Unchecked unstressed vowels at the root of the word are the rule. Unverifiable vowels in the root of a word

    For example, the word is nostalgia or pessimist.

    Unverifiable vowels at the root of a word are vowels that, first of all, are not in a stressed position and under no circumstances can they be stressed. Neither by changing the form of the word, nor by selecting words with the same root. Such vowels cannot be checked and we can always confuse which vowel should be written in this place.

    Words with unverified vowels are called dictionary words. Very often these are borrowed words that retain their original spelling in Russian, but for which there are either no words with the same root, or they also repeat the same spelling.

    But there are also Russian words in which it is absolutely impossible to place a vowel under stress, for example the word Ax or Swamp.

    Vowels in the root can be of 3 types:

    1) testable unstressed vowels, which can be checked by stress and selection of a test word, for example: write - note;

    2) alternating vowels in the root of the word: touch - touch;

    3) unverifiable unstressed vowels at the root of words that need to be memorized, for example: intelligence, intelligentsia.

    To check the spelling of an unstressed vowel in the root of a word, you need to select a test word so that the vowel being tested is stressed. But it happens that it is impossible to select test words. Then the spelling of these words must be remembered. These are dictionary words. For the most part, these words come to us came from other languages. Examples: lampshade, vinaigrette, defect.

    In the Russian language there are words that cannot be checked using test words (words with the same root under stress). Such words are usually called dictionary words.

    For words with unverifiable vowels, the stress at the root is static, that is, it does not change when selecting words with the same root:

    You need to memorize such words, and in case of difficulties, use a spelling dictionary. Here are some examples of words with unchecked vowels at the root::

    Unverifiable root vowels are those vowels whose spelling cannot be determined by selecting test cognate words. That is, in the word these vowels are in an unstressed position, and therefore difficulties arise when writing. These words are also called vocabulary words recommended for memorization.

    Unverifiable vowels in the root- these are unstressed vowels at the root of a word that cannot be verified by changing its form or selecting related cognate words. Words with untestable vowels end up on the list of vocabulary words to memorize.

    An example of untestable vowels in the root: front garden, ticket, exam, team, glass, dishes, vinaigrette.

    In the Russian language, stress is placed, and this fact means that in a large number of words consisting of several syllables, not all vowels of the root are stressed. Due to Russian akanya, in an unstressed position, instead of o, it sounds a. Instead of e in an unstressed position it sounds i. In some words, unstressed vowels can be checked by stress in related words or in other forms of the same word, for example:

    pile up - ogre O loud, thunder O healthy;

    spring - dreams;

    water - in O yes;

    thunderstorm - gr O PS

    But it is not always possible to check the unstressed vowel at the root of a word with stress. That's when they say that this vowel is unverifiable.

    In Russian there are many words with unchecked vowels, for example:

    example, hello, diligent (this is not a prefix, but part of the root in these words);

    crimson, crimson, crimson; heel, roll, azure, insidious, obsession, wind, imagination, raspberry, axe, rowan, etc.

    We check their spelling in a spelling dictionary and remember these words.

    We will see a huge number of unverified unstressed vowels in borrowed words:

    fountain, balcony, capital, cornice, comedy, dimension, high-calorie, front garden, clinic, cavalcade, exhibit, horizon, burgundy, etc.

    There are words in the Russian language that have vowels that are not under stress, and when pronouncing them you have doubts about which letter you can write. An attempt to place an unchecked vowel under stress in such words does not work and such words should be memorized, since they are considered dictionary words, here are some such words: defect, blizzard, hypothesis, etc.

    Unverifiable vowels at the root of a word - a topic that is studied from 1st grade primary school. These are the words to which the rule cannot be applied, according to which, to check an unstressed vowel, you need to select test words in which this vowel would be stressed.

    There are many such words in the Russian language, here are some examples:

    dog, road, lobby, deserter, well, crimson, cucumber, fierce, vinaigrette, bowling alley, compliment, mac, spindle, elevator, violet.

How to write roots with unstressed vowels correctly? You will find the answer to this question in the materials of this article. In addition, you will be presented with examples of words that contain such vowels.

General information

The question of the correct spelling of vowels in roots arises because such letters are not stressed. In this regard, we decided to devote the presented article to this topic.

All words that have an unstressed vowel at the root are divided into 3 large groups:

  • tested unstressed vowel in the root;
  • at the root.

Let's look at the rules relating to these cases in more detail.

