Production of sausages from customer's raw materials. Stages of sausage production. Equipment for a sausage shop - video


Ternopil Academy of National Economy

Vinnitsa branch


from discipline

"Technology System"

on the topic:

"Production sausages»

2nd year student

Specialties "Finance"

Group 12 – F

Andrey's assurances


Kozlovsky V. A.




Chapter I. WITH raw materials for production


1.1. Meat raw materials and types of meat

1.3. By-products

1.4. Fat raw materials

1.6. Protein stabilizers

1.7. Milk and dairy products

1.8. Eggs and products made from them

1.9. Flour products

1.10. Spices

1.11. Garlic and onion

1.12. Cognac and Madeira

1.13. curing ingredients

Chapter ІІ.


2.1. Substances that improve the taste of sausages

2.2. Substances used as additional sources of protein

2.3. Substances that inhibit fat oxidation

Chapter ІІІ. Preparation of raw materials and shells for

sausage production

3.1. Meat grinding

3.2. Mixing

3.3. Injection of minced meat into shells or molds

3.4. Loaf sediment

Chapter IV . Heat treatment of sausages

4.1. Preservative effect of smoke

4.2. Changes in meat products during the smoking process

4.3. Heat treatment methods

4.4. Drying sausages

List of sources and used literature


Technology - the science of the most efficient methods of industrial production of goods. The choice of production technology is influenced by many factors: type of product, volume of production, type of raw materials, level of specialization and cooperation, type of fuel and energy resources and a number of other factors.

The totality of technologies used in the national economy form unified technological complex, which is divisible by production and non-production spheres.

Technological process – This is a logical sequence of labor or other actions of workers, as a result of which finished products are formed from initial materials (raw materials). The technological process consists of stages, which are: procurement, processing And assembly

Each stage consists of smaller particles: elements, which are divided into: basic, intermediate, final.

Main element – a technological operation completed by an employee or team at one workplace with a constant set of objects and means of labor.

Technological operations are divided into installations - These are parts of an operation performed with one fixed object being processed (raw materials, parts). For one installation, m.b. 2 – 3 positions.

Technological transition – this is a change in shape with an unchanged mode for one position and consists of: working and idling. At the same time, there is auxiliary transition – employee actions not related to changing the material, but to replace the material, clean the workplace, etc.

Let's consider the technology of sausage production and feel the sequence of actions of workers and mechanisms to obtain the finished product.

Sausages and smoked meats occupy a large share in the diet of the population, and their production is one of the most important in the meat industry.

The production of sausages in industrial and domestic conditions consists of separate technological processes based on in various ways effects on raw materials (chemical, physical, microbiological). In this case, thermal processes play a particularly important role, since the raw materials used in sausage production are perishable.

The technology for the production of sausages is constantly being improved based on the latest achievements of science and technology.

Chapter I. Raw materials for production


The following raw materials are used for the manufacture of sausages: meat, offal, raw fat, blood, dairy products, eggs and egg products, flour products, mainly starch, protein stabilizer, salting ingredients (salt, sugar, sodium nitrite, sodium ascarbate), spices, onions, garlic, cognac and Madeira, sausage casings.

In addition, smoking preparations are used, as well as dressings and packaging materials.

1.1. Meat raw materials and types of meat

Sausages are prepared mainly from beef and pork, and some types are made from offal and meat of small ruminants, buffalo, camels, deer, horses, rabbits, poultry and game.

Lamb used much less frequently and only for the production of lamb sausages, which is explained by its specific taste and high point melting lamb fat.

Meat for the production of sausages d.b. obtained from healthy animals. In some cases, with the permission of veterinary supervision, you can use conditionally suitable meat.

According to veterinary and sanitary rules conditionally acceptable meat And offal neutralized by boiling in open boilers for 3 hours (from the beginning of boiling water in the boiler), and in closed ones - at steam pressure 14.7 x 10 4 Pa during 2,5 hours.

Meat is considered neutralized if the temperature inside the piece reaches at least 80 0 C.

Meat is sent to sausage production with markings, which are applied to carcasses in the slaughter and cutting shops. Veterinary inspection specialists mark the meat in accordance with the approved instructions and standards. The brand (marker) indicates the fatness category, the abbreviated name of the country, the enterprise number and the word “Veterinary Inspection”.

1.1.1. Beef. Beef is obtained from the slaughter of uncastrated bulls (bulls), castrated bulls (oxen), cows, heifers, and steers.

Meat obtained from the slaughter of buffaloes and sarlykov (yakov ), close in chemical composition and taste for beef.

According to the age of the animals, beef is divided into meat from adult cattle - older 3 years and young meat – from 3 months to 3 years.

Beef is differentiated by fatness I And ІІ categories.

Meat of all categories is used to produce sausages. The color of beef meat determines the appearance of the finished sausage products and depends on the age and type of livestock. The color of individual muscles of the animal is different.

The meat of buffalos and sarlyks is the darkest - red-violet, the meat of bugs is dark red, which is mainly used for raw smoked sausages. The meat of bulls and heifers (light red), the meat of calves (milk pink) is used for the production of boiled sausages.

1.1.2. Pork. Depending on how the carcass is processed, pork can be skinned, skinned, or partially skinned. Pork with skin is used mainly for the production of smoked pork and bacon, pork without skin and with partially removed skin is used for sausages.

Piglet meat, depending on weight and fatness, is divided into two categories. Depending on age and fatness, the color varies from milky pink to dark red in adult pigs.

1.1.3. Lamb and goat meat. Depending on their fatness, they are also divided into two categories and skinny. Color goat meat lighter than lamb Meat wild goats used along with lamb And goat meat ; from meat pets it has a darker color.

1.1.4. Horse meat . It is used to make horse sausages.

1.1.5. Camel meat. It is used in the manufacture horse sausages along with horse meat. Divided depending on fatness І And ІІ category, as well as young meat up to 4 years.

1.1.6. Deer meat. It has all the nutritional value is not inferior to beef and is used to produce high-quality reindeer sausages. Venison carcass weight 30 – 40 kg.

1.2. Thermal state of meat

According to the thermal state of the meat, it can be hot, cooled, chilled, frozen and defrosted.

1.2.1. Hot steamed meat. This includes meat that has not lost its animal warmth and has a reaction close to neutral. The temperature of hot steamed meat thicker than muscles is close to 37 ºС . In hot-steam form, use only beef. It is recommended that no more than 4 hours Hot-steamy meat is the best raw material for the production of sausages and cooked sausages, providing high yield and good quality products.

1.2.2. Cooled meat. Fresh meat through 12 o'clock After slaughter, food that has cooled down in natural conditions or in ventilated refrigerated rooms to ambient temperature is considered cooled down. In this case, the surface of the meat becomes dry. The temperature in the thickness of the muscles of cooled meat should not be higher than 25 0 C . Practically the temperature is 12 – 15 ºС and fluctuates depending on the ambient temperature.

Cooled meat cannot be used as hot-steam meat, since its moisture-holding capacity is lower. It is less stable than steamed or chilled.

1.2.3. Chilled meat. Chilled meat is considered to be meat that has been subjected to special heat treatment in cooling chambers. Its temperature in the thickness of the muscles near the bone is from 0 to 4 ºС , the reaction is slightly acidic. Chilled meat is a good raw material for sausage production.

In addition to the indicated types of meat, in practice there is chilled meat – meat with temperature in the thickness of the muscles – 1.5 and not lower – 3 ºС . Supercooled meat makes it possible to preserve the quality of chilled meat and significantly increase the delivery radius to its places of consumption and industrial processing.

1.2.4. Frozen meat – meat that has been frozen and requires thawing is ice cream. Such meat should have a temperature no higher than – 6 ºС and have the characteristic features of a solid body - elasticity of shape.

Thawed meat – frozen meat after thawing to core temperature 1 ºС . Due to the irreversibility of the physicochemical processes occurring in meat proteins, during the defrosting process the water absorption capacity of meat decreases, it loses nutritionally valuable meat juice Therefore, defrosted meat is a worse raw material for the production of sausages than hot-steamed or chilled meat.

1.3. By-products

Meat food products, with the exception of meat carcasses, obtained from the slaughter of livestock are by-products. All of them are used in sausage production . By type of animal, by-products are divided into beef, pork and lamb (goat). Based on anatomical features and type of tissue, they are distinguished pulpy, meat-bone, slimy and woolly offal.

Based on nutritional value, taste and culinary merits, by-products are divided into two categories.

K I categories of by-products include: liver, tongues, kidneys, brains, meat trimmings, heart, diaphragm, meat and bone tails (beef and lamb), beef udder, cuts of meat from tongues.

In ІІ category includes: tripes (beef and lamb), pork stomachs, kaltyks, esophagus meat, abomasum (beef and lamb), pork tails, lungs, beef heads (without skin, without tongues and brains), pork and lamb heads (in the skin without tongues and brains), trachea, spleen, lettuce (beef and lamb), fetlock, beef, pork and lamb legs, beef lips, beef and pork ears. (p.8)

Before using by-products in sausage production, they must be processed and meet certain requirements specific to each type of by-product.

1.3.1. Liver freed from external blood vessels, lymph nodes, gallbladder and ducts. Liver, unlike other offal, has a bitter taste and is not capable of swelling. Chopped boiled liver retains fat well, so it used in the production of high-grade liver sausages and pates. It gives the products a unique pleasant aroma and taste. The weight of the liver of cattle is 7 - 10 kg, pigs 2 - 3 kg, sheep 1 - 2 kg.

1.3.2. Languages freed from fat, sublingual muscle tissue, lymph nodes, larynx, hyoid bone, mucus and blood. Tongues may have a holy mucous membrane (skin). They are usually used boiled, cut into small pieces various shapes, which give sausages a unique cut appearance and a pleasant taste.

1.3.3. Brain intact without damage to the shell, bloodless. Brains have a delicate texture and high nutritional value. Used to produce liver sausages, pates and some types of sausages.

1.3.4. Beef udder degreased, skin and hair residues removed, washed to remove any remaining dirt and milk. Do not use it raw. Boiled udder is used to prepare pates and brawn. When cut into pieces, it gives sausages a characteristic cut appearance.

1.3.5. Heart degreased, cut lengthwise, cleared of blood clots, protruding blood vessels and films, washed well from the inside and outside. The heart has deep, elastic, dark-colored muscle tissue. Used for individual species liver and boiled sausages.

1.3.6. Beef and lamb tripes degreased, thoroughly cleaned of dirt, mucous membranes, fringes and washed well. They are used for liver, blood sausages and brawn, as well as for making rolls.

1.3.7. Meat trimmings freed from dirt, blood clots, skin and hair residues, washed well,

1.3.8. Diaphragm - freed from dirt, bruises, hair and thoroughly washed. The diaphragm contains many connective tissues.

Used for the production of cooked sausages ІІ varieties in quantities established by approved recipes.

1.3.9. Cuttings of meat from tongues freed from blood residues, separated from the larynx, used for the production of boiled and liver sausages.

