How to salt lightly salted cucumbers in a bag. Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag - the fastest recipes for a delicious snack

You know, it happens when you suddenly want it lightly salted cucumbers! But where can I get them? And there is no desire to tinker with brine and jars. Fortunately, today modern humanity has come up with a very wonderful, fast and convenient way pickling cucumbers in a bag.
You just need to stock up on plastic bags, salt and a decent supply of cucumbers. I advise you to immediately pickle more cucumbers - the taste will be such that you won’t be able to pull your ears off!
General principles for preparing cucumbers in a bag
So, friends, that very fragrant and blessed time has come for lightly salted cucumbers. Please note that the crispiest and juiciest cucumber is prepared exclusively at the dacha. Only here you can pick cucumbers straight from the garden just before pickling.
A little advice: you need to salt only small and strong cucumbers, which have thin skin and “pimples.” The thin skin quickly allows salt to pass through. Thanks to the tender and dense pulp, the fruits are salted evenly within 2-3 days. There are no unsalted areas left inside, but the cucumbers still remain crispy.
The harvested cucumbers are carefully sorted and reviewed. Yellow and damaged specimens are removed. Cucumbers are sorted by size. When laying out the bags, try to place cucumbers of the same size in one plastic container. Only then will the salting become more uniform.
Selected cucumbers are washed cold water and dry with a towel. Ready-made sets of spices and herbs for pickling can be bought from grandmothers at the market or in a store. Each housewife has her own homemade set. It often includes dill and horseradish inflorescences, cherry and black currant leaves, and tarragon. Horseradish, cherries and currants help keep the cucumber firm and crispy.
This method of preparing cucumbers, like pickling them in a regular plastic bag, has existed for quite a long time. Of course, history is silent about who was the first to make lightly salted cucumbers in a bag. But we will all say a huge thank you to the unknown chef! Like all ingenious things, this recipe is quite simple.
Classic recipe for making cucumbers in a bag
For this recipe you will need one kilogram of not too large cucumbers, a tablespoon of salt, and a bunch of dill. As you can see, there are only three ingredients - everything else will be superfluous. True, gourmets can be advised to supplement this recipe with 2-3 cloves of garlic.
The cucumbers are washed well, their “butts” are cut off at both ends. You can cut large cucumbers into several pieces 10-12 centimeters long. Finely chop the dill and garlic.
You put all the prepared cucumbers, garlic and dill in a plastic bag and cover them with salt. Take a tablespoon without a slide. The package is tied well. For strength, we recommend using two bags.
So, the bag of cucumbers will need to be shaken thoroughly so that all the greens, garlic and salt are evenly distributed throughout the bag. Be sure to put the bag of cucumbers in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. During this time, it is advisable to take out the bag a couple of times and shake it to ensure even salting. After the specified time, your fast lightly salted cucumbers will be completely ready.
By the way, you yourself can understand this by the incredibly fresh and appetizing aroma that comes from the package. Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe are tasty, strong and crispy. By the way, lightly salted cucumbers are much healthier than salted ones, since they contain much less salt and more preserved beneficial properties. They also stimulate the appetite like crazy.
When the cucumbers are ready, remove them from the refrigerator, wipe off any excess salt with a paper towel, and serve immediately. The remaining cucumbers will need to be put in the refrigerator. Second classic recipe cooking cucumbers in a bag
This recipe differs slightly from the previous one in its preparation method, although the set of ingredients is generally similar. You will need several cucumbers (the total weight in the bag should not exceed 1 kg), parsley, dill and any other greens to your taste, a couple of cloves of garlic, salt (usually a level spoon is taken per kilogram of cucumbers), a regular bag.
