Art. Fine arts Types of art in English

Vocabulary on the topic "Art"

to practice an art - to practice art;
abstract art - abstractionism;
classical art - classical art;
modern art - contemporary art;
primitive art - primitivism;
graphic art - graphic art, graphics;
plastic arts - plastic art;
art school - art school;
Art Nouveau - French. Art Nouveau style (artistic and architectural style of the late 19th - early 20th centuries);
antique art - antique art;
folk art - folk art;
decorative art - decorative arts;
applied art - applied art;
art of building - architecture;
art castings - artistic casting;
Graphic (black-and-white) art – the art of graphics;
art is long, life is short last. - life is short, art is eternal;
Fine Arts – fine arts (the S. Erzya Museum of Fine Arts);
(the) Academy of Arts - Academy of Arts;
pictorial art - painting.

History of art: eras and directions
Stone Age art - art of the Stone Age
Classical Greek - ancient Greek
Byzantine - Byzantine
Flemish - Flemish
Gothic - gothic
the Renaissance period
the Baroque age - the Baroque era
the Romantic era - era of Romanticism
the Neo-Classicists – neoclassicists
the Itinerants - Itinerants
Impressionism - impressionists
The Symbolists - symbolists
Expressionism - expressionism
Cubism - cubism
Pop art - pop art

Artistic genres
acrylic painting – painting with acrylic paint
bark painting – painting on bark
battle piece – battle painting
caricature - caricature
ceremonial portrait - ceremonial portrait
collage - collage
drawing - drawing
easel painting - easel painting
engraving – engraving, printmaking
family group – family portrait
full-length portrait - full-length portrait
genre bas – “ low genre", everyday genre
genre painting - genre painting
historical painting - history painting
landscape - landscape
marine / seascape – seascape
miniature - miniature
mosaics - mosaic
mural – fresco, wall painting
oil painting – oil painting
pastel picture – pastel drawing
self-portrait - self-portrait
sketch – sketch, sketch
still life - still life
tapestry - tapestry
wall / mural painting – wall painting
water-color – watercolor painting
master – great artist, master;
old masters - old masters, especially artists of the 17th-18th centuries; paintings by old masters;
moderns – contemporary artists;
painter – painter, artist;
artist - artist (in in a broad sense words);
landscape painter - landscape painter;
portrait painter (portraitist) – portrait painter;
painter of sea-scapes – marine painter;
still life painter - an artist who paints still lifes;
pastel(l)ist (pastel painter) – an artist who paints with pastels;
black-and-white artist (a painter in black-and-white) – graphic;
colourist - colorist;
dauber – bad artist;
draughtsman (draftsman) – draftsman;
art dealer marchand; one who sells and buys paintings; art dealer
colour-man - paint dealer
art-lover - art lover;
art-worker - artistic figure.
avant-garde - avant-garde
be in advance of one's time - to be ahead of your time
be taught painter - learn to be an artist
become famous overnight - become famous overnight
break with the tradition - break with tradition
canvas – picture, canvas
capture the sitter's vitality, transient expression - convey the energy of the model, fleeting facial expression
conform to the taste of the period - correspond to the taste of the era
depict a person, a scene of common life, the mood of... - depict a person, everyday scene, mood
develop one's own style of painting - develop your own writing style
die forgotten and penniless - die in poverty and obscurity
do a painting - paint a picture
expose the dark sides of life – depict the dark side of life
fashionable artist - fashionable artist
mature artist – mature artist
nude model – nude model
paint from nature, memory – write from nature / from memory
paint mythological, historical subjects – write on mythological, historical subjects
painting – 1) painting, 2) picture
picture – 1) picture, 2) photograph
portrait/landscape painter –
portrait / landscape painter
portray people, emotions with moving sincerity/restraint – portray people, emotions with touching sincerity/restraint
render, interpret the personality of... - convey character...
reveal the person's nature - reveal the character
self-taught artist - self-taught artist
specialize in portraiture, still life – specialize in painting portraits, still lifes

