucky ones have

Cross and star- these are good marks. If they are visible at the beginning of the groove, then before you is an open, sincere person, he has a strong character, especially if he wants to achieve some goal.

  • A cross at the end of the fate line means a long life interesting life.
  • In the middle - enemies, accidents or natural anomalies can interfere with the normal flow of life.
  • If after a string of crosses there is a straight line again, then the person will overcome all the difficulties that have befallen him.

A dot that looks like a dent, means a hole through which flows away Vital energy. Also, such a dent or point appears before an accident, disaster or fall from a height. Be careful when driving!

A mole is a harbinger of illness. If the sister, that is, the second trait, runs nearby, then the person can cope with any illness. If the line after the mole becomes thin or breaks off, then you will have to fight for your life.

If fateful the furrow is interrupted, then the individual will face temporary difficulties. They may be fired from work or there will be a break in business relations.

What does bifurcation mean?

If the main furrow bifurcates, then you have less. This may be a warning about a serious illness or weakening of vitality.

  1. If the branch is barely noticeable, then the protective forces are weakened, that is, you need to pay attention to your health.
  2. If one of the branches tends to the hill of the Moon, fate sends a warning about the development of senile dementia. Take medications to improve your memory.
  3. A clear, deep fork towards the tubercle of the Moon means moving, perhaps even to another country.
  4. If the split looks like a fork, then its owner needs urgent rest.

What do the lines crossing the Life line mean?

  • It is bad if the main furrow intersects with the line of Fate. An individual creates obstacles for himself through unrighteous actions or thoughts. He is not confident in himself, often doubts, and is loaded with phobias.
  • Crossing the line of the Mind has a positive meaning.
  • Intersection with the lines of Head, Heart and – bad sign.
  • Many small dashes mean unnecessary anxiety, the ability to exaggerate difficulties.
  • If these intersections are located at the end main feature, in old age a person will experience strong experiences.

Is it possible to change fate

Scientists have proven that it is possible. If some features on your palm scare you, then make adjustments to their design. In Japan, for example, this manipulation is entrusted to a surgeon. This method allows a person to ward off trouble.

Palmists advise correcting patterns on the palms using a regular pen. An adjustment is made to a line that curves too close to the Mount of Venus.

Take a pen with red ink. Red color has powerful energy:

Don’t wish for several gifts from Fate at once, choose the main thing for yourself. Focus on quality, forget about quantity, so as not to bring chaos into your life.

Signs of Wealth

How to determine whether a person will be rich?

Wealth is indicated by success traits towards the little finger and index finger. If they are deep and distinct, then life will be prosperous.

Dash to the index finger

Damn to the little finger

Business success

Wait and see!

How to determine how many years to live?

  1. Take a felt-tip pen and a ruler.
  2. Attach a ruler to the middle of your index finger vertically, mentally draw a line to the Life line.
  3. Place a dot where the lines touch. Let's celebrate 10 years here.
  4. The second point must be placed at the intersection of the Life line with a line drawn to it from the space between the index and middle fingers. This is the age of 20 years.
  5. We measure the length of the segment between 10 and 20 years.
  6. All that remains is to calculate how many such segments will fit on your main line. Each segment will be equal to 10 years.

Fortune telling

Fortune telling can harm your mood if you believe in it unconditionally. If someone undertakes to tell fortunes using one hand, then this is a charlatan!

First, look at your main hand. A right-hander has the right one, a left-hander has the left one.

If the heart line ends under index finger- personal life was a success. There are many intersections on the heart line, this is a fickle person. Breakups show the pain of separation.

Look line of Mind, if small strokes or crosses are visible on it, these are marks of fateful decisions.

If line of fate rushes upward - you will achieve success in your career. If the line is weak, you are not happy with your choice of profession. Lots of branches and touches - you changed jobs often.

If your line of Fate seems to branch off at the base from the line of Life, you are a person who has raised himself, who influences the minds and actions of others.

The line of fate starts at the base of the thumb, then crosses the line of Life - you have strong family support or family business.

Fork on Heart lines, going to the index finger speaks of success, respect and recognition.
Branches on the fateful line going up speak of success and achievement.

