“That’s how it happened.” What happens to the star of “The Inhabited Island” Vasily Stepanov. Vasily Stepanov was hospitalized after falling from a window. About the actor’s condition

Russian actor Vasily Stepanov, who became famous after the release of the film “Inhabited Island” by Fyodor Bondarchuk, spoke about the reasons for his fall from the fifth floor. According to Vasily, this did not happen by chance.

Yes, I fell, it was not an accident. And no one pushed me... It’s just a pity that he let people down with the filming and missed the deadlines.

– Vasily told Life. Vasily says that he jumped from the third floor, but his neighbors are sure that the actor jumped from the fifth floor of the apartment in which he lives.

According to Vasily’s brother Maxim, with his action he did not want to attract attention to himself:

Vasya will prove that this is not PR when he recovers. As the district police officer said, Vasya is not dangerous to society, he is only dangerous to himself.

Vasily’s ex-girlfriend, actress Daria Egora told the publication “ Komsomolskaya Pravda”that the actor suffered from manic depression and himself refused roles:

When we were together, Vasya was a very popular actor. He had many offers from worthy directors. He himself refused them. And now he is invited to act in films, but he rejects the offers. Doesn't even read. He just says no, that's all. And then for some reason he tells everyone that they forgot about him. I took care of Vasya’s health for five years. I had strong feelings for Stepanov, I went with him to hospitals, took him to psychologists. Doctors diagnosed him with manic depression.

Vasily Stepanov and Daria Egorova dated for several years, they lived together for two years, the actor proposed to Dasha. However, the wedding never followed; the couple broke up due to Vasya’s health problems.

I was provided with the necessary medical care, but the psychiatrist recommended that next time I choose a higher floor. It seemed like I was attracting attention to myself, but that was far from the case.

– Vasily told life.ru with indignation.

According to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, Vasily is now in a psychiatric hospital named after Alekseev, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, Stepanov will be treated for at least a month if his relatives do not take him home under their own responsibility. After falling from the fifth floor, Vasya’s brother assured Life that he and his mother would take turns looking after Vasya.

In 2016, Vasily turned 30 years old; on his anniversary, the actor complained to journalists that he could not find a job:

I've been to a bunch of auditions, but they don't take me anywhere. I negotiated with the producers, but in the end everything went quiet. I was offered to star in a video in Germany, but, unfortunately, I didn’t have a foreign passport or connections to get one in three days. I am looking for any job, I even tried to get a job in the police.

Film “Inhabited Island”

In 2016, Vasily began acting for the first time in many years; he took part in historical project Alexey Pimanov’s “Tank Men”, however, in the winter of 2017, Stepanov slipped and broke his spine; money was raised on the Internet for Vasily’s treatment; due to a spinal injury, filming had to be postponed. The day before, it became known that Vasily Stepanov fell from the fifth floor of an apartment in Moscow, where he lived. Stepanov was taken to the hospital with fractures of the pelvis, right shoulder, heel bones and numerous bruises.

The main role in Fyodor Bondarchuk's film "Inhabited Island", based on the book by the Strugatsky brothers, brought the young actor Vasily Stepanov to the top of the cinema Olympus. His bright appearance brought additional popularity to the artist - the girls were simply crazy about Vasily. It would seem that Stepanov was facing a dizzying career in which one star role would be replaced by another.


But it didn’t work out. After filming with Bondarchuk, Stepanov never appeared in films, although he participated in various television projects and even served as a presenter. Despite the fact that his name was on everyone's lips, pulling out a new one lucky ticket Vasily couldn’t do it. He went to auditions for a long time, but kept hearing refusals. “I was at a bunch of castings, but they didn’t take me anywhere. I negotiated with the producers, but in the end everything died down. I was offered to star in a video in Germany, but, unfortunately, I didn’t have a foreign passport and connections to get I don’t have three days to get it,” Vasily told reporters.

Stepanov admitted that he was ready to take on any job. Allegedly, he worked as a loader, a night bus cleaner, tried to get a job in the police, and build a career as a model. All to no avail. Soon Stepanov suffered a new misfortune: his fiancée Daria Egorova left him. By the way, in a conversation with journalists, she claimed that doctors diagnosed the unlucky actor with “manic depression.”

