Quick cold pickling of lightly salted cucumbers. Recipe for lightly salted crispy cucumbers

Many people believe that fast food cannot be tasty. And they are extremely mistaken. For example, on a quick fix You can make delicious lightly salted cucumbers. After some time, depending on the salting method, you will be able to enjoy a crispy delicacy that no one can resist.

Previously, we learned that cucumbers can be pickled in several ways - in a jar, pan, or even. Today we will discuss in detail the preparation of snacks in brine. As you know, this method is divided into 2 types - cold and hot pouring. Each of them has its own advantages and is good in its own way. I love both and simply alternate cooking options so that my loved ones don’t get bored.

To complement the brine with bright flavors, some add apple, leaves of fruit bushes, lemon, aromatic and spicy herbs. But even the classic recipes are very good. The main thing is to achieve an ideal result, you need to follow several rules:

1. Banks must be sterilized before use. Otherwise, you risk getting a quickly deteriorating product, and this is the best case scenario. At worst, it can be harmful to your health. Any container in which you are going to cook must be perfectly clean.

2. For lightly pickled cucumbers, it is better to choose pickled varieties. They are easily identified by the presence of frequent small pimples. They also have elastic flesh and thin skin. Soft and watery specimens are not suitable.

3. Don't overdo it with salt. If you think that the more salt you add, the faster dish will be ready, then you are mistaken. Excess of this ingredient can soften the structure of the vegetable. Especially if you choose fine salt for this. Need a big one!

In addition, there are many other aspects that, if followed, will help you achieve success. We will discuss them below.

When the desire to enjoy your favorite snack suddenly grabs you by the throat, and you have to wait at least 12 hours for regular salted salts - don’t worry! I will introduce you to an extra quick recipe that will allow you to satisfy your cravings in just a couple of hours.

Despite all the speed of preparation, they turn out very tasty and aromatic. You prepare them and you will understand everything yourself.


  1. 1.5 kilograms of small, young, strong cucumbers;
  2. 1 bay leaf;
  3. 1 bunch of dill;
  4. approximately 1 dessert spoon of coriander seeds;
  5. 5 cloves of garlic;
  6. 1 red hot pepper;
  7. 1 heaped tablespoon of coarse salt;
  8. 30 grams of sand;
  9. 2 plastic bags.

Choose cucumbers that are firm and firm. It is advisable to select pickling varieties for this. If you have limp vegetables, it is better to initially soak them for 6-8 hours in ice water.

They need to be washed, cut off the ends and dried on a napkin.

The size of the vegetables depends on how soon you are going to salt them. If your plans include eating them after 2-3 hours, then it is better to divide them into halves or even circles. It is better to marinate whole cucumbers for about 12 hours to achieve perfect pickling.

We're going to enjoy the snack in a couple of hours, so we'll cut them in half. Place the cucumbers in a bag. Add chopped dill to them. I use both greens and stems.

Prepare spices for pickling. To do this, combine salt and sugar in a small bowl. Lightly crush the coriander in a mortar. Rub it not into flour, but into a state of depression. We do this to give coriander the opportunity to fully reveal its aromatic capabilities.

Add it to the salt and sand mixture. Chop the bay leaf a little with your hands and send it there.

Now you need to add chopped garlic and chili peppers to a bag of vegetables. Sprinkle the spice mixture on top.

Seal the bag and shake gently so that the ingredients thoroughly coat each cucumber.

If you are using a regular packaging bag, it is better to put on another one so as not to lose the juice released by the cucumbers. Its leakage will not only cause inconvenience in the refrigerator compartment, but will also affect the quality of the salting, because its presence is important in this matter.

Leave the bag of salted salts on the table for half an hour.

Then put them in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After this time, the sample can be taken.

The results are incredibly tasty and aromatic cucumbers that are easy to prepare and quickly serve. I often serve these cucumbers with a vegetable or cereal side dish, as well as with meat. But even if you only put a plate of cucumbers on the table, it won’t last long - it will be snatched up in an instant.

Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag with garlic and dill

These cucumbers are prepared in minimal time and they turn out great. All you need is fresh young cucumbers, spices, garlic and dill.

Remember that too much garlic can adversely affect the crunch of cucumbers. Therefore, for one and a half kilograms of vegetables, 2-3 large or 5 medium slices are enough.

Required ingredients:

  1. 1.5 kilograms of small cucumbers;
  2. 2 cloves of garlic;
  3. 1 laurel;
  4. 5 peppercorns;
  5. 1 dessert spoon of whole coriander peas;
  6. 1 bunch of dill;
  7. 3 currant leaves;
  8. 30 grams of granulated sugar;
  9. 2 tablespoons of coarse salt.

It is better to use coarse salt for lightly pickling cucumbers. Fine salt can have a bad effect on the structure of lightly salted vegetables. It may soften and become wobbly.

To make salt and seasonings saturate the vegetables faster, remove their tails literally a couple of centimeters.

At the end of preparing the snack, we will also need 2 plastic bags. Insert the first one into the other one and put the cucumbers into it. A double layer will help avoid leakage of the secreted juice, which is necessary for pickling cucumbers.

Add salt, sand, coriander, peppercorns, chopped bunch of herbs, bay leaves, currant leaves and chopped in a convenient way garlic

Tie both bags tightly and shake, actively distributing the spices among the cucumbers. Leave the cucumbers on the table for 2-3 hours.

After the specified time has passed, refrigerate the bag for another 8 hours. Then you can try to see if our appetizer is thoroughly marinated.

You will feel the aroma as soon as you start opening the package. The cucumbers have acquired a yellowish tint, which means they are ready.

I can already hear that delicious crunch! Bon appetit!

How to pickle cucumbers with cold mineral water (recipe for crispy lightly salted cucumbers)

I consider this recipe one of the fastest and most versatile. Therefore, once a week this snack appears on the table. We eat it just like that, and in addition to a side dish. Especially, cucumbers are delicious with mashed potatoes.


