Face face. Face ID: what is this technology and is it safe? Avoid sunglasses

X curbed the ardor of enthusiasts and gave more reasons for skepticism. The funny embarrassment that happened to Apple Vice President Craig Federighi instantly became known to the whole world, after which people began to doubt the reliability and security of Face ID.

In this article, we will tell you why this technology is needed and discuss whether there is reason to fear that one day the iPhone X will not be able to be unlocked.

Face ID is a program that can identify a user by face. The True Depth front camera is responsible for this. The camera is located on a small “island” in the front, not covered by the display – geeks aptly dubbed it the “bangs”. "Bangs" hides huge amount sensors and electronics.

These sensors enable Face ID to work. When the user takes the smartphone in his hand, an infrared sensor (flood illuminator) is activated, the task of which is to recognize whether there is a face in front of the screen. If there is a positive response from the infrared sensor, the dot projector is launched - the laser projects 30,000 dots onto the face in front of the screen. Finally, the infrared camera reads those points that are clearly visible and compares them with the 3D image the user originally took. If the technology “recognizes” the owner, the processor is given the command: the gadget needs to be unlocked.

The same system is used to create animoji, which are capable of copying the user’s facial expressions.

For Face ID, the most important thing is to see 3 elements of the user’s face: mouth, nose and eyes. If an iPhone X owner changes his hairstyle or grows a beard or mustache, this will not confuse Apple technology. It’s another matter if a person puts on dark glasses, takes his eyes away from the camera, closes them, or covers his mouth with a scarf - in these cases, Face ID may be powerless.

Apple has installed a small coprocessor in its flagship, thanks to which Face ID will remember the face more and more clearly over time. The longer you use your smartphone, the faster facial recognition works and the less accessories like glasses confuse the program.

What is Face ID technology for?

Using Face ID, you can:

In short, Face ID completely covers the functionality of Touch ID.

How to set up Face ID?

Setting up Face ID should only be done by thoroughly stretching the cervical vertebrae. You can find the required option on your phone by following the path “ Settings» — « Face ID and password" Once in the menu of the corresponding settings section, you need to act as follows:

  • Click on " Setting up Face ID» and place the device at a distance of approximately 30 cm from your face. A round frame will appear on the screen - make sure that your face is in the center.
  • Slowly move your head in a circular motion so that the program can form a structural (3D) image. By the way, for those who, due to physical limitations, cannot turn their heads, Apple has provided a different algorithm - you can activate it through the settings section “ Accessibility options».
  • Click " Further"and repeat the circular motion.
  • When a notification appears on the screen that Face ID is configured, click on “ Ready».

This useful animation is posted on the Apple website:

You can only add one face to Face ID on iPhone X. Setting up a smartphone so that any family member can unlock it using their face will not work.

Is Face ID really safe?

Apple claims: the probability that an iPhone X will make a mistake when unlocking by face is 1:1,000,000. For comparison, the probability of a Touch ID error was 1:50,000. In order to explain the incredible security of Face ID and relieve users of doubts about the advisability of using the program , Apple said the following about the technology:

  • A unique 3D facial image cannot be stolen. It is stored in the memory of the Secure Enclave coprocessor on the device itself and is not sent to Apple servers.
  • Face ID won't "buy" into a photo because infrared dots are projected differently onto a flat image. In this aspect, Apple has certainly surpassed whose Face technology Unlock was easily fooled with a photograph.
  • You can’t fool Face ID with masks and plaster models either. Apple checked.

Despite all this, Face ID technology is far from perfect. Specifically, she failed the “twin test.”

There is no guarantee that the smartphone cannot be unlocked by using a 3D mask. Modern technologies They allow you to make one from just one photograph of a person. From this point on, Touch ID is even more reliable: hollywood movies they lie - the fingerprint sensor will not respond to the finger of the deceased, a severed finger or a prosthesis. For the scanner to work, you need a surface electric charge, which only living tissue provides. In the case of Face ID, there is no direct contact - this gives scammers room to experiment with a 3D printer.

In addition, Secure Enclave cannot be called invulnerable. Back in mid-2017, they managed to hack the coprocessor and made the decryption key public (as reported by threatpost.com). Apple has patched up this “hole”, but users of Apple technology have already begun to have doubts about how responsibly the Cupertino people take to ensuring the safety of personal data.