Egorova claimed that Stepanov, contrary to the official version, received many filming offers, but he himself refused. "He just doesn't want to act anymore. He's just given up on movies. It's very difficult question, you see, when a person has a psychological shift, his behavior is very difficult to explain. For him, reality is confused with the past, with the future, with the events that he experienced. He himself doesn’t know what he wants,” Egorova said. Daria directly said that she broke up with him because he “has no will,” and “to carry everything on himself, building with him family relationships, it would be very difficult for me."

In August 2015, Vasily Stepanov was urgently hospitalized. The artist suffered a blood clot in his left leg. In the intensive care unit, doctors “caught” a blood clot: this had to be done as quickly as possible so that it did not go to the heart. If the actor had not been taken to the hospital on time, the problem with the blood vessels could have been fatal. Fortunately, Vasily was saved.

This event brought the actor back to the attention of the press. Journalists even visited Stepanov’s home, and there was an occasion - his birthday. However, what they saw simply discouraged them. When the doorbell of the actor’s apartment rang, Vasily’s father shouted indignantly at him: “Open it yourself, ****!” And when the door opened and the birthday boy appeared on the threshold, it was obvious that there was no talk of any holiday. Stepanov celebrated the anniversary in a dirty T-shirt. As journalists suggested, neither his parents nor his younger brother Maxim found an opportunity to organize a holiday for the hero of the day, which forces us to draw conclusions about what kind of relationships reigned in the family.

By the end of 2016, a light dawned in Stepanov’s film career, which was covered in darkness and dust. On your page in social network On Instagram, the artist published photos from the filming of the historical film. Numerous fans immediately showered Vasily with congratulations. And journalists concluded that the actor had finally emerged from obscurity. Stepanov even changed his image by visiting the salon of the famous stylist Alexander Todchuk.

But that was not the case. In January, information appeared in the media that Vasily Stepanov broke his spine after slipping on ice. Doctors did not even give any predictions as to whether the actor would be able to walk. For a whole month, Stepanov was confined to a hospital bed. However, Vasily was able to get back on his feet and was even discharged from the hospital.

And here comes the misfortune again. The other day Vasily Stepanov fell out of a window. The actor again ended up in the clinic, where he was diagnosed with multiple fractures, including a fracture of the pelvis, right shoulder, both heel bones and numerous bruises. Eyewitnesses said that the actor fell from the window of an apartment located on the fifth floor. Witnesses also assured that no one pushed Stepanov, he fell on his own.

Recent events indicate that a real drama has unfolded in the actor’s life. The night before, April 12, an ambulance was called for Stepanov, who complained of chest pain. The arriving doctors noted the artist’s strange behavior. Then a special team was called. As a result, the star of the film “Inhabited Island” was hospitalized in the Alekseev psychiatric hospital. At the clinic, the artist was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

It later turned out that Vasily had already made attempts to commit suicide in the summer of 2016. Then the family managed to save the actor. In addition, it turned out that shortly after filming the first part of “The Inhabited Island,” Stepanov was treated at a neurosis clinic.

And according to the latest media reports, it turned out that Vasily broke his spine in winter for a reason. Allegedly, he did not slip, but fell from the fourth floor window of his house and landed on the canopy. However, relatives chose to hide this fact.

The blue-eyed star of “The Inhabited Island” Vasily Stepanov has long disappeared from the sight of fans and journalists, but this week everyone is talking about his fate again. The day before, conflicting reports appeared that on April 10, the artist either fell or jumped from a fifth-floor window. At the same time, the actor has not had serious work for a long time, and he himself has been suffering from prolonged depression for many years. Medialeaks tells how Stepanov’s life turned out after Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film, when everyone thought that Stepanov was rising star Russian cinema.

