The lead singer of the Verasa group is Alexander Tikhanovich. Former member of VIA “Verasy” Alexander Tikhanovich has died. Personal life of Alexander Tikhanovich

On the night of January 27-28 in Minsk, he died at the age of 64. former member VIA "Verasy" Alexander Tikhanovich, which in recent years performed in a duet with his wife Jadwiga Poplavskaya in the group "Happy Accident". According to media reports, the musician died in the 10th city clinical hospital in the capital of Belarus.

As it turned out, over the past year the artist has been battling cancer. The deceased's daughter wrote on her Facebook page about her father's death and thanked all his fans for their support. “I know that he would ask to thank all of you for your love, which was mutual,” Anastasia Tikhanovich addressed subscribers.

The farewell funeral service will take place today at the Belarusian State Philharmonic. Numerous Belarusian and Russian famous cultural and political figures brought their condolences to the relatives of the deceased. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko also commented on the death of the artist. “Please accept my deepest condolences on the passing of an outstanding musician and wonderful person. Alexander Tikhanovich wrote an unforgettable page in history national stage, the songs performed by him became golden hits for all time. A man of enormous talent and a generous soul, he trained a galaxy of bright young artists and was an example of dedication to art and his audience. Blessed memory about Alexander Tikhanovich will remain in our hearts,” this message was published by the politician’s press service.

“Tonight my dad passed away. We thank everyone who was by his side throughout his amazing life journey - wrote on her Instagram, the artist’s daughter, singer. “We thank everyone who prayed and supported him during his last and very difficult year.” The cause of death was unknown at the time of publication.

He admitted that he got into music by accident: Suvorov School I really didn’t like mathematics, and those who studied in the brass band were dismissed from lessons. Fortunately, instead of the bad company that teachers promise to truants,

Tikhanovich ended up with enthusiastic teachers - he chose a tuba and, by his own admission, did not part with it. After college he entered the Minsk Conservatory and graduated from it.

In 1973 he came to VIA “Verasy” and performed with the famous Belarusian ensemble for fifteen long and glorious years, during which their music managed to literally enter every home. Actually, it is precisely this period that can be called golden for the ensemble. Perestroika journalism and its growth from underground music magazines rock critics liked to rhyme them with Brezhnev’s stagnation, but it’s worth realizing -

at the moment when they sounded on the radio and TV, from windows and cars, there was simply no alternative to them: the “red wave” of rock, for which the late USSR would become famous, was just beginning to take shape.

And “Veras” sang songs by Pakhmutova and Dobronravov, becoming one of those who glorified this pair of classics of Soviet pop songs: in 1974 they won the all-Union performing competition and began their journey into every home and every radio.

“Robin”, “Zavirukha”, “Carnival” - now these songs have become classics, an irreplaceable sign of the times, without which, as he said in his famous program, it is difficult to imagine us and even more difficult to understand; It’s not for nothing that these songs were later taken into soundtracks about films that described Soviet life far from capitals.

And 30-35 years ago, their kind of leisurely internal rhythm, the soft sound of keyboards and the poetry of everyday life created a soundtrack to people’s private lives, allowing them to wrap themselves in this sound and hide in it both from ideological pumping and from everyday problems.

It was not for nothing that they were awarded titles in Belarus - it is worth noting that, along with “Pesnyary”, they were one of those few artists who represented their native land on the all-Union stage Belarusian language. Tikhanovich, whose voice sounded in their songs both separately and in the overall small ensemble “chorus,” was responsible for one of the most important and most inconspicuous elements in this sound: the conservatory tuba player in the ensemble picked up the bass guitar.

In 1988, Tikhanovich left VIA. Together with another soloist of “Verasov”, Yadviga, he forms the duet (and then the ensemble) “Happy Occasion”.

The name of the group was given by a song based on poetry, with which the artists, who had already become husband and wife, won the “Song-88” competition. It is worth noting that here the situation was fundamentally different: a rock revolution was going on in the country, and even state concert organizations and record companies were keenly eyeing new music. However, in this intense interspecies competition, Tikhanovich and Poplavskaya, even after the collapse of the USSR, managed not to get lost among the wreckage of the once unified space of the Soviet stage.

They were with their people - if we call the Soviet people as such - where they were now: they successfully went on tour to Germany, Israel and places of post-Soviet emigration. They didn’t sit idly by in their homeland either: having organized their Song Theater in Minsk back in 1988, the couple in our modern era turned it into a production center. Among others Belarusian artists His wards included, for example, artists whom you least expect to see in this row: for example, a rock musician and his group “Lyapis Trubetskoy”.