5 Important Points a Face ID User Should Know

It is important for iPhone X users to remember that Face ID:

  • Will not be able to recognize the child. For technology, all children under 12 years of age (approximately) are the same person.
  • Doesn't like sunlight. There is a possibility that the True Depth camera will not be able to perform its functions in sunny weather. The user will have to find a shadow or at least change the angle of the device in order to unlock the phone using the face.
  • Doesn't work in landscape orientation. At least for now. The iPhone must be held vertically.
  • It will turn off if it fails to recognize the user's face 2 times in a row. The iPhone owner will have to enter a password.
  • Not the most dynamic way to unlock a smartphone. Touch ID is much faster - like any other fingerprint scanner on modern mobile phones.

It is obvious that many of the described shortcomings will be eliminated as the program is updated and improved. The same Touch ID, which is now an effective tool for protecting a smartphone, was mercilessly criticized by users at first.


The 1:1,000,000 ratio that Apple loves to flaunt looks extremely dubious. A study led by the University of Washington found that even the most powerful modern systems facial recognition systems show an efficiency of 98% - that is, they are wrong at least twice out of 100 times. The analysis is carried out permanently, the data is constantly updated - perhaps someday a system will appear on the list that works accurately in 99.9999% of cases, but modern level technology development looks like a utopia.

However, even in its current state, Face ID copes well with iPhone protection. Sometimes the program is even too vigilant, which explains the incident with Federighi. According to Apple, in the time leading up to the presentation, Face ID had to try to identify a huge number of individuals, so it decided to play it safe and ask for a password.

- this is great. Yes, the technology is slower than Touch ID, but when it works properly, you don't even notice it. In a way, it's like magic. And this is still the first generation of the system. Remember how slow the first generation Touch ID was? So it has its own nuances and bugs, like any other new technology.

Face ID works great 90% of the time. If the remaining 10% really upsets you, try following the tips listed below. They may make Face ID work better for you.

1. Don't wait for the castle animation

If you just stare at the locked screen and wait for the lock animation to complete, the unlocking process will take a very long time.

Here's what to do instead: Immediately swipe up from the bottom of the screen, and by the time the home screen opens, your phone will be unlocked. Face ID is designed so that you don't notice it at all. And usually it is.

After a week of tests, we can say for sure that this unlocking method is the fastest.

Perhaps Apple is trying to save battery in this way, but if you just look at the screen and do nothing, the phone rarely unlocks itself.

2. Quick method: touch and swipe in one motion

Most quick method using Face ID - using tap-to-wake. You don't even have to reach for the side button to activate the screen.

If your phone is lying on the table, or the display doesn't turn on when you pick it up, simply tap the bottom of the screen and immediately swipe up. You will unlock your phone very quickly.

3. HoldiPhoneon distance 25-50 cm

Face ID works best if you hold the phone at a distance of 25-50cm from your face. If this is too far for you, move your phone closer or change the angle. When you're lying in bed and holding your smartphone too close to your face, the technology is unlikely to work.

The easiest thing to do if the authentication attempt fails is not to change the angle, but simply move the phone further away from your face or vice versa.

4. Keep your sensors cleanTrueDepth

Over time, the area of ​​the screen where the sensors are located (the notch) may become covered in dust. Especially if you carry your phone in a case. Wipe the display with a microfiber cloth from time to time.

5. Disable recognition attention

If you often have to unlock your phone without looking at it: in the car, when it's on the table, etc., turn off attention recognition.

Go to Settings -> Basic -> Universal Access -> Face ID and password code and disable the option Demand attention ForFace ID.

Now Face ID will work even when you are not looking at the display. However, this increases the risk that someone else can break into your phone while you're sleeping or not looking at it.

6. Avoid sun protection points

Some sunglasses do not transmit infrared light, which is used by Face ID to recognize attention. If you often wear such glasses due to work, then it is better to disable this function (discussed above).

7. Avoid sunny Sveta

Direct sunlight prevents Face ID from working properly, like any other camera. If you're trying to unlock your phone outside, turn around so that the sunlight doesn't shine on either the camera or your face.

8. After an unsuccessful attempt enter password

If Face ID authentication fails, do not try again, but instead enter your password. When you enter your password, Face ID learns and remembers your face.

9. Enable notification previews on your lock screen

For many people, Face ID doesn't work very well when the lock screen is open. If you immediately swipe the screen, everything works fine. In this regard, problems arise. For example, the inability to quickly see the content of your notifications on the lock screen.

