Archduke Maximilian, future Emperor Maximilian I, and Mary of Burgundy. Folklore theatre. Drama "Tsar Maximilian"

History of creation

The play is based on the description of the folk drama “Tsar Maximilian” in Bakrylov’s collection, in which the author collected extensive folklore material. The author has compiled several striking samples folk drama in Russian culture and created his own version of the play “Tsar Maximilian”. Having become acquainted with this work by Bakrylov, Alexey Remizov expressed the opinion that the play was written rudely and vulgarly, and its parts were connected to each other mechanically. After a meeting of the editorial commission, at which Bakrylov's code was discussed, Remizov decided to create his own version of the play.

Remizov worked on drama not only as a writer, but also as a scientist, largely relying on historical and philological works:

“...I, laying my, perhaps, one single stone to create the future large work, which will give a whole kingdom of folk myth, I consider it my duty, without adhering to the tradition of our literature, to introduce notes and tell in them the progress of my work.”

In his work, Remizov tried to embody his ideas about the ideal folk theater- “theater of squares and oak forests” and mystery action as opposed to the “theater of walls”. In practice, this desire was expressed in the fact that Remizov simplified the production of the play as much as possible and, in comparison with Bakrylov’s play, significantly reduced the number of characters. By reducing the descriptive stage directions, he took “a step away from naturalistic theater.”


In many ways, the plot of the folk drama is based on the story of Peter I and Tsarevich Alexei. Tsar Maximilian is a king who decided to marry a foreign queen and abandon the Orthodox faith. The king's son, Adolf, opposes his father's marriage. Trying to change his son’s decision, Tsar Maximilian takes Adolf into custody and eventually executes him.


  • Tsar Maximilian (Maximiyan, Maksimyan) is a “formidable and strong king” who decided to marry an overseas princess and abandon the Orthodox faith and worship “idol gods.” He walks around wearing a crown and orders, waving a scepter or sword.
  • Adolf is the son of Tsar Maximilian, who refuses to pray to the “idol gods”, for which Tsar Maximilian he will be executed. He wears a military uniform, but simpler than the Tsar's. After imprisonment - weak and without insignia.
  • Knight Brambeus calls on the king to change his decision and not execute the innocent Adolf, but King Maximilian does not listen to him. Huge and gray.
  • Skorokhod - informs everyone about the will of Tsar Maximilian.
  • The old grave digger is preparing a grave for Adolf (A.M. Remizov himself compared him to the gravediggers in Shakespeare’s tragedy “Hamlet”).
  • The old woman-death comes for King Makismilian.



  • The play “Tsar Maximilian”, arranged by A.F. Nekrylova and N.I. Savushkina

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Tsar Constantine (battleship, 1779)
  • King Solomon: The Wise of the Wise

See what “Tsar Maximilian” is in other dictionaries:

    "Tsar Maximilian"- KING MAXIMILIAN is the most popular folklore play. The action takes place in a fictitious land (I am not the Russian Emperor, not the French King...). The basis of the play is the conflict between the king and his son Adolf, which comes from our idolatry (i.e. pagan)… … Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

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  • A. M. Remizov. Collected works. Volume 12. Rusalia, A. M. Remizov. The book "Rusalia" (Twelfth volume of the Collected Works of A. M. Remizov) includes dramatic works: “The demonic act”, “The tragedy of Judas Prince Iscariot”, “The act of George... Buy for 2421 RUR
  • Unpublished materials from the expedition of B. M. and Yu. M. Sokolov. 1926-1928. In the footsteps of Rybnikov and Hilferding. In 2 volumes. Volume 2. Folk drama. Wedding poetry. Non-ritual lyrics. Ditties. Fairy tales and non-fairy tale prose. Creativity of peasants. The volume consists of unique folklore texts collected in the 20s. XX century in the protected cultural zone of the Russian North. It includes texts from folk drama (“Tsar Maximilian” and “The Boat”),…

A fragment of Anna Nekrylova’s article “Tsar Maximilian” in the People’s Theater”, published in the book “People’s Theater”:

<...>“Alexey Remizov, whose work is permeated with images and themes of Russian folklore, based on the set of texts “Tsar Maximilian” published at the beginning of the twentieth century, created original work- a drama where, along with traditional heroes, there were also characters invented by him from modern era, where the ringleaders turned out to be Remizov’s favorite devils.