On Saturday night, Alexander Tikhanovich, ex-soloist of the Verasy ensemble and husband of Yadwiga Poplavskaya, died in a hospital in Minsk.

The artists’ daughter Anastasia Tikhanovich wrote about her father’s death on social networks:
- My Dad passed away tonight... We thank everyone who was there during his amazing journey. We thank everyone who prayed and supported him in his last and very difficult year...
“I know that he would have asked to thank all of you for your love, which was mutual,” added Anastasia Tikhanovich.
Since 1973, Alexander Tikhanovich sang in VIA “Verasy”, which, like “Pesnyary” and “Syabry”, were business card Belarusian stage in the Soviet Union.
In 1988, Tikhanovich, together with his wife Yadviga Poplavskaya, organized the Song Theater, which was later transformed into a production center named after them.
A few years ago, Tikhanovich and Poplavskaya gave a frank interview to our publication, where they shared interesting stories from your life. Here, for example:
- There was a funny story on the cruise. In 1994, in Barcelona, ​​Tikhanovich shared, he got off the ship. I asked the locals where money could be exchanged. I was sent to a nearby hotel. After the checkout, I stand at the hotel, count the bills and figure out what I will buy: “I need a T-shirt, sneakers, jeans, ok...” I look - the boots are standing next to me. I raise my head - a policeman. “Passport,” he says, “come on.” But I don’t have a passport - I stayed on the ship. Me - onto the bus, where strange-looking Latinos were already sitting. One piece of hashish is hidden in a sock, the other is covered in tattoos. There was a Cuban there, who, it turned out, studied in Russia and understands our language. He tells me: “Call your people on the ship and let them confirm that you are their tourist. Otherwise, they will take you away, give you a slap on the neck and send you out of the country. And don’t stick your head out at all, be silent.” I saw how they get slapped in the neck for chatting a little later, when a cop hit one guy with a stick as hard as he could. And I decided to listen to the advice of my travel companion. At the entrance to the site, the bus was filled to capacity with dubious types. What saved me during the interrogation was that I kept the receipt and showed it to the police. They contacted the exchanger, and they confirmed that I was a tourist from the ship. And then one of the law enforcement officers noticed a package on me that had an image of me and Yadya on it, and realized that they were going somewhere in the wrong place. They took me to another room and offered me wine. I said I don't drink. But he asked me to light a cigarette. They allowed it. Then they put me on the same bus and took me to the place where they picked me up. After this incident, my desire to come to Spain again did not disappear, but I understood once and for all: going abroad without a passport is nowhere.

TALLINN, January 28 – Sputnik. Tikhanovich died on Saturday night in the 10th hospital in Minsk, the artist’s concert director confirmed to Sputnik Belarus. Earlier, his daughter announced the artist’s death on her Instagram page.

“Tonight my Dad passed away... We thank everyone who was by his side throughout his amazing journey. We thank everyone who prayed and supported him in his last and very difficult year,” wrote Anastasia Tikhanovich.

The creative path of Alexander Tikhanovich

People's Artist Belarus born in Minsk on July 13, 1952, graduated from the Belarusian Conservatory. Since 1973, he became a member of the ensemble “Verasy”, which, along with “Pesnyary” and “Syabra”, were the hallmark of the Belarusian stage in the USSR.

In "Verasy" Tikhanovich met his future wife, Yadviga Poplavskaya. The songs “Robins Hearing a Voice,” “I Live with Grandma,” “Zavirukha” and many others performed by “Verasov” became all-Union hits.

In 1986, Tikhanovich and Poplavskaya left the ensemble, and in 1988, after winning the Song-88 competition with the song “Happy Chance,” the couple created a duet of the same name and their own Song Theater.

Over time, the Tikhanovich and Poplavskaya Song Theater was transformed into a production center, through which many later successful artists passed through, including Alexander Solodukha and the Lyapis Trubetskoy group.

For a long time, Alexander Tikhanovich oversaw the selection of Belarusian artists to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest, but in the last two years he has retired.

Alexander Tikhanovich was 64 years old.

Alexander Grigorievich Tikhanovich - Soviet crooner Belarusian origin, former soloist popular group"Veras". People's Artist of Belarus.

Tikhanovich Alexander Grigorievich was born in Minsk on July 13, 1952. The singer recalled that he was raised by an elderly woman hired by his parents. Alexander developed an interest in music when he was studying at a military school.