1.3.10. Beef tails and pork tails freed from dirt, bruises, skin and hair residues and thoroughly washed,

1.3.11. Meat of esophagus and kaltyka cleaned of mucus and dirt and washed thoroughly. After cooking, it is used for liver and blood sausages.

1.3. 12. Lungs and trachea washed from mucus and blood. The color of the lungs is light pink or grayish-pink without painful changes. The lungs have a specific spongy structure, contain a lot of connective tissue, and when cooked, retain fat abundantly. Used for liver sausages.

1.3.13. Spleen– thoroughly washed, the color of the spleen is dark red with a bluish tint. Used for preparing medicinal food products in the form of pates and liver sausages.

1.3.14. Beef rennet, pork stomachs, beef fly thoroughly cleaned of mucous membranes and contaminants, washed well. Their color is grayish-pink. Used for liver, blood sausages and brawn. Pork stomachs are degreased and used as a casing for brawn.

1.3.15. Beef, pork, lamb heads without skin and tongues, cut into two longitudinal parts, washed from the inside and outside. Head meat has sufficient viscosity. They are used in the production of boiled and semi-smoked sausages.

1.3.16. Pork legs, fetlock joint (beef) – slightly pink, yellowish in color, thoroughly cleaned of soot and residues of bristles and hair. Horny shoes removed, washed well, used for the production of brawn.

1.3.17. Beef and pork ears grayish, yellowish-brown color. Thoroughly cleaned of hair, after scorching, cleaned of remnants of burnt hair and epidermis, washed well on both sides, used for the production of brawn.

1.3.18. Beef lips well washed, cleared of hair, after scorching, free of carbon deposits, used for the production of brawn and liver sausages.

1.4. Fat raw materials

The amount of fatty raw materials changes with the moment of slaughter of the animal under the influence of the fat-splitting enzyme (lipase), moisture and protein substances. The degree of change in animal raw materials depends on the duration and temperature of storage, on the presence of muscle tissue in it. When storing fat, the acid number increases.

Fats are stored frozen, and pork fat is also stored salted.

1.4.1. Lard It is subcutaneous fat with or without skin.

Based on consistency (density), lard is classified as hard, semi-hard, soft, oily. The consistency of lard depends on the breed of pig and the type of feed.

For the production of sausages, do not use lard, which is rancid, greasy, with high acidity of fat, turning yellow when tested by cooking (cooking in boiling water for 1 - 2 minutes)

The yield of bacon depends on the fatness of the pigs and is 26% for fatty pork and 16% for meat pork to the weight of pork on the bones. Lard obtained from fatty pork contains (in%): fat 94, protein 1.2, moisture 4.8, and from meat pork fat 92.4, protein 1.5 and moisture 6.1%.

1.4.2. Pork belly. This is the thoraco-abdominal part, from which the ribs with adjacent muscle tissue and the peritoneum are separated by the nipples. Edges and fringes must be cleaned, used for the production of boiled sausages.

1.4.3. Internal pork fat used for the production of sausages, sausages and liver sausages.

1.4.4. Raw beef fat. Such fat, when cooled, has a dense, solid consistency and a light yellow color, due to its content carotene and xanthophyll pigments. In the production of sausages, sausages and liver sausages, subcutaneous beef fat and internal rendered beef fat are used.

1.4.5. Raw lamb fat. It is divided into subcutaneous And fat tail Fat tail fat deposited at the root of the tail of fat-tailed sheep on both sides of the end of the caudal vertebrae. In fat-tailed sheep, tail fat is deposited along the entire length of the tail, which consists of 15 – 24 vertebrae Sausage fat is used in crushed pieces. The melting point of melted lamb fat is 44 – 55º C, fat tail 34 – 44º C.

The blood of farm animals is a source of complete proteins. Blood contains 18 – 19% proteins , which contain all the essential amino acids. Not all blood proteins are the same in importance, since the amino acid composition is different.

Hemoglobin is not a complete protein because it does not contain an essential amino acid – isoleucine. Therefore, the formed elements of blood are less valuable than plasma proteins.

Blood proteins (serum) equivalent to meat proteins (95 – 97%) and are almost completely absorbed.

In addition, blood contains carbohydrates, fatty substances, mineral salts, vitamins, enzymes, hormones and other biologically active substances, necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

In terms of amino acid composition, 100 g of meat, blood or milk protein can almost completely meet the daily requirement for all essential amino acids, except isoleucine.

Whole blood is used for the production of blood sausages, brawn, and canned food.

Proposed Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences so-called The protein fortifier is equivalent in amino acid composition to meat. Despite the relatively low blood content in the protein fortifier (15% blood and 85% skim milk) , it has a rather dark color, which limits its use for making cooked sausages.

In the production of boiled sausages, a hemoglobin preparation is used to obtain a more intense and lasting color for these products, especially those containing a lot of pork, and also to enrich them with proteins.

1.6. Protein stabilizers

Protein stabilizer a product used in the production of boiled and liver sausages to increase the use of protein raw materials. Stabilizers are added when grinding minced meat in a cutter in an amount of up to 10% by weight of the raw material.

Protein stabilizers prepared from pork skin or from veins and tendons obtained by deboning pork and beef, as well as from beef lips.

1.6.1. Pork skin it is obtained in sausage shops when cutting chilled or defrosted pork. The skin must be freed from fat, remaining bristles and thoroughly washed.

Pork skin is used raw or cooked. Raw pork skin, clean and fat-free, is moistened with water and ground on a grinder through a grid with holes 2-3 mm in diameter. The yield of protein stabilizer from pork skin to the mass of raw materials is 130%.

1.6.2. Pork and beef thighs they are obtained by deboning and trimming pork and beef carcasses. The yield of protein stabilizer from the veins is 120% by weight of the raw material.

1.6.3. Beef lips the yield of this protein stabilizer to the mass of raw materials is 130%.

1.7. Milk and dairy products

1.7.1. Milk and dairy products are used in the production of sausages to improve taste, to produce dietary meat products and to partially replace raw meat. These include: whole natural skim milk powder, fresh and dry cream, fresh and canned milk protein and cow’s butter.

1.7.2. Cow butter in sausage production is used unsalted, salted with the addition of table salt 1.5%, Vologda and amateur butter.

1.8. Eggs and products made from them

These include: eggs, egg melange (frozen) and egg powder (dried melange). They are used for the production of various sausages as an astringent.

1.9. Flour products.

To increase the viscosity and water-holding capacity of minced meat of some types of boiled and liver sausages, use: potato starch, wheat starch, rice starch, corn starch and wheat flour.

1.9.1. Starch. Potato starch is divided into four varieties: extra, higher, first, second. In sausage production, starch used is at least І varieties.

1.9.2. Wheat starch, There are three varieties: extra , first, second. In sausage production it is used not less than І varieties.

1.9.3. Corn starch for sausage production is used of the highest and І varieties.

1.9.4. Rice starch is used higher and І varieties.

1.9.5. Wheat flour is used I and II varieties.

1.10. Spices

Spices are added to sausages to give them a specific aroma and taste. Spices are products of plant origin. Their distinctive feature is content of essential oils. Spices include: pepper (black, white, allspice, red), nutmeg, cardamom, coriander, cinnamon, cumin, pistachios, bay leaf and a number of others.

In practice it is often used spice mixtures, spice extracts in the form of three types of oils. Negative feature of extracts – high volatility.

1.11. Garlic and onion

Bulbous plants containing essential oils are used to create the bouquet of smell and taste of sausages.

These include: fresh garlic, canned garlic, onions, as well as their powders in dry dried form.

1.12. Cognac and Madeira

Cognac - an alcoholic drink with a specific bouquet and taste, prepared from cognac alcohol, aged for a long time in oak barrels, and sugar syrup.

Madeira is a strong wine with a characteristic aroma from contact with oak staves.

1.13. Salting ingredients

These include: table salt, sodium nitrite, ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate and sugar. For salting meat in the production of sausages, ingredients are used in crystalline form or in the form of saturated solutions of these salts.

Chapter ІІ. Additives used in sausage


Additives – substances that are not included as mandatory in the recipe, but which are added during the production of sausages to improve them - increasing color intensity, shelf life, better taste and aroma, or reducing losses during heat treatment. Additives are also used for more rational use of raw materials.

These substances have certain requirements: they must be allowed by law in the production of food products as harmless to human health and have an effective effect.

All additives used in sausage production, depending on their effect and purpose, can be divided into the following groups:

1) increasing color intensity and stability;

2) increasing the water-holding capacity of meat;

3) improving the taste and aroma of products;

4) used as additional sources of protein;

5) inhibiting fat oxidation;

6) preservatives.

Group I includes: ascorbic acid and its derivatives, i.e.: ascorbic acid. isoascorbic acid, ascorbate, sodium isoascorbate – a salt of the ascorbic acid isomer.

Ascorbic and isoascorbic acids have strong reducing properties. In the production of boiled sausages, ascorbic acid has a great positive effect, but in the production of raw salted products, its effectiveness decreases. But in some cases, the sausage tastes better.

Conducted in VNIIMPe studies have shown that adding ascorbate reduces the duration of the roasting process by an average of 25% . This made it possible to increase the throughput of the frying chambers.

In addition to ascorbic acid and its derivatives, they are used to preserve the color of fresh meat. nicotinic acid, which is a B vitamin.

The acceptable content of nicotinic acid or its amide is considered to be 0.0065%, because at this concentration both substances are completely harmless. A mixture of ascorbic and nicotinic acids turned out to be more effective.

Increasing the moisture-holding capacity and bringing it closer to that characteristic of meat is very important when making sausages. For this they use forphates and their mixtures. Forfats They are recommended to protect fat from oxidation, and also create obstacles for the addition of water; they do not impair the taste of products.

2.1. Substances that improve the taste of sausages

To improve the taste of sausages, sodium salt of glutamic acid is used. As a result of numerous studies, it has been established. that only with the introduction of approximately 0.05 - 0.2% of this substance a corresponding effect is obtained.

2.2. Substances used as additional

protein sources

Currently, world science is paying much attention to the problem of finding new sources of protein. Today, blood components are used - plasma and serum, as well as skim milk and casein.

2.3. Substances that inhibit fat oxidation

These substances increase the ability long-term storage products from oxidation by atmospheric oxygen, whereby their value decreases due to the accumulation of toxic substances. The commercial quality of fats deteriorates, the product turns yellow and acquires an unpleasant odor and taste.

Antioxidants are used to prevent fat oxidation: tocopherol and its derivatives (vitamin E).

Preservatives – are chemicals used to slow down or prevent unwanted changes in biologically derived foods called microorganisms - bacteria, molds, yeasts in order to increase their stability during storage.

Sorbic acid and its salts: sodium and potassium are used in sausage production.

Chapter III. Preparation of raw materials and shells for

sausage production

For all types of sausages, the raw materials - meat and offal - are first prepared, as well as the casings.

Meat preparation includes: carcass cutting, deboning, trimming and sorting.