Unchecked unstressed vowel in the root

As you know, in the Russian language there are quite a lot of rules that help us correctly compose a text or letter, as well as conduct an oral dialogue. However, it also contains huge amount all kinds of exceptions. Surely everyone remembers how in secondary school Humanities teachers forced us to memorize such words. At first glance this is quite easy. But in practice, many children begin to get confused and make mistakes while doing a class or homework. In this regard, some teachers recommended turning to a spelling dictionary. After all, without such a publication it is quite difficult to remember what the unverifiable unstressed vowel is at the root of a particular word.

List of words that cannot be verified

A spelling dictionary may not always be at hand. That is why, in order to remember which unstressed vowels, unchecked by stress, are placed in a particular word, we offer a complete list of them:

Now you know that the untestable unstressed vowel fundamentally requires memorization or the presence of a spelling dictionary.

Tested unstressed vowels

Let's look at which unstressed vowels are fundamentally checked by selecting special words and how exactly this is done right now.

In order to write the root correctly, you should select a test for this expression. At the same time, the emphasis in it should fall on the same vowel. Thus, the same letter is placed in the unstressed syllable as in the stressed test word.

Examples of a selection of cognate words

Should be as close as possible to the test ones:

  • water - water - water;
  • leave - leaves - move;
  • sorcerer - enchantment;
  • symbolic - symbol;
  • forests - forest;
  • fox - fox, etc.

Alternating vowels in the root

In Russian there is large number words that have alternating letters. Unstressed vowels at the root of such expressions are checked in different ways:

1. Presence in -a-. These roots include:

  • -zheg- — -zhig-;
  • -kos- - -kas-;
  • -steel- — -steel-;
  • -lozh- — -lag-;
  • -cheat- - -cheat-;
  • -mer- - -peace-;
  • -brilliant- — -brilliant-;
  • -ber- - -bir-;
  • -ter- - -tyr-;
  • -der- - -dir-;
  • -per- — -feast-.

If the suffix -a- is present, then the letters “a” and “i” should be placed in the roots. If there is no such morpheme, then “o” and “e”.

2. Accent. These roots include:

  • -tvor-, -gor-, -clone- (the letter “o” is written in such roots);
  • -plav-, -zar- (the letter “a” is written in such roots).

3. The letter that follows the vowel. These roots include:

  • -skoch- (the letter “o” is written in this root);
  • -skak- (the letter “a” is written in this root);
  • -ros- (before the “s” in the root is written “o”);
  • -rasch-, -rast- (before “sch” and “st” it is written “a”).

4. The meaning of the root. These roots include:

  • -equal- - -equal-;
  • -mak- - -mok- (in words like “immerse in liquid” you should write “a”, and in words like “pass liquid” - “o”).

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language often begins with a repetition of the basic rules, including the topic “Spelling unstressed untested vowels at the root of a word.” And, although this section is covered in sufficient detail within the framework of the basic school course, many students experience certain difficulties in completing such tasks, and therefore need to repeat the material. At the same time, knowing how to write unstressed untested vowels at the root of a word, high school students will be able to successfully pass certification tests and count on receiving decent scores.

Key Points to Learn

There are cases when vowels located at the root of a word cannot be checked by stress. In this situation it is static. This means that in such words the stress does not move to the unstressed vowel in the root when the form is changed or as a result of the selection of a cognate concept. Let's take the following words as an example:

  • dog - dog, dog, dog, (swim) like a dog;
  • bed - crib, bedside, bedside;
  • compote - compote, compote;
  • exercise - exercise, exercise.
  • Words containing unverifiable unstressed vowels at the root must be memorized. When faced with difficulties when writing them, experts recommend using a spelling dictionary.

Here is a list of the most common words with an unverified unstressed vowel at the root:

  • avant-garde, car, agronomist, actor, fragrance;
  • crimson, balcony, bazaar, ram, loaf, librarian;
  • carriage, lobby, vinaigrette, station, veteran;
  • delegation, sofa, director, discipline;
  • harmony, garrison, deli, horizon;
  • engineer, frost;
  • cabinet, kalach, captain, pocket, cornice, picture, potatoes, pan, catalogue, room, conductor, designer, ship, self-interest, nettle;
  • palm, azure, lorgnette;
  • driver, sailor, medal;
  • notary, still life;
  • charm, cloud, smell, cucumber, orange, officer;
  • palette, front garden, landscape, planet, clinic, portfolio, prospectus, interest;
  • boot, frying pan, glass, stadium, carpenter;
  • plate, tractor driver, coach, sidewalk;
  • plywood, purple, felt-tip pen, fountain;
  • chauffeur.

The educational portal "Shkolkovo" will help you prepare qualitatively for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language!