Alexander Tikhanovich in his youth

Tikhanovich learned that children who study in a brass band may not attend some classes. Alexander became interested in this circumstance and got a job in his first musical group. Tikhanovich played the trumpet, and rehearsals fascinated him so much that after graduating from college, the young man entered the Belarusian Conservatory.


Alexander Grigorievich was offered to work in the Tonika ensemble, a touring group that often traveled abroad. But Tikhanovich refused and found an opportunity to get into “Verasy”. By that time, the young man was already in love with the lead singer of the ensemble.

Since the mid-seventies of the last century, VIA "Verasy" has been a very successful project. The musicians gave two concerts a day, went on tour, and appeared on television. In photographs from that period, Tikhanovich can be seen with a guitar, a trumpet, and a microphone. By the end of the eighties, due to disagreements in the team, the musician had to leave the group.

In 1988, Tikhanovich and his wife began performing as a duet. The victory of their composition “Happy Occasion” at the television competition “Song of the Year” helped the spouses choose a name for their musical union. Same year former soloists VIA "Verasy" opened their own Song Theater. Over time, this organization turned into a production center, and the duet “Happy Case” evolved into music group with the same name.

The songs performed by Poplavskaya and Tikhanovich were popular. The musicians toured the cities of Germany, Poland, Hungary, Finland, France, Canada and other countries.

In 2008, the artist starred in a movie. He played one of the main roles in the melodrama “Apple of the Moon,” which was released in Belarus in 2009. From 1994 to 2013, Tikhanovich was also involved in the filming of four films, in which he played episodic roles.

Personal life

Alexander Grigorievich met his future wife Yadviga Poplavskaya at an orchestra rehearsal at the Minsk Philharmonic. Soon the young people became musicians of the same band. Joint trips on tour and daily rehearsals brought Alexander and Yadwiga closer together, who from the beginning of their acquaintance did not show affection. to a young musician no interest.

The couple married in 1975. Poplavskaya and Tikhanovich turned out to be strong musical family. In 1980, his wife gave birth to Vladimir Grigorievich’s daughter Anastasia, who many years later also became a singer. At the beginning of the 2000s, Tikhanovich had a grandson, Ivan.


Tikhanovich died at the age of 64. His life path ended unexpectedly for many fans. The fact that the singer tried to overcome a rare disease for many years became known after Tikhanovich’s death.

Alexander Tikhanovich in recent years

Many famous artists killed cancer, but Alexander Grigorievich had a different diagnosis. The singer's cause of death was idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis. The artist suffered from this rare autoimmune lung disease long time. Tikhanovich managed to live several years longer than other people with a similar diagnosis. He hid his illness from the public. His last concert took place a few days before hospitalization.

The singer died on January 28, 2017, after spending two weeks in the hospital. Farewell to the musician and funeral took place on January 30, 2017. The singer's grave is located in the Eastern Cemetery of Minsk.

  • The elderly woman who looked after Alexander as a child was a very pious person. Thanks to his nanny, Tikhanovich became acquainted with the Bible and visited church for the first time. During the years of illness, faith helped Alexander Grigorievich remain a cheerful and charming person. For many years Tikhanovich was a choirmaster at the Alexander Nevsky Temple at the Military Cemetery in Minsk.
  • On the wedding day, Yadviga Poplavskaya delayed answering when the registrar asked about the bride’s desire to get married. Tikhanovich's future wife hesitated for about thirty seconds, but then decided that if something went wrong, she would simply file for divorce.

  • Pop singer Ruslan Alekhno knew Tikhanovich for about 17 years. The men had a strong friendship. Ruslan called Alexander Grigorievich his teacher and a congenial person. Alekhno and Tikhanovich made a pilgrimage trip to Mount Athos together in 2014.
  • In 1986, they tried to discredit Tikhanovich on tour in Asia. A bag of marijuana was placed in his concert pants. During a spontaneous check, drugs were supposed to be found on the singer, but he was wearing the wrong suit. As a result of the overblown scandal, Tikhanovich left the Verasa ensemble.


Albums of the ensemble "Verasy":

  • 1980 - “Our disco”
  • 1985 - “Music for everyone”

Albums of A. Tikhanovich and J. Poplavskaya:

  • 1989 - “Happy Accident”
  • 1995 - “Music of Love”
  • 1997 - “From “Robin” to...”
  • 1997 - “Life is a wonderful moment”
  • 2008 - “Love Fate”
  • 2013 - “She couldn’t do it any other way”