After hanging the half-carcasses on the hanging track, they are immediately cut into pieces with a knife. Boning – This is the separation of meat from bones. This is usually done manually and is the most backward operation in carcass cutting in terms of mechanization.

Zhilovka – an operation to isolate tendons, large films, cartilage, and other joints of muscles and bones.

Shells They arrive at the workshop already processed, of high quality, without purulent pimples and worm larvae, without tears and free of fat. The preparation of the shells is carried out in a special room, where the contents in the intestines are removed and washed thoroughly.

For sausage products, quiches of all types of animals that are killed for meat production are used, as well as films - casings from the chemical industry.

3.1. Meat grinding

When producing sausages, they are subjected to preliminary grinding before salting. After salting, it is again crushed more finely using special grinders. The degree of grinding of meat on a grinder is determined by the size of the grid holes and the number of cutting parts. When producing smoked sausages, grinding meat on a wolf is undesirable, so other methods are used.

Secondary grinding of meat products with spices, additives and other components provided by the technology is a very important process in the production of sausages, sausages, boiled and liver sausages, as well as meat loaves and pates. The production of these sausage products requires a very high degree of grinding, which ensures a uniform structure, uniform mixing, high stickiness, viscosity and water-holding capacity of the minced meat. For this purpose they use cutters and continuous-action machines for fine grinding of meat; the duration of cutting depends on the degree of grinding of muscle fibers.

If the temperature increases during the cutting process, the protein binding matrix can be denatured and destroyed, and the increase in exposed fat dispersion promotes the separation of fat during the smoking and cooking process. Therefore, it is very important to prevent overheating here. to avoid adding ice.

In this regard, the cutter is of particular interest "Razant" companies "Zeidelman" the blade shaft of which rotates at speeds up to 4000 rpm Many models of cutters chop frozen meat, including frozen meat in blocks, without preliminary grinding on a grinder. In the production of raw smoked sausages, many meat processing plants switched to grinding frozen meat in similar cutters, bypassing the grinder, reducing the time of the meat grinding operation in the technological process.

Modern cutters are highly mechanized, equipped with devices and instruments for mechanical loading and unloading of meat, dosing water and brine, to control the duration and quality of grinding, the number of revolutions of the knife shaft, bowl, etc.

Today, continuous-action machines for fine grinding of meat are widely used: emulsifiers, microcutters, colloid mills and other equipment.

But cutters are both chopping and mixing machines; the process of preparing minced meat for most boiled, smoked, semi-smoked and liver products can end on them. Each machine has its own advantages and disadvantages.

During 1995 - 1999, many complexes appeared that produce minced meat, mix, inject minced meat into shells and molds, and also carry out heat treatment. These complexes are stationary, wheeled or tracked. With the development of farming and entrepreneurship in Ukraine, these complexes will gradually displace their ancestors.

3.2. Mixing

The purpose of mixing is to uniformly distribute the components of the minced meat well connected to each other in accordance with the recipe for this type of sausage. The duration of mixing depends on the type of sausage. Mixing minced meat in a mixer for boiled sausages (in the absence of a cutter) requires more time than for semi-smoked ones; The larger the particles, the shorter the duration of their mixing.

The preparation of structurally homogeneous minced meat of boiled sausages, frankfurters, sausages, etc. is completed in a cutter or continuous grinder. With high-quality mixing, the water-holding capacity of minced meat increases, which helps reduce weight loss during heat treatment. In addition, the cobasa turns out to have a more elastic and plastic consistency.

Currently widely used vacuumization of minced meat in the production of all types of sausages. Vacuuming is carried out using vacuumizers, vacuum cutters, mixers and syringes.

Works VNIIMPA It has been proven that it is more advisable to vacuum vacuum at the last stage, i.e. when injecting minced meat into the casing.

3.3. Injection of minced meat into shells or molds

To inject minced meat into shells or molds, special machines are used - syringes that deliver minced meat under pressure. Stuffing sausages are also stuffed by hand. IN recent years Vacuum syringes are widely used for filling boiled and semi-smoked sausages.

In the production of raw smoked sausages, the most advanced system is the minced meat vacuum system on the Kremer-Grebe type line. In this line, the minced meat from the cutter-mixer is transferred into a vacuum-press, which serves to fill mobile cylinders with minced meat and vacuum it. Suction of air from minced meat during vacuuming ensures high quality sausages. For many years, hydraulic fillers have been widely used and are suitable for all types of minced meat.

For stuffing piece sausages, dosing hydraulic syringes are used - automatic machines. with a capacity of 50 and 80 liters. The minced meat is dosed on such syringes according to the volume or length of the loaf; in the latter case, maybe Only strictly calibrated artificial shell is used.

With the growth of scientific and technological progress and the introduction of computer-controlled machines and computerization, the production of sausages has become highly productive, and with minimum quantity service personnel. Ukraine, which is in such a deep economic crisis, cannot yet purchase such expensive equipment.

3.4. Loaf sediment

Draft – This is the process of aging loaves stuffed into the shell in a suspended state. Depending on the duration, draft is distinguished short-term (2 – 4 hours) for half-smoked sausages and long-term (1 – 4 days for boiled-smoked, 5 – 7 days for raw-smoked sausages).

Smoked sausages are pre-smoked, and semi-smoked sausages are pre-sludged before frying (smoked at high temperatures).

During the sedimentation process, the minced meat is compacted and ripened, its color develops, and the shell is dried. It is recommended to precipitate semi-smoked sausages for 2 – 4 hours at a temperature of 8 0 C, boiled – smoked sausages for 1 – 2 days at 8 0 C, raw smoked sausages for 5 – 7 days at 2 – 4 0 C and a relative air humidity of 85 – 90%.

Sedimentation chambers for smoking sausages are equipped with batteries to avoid increased air circulation, since excessive drying of the casing can lead to the formation of a compacted layer on the surface of the loaf, which will make it difficult to extract moisture from its central part during subsequent processing.

When produced on flow-mechanized lines, as well as excluding pre-salting from the technological process of preparation, the settling time of semi-smoked and cooked-smoked sausages increases to 24 and 96 hours, respectively, at a temperature of 4 0 C.

Chapter IV . Heat treatment of sausages


Smoking refers to the effect on food products of volatile smoke substances formed during incomplete combustion of wood.

During the salting process, the structure of muscle tissue changes, as a result of which it becomes more permeable to substances contained in smoke. Depending on the temperature at which the process is carried out, there are roasting, hot and cold smoking.

Short-term smoking at a relatively high temperature (80 - 110 0 C) for 30 - 150 minutes is called roasting in many countries of the world.

Roasting is used in the production of boiled sausages, frankfurters, small sausages and half-smoked sausages, which are smoked at 80 - 95 0 C for 6 - 12 hours (depending on the weight and thickness of the product) until the inside of the product reaches 68 - 72 0 C.

During the frying process, smoke components can penetrate only into the shell and surface layers of the minced meat. After hot smoking at 30 – 50 0 C for 2 – 48 h products are boiled or smoked already boiled products - semi-smoked and boiled - smoked sausages.

With the cold smoking method (18 - 22 0 C), the duration of the process ranges from 1 to 3 days. After cold smoking, the sausage is dried.

4.1. Preservative effect of smoke.

Smoke is a mixture of products of incomplete combustion of wood, consisting of tiny solid particles, water vapor and gases. Among the products of thermal decomposition of wood, there are more than 200 various substances. The smoke contains: low molecular weight acids (formic and acetic), phenols (phenol, acetone, guaiacol), carbonate compounds.

Increasing the durability of sausages and other meat products during smoking is based on the preservative, bactericidal effect of high-boiling acids and phenols, drying of products, tanning of protein substances, as well as exposure to high temperatures (hot smoking).

Smoking reduces bacterial contamination, especially on the surface of the product, and prevents fat oxidation. The burning of bacteria depends on the density of the smoke and the temperature; fluctuations in air humidity have little effect. It has been established that at higher temperatures the death of microbes occurs at a faster rate.

In addition to the preservative effect of smoke, storage stability of smoked meat products is achieved by removing part of the water.

4.2. Changes in meat products during the smoking process

During the smoking process, a reaction occurs between the functional groups of proteins and the individual components of the smoke. The interaction of smoke components with the components of meat is evidenced by the formation of new substances during the smoking process that affect the taste and aroma of smoked meat products. In addition to those volatile substances contained in smoke, sausages emit ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and methylamine. During the smoking process, phenols and aldehydes accumulate in meat products, which accumulate intensively in the first 24 hours and have antioxidant effects.

The influence of different types of firewood on the quality of smoked sausage is very great, both in terms of the accumulation of phenols and in terms of smell and taste.

Presence in smoke benzopyrene, which contributes to the development of cancer has led to the use of smoking preparations for smokeless smoking.

VNIIMPom smoking preparations have been developed VNIIMP and VNIIMP – 1, which are made from pure chemical compounds. The technology for using the drug is very simple; they are added to a cutter or mixer in a certain proportion. which facilitates the mechanization and automation of heat treatment of sausages and contributes to the creation of mechanized production lines.

When using smoking preparations, the heat treatment of boiled sausages is practically no different from that using smoke. Smoke liquid is currently widely used MINH. The products are then subjected to the usual heat treatment: boiled and semi-smoked sausages, frankfurters.

4.3. Heat treatment methods

Heat treatment is carried out with the aim of bringing the raw meat product to a state in which it can be eaten without additional heating. as well as to increase its stability during storage. As a result of physical and chemical changes that occur during heat treatment, meat products acquire a specific taste, smell, color and consistency. Heat treatment is carried out in different ways: blanching, boiling, frying, baking.

Cooking food carried out in water, broth, milk, an atmosphere of saturated steam or humid air.

Under frying and baking understand the heating of a product in an atmosphere of heated air without adding water or other liquid containing water (broth, milk, sauce).

In sausage production, the main method of heat treatment is cooking. Frying is used in the production of Ukrainian fried sausage.

Heat treatment destroys most vegetative forms of microorganisms, 99% of microbes.

4.4. Drying sausages

Drying – dehydration of sausages by evaporation of water, which increases their shelf life. The safety of sausage products is directly dependent on the degree of dehydration of the product.

With the development of the use of cold, this method of increasing the durability of sausages is losing its original significance, but the need for relatively dry sausages is still quite great. This is explained primarily by their taste qualities and the inability to use cold in some cases. The advantage of drying is a significant reduction in the weight and volume of products. Lean meat containing approx. 25% dry matter and 75% water, when completely dried it will lose about 75% original volume.

However, dehydration under any conditions cannot cause the death of microorganisms. intensive death of microorganisms is observed when storing minced sausage, dried to a moisture content of 25%, under vacuum in an airtight can. In sausage production, drying is always preceded by salting and smoking or salting alone. As the sausage dehydrates, the drying rate decreases.


The rapid increase in labor productivity in technological process systems due to equipment improvements is making adjustments to the economic life of society. The sequence of labor or other actions of workers or equipment is carefully studied by economic specialists in order to correctly assess the cost of remuneration. Chronometric studies of all components of the technological process are carried out. The introduction of the latest technologies and equipment into production forces us to reconsider the standards of time and wages for workers.