Meanwhile, “Tsar Maximilian” did not leave the popular stage in the 20th century. The organizer of the folk theater on their estate Polenovo, Tula province, was the family of the artist V.D. Polenova. The artist's daughter, E.V. Sakharov, left curious, very vividly and slightly ironically written memories of one of the performances of “Tsar Maximilian,” which took place in 1918. In the 1920–1930s, folk theater plays were staged on club stages in Zaonezhye and Kargopol, in the Tver and Yaroslavl regions, and here and there in Siberia. In 1967, philology students at Moscow University showed their “Tsar Maximilian”, reconstructed as a result of expeditions to the river, to a crowded audience. Onegu. In the early 1980s, “Tsar Maximilian” was revived by the famous team of Dmitry Pokrovsky. Based on fragments found in archives and recorded during expeditions by the forces of the Novgorod folklore ensemble“Kudes” was restored to the local version of this drama, which became firmly part of the “Kudes” repertoire and was successfully played under the walls of the Novgorod Kremlin.”

A fragment of Anna Kasumova’s article “Christmas Gifts” in the St. Petersburg Theater Magazine (2002):

<...>“Galibin’s performance, shown at the Christmas festival, like “The Players,” has its predecessor in St. Petersburg: Galibin addressed the topic of Russian history in “The Tale of Tsar Peter.” In Novosibirsk, he continued this theme, turning to the origins - the folk drama “Tsar Maximilian” (design by Eduard Kochergin), however, in the interpretation of the playwright E. Gremina, decorated with a poem by Alexei Tolstoy. “Our land is rich, but there is just no order in it” - the leitmotif sounds throughout the entire performance. Tsar Maximilian, who is chosen from among the people, acquires a retinue. The first round of the game begins, continuing until the death of the ruler. Then - all over again: they choose a king, a retinue, and each time the king remains the same, only he is called differently, depending on the move Russian history. Alexander Galibin adds his own to the names existing in Alexei Tolstoy: Maximilian first appears to us in the form of Stalin, then suddenly, like Khrushchev, he begins to hit the pulpit with his shoe. Yeltsin, Gorbachev and Lenin are parodied here, and it all resembles the final game of the Club of the Merry and Resourceful. The musical elements only enhance the experience. Having taken the microphones, the people suddenly begin to sing not a Russian lament at all, but the most popular “They killed the Negro, they killed”... And then - “God save the Tsar”... Or maybe Galibin is right, maybe that’s exactly what she is, recent history Russia, - endless variations on the theme of E. Gremina’s play “Tsar Maximilian”?”<...>

Action drama usually occurs in any room, even in a peasant hut. In the middle of the room, a throne is built from armchairs for the king, with “a crown, a scepter and an orb on a golden platter” attached to it.

Phenomenon 1

Skorokhod comes out. He walked very quickly and was out of breath. Skorokhod reports that he was sent from the king’s office to prepare a place for the royal throne. Saying goodbye, Skorokhod announces that the king will come out now. Senators, royal guards and soldiers appear on the stage.

Phenomenon 2

Tsar Maximilian enters. He is tall, has a beard, is menacing, speaks loudly and harshly. The king addresses the audience with the words that he is coming from the royal office. But he is not a French tsar or a Russian emperor, but a formidable and strong “your tsar Maximilian.” Then he looks at the throne prepared for him, points at it with his hand and asks for whom such a “wonderful structure” has been prepared. He himself answers his own question: the throne was erected for him, because he is the king. The king says that he will sit on the throne to put his son, Adolf, on trial. Sitting on a dais, he calls his faithful pages in a loud voice.

Phenomena 3 - 5

Tsar Maximilian orders the pages to bring Adolf to his chambers for a secret conversation. Waiting for his son to arrive, Maximilian puts on his royal vestments.