Before you start pickling cucumbers in a bag, you will need to rinse them well and cut off all the ends. To make pickling in a bag, absolutely any variety of cucumbers will suit you, so you can choose according to your taste.
Eat little secret. To make your cucumbers very crispy, you will need to soak them in cold water for some time before salting. Cut the cucumbers into 4 parts, soak them in a deep cup. This will help the cucumbers lose all their bitterness. It is recommended to keep cucumbers in water from 30 minutes to 2 hours. If you keep it for more than 1 hour, be sure to change the water once.
While the cucumbers are soaking, you can prepare the remaining ingredients for pickling. You take a small bunch of dill and parsley, rinse them under the tap and finely chop them into a cup. It is not recommended to do this with a knife, since the leaves release a lot of moisture and get wet quickly. It can also really ruin the taste of your greens.
You will need to squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic into the same cup. They will add piquancy to the cucumbers. Of course, if you or your loved ones don't like garlic, you can safely omit it from the recipe.
The soaked cucumbers are placed in a bag. Cooked salt and herbs are poured on top. We only used a couple of pinches of salt, since we salted 0.5 kg of cucumbers. Tie the bag, shake all the contents thoroughly so that both the greens and salt are evenly distributed among the cucumbers.
After this, the bag of cucumbers is sent to the refrigerator for pickling. We recommend that you shake all the cucumbers a couple of times while they are salting. You can enjoy aromatic lightly salted cucumbers within 30 minutes after pickling. By the way, lightly salted cucumbers are much healthier than simply salted ones, as they contain less salt and more beneficial vitamins.
Cooking cucumbers in a bag with dry mustard
Of course, no one is going to open America to you. However, if you haven’t tried cucumbers using such a spicy recipe yet, it’s time to do it right now. You will need a kilogram of cucumbers, a tablespoon of salt (if you prefer lightly salted cucumbers, add less salt), 2-3 cloves of garlic, parsley and dill, ground black pepper or a mixture of peppers to taste. You will also need to put dry mustard and ground coriander (2-3 teaspoons) there.
Preparation begins with washing the cucumbers and cutting off their “butts.” If the cucumbers are large, you cut them into circles 1.5-2 centimeters thick, and if they are small, then simply lengthwise into 4 pieces.
In a separate bowl, mix salt, garlic and herbs, as well as other spices. All this is placed in a bag along with the cucumbers, tied tightly and shaken well. In 40-60 minutes your cucumbers will be ready. This is exactly what the dry salting method using mustard looks like. Cucumbers take on a special taste, just try it!
Dry salting of cucumbers
So you want to pickle cucumbers for the winter. This can be done without brine directly in a jar on a quick fix. This happens because there is a greenhouse effect under the plastic cover. Moisture is released from the cucumbers, after which the salt and spices quickly penetrate into the cucumbers. For one liter jar For cucumbers you will need 1 head of garlic, a couple of dill umbrellas and two tablespoons of salt.
You put the cucumbers in a jar and mix them with the garlic cloves. Add dill and salt there. Close the jar with a lid and shake as hard as you can for several minutes. It's like making cucumbers in a bag and shaking them for a long time. Shake until you get tired. The cucumbers are then left at room temperature. Five hours later they are ready. They may be ready earlier - it depends on whether it’s hot in your house or not. For example, if the cucumbers have suddenly changed color, it makes sense to try them again.
Another important point. If you do not shake off the salt from the lightly salted cucumbers, but leave them in the jar, placing them in the refrigerator, the lightly salted cucumbers will continue to salt and become salty, not lightly salted. Thus, if you really want a lightly salted taste, shake off all the excess from already prepared cucumbers or rinse them in running water. After this, the cucumbers are stored in the refrigerator.

Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

For instant cooking crispy lightly salted cucumbers with garlic in a bag, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Pour cold water over the cucumbers and leave for 40-60 minutes so that the cucumbers regain the moisture lost during storage and become more juicy, elastic and crunchy.

Then cut off the tails and prick the cucumbers often with a fork. Small or medium-sized cucumbers are best for preparing snacks. To speed up the pickling process, it is better to cut larger cucumbers into halves or quarters.

Place the prepared cucumbers in a sealed bag.

Add 2-3 leaves of cherries, currants or horseradish, a little hot pepper, finely chopped dill and garlic cloves cut into thin slices or small pieces.

Add salt and sugar. Seal the bag tightly, trying to keep as little air as possible, and shake the bag well several times to ensure that the seasonings and spices are evenly distributed.

Cucumbers prepared according to the specified proportions taste lightly salted. If desired, the amount of salt can be increased to 1.5 tbsp.

Leave the bag of cucumbers at room temperature for 1 hour and then place in the refrigerator for another 2-4 hours or until the cucumbers are done to your desired doneness.

During this time, shake the bag periodically, mixing the contents, so that the cucumbers are salted evenly. The smaller the cucumbers, the faster they will be ready. Small cucumbers, as a rule, are ready to serve after 2-3 hours; I leave larger whole cucumbers in the refrigerator overnight.

Lightly salted cucumbers ready with garlic in a bag. Store the appetizer in the refrigerator and serve chilled. Bon appetit!

In June, when summer begins to generously offer real fresh vitamins from the garden, the season for collecting cucumbers, strong, fragrant, and saturated with the sun, begins. It's time to prepare lightly salted cucumbers with garlic, with dill, spicy herbs. This is an excellent summer appetizer for any table; it is served with meat, fish, a side dish, or simply as an independent dish.

Each experienced housewife has its own unique way of cooking crispy pickled cucumbers. A super popular recipe even among novice cooks - lightly salted cucumbers in a bag dry salting . You should definitely try this snack because:

  • simple and convenient (no containers or even brine required);
  • quickly (ready in 1-6 hours, depending on the recipe);
  • amazingly tasty and aromatic.

How to do cucumbers quick salting in a food package for every taste - classic and gourmet, you can learn from the following recipes and photo to them.

Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag

What you will need:

  • 1 kg of fresh cucumbers;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 30-50 g. dill.

How to cook

It is advisable to take small cucumbers of the same size, so they will reach readiness faster. They need to be washed and the edges trimmed. Then you need to put the vegetables in a bag and add washed dill, preferably finely chopped, so that there is more flavor. Next you need to add chopped garlic, salt, sugar, tie the bag and shake vigorously to mix everything evenly.

The job is done, all that remains is to put the bag in the refrigerator for 6 hours so that the cucumbers retain their crunchy properties. Under the influence of salt, vegetables will release moisture and become salty. own juice. If you make this dish in the evening, it will be ready by morning.

The finished snack should be stored in the refrigerator (if you couldn’t finish it in one go), but it has a limited shelf life - a maximum of 2 days. For this reason, you should not prepare such food for future use. It’s better to experiment a little, adding new spices and herbs each time.

You can add spice by adding coriander, allspice, or fresh hot pepper, as well as horseradish. Gourmets will appreciate the greenery of cilantro, basil, celery, and the smell of currant or cherry leaves. By supplementing the recipe with different ingredients, you can constantly get new taste.

There is another recipe for lightly salted cucumbers, crispy and flavorful- a method of preparing them without brine, but with vinegar. The peculiarity of this method is quick recipe and excellent taste. The cucumbers will be ready in 2 hours.

Lightly salted cucumbers “Expresso” in two hours

List of products and spices:

  • 1 kg of fresh small cucumbers;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of table vinegar (9%);
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of coarse salt;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of sugar;
  • 2-4 cloves of garlic;
  • Sprigs of dill;
  • horseradish leaf, currant - to taste.

Cooking method

Washed small cucumbers must be cut lengthwise into 2-4 parts and placed in a bag. Grated garlic and finely chopped herbs should be mixed with the rest of the ingredients and added to the cucumbers. Then you need to seal the bag, shake thoroughly until the spices are completely mixed and place in the refrigerator. Lightly salted cucumbers will be ready after two hours.

Advice! If you want to speed up the process and take a sample after half an hour, you need to chop the cucumbers finely and leave the bag warm.

Options quick preparation of lightly salted cucumbers dry method are very similar. The main difference is how to cut vegetables and what seasonings to use. The nuance of the next recipe is the use of mustard.

Watch the video! Lightly salted cucumbers in 2 hours

Lightly salted cucumbers with mustard for gourmets


  • 1 kg of fresh cucumbers;
  • 0.5-1 tbsp. a spoonful of coarse salt;
  • 2-4 cloves of fresh garlic;
  • sprigs of dill, parsley;
  • mixture of peppers, coriander - to taste;
  • 1-2 teaspoons mustard powder.