Each stage, element, operation, position, various transitions from one worker action to another in the technological process of any sector of the national economy changes depending on the degree of introduction of new technologies.

The intellectual load on each worker is growing, requiring training in the use of new equipment and technology systems. Therefore, there is a large shortage of specialists who must train a new type of workers in training centers in new market conditions. Serious consequences for enterprises that have purchased expensive equipment and do not have experience and knowledge in its operation, which causes long downtime and frequent breakdowns.

Terms market economy require the receipt of a high-quality finished product, which will ensure the competitiveness of products on the world market with the lowest costs and the greatest economic effect. Therefore, it is very important to have specialists first, and only then equipment. Structural changes in all sectors of the national economy and the introduction of the latest achievements of science and technology will bring economic instability into balance, which will ensure an increase in the living standards of society.

List of sources and used literature:

1. Babin G.V. Features of the production of raw smoked sausages. – M.: TsINTIPishcheprom. – 1964. – P. 58 – 60.

2. Volovinskaya V., Gorbatov V., Krylova L. About smokeless smoking of products. – M.: “Meat industry of the USSR.” 1963. - No. 3. – P. 49 – 52.

3. Gnoevoy P., Malyutin P., Lavrova L. Mechanization of heat treatment processes for sausage products. – M.: “Meat industry of the USSR.” 1961. - No. 3. – P. 13 – 15.

4. Gurvits V., Kaukhcheshvili E., Prishedko N. Grinding meat at low temperatures. – M.: “Meat industry of the USSR.” 1968. - No. 3. – P. 6 – 12.

5. Kazakov A. M. Microbiology of meat. – M.: Pishchepromizdat. – 1972. S. 208 – 209.

6. Lavrova L.P., Krylova V.V. Technology of sausage products. – M.: “Food industry”. – 1975. – P. 4 – 30, 139 – 151, 154 – 157, 177 – 181.

7. Morozov V.I. Improving the production of liver sausages. – M.: TsINTIPishcheprom. – 1987. – P. 31 – 32.

The test was completed by a 2nd year student

Lavrova L.P., Krylova V.V. technology of sausage products. – M.: “Food industry”. – 1975. – P. 49.

Lavrova L.P., Krylova V.V. technology of sausage products. – M.: “Food industry”. – 1975. – P.146.

Gnoevoy P., Malyutin P. Lavrova L. Mechanization of heat treatment processes for sausage products. – M.: Meat industry of the USSR. – 1961. - No. 3. – P. 13.

Lavrova L.P., Krylova V.V. Technology of sausage products. – M.: “Food industry”. – 1975. – P. 149.

Volovinskaya V., Gorbatov V., Krylova L. On smokeless curing of products. – M.: “Meat industry of the USSR.” – 1963. - No. 3. - P. 51.

Lavrova L.P., Krylova V.V. Technology of sausage products. – 1975. – M.: “Food Industry”. P.151.

Sausage– a meat product of thermochemical preservation, ready to eat without additional processing. In this regard, strict sanitary requirements are imposed on the quality of raw materials for the production of sausages and the accuracy of the technological process.

The meat must be fresh and good quality. The best quality sausages are obtained from fresh (has the highest moisture absorption), cooled and chilled meat. Thawed meat is also used. Competent selection of raw meat according to sausage groups is the basis for the production of high-quality finished products.

The main raw materials are beef and pork. Beef has the ability to absorb and retain moisture, which provides a dense and juicy consistency of the product. Pork improves the taste and increases the calorie content of the product. Lamb, horse meat and meat of other types of animals are used less often.

For the production of lower grades of sausages, brawn and jellies, by-products and blood are used, and in the production of meat and vegetable sausages - starch, flour, cereals, and beans. As auxiliary materials, curing ingredients (table salt, sodium nitrite, ascorbic acid, sugar, etc.) and technical additives are used: stabilizers (phosphates, emulsifiers, etc.), flavoring agents (spices, monosodium glutamate, etc.), flavorings ( smoking preparations, artificial flavors, etc.), natural and synthetic dyes (fermented rice, carmoisine, paprika extract, etc.), enzyme preparations (proteinases, etc.), dairy products and spices (onions, garlic, pepper, cloves, cardamom , coriander, cumin, bay leaf, etc.). They improve the taste and smell of sausages, add cohesiveness to minced meat and increase the digestibility of the product.

To protect against contamination, mechanical damage, microbial spoilage, excessive drying, and during heat treatment from loss of proteins and extractives, as well as to give the sausage a certain shape, natural (intestinal) and artificial (protein or collagen, polyethylene, cellophane) casings are used etc.).

Depending on the raw materials and cooking technology, the following sausages are distinguished: boiled, half-smoked, boiled-smoked, uncooked smoked, dry-dried, stuffed, dietary, liver, blood, meat and vegetable sausages, meat loaves, jellies, brawns, pates.

The production technology of various types of sausages has much in common. The following operations are distinguished in the production process: deboning, trimming, sorting, preliminary grinding, salting and maturing of meat, secondary grinding, grinding of bacon, preparing sausage mince, injecting it into the casing, binding, sedimentation, frying and cooking sausage loaves and cooling of products.

In sausage production, meat is sorted as follows: beef - premium grade (consists of muscle tissue without visible inclusions of connective and fatty tissue, for example, ham, shoulder, back muscle), first grade (contains up to 6% connective and fatty tissue) and second grade (up to 20%); pork – lean (fat no more than 10%), semi-fat (from 30 to 50%) and fat (50 – 85%); lamb and goat meat - single-grade, with a content of connective and fatty tissues of no more than 20%.

Depending on the quality of raw materials and minced meat recipe boiled sausages are divided into highest, first and second grades. For each name of sausage, the regulatory and technical documentation establishes a strictly defined recipe. Premium quality sausages are prepared from the best raw materials. In their recipe, as a rule, trimmed pork (lean, semi-fat and fatty) predominates - from 15 to 75%. Add hard or semi-hard bacon and premium beef. The moisture content of these sausages is less than that of other types of sausages. Therefore, they are better stored and more nutritious.

Boiled sausages of the highest grade of different names differ in the ratio of beef and pork, the size and shape of the pieces of bacon, the shape and size of the loaves, the nature of the knitting, the pattern on the cut, some production features, taste and smell. These are beef, doctoral, diabetic, Krasnodar, amateur, amateur pork, dairy, Russian, capital, veal, Estonian, etc. sausages.

In the recipe for first-grade sausages, as a rule, first-grade beef predominates, trimmed pork is used mainly semi-fat, less often low-fat, there is relatively little bacon in the recipe and it is mostly semi-solid. First grade sausages - Moscow, ordinary, separate, separate lamb, table, pork, with sorbitol, etc.

In the recipe for second-grade sausages, second-grade beef predominates, there is little trimmed pork and lard; sometimes lard is replaced with raw tail fat, sometimes by-products (meat from the heads, heart, meat trimmings), and starch are added. Second-grade sausages - tea, snack, garlic, etc. These sausages, compared to premium and first-grade sausages, contain more water and connective tissue. Therefore, their nutritional and taste benefits are lower.

The technological process for the production of boiled sausages is presented in Scheme 2.

After cutting the carcass, boning and trimming, the meat is first ground in grinding machines (large meat grinder), placed in 20 kg aluminum (stainless steel) basins and salted. For 100 kg of meat, 3 kg of table salt, 7.5 g of nitrite and 100 g of sugar are consumed. In the production of boiled sausages, biochemical processes during salting are aimed at increasing the water-binding capacity of meat.

The most common equipment for curing meat in salting are carts with a capacity of 200 kg. To reduce the area of ​​the curing department, it is equipped with special racks.

In chambers (2 - 4 °C), fresh meat is kept for 24 hours, and chilled and frozen - 48 - 72 hours. During the ripening process, the meat acquires a specific smell and taste, becomes tender, sticky and moisture-absorbing, which increases the juiciness and yield of the sausage. You can avoid keeping raw materials in salting by using a vacuum vibrating mixer. In it, the mixing of meat with salt is carried out by vibration of the mixer, which makes it possible to reduce the duration of salting to 3–25 minutes.

Scheme 2. Production of cooked sausages

The cooled lard is ground on a lard cutter. Then the meat is ground again. If before salting and ripening it was in the form of meat meal (ground on a grinder with grate holes with a diameter of 10–25 mm), then it is first ground on a grinder with holes with a diameter of 2 to 5 mm, and then transferred to the cutter. Finely minced meat before salting and ripening is immediately transferred to the cutter.

The cutter is a bowl, inside of which knives with thin and wide blades are mounted. The knife shaft rotates at a frequency of 1500 - 5000 rpm, and the bowl itself rotates at 6 - 40 rpm. At the cutter, the meat is ground even finer and becomes homogeneous. To reduce the temperature that rises during the cutting process, add cold water or special flake food ice (about 15 - 20%). Reducing the temperature (optimal 12 - 17 ° C) prevents souring and increased bacterial contamination of meat and increases its moisture capacity.

The total duration of cutting should ensure the greatest water-binding capacity of minced meat to obtain the maximum yield of finished products. Therefore, it (depending on the cutter) usually ranges from 3 to 8 minutes.

To received minced meat add crushed bacon, spices (herbs) and other components in quantities according to the recipe, i.e. prepare sausage mince. All components are mixed very thoroughly, evenly distributing the pieces of bacon and water and obtaining a homogeneous mixture. Instead of water, blood plasma or reflux is sometimes used.

Sausage casings are filled with prepared minced meat using a syringe machine. The intestinal membranes are pre-soaked in water. The shells are not filled tightly, as the minced meat expands during cooking and can cause the loaf to rupture.

In order to compact, increase mechanical strength and to give each name of sausage a distinctive feature, they are knitted. At the same time, the sausages are streaked (with natural casings), i.e. make shallow piercings of sausage loaves to remove remaining air when stuffing is loose.

Sausage loaves are hung on sticks and kept in a suspended state at a temperature of 2 - 8 ° C and a relative humidity of 80 - 85% for 2 - 4 hours to compact, ripen the minced meat and dry the casing (sediment).

Sausage loaves are fried in special chambers (with fire, steam or gas heating) at high temperatures (60 - 110 ° C) for 60 - 180 minutes, depending on the thickness of the loaves, and with smoke obtained from burning wood or sawdust (30 - 35 min). During the frying process, the proteins of the surface layer of the minced meat and the intestinal membrane coagulate; it is sterilized, dried, compacted, becomes more transparent and dense, and acquires a light brown color. With the help of nitrite and the treatment of minced sausage with products of incomplete combustion of wood, the color of the minced meat is fixed.