Phenomenon 6

One of the pages reports that they carried out the royal order and brought “the all-kind son of Adolf.” Tsar Maximilian

    Now get away from my sight. (The pages leave), Adolf (all the time on his knees) O most merciful sovereign And glorious Maximilian the Tsar, my most dear father, father, I hit your forehead on the damp mother earth. Why do you call on your dear son Adolf, or what do you command him to do? Tsar Maximilian the Gracious Adolf, my son, Now your coming is not joyful to me: Now I learned from a servant that you have abandoned our idol gods and are betraying them, and are secretly worshiping some new ones. Fear my parental wrath And bow to our idol gods. Adolf (without getting up from his knees) I put your idol gods under my feet, I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, I depict the sign of the cross against your gods And maintain his holy law.

Tsar Maximilian from Such words made him seriously angry: now Adolfne can become the heir to the throne, but must go to serve his law. The king again loudly calls the pages.

Phenomena 7 - 8

Maximilian orders the pages to take his rebellious son to prison. The door opens, a Bogatyr of gigantic stature appears in it, draws a saber, and slowly walks towards the throne of Tsar Maximilian. Approaching the throne, the warrior stops, hits the floor with his spear and says that Tsar Maximilian is committing an unfair trial against Adolf. Bogatyr is the Roman ambassador and wants to speak with Tsar Maximilian. The king allows him to continue his daring speech. The hero calls the king “a barbarian and a murderer” who can destroy Adolf’s soul. Everyone feels sorry for the young man, grieves for him, and considers him a real hero. The hero calls on Tsar Maximilian to change his decision. The king, beside himself with anger, shouts, stamps his feet, and drives the ambassador out of his sight. The hero says goodbye to the king and threatens him to return again to avenge Adolf.

Apparitions 9-13

Tsar Maximilian again calls on his faithful pages, sends them to prison for his rebellious son. The pages bring Adolf. Adolf approaches the throne and kneels. Adolf humbly asks his father why he called his son and what he orders him to do. Tsar Maximilian wonders whether Adolf has changed his mind, whether the hungry prison scares him, whether he will again believe in the correct gods. But Adolf firmly replies that he “puts the old gods under his feet.” Tsar Maximilian is very angry, he shouts at his son, promising him severe punishment for disobedience. Then he calls Skorokhod and tells him to bring the blacksmith. The king orders the blacksmith to shackle his disobedient son. The blacksmith does not believe his ears, pretends that he does not understand the order, then refuses to take the coin for the work and, finally, reluctantly carries out the order. Adolf, shackled, is led away by pages. Saying goodbye to his formidable parent, Adolf sings a mournful song. The king remains sitting in sad thought.

Apparitions 14-15

A Gigantic Knight appears before the king. Loudly knocking with his weapon and without any respect for the king, he shouts at the top of his lungs about his determination to fight against the unjust royal court: The angry king Maximilian drives away the daring knight, again calls the faithful Skorokhod to him and tells him to call Anika, the warrior.

Apparitions 16-19

Anika - a warrior (of enormous stature, in armor, a helmet and other weapons, approaches the throne, shakes her weapon...) Tsar Maximilian again calls his faithful pages and orders them to bring his son Adolf. The pages bring the disobedient son. Adolf is exhausted, in chains, barely moving, speaking in a quiet voice, pitifully. He falls to his knees and asks the Tsar-Father why he is calling him again. Tsar Maximilian interrogates whether Adolf has come to his senses, whether the upcoming painful death frightened him. Adolf stands his ground: I believe in Jesus Christ, “who created heaven and earth.” Tsar Maximilian angrily shouts at his son and orders him to be put to an evil death. He calls Skorokhod again and gives him the order to bring Brambeus the Knight.

Apparitions 20 - 21

Brambeus welcomes the king, wishes him many years and health and asks why Tsar Maximilian called him to him and what the order was. The king points to Adolf, who stands with his head obediently bowed on his shoulders, and orders Brambeus to kill the young man right there, in front of his father’s eyes. Brambeus can't believe it; he is frightened, every now and then he glances at the king and Adolf, asking the king not to give him such an order. For one hundred and fifty years of his life, Brambeus did not kill a single person, and now that he has become old, he does not want to take such a sin on his soul:

    "When youth hot blood splashes on my gray head, then I myself must die!”

