Sidoji duboshit and dirty ramirez. Sidoji Duboshit and Dirty Ramirez (SIDxRAM) - without masks, biography, photos. About oxygen cylinders at concerts

SIDxRAM (Sidodzhi Duboshit and Dirty Ramirez) Who are they?

Who is Dirty Ramirez?

Real name— Sergey Zhelnov

Nickname— Dirty Ramirez (RAM)

Hometown— Nizhnevartovsk

Activity— Rapper

Height— 170 cm

Sidoji Duboshit who is this?

Real name— Andrey Zolotukhin

NicknameSidoji Duboshit(SID)

Hometown— Nizhnevartovsk

Activity— Rapper

SIDxRAM (Sidoji Duboshit and Dirty Ramirez) biography

Sidoji Duboshit and Dirty Ramirez are a team of two guys that make the hardest rap you've ever heard.

Before they became famous

Dirty Ramerez:

Sergey Zhelnov- better known as Dirty Ramirez was born in the city of Nizhnevartovsk. On at the moment receives higher education majoring in Advertising and Public Relations. Always played sports, be it gym or football. Loves to read, his favorite is modern French writer, philosopher - Bernard Werber.

Early work:

RAM used to do rap under the pseudonym, rap was in the underground style, he was very famous in his city, he performed as an opening act for famous rappers who came to Nizhnevartovsk. The themes of the compositions were very banal for the style in which Versailles worked: drugs, friends, parties, driveway romance.

Sidoji Duboshit:

Andrey Zolotukhin- better known as Sidoji Duboshit was born in the city of Nizhnevartovsk. At school Sid studied excellently, as evidenced by his gold medal, which was handed to him at last call. Currently receiving higher education at an economics university. Just like Ramirez, he has always been a fan of sports and practices various martial arts, combining them with the gym.

If according to early creativity Sergei Versailles, it was possible to recognize that same Dirty Ramirez, and not only by the problem with pronouncing the letter “R”, but in the tracks of Andrei Zolotukhin, under the pseudonym, it was impossible to recognize that it was the popular, currently Sidoji Duboshit. did a lyrical rap, with surprisingly very in a high voice and melodic choruses. Which doesn’t fit at all with the image of Sidoji Duboshit under which he now performs.

After getting to know each other, the guys decided to work together and even planned to record a joint album. They gave an interview about this to one rap portal, where they said that this would be an album in which Versailles and etna1se would try to combine all the tracks of the album with one theme, namely social and philosophical topics. But everything was limited to a couple of tracks.

Creating a team came to the guys’ minds when they realized that they needed to do something out of the ordinary. The choice fell on the Horrorcore genre - this is a subgenre of hip-hop music, its lyrical content is based on images of horror films, and maybe even more frightening, describing the basest vices human nature. The first clip with which the guys announced themselves was recorded as a joke; after finding a Sidoji mask in the closet and pulling a bag over Ramirez’s head, the guys went to record the clip.

On August 12, 2014 the first video was posted "Sidoji Duboshit and Dirty Ramirez - Mereana Mordegard." At first, the clip did not receive even a thousand views; a month later, Dirty Rameres came to Sidoji to record the next clip, to which Sid refused, since he did not see any prospects.

Sidoji Duboshit, Dirty Ramirez and Oxxxymiron

Once Sergey and Andrey were sitting in the apartment of one of the duet members and were sitting in a video chat, showing their clip to their interlocutors, without any thought, purely for the sake of humor, but to their surprise they got one good friend and promised to show their creation to Myron. The guys did not attach any importance to this conversation and simply forgot about it. But after some time, he writes a tweet on his Twitter, where he speaks well of the work of Sid and Ram, attaching a link to their video.

Of course, the guys, on the wave of hype, release a second video "Wizards of the country ponOZ", after which attention is paid to them huge amount people, many famous rappers shower the guys with favorable comments. For such short term Sidoji and Ramirez achieved what 99% of rappers fail to achieve in many years.

Sidoji Duboshit and Dirty Ramirez - Wizards of the Land of PonOZ

After the enormous success of the video, the rappers released two singles entitled “ Apocalypse" And " Transfer", the audience of creative fans is increasing exponentially.

Also on November 11, 2015, a video for one of the singles “ Sidoji Duboshit and Dirty Ramirez - Trans Sphere (Alx Beats prod.)«.

SID and RAM gained enormous popularity in April 2016 after the release of the video clip for the song ““, the clip contains a memorable chorus that ingrains itself in the head of the one who saw it for a long time and, of course, is incredibly flexible and beautiful dance Sidoji and Ramirez, which spawned a huge number of memes and parodies. This is also one of the most viewed clips on the official YouTube channel and has more than 8.5 million views.

Sidoji Duboshit and Dirty Ramirez - Gene Gray (Grey Killer prod.)

In July 2016, Sidoji Duboshit and Dirty Ramirez released their debut studio album entitled " Mochivils", the album included 10 tracks. In support of the album, the guys traveled to many cities in Russia on a concert tour. Tearing every city to shreds, once again proving that they are the most crazy guys in Russian rap.

In April 2017, the second part of the album was released - “ Mochivils 2", which fans of Sid and Ram liked more than the first part, because the album included 12 compositions in the old style, so loved by fans.