Double or triple main line I speaks about the luck of the individual, fortitude, energy. This is also the protection of the Guardian Angel.

Palmistry (palmistry), or popularly just fortune telling by hand, is often called pseudoscience by scientists, but not everyone is given the ability to predict future events in life or fate based on the lines on the palms and other signs. This is complex, painstaking work, a comparison of facts, and not the imagination of a fortuneteller. Therefore, a few lessons for beginner palmists or those who decide to have an interesting time with friends will not be superfluous.

Palmistry is a science that studies the relationship between lines and patterns on the hands and events in life.

The most important lines in palmistry

Located on the palms a large number of lines, but there are 14 basic ones.



  • Path of Voluptuousness;
  • Line of Mars;
  • Line of Intuition;
  • Travel Line;
  • Mercury Line;

The main ones provide information about the spiritual and practical sides of the personality, and the additional ones – about current life. There are also duplicate symbols that make the meaning of the main ones more clear.

Which hand to guess by

Palmists, as a rule, reveal the future by the active hand: the one with which people write, but they give a complete prediction using both. The inactive hand indicates what is destined by fate and the past, and the active hand talks about the present and shows possible actions that influence the course of the future.

It is believed that the lines on the hand most accurately reflect individuality, and an experienced palmist is able to trace the path from the past to the future.

Therefore, the choice of hand for fortune telling depends not only on whether you are right-handed or left-handed, but also on the purpose - what kind of information you want to receive.

It is worth remembering that the signs on the palms show only general information about abilities creative potential and the approximate future of people. However, you can only change your life yourself.

What are the lines on the palms?

The absence of kinks and irregularities, and on bends, indicates their favorable significance.

Pale colors of the lines indicate health problems and a weak flow of vital energy. A reddish color is evidence of optimism, activity and an influx of positive energy, while a yellowish color indicates liver disease and is often found in closed and narcissistic individuals. Dark colors talk about serious attitude to life, arrogance and restrained expression of emotions and feelings, vindictiveness and rancor.

The meaning of lines in palmistry

Psychological and biological characteristics are reflected on their palms. Here you can also find prophetic symbols, information about mental and physical condition. At the same time, to understand the meaning of the signs, it is important to take into account their length and location.

Life Line

It appears on the palm first and does not change over time. Displays vitality, human energy, possible prospects. Lines rising from it symbolize favorable opportunities, while lines descending indicate health problems.

  • Closely intertwined with the Head line, it distinguishes suspicious and vulnerable people. These people should focus on their own interests and believe in themselves.
  • It does not always mark the exact moment of death, only approximately making it clear how much is measured out to a person. Other symbols and bends, crossing the Life Line, are responsible for the likelihood of accidents.

Belt of Venus

Thanks to the Belt of Venus, you can find out how emotional a person is, about his behavior in love relationships and devotion.

  • On long and narrow hands, the presence of the Venus belt speaks of sensuality and emotionality, on wide and flaccid hands - about susceptibility to the influence of vices.
  • Regarding Marriage, it may indicate excessive eroticism, which negatively affects relationships.

Line of the Head (Mind)

The next symbol will tell you about intellectual abilities, intelligence and confidence.

  • Separating from the Life line at the starting point, it characterizes the owner as an independent, impetuous individual.
  • Connecting with Life at the starting point, it speaks of a tendency to take offense.
  • If it originates on the Mount of Mars, and not at the end of the Life line, it can mean nervousness and a rather irritable nature.

Health Line

The absence of this sign is considered a good sign, as it indicates health problems.

  • If Health does not intersect with the Life line and bends away from the latter, this indicates irritability, some nervousness, which does not harm the physical condition at all.
  • If the starting point of Health intersects with the Heart, you should pay attention to possible problems with organs of the cardiovascular system.

Heart Line

Displays the emotional component human nature: love, loyalty and devotion.

  • One of the rare combinations when the lines of the Heart and Mind are laid in a straight line through the palm, connecting to the starting point of Life. It denotes the aggravation of all feelings, which is why such people often feel uncomfortable in society, and their lives develop in an unusual way.

Line of Fate

It is responsible for success. It starts at the bottom of the palm and extends to the Mount of Saturn.