Artist Skills
his painterly talents - his talent for painting;
complete command of color – excellent command of color;
the brush – the art of the artist;
brushwork - the artist’s manner of applying paint with a brush; writing style;
creative work - creativity;
finished technique - honed craftsmanship;
to group – select harmonious paints and colors;
handling – the artist’s ability to wield a brush;
verve – liveliness and brightness (descriptions); the power of the image, the individuality of the artist;
exquisite work - fine craftsmanship;
paint shop art studio;
studio – artist’s workshop;
art exhibit art exhibition;
exhibit exhibit; exhibit,
art exhibition art exhibition;
art gallery - art gallery;
a picture gallery – picture gallery;
a picture show – exhibition of paintings;
show – exhibition;
one-man exhibition – personal exhibition;
private exhibition – private exhibition;
at the exhibition - at the exhibition;
exhibition halls (rooms) – exhibition halls;
loan exhibition – an exhibition of paintings temporarily provided by the owners for exhibition (by a museum or an individual);
display – exhibition; exhibit, show;
varnishing-day – the day before the exhibition (when artists can touch up their paintings and varnish them);
opening day - vernissage;
pictures hung on the line – paintings displayed so that the center of the picture is at the viewer’s eye level;

Artist's tools
brush - brush
canvas - canvas
chalk - chalk
charcoal - charcoal pencil
color box / palette - palette
crayon – colored pencil, chalk
drapery - drapery
easel - easel
enamel – enamel, enamel
encaustic - encaustic
frame - frame
fresco – fresco, fresco painting
gouache - gouache
ink - ink
India ink - mascara
Indian ink - mascara
lacquer – varnish, glaze
liquid – 1) liquid 2) liquid
oil paint – oil paint
paintbox – box with paints
panel – thin board for painting, panel
pigment - pigment
tempera - tempera
to charcoal – draw with charcoal
vehicle - solvent
watercolor - watercolor
sketch-book album, drawing notebook;
drawing-block notebook for drawing;
easel - easel;
The easel is a frame which supports the painting during its progress. -
An easel is a stand on which a painting is placed while working on it.
to adjust (set) an easel – place, strengthen the easel;
easel-picture painting on an easel (while painting);
He continued working on his easel-pieces. - He continued working on the painting that was standing on the easel.
Canvas canvas, painting, linen (about a work of art: film, painting, etc.);
to stretch canvas – stretch the canvas;
frame - frame; insert into frame;
stretcher - a stretcher on which the canvas is stretched;
paint brush - brush (for drawing);
paint oil - drying oil;
paint-box - paint box;
a box of paints - a set of paints;
color-box - a box with paints;
a set of (oil) paints - a set of (oil) paints;
palette knife - palette knife;
color pan - palette (board for mixing paints);
lacquer - varnish;
solvent - solvent;