After frying, the sausages are boiled with hot water (in baths), a steam-air mixture or live steam (in steam chambers). Cooking continues at a temperature of 75 - 80 ° C for 10 - 30 minutes (sausages, sausages) or 1.5 - 3.0 hours (sausages with a large loaf diameter). The temperature inside the sausage loaf should reach 68 – 70 °C. During the cooking process, 95–98% of microorganisms die and the proteins of the minced meat coagulate. After cooking, the product is ready to eat.

To reduce losses and avoid wrinkling of the shell, as well as to prevent the active development of the remaining microflora after cooking, the sausages are cooled by keeping them under a cold shower or in a cold room (10 - 12 ° C) for 10 - 12 hours. After drying, the sausages are sent for implementation.

In terms of organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators, boiled sausages must meet the following requirements: loaves must have a clean, dry surface, without damage to the casing, minced meat deposits, slips, broth and fatty edema; consistency – elastic; the minced meat should be pink or light pink in color, evenly mixed and have a cut pattern characteristic of this type of product; smell and taste - characteristic of this type of product with the aroma of spices, moderately salty, without foreign taste and smell; the shape, size and binding of the loaves are specific for each type of sausage; water content - about 55 - 70%, table salt - about 2.1 - 2.8%, sodium nitrite - no more than 0.005%.

Boiled sausages with contaminants on the casing, with a burst or broken loaf, with loose minced meat that is falling apart, with minced meat over the casing or slips are not allowed for sale (on top-grade sausages - more than 5 cm long, first-grade - more than 10, second-grade - more than 30 cm), with the presence of gray spots and large voids, with the presence of broth-fat edema (in the highest grade sausages - more than 2 cm, in the first grade - more than 5, in the second grade - more than 15 cm).

Failure to comply with storage conditions may result in damage to sausage products. The main cause of spoilage is the active activity of microorganisms, the development of which is facilitated by the high humidity of the product and a favorable nutrient environment.

Souring is characterized by the appearance of a sour smell (mainly in boiled and liver sausages) as a result of the fermentation of carbohydrates (flour, starch).

Rancidity of fat occurs under the influence of microbes or oxygen in the air. At the same time, the fat turns yellow, and the sausages acquire a rancid taste and an unpleasant odor.

Mold occurs when sausages are stored in conditions of high air humidity. Molds develop on the casing of sausages, but if the stuffing is loose, they can also appear inside the loaf. Mainly semi-smoked, smoked-cooked and raw smoked sausages are susceptible to this type of spoilage.

Mucking of casings is most often observed when sausages are stored at high relative humidity and temperatures above 2 °C.

The gray-green color of minced sausage indicates the presence of hydrogen sulfide in it, which is formed during the decomposition of protein substances.

Meat loaves– minced sausage products without casing, baked (130 °C, 150 min) in metal forms, greased with pork fat or egg white, browned on baking sheets and wrapped in paper or cellophane after cooling.

In appearance they resemble pan bread. On the cut they have a picture of sausages, according to the recipe of which they are mainly prepared. Due to baking, breads contain slightly less moisture and have a denser consistency than boiled sausages.

Depending on the quality of raw materials and minced meat recipe, meat loaves of the highest, first and second grades are distinguished. The highest grade includes amateur, custom-made bread, the first - separate, beef, ham, the second - tea.

In terms of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators, meat loaves must meet the following requirements: surface – clean, smooth, dry, evenly fried; consistency – elastic; cut minced meat – pink or light pink, evenly mixed, contains pieces of bacon, lean pork, beef or lamb fat (depending on the name); smell and taste - characteristic of this type of product with a pronounced aroma of spices, without foreign tastes and smells; shape – rectangular or trapezoidal; table salt content - no more than 2.5%, nitrite - no more than 0.005% (for custom - no more than 0.003%).

Meat loaves with contaminants on the surface, with loose minced meat, with gray spots, melted lard, broth and fatty edema in the minced meat are not allowed for sale.

Sausages- these are small boiled sausages with a bar diameter of 14 to 32 mm and a length of 12 to 13 cm, sausages with a diameter of 32 to 44 mm and a length of 7 to 9 cm. They are a type of boiled sausage without a typical cut pattern. The sausages are not tied up, but twisted; The sausages are tied with thin twine or thread.

Depending on the quality of raw materials and the minced meat recipe, premium sausages are distinguished - amateur, dairy, special, cream, first grade - Russian, beef; premium sausages - bacon, pork, first grade - first grade sausages, beef.

Stuffed sausages– boiled sausages hand-molded with a special pattern, wrapped in puffed bacon and inserted into the casing. They are made from high-quality raw materials - premium trimmed beef, lean lean pork, beef (pork) tongues with the addition of back and side fat.

A special feature of these sausages is the presence under the casing of a continuous layer of semi-solid lard 2–3 mm thick, and on the cross section there is a certain pattern, for example, in the form of a herringbone or a chessboard.

Stuffed sausages have an attractive appearance, good taste and a very delicate aroma. They are prepared only of the highest grade, of two types - puff and tongue.

Boiled and stuffed sausages, frankfurters, sausages, and meat loaves are released from the enterprise for sale at a temperature in the thickness of the loaf not lower than 0 and not higher than 15 °C. Boiled sausages, frankfurters and sausages are stored in a suspended state at enterprises and in retail chains, and meat loaves and sausages in artificial casings with a diameter of over 80 mm are stored in one row. The temperature must be no lower than 0 and no higher than 8 °C.

These sausages cannot withstand long-term storage. The shelf life and sale period for stuffed sausages, as well as boiled sausages and meat bread of the highest grade at a temperature of 5 - 8 ° C is no more than 72 hours, boiled sausages and meat bread of the first and second grades, sausages and sausages - no more than 48 hours, boiled sausages vacuum-packed - 5-6 days, vacuum-packed sausages - no more than three days.

The shelf life of cooked meat sausages in multilayer polyamide casings (without compromising the integrity of the casing) at a temperature of 2-6°C and a relative air humidity of 70 - 80% is no more than 10 days, for meat and vegetable sausages, frankfurters and sausages - no more than 5 days. If the integrity of the shells is damaged, the shelf life is no more than 72 hours.

The shelf life of cooked sausages in the Biga-3 casing at a temperature of 2-6°C and a relative air humidity of 70 - 80% in a whole package from the moment of production is:

For premium sausages – 30 days;

For sausages of the first, second grades and ungraded – 25 days;

For meat and vegetable sausages – 20 days.

Technology semi-smoked sausages differs from boiled technology in that in this case fresh meat is not used and water is not added to the minced meat. Instead of bacon, they usually add pork belly, since the bacon melts during the cooking process. The minced meat is syringed into the casing more tightly, the sediment lasts much longer, and after frying, boiling and cooling, the sausages are subjected to hot (35 - 50 ° C) smoking for 12 - 24 hours, and also for 2 - 4 days if the sausages are intended for sending over long distances.

After smoking, the sausages are dried at a temperature of 10–12 °C and a relative air humidity of 74–78% for 1–2 days. During the process of smoking and drying, some of the moisture is removed, the consistency is thickened and the minced meat matures. Therefore, semi-smoked sausages are more stable during transportation and storage. They have a specific smell of smoked meats and spices, and a salty taste. On average, they contain 35–45% water, salt no more than 5%, nitrites no more than 0.005%.

At a temperature of 12 ° C and a relative humidity of 75 - 80%, they can be stored for up to 10 days. Semi-smoked sausages include Poltava, Krakow, hunting sausages (highest grade), Ukrainian, Minsk (first grade), Polish, lamb, Semipalatinsk (second grade), special offal (third grade).

Cooked-smoked sausages differ from semi-smoked ones in smoking parameters. In a suspended state at an air temperature of 12 - 15 ° C and a relative humidity of 75 - 78%, they should be stored for no more than 15 days, packaged sausages at a temperature of 0 - 4 ° C - no more than one month, and at a temperature of minus 7 - minus 9 ° C – no more than four months.

Cooked-smoked sausages include delicacy, servelat, Moscow (highest grade), amateur, and lamb (first grade). The water content in them should be no more than 38%, salt - 5%, nitrites - no more than 0.005%.

For production raw smoked sausages Only the highest grade raw materials are used, no water is added to the minced meat, the minced meat is syringed very tightly into the casing. After a long (5 - 7 days) precipitation, the sausage is cold smoked (18 - 22 °C, 5 - 7 days), bypassing the cooking process, and then long-term drying (25 - 30 days, 10 - 12 °C). The whole process lasts about 50 days. Currently, enzyme preparations are used to speed up the production process of raw smoked sausages. Thanks to their use, the technological process is halved.

Sausages have a dense consistency, a unique pleasant aroma, and a sharper taste than boiled-smoked sausages. They contain 25–30% water. As a result of the bactericidal and antioxidant effects of certain smoke fractions and significant dehydration, the shelf life of products during storage increases. At a temperature of 12 ° C they are stored for up to four months.

Raw smoked sausages include pork, Moscow, Polish, servelat, tourist sausages (highest grade), amateur, Ukrainian (first grade). A defect in raw smoked sausages is a compacted outer layer (temper) more than 3 mm thick.

Liver sausages made mainly from cooked raw materials, sometimes partially or completely from raw materials, followed by cooking and cooling.

Minced meat for liver sausages is prepared mainly from pork cheek and blanched pork or beef liver. Some varieties of liver sausages contain veal (egg), beef (regular), rabbit meat and offal rich in collagen. Sausages with additives have a homogeneous, pasty, yellowish-grayish minced meat.

Based on quality, liver sausages are divided into four grades. The highest grades include egg, Czech liver; to the first - boiled liver, smoked liver, ordinary, table liver; for the second - liver with bacon; to the third - liver plant, offal.

Blood sausages made from minced meat, which contains from 14 to 50% food defibrinated blood, as well as lard, pork adhesive offal, and beef. Minced meat has a taste of blood, and lower grade sausages have a taste of offal.

According to the production method, they are divided into boiled and smoked. Blood sausages are produced of the highest, first, second and third grades.

Pate- a product of a paste-like consistency made from minced meat, prepared mainly from boiled raw materials, sometimes partially or completely from raw materials, with the addition of fat, baked in a metal form. In appearance, the pates resemble tin bread, and in taste they resemble liver sausages. They produce pates of the highest (delicacy, liver) and first (Ukrainian, liver and breakfast pate) varieties.

Seltz - a product with or without a shell, predominantly oval in shape, pressed on both sides, made from crushed boiled raw materials rich in collagen. To prepare it, head meat and tripes are used with the addition of adhesive offal that binds the minced meat into a dense mass.

The brawns look like loaves of round, oval or oblong shape, weighing 1 – 3 kg. The color of the minced meat is light gray; when defibrinated blood is added, it turns dark red. When cut through the loaves, you can see a frozen broth with large pieces of meat evenly distributed in it.

Based on quality, brawns are divided into four grades. The highest grades include Russian, red, delicacy; to the first - white; to the second - red head; to the third - assorted, red third grade, gray, beef.

Jelly- a product that hardens when cooled in molds, made from boiled crushed raw materials rich in collagen, with the addition of concentrated broth and spices. Depending on the raw materials used, jellies are of the highest, first and second grades.