  • Breaks and various kinds of defects on it indicate difficulties in the professional sphere.
  • The merging of the principles of Fate and Life indicates attachment to relatives, to the family, dependence on the opinions of parents and closest relatives.
  • When Fate stops at the Heart, a person’s future can be destroyed due to unbridled feelings or emotions that burst out. Perhaps we are talking about love.

Line of the Sun (Apollo)

It originates in the lower part of the palm and “runs” along it to the tubercle of the Sun. Testifies to the successful implementation of a person in various fields, but is not always present on the hand. Displays moments of professional growth, achievements and success.

  • If the starting point of the Sun is located at any point in Life, you have a creative nature that awaits success.
  • If the starting point of the Sun is located above the Heart line, a person will be able to fully realize himself, but only at an older age.

Line of Voluptuousness

Short and small, it runs parallel to the line of Mercury or tangentially connects the tubercles of Venus and the Moon, revealing susceptibility to the influence of base instincts.

Line of Mars

Runs along the line of Life, means good health and prosperity.

Marriage Line

It’s easy to guess what it’s talking about: the duration and number of marriages, well-being in the family field.

Line of Intuition

Starting on the hillock of the Moon, semicircular Intuition moves towards the hillock of Upper Mars or Mercury. It is used to judge the development of intuition and the presence of mystical and supernatural phenomena and events in a person’s life.

Travel Line

Starting on the Life line or in the center of the Moon’s tubercle, a small horizontal line runs across the palm - Travel, symbolizing travel, including outside the home country.

Mercury line

Another additional sign originating in the lower part of the palm. Gives information about health, business abilities and intelligence.

Wrist Rings

Usually there are 3 rings around the wrists.

  • If the lines rise upward from the rings, expect trips abroad and unexpected wins.

Children's Lines

Width and depth indicate the gender of the child: wide and deep - expect a son, lines are weakly expressed - a daughter.

It would be difficult to reveal all the secrets and features of palmistry in one article, but we still provided the basic knowledge.

Who knows, maybe this is your calling!

Palmistry is an ancient and fascinating science that teaches how to interpret all the lines on the palm. There is an opinion that thanks to it you can find out both the past and the future of a person. In the article we will figure out which hand the life line is on, what it means and what it is needed for. After all, many people are interested in finding out their destiny without visiting fortune tellers and psychics.

What is it and where is it located

Some people believe in fortune telling, but do not understand how it is done. However, as it turned out, everything is not so complicated. First you need to decide on which hand you look at the life line. There is an opinion that prediction depends on this.

Experienced fortune tellers claim that there is an active hand and a passive one. That is, if a person is better at using his right hand, then it is considered active. And it is used to predict a person’s fate.

But the left one is passive. However, if a person is left-handed, then the active hand is the left. Now you know which hand the life line is on. Now we can move on to the definition itself.

Many people think that the life line determines the death of a person. However, it is not. It can be used to determine happiness or minor failures.

Some people don't know where It starts between the thumb and index finger and goes towards the wrist. For one person it reaches the base of the palm, while for another it only reaches halfway.

Short or long life line

To make palmistry for beginners clear to everyone, we describe the lines point by point. Then it will be simpler and easier for a person to understand.

There is an opinion that with a short life line a person will not live long. However, it has been scientifically proven that this is not true. After all, it can mean illness, disappointment or minor grief.

A long life line indicates a happy future. Most likely, you will be happy in family life and love. If thin, slightly noticeable branches begin to diverge at the base of the line, then you will not only be happy, but also rich.

Sometimes it happens that the life line is long, but not straight, but moves a little to the side. In this case, minor but solvable problems await you. You will overcome them without any problems.

If you see a clear long line without any defects, then you have lucky fate without problems and financial difficulties. You can be calm, since your fate is almost ideal.


Now that you know where the life line is on your hand, you can predict the fate not only of yourself, but also of your loved ones. After all, everyone is interested in knowing some details of the future. The life line is not only long and short. It can also be thick and narrow. You also need to pay attention to this.

If the line is too thin, like a thread, this indicates poor health. Perhaps you have nervous condition. However, if you take care of your health, then you can safely declare your longevity.