Salting method

Cucumbers are washed and cut into 2 cm circles, small ones - into four parts. Garlic and herbs are chopped, spices are mixed in a food bag and cucumbers are added. The tied bag is shaken vigorously to mix the vegetables and spices. In an hour they will be salted and acquire an excellent spicy taste.

  1. For a cucumber appetizer to be a success, you need to choose green vegetables that are young and thin-skinned. If they have been stored for more than a day and have wilted, they are soaked in cold water for an hour to restore the water balance.
  2. The salt should not be iodized, but regular, only coarsely ground, so that the fruits remain crunchy.
  3. Depending on your taste preferences, seasonings can be very different, but you should not add them all at once. It is better to choose 2-3 options, otherwise the dish will have an incomprehensible, oversaturated taste.
  4. Some recipes use vegetable oil.


Taking advantage of the joys of summer and making a seasonal appetizer is easy. In addition, it’s nice to show your imagination and please your loved ones with culinary masterpieces.

Watch the video! Lightly salted cucumbers, the fastest recipe

Perhaps lightly salted cucumbers in a bag (quick recipe) are a kind of culinary know-how. No pickles, jars, or several days of waiting for you. Just this: cucumbers, a bag, salt and 4-5 hours, and the cucumbers will be ready for dinner.

If you want it quickly, cut the vegetables into rings or into 4 pieces. Then the lightly salted cucumbers in the bag will be pickled in 2 hours in the refrigerator! For 1 kg of cucumbers, do not take more than 1 tbsp. l. table salt, otherwise it won’t be tasty!

Rings - quickly (2 hours in the refrigerator), whole longer (4-5 hours at room temperature), but tastier, crispier.

I love these recipes for many reasons. Firstly, you don’t need to scrupulously choose the cucumbers themselves, since almost any will do - smooth, with pimples, large and small. Secondly, such lightly salted cucumbers do not contain fermentation products, and, therefore, they are healthier than those that were salted in brine in a jar. Well, and thirdly, they cook very, very quickly, but they turn out tasty, crispy and as hard as fresh ones. And every year, with the beginning of summer, when I pickle cucumbers, we eat the first package of these cucumbers literally in half a day - they are so tasty that we even eat them just like that, without anything. 🙂

But the most delicious one is fermented 2 weeks in advance.


  • cucumbers – 1 kg;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. (no slide!);
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • dill – 3-5 branches;
  • allspice peas – 5 pcs.;
  • mustard seeds – ½ tsp;
  • coriander seeds – ½ tsp;
  • garlic – 5 cloves.

Well, you will need 2 more thick bags.

How to pickle cucumbers in a bag

I washed the cucumbers. For such purposes, I specially bought a hard toothbrush - it copes with this task perfectly.

I cut the tails off the cucumbers.

I put them in a bag. If you want them to salt even faster, you can cut them into circles or slices.

Prepared the spices. You can additionally use horseradish leaves, cherry leaves, currant leaves, basil, dill umbrellas and mint for this recipe.

I chopped the garlic and threw it into the cucumbers. Lavrushka too. Add mustard, pepper, coriander.

I didn’t cut the dill, but tore it into 3 parts with my hands. I also used the stems - they are very fragrant.

Added salt. Regular salt, table salt, not extra!

I tied the bag and shook it thoroughly so that the salt and spices were evenly distributed over the cucumbers.

I put it in another bag and left it at room temperature for 4-5 hours.

This is how lightly salted cucumbers are prepared in a bag in 5 minutes! All you have to do is wait 2 - 4 hours. Although I admit, I tried it this way, and it was delicious too! But try to be patient and then you will 100% be rewarded with a perfect, crispy, moderately salty, aromatic summer snack!

And after this time, you can already try the vegetables - they will be ready!

Now you can add crispy cucumbers to salads, cut into rings into sandwiches or burgers. I boiled the potatoes, mashed them and ate them along with pickled vegetables :)

Bon appetit!