Liver and blood sausages, brawn and jellies belong to the category of particularly perishable products that can be quickly sold, since the plant products, by-products, blood, and broth included in them have a relatively high bacterial contamination and are a good environment for the life of microorganisms. Depending on the quality, the shelf life of these products at a temperature of 0 - 8 ° C and a relative air humidity of 75 - 80% averages 12 - 48 hours.

In order to increase labor productivity, reduce losses and stabilize the quality of products, VNIIMP scientists have developed a method for preparing standardized finely ground minced meat, on the basis of which the entire range of sausage products is produced, differing in type, quantity and degree of grinding of structural components.

The composition of the standardized minced meat includes the following components, wt. %: sausage beef (a mixture of first and second grades) – 45, sausage pork (a mixture of semi-fat and fatty pork) – 39, soy protein or caseinate – 3, starch – 4, water – 9. Structural components are included in the amount of 0.08 – 6.4% by weight of finely ground minced meat.

Beef and pork sausages are pre-ground on a grinder with a grid hole diameter of 3–5 mm, mixed with curing ingredients and kept in salting. To prepare minced meat, the components are processed in accordance with the recipe using a cutter or other machines for finely grinding minced meat using traditional technology.

The use of various structural components (pieces of meat or lard, offal of varying degrees of grinding), varying their ratios with minced meat, and the use of various types of molding and packaging make it possible to expand the range of sausages produced, stabilize the composition of the product, reduce labor costs by reducing the weighing of raw materials, and increase productivity labor by 1.5 – 2.0 times.

Sausage products account for 60% of the total product output in the country. In the production of sausages, protein additives are used (milk protein, blood components, soy protein, etc.).

Sausages in artificial casings are produced on mechanized flow lines with a capacity of 4.5 t/h. After heat treatment, the casing is removed and the sausages are vacuum packed in 20-50 pieces. The shelf life of such sausages is 18 days.

Source: based on materials from the “Meat Club” website

Technological process of sausage production
Over the course of a long history, peoples different countries have created a great variety of unique technologies for making sausages. Their characteristics, first of all, depend on the type of sausages being prepared, which are divided into boiled, semi-smoked, boiled-smoked, stuffed, raw smoked and dry-cured, as well as brawn, liver and blood sausages.
Despite such a variety of types of sausages, for most of them there is a general technological production scheme, characteristic of large sausage factories and meat processing plants.

Preparation of raw materials
To make various sausages in accordance with their recipes, meat from various types of animals is used: most often beef, pork, chicken, turkey, less often - horse meat, lamb, venison, ostrich, goose, etc.
After slaughter, the meat is quickly cooled in the thickness of the muscles to temperatures close to zero, being kept in the refrigerator, as a rule, for a day or two.
Aging meat at the correct temperature and humidity conditions is especially important for beef, pork, lamb and other large animals with strong muscles. The meat softens and becomes suitable for subsequent deboning and trimming.
Bird carcasses are cooled as soon as possible after slaughter to maintain freshness.
It is worth noting the cooling with ice water, including in separate washing baths with salt, which makes it possible to obtain high quality poultry carcasses by washing out perishable salt-soluble proteins (residual blood, etc.), improving the sanitary condition of the surface of poultry carcasses and a slight weight gain due to cooling in saline solution.
Depending on the needs of the plant and the deboning scheme it has chosen, the chilled meat is separated from the bone and sent to deboning and trimming.
In Russia and the CIS countries, meat is divided into varieties most often depending on the degree of purification from connective and fatty tissues.
In foreign practice, as a rule, half carcasses are divided into cuts, and then up to 19 muscles are isolated from them, each of which is associated with the first or second grade depending on the content of connective tissue. The most valuable muscles (fillet, entrecote, etc.) are not put into sausages abroad, being sent exclusively to delicacies and smoked meats, as well as to the retail chain.
Also, muscles are divided into more or less fatty, calculated and suitable for production needs.
To regulate the fat content of finished products, additional beef and/or pork fat is purchased.
After deboning and trimming, depending on the method of preparing sausages, the meat can be coarsely chopped (meal) and pre-salted in a mixer, followed by placing it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days for salting in carts, the filling height of which is very important: what is this height less is better for even salting of meat. For standard floor trolleys with a capacity of 2 kg, it is recommended to fill them at 5% (no more than 1 kg.)
If there is not enough space for salting, it can be reduced or even eliminated, respectively, by increasing the aging of sausages before the precipitation stage, ensuring that the temperature is not too low (about 8-12 ° C) to increase the intensity of precipitation and the effectiveness of salting.
According to another technology, trimmed meat is frozen in special trays in a layer of no more than 1 cm in a freezer to a temperature of -5 (+/-2) °C in the thickness of a piece or block for 8-12 hours or on a unit for freezing meat and lard, followed by equalizing the temperature throughout the entire volume of the block to -3 (+/-1) °C in the storage chamber.
If previously frozen or purchased blocks of trimmed meat are being processed, they are pre-heated to a temperature of -3 (+/-2) °C. Before heating, it is recommended to first pass them through machines for chopping frozen meat blocks into pieces approximately 3 to 5 mm thick (block cutter Magurit, Karl Schnell, etc.).

Preparation of minced meat
Depending on the chosen meat preparation technology, there are two main technologies for preparing minced meat.

1. Cooking minced meat in a mixer.
Minced semi-smoked and cooked-smoked sausages are best prepared in a mixer from previously coarsely chopped and well-salted meat, which goes into the mixer along with fat and other ingredients in a strictly defined sequence.
The minced meat is well kneaded (1-12 minutes), after which it is ground on a grinder with the required outlet diameter of the grate (3-16 mm), after which it is fed to the molding department.
If there is a special attachment for the filler syringe in the form of a cutting knife-grid pair, intermediate grinding on the grinder is eliminated, which makes it possible to obtain a very high-quality cut of sausage by reducing friction and grinding of the finished minced meat on the auger or rotor of the filler syringe.
To obtain minced emulsion sausage products (cooked sausages, frankfurters, wieners, etc.), the finished coarse minced meat is ground on emulsifiers such as Karl Schnell, Inotec, etc.
The latter is distinguished by its ability to regulate the final temperature of the minced meat by changing the feed speed of the minced meat for grinding, eliminating its overheating.

2. Cooking minced meat in a cutter.
The cutter is the most versatile machine in the meat industry.
Modern cutters can easily make almost the entire range of sausages, thanks to a number of functions, such as:
. smooth change in the speed of rotation of the knives from up to 38 revolutions/second and higher (for pates);
. reverse rotation of the knives (mixing mode);
. work up to the set temperature;
. vacuum;
. choice of shape, number of knives, etc.
A technology that is well suited for the cutter is the use of frozen meat (technology No. 2), which, depending on the type of sausage, is pre-ground on a grinder (boiled sausages, frankfurters, wieners) or chopped directly into pieces to obtain beautiful drawing cut (salami, smoked and semi-smoked sausages).
Minced meat is prepared using cutters Cremer Grebe, Alpina, Seydelmann, etc.
The general rule for preparing minced meat in a cutter comes down to a two- or three-stage laying of meat, from less fatty to more fatty, in order to achieve uniform grinding of all fractions, since fatty raw materials are processed faster than lean ones.
The importance of correct selection of meat is on a par with the selection of functional and flavoring additives, which significantly affect the quality and yield of the finished product.
The end of the cutting process is determined by the pattern and temperature of the minced meat. Relatively equal-sized pieces of brisket or bacon should be evenly distributed in the minced meat in a size corresponding to each name of sausage. The temperature of the minced meat after cutting depends on the type of product: for example, for boiled sausages the final temperature should ideally reach +11.2 °C, and for smoked, semi-smoked sausages and salami it should be slightly below zero - -2 (+/-1) ° WITH.

Filling the casings with minced meat, sediment
The shells are filled with minced meat using automatic or semi-automatic filler syringes (Vemag, Handtmann, Risco, Frey, etc.).
To prevent air from entering the loaf with the formation of “lanterns”, it is recommended to vacuum each batch for 5-7 minutes. A large amount of air trapped in the minced meat during filling can be removed by the vacuum system of the machine, but not very effectively, since this function is not its main specialization.
The largest voids are removed by piercing the shell.
If there is a clipper and a marked shell, the shells are filled with minced meat, staples are applied to the ends of the loaves, while a loop is inserted under the clip. The loaves are hung on sticks, which are placed on frames or laid horizontally on special trays, which are a frame made of chrome stainless steel with cells. Trays fit into standard frames. When hanging on sticks, the loaves should not touch each other to avoid slipping, after which the frames loaded with loaves are sent to the draft.
The sedimentation of semi-smoked, boiled-smoked and smoked sausages is carried out for 5-7 days at an air temperature of +3 ° C and a relative humidity of 87 (+3)%. Air movement speed during precipitation, 1 m/sec. The end of the sediment is determined by the dried out casing, which tightly fits the sausage; when pressed, the minced meat is not pressed in and becomes elastic and bright red in color.
Leaning of cooked sausages is not necessary.

Cooking and smoking
After settling, most sausages are boiled and smoked in universal chambers (Vemag, FESSMANN, MAUTING, Autoterm, etc.) with smoke from hardwood sawdust (beech, oak, elm, etc.) for a specified time at a temperature of 2 (+2) ° C (cold smoking) or a significantly higher temperature (hot smoking) with a humidity of 77 (+/-5)% and an air speed of 2 to 5 m/s. The smoking process should be constantly monitored to avoid the formation of “temper” - a compacted surface layer.
In order to reduce losses, cooling of cooked sausages in casings is carried out first with water, and then with air or a combination of both.

After cooking and smoking, some semi-smoked and cooked-smoked sausages are dried to reduce moisture content to specified limits in order to give them a characteristic taste and texture, as well as increase shelf life.
Raw smoked and smoked sausages after pre-smoking are dried for several days in dryers at a temperature of 13 (+2) °C, relative air humidity of 81 (+2)% and air speed of 1 m/s. Further drying for smoked (raw smoked) sausages is carried out for 16-17 days at a temperature of 11 (+1) °C, relative humidity - 76 (+2)%, at an air speed of .5-.1 m/s.
The total drying time for raw smoked sausages is 21-26 days, depending on the diameter of the casing.