  1. 1 kilogram of cucumbers;
  2. coarse sea salt - 3 level tablespoons;
  3. 1 liter of carbonated mineral water;
  4. dill - 1 bunch;
  5. 5 medium cloves of garlic.

Wash the cucumbers and trim the ends.

With a jug of mineral water, add salt. This is where sparkling water is important. Because the presence of bubbles directly affects the crunch of cucumbers. This is my secret ingredient that I share with you.

Salt, in turn, also requires proper selection. It must be large. Finely ground iodized salt can adversely affect the elasticity of the vegetable.

Stir the solution and leave it alone while you prepare the other ingredients.

Crush the garlic with a knife, unpeeled. Coarsely chop the dill along with the stems and place half on the bottom of the dish. IN in this case, we took an enamel saucepan.

Add half of the crushed garlic to it.

Cucumbers will fall dense layer on a fragrant pillow. They need to be lightly crushed without damaging the fruit.

Cover them on top with the remaining dill and garlic. Stir the water in the jug again and pour it over the cucumbers. If there is not enough liquid, just add more.

Cover this entire beautiful green composition in carbonated brine with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for a day. Within 24 hours you will have a unique opportunity to enjoy the harmonious taste of cucumbers.

I love this delicacy for its versatility. They can be successfully combined with other dishes and simply slipped to children as a replacement for their favorite chips.

Crispy lightly salted cucumbers with hot brine

The main advantage of the hot method over the cold method is faster cooking times. The boiling water cooks most of the vegetable, allowing for extra marinating. As a result, we get the most delicate cucumbers with a refined and piquant taste.

We've already looked at many hot brine recipes. This time I will introduce you to in an original way pickling. We will salt them together with apples. This will give the vegetables a slight dessert note.


  1. 1 kilogram of pickling cucumbers;
  2. 2-3 medium apples;
  3. 1 bunch of fresh dill;
  4. a couple of leaves of a currant bush;
  5. 1.5 level tablespoons of salt;
  6. 3 cloves of garlic;
  7. 1 liter of water.

Wash the dill and leaves and divide into 2 parts. We already know what this is for. Namely, the first one will lie on the bottom of the dish, and the second one will cover the cucumbers.

Wash and pour cucumbers ice water for several hours. It's better to do this at night.

Place the cucumbers tightly on the bed of herbs. Place apples, previously washed and cut into slices, on the second layer of herbs. Add garlic.

Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and dissolve the salt. Pour this solution into a container with cucumbers and apples. Then cover with a lid and leave for 5-6 hours. The dishes must be refrigerated for another 8 hours.

The next morning you can try your result. In this case, you can eat both cucumbers and apples. The taste is indescribable. Better try it yourself.

How to prepare crispy lightly salted cucumbers at home using cold brine

As we have already said, there are two methods of pickling with brine - cold and hot. We'll talk about the hot stuff later, but we'll discuss the cold stuff right now.

I love this recipe because after pickling the cucumbers they look just like the picture. Cold water energizes them, preserves beneficial microelements and natural taste. They turn out incredibly appetizing and crispy.

Also, this method seems to me to be the safest since you don't have to deal with high temperatures. My family loves this delicacy and asks for more every time. Try it too, you won’t regret it!


  1. peppercorns - 4 pieces;
  2. sprigs of dill along with trunks;
  3. 4 cloves of garlic;
  4. horseradish leaves;
  5. 1 liter of cold water;
  6. 2 tablespoons salt.

For preparation, you can take any deep container. In this case we will use a saucepan.

Pay attention! If you are also going to cook a snack in a pan, then choose it seriously. The cookware must be made of stainless steel or enamel coated. Containers with chips and cracks will not be suitable.

Cucumbers, especially if they have been plucked from the bush for more than 3 days, must be filled very cold water for several hours. As the liquid warms up at room temperature, it needs to be changed.

Tear the dill and horseradish into large pieces with your hands. Chop the garlic into medium cubes; it is better not to put it through a press. In general, we don’t have to grind all these ingredients. But by doing this, we give them the opportunity to fully reveal their aromatic charms in the brine and the cucumbers will be saturated with them faster.

Divide dill, horseradish and garlic into two parts. The first will lie at the bottom of the jar, feeding the fruits from below, and the second will cover the vegetables and nourish them from above. This way we will get a richer taste in a short time.

Place the first part of herbs and garlic in a dry and clean saucepan, at the bottom. Then arrange the cucumbers tightly and cover again with herbs and garlic. Sprinkle the composition with peppercorns on top. If desired, you can add currant leaves.

Let's move on to preparing the brine. In a liter of cold mineral water (you can use regular filtered water), completely dissolve the salt. Pour the resulting liquid into the pan and put it in a cold room for a day.

If the cucumbers sit a little longer than expected, they will become saltier and richer. So, if you prefer it that way, you can let it brew longer.

The snack turns out very crispy and tasty. By the way, the garlic has already been pickled and can be eaten. Try it!

Delicious cucumbers in brine with garlic and dill

It’s no secret that garlic and dill give this delicacy a special aroma. These two ingredients are very common in recipes. You can, of course, do without them, but when these products are present in the jar, it tastes better.

The special aroma of dill and garlic is revealed by boiling water, so we will consider this recipe using hot brine. These cucumbers turn out to be more tender and piquant, with a light and inviting crunch. And the lemon present in the brine will provide a unique sourness.


  1. 1 kilogram of dense medium cucumbers;
  2. 2 caps and 2 bunches of dill;
  3. 4 cloves of garlic;
  4. 1 lemon (recommended)
  5. 4 peppercorns (allspice or black);
  6. 2 tablespoons salt;
  7. 1 teaspoon granulated sugar;
  8. 1 liter of water

Rinse the cucumbers and cover with ice water. Leave alone for 3-4 hours. Then drain the liquid, dry the vegetables with a towel and cut the cucumbers into slices.