Paint. Painting
Paint 1. 1) a) drawing b) drawing;
2) a) paint; coloring;
to dilute paint - to dilute paint;
to mix paints - mix paints;
to scrape paint - scrape off paint;
to spread paint evenly - distribute paint evenly;
to spray paint - spray paint;
paint chips - paint flies off;
paint peels - paint comes off, peels off;
b) (pl.) paints;
a box of paints - a box with paints.
2. a) write with paints;
to paint a portrait in oil(s) - paint a portrait with oil paints
paint from nature - draw/write from nature;
Syn: depict, depict, delineate
b) engage in painting;
c) paint (house, wall, window, etc.);
to paint a wall - paint a wall;
paint in;
The trees in the background were painted in later by a different artist.
The trees in the background were painted by another artist.
Syn: color;
Sketch 1. sketch, outline
to draw, make a sketch - make a sketch;
a composite sketch - a complex sketch;
a rough sketch - preliminary sketch;
Syn: drawing, draft, outline.
2. 1) draw a sketch, make a sketch;
I always sketch with pen and paper. - I always make my sketches on
paper with a pen.
2) describe in general terms;
preliminary sketch - preliminary sketch;
outline/study sketch; sketch/sketch;
to draw up an outline, to make an outline - make a sketch, outline;
bare, broad, general, rough outline - approximate sketch;
Syn: sketch, draft.
Painting 1) painting;
a) type of fine art;
finger painting - drawing with fingers
(about small children painting with oil paints);
Flemish painting - Flemish painting;
hard-edge painting - American. "painting of clear contours";
wall painting - American wall painting (traditional
element of the landscape of large cities);
water-color painting - watercolor painting;
oil painting 1) painting with oil paints; 2) picture,
painted with oil paints;
b) (work) painting; image, picture;
to authenticate a painting - establish the authenticity of the painting
to do a painting - draw a picture;
to restore a painting - restore a painting;
a painting depicts, portrays, shows - the painting depicts,
c) painting; drawing;
to be taught painting - learn painting;
Two hobbies she really enjoyed, painting and gardening. - She had two classes,
which she really enjoyed: drawing and gardening.
Syn: coloring
2) coloring; painting;
painting and decorating - painting works;
mural painting wall painting;
dip painting;
Battle painting – battle painting;
Genre painting – genre painting;
Anecdotal painting – a variety genre painting;
Historical painting – historical painting;
Landscape painting – landscape painting;
Monumental painting – monumental painting;
Mural painting – fresco painting;
“plain-air” painting – plein air painting;
plain-air technique – plein air painting;
in the open air - in the open air (in the open air);
“plain air” (French plein air) - plein air (painting in the open air outside
portraiture – portrait painting; collected portraits;
water-color painting - watercolor painting.
Colour. Depiction. Image.
Color 1. n; painting color 1) color (usually bright), shade, tone, color scheme;
out of color - faded, burnt out;
(Antonym) without color – colorless; trans. "gray", ordinary,
unremarkable, inconspicuous;
2) paint, coloring matter, pigment;
This one is painted in dark colors. - This picture was drawn
dark colors.
Syn: coloring n. 1) coloring, coloring;
2) coloring, coloring, color;
2.v.; painting color to have or give color; paint, paint;
Depict to depict in a picture, to draw
The artist depicted him strolling through a garden. - The artist depicted him walking in the garden.
Syn: picture, portray, paint;
Portray draw a portrait; portray (someone)
Portrayal – drawing a portrait, image;
Delineate 1) sketch, draw, outline
The exact position is delineated on the plan. - The exact location is marked on the plan.
2) (figurative meaning) schematically depict (what should
be created); make a sketch; sketch
Our laws and the whole constitution of our state having been thus delineated. - So
Thus, a preliminary draft of our laws and the constitution as a whole has been made.
Deliniation – image.

Draw. Color and Paint
Draw - to draw, draw, sketch a drawing;
The assignment is to draw a horse in motion. - The task is to make a sketch of a running horse.
to draw in pen and ink – draw with ink;
Drawing – 1) drawing; drawing; 2) drawing, sketch, sketch (made with a pen, pencil or chalk); 3) drawing
to do, make a drawing - to draw;
a freehand drawing - freehand drawing;
a line drawing - drawing; pen or pencil drawing;
Design - drawing, sketch, outline; drawing, pattern; make sketches, create patterns, etc.
trace out - sketch (plan, drawing);
dash – quick sketch; smear; hatch; throw paint on canvas;
dot – dot; putting dots, a special technique of writing in painting (not with strokes, but with dots, so-called pointillism);
to block in – sketch (drawing, diagram).
He blocked the picture in roughly - He made a sketch of the picture.
painter's paint/decorative paint - artistic paint;
water paint; water paint;
flat paint/dull paint - matte paint;
water-color - 1) ordinary. pl. watercolor, watercolor paints 2) watercolor (drawing);
oil-colours/ oil(s) - oil paints;
gouache - gouache;
crayon colored pencil, colored chalk, pastel; drawing with colored pencil, pastel;
hue - paint, shade, tone, color;
color tone - shade;
tint - paint, shade, tone in which white color predominates (in the picture);
half-tint - semitone;
primary colors/ simple colors/ fundamental colors - primary colors;
cold and warm tones - cold and warm colors;
semi-tones - halftones;
low-toned pictutres - paintings painted in softened tones;
subdued tones - muted tones;
broken tones - uneven tones;
flesh color - flesh color;
pastel pastel;
light and shade - light and shadows;
pastel - pastel
pastel shades - pastel shades, shades;
to paint in pastel - paint with pastels;
pastel blue - pastel blue, pale blue;
play of light - play of light;
line and color - drawing and paint;
scheme color - artist’s palette;
palette - palette; artist's coloring; erase the already painted part of the picture with a palette knife;
coloration - color (in painting);
color scale/scale - lively. color spectrum;
color match color matching; color equalization;
relations of tone and color - relationship between tone and color;
color rendition - special color rendition, color fidelity;
effect (often pl) - the impression of the combination of colors in the picture;
division of colors - divisionism techniques (painting with separate strokes);
the play of colors - play (play) of colors;
riot of colors - abundance, richness of colors;
intensity - brightness, depth (of colors);
saturation - color saturation in painting;
colorful - colorful, bright;
colourless - colorless, pale;
colorlessness - dullness.