A thick, long line that is clearly visible indicates your high activity, strong energy, good health. However, if the line has faded and is almost invisible, then you need to save your energy. After all, this indicates a loss of your health.

Sometimes it happens that the line is thick at first, and thin only in the middle or end. Then it is this gap that you need to pay attention to. Indeed, over the years the line changes periodically, although for human eye completely unnoticeable.

Decoding the life line on the hand is not at all difficult and even interesting. However, it is necessary to examine the palm very carefully so as not to miss a single detail. After all, any bump, cross or other little thing can tell a lot.

Break in the life line

This complex sign, which is interpreted differently. A break in the life line is considered both a positive and a negative phenomenon. First of all, notice where the line breaks. If the gap is in the middle of the palm, then you should expect difficulties that can be resolved, but with time.

Sometimes the line breaks closer to the wrist. This means you are having health or financial problems. Therefore, it is necessary to be extremely attentive and careful.

Very often, a break in the line means a tendency to illnesses that can be avoided. Pay attention to your diet, as you may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Island or square on a line

Sometimes there are strange shapes on the palm. There is a slightly noticeable bump on the life line, it is called an “island”.

If you meet such a figure on your life line, then expect there to be stagnation or slowdown in your career or important matters. In such people, vital energy decreases, and negativity increases. In this case, you need to exercise as often as possible to remove your weakness.

A square on the life line protects a person from evil and negative people. Pay attention to your surroundings. Perhaps there is a person near you who feeds on your energy. Try to get rid of such a friend.

Dots, triangles, crosses or asterisks on the life line

Previously, we determined on which hand the life line is viewed. However, in this case it is necessary to pay attention to both hands. Dots, crosses and stars carry different meanings. It all depends on which hand you are predicting.

If you see a cross or an asterisk on your left hand, then you have very weak energy. Reconsider your attitude towards life. Crosses and stars on the right hand mean strong life position. If these defects are present on both hands, then this strong man who has a lot weaknesses. These are the ones you need to get rid of.

Very often, crosses and asterisks are interpreted as big changes in life. They can be both positive and negative. Most often this is due to a change of job, place of residence, etc.

The points on the life line carry negative character. It could be severe illness or an accident. If the dot is dark, the disease may be incompatible with life.

Triangles on the life line are very a rare event. However, they only carry positive character. Triangles are associated with the intellect and mind of a person. Such people are easy to communicate, smart, and it is easy for them to achieve promotion at work.

The life line connects to the head line

Sometimes this happens. If you notice that the life line is in contact with the head line, then you can be happy for yourself. You are prudent, smart and happy both financially and intellectually.

When the life line comes into contact with the head line, then a person can only expect a positive attitude towards himself from others. He is loved and appreciated not only by his friends, but also by his colleagues.

If the life line does not reach the head line a little, then this indicates instability and temporary difficulties that you can easily overcome. However, do not forget: no matter what the lines on the palm say, much depends on the person himself. People are able to change their destiny and life in better side. It is important to work on yourself and not give up in difficult situations.

Small lines next to the life line

Palmistry is not a complicated science at all for beginners. Especially if you are extremely careful. Pay attention not only to the bumps, stars, squares on the palm, but also to the small lines. After all, they can say a lot about a person’s character and destiny.

Small lines near the life line indicate external factors person and his environment. For example, along such lines they determine who is next to you, how they influence your life and what to expect.

Thanks to small lines, you can determine business partners, what kind of marriage will be, etc. As a rule, if the lines are even and straight, then there will be success in this person’s life, and if they are crooked or rounded, this means some difficulties in communicating with others. Perhaps there will be betrayal, discontent or discord. Therefore, always pay attention to the small lines that come into contact with the life line.


Now you know what the life line means and how to determine a person’s destiny using it. When making a prediction, try to carefully examine every detail in the palm of your hand. Remember that a person’s destiny can only be changed if he himself wants it.

The life line on the right hand is clearer than on the left. However, many fortune tellers claim that fortune telling can be done on any palm. They believe that the lines on the right and left hands are not very different.

Be that as it may, remember that no line will tell you how many years you will live. It all depends on many factors. Therefore, if your line reaches half of your palm, do not worry, but just be determined to overcome some minor difficulties.