Wash and dry all plants for marinade. Place a bunch and 1 cap of dill, 2 cloves of chopped garlic on the bottom of a sterilized jar. Place cucumbers tightly on top horizontal position. Place lemon slices between them and along the walls of the container. Sprinkle peppercorns on top. If desired, you can add some cilantro seeds.

Cover all this beauty with the remaining herbs and garlic. Meanwhile, place a saucepan with a liter of water on the stove and wait until it boils. Dissolve salt and sugar there. Immediately after boiling, pour brine into the jar.

Cover with a nylon lid and leave to cool. After this, the dishes should be taken to the basement or placed in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning you can take the first sample.

If you feel like the cucumbers haven’t been salted enough yet, you can leave them alone for a few more hours.

So, in short terms you can get wonderful and delicious salted salts. I cook this recipe very often. Try it too!

Crispy cucumbers in brine. How much brine is needed for 1 liter?

Many people adore this dish precisely for its pronounced crunch and juiciness. If you fall into this category, then this recipe is for you. Brine in cold water has the properties of saturating vegetables with crunch.

We will cook the cucumbers, this time in carbonated mineral water, which will add even more crispness and flavor. Any highly carbonated water is suitable for this and should be used immediately after opening the bottle so as not to lose a valuable dose of gases. Let's prepare the food in 1 liter jars so you can eat it all at once. After all, the line between lightly salted and simply pickled cucumbers is very thin, and after a few hours they change their status.


  1. 300-500 grams of fresh small cucumbers;
  2. 2 currant leaves;
  3. a small branch of cherry with leaves;
  4. horseradish root (leaves can be used);
  5. 3 peas of allspice or black pepper;
  6. 1 tablespoon salt;
  7. 300-500 grams of soda.

Usually, on liter jar, tightly packed with cucumbers, you need about a glass of water. If the jar is not completely filled, then more liquid is needed. Prepare 500 milliliters. If the brine remains, it's okay. If it’s not enough, you can just add water.

Soak the cucumbers for several hours in cold water. Then dry and remove the butts. If you are preparing large fruits, then they need to be divided into halves or several parts, depending on the size.

Rinse and sterilize the jar in a convenient way. Cut the horseradish root into pieces, break the twig in half, and tear the leaves into 2 parts. Place the first part of these ingredients on the bottom glass jar. Press the cucumbers tightly on top. Place the remaining ingredients for the marinade, except salt, on top.

Dissolve the salt in the water, stirring as thoroughly as possible so that no crystals remain. Fill the jar to the top so that the liquid level covers the entire contents of the container. Cover with a nylon lid and refrigerate for a day.

The next day you can invite your family to the table, greeting them with crispy cucumbers. You can eat them with any side dish. But they are especially good with potatoes and herbs! Bon appetit!

Video on how to cook cucumbers in brine

We can talk about lightly salted cucumbers for a very long time. Every home loves this delicacy. Absolutely all family members, including children, can eat it. The aroma of malosol not only stimulates a healthy appetite, but also perfectly removes hunger.

You can combine the dish with anything. This could be barbecue, mashed potatoes, pasta and much more. Even in pure form it flies off the table faster than chips or sunflower seeds.

Check out these other canning recipes:

  • The skin should have pimples and black spines.
  • Yellowish and overgrown cucumbers are not suitable for this pickling method.
  • It is better to taste the cucumbers so that they are not bitter. Bitters are also not used!
  • The skin should be dense. Then the cucumbers will turn out crispy.
  • The best water for pickling is spring water. If you are in the city, use bottled water or mineral water. You can also boil it and filter it through a charcoal filter to purify and improve the taste of the water.
  • Be sure to soak the cucumbers for at least 3 hours. This will make the cucumbers stronger and more elastic. This will affect the crunch in the finished product.
  • Before adding cucumbers, glass jars should be soaked in a soda solution, then washed very thoroughly with warm water and soap. Rinse thoroughly and pour over boiling water. Dry.
  • To sterilize jars, you can bake them in the oven at 110 degrees. Or boil them together with lids for 10-15 minutes. Lids are sterilized only in boiling water.
  • Large cucumbers are placed on the bottom, if they are very large, then vertically. On top are small cucumbers. All cucumbers are laid as close to each other as possible. Spices are placed on the bottom, you can put them between layers of cucumbers. After pouring the brine, cover the cucumbers with currant and horseradish leaves.
  • Use rock salt. Using a small one, there is a high probability of spoiling the cucumbers and they will turn out soft. And this contradicts our recipe! 50-60 g of salt are usually added to 1 liter of water. This is approximately 2–2.5 tbsp. salt. The brine can be cold or hot. If you use vinegar, it must be hot, but then you will end up with pickled cucumbers.
  • Did you like the recipes? Be sure to share them on social networks so as not to lose them. When the time comes and you try them in practice, tell us about your successes. Your opinion and experience is very important to us! Thank you for your attention. Until new, tasty and healthy meetings!

Lightly salted cucumbers- super snack. I want to offer the fastest recipes for preparing crispy cucumbers with a breathtaking smell of dill and garlic, with a hint of pepper and mustard.

They are not prepared for future use and are eaten very quickly. No matter how much I try, they are all different. Each housewife has her own tricks. In each recipe, if desired, you can change the set of spices, add what you have on hand. The most important thing is that their volume is no more than 7% of the weight of the cucumbers.

They are prepared in pans, jars of various capacities, and bags. They are filled with cold or hot brine, and in some recipes they are prepared without it at all. IN lately Fast, almost instant cooking options have become very popular. So, perhaps, I’ll start with them.

Quick recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in a bag

I would call this recipe not just quick, but instant. Lightly salted cucumbers can be eaten immediately after cooking. There is no need to prepare brine and containers here. Cucumbers in a bag are prepared very simply and quickly.