Apparitions 23 - 26

Anika the warrior comes to the king and reports that he defeated all the infidels and saved the king from evil death. The king praises Anika, calls on Skorokhod, who convened the knights to glorify Anika. Suddenly the king sees a woman on the threshold. And the woman, heading to the royal throne, said:

    “I’m not a woman, I’m not drunk, I’m your stubborn death.”

Tsar Maximilian was afraid, stood up from the royal dais and begged the soldiers to protect him from death. The warriors are trying to protect their king, blocking the path of Death, but she swung her scythe, and all the warriors’ weapons fell down. Death approaches the throne and orders King Maximilian to follow her. And he begs the old woman to give him three more years to live and reign a little. Death does not give the king even a year. Then the king asks to give him three more months to live and reign. Neither Death gives him even a month. Tsar Maximilian begs to be given at least three days, but Death does not give him even three hours. She hit the king on the neck with a sharp scythe, and he fell.

Phenomenon 27

The runner goes to the middle and addresses the audience:

    “Here, dear audience, the curtain closes, and the show is all over, and the actors get a tip from you.”


(People's Theater / Compiled, introductory article, prepared texts and comments by A.F. Nekrylova, N.I. Savushkina. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1991. - (B-ka of Russian folklore; T. 10), pp. 131-150, comments pp. 503-504).


Tsar Maximilian, tall, with a beard, a menacing face, loud, harsh speech.
Adolf, his son, young, about 18 years old, thin, quiet voice. After imprisonment he was very weak and emaciated.
Anika the Warrior, of extraordinary height, fat, with a menacing face, with a long mustache and beard, and a thick voice.
Brambeus, knight, gray-haired himself, 130 years old, large gray beard, speaks rarely and thickly.
Gigantic knight(aka the Strange Knight), young, tall, speaks sharply.
Speedy Marshal, young, with a mustache, average height. The blacksmith, an old man, has a gray beard, speaks like a peasant.
Old Grave Digger, long hair and beard, coughs; speaks like a man.
Old woman, his wife, no speeches.
Death, says thickly, not very much.
Two pages, young, speak harshly.
Courtiers, retinue, warriors.

Suits characters

Tsar Maximilian: uniform of ancient kings, in a military cap, with a camisole, with orders and with a saber; simple general's trousers, high boots with spurs. In the fifth appearance, they put on a crown and give him a scepter and orb and all the royal accessories.

Adolf, his son: in military uniform, with a crown on his head, with orders, the same clothes as the king, only worse and there is less cavalry. In the tenth appearance, Adolf appears without any merits and royal accessories, in a disgraced state.

Gigantic knight: in armor, in one hand a pike, in the other a saber, in full armor, with medals; a military cap with a feather, a black mask on the face, boots with spurs.

Anika the Warrior: in armor, a pike and a saber with him; on the arm is a copper shield, on the head is a shiny helmet; gilded lance; with orders and medals.

Brambeus, knight: in ancient armor, large hat, armor, saber and spear, without any cavalry or merit, simple boots.

Speedy Marshal: military uniform, military frock coat, with saber, court cap, with a feather, high, narrower at the top; simple boots with spurs; two medals; with shoulder straps.

Blacksmith: dressed like a peasant, in a shirt, bast shoes, without a hat, with an apron, covered in coal.

Old Grave Digger: in a caftan, long hair and beard, coughing, with a thick stick in his hands, in bast shoes and onuchas, a peasant’s hat and everything like a peasant.

Old woman: in a colorful sundress and all the old woman's attire, as if they were walking like peasants, with a kichka on their head.

Death: clothes are white, as if in a shroud, a long braid is in the hands, there is nothing on the legs.

Pages two: at checkers, without merit, beautiful suits, red jackets, blue trousers, tall hats, Napoleonic, with a feather; multi-colored belts.

Courtiers(two that offer royal accessories): military uniform, frock coats with crosses and stars, trousers with red stripes, triangular hats with a feather and a bow; with checkers over the shoulder. The rest of the courtiers, in military clothing, but without cavalry, are dressed more simply.

Retinue: military uniform, with spears and checkers, with medals.

Warriors: soldier's uniform, with checkers, without merit.