Exhibition. Composition of the painting
art gallery – art gallery
exhibit - exhibit
exhibition - exhibition
art exhibition – art exhibition
one-man exhibition - personal exhibition
permanent exhibition - permanent exhibition
special exhibition – special exhibition
traveling exhibition - traveling exhibition
exhibition about – an exhibition dedicated to…
exhibition hall – showroom
exposition - exposition
to display - display
to go to an exhibition – go to an exhibition
to put on exhibition / stage an exhibition – arrange an exhibition
accentuate something - emphasize
arrange symmetrically, asymmetrically, in a pyramid, in a vertical format – arrange (a) symmetrically, in the shape of a pyramid, vertically
be scarcely discernible - barely discernible
blend with the landscape - merge, combine with the landscape
define the nearer figures more sharply – designate the nearest figures more sharply
emphasize contours purposely - deliberately emphasize contours
in the background - in the background
at the bottom - below
in the foreground - in the foreground
in the left (right)-hand corner – in the left (right) corner
at the top - at the top
indicate the sitter's profession - indicate the model's profession
perspective - perspective
place the figures against the landscape background – place the figures against the landscape background

Picture – picture; drawing
a picture by Rubens - painting by Rubens
to draw, paint a picture - draw, paint a picture; depict in a picture, draw
a piece of art - a work of art;
art work – 1. work of art; 2. original;
a work of art - a work of art.
piece – picture;
battle piece - battle picture;
conversation piece - lively conversation piece(depicting a group of people (especially family members) doing some ordinary activity);
life-size - life-size size (about paintings, sculptures);
half-life size - half life size;
masterpiece - masterpiece;
to create a masterpiece - create a masterpiece;
enduring masterpiece - immortal masterpiece;
scene – view, landscape, picture;
scenery – landscape (always in singular and only about nature);
landscape – landscape; landscape (a type of painting and a painting depicting a landscape);
city-scape/townscape - city landscape;
marina / sea piece/ water piece/sea-scape - a painting depicting a sea view, seascape, marina;
still life - still life;
flower piece – still life with flowers;
fruit-piece - still life with fruit;
portrait – portrait;
self-portrait - self-portrait;
half-lengh portrait - half-length portrait;
full-lengh portrait - full-length portrait;
shoulder-lengh portrait - chest-length portrait;
knee-lengh portrait - knee-length portrait;
group portrait - group portrait;
equestrian portrait - equestrian portrait;
miniature – miniature (a type of painting and a small picture, usually a portrait);
caricature - caricature;
reproduction – reproduction, copy;
art reproduction - artistic reproduction;
art print - art reproduction, illustration;
prior art - prototype;
panel - thin board for painting; panel; long narrow picture;
fresco – fresco, fresco painting;
line art - line drawing;
black-and-white – pen drawing;
art collection - collection of works of art
daub – bad picture, daub; daub;
highlights – the lightest part of the picture;
in the foreground - in the foreground;
in the background - in the background;
in the middle ground - in the background;
against a background – against the background.