On June 23, 2017, a video with an insane chorus called “SID×RAM - RAMSING” was released; this video was a control point in some kind of restart of the band. The name of the team was changed from to , and Ramirez’s mask also underwent changes.


On August 24, 2017, unexpectedly for everyone, a video was released for Ramirez’s solo composition entitled “ Dirty Ramirez - Toxin“, the work was done very high quality, in the acid style loved by all his listeners. In the video, Ram managed to make fun of many rappers, including the currently popular rapper ““. The clip generated many reactions and parodies on the popular video hosting site YouTube.

Dirty Ramirez - Toxin

November 24, 2017 SIDxRAM will present a new EP entitled “ SIDxRAM - Reptile (EP)“, which included 6 compositions, 3 of which were solo tracks by Ramirez

SIDxRAM (Sidoji Duboshit and Dirty Ramirez) now

SIDxRAM is now one of the strongest groups in Russian rap, and in their style they have no competition at all. They are very productive, constantly delighting their listeners with new works, be it albums, single videos or concert tours. The guys' videos receive millions of views and concert venues are always packed to capacity.

Wikipedia talks about the life and work of Sid Ram; he also has VK and Instagram accounts.

An immoral duo from Nizhnevartovsk, formed in 2014. There was always quite a lot of hype around them, because they stood out from the rest of the gray mass of performers, in their arsenal they have an excellent presentation, immoral punches and their own dark style of performance, close to horror rap.

This duet, with its unique style and interesting textual component, burst into the minds of listeners in the summer of 2014, releasing a video for the track

This clip was noticed and praised on Twitter, which attracted a fair share of listeners to the side of the duo.

Throughout 2015, the duo tried in every possible way to increase the number of their audience, releasing one mind-blowing single after another. And the already growing fan base demanded a full-fledged release from Sid and Ram.

On April 12, 2016, a video for the track was released, which became viral, just like “Moreana Mordergrad” did in its time. This song gained fame outside of Russia, on Jenius You can still see comments from foreign users.

Having gained another wave of popularity, the anticipation for the debut release from the duo has grown hundreds of times, and the performers are releasing a mixtape called “Mochivils” during a concert tour. This release includes the aforementioned track “Jean Grey”

This mixtape was released in April 2017. The release of the record was heated the release of two singles - and.

In the summer of 2017 in community Sid and Rem VKontakte post appeared (which was later deleted), saying that the duo was breaking up and each of the performers was going on a solo voyage. A little later, Ram, in the comments of one of the group’s posts, denied this information, citing the “jambs” of the group’s administration. In fact, it was a prank with which the performers decided to test the reaction of their fan base.

A new surge of emotions and expectations from the public caused the release of a video from Dirty Ramirez for the track, in which Ram dances on the corpses of the idols of today's youth, hitting the

Sidoji Duboshit(standing in the photo)
Real name: Andrey Zolotukhin

Dirty Ramirez
Real name: Sergey Zhelnov
Place of birth: Nizhnevartovsk

Sidoji Duboshit and Dirty Ramirez before popularity

Sidoji Duboshit and Gryazny Ramirez are a rap duo from the city of Nizhnevartovsk. Sidoji's real name is Andrey Zolotukhin, and Dirty Ramirez's name is Sergey Zhelnov. Both guys are studying to become economists. The duo formed in the summer of 2014 - then the guys posted a video online Sidoji Duboshit and Dirty Ramirez - Mereana Mordegard.

At first the guys perceived their creativity as a joke. The guys didn’t expect that anyone would like their crazy video. And so it was - within a month the video received about a thousand views. The guys decided to go on the offensive. They went into the video chat and started trolling everyone, while simultaneously promoting their video. One of the random interlocutors in the chat turned out to be a close friend of Oksimiron. He is very liked the work of Sidoji and Ram, and he promised to show the clip to Myron. Aspiring rappers didn’t believe it and forgot. However, this was not a joke, and after a while, Oxy leaves a review of the video, and a wave of hype for Sidoja and Dirty Ramirez begins.

Sidoji and Ram on the wave of hype

The guys were faced with a choice of what to do next. Before they became popular, the guys had their own projects. Sidoji Duboshit was a singer and performed popular songs at corporate events under the nickname etna1se. And Dirty Ramirez was known as Sergey Versailles, and rapped the usual “for life, for love, for the boys.”

The guys understand that all positions in rusrap are occupied, and the horror rap genre is empty. The guys decide that it’s better to continue the hype and release new clip"Wizards of the Land of Ponoz." After this work, real fanaticism began. However, everyone began to respect Sidoji and hate Ramirez, saying he was not at the right level, had poor diction and presentation of the text.

The most powerful impetus to the fame of Sidoji DuboShit and Dirty Ramirez was the video Gin Gray, which can safely be called one of the main hits of 2016. In this work, the guys showed very bright choreography and a strong flow. After Jin Gray, the guys released their first album on the wave of hype Mochivils. After the release, the guys went on a small tour around the country.
In April 2017, the guys released new album MOCHIVILLS 2. As it turned out, this was the last collaboration Guys. In the summer of 2017, the duo Sidoji Duboshit and Gryazny Ramirez broke up due to the fact that Sergey Ramirez moved to live in Moscow, and Sidoji decided to stay in Nizhnevartovsk.

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