  • cucumbers - 1 kg
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • soft dill stems and umbrellas - 50 gr.
  • green hot pepper - to taste
  • green cilantro - 20 gr.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1 tsp.
  • black peppercorns - 5-8 peas
  • sesame oil - 1 tbsp. l.


Cucumbers themselves do not have a pronounced taste or smell. To make them aromatic, they need to be imbued with the aromas of spices.

We wash the cucumbers, dry them, and sort them by size. We try to take the same size, so they are salted evenly, and the aesthetic appearance of the food does not matter. last role. They should also be pimply, with dense flesh and without voids inside. Cut off the ends of the cucumbers and cut them lengthwise into four pieces.

Young garlic, divided into cloves. Crush them with the flat side of a knife, sprinkle a little salt and chop them finely.

Chop the dill. It is better to take soft stems, they contain more juice. Also sprinkle a little salt and chop finely. The juice and aroma of dill are instantly released.

Crush black peppercorns in a mortar. And you will immediately feel its fresh aroma.

That’s okay, now we’ll add the smell of cilantro and hot green pepper. We take these two ingredients in small quantities and chop them finely.

Can you imagine what an amazing smell it is in the kitchen! And now we will transfer this whole bouquet of tastes and aromas to cucumbers.

Now we take a thick plastic bag and put all our aromatic mixture and chopped cucumbers into it. Add salt, sugar and sesame oil.

All! There is very little left. Slice black bread, pour cold vodka.

We tie the bag, mix all the contents and shake vigorously.

Place on a plate and serve. The smell, aroma and taste are simply impossible to describe in words! Bon appetit and drinking!

Recipe for quick cooking of lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan


  • cucumbers - 2.5 kg
  • garlic - 10 gr.
  • soft dill stems and umbrellas - 100 gr.
  • black currant leaves - 10 gr.
  • horseradish root - 15 gr.
  • tarragon - 15 gr.
  • coriander leaves, basil - 10 gr.
  • red hot pepper - 1 pod
  • water - 4 l
  • salt - 200 gr
  • sugar - 100 gr


We collect cucumbers and sort them by quality and size. We choose ones with delicate skin with pimples and small black thorns. Wash thoroughly in two or three waters.

It is best to pickle cucumbers on the day of collection. Pre-soak them in cold water for 3-4 hours

We also wash the greens thoroughly. We use dill umbrellas and cut the stems into pieces.

Take the leaves and root of horseradish. We clean the root and cut it into small pieces, you can trim it.

Place the whole red chilli pepper, remove the seeds.

We clean the young garlic and divide it into cloves. There is no need to peel the peel, it is still young and tender. Crush the teeth with the flat side of the knife.

You can also add black currant or cherry leaves, oak leaves, celery greens, tarragon, coriander and other spicy plants.

Divide the entire spice mixture into three parts.

Take a clean 5-liter enamel pan and put the first layer of prepared greens on the bottom.

We cut off the ends of the cucumbers and place them in a mound in a pan, then add a second layer of spices, top it with cucumbers and cover with the rest of the greens.

To speed up the fermentation process, the ends of the cucumbers are cut off or scalded with boiling water.

To prepare the brine, take 50 grams of salt, 25 grams of sugar per 1 liter of water. Boil water, dissolve the ingredients, add spices. Boil for 3-5 minutes, turn off and cool.

Pour in the cucumbers, place a flat plate on top and place a weight on it so that everything is immersed in the liquid.

Cover the pan with a thick cloth and keep at room temperature for 12 hours. After complete cooling, place the pan in the refrigerator and cool the cucumbers. And you can serve it on the table.

Classic recipe for lightly salted cucumbers for a 3-liter jar


  • fresh cucumbers - how many will go in
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • soft stems and umbrellas of dill - 50 gr.
  • salt - 60 gr.
  • sugar - 30 gr.
  • horseradish and black currant leaves - 50 gr.


The classic set of ingredients for a 3-liter jar requires the presence of dill and garlic. And to enhance the taste and aroma, you can add basil, savory, cherry or blackcurrant leaves, celery and parsley leaves, coriander. For more crunch - oak leaves and horseradish root. Spicy lovers can add red hot pepper.

Wash freshly picked cucumbers well and trim off the ends. If they were collected a day or two before processing, then they should be soaked in clean cold water for 3-6 hours. This way they will be saturated with water and restore freshness.

Place dill and garlic in three-liter jars. We try to choose cucumbers of the same size, so they are better salted, and fill the jar. In this case, the installation method does not have special significance, we just try to put them in the jar more tightly.

Prepare a 6-8 percent salt solution. Pour the cucumbers into a jar, cover the neck with a thick cloth, and leave to ferment overnight.

It should be noted that depending on the size of the cucumbers and the method of laying them, the amount of brine may be different.

In the morning we put the jar in the refrigerator to cool, and by lunchtime the lightly salted crispy cucumbers prepared according to the classic recipe are ready. Bon appetit!

Crispy cucumbers - recipe in hot brine

This is the recipe I like to cook the most. The cucumbers are ready in a day and if stored in the refrigerator, you can eat them for a whole week.

The entire cooking process is the same as the recipe. instant cooking lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan. We looked at it above.

We will just pour hot brine over the cucumbers. Then leave at room temperature overnight. In the morning, put it in the refrigerator to cool. And by lunchtime you can serve them on the table. And to make them crispy, don’t forget to soak them, chop the horseradish root, and add oak leaves.

In this video you can see with your own eyes how to do this.

Preparations continue, see you next time. You can share yours in the comments interesting recipes and wishes.

Why don’t you want lightly salted cucumbers, say, in winter? After all, today you can buy fresh cucumbers throughout the year!
Meanwhile, only summer cucumbers are lightly salted. Real ones. Straight from the garden.

Why? But because it's delicious. It’s delicious to crunch them along with boiled or fried potatoes. It’s delicious to feel their aromatic elasticity, filled with solar power and the smell of the fields. It’s delicious to cook them because they are anticipation and temptation. Oh, how delicious. Can they be compared with plastic “winter” ones?