Description of the picture
chaotic - chaotic
cheap - cheap
colorless daub of paint - colorless daub
crude - flashy
depressing – sad, painful
disappointing - sad
distinguished by a marvelous sense of color and composition
exquisite piece of painting
fake - fake; forgery, fake
forgery - fake, forgery, falsification, counterfeit
gaudy – bright, tasteless
lyrical - lyrical
masterpiece - masterpiece
moving - touching
obscure – gloomy, dim
original - original
poetic - poetic
romantic - romantic
unintelligible - illegible
unsurpassed masterpiece - an unsurpassed masterpiece
vulgar - vulgar
abstract - abstract
abundance - abundance, abundance
accuracy - accuracy
affirmation - statement
air - air
animation - liveliness
apotheosis - apotheosis
arrangement - arrangement
at one stroke - instantly
austere – stern, strict
brilliance - brightness
brushstroke - stroke
candid glimpses - pale reflections
colorful - bright
coloring - coloring
combination of colors – combination of colors
complete command of colors - excellent mastery of color
conception - plan
cone - cone
craftsmanship - mastery
crystal-clear – clean, transparent, clear
cuboid - cubic
decorative - decorative
decorativeness - decorativeness
delicate colors – sophisticated colors
delineation – outline, sketch
density – density, density
design - composition
diffused light - diffused light
drama - effect, something catchy, spectacular
effect – effect, something catchy, spectacular
emphasis - emphasis, emphasis
expressiveness - expressiveness
exquisite - sophisticated
facial expression - facial expression
finished technique - honed technique
fluid, fluent - smooth
gamut - gamma
geometrical abstraction – geometric abstraction
harmony of colors – harmony of colors
highlights – bright areas of the image
homogeneous form - homogeneous form
hyperbole – hyperbole, exaggeration
immediacy - immediacy
individual traits - individual traits
infinite - limitless
intensity – depth of colors
intricate - intricate, intricate
life-asserting art
light and shade
line - line
luminous – transparent, light
message – ideological content
original– 1) original 2) original
out of value - too dark or too light
personification - personification
primary colors (red, blue, yellow) – primary colors
projection – projection, display
pure, vivid, brilliant, intense - pure, bright, rich colors
soft, delicate colors – soft, muted tones
range of colors
reproduction - reproduction
riot of colors - a wealth of colors
saturation - saturation
secondary color – complex color
semi-tones - halftones
silhouette - silhouette
simplicity - simplicity
skill – art, ability
sphere - sphere
spirituality - spirituality
splashes of color – bright colors
subdued colors - muted colors
subject – subject in painting
subject matter - topic
texture – texture
to acquire - to master
to affect - to worry
to anticipate - to anticipate
to appeal – attract, attract, appeal
to achieve - to achieve
to be silhouetted against – silhouetted against the background
to catch, capture, seize – to grab, transfer
to command attention - to capture attention
to convey - transfer
to depict - depict
to evoke - evoke
to execute - execute
to fade - fade
to frame - to frame
to glorify - to glorify
to grip - grab attention
to penetrate – to penetrate, to pierce
to portray - to depict
to produce impression - to make an impression
to radiate - to radiate
to render, represent - to depict
to restore - restore
to treat - to treat
tone - tone
treatment – ​​interpretation
subtle/ gaudy coloring - delicate / flashy colors
to combine form and color into harmonious unity - harmoniously combine
brilliant / low keyed color scheme where....predominates
muted in color – muted colors
delicacy of tones may be lost in a reproduction - the delicacy of colors may be lost in reproduction.

Useful adjectives
second-rate – second-rate, mediocre;
overrated - overrated, overpraised;
revolting – disgusting;
unremarkable - unremarkable, ordinary, unremarkable;
pathetic - pitiful, wretched, insignificant;
crude - raw, unprocessed, rough, preliminary;
sketchy – sketchy (unfinished, unfinished in nature);
poor – pitiful, insignificant, of low quality;
astonishing – amazing, amazing;
remarkable - wonderful, amazing, outstanding;
superb – magnificent, grandiose, luxurious, excellent;
brilliant – brilliant, outstanding;
great – wonderful, magnificent;
outstanding - outstanding.

Useful words and phrases
brushstroke - stroke;
stroke - stroke, stroke, line;
dab - smear, spot of paint; cover with paint, make light brush strokes;
to dab off - remove with light strokes;
smear - smear;
a smear of paint will put it right - you just need to smear it a little with paint, and everything will be fine;
touch - stroke, line, stroke; to slightly color, to give a tint;
finishing touches - final touches, strokes;
to touch up - to put the finishing touches, strokes;
line - line, dash, stroke;
patch - irregularly shaped spot;
blob, speck of paint - drop, spot of paint;
coat of paint - layer of paint;
to apply a second coat of paint - apply a second layer of paint;
splash of paint - a spot of paint;
to break the paint - stir the paint;
paint spattered - splashed with paint;
artisic - artistic;
painterly - picturesque, related to painting;
impression - impression;
to produce an impression (on) - to make an impression;
pictorial - picturesque, figurative;
picturesque - picturesque, colorful;
picturesqueness - picturesqueness;
subject (genre, historical, marine, pastoral etc.) - theme, plot in painting (genre, historical, marine, pastoral, etc.); the one who is portrayed;
life – nature;
true to life – realistic, life truthful, accurately reproduced;
nude – naked body (especially in painting), attr naked (especially about the sitter);
pose – pose; pose for the artist;
to pose naked - to pose naked;
to pose sitting (standing) – pose while sitting (standing);
out of the way - extraordinary, unusual, extraordinary;
the picture is nothing out of the way - there is nothing special in this picture;
to pose for a painter – pose for the artist;
to sit – pose for the artist;
to stand for, to stand for one’s portrait, to stand to (for) an artist - to pose for the artist;
sitting – session;
sitter – one who poses for the artist; model;
profile – profile, outline, contour; profile;
model – model, sample, template, cast; sitter, model.
to execute – execute, perform;
execution - mastery of execution;
experience – qualification, skill;
to express – to express;
expression – expressiveness, expression;
to render – reproduce, depict, convey;
rendering – transfer, image;
represent – ​​to depict;
representation – image;
to convey – convey, express (idea, etc.);
to heighten – increase the intensity of the paint, make the color brighter; shade, tint (drawing); highlight(image);
to retouch – make corrections (about a painting);
to scrape (out) – erase the already painted part of the picture;
paint in true colors - depict truthfully
to paint from life - paint from life;
to draw from nature – draw from nature;
to load – put thick paint;
to prime – prime the canvas;
to varnish – to varnish, to varnish.