To solve the problem, go to Settings -> Notifications -> Show thumbnails -> Always.

Now you don't need to use Face ID to view the contents of notifications.

10. Reset settingsFace ID

The last salvation is to reset everything Face settings ID. This will remove all data about your face.

Face did not receive higher education and has no plans yet. He is also categorical about work: “If you don’t do what you want and do what you don’t want, then you will be unhappy.” The rapper himself worked only once in order to earn at least some money for further development his musical activity. I got a job as an administrative assistant at a hotel, but the workday lasted only one day, and on the second day, our hero simply did not show up for workplace. He explained this by saying that he did not like the conditions of payment. And at these very moments he understands that his calling is not work, but entirely music.


Take off at creative activity Feysa begins with the track “ Gosha Rubchinsky”, which is based on a collection called “The Cursed Seal”. The video shot for this song with a budget of 200~ rubles gains a huge number of views and goes viral.

The clip appears on YouTube on January 3, 2016. In two years it gets 7 million views.

The rapper himself says that he made this video on the wave of hype associated with Gosha Rubchinsky and it went in. However, Ivan regrets that he did not receive feedback from Gosha himself for the additional flow of hype on his part towards the brand.

Creative activity does not stop there and an EP album is released on March 7, 2016 (mini) - “VLONE”, and a few days later collaboration to the composition " Megan Fox"with rapper ENIQUE.

In the summer of the same year, the rapper delighted his fans with two mini-albums “MAYHEM” and “PLAYBOY”, and already in September another video that became popular was released - “FACE - Bl### Face Here You Are Flexing”.

2017 comes and right away (January 3rd) Face illuminates his fan base with a new creative video - “FACE - I Don’t Give a Fuck”, which, by the way, was filmed by a popular Western video clip - Cole Bennett. FACE contacted him through friends in a general conference where Western rappers with similar creativity communicate. Ivan did not pay any money for this clip, because... video director Cole Bennett said that “we are working on a common cause,” however, what is characteristic is that the video was released on the Cole Bennett channel. In the same month (January 14), a new solo album is released, which takes the name “REVENGE”.

The REVENGE album has many parallels to Asian culture.

April 9, 2017 - Face uploads an album called “HATELOVE” online, which plays a significant role in his work and also attracts new listeners.

August 6, 2017 - the video “FACE - BURGER” appears on the rapper’s YouTube channel, which has a huge number of views in just a couple of days.

The new video "Burger" was received ambiguously. In addition to satisfied fans, there were also those who began to hate the face.

Yesterday, a new video interview with the notorious young rapper from Ufa, performing under the pseudonym Face, appeared on the official channel of video blogger Yuri Dud. And so that you don’t torment yourself by watching this too long and obscene conversation, we have collected for you all the most important and interesting things here.

Face doesn't stand on ceremony at all

Ivan (this is his real name) shamelessly talks about how he can easily attack a person with his fists if he doesn’t like something. The most obvious example was the incident during a concert when Face beat a man from the crowd with a microphone because he was showing his middle finger. Yes, everyone has haters, but this is not a reason to break a person's head. Or is there something we don't understand?

Face does not have a higher education

Of course, this is his choice, because now he is on hype, and he simply does not have extra time. Face openly declares that he does not consider it necessary to receive it.

“I don’t need a higher education. I'm on a wave right now and I just can't get carried away with all this bullshit. If you work and study at the same time, you are unlikely to succeed. ...In general, I don’t understand why it is needed.”

Don't be like Vanya. Go study!

Face had a huge number of girls

But you can’t say that :) What’s even stranger is that this happened before his popularity. Just think about it, in his 20s he dated more than a hundred different girls! In an interview, he honestly admitted that when he reached 100, he got a “Playboy” tattoo and stopped counting. And that's not all! Face said that he never uses protection.

“I still don’t know how to use these things... Haha, just kidding. But I really don’t understand them much.”

But you and I are smart girls and we understand what terrible consequences this can lead to.