Instant lightly salted cucumbers (in a bag)

Delicious lightly salted cucumbers - a simple and quick recipe!

How to quickly and easily prepare crispy, aromatic, very tasty lightly salted dry salted cucumbers (without brine)?! But pickle the cucumbers in a bag! The smell from the refrigerator is maddening, impossible to resist!

Cucumbers are prepared simply and quickly - in 4-5 hours!

Of course, there is an even shorter recipe - but there they need to be cut into slices, the taste is a little different. This is only for the most impatient.

What you need for lightly salted cucumbers

  • Young cucumbers – 1 kg;
  • Garlic – 1 head (or less);
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon;
  • Herbs and spices: dill, currant leaves, cherry leaves, horseradish leaves or root, cloves (2-3 buds) and allspice (2-3 peas). Optional basil and chili pepper.

2 plastic bags

Collecting herbs and cucumbers for pickling!

How to pickle lightly salted cucumbers in a bag

  1. Wash the cucumbers and cut off the ends. Cut the garlic into small pieces;
  2. Place cucumbers, herbs, and spices in a bag. Add salt. Shake several times to distribute the dressing evenly. Tie the package. Place in another bag (for reliability, so that it does not leak). Leave for 4-5 hours at room temperature;
  3. Store prepared lightly salted cucumbers in the refrigerator (if you don’t eat them right away);

These are delicious and crispy cucumbers!

Features of preparing lightly salted cucumbers in a bag and taste

This magical bag of pickles immediately begins to exude a faint, intoxicating aroma of lightly salted cucumbers. It's just impossible to be around.

The more time passes, the stronger and more persistent the odorous spicy wave becomes, permeating the entire kitchen and awakening a brutal appetite and profuse salivation.

If it’s hot in your kitchen, the cucumbers will salt faster; if it’s cool, let them sit a little longer. The cooking time for lightly salted cucumbers also depends on their size - the smaller they are, the faster they are salted.

Dill umbrellas that gave their spice to cucumbers))

If you doubt how the cucumbers will be salted if they themselves are dry and no brine washes them, don’t worry, they will breathe in moisture, and the walls of the bag will keep it inside. Everything will be not just good, but very tasty.

Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag

The cucumbers turn out crispy and spicy. If you want more spiciness, add chili pepper to the bag. If there doesn’t seem to be enough salt, add more salt. It can be measured not in tablespoons, but in handfuls. That is, throw a handful of salt into the bag. Other .

You can read the recipe for regular lightly salted cucumbers. There is also a recipe for salting cucumbers in cold water. They can be eaten immediately, like lightly salted ones, or they can be stored in a cold place and opened only in winter - then they will become salty.

There is also an interesting one called Anashartsva. These are small cucumbers, salted with garlic, spices, hot pepper, celery and other spices and beets! Delicious, easy.

These are products for salting lightly salted anashartsva cucumbers according to the Abkhazian recipe. It's simple, but with beets.

You can also pickle cucumbers for the winter like lightly salted ones - recipe (they taste like fresh lightly salted cucumbers).

Enjoy your meal!

Delicious, simple summer food!

Dry salting of cucumbers in a jar

Cucumbers can be dry-pickled without brine directly in a jar. A greenhouse effect will also appear under the plastic lid, moisture will be released from the cucumbers and salt and spices will quickly penetrate the cucumbers.

For 1 liter jar it is required cucumbers - as many as will go in, 1 head of garlic, a couple of dill umbrellas, 2 tablespoons of salt.

Method of preparing lightly salted cucumbers by dry salting

Place the cucumbers in a jar mixed with garlic cloves, add dill and salt. Place the lid on the jar and shake as hard as you can for a few minutes (until you get tired). Then leave the cucumbers at room temperature and after five hours they are ready. Or sooner, depending on how hot it is in your home. If they have changed color a little, it makes sense to try.

One more point - if you do not shake off the salt from the ready-made lightly salted cucumbers, but leave them in the jar, moving them to the refrigerator, the lightly salted cucumbers will continue to be salted and will taste like salted, not lightly salted.