Art is translated into English as art [art] - art, painting
I like art very much [Ay lai kart very much] – I like art very much.

If you want to say that you are engaged in art, then it would be correct to use the following phrase:
to practice art [that practice art] – do art

My girlfriend have been practicing art since she was fifteen [My girlfriend has been practicing art since she was fifteen] – My girlfriend has been practicing art since she was fifteen.

There are many directions:
abstract art [abstract art] - abstract art

Sam saw several pictures of abstract art in a gallery that he liked - Sam saw several pictures of abstract art in a gallery that he liked.

classical art [klasik art] - classical art
modern art [modern art] - contemporary art
folk art [fok art] - folk art
applied art [eplayd art] - applied art

I like modern art, but my grandma likes folk art [Ay like modern, bat may grandma likes folk art] - I like modern art, and my grandmother likes folk art.
Painting occupies an important place in art. Translated into English as: pictorial art [pichinol art] or painting [painting].

If we want to say that the picture was painted by an artist, then we must use the following phrase:
painter [painter] – artist
artist [artist] - artist
picture [picture] – picture

This picture was made my famous painter [Zis Picture Voz Made by Famous Painter] - This picture was painted by a famous artist.

Before creating his painting, every artist must make a sketch:
sketch [sketch] - sketch, sketch

I will be happy to see the sketch of your painting [I will be happy to see the sketch of your painting] - I will be happy to look at the sketch of your painting.

There are many different artistic genres:

battle piece [betel piece] - battle painting
ortrait [waste] - portrait
self-portrait [self-trait] - self-portrait

When Albrecht Dürer was twenty-nine years old, he made his self-portrait [Van Albert Dürer twenty-nine, he made his self-trait] - When Albert Dürer was 29 years old, he painted his self-portrait.

wall / mural painting [wall/mural painting] - wall painting
water-colour [water-calor] - watercolor painting
engraving [engraving] - engraving, printmaking

Today Kate saw a lot of beautiful engravings on the church`s ceiling [Today Kate saw a lot of beautiful engravings on Church's ceiling] - Today Kate saw a lot of beautiful engravings on the ceiling in the church.

family group [family group] - family portrait
landscape [landscape] - landscape
oil painting [oil painting] - oil painting
seascape [seascape] - seascape

My brother painted several seascapes last summer, when we were on vacation [My brother painted several seascapes last summer, when we were on vacation.

Dialogue about art in English

  • I heard you have been to a Museum yesterday.
  • Yes, I was there. I really like classical art and several seascapes.
  • That is great, but I like modern art and landscapes. I am even trying to paint myself.
  • Good to hear I hope I will see some of your sketches soon.
  • You visited the exhibition of paintings by Serov in the Tretyakov gallery?
  • Yes, there was great excitement, more than the exhibition of van Gogh.

