What is happening to Boris Moiseev. Boris Grebenshchikov: State of health, what happened to the musician - latest news about the actor’s illness

On September 2, at the farewell ceremony People's Artist Joseph Kobzon Boris Moiseev shocked his fans with his sickly appearance and clearly poor health.

The singer's health condition deteriorated sharply back in 2010. According to doctors, constant stress and strain caused the stroke that Boris Moiseev suffered. According to experts involved in restoring the singer’s health, the rehabilitation process will take approximately 5-10 years.

To date, the artist has not been able to fully recover from the disease. He still feels some discomfort when he tries to perform any actions with his left hand.

But, according to Boris himself, he feels quite normal, and nothing threatens his health. Doctors confirm the artist’s words and say that Moiseev is recovering. For the sake of a speedy recovery, he had to reconsider his lifestyle and give up some bad habits.

The singer managed to completely give up drinking alcohol. But overcoming tobacco addiction, according to Moiseev, is still an impossible task for him. He also hopes that he will soon be able to overcome this addiction. Already, the number of cigarettes the artist smokes per day has been reduced by three.

Boris Moiseev also switched from a car to a bicycle. According to him, the bicycle is very good remedy recovery after a stroke. Moreover, while cycling, Boris does not experience the stress that he had to experience when driving a car.

Among other things, the singer is taking health rehabilitation courses not only in Russia, but also abroad. During his treatment in the USA, Boris Moiseev was struck by the idea of ​​creating his own rehabilitation center. And having recovered, the artist began to implement his idea. The singer plans to create an advanced rehabilitation center with a huge swimming pool and yoga courses. Boris Moiseev believes that such a center must be equipped with special rooms for visiting sick relatives, because according to the artist, care and communication are the key to recovery.

It is worth recalling that information recently appeared on the Internet that Boris Moiseev has cancer. News with the corresponding headline appeared after a photo of the singer appeared on the Internet after a festival in Jurmala, where Moiseev was undergoing treatment. In the photo, Internet users were able to see a small ulcer on the singer’s face, which even makeup could not hide.

Some users have identified this ulcer as a malignant cancerous tumor. News of this nature seriously worried the singer’s fans. The artist’s director even had to make a statement that reassured fans of Boris Moiseev. He said that this ulcer is nothing more than a consequence of the singer’s cold, and there is no need to worry about it.

Moiseev felt ill at Kobzon’s funeral

Despite his state of health, Boris Moiseev found the strength to come to the farewell ceremony for Joseph Kobzon. It was clear to the naked eye that his state of health left much to be desired. It was noticeable that the singer had gained noticeable weight, and his face was pale and had a sickly appearance.

Also, the singer’s fans were excited by the fact that Boris Moiseev moved around the ceremony exclusively with the help of his companions. Later, the artist tried to continue the movement on his own, but by the end of the ceremony he felt a loss of strength and turned to his producer for help to help him leave the ceremony.

His director Andrei Razin began to calm down the singer’s fans, frightened by the sick appearance of Boris Moiseev. He stated that the singer turned to him for help because he was very nervous about the death of Joseph Kobzon. Now, according to the producer, Boris Moiseev is at home, and there are no threats to his health. at the moment No.

Personal life of Boris Moiseev

These events made his common-law wife Adele Todd worry. An insider from the singer’s inner circle reports that his woman insists that Moiseev move to the United States to undergo a second course of treatment.

Very little is known about the personal life of Boris Moiseev, since he does not like to talk with journalists on this topic. After the singer made a very bold statement in the 90s of the last century, which created a huge stir around his personality. He became the first representative of domestic show business to publicly admit his gay orientation.

After such a loud statement, journalists tried to find the singer’s partner, but all their efforts were in vain. And in 2010, Moiseev surprised the public with his announcement that he was going to marry American Adele Todd. That same year, the singer told reporters that his sexual orientation was part of his stage image, which his producers came up with for him. According to the producers, such an image should have brought him enormous success and popularity, and they turned out to be right.