Reports that 31-year-old Vasily Stepanov fell out of a window fifth floors in Moscow, appeared in the press on April 12. Life reported that the actor was diagnosed with a fractured pelvis, right shoulder, both heel bones and numerous bruises. According to eyewitnesses, he allegedly deliberately jumped out of the window, but many conflicting statements have accumulated around the incident. At first Stepanov stated that he fell from third floors by accident. And later he allegedly claimed that the fall was not accidental.

Yes, I fell, it was not an accident. And no one pushed me... Now I’m doing well, they put a cast on me and sent me home. It’s just a pity that he let people down with the filming and missed the deadlines,” he said.

Vasily’s younger brother Maxim stated that the actor does not have suicidal tendencies and did not jump out of the window. According to him, Vasily explained what happened with the phrase “that’s how it happened.”

Prolonged depression

Stepanov’s acting career began when he was noticed by Fyodor Bondarchuk, who was looking for actors for the film “Inhabited Island” based on the book by the Strugatsky brothers. The director liked him despite the fact that he had no acting experience (not counting his participation in social advertising). Boris Strugatsky also approved of Stepanov’s choice for the role of Maxim Kammerer. After the film was released, Vasily quickly acquired an army of fans and admirers.

After filming the film, the actor, while continuing his studies at a theater university, took part in several more projects: the films “An Insured Event,” “The Kiss of Socrates,” “Okolofootball” and the play “Veronica Decides to Die.” That's it acting career, in fact, it ended.

IN recent years Stepanov lived with his parents.

According to the artist, financial difficulties never ended: he spent the fee for “Inhabited Island” very quickly, and did not receive any money for photo sessions and interviews. At the same time, Vasily declared that he no longer wanted to act in films. The separation from his fiancée Daria Egorova, who repeatedly said that Stepanov had been diagnosed with “manic depression,” was also a heavy blow.

Vasya has psychological trauma that lasted for several years. Nobody can figure out what's wrong with him. It's just a psychological breakdown. He starts talking and can easily forget how he started the phrase,” she explained.

Prolonged depression required quality treatment, which required money. According to Stepanov, his family took out a loan to pay for medical care, and the actor himself washed trolleybuses at night to earn at least something.

A year ago, Stepanov also made no progress with his work.

I've been to a bunch of auditions, but they don't take me anywhere. I negotiated with the producers, but in the end everything went quiet. I was offered to star in a video in Germany, but, unfortunately, I didn’t have a foreign passport, and I didn’t have the connections to get one in three days. “I’m looking for any job, I even tried to get a job in the police,” he said.

TO psychological problems at the end of 2016, more physical ones were added: the actor slipped on the stairs, fell and broke his spine. Stepanov’s relatives then asked everyone who cared for financial help.

After seven years of unemployment, the actor finally began to receive offers. Last year, he even opened an account on Instagram, where he posts personal photographs and photos from the filming of the “Tank Men” project. However, filming was hindered by a spinal injury.

Instagram hasn't been updated for about six months.

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The star of “The Inhabited Island” Vasily Stepanov (the guy simply stopped developing at one time) faced a new misfortune. Having barely begun to climb out of severe depression, the actor fell and broke his spine. At the same time, his co-star in the film, Pyotr Fedorov, has long become a superstar and appears in five films a year, even in the West.

Relatives of the Stepanovs have long suspected that Vasily was jinxed or cursed by someone. The 31-year-old guy has had to endure too many trials. A protracted depression covered Stepanov after the success of the film “Inhabited Island”, where he played main role, and did not allow it to develop further. He said in an interview that they don’t offer roles, and he doesn’t want anything. The actor was abandoned by his beloved due to lack of money. He vegetated in poverty, lived with his parents and complained about the lack of demand in his profession.

As soon as the light began to dawn at the end of the tunnel and Vasily began acting again (though not in leading roles), a new misfortune befell him. Stepanov injured his spine when he fell into icy conditions. Doctors find it difficult to say when he will now be able to walk and whether he will be able to walk at all (!) The artist has been confined to a hospital bed for a month.

“The accident happened in mid-December,” said a friend of the actor. “Vasya and his friends were returning home from the hypermarket, they were buying gifts for the New Year. It was very cold outside then, and all the slush was frozen. Near the entrance, Vasya slipped and fell straight on his back I couldn’t even get up on the steps!”