Furnishings and accessories

An ordinary room, where there is something, even a simple one peasant hut. In the middle of it is placed the throne of Tsar Maximilian, decorated in the shape of armchairs. For him, there is a crown, a scepter and an orb on a golden platter, covered with gold and silver paper. Iron shackles for Adolf. Hammer for a blacksmith. Snuff box for the grave digger.


Quickly steps onto the stage Skorokhod and, out of breath brisk walking, speaks.

Hello gentlemen, Senate O ry,
I didn’t come here to you myself,
And sent from the royal office.
Get everything out of this place
And here the royal throne will be erected.
Goodbye, gentlemen,
Now the king himself will be here.

They go on stage senators, royal guard And warriors.


It turns out Tsar Maximilian and addresses the public.

Tsar Maximilian.
Hello gentlemen senate O ry,
I came from the royal office,
Who do you think I am:
For the Russian Emperor
Or the King of France?
I am not the Russian Emperor,
Not the French king
I am your formidable king Maximilian,
Strong and glorious throughout all lands
And his great mercy is evident.
(He looks at the throne prepared for him and addresses everyone around him, pointing his hand at it.)
Look at this marvelous structure,
Look at this magnificent decoration,
For whom was this Palace of Facets erected?
And for whom is this royal throne
Was it built on a higher location?
Not otherwise than for me, your king.
I'll sit in that place
And I will judge my rebellious son Adolf.
(Sits on the throne, looks menacingly at everyone around and shouts at the top of his lungs.)
My faithful, unhypocritical pages, appear quickly before the throne of your monarch!


Tsar Maximilian And two pages. The pages enter, marching in step, and stop a little short of the throne, at once draw their sabers from their scabbards, stand guard and disperse on both sides of the throne. Then one kneels in front of the throne and speaks.

Page. Oh, mighty sovereign, merciful king,
Why are you calling us, pages, to you?
And what do you command us to do?
(Gets up and goes back to his place.)
Tsar Maximilian. Go to my royal white-stone palaces and bring me my dear son Adolf, I need to have a secret conversation with him.
Pages (both in one voice). Let's go and get it! (They make swords on guard, converge and march into the audience.)
Tsar Maximilian. Speedy Marshal, appear before the throne of your monarch!


The same Speedy Marshal.

Skorokhod (enters very quickly, comes close to the throne, kneels on one knee and, as if out of breath from fast running, speaks).
O most powerful sovereign,
Most merciful King Maximilian,
Why are you calling on your fast and light Skorod-Marshal?
Tsar Maximilian. Go and tell my retinue that I want to remove all unworthiness from myself and put on all the decency and royal accessories that befit my high royal rank.
Skorokhod. I'll go and take care of everything. (He leaves, backing away and bowing low to the king.)


The same ones courtiers And retinue. The doors of the hut open, two courtiers on golden trays carry the royal crown, scepter, orb, golden saber, etc. A retinue follows them, several warriors with drawn sabers on his shoulder.

All (singing).
We are going to the king, the king,
We bring him a golden crown,
Our monarch sits on the throne
In a gilded crown,
Exalted with glory and honor,
Highly produced.
All honor guard
Holds sabers drawn.
Hurray, hurray, hurray!
To our king!

The warriors enter and stand equally around the royal throne, holding their sabers on their shoulders the entire time. The courtiers approach the throne itself, kneel before Maximilian and hand him trays with royal regalia.

One of the courtiers. Accept, most merciful monarch, from our unworthy hands your royal belongings.
Tsar Maximilian.
My friends, my friends,
My faithful servants,
Take away my unworthiness from me
And put all my accessories on me.

The courtiers take off his military cap, medals and simple saber, put on a crown and orders, give him a scepter and orb, put his previous attire on trays and leave, bowing low. The retinue stands near the throne all the time.

Tsar Maximilian (waving the scepter, menacingly). Why are my faithful pages delaying in bringing my dear son Adolf? Or are they not obeying my royal order?


The same ones Adolf And two pages. The doors open, Adolf enters, flanked by two pages with drawn sabers. Adolf approaches the throne and kneels; the pages stand behind him.

One of the pages. They fulfilled your royal order and brought your all-kind son Adolf.
Tsar Maximilian. Now get away from my sight.

The pages leave.