To make tasks that contain words with alternating vowels and unchecked stress easy, choose online classes on our website. Here is all the material you may need to re-study the main sections. Experienced Shkolkovo teachers prepared and presented the information in the most accessible form.

We have developed a fundamentally new algorithm for preparing for certification testing that will help high school students close knowledge gaps. First, schoolchildren are recommended to repeat the theoretical part (what rules you need to know when completing tasks, etc.). Then, after reading the examples, you can practice doing the exercises. A constantly updated list of tasks is presented in the corresponding section of our website.

Start preparing to pass the certification test right now! First, we recommend that you choose a simple task on the topic “Unstressed vowels in the root of a word that cannot be verified by stress” and do it. If no significant difficulties arose and you managed to do it quickly, feel free to choose expert-level exercises. And if difficulties arise, do not forget to leave time in your schedule for regular classes. educational portal"Shkolkovo".

Preparation is carried out online. Both metropolitan and regional schoolchildren can study with us.

Spelling of roots.

Task A13 tests your knowledge of the rules by which you determine which vowel to write in the root. In accordance with these rules, roots are divided into three types:

Let's start from the very beginning simple ruletested vowel in the root, whom you met in second grade.


The vowel being checked in the root in an unstressed position is checked by stress in the word with the same root.

Trap #1!

You cannot check vowels in the root with a verb with the suffix - YVA-(-IVA-):

choirABOUTshy - preeningAwWILLOWto be.

As you can see, there is an alternation of sounds, and you can make a mistake.

Trap #2!

In modern Russian there are many parallel words from Old Russian and Old Church Slavonic languages:

VOROta – privRAtnik,

XOROthread - ohRAon,

hOLOthen - sLAThat,

XOLObottom - badLAYes.

As you probably realized, YOU CANNOT CHECK THESE WORDS AGAINST EACH OTHER. If in the checked -oro-/-olo(Russian word) – we are looking for a root word with –oro-/-olo. Do the same with words in - ra-\-la-(Old Church Slavonic).

The Russian language is full of words that cannot be checked for stress. Some of us obliged know when leaving school, We look up the rest in the dictionary. Spellings that cannot be checked by stress are calledunverifiable.

ab...tourist - ?

in...quiz - ?

or...ginal - ?

Roots with alternating vowels - some of the most difficult! You need to know them by heart! Learn these examples.

The wording of task A13 may be different:

  • In which row in all words is the unstressed verified (unchecked) vowel of the root missing?
  • In which row in all words is a letter missing (the letter is indicated)?
  • In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root, checked by stress, missing?

Algorithm of actions No. 1.

1. In each answer option, highlight the roots.

2. Fill in the missing vowels in the alternating roots.

3. For the remaining words, try to find test words in which the stress falls on the gap.

4. The remaining words appear to be dictionary words. I'll have to remember how to spell them!!!

Analysis of the task.

In which row is the same letter missing in all three words?

1) absolute

2) airline, huddled, swimmer

3) automate

4) b..lagur, renewing, collapsing

Option #1.

Absolutely, stop..blown, become bright.

The first word is a dictionary word (absolute), the second is a verifiable word (column), the third is with an alternation at the root (in the unstressed position it is written -A-).

Option #2.

Airline company, huddled, swimmer.

The first word is a dictionary word (company), the second is a testable word (kopit), the third is alternating (swimmer - a word that needs to be remembered!).

Option #3.

Auto..tize, p..deepest, to..sleep.

The first word is verifiable (automatic), the second is verifiable (strict), the third is with alternation (to touch - depends on the final consonant root, remember the vowel - TO TOUCH, but TO TOUCH).

Option number 4.

B..lagur, renewing, colliding: the first word is a dictionary word (balagur), the second is verifiable (new), the third is with alternation (depending on the final consonant root, remember the vowel - LAG, but FALSE).

Thus, correct option No. 2 (the letter O is inserted everywhere).

Algorithm of actions.

1) In each answer option, highlight the roots.

2) See if the vowel is really missing in the root, and not in the suffix or prefix. If such a word comes across, then this option is already incorrect.

3) We'll have to remember alternating roots. Without knowing them, you will not be able to complete the task!!! Eliminate options with alternating roots!

4) For the remaining words, try to select test words with the same root, that is, put an emphasis on the gap.

5) Eliminate those options where the test word is not selected. Apparently you've encountered a dictionary word.

Remember! A task with this wording does not imply that all the missing letters in the answer options are the same. In the correct answer, the missing vowels may be different. Main - all three words must be on the same rule.

Analysis of the task.