Let's add a little salt, choose a method - I have collected the most current recipes for lightly salted cucumbers: classic cold method preparation, quick recipe for lightly salted cucumbers (“in a bag”), hot, spicy, with additives (apples, for example) and others.

Also choose the list and quantity of spices. Mostly, classic recipe lightly salted cucumbers, they are indicated very approximately. Decrease and increase, depending on your love for spices (or indifference to them).

Cold pickled cucumbers

This method is no different from how you can pickle cucumbers for the winter. The difference is that you don’t have to roll them into jars and it is advisable to eat them before they are completely salted, because we need lightly salted ones.


  • cucumbers - 2 kg
  • old dill (umbrellas or dill seeds) - 100 grams
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • sweet pepper - 1-2
  • black currant leaves - 3-4
  • cherry leaves - 4-5
  • salt - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • water - 800-1000 ml

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly. If you tried them and found that the skin was bitter, soak them in cold water for 4-6 hours (you can leave them overnight), then wash them. Peel the garlic and cut it into slices, so it will release its aroma and taste faster.

Wash the dill, currant and cherry leaves, and sweet peppers (you can leave them whole or cut them in half; you don’t have to remove the seeds).

In a jar, pan or any other suitable container, place half the spices, bell peppers and garlic on the bottom.

Fold the cucumbers, trying to fill the container as much as possible without leaving large voids. To help them settle down, shake the jar vigorously.
Place the remaining spices, garlic and pepper on top.

Dissolve salt in cold water in a saucepan.

Pour cold brine over the cucumbers.

There should be enough to cover the vegetables and spices completely.

If you need to salt the cucumbers quickly, then leave them at room temperature for 2-3 days. If lightly salted cucumbers are not needed so quickly, then you can put them in the refrigerator, where they will slowly salt.

Quick lightly salted cucumbers in 15 minutes (in a bag)

How to quickly make lightly salted cucumbers? For example, in 15 minutes. This is perhaps the fastest recipe for lightly salted cucumbers, sometimes called the “dry method” (because there is no water) and “lightly salted cucumbers in a bag” (because you can use a plastic bag as a container). If you prepare it in the morning, you can serve it in the evening. lightly salted cucumbers to the table. And if in the evening, take it with you for a picnic the next morning.

By the way, the “package” is a completely optional element of the recipe. You can also lightly salt it in a saucepan. The main thing is that there is a lid.


  • cucumbers - 2 kg
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • fresh dill - bunch
  • garlic - head
  • vinegar - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • spices - optional

For this salting method, you need a container with a lid or a thick plastic bag.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly. Whether or not to peel the skin is up to you, but know that without the skin they turn out more tender.

Chop the peeled dill. Finely chop the garlic (you can cut it into slices if you don’t want to get an overly garlicky smell).

Add dill and garlic to the cucumbers, add salt, pour in vinegar.

Add oil.

In addition to traditional spices (garlic, dill, salt), you can add others, for example, coriander seeds, paprika flakes or a mixture of allspice.

Place the lid on the container and shake vigorously enough to mix the cucumber slices, spices, oil and vinegar. Place the container in the refrigerator. Cucumbers can be served within a couple of hours. What about a couple of hours - after 15 minutes the cucumbers will acquire a light, lightly salted taste.

If you do it in a bag, then it will be your container. Everything else is unchanged.

Recipe for spicy lightly salted cucumbers

Cucumbers can be pickled either on their own or with other vegetables, for example, zucchini or squash, or fruit (apples are most often taken). This recipe combines cucumbers and carrots in one jar, making them super spicy (and delicious!).


  • cucumbers - 1 kg
  • carrots - 250 grams
  • salt - 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 50 grams
  • ground red pepper - 1/2 teaspoon
  • vinegar - 50 ml
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml

Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends on both sides, cut lengthwise into 8 pieces (large ones can be cut into larger pieces), and place in a container.

Grate the peeled carrots coarsely and add to the cucumbers.
Add sugar and salt, add pepper, pour in vinegar and oil, squeeze a clove of garlic through a press. Mix thoroughly, cover with a lid and leave in the room for 3-4 hours or refrigerate overnight.

Quickly hot pickled cucumbers

In general, this method differs from the classic one only in that the cucumbers are filled with water not at room temperature, but with boiling water. This speeds up the pickling process - after a couple of days you can already drag freshly pickled cucumbers out of the jar.


  • cucumbers - 1 kg
  • pickling kit: dried dill umbrellas, horseradish leaves (you can also use a piece of root), black leaves
  • currants and cherries
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • salt based on: per 1 liter of liquid 1 heaped tablespoon

Wash the cucumbers well. If they are not very crispy, then keep them in water for several (2-3-4) hours. Trim the ends. Wash all the greens, peel the garlic (in this case you don’t have to cut it). Place half of the pickling set on the bottom, then place the cucumbers very tightly, adding garlic along the way. Place the second part of the greens on top. Dilute the salt with boiling water and pour over the cucumbers. Leave them at room temperature. Literally tomorrow you can serve them to the table.

Lightly salted cucumbers recipe with apples

The aroma of apples and their slightly sweet taste - great addition to garlic and fragrant dill. If you fill the cucumbers with hot brine, you won’t have to wait long until you can get an amber cucumber out of the jar.


  • cucumbers - 800 grams
  • apples - 2-3
  • salt - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • spices: dry dill, cherry and currant leaves, horseradish leaves
  • allspice corns

Wash cucumbers and apples. Cut off the ends of the cucumbers and cut the apples into slices. Place some of the spices in the bottom of the container, then lay out, alternating, cucumbers and apples, and place the remaining spices on top. Dilute the salt with hot water and pour the brine over the cucumbers. Leave until cool and then place in the refrigerator. The cucumbers will be ready in 1-2 days.