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ART- ART, arts, cf. 1. units only Creative artistic activity. Do art. New trends in art. 2. The branch of creative artistic activity. Basic arts: painting, sculpting, architecture, poetry, music and ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

art- Art. Fine arts: music, painting, sculpting (sculpture), architecture (architecture), mosaic; poetry, dancing, facial expressions, singing, acting, etc. .. See knowledge... Synonym dictionary

Art- Art ♦ Art A set of techniques and works that bear the imprint of the personality of a particular person, evidence of his special skill or talent. By these three characteristics, art can be easily distinguished from craft (which is less... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

ART- ART, 1) artistic creativity in general - literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, graphics, decorative arts, music, dance, theater, cinema, etc. In the history of aesthetics, the essence of art was interpreted as imitation (mimesis), ... ... Modern encyclopedia

ART- 1) artistic creativity in general - literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, graphics, decorative and applied arts, music, dance, theater, cinema and other types of human activity, combined as artistic... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

ART- a term used in two meanings: 1) skill, skill, dexterity, dexterity, developed by knowledge of the matter; 2) creative activity aimed at creating works of art that are broader than aesthetically expressive forms. Conceptual status of I.... ... The latest philosophical dictionary


  • Art, Editor Andrew Graham-Dixon. Art, according to Pablo Picasso, washes away the dust from the soul, without it our life becomes colorless. Before you is a unique encyclopedia that will open the doors to an amazing, bright and…

Publishing house, Moscow. Founded in 1930. Fine art products (reproductions, albums, postcards, etc.), art books... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

ART- “FINE ART”, publishing house, Moscow. Founded in 1930. Fine art products (reproductions, albums, postcards, etc.), art books... encyclopedic Dictionary

art- This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can... Wikipedia

art- ▲ plastic art, image, real fine art, a group of arts based on the reproduction of specific life phenomena in their visible objective form. art painting... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

ART- a group of types of art. creativity that reproduces visually perceived reality. Prod. I. and. have an objective form that does not change in time and space. K I. and. include: painting, sculpture, graphics, monumental art and... ... Aesthetics: Vocabulary

ART- at school, educational system and extracurricular artist student activities; in the narrow sense subject (until 1964 “Drawing”). I. and. an important link in the system of general and aesthetic. education, one of the types and means of art. education of schoolchildren. Classes I. and. called... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

"Art"- Publishing house of the State Press Committee of the Russian Federation, Moscow. Founded in 1930. Fine art products (reproductions, albums, postcards, etc.), art books... encyclopedic Dictionary

art- ART. During the war years, the masters of the owls. The lawsuits sought with their creativity to contribute to the defeat of the enemy. The experience accumulated by Sov. will depict claim vom during the periods of Oct. revolution, Civil. war, socialist construction in the USSR compare... ... Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: encyclopedia

Fine arts of Bashkortostan- article about the fine arts of the Republic of Bashkortostan: painting, graphics, sculpture and decorative arts applied arts. Rock paintings in Kapova Cave Painting of Bashkortostan can rightfully claim a special place in art: ... ... Wikipedia

FINE ARTS AND MYTHOLOGY- The problem of the relationship between fine art (I. and.) and mythology covers wide circle issues related to both the genesis of I. and. and the characteristics of the language of I. and. and his ability to adequately convey the content of mythological texts,... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

Fine arts of Azerbaijan- This article may contain original research. Add links to sources, otherwise it may be set for deletion. More information may be on the talk page. (May 25, 2011) ... Wikipedia


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  • Art , . The Erudite series is a universal reference publication in which the main achievements of all fields of knowledge are conveniently and clearly presented. Thematic material presented in a fascinating and accessible way...

The purpose of art is to give form to life.

Jean Anouilh, French playwright

There are dozens of arts and crafts and related professions. In this article we will talk about the most popular of them. You will learn new English words on the topic of Arts and Crafts and learn 10 colorful idioms on this topic.

Arts – types of art in English

Among the existing types of art, architecture can be distinguished ( architecture), arts and crafts ( decorative and applied arts), design ( design), art ( visual arts), music ( music), landscape design ( landscape design), theater ( theater) and literature ( literature). Of course, each of these species, in turn, is divided into a lot of subspecies, but the number and all the details of the classification are not so important for us. Our task is to study the names of the main types of art in English. Well, let's try it.

Art form Professions Corresponding Verbs
Architecture– architecture. Architect- architect.

Engineer- engineer.

Designer- designer.

To design- design, construct.

To project- design, develop, draft.

Sculpture– sculpture. Sculptor– sculptor. To sculpture/sculpt- sculpt, sculpt, carve.
Painting– painting. Painter/artist- artist. To paint (in watercolors/gouache /ɡuˈɑːʃ/) – draw (watercolor/gouache).