In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

1) p...substantial, skipped..chil, vn..small

2) length...length, attack, in...give

3) stare, swear, understand, mother

4) creativity, spread, begin

We follow the algorithm. Selecting the roots:

1) r…st identifiable, re sk...h silt, vn...m al

2) d...l others, on p...d tion, in...d at

3) with t...r yes, for cl...n ay, by n...m at

4) tv...r quality, race st…l ah, on h...n at

We made sure that all the vowels were missing in the root. We find alternating roots.

1) r...st ative, re sk...h silt, vn…m al

2) d...l others, on p...d tion, in...d at

3) with t...r here, for cl...n ay, by n...m at

4) tv...r quality, race st…l ah, on h...n at

Knowing alternating roots gives results. There is only one answer left - No. 2. We will check it: length - long, attack - attack, in... give - I know.

Means, The correct answer is option No. 2.


1. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

1) storage, dynamic, meteorology

2) separating, to..monautics, freeze

3) make sure, with..sympathy, avoid..

4) burn..fly, download, ana..lytic

2. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

1) found..lu, collector, champion

2) calculated, supported, divided

3) sleep, sleep, sleep

4) medium..kovy, spaced..size, so..neat

3. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

1) examiner..mentor, parade..xal, po..cat (cat)

2) av..ngard, tamp..throw, fire

3) phil..mony, rest..revive, urgent..

4) ts..remoniya, tanned, indifference..superiority

When studying spelling, younger schoolchildren (grades 2-4) will definitely encounter the concept of “unstressed vowel”. In itself, it does not cause difficulties, but when it is at the root of words, it requires verification. But not all such vowels can be easily verified. In our article we will talk about unverified unstressed vowels at the root of a word.


An unstressed vowel of the root is called unverified when it cannot be placed in a stressed position (cabinet - cabinets - cabinet - cabinet).

In such cases, it is impossible to select a test word (not by changing the form, not by choosing a single root word) in which the stress would shift to the desired vowel.

There are no rules to help check roots with such vowels.

Words with an unchecked vowel exist due to the peculiarities of Russian stress. When the stress is constant, then in any form of the word it remains on the same syllable, so it is impossible to check the vowel (captain - captain - captains - captain). Even in cases of movable stress, it may not fall on the vowel in need of verification (nodule - node - nodules).


The unstressed unverified vowel of the root causes difficulties in spelling, since it is impossible to check it (only remember spellings).

In an unstressed position, vowels are heard unclearly. It is impossible to understand by ear exactly which vowel should be written in a word: one may be heard, but another should be written.

An untested vowel is never in a strong position.

All words with a vowel in the root that cannot be verified are considered dictionary words. You just need to remember their correct spelling. To test yourself, you should use a spelling dictionary.

There are exercises that you should do on your own regularly. They help you learn words with untestable vowels. You can write down a problem word, highlight the desired vowel, put an emphasis, and select several words with the same root.

Sample words

Here is a small list of examples (words with an untestable vowel). If you familiarize yourself with it, you can better remember some spellings:

  • On “A”: car, lampshade, applause, atmosphere;
  • On “B”: concrete, balcony, librarian, binoculars;
  • On “B”: cheesecake, bicycle, noodles, ventilation;
  • On "G": grocery store, wardrobe, horizon, garland;
  • On “D”: delegation, dysentery, deficit, director;
  • On "E": huntsman, unit;
  • On “F”: wish, piece of iron;
  • On “Z”: breakfast, marshmallow;
  • Starting with “I”: engineer, truth, information;
  • On “K”: quotation marks, burner, loaf, constructor;
  • On “L”: laboratory, palm, linoleum, lemonade;
  • On "M": medal, swindler, miniature, sailor;
  • Starting with “N”: novella, notary, obsession;
  • On “O”: cloud, cucumber, Olympics, optimism;
  • On “P”: front garden, planet, fastidious, producer;
  • On “R”: restore, director, rehearsal, mode;
  • On “C”: napkin, interview, bullfinch, seminar;
  • On the “T”: formal, training, plate, sidewalk;
  • On “U”: satisfactory, honor;
  • Starting with "F": surname, purple, festival, fountain;
  • On "X": character, chrysanthemum, choreographer, hamster;
  • On “C”: cellophane, ceremony;
  • On "H": suitcase, man, champion;
  • On “Ш”: line, masterpiece, driver, latch;
  • On "Ш": tickle;
  • On "E": excavator, experiment, emigrant, label;
  • On "Y": anniversary;
  • On “I”: anchor, lizard.

What have we learned?

After reading the article, we learned when an unstressed vowel of a root is unverifiable, and what we need to do to correctly write a word with such a vowel. We got acquainted with a short list of examples ( full list difficult words are available only in spelling dictionaries).