Packaging and labeling
Sausages, including packaged ones, are packaged in polymer reusable boxes in accordance with TU 1.1.1-4-89 or containers made from other materials permitted for contact with food products by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, as well as containers or containers equipped in accordance with TU 1.2 .7. 49-88. The container must be clean, dry, free from mold and foreign odors. Reusable containers must have a lid. If there is no lid, it is permissible for local sales to cover the container with wrapping paper, parchment, or sub-parchment.
Raw smoked sausages may be packaged under vacuum in transparent gas-tight films or bags made from it, when cut for serving (slices) with a net weight of 1 (+4), 15 (+4), 2 (+6), (25+6) g or net from 1 to 25 g when portioned (in whole pieces), in portions or whole loaves.
It is also allowed to produce for local sale whole loaves of raw smoked sausages weighing at least 25 g. In this case, the cut ends of the loaves must be wrapped in a napkin made of cellulose film, parchment, sub-parchment or other materials approved for use in the meat industry, and tied with twine, thread or rubber girth. The number of unwhole loaves should not exceed 5% of the batch. Sausages of the same name are packed in each box or container.
You have the right not to apply transport markings in accordance with GOST 14192-77 with the handling sign “Perishable cargo” on reusable containers with products intended for local sale. Markings characterizing the product are applied to one of the end sides of the transport container with indelible, odorless paint using a stamp, stencil or sticking a label indicating the name of the manufacturer, its location and trademark (if any); names of the product composition - date of manufacture, shelf life and conditions, nutritional and energy value of 1 g of product, net weight, designation of these technical conditions.
In addition, a label is similarly placed in each unit of container.
When shipping products for local sale, reusable containers do not need to be labeled, but be sure to include a label with the above designations in each box or container. In addition, a summary receipt indicating on each packaging unit of packaged products a label in the form of a print on film or pasted on the packaging is inserted into each unit of transport containers with packaged products. The marked casing must contain: the name of the manufacturer - its location and trademark; product name - designation of these technical specifications.

Production control
At all stages of sausage production, compliance with technological regimes is monitored. Temperature control inside block raw meat in carcasses and half-carcasses is carried out by a semiconductor temperature meter. The temperature of the minced meat in the cutter is measured and compared using a thermal resistance with a thermal indication. The number of revolutions of the cutter bowl and the duration of cutting - with a stopwatch or digital tachometer.
Temperature control in the raw materials and extrusion shops, in the precipitation, drying and finished product chambers is carried out using glass liquid (non-mercury) and alcohol thermometers in accordance with GOST 28498-9 with a division scale from up to 1 °C.
Control of relative air humidity in the sedimentation chamber, dryers, and finished product storage chambers should be carried out by psychrometers, aspiration hygrometers and metrological hygrographs.
In automatic thermal chambers, temperature and humidity control is carried out by automatic potentiometers or electronic bridges, which must meet the requirements set out in GOST 22261-82, GOST 9999-79.
The speed of air movement in sedimentary chambers, thermal chambers, and dryers is measured by anemometers.
Weighing raw materials during salting and preparing spice recipes is carried out on general-purpose scales in accordance with GOST 23676-79, GOST 144-68 or weighing dispensers in accordance with GOST 24619-81.
Control dosing of sodium nitrite solution when salting raw materials or preparing minced meat is carried out according to its mass fraction in the finished product. It is recommended to use measuring plastic or bulk (unmeasured) stainless steel mugs to dose the sodium nitrite solution when salting meat or preparing minced meat.
It can be recommended to replace the sodium nitrite solution with a special salt containing sodium nitrite in various concentrations (1.5%, 3%, etc.).
At the end of the technological process, the sausage is checked organoleptically, and those that do not meet the quality requirements of the specifications are rejected. Sausages with production defects (with gray spots, voids, etc.) are sent for the production of boiled-smoked, semi-smoked first-grade sausages in an amount of up to 3% by weight of raw materials, in excess of the recipe in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation. Rules for sampling and preparing them for testing, test methods, and frequency of quality control are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications for these types of products.

In this article:

There is an opinion that high-quality sausages can only be produced in large meat processing plants, but this is partly incorrect. Since for the production of some types of sausages it is enough to open a small workshop.

Such a sausage production workshop can be a worthy competitor to the largest players in the meat industry. And its owner will receive a constant profit, part of which can be invested in expanding production or creating a small farm. Of course, these prospects are very tempting. Therefore, in this material we will tell budding entrepreneurs how to open their own sausage shop?

Choosing a room

A large part of the success of a business depends on the right choice of premises. Therefore, at this stage of the organization sausage shop you need to be extremely careful and prudent. The thing is that choosing a premises for sausage production inside a residential building is prohibited. According to sanitary rules for meat processing enterprises, a sausage shop must have several rooms:

  • cooling chambers for storing raw materials;
  • refrigeration chambers for ripening minced meat and storing finished products;
  • raw material processing workshop;
  • workshop for defrosting and subsequent processing of raw materials;
  • production workshop;
  • separate room for storing and preparing spices;
  • warehouse for bulk and dry raw materials;
  • thermal shop;
  • utility rooms for storing tools, materials and additional equipment;
  • dishwasher compartment;
  • household premises.

In agreement with the authorities sanitary and epidemiological surveillance Russian Federation, some types of premises can be connected, but some cannot be used at all. But for this it is necessary to draw up a technical specification in which you need to indicate the following features: provide calculations of the raw materials consumed, an approximate range of products, indicate a list of equipment used, production technology. Next, this technical specification must be agreed upon with veterinary services. And only after the sanitary and epidemiological supervision, veterinary service and administration approve the project, you can begin to organize a business.

We issue certificates

According to Russian legislation, the production of any product must be certified. Today there are two forms of certification:

  • GOST certification system – suitable for large factories. Since the list of required documents for this procedure includes: test report, veterinary certificate, quality and production system certificate, hygiene certificate;
  • rules for certification of sausage products using a declaration statement. This form is more suitable for mini sausage production workshops. This is carried out by submitting an application, which indicates that the workshop will produce high-quality sausage that meets all standards.

Standards governing sausage production

When organizing sausage production, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with the following norms and standards:

  • GOST 52196-2003 – “Cooked sausage products”;
  • GOST 9792-73 – “Sausages and products from beef, pork, lamb and meat of other animals”;
  • GOST 779-55 – “Beef meat in quarters and half carcasses”;
  • GOST 1935-55 – “Lamb and goat meat in carcasses”;
  • GOST 7699-78 – “Potato starch. THAT";
  • GOST 4495-87 – “Whole cow's milk powder. THAT";
  • GOST 7724-77 – “Pork in carcasses and half-carcasses. THAT";
  • GOST 9793-74 – “Meat products. Methods for determining moisture."

The above list of standards can be continued, but these standards are fundamental. Beginning entrepreneurs who plan to open a mini-workshop for the production of sausages may find the following useful OKVED codes:

  • 15.13 – Production of meat and poultry products;
  • 15.13.1 – Production of prepared and canned products from meat, meat by-products and animal blood;
  • 13.15.9 – Provision of services for heat treatment and other methods of processing meat products.

We purchase raw materials for sausage production

To avoid difficulties and problems, only certified materials and products should be selected as raw materials. Since the quality of the finished product depends on the properties of the raw materials. The main raw materials for sausage production are pork and beef. But some manufacturers, depending on the characteristics of the finished product, may use lamb, chicken and other animals.

Based on fatness, meat of any category can be used. However, beef is usually chosen with a minimum amount of fat. Depending on the thermal state, chilled, steamed and defrosted meat can be used to make sausages.

Fresh beef is used only for the production of boiled sausages, small sausages, and frankfurters. From such raw materials, high-quality products are obtained. And all because fresh meat absorbs moisture well, compared to defrosted or chilled raw materials, which is very important when making sausage. The increased moisture capacity of fresh meat allows you to obtain finished products with the established humidity, which improves its taste.

This also makes it possible to reduce the cost of the production process, since in this case there is no natural loss during cooling.

Animal fats are also used as raw materials. They are added to increase the calorie content of finished products. In the production of dietary sausages, melange and milk are additionally used, and for meat and vegetable products - starch, wheat flour, various cereals and soy concentrate.

In accordance with the technology, in addition to raw materials for the production of sausages, components are needed that give it a specific aroma and taste. These ingredients include spices, spices, table salt, nitrite and sugar. They are added in the proportions specified in the recipes. For spices and herbs, requirements for chemical, physical properties and the degree of bacterial contamination apply. To improve the quality of finished products, some manufacturers use components such as glutamate, sodium ascorbate and phosphates.

Boiled sausage production technology

Cooked products are products made from meat and subjected to frying and boiling. The technological flow diagram for the production of boiled sausages is shown below.

So, the technological process of preparing boiled sausage includes the following steps:

Cutting meat

Cutting meat– an operation to dismember the carcass into several parts, taking into account the anatomical boundaries indicated in the technological instructions. Pork half carcasses are divided into 5 parts, and beef half carcasses into 8 parts.

Boning the meat

Boning the meat– separation of pulp from bones. This operation is carried out manually by deboning specialists using sharp knives or using special equipment.

Meat trim

Meat trim– removal of tendons, fascia, small bones, and cartilage from the pulp. At this stage of production, meat is packaged depending on the amount of fat and connective tissue it contains.

Grinding on special machines. Depending on the thermal state and type, the meat is ground on grinders with different hole diameters or in a special meat grinder.

Salting and maturing of meat. After grinding, all raw materials are placed in special containers and salted. The meat is seasoned with spices and herbs and placed in special chambers in which the temperature is maintained at 2-4 °C. During the ripening process, minced meat acquires a specific aroma, stickiness and its moisture capacity increases.

Secondary grinding

Secondary grinding process.

Upon completion of ripening, the minced meat is re-ground using cutters and grinders. Cutter - equipment that resembles a bowl with wide and thin blades mounted inside.

Ground meat

Minced meat preparation stage.

During this operation, food additives are added to the minced meat: spices, herbs, lard. Then mix everything thoroughly and add water and ice to the mixture in the required amount. The purpose of this technological stage:

  • obtaining a homogeneous mixture;
  • mixing meat particles with water;
  • uniform distribution of pieces of bacon in the minced meat.


Syringing– this is the filling of artificial and natural casings minced meat. At the end of this operation, the sausages acquire their characteristic shape. The diameter of the casings depends on the type of sausage being made. The casing is filled with minced meat using special equipment using a syringe.


Sausage binding: if the sausage is large in diameter, then it is tied transversely every 4 cm. This dressing improves the strength of the casing. At this production stage, workers also perform filling, piercing the shell of the loaf where air has accumulated. Sausages placed in an artificial casing are not knitted.


At this stage, sausage loaves are hung on frame slats, 5-12 pieces each, so that they do not touch. Then the frames are placed in a special precipitation compartment, where the sausages are kept at a temperature of 5-7 ° C for 2-4 hours.


After settling, the sausages are sent to frying chambers, where they are treated with smoke from sawdust of a certain type of wood. (this operation lasts about 4-6 hours at a temperature of 75-80°C.


Cooking– the final heat treatment operation, which is carried out in steam chambers at a temperature of about 80 °C. Sausage loaves with a large diameter are cooked for about 2 hours, and sausages for 10 minutes. The readiness of the sausage product is determined by measuring the temperature in the thickness of the loaf, which should be about 70 °C.

Cooling and storage

Cooling. At this stage, the sausage loaves are cooled under the shower or in special rooms. After cooling, the sausages are dried in a special compartment and sent to refrigerated chambers for storage.

Storage. Most cooked sausages cannot be stored long time. The duration of sale and storage of sausages depends on the characteristics of the casing used.