Adolf(on my knees all the time).
Oh, most gracious sir
And the glorious Maximilian the king,
I hit your forehead against your mother - the damp earth.
Why are you calling on your dear son Adolf?
Tsar Maximilian.
Dear Adolf, my son,
I am not happy now about your coming:
Now I heard from my wife,
Why have you abandoned our idol gods?
And you cheat on them
And you secretly read some new ones.
Fear my parental wrath
And bow to our idol gods.
Adolf (without getting up from your knees).
I am your idol gods
I put it under my feet,
And I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,
I depict the sign of the cross against your gods
Tsar Maximilian (very angry, he gets up from the throne and, stretching out his hand with a scepter, menacingly addresses Adolf).
Fear your parents' wrath.
I thought that you, rebellious monster, would sit on the royal throne,
And you want to leave.
(Shouts loudly, addressing the doors.)
My faithful pages, present yourself before the throne of your monarch.


The same two pages. Two pages come out, just as before, and perform all the same actions as before. In general, pages always act in the same way.

One of the pages.
O mighty king,
Dear Lord, everyone,
Why do you call us, your pages, so quickly?
And what do you tell us to do?
Tsar Maximilian(rises from the throne and, pointing his finger at his son, speaks in a menacing voice).
Take this rebellious son of mine to prison,
And in order not to let any animal or bird go there,
And for his daring disobedience
Put him on abstinence.
Pages (both in one voice). We will do everything as ordered. (They lift Adolf from his knees and lead him under escort with drawn weapons.)


Tsar Maximilian And Gigantic knight. The door opens and it shows Bogatyr gigantic growth, draws a saber, slowly walks towards the throne of Tsar Maximilian; approaching, strikes the floor with the blunt end of the spear, stands in a menacing pose and speaks.

Gigantic knight.
Conqueror of foreign lands,
I passed through foreign kingdoms
And all the Roman states,
Everyone says that your trial is unfair.
You have to justify yourself
Allow me, the Roman Ambassador,
To speak to you.
Tsar Maximilian.
Speak up, impudent ambassador.
Gigantic knight.
Know you, barbarian and murderer,
You are destroying an innocent soul
You cut off the head of your dear son Adolf.
(Waving a spear around.)
Look how everyone pities him
Everyone sheds tears for him
AND a true hero revered.
Make up your mind while you still have time!
Tsar Maximilian (stands on the throne and, stomping his feet, shouts).
Get out of my sight, insolent ambassador!
Gigantic knight. Farewell for now, barbarian and murderer, but I will soon return to avenge innocent blood. (Leaves.)
Tsar Maximilian.


Tsar Maximilian And two pages.

One of the pages.
O mighty king,
Blessed Sovereign,
Why are you calling us, your pages, so quickly?
Or what do you command me to do?
Tsar Maximilian.
Go to my former capital,
Into the dark imprisoned dungeon
And bring to me my rebellious son Adolf.
Pages (in one voice). Let's go and bring your rebellious son Adolf.


Tsar Maximilian, Adolf And two pages. The pages bring Adolf in the same way as the first time. Adolf approaches the throne and kneels. The pages remain standing behind him with drawn sabers.

Oh, all-merciful sir,
Blessed Maximilian the Tsar,
My dearest parent, father,
I hit your forehead on the damp ground.
Why are you calling on your disobedient son Adolf?
Or what do you command him to do?
Tsar Maximilian.
Well, my rebellious son,
What will be your answer now?
Have you changed your mind or not?
Aren't you tired of the dark dungeon and starvation?
Will you believe in our gods,
Will you expose them to your feet?
No, I am your old idol gods
I put it under my feet,
I believe in one God
And I maintain his holy law.
Tsar Maximilian (in great anger he rises from the throne and, shaking his scepter, speaks menacingly).
O rebellious one, monster of the mother's womb,
Fear my parental wrath!
I thought of making you heir to my kingdom,
And you are playing tricks on me.
I will give you over to other torments
And I will make you bow to our gods.
(Sits down and shouts to the walker.)
Speedy Marshal,


The same Speedy Marshal. The fast walker arrives the same way as the first time. In general, his outputs are always similar to one another.

O mighty lord,
Dear King Maximilian,
Or what do you command me to do?
Tsar Maximilian.
Come to my white-stone royal chambers
And bring me the best blacksmith.
I'll go and get the best blacksmith.