Recipe for lightly salted cucumbers “Aromatic”

This recipe does not contain the usual set of spices from dry dill and leaves. You need young dill along with the stem, garlic, bay leaf, cloves, garlic, salt and allspice. And, of course, cucumbers.


  • cucumbers - 1 kg
  • dill - bunch
  • bay leaf - 2-3
  • peppercorns - 5-6
  • cloves - 2-3
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons

Wash the cucumbers and dill. Place the dill sprigs down in the jar. Then lay out cucumbers, peeled garlic cloves, peppers, cloves and bay leaves, alternating with each other.

Pour hot brine (dissolve salt in boiling water). Leave it warm for a day and then put it in the refrigerator.

You can eat cucumbers already on the second day. The longer they stand, the richer their taste and aroma will become.

Lightly salted cucumbers with mineral water

And another recipe for lightly salted cucumbers with mineral water:

1 kg of cucumbers, 1 liter of good soda, 2 tablespoons of salt. Dill, garlic, any greens to taste. There is no need to heat the soda. It is better to cut off the ends of the cucumbers. First stir the salt in a small amount of water, and then pour the rest of the water into the jar with cucumbers.
ALL. They are ready in a day.

I called this recipe “And there was a crunch nearby” - the cucumbers crunch incredibly.

Hi all! Crispy lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and dill are my weakness. But how to make them quickly? There are some great recipes. For example, it can be traditionally in a jar, or it can be in a bag. This is what I will tell you in detail today.

Agree, they harmonize wonderfully with any dishes, for example with or baked in the oven. This is a great snack for festive table, and for everyday lunch or dinner.

Sometimes I put them in or in instead of fresh. And even with strong strong drinks, they are generally irreplaceable comrades. They will definitely be in place everywhere.

For pickling, take medium-sized cucumbers with pimples. The most popular variety for this business is “Nezhinsky”. And take rock salt.

They need to be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days, after which they become completely salted.

I would like to start with the most common method. Almost everyone knows about him. Everything is done without brine; they themselves will give a lot of juice. But once you take them out, your mouth will water. This is the scent they give off.


  • Fresh cucumbers – 1 kg
  • Salt - 3/4 tablespoon
  • Fresh dill, cilantro - bunch
  • Garlic – 5 cloves


1. First you need to wash the cucumbers. Then cut off the “butts” on both sides. Pierce them in several places with a fork, on two opposite sides, so they will be better salted.

You can also, if desired, cut them into four slices. This way they will salt even faster.

2. Place our vegetables in a plastic bag. Chop fresh herbs with a knife and sprinkle them on top. Then squeeze the garlic there through a press or simply chop it finely.

3. Tie the bag and put it in a second bag so that the juice that the cucumbers give does not leak. Shake the bag thoroughly so that the salt, garlic and herbs are evenly distributed inside. And leave at room temperature for 2-4 hours, shaking them periodically.

5. In a few hours you will have wonderful crispy, tasty, salted cucumbers on your table.

Crispy lightly salted cucumbers in a jar. Quick recipe in 5 minutes

This is great quick way preparing our snack. They will go just great with new potatoes, especially if you add sour cream. I think men will say that not only with a side dish, but also with some drinks too. Well, I can't help but agree. Now that you can buy fresh vegetables in stores at any time of the year, you can make them both in summer and winter.

We only need:

  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • Dill - bunch
  • Salt - 2/3 teaspoon
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon


1. First, put salt and pepper in a jar. Then break the bay leaf into several pieces, finely chop the garlic and also put everything in a jar.

2. Then finely chop the dill and also put it in a jar. Cut the ends off the cucumbers, then cut them into several slices and send them there. Then close the jar with a lid and shake for 3-5 minutes. You can involve your husband in this activity.

Do not overcrowd the jar with vegetables; you need space to shake better.

3. And after that, open the lid, put the treat in the dish and help yourself to a side dish with your husband. Can be poured unrefined sunflower oil for taste.

Step-by-step recipe for quick cooking using sparkling mineral water

But I learned about this option relatively recently. And I can say that the cucumbers turn out wonderful. Keep in mind just one thing - if you have salty mineral water, then the amount of salt should be slightly less. In general, try it and rate it!


  • Cucumbers - 1 kg.
  • Horseradish leaf - 1 pc.
  • Dill - bunch
  • Garlic - 5-6 cloves
  • Black peppercorns - a pinch
  • Carbonated mineral water - 1 l.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Mixture of dried Provençal herbs - 1 teaspoon


1. Place a leaf of horseradish on the bottom of the dish. Then top with sprigs of dill. Next add peeled and coarsely chopped garlic, as well as black peppercorns.

2. Cut off the ends of the cucumbers and fold them on top so that they press tightly against each other. You can also cut them in half lengthwise. Sprinkle with chopped dill. If desired, add any spices you like.

3. Dissolve salt in a glass of mineral water, add Provençal herbs and stir. Pour them into the vegetables. Cover the dish with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for about a day. After that you can try them.

How to make lightly salted cucumbers in cold water

Another interesting option. This recipe can be made either in a 3-liter jar or in a saucepan. Whatever is more convenient for you. And to be honest, this recipe is my favorite to cook with. This is the taste I like the most. It reminds me of my childhood, when in the village my grandmother treated me to these crispy, freshly salted green vegetables.


  • Cucumbers - 2 kg.
  • Horseradish leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • Currant leaves - 7-10 pcs.
  • Dill umbrellas - 2-3 pcs.
  • Tarragon - 2 sprigs
  • Garlic - 5-8 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • Peppercorns - 10-15 pcs.
  • Salt - 2 heaped tablespoons
  • Water - 1.5 l.

Choose the amount of ingredients according to your taste.

Soak the cucumbers in advance in plain cold water for one hour.