Friends immediately called an ambulance and covered the victim with jackets so that he would not freeze. They didn’t touch Vasily while he was lying there, as they understood that his musculoskeletal system might be damaged. “The doctors arrived within 10 minutes. Well, at the hospital, after an examination and an x-ray, they made a diagnosis,” said Stepanov’s friend.

According to doctors, the actor has a fracture of the hip bone and two vertebrae. Now the star of “The Inhabited Island” will have to learn to walk again.

Relatives visit Stepanov every day. “Vasya is not at all discouraged,” a friend assured the reporters. “Plus, the hospital feeds him well. Doctors have not yet made any predictions about when he will start walking again. But the rehabilitation course has already been approved - they asked to buy a corset and crutches. Despite the pain, Vasya jokes: “ But there is time to read the scripts!”

It seems to me that Vasily Stepanov should realize that he is not an actor at all and finally do something more worthy. The endless wait in this dependent profession for such weak person, like Stepanov (and I read his interview and was amazed - what is he waiting for?), he will simply kill.

On the morning of April 11, 31-year-old actor Vasily Stepanov, known for his role as Maxim Kammerer in Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film dilogy “Inhabited Island,” fell from the balcony of the fifth floor of an apartment in a Khrushchev building on Davydkovskaya Street in Moscow, where he lives with his elderly parents.

The incident became known to the press late yesterday evening.

It turned out that the actor survived and was taken to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with numerous fractures and bruises. Vasily confirmed to Life that his fall “was not accidental” - “nobody pushed him.”

“The fact of a person falling from a height” was confirmed to TASS by the press service of the GUMVD in Moscow: “The police received a report that a person fell from the window of a residential building on Davydkovskaya Street. Currently, an investigation into the incident is being carried out, based on the results of which a decision will be made decision," the press service representative told the agency. And the fact that it was “the 31-year-old actor Vasily Stepanov, who gained fame after the film “Inhabited Island,” was, in turn, clarified to the agency by a “source in medical circles.” Adding, “that this is not the first time a man decides to settle scores with life."

Vasily Stepanov was born in 1986 in Moscow into the family of a policeman and a cashier. After nine years of school, I graduated from technical school physical culture and sports, having received a diploma as a physical education teacher. I went to law school, but dropped out. He made his film debut in 2008, and immediately leading role- Kammerer in the film "Inhabited Island: Film One." Which was followed by “Inhabited Island: Fight” (2009), “My Boyfriend is an Angel” (episode), television melodrama “Insured Event”, Belarusian series “Kiss of Socrates” (all - 2011), “Okolofutbola” (2013, episode) .

The image of Kammerer remained the only notable work of the actor, who, according to those close to him, at first bore the burden of fame that fell on him very hard, becoming a recluse for some time, and then “could not find a worthy project for himself.” Which had a bad effect on Vasily’s “subtle mental organization.” Moreover, Stepanov’s work in his films was harshly criticized by Bondarchuk himself, who, although he got the main role, as he was looking for, “the very handsome guy in the world," but Vasily’s acting constantly brought him to nervous breakdowns. It was already too late to change the main character - this would have entailed serious financial costs. As a result, as Bondarchuk said, scenes with Vasily’s participation had to be assembled like a patchwork quilt - from pieces of different takes .

Naturally, after such characteristics from one of the leading Russian filmmakers, there could be no talk of any further successful career. The result is poverty and depression.

“Inhabited Island” is the first part of the unofficial “Kammerer cycle”, first published in 1969 in the magazine “Neva”, which also includes the stories “A Beetle in an Anthill” and “Waves Quench the Wind”. The work was subjected to the most severe censorship: as it was calculated by researchers of the Strugatskys’ work, for the next publication - 1971 - the authors had to “correct” about nine hundred places in “The Island”. Then the book was not reprinted for ten years.

"Inhabited Island" takes place in the distant future, when explorer Maxim Kammerer crashes while landing on unknown planet the earthly type Saraksh, who turned out to be the embodiment of a post-apocalyptic dystopia.