We are drawing up a business plan for opening a workshop for the production of boiled sausage “Molochnaya”

1. We purchase equipment for the production of boiled sausage:

Defroster DRx14 is equipment designed for defrosting raw materials. The average price of a defroster is 63,000,000 rubles;

Top– meat grinder large sizes, which is used for grinding meat in large quantities. Price - 455,000 rubles;

Twister— equipment that allows you to dose and twist sausages

Conveyor for trimming and deboning meat. The design of such equipment provides for the creation of several conveyors with different capacities by sorting sections. Average cost– 660,000 rubles;

Trolley – 2000 rubles;

Ice maker with a capacity of 100-6000 kg. per day costs 100,000 rubles;

Cutter used for re-grinding minced meat. The bowl capacity of this equipment can be 80-420 liters. Price - 800,000 rubles;

Block cutter– frozen meat grinders. They are used for grinding frozen blocks of meat for their subsequent processing in meat grinders and cutters. Cost - 120,000 rubles;

Vacuum syringe of rotary type. Used for stuffing various types of pates and sausages. Price – 520,000 rubles;

Hair cutter– for grinding various food products and cutting them according to specified size and shape parameters. Cost – 90,000 rubles;

The clipper is designed for packaging food products in bags. Price – 700,000 rubles;

Thermal chamber– equipment used for heat treatment of sausages. Main processes: roasting, drying, cooking, cooling, smoking. Cost - 2,710,000 rubles;

Total: 69,257,500

Costs for delivery and installation of equipment – ​​1,000,000 rubles

Total capital costs: 70,257,500 rubles.

2. We hire workers

To produce and sell products, 18 workers are needed, including:

  • director with a monthly salary of 50,000 rubles;
  • accountant – 20,000 rubles;
  • 2 masters – 20,000 rubles;
  • driver – 8,000 rubles;
  • technologist – 16,000 rubles;
  • 10 workers - 100,000 rubles;
  • loader – 8000 rubles
  • seller – 8000 rubles;

The total monthly wage fund for the designed workshop will be: 230,000 rubles.

Annual wage fund: 2,760,000 rubles.

3. We plan sales volume

The designed workshop will be able to produce 70 tons of finished sausage products per month. The average cost of 1 kg of milk sausage is 280 rubles per 1 kg.

Monthly revenue for the month will be: 280 * 70,000 = 19,600,000 rubles.

Annual revenue from sales of sausage products: 235,200,000 rubles

4. We calculate the cost of production

We are counting material costs per 1 ton of finished products...

Costs for the purchase of basic raw materials and materials:

  • trimmed beef – 41,250 rubles;
  • trimmed pork – 73,200 rubles;
  • melange or chicken eggs – 4,000 rubles;
  • powdered cow's milk (whole) – 3,000 rubles;
  • table salt – 300 rubles;
  • sodium nitrite - 10 rubles;
  • granulated sugar – 30 rubles;
  • ground white or black pepper – 400 rubles;
  • ground allspice – 320 rubles;
  • nutmeg – 400 rubles;

Total costs for raw materials: 122,910 rubles.

Supporting materials:

  • shell – 3 rubles;
  • twine - 2 rubles.

Total costs for auxiliary materials: 5 rubles.

Costs for all types of energy and water:

  • water – 250 rubles;
  • steam – 3 rubles;
  • cold – 160 rubles;
  • compressed air – 450 rubles;
  • gas – 330 rubles;
  • electricity – 200 rubles.

Total costs for energy and water: 1393 rubles.

Total cost of production of 1 ton of products: 124,308 rubles.

Cost calculation for 1 kg of boiled sausage “Molochnaya”:

  • Costs of materials, including returnable waste – 220.3
  • General business expenses - 3 rubles;

Commercial expenses – 1.2 rubles;

Total cost of 1 kg. finished products – 224.5 rubles.

We calculate fixed annual costs:

  • Depreciation of equipment – ​​1257.5 thousand rubles *0.12 = 150.9 thousand rubles;
  • Rental and renovation of premises – 80,000 rubles;
  • Salary – 2,760,000 rubles;
  • Administrative expenses – 60,000 rubles;
  • Utilities – 70,000 rubles;
  • Advertising – 450,000 rubles.

Total fixed costs: 35,709,000 thousand rubles.

Variable costs (per year): 224.5 *70000*12 =188,580,000 rubles.

Gross costs: 35,709,000 + 188,580,000 = 224,289,000 rubles.

Coverage amount: 235,200,000 – 188,580,000 = 46,620,000 rubles. Coverage ratio: 46620000/235,200,000=0.19

Threshold revenue: 35,709,000/0.19=187,942,105 rubles

Sales revenue is above the threshold.

Calculation of profit and profitability:

Profit is calculated as the difference between sales revenue and the total cost of production. 235,200,000 – 188,580,000 = 46,620,000 rubles. Product profitability (profit from sales of sausage products/Cost): 46,620,000 /188,580,000 = 24.7%.

After Russia introduced protective sanctions against the EU, high-quality sausages almost completely disappeared from store shelves. The expected import substitution never happened - the stores were filled with low-quality products from domestic producers, who decided to reduce the cost of production as much as possible by adding vegetable fats and fillers to the sausages. There is an acute shortage of quality meat products on the market. That is why now is the time to open your own mini sausage production workshop and take your place in the sun.

Market analysis

First of all, study the market situation. There may already be a sausage maker in your area. Find out exactly what products he produces, what his price range is, how production is organized. Visit several large stores, find out prices for sausage products, think about where you can deliver the finished products.

Sausage production workshop is a profitable and affordable business


For a small workshop, you need a fairly spacious room that is not combined with a residential building. You should not look for premises in the city center - the outskirts or even a building in a nearby village will suit you.

In the building you will need to place:

  1. Refrigeration units for storing incoming raw materials.
  2. Special cooling chambers for minced meat and finished products.
  3. Separate room for meat processing.
  4. Separate room for defrosting raw materials.
  5. Separate premises for the production of sausages.
  6. Separate room for storing spices.
  7. Product heat treatment workshop.
  8. Utility room for storing materials and tools.
  9. Separate room for washing equipment.
  10. Premises for domestic purposes.

Your premises should be quite spacious - usually a mini-workshop occupies approximately 200 m2. Some rooms can be combined with each other, but when planning it is better to consult with the local sanitary and epidemiological station so that you do not have to redo the workshop in the future.

Before opening, you will need to draw up a technical specification, indicating the volume of processed products, the range (approximate), make a list of the equipment used and describe the technological process. Then the terms of reference are agreed upon with the SES and the local veterinary service, and only after that can further actions be taken.

What documents are required

First of all, you need to go to the local tax office and register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You will also be given the appropriate codes that you can use. Are you interested in:

  1. OKVED 15.13, allowing the production of meat products.
  2. OKVED 15.13.1, which allows the production of products from meat, offal and blood.
  3. OKVED 15.13.9, which allows heat treatment of meat.

Never skimp on raw materials - they must be fresh and have quality certificates

At the same time, registration is taking place in pension fund, sanitary and epidemiological stations and veterinary supervision. At the end, the premises are inspected by fire inspectors.

You will also need to obtain certain certifications. Thus, according to the law, all meat products must receive a quality certificate. There are two options here:

  1. If you are going to work on an industrial scale, you will need to go through the GOST certification system. Such certification is usually issued at factories that produce a large number of products.
  2. If you plan to work in your city or region, you can certify sausages by application and declaration. You simply draw up a statement in which you indicate that you are going to produce high-quality sausage, which is guaranteed to meet all requirements.

Where to get raw materials

If you are going to produce high-quality sausage, then your raw materials must be high-quality. You need to establish contacts with local farmers who sell wholesale meat in whole carcasses. This is why a sausage production workshop in the village is more preferable than in the city - you can buy the freshest meat right next door.

Read also: How to open a waste recycling plant: business plan

You need to find high-quality, certified raw materials that meet all standards. What kind of meat do you need? Any: pork, beef, chicken, lamb, horse meat, etc.

For high-quality sausage, meat from young animals with a low fat content is usually chosen. If necessary, it is better to add fat or lard separately according to the recipe.

Please note: Depending on the type of sausage, you will need thawed, steamed or chilled meat. It is necessary to properly organize delivery and storage so that you always have the necessary raw materials.

To create low-calorie and dietary products, milk, starch, flour, melange, cereals, and soy can be added to minced meat. Additionally, various seasonings are added to the meat: nitrite salt, ascorbic acid, herbs, spices, sugar, phosphates.

The workshop should be divided into several separate rooms

How does the manufacturing process work?

The cooking process consists of several stages:

  1. Dismemberment of the carcass. The whole carcass is divided into parts according to the instructions. The beef carcass is cut into eight parts, the pork carcass into five.
  2. Boning. At this stage, workers cut the meat from the bones using special knives. The final yield of meat and its quality depend on the quality of work of the deboners.
  3. Zhilovka. At this stage, various veins, cartilage and small bones are removed from the meat. After trimming, the meat is sorted depending on quality and fat content.
  4. Grinding. The meat is minced using special machines for further processing. Then the minced meat is matured (it is salted with nitrite salt and placed in the refrigerator). Aging meat is necessary to maintain its color, flavor and stickiness.
  5. Re-grinding. After the meat has matured, it is ground again and kneaded in a cutter. Also, during repeated grinding, various spices and additives are added to the minced meat.
  6. Syringe. Ready-to-use minced meat, which, when mixed, has turned into a uniform emulsion, is syringed into casings of various types and diameters.
  7. Dressing. To ensure the strength of the sausage, it is tied with a special twine or a mesh is put on top.
  8. Smoking. If smoked sausages are made, they are sent to special chambers in which they are smoked for several hours at a low temperature.
  9. Heat treatment. Boiled sausages are steamed or boiled in water at temperatures up to 70 degrees. When the temperature inside reaches 70 degrees, the sausages are removed, dried and stored.

This is how the process of preparing most types of smoked and boiled sausages goes. Dried products are prepared in a special chamber - they dry for about 30-40 days at constant humidity, which avoids hardening and swelling.

List of required equipment

Let's look at what equipment you will need to purchase for the production of sausages. We make calculations for a small workshop that produces boiled and smoked products, which are the most popular in our time.

Don’t skimp on equipment – ​​it will quickly pay for itself

You need to purchase:

  1. Defroster/defroster - 2,600,000 rubles.
  2. Grinding top type meat grinder large pieces meat - 800,000.
  3. Apparatus for dosing and twisting minced meat - 800,000.
  4. Special conveyor for boning and trimming work - 650,000.
  5. Ice maker - 300,000 rub.
  6. Cutter (grinding minced meat and turning it into an emulsion) - 800,000.
  7. Chopper for chopping frozen blocks - 500,000.
  8. Vacuum syringe for stuffing – 500,000.
  9. Vacuum device for packaging finished products - 300,000.
  10. Chamber for cooking sausages - 2,500,000.
  11. Chamber for smoking sausages - 2,500,000.
  12. Chamber for drying sausages - 2,500,000.