Cooking method:

1. First place horseradish leaves on the bottom of a pan or jar, then dill umbrellas. Next, lay out the remaining prepared leaves and greens. Place garlic cut into two or three pieces on top. Then bay leaf and pepper. Cut off the ends of the cucumbers and place them on top of everything in the pan. Then add another umbrella of dill and a horseradish leaf.

2. Pour water into a half-liter jar and add salt there. Stir until completely dissolved, then pour into the pan and add the remaining water. You can take filtered water or buy purified water in the store.

3. Then cover the top with a plate or lid and leave at room temperature for two days. Then help yourself and treat your family. Then, when ready, store them in the refrigerator without brine. But personally, I don’t keep them for a long time; they sell out quickly.

Video about how to quickly and tasty pickle in a bag in 2 hours

If you still have any doubts, then for clarity, I suggest you also watch the video. And then everything will become completely clear.


  • Cucumbers - 1 kg.
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Fresh dill - 1 bunch

Now look at the cooking method. Everything is explained here in great detail.

And I want to agree with the author, lightly salted cucumbers prepared in this way will be simply delicious. Crispy and fragrant with added herbs and garlic. And if you add some seasonings of your own, it definitely won’t be any worse.

Classic recipe in a saucepan with hot brine

Another good way to quickly prepare lightly salted cucumbers. Everything takes no more than 15 minutes to prepare, although then you will have to wait until they are completely ready.

In the old days, barrels were used for this. But we are modern people, so we use modern kitchen utensils- a saucepan.


  • Cucumbers - 1.5 kg.
  • Water - 2 l.
  • Salt - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Garlic - 5-6 cloves
  • Dill umbrellas - several sprigs
  • Currant and cherry leaves
  • Hot black pepper - to taste
  • Horseradish leaf

Cooking method:

1. Wash the cucumbers and cut off the ends on both sides. Place in a saucepan. Place garlic on top (you can cut the cloves into two halves), currant and cherry leaves. You can leave only the stalks of the horseradish, since all the flavor comes from them. Then place the dill umbrellas.

Take an enameled or stainless steel pan.

2. Pour water into another pan, add salt and put on fire until it boils. After the water boils, pour it into the vegetables. The water should cover everything to the top.

To fill, you need for 1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon with a handful of salt.

3. And leave at room temperature for 6-8 hours, or overnight. Then put the pan in the refrigerator for another 3-4 hours and you will have a wonderful crispy snack by lunchtime.

Here you go, dear friends, now you know some great ways to quickly prepare delicious, crispy lightly salted cucumbers. Choose what you like.

Bon appetit!

Do you want to learn how to cook lightly salted crispy cucumbers? This article describes several quick cooking recipes that will make cucumbers crispy. You no longer have to stand for half a day in the heat and prepare cucumbers for the winter. The recipes are quite simple.

A long time ago, our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers saved the harvest by canning or pickling it.
Lightly salted cucumbers have been around since then. It seems to me that you are also familiar with the situation when there is a lot of harvest and you don’t know what to do with it. As always, methods of pickling, preservation, or simply freezing come to our aid. Cucumbers lightly salted recipe crispy instant meals have always been, are and will be. They have always been part of Slavic cuisine. But sometimes they are salted for too long, for example three or four days. Well, we really want to try them as quickly as possible. Or have potatoes and lightly salted cucumbers for dinner with your family. So what to do? I'll give you a few recipes.

Recipe 1. Lightly salted crispy cucumbers, quick recipe


  • Cucumbers - kilogram,
  • garlic - one head,
  • dill - 1 bunch,
  • currant leaves - 9-15 leaves,
  • peppercorns (black).

For filling:


Pre-cut the cucumbers on one side and the other. Place 3-5 currant leaves, a third of dill, 2-3 cloves of garlic and a few black peppercorns at the bottom of the container. Then put half of the cucumbers into the pan. Cover them with 3-5 currant leaves, 2-3 cloves of garlic, a few black peppercorns and half of the remaining dill. Add the remaining cucumbers, also covering them with 2-3 cloves of garlic, 3-5 currant leaves, a few black peppercorns and the remaining dill. Mix mineral water with salt. Mix well and pour into the pan with cucumbers. Mineral water promotes quick pickling of cucumbers. Cover with a small plate so that not a single cucumber floats to the surface. And tomorrow everything will be ready.

Recipe 2. Five-minute recipe for crispy cucumbers (Spicy)


  • Cucumbers - 1 kilogram,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • salt - one tbsp. l. (with a slide),
  • black pepper,
  • red pepper,
  • dill - 3 sprigs.


Wash the cucumbers first with a brush, as the peel absorbs too many toxins and dirt. Trim on one and the other side. Cut into four pieces. We put it in a bag, this way the cucumbers pickle faster. Then chop the garlic into small pieces and chop the dill. Put it in a bag. Add red and black pepper to taste, it all depends on how spicy you like it. We put 1 tbsp. l. (heaped) salt.

We tie the package. The main thing is that the bag is loose so that the cucumbers can be shaken. Shake and leave for ten minutes.

Recipe 3. Recipe for lightly salted crispy cucumbers with bay leaves


  • Cucumbers-0.5 kg,
  • dill,
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves,
  • bay leaves - 2-3 pcs.,
  • salt - 2 tsp,
  • sugar-2 tsp,
  • hot water - 1 cup.


Cut the cucumbers into four parts and place them in a container. Finely chop the dill and place it in a container with cucumbers. Omit bay leaves into a cup of hot water (for one minute). Chop the garlic and add it along with the bay leaf to the container with the cucumbers. Salt, sugar. Mix and place in a bag (without holes). Tie and leave for an hour, shaking the bag every 20 minutes.

Recipe 4. Recipe for crispy lightly salted cucumbers


  • Cucumbers - 2 kg,
  • dill,
  • garlic - 1 head,
  • 2 tbsp. salt (without a slide).