To draw from life- draw from life.

To draw in pencil- draw in pencil.

Acting- acting skills.

Cinema- cinematography.

Theater- theater.

Actor– actor.

Director- director.

Stunt man/woman (person) - stuntman.

Dramatist– playwright.

Prompter- prompter.

To act- play.

To play a role/part (of) - play a role.

To appear on stage- perform on stage.

To direct (a play) – stage (play, performance), direct.

To adapt a novel for the stage- stage a play based on the novel.

To make one's debut /ˈdeɪbjuː/ – perform for the first time, make a debut.

Literature– literature.

Poetry– poetry.

Writer- writer.

Poet- poet.

To write- write.
Music- music.

Dancing- dancing.

Ballet /ˈbæleɪ/ – ballet.

Musician- musician.

Dancer- dancer.

Ballerina / ballet dancer– ballerina/ballet dancer.

Singer– singer.

Conductor- conductor.

Choreographer /ˌkɒriˈɒɡrəfə(r)/ – choreographer.

To play a musical instrument- play a musical instrument.

To perform a piece of music- perform a piece of music.

To perform on stage- perform on stage.

To sing a song- sing a song.

To dance- dance.

Crafts – names of crafts in English

Unlike arts, crafts involve the creation of certain objects by hand ( by hand). Of course, they also require talent ( talent), creative abilities ( creativity) and imagination ( imagination). However, crafts are not just an expression of the author’s thoughts ( author), this is the creation of quite practical things. Here are the types of crafts:

  • carpentry– carpentry ( carpenter– carpenter, joiner);
  • blacksmithing- blacksmith craft ( blacksmith– blacksmith);
  • pottery- pottery ( potter– potter);
  • carving wooden / stone carving– wood/stone carving ( carver– carver);
  • knitting– knitting ( knitter– knitter);
  • embroidery– embroidery ( embroiderer– embroiderer);
  • sewing /ˈsəʊɪŋ/ – sewing ( seamstress /ˈsemstrɪs/ – seamstress);
  • shoemaking– shoe making ( shoemaker– shoemaker);
  • jeweler's art– jewelry making ( jeweler– jeweler).
  • Crafts often become people's favorite hobbies, so we also advise you to read our article "".

English idioms about arts and crafts

In any language there are a lot of stable expressions, one way or another related to art or crafts: “to be the smith of your own happiness”, “a shoemaker without boots”, “to play on your nerves” and many others. We offer you 10 English idioms on this topic:

  1. To be the architect of one's own fortune- be the architect of your own happiness.

    He has always known his wishes and been the architect of his own fortune. “He always knew his desires and was the architect of his own happiness.

  2. The shoemaker's wife is the worst shod- Shoemaker without shoes.

    He’s the best car mechanic in town but his own car has been broken for a year already – the shoemaker's wife is the worst shod. - He is the best auto mechanic in the city, but his own car has been broken for a year - Shoemaker without shoes.

  3. To jangle on someone's nerves- play on your nerves.

    Please don't jangle on my nerves. I’m the most hot-tempered person in the world. - Please, don't get on my nerves, I am the most hot-tempered person on earth.

  4. To sing like a nightingale- sing like a nightingale.

    She's got a wonderful voice and sings like a nightingale. - She has beautiful voice, she sings like a nightingale.

  5. To face the music– face criticism or difficulties courageously.

    It’s a virtue to be able to face the music and overcome life obstacles. - To be capable of face difficulties courageously and overcoming life's obstacles is a great virtue.

  • Read more about the history of the origin of this idiom in the article “10 popular “musical” idioms in English"
  • To sing low– show restraint in expressing your views, do not impose your views.

    Everybody likes him because he always sings low. - Everyone loves him, because he never does not impose his views.

  • To sing another tune- sing another song.

    Yesterday you promised to help me but today you're singing another tune. - Yesterday you promised to help me, but today sing another song.

  • To lay it on thick- exaggerate.

    Don't lay it on thick. It's not that serious. – Don't exaggerate. It's not that serious.

  • To draw a line– draw a line, put a limit/end.

    When their relationship reached a deadlock, they had to draw a line. – When their relationship reached a dead end, they were forced draw a line.

  • To paint sb/sth black– to denigrate someone/something, to portray someone/something in dark colors.

    Personally, I hate people who like to paint others black. – Personally, I hate people who love denigrate others.

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