Adolf remains on his knees all the time, sadly bowing his head and not raising his eyes.


The same Blacksmith.

I went and brought the best blacksmith.
Hello, father,
Why are you calling me
Or what do you command me to do?
Tsar Maximilian (pointing to Adolf). Put this monster in strong shackles.
Blacksmith (as if not trusting his ears, he repeats to himself). Shackle his monster. (Looks at the king.)
Tsar Maximilian (starting to get angry). I tell you in Russian: chain up this monster.
Blacksmith. I’ll do the shackling, but who will pay me for the work?
Tsar Maximilian. I'll give you a coin.
Blacksmith. Yes, father, I don’t even have a pocket.
Tsar Maximilian. Never mind, the old woman will sew it.
Blacksmith. Well, apparently there’s nothing to do, I’ll get going with my blessing. (Takes his hammer, puts a chain on Adolf’s legs and chains him.) I chained it, father, now it will be strong.
Tsar Maximilian. Here's a coin for you and go home to your old woman.
Blacksmith. We ask for forgiveness. (Leaves.)
Tsar Maximilian. My faithful pages, present yourself before the throne of your monarch.


The same two pages.

One of the pages.
O mighty king,
Most Serene Sovereign,
Why are you calling us, your pages, so quickly?
Or what do you command me to do?
Tsar Maximilian.
Take this daring and rebellious monster
And put him in a dark dungeon,
And starve him to death,
Until he comes to his senses and believes our idol gods.
Let's go and take Adolf to the dungeon.

They take Adolf by the hands. Adolf rises from his knees and slowly, lowering his head to his chest, moves towards the door. Sings a song in a mournful voice.

I'm going to prison
From these wonderful places,
How many fatal sorrows
I have to bear the separation. I leave my dear city
And you, my parent.

At these words, Adolf turns around and addresses Maximilian and, looking pitifully at him, bows. Then, turning around, he continues to walk to the door, singing.

I know that my fate is like this,
What to live in separation from you.
(Hides behind the doors.)

Tsar Maximilian remains sitting in sad thought, hitting his elbow on the handle of the throne.


Tsar Maximilian And Gigantic knight.

Gigantic knight(enters, loudly knocking, surrounded, and, without any respect, approaching the throne itself, screams at the top of his lungs).
I burn with a warrior's heat,
I approach your kingdom,
I will burn the city of Anton with fire,
And I’ll take you in full.
Set up an opponent against me
Amuse yourself with damask swords,
Converge on sharp copies.
I stand under the walls of your city.
Defend yourself, otherwise your reward will be death.
For your unfair trial.
Tsar Maximilian (angry, shouts in a loud voice, shaking the scepter). Away, impudent knight! Expect your enemy soon under the walls of my city Anton.
Gigantic knight. Farewell, barbarian and murderer; Expect quick revenge. (He leaves without any respect for the king.)
Tsar Maximilian (shouting).
My speedster, marshal,
Appear before the throne of your monarch!


Tsar Maximilian And Speedy Marshal.

O mighty lord,
You are our king Maximilian,
Why do you call upon such a menacingly light Swift Marshal?
Or what do you command me to do?
Tsar Maximilian.
Call to me the ancient and brave warrior Anika,
I’ll go and call the ancient hero Anika the warrior,
Which death alone can defeat.


Tsar Maximilian And Anika the Warrior.

Anika the Warrior (of enormous stature, in armor, a helmet and other weapons, approaches the throne, shakes his weapon and speaks).
Hello, Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling me, Anika the warrior?
Or what do you command me to do?
Tsar Maximilian.
Ancient and invincible warrior Anika,
A certain ignoramus approached our city,
He wants to burn the city of Anton with fire, kill all my knights,
And I’m ready to take myself.
Anika the warrior. This has never happened before and can never happen.
Tsar Maximilian.
Brave and invincible warrior Anika,
Go behind the white stone walls,
Protect this city from the ignorant,
And honor and praise will be given to you throughout the kingdom, as a hero.
Anika the warrior. Now I’ll go and put the impudent ignoramus to death. (He leaves, shaking his weapon