Soak the cucumbers in water for 1-2 hours (preferably cold). Coarsely chop the dill and garlic and pour into a container with the cucumbers. Add salt, cover the container with a lid and mix well. Leave it on the table for a day.

Recipe 5. Instant lightly salted crispy cucumbers


  • Cucumbers - 2 kg,
  • 1 head of garlic,
  • horseradish leaves - 5-6 pcs.,
  • cherry leaves - 5-6 pcs.,
  • dill,
  • salt - 2-3 tbsp. l.,
  • mineral water (highly carbonated) - 1.5 l,
  • black peppercorns.


Cut the leaves of horseradish, cherries and dill. Divide into three equal parts. Add a third part to the bottom three-liter jar. Add 6-7 cloves of garlic. Place half of the cucumbers vertically into the jar. Add 2-3 tbsp. l salt and fill with mineral water. Cover the top with some horseradish leaves, cherries and dill. Place the remaining cucumbers and cover with the remaining herbs. Add 1 tbsp. l salt. Fill with mineral water. Cover with a lid. Place for a day in a dark and cool place, but not in the refrigerator.

Recipe 6. Lightly salted crispy cucumbers


  • Cucumbers - 2 kg,
  • horseradish root - 4 pcs. medium size,
  • garlic - 7 cloves,
  • currant leaves - 15 pcs,
  • dill - 3 sprigs.

For the marinade:

  • Water (for a three-liter bottle) - 1.5 l,
  • salt-2 tbsp. l. with a slide.

Preparing the marinade:

Boil water and add 2 tbsp. l. salt and stir well.


Place currant leaves, dill and half of finely chopped horseradish into a pre-prepared jar. Add 3-4 cloves of garlic. Pack the cucumbers tightly into the jar, add the remaining garlic and horseradish root. Pour the marinade into a jar and cover with a nylon lid. After 24 hours at room temperature everything will be ready.

Recipe 7. Lightly salted crispy cucumbers for the winter

  • Cucumbers - 1.5 kg,
  • cherry leaves - 3-4 pcs.,
  • currant leaves - 4-5 pcs.,
  • horseradish - 2 roots,
  • garlic - 2-3 heads,
  • dill - 3-4 umbrellas,
  • celery - 2 sprigs,
  • black peppercorns - 6-7 pcs.

For the brine:

  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l,
  • water - 1.5 l.


Soak the cucumbers in cold water for several hours. After soaking, cut the cucumbers on both sides. Peel the horseradish and garlic. Place half the cherry leaves, currant leaves, half the celery, half the dill, garlic and horseradish and 6-7 black peppercorns on the bottom of the jar. Place half of the cucumbers in the jar. Add all the remaining greens on top of the cucumbers. Place the remaining cucumbers in the jar. Fill with brine. Cover with a lid. Cucumbers are pickled for two days.

Recipe 8. Instant lightly salted crispy cucumbers


  • Cucumbers - 1 kg,
  • currant leaves,
  • dill (fresh or old umbrella),
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves,
  • cherry leaves,
  • horseradish leaves.

For the brine:

  • Water-1 l.,
  • salt - 2-3 tbsp. l.


Boil water, dissolve salt in it and cool or take cold boiled water and immediately dissolve.
Wash the greens thoroughly. Leave the cucumbers in cold water for a couple of hours to make them crispier. Place half of the greens on the bottom of the pan; you can even take the leaves with twigs. Chop the garlic there too. We place the cucumbers, pre-cut on both sides (so that they can quickly become lightly salted; besides, it is believed that the tips contain the most nitrates). To pickle, cucumbers must be placed vertically, this way they will become lightly salted better and faster. It is better to take cucumbers of the same size, so they will be salted at the same time. Pour brine over the cucumbers; it is better to strain the brine, as sometimes there are small pebbles in the salt. If there is not enough liquid, just dilute more. Cover the tops of the cucumbers with the remaining herbs. We tear the cucumbers on top with a clean towel and leave them on the table until the evening. In the evening, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator. And remember, the smaller the cucumbers, the faster they pickle. For example, if you take cucumbers measuring 10 cm, they will be ready within 24 hours. If you like very lightly salted cucumbers, this will be perfect for you. If you want the cucumbers to be more salted, it may be better if they sit a little longer. As you eat lightly salted cucumbers, you can add fresh ones to this brine; you won’t be able to use the brine endlessly, but you can for up to two weeks. Then you will need to make a fresh one. Cucumbers should be stored in the refrigerator and not overcooked, otherwise they will turn from lightly salted to highly salted.

Recipe 9. Instant lightly salted crispy cucumbers

Ingredients (recipe for a three-liter jar):

  • Cucumbers - 2 kg,
  • cherry leaves (can be currants) - 5-6 pcs.,
  • bay leaves - 3-4 pcs.,
  • garlic (preferably young) - 1 head,
  • black peppercorns - 6-7 pcs.,
  • black hot pepper - 2 pcs.,
  • horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.,
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l. (with a slide),
  • mineral water (highly carbonated) - 1.5 l.

Preparing the filling:

For 1.5 liters of mineral water put 2 tbsp. l. salt, always with a slide. Stir well.


First, let's prepare the cucumbers, trim them on both sides and CUT (do not cut) in the middle. We put either cherry leaves or currant leaves on the bottom of the jar. We put 3-4 bay leaves. Coarsely chop the garlic and add to the jar. Add black hot pepper, for those people who have stomach problems or small children, this is not recommended. Add 6-7 black peppercorns. We also put one leaf of horseradish on the bottom (the second one will be on top), coarsely chopped dill. Place the cucumbers tightly. Place a horseradish leaf and dill on top. Fill with mineral water and salt. Cover with gauze and leave at room temperature for a day. After this, they can be eaten, but it is advisable to cover them with a nylon lid and put them in the refrigerator.

Instant lightly salted crispy cucumbers recipe, each of the ones presented is perfect for you. All recipes are very simple and quick to prepare.

Have a nice day and bon appetit))