Boris Moiseev refuses to comment on his move to the USA for treatment, however, according to the information available today, the artist will most likely leave for America, as he has put his property up for sale.

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Several years ago, Boris Moiseev suffered a stroke. The doctors did everything possible to get the artist back on his feet. The singer was even able to go on stage, although he felt unwell. The spectators saw that every movement was given to Moses with great difficulty. Fans hoped that doctors would still be able to help the artist make a full recovery.


However, no miracle happened. Boris Moiseev has not appeared on stage for about two years. In the rare programs where the artist appears today, he says practically nothing. So, the other day Boris Moiseev took part in Andrei Malakhov’s program “Hello, Andrei”. However, during the entire program the artist spoke no more than ten words.


The creator of “Tender May” Andrei Razin told how, thanks to him, Boris Moiseev first appeared on television

Singer, MP and producer herself popular pop group USSR Andrei Razin is an active blogger. The artist often tells fans interesting stories associated with Russian celebrities.


The other day Razin congratulated Boris Moiseev on his birthday. According to the businessman, Moiseev is now very sick:

...happy birthday to Borya. Borya is very sick now, I pray for his health.

Andrei Razin, it turns out, is directly involved in the popularity of Boris Miseev. Team Leader " Tender May” told how many years ago he “pulled” the unknown trio “Expression” onto central television:

... no one even knows that it was I who, by chance, saw Borya with the Express trio in 1985 in Riga (Borya had a beard at that time). When M.S. Gorbachev came to power, the State Television and Radio of the USSR, as the “nephew” of Mikhail Sergeevich, immediately offered me to star in “Morning Mail”, filming took place on the ship “Georgia”, the song is called “You and I” (you can watch it on YouTube ).And I remembered Borya, I told the editor-in-chief music programs CT Krenkel L.E. that I will only act with this ballet. So Borya, Lola, Luda got on television

Boris Moiseev horrified the public with his appearance and state of health: just yesterday, September 2, at the funeral of Joseph Kobzon, the man became ill, and he could not even move independently. As eyewitnesses note, apparently, Moiseev was very worried, in addition, he had recently suffered a stroke, which greatly affected his well-being.

But most of all, the public on social networks was horrified by the appearance of the performer: Boris Moiseev looked, frankly, unimportant, and he gained a lot of extra pounds, which also affected his appearance. The man entered the hall where the farewell ceremony for Kobzon took place, accompanied by assistants who at some moments helped him move.

The already middle-aged performer literally fell off his feet several times, and he was supported. Later, he finally began to move independently, but not for long: he soon felt unwell again, and he was taken away before the end of the farewell ceremony. It goes without saying that Internet users immediately began to discuss that Moiseev had not only gained weight, he had aged, and, in addition, looked very depressed due to the mournful atmosphere.

What happened to Boris Moiseev, what ails him

As you know, bad appearance and the well-being of the famous singer is a consequence of the stroke that he suffered eight years ago. After his illness, Moiseev tried to recover for a long time, but he has not succeeded so far. However, fortunately for his fans and Boris himself, he still retained his speech and ability to move, as well as his ability to reason sensibly.

Boris Moisev's producer Andrei Razin confirms that the singer is in lately“he lost a lot”, and in fact it became difficult for him to even move. It goes without saying that the majority of Internet users hope for the celebrity’s recovery, however, as skeptics say, Moiseev’s age and illness are unlikely to allow this. Whatever one may say, Boris is already sixty-four years old, and his body is not so eager to fight “for life.”

Alla Pugacheva came to say goodbye to Kobzon

Until recently, the public doubted whether Alla Pugacheva would come to say goodbye to Joseph Kobzon or not: the relationship between them throughout many years Things were tense, to put it mildly. However, the Diva still arrived at the ceremony with Maxim Galkin and brought a bouquet of carnations. She flatly refused to answer journalists' questions.

Let us recall that Pugacheva was subjected to severe criticism from Internet users for not deigning to publish condolences on her page immediately after the news of Kobzon’s death. social network. According to the not-so-sensible part of the public, this is exactly what needs to be done first: demonstrate your feelings to the people, and only then cry for real, in life.

Skeptics, of course, did not harbor any grudges against Pugacheva: expressing condolences publicly is everyone’s personal business, even if you are a star three hundred times over. However, some critics good manners turned out to be a new thing, and they accused Pugacheva of callousness, moreover, they reminded the Diva of her age and threatened that she “will be the next” to follow Kobzon.

Note that Alla Pugachev funds mass media They have been “burying” this for several days now, attributing Diva’s death from an unknown disease that she managed to hide for years. In addition, at some point the public was alarmed by the transformation of Alla Borisovna, who was able to lose more than twenty kilograms. Internet users immediately came to the conclusion that the disease was also to blame for this, and soon they would have to say goodbye to Alla Pugacheva. However, later information appeared that Pugacheva “definitely died,” and Maxim Galkin himself allegedly told about this.

The conflict between Kobzon and Pugacheva from A to Z

The first meeting between Pugacheva and Kobzon took place in the late 60s. Kobzon was already a Soviet pop star at that time, and Pugacheva was a little-known young singer. Much later, Joseph Kobzon released an autobiographical book “As before God,” in which he spoke unflatteringly about Alla Pugacheva. Kobzon did not mince words, calling Alla Borisovna a stupid woman and a presumptuous star.

The prima donna harbored a grudge and took cruel revenge - becoming the hostess of the Song of the Year festival, she crossed out Kobzon’s name from the list of concert participants, although he had been there for 24 years, starting in 1971. A cold war began between the two stars - they did not greet each other when they met and sometimes even exchanged swear words.

Pugacheva was not present at Kobzon’s 70th birthday. But she came to her 75th birthday together with Maxim Galkin and Philip Kirkorov. After this, the conflict between the singers was settled. And in 2009, at a concert in Luzhniki, “Happy Birthday, Alla!” Kobzon and Pugacheva performed “Old Album” as a duet.

Boris Moiseev - Russian singer, dancer, choreographer, he was the first public person who did not hide the fact that he supported the LGBT community. Despite constant accusations of homosexuality, Boris Moiseev remained one of the most popular artists Russian stage. Now the artist leads a non-public lifestyle, he can rarely be seen in the company of friends. So this year he couldn’t miss annual festival“Jurmala”: the man tried his best not to attract the attention of fans, and if he noticed that people with phones were approaching him, Boris covered his face and tried to leave. Those close to him attribute this to the fact that he had gained noticeable weight and did not want to similar photos ended up on the Internet. Another significant discomfort for the artist was a wound on his face, which could not be hidden with foundation.

Boris Moiseev has cancer: true or false?

This did not help to avoid the emergence of unconfirmed information that the shocking Russian pop star was struggling with a very serious illness. Such conclusions were made by a reporter who managed to photograph the singer during his evening walk along one of the Latvian beaches. According to him, Boris Moissev looked tired, it was noticeable that it was very difficult for the man to move without assistance. Journalists did not ignore the large ulcer on his face, which gave rise to rumors of skin cancer. The manager denied this statement, calling it a shaving wound that does not heal well due to the fact that it is constantly hurt every time the artist tidies up his face.

The fact that the artist is not feeling very well is evidenced by the fact that throughout 2016 he refused to perform at events to which Moiseev was invited. Boris's friends explain this by the fact that their colleague has not yet fully recovered from his illness. And now he is focused on maintaining his health.

Moiseev does not stop leading a riotous lifestyle with alcohol

We should not forget that the singer is already 64 years old and it is physically difficult for him to run around the stage, as he did before; healthy image the life that an artist leads. 8 years ago, the singer suffered a stroke, which led to the failure of his left arm and problems with his upper lip, but even this did not force Moiseev to give up his addiction to alcohol and smoking.

According to the director, the artist feels well, although he has difficulty speaking. This doesn't stop him from meeting old friends and having a good time. He also hastened to reassure the worried fans, saying that Moiseev does not have any cancer. And the star’s representative advised reporters to buy glasses so that they would no longer mistake an ordinary ulcer for skin cancer, and would not write heresy on the Internet.

Today, January 2018, health status popular singer and the shocking artist Boris Moiseev remains a secret behind seven seals. After the release of the joint video “I am a baller,” filmed for a song performed by Moiseev and Kostyushkin, the artist disappeared from broadcasts and broadcasts. Concerned fans are leafing through old messages on the Internet about the deterioration of their pet’s health and trying to justify his absence with a new project, which Moiseev talked a lot about in mid-2017.


Rumors of financial problems

Not long ago, cunning journalists spread the news that as of today, January 13, 2018, the outrageous singer has problems not only with his health - according to some reports, his financial condition is in decline due to the cancellation of touring activities and performances in concert halls capitals.

Boris Moiseev himself is outraged by such lies and wonders why it is important for someone to talk on the Internet about his problems with the Jurmala mayor’s office.

Boris Moiseev has big financial problems

According to the artist, after arriving at his own house on the shore Baltic Sea, he regularly paid all taxes in advance for the year and paid off utility bills. Anyone who doubts the solvency of Boris Moiseev can familiarize themselves with the list of debtors published on the corresponding website. In addition, it will not be difficult for the artist to post on his page a screenshot of payment messages for the past year, which contains all the necessary evidence of his financial solvency.

Not about any arrest on his real estate - in in this case We are talking about the house of a shocking Master - there are no truthful reports anywhere. The artist himself loves to relax on the coast, often visits Laima Vaikule and gathers his strength to accept Alla Borisovna’s invitation. Here he undergoes a kind of rehabilitation, riding a bicycle along the shady paths of the local city park.

Doctors advised the musician to stop driving a car

The artist’s friends support doctors - this is how Vladimir Vinokur gave his notorious friend a snow-white Mercedes bicycle, on which the star rides through the streets of Jurmala, following the doctors’ orders.

New activities

According to the artist, in the last six months of 2017 he was busy opening a rehabilitation center for stroke patients. To do this, the singer had to devote a lot of time to a new activity and perform in an unusual role for himself. It was necessary to find a suitable premises. Develop a work plan and contracts with future staff. According to the artist, the institution will have everything necessary to restore motor and speech functions in patients with neurological and brain disorders resulting from cerebral hemorrhage.

In 2010, Moiseev suffered a stroke

We remind you that in 2010 Boris Moiseev, whose health status today is 2017-2018. does not cause much concern, suffered a stroke in 2010, as a result of which all left side his body was paralyzed. Then the doctors had to put him into a medically induced coma so that the consequences of the disease would not be so severe. Then there were long months of recovery procedures, often painful and unpleasant.

ABOUT exact date The opening of the Center and the price list for its services will be known soon - it is planned to release a large advertising campaign, which, given the popularity of the owner, will become very profitable.

The artist has always been a supporter of unusual manifestations of his charismatic personality. So in March last year, he went to work with his old friend Nadezhda Babkina to work at the Russian Song Theater as a simple cashier. This brought unexpected success, and several times more tickets were sold.

Boris Moiseev and Nikolai Trubach

Then the hostess herself joined the “Star Cashier” campaign cultural institution. A few days later, Elena Vorobey, a popular clown and parodist, replaced her colleagues at the combat post at the window with a loudspeaker. Whether there will be a continuation of such an initiative by popular artists who are live advertisements for viewers of different generations is still unknown.

Cancer or not cancer

At the end of last year new wave anxiety gripped the fans of Boris Moiseev. The photographs showed a noticeable growth on the artist’s face, suspiciously similar to melanoma.

A strange sore appeared on the musician’s face

No matter how hard the maestro tried to tint it with cream, the unpleasant sore is clearly visible in the photographs, moreover, when going out last performance in Jurmala he was supported by an assistant - it was clear that it was very difficult for Moiseev to move independently. Therefore, journalists immediately compared these facts and decided that the public’s favorite and outrageous singer of unconventional love had developed oncology.

The artist’s director dispelled all fears. According to him, Boris Moiseev feels excellent, he does not have any cancer and the artist’s health status today, in 2018, is quite satisfactory.