Face believes that planning is for old people

The rapper never plans his life; everything happens spontaneously. Of course, this lifestyle has its own thrill, but for how long? “I generally hate planning anything and I think that this kind of life is for old people. I love thrash and the elusiveness of the moment." It’s also funny that he immediately said that he plans to marry Maryana Ro (if you didn’t know, they

Who is FACE

Real name— Ivan Dremin

Nickname- FACE (Face)

Hometown— Ufa

Activity— Rapper

Height— 176 cm


FACE (Face) biography

Ivan Dremin, better known under the pseudonym Face, is Russian rapper, who appeared not so long ago on the Russian rap scene and gained great popularity thanks to his eccentric compositions.

Before he became famous

Feys was born in the city of Ufa, in an ordinary full family where were: mother, father and brother.

He studied extremely poorly at school and was often expelled for his behavior. Ivan, as they say about such people, was a troubled teenager, he often fought, in his life there were even such moments as robberies and robberies, he took part in street gangs.

After school, Face seriously thinks about taking up music, because his Unified State Exam scores were not enough for him to enter a university, and he couldn’t stand work.

As Face himself says: “To really succeed at something, you need to focus on this matter and not get distracted by other crap. If you work, study and do everything thoroughly, then you are unlikely to succeed.”


On October 30, 2015, Ivan’s first serious album with the name “Cursed Seal” was released for one track called “Gosha Rubchinsky” and a video was released, since at that time it was a hype title, the video went viral and a large audience of people found out about the rapper, his face became recognizable.

On March 11, 2016, a video work for a joint composition with “ENIQUE” called “FACE x ENIQUE - Megan Fox” was released.

On September 8, 2016, a video for the track “FACE - B*** Face Here You Are Flexing (prod. by hellasketchy)” was released.

On January 3, 2017, a video was released for the song “FACE - I Don’t Give a F*ck,” which was shot by the famous Western video director Cole Bennett; he also worked with rappers such as, with whom Face is so often compared.

On April 9, 2017, FACE releases an album called “HATELOVE”, which is not only warmly received by the existing audience, but also brings new listeners.

On August 6, 2017, a video work for the composition “FACE - BURGER” was released, which gained several million in a couple of days.

On September 10, 2017, the premiere of the album “No Love” took place, which on VKontakte collected 7.9 million views, 302 thousand likes and 25 thousand reposts. This album brought Ivan Dremin enormous popularity; now not only listeners of similar music, but also people from completely different spheres have heard about it.

After the successful premiere of the album, Face is invited to various shows as a guest, for example “ Comedy Club" or " ".

What do Face's tattoos mean?

Ivan has “Numb” written above his right eyebrow, which translates from English as “numb, numb.” Under the eyes are “HATE” and “LOVE”, meaning “hate” and “love” respectively.

FACE has the PlayBoy magazine logos on his arms - which he got in honor of what he had sexual relations with more than 100 girls, the brand “Vlone” and there are also tattoos with the inscriptions “F*ck Love” and “Rock Star”. Which translates to “fuck love” and “rock star,” respectively.

Face's personal life

Face and

First meeting

Their first meeting took place at Vidfest in 2017, the rapper approached and said how beautiful she was, took her phone number, and gave her a Kinder surprise toy - a Crocodile, to whom the couple later created an Instagram that has more than 100,000 subscribers.

Instagram of Crocodile and Face

View this post on Instagram

Further relations developed very rapidly, and everything was covered on social networks, including joint live broadcasts, photographs and videos.

And rapper Face (FACE) love each other very much, which they admit to each other on their social networks.

FACE shares in various interviews the most intimate thing - the fact that he has never loved anyone in his life as much as Maryanochka (as the rapper calls his beloved).

What does Eshkere/Eshkere mean?

Everyone who heard shouts of the word “ Eshkera“, wondered “what is this?”

Wikipedia says that this word came from Western rappers with the pseudonyms “Lil Jay” and “Chief Keef”, who said “ Let's get it", which translates to "let's get it." Many rappers began to use this phrase, including , with whom Face is constantly compared and they say that it was from him that Dremin stole this phrase, but this is absolutely not true. When pronouncing quickly " Let's get it" she sounds like Eshkere / Eshkere, Face liked the word and he began to use it in his songs, videos, and at concerts.

Who is Lisa from Face's songs?

In many of his songs, Ivan Dremin mentions the name Lisa, but until recently no one knew who she was. So, we are talking about Liza Syomina - a girl from a parallel class with whom the rapper was unrequitedly in love with primary classes. Face even immortalized the girl on the album “HATELOVE”, making her photograph the album cover.

album cover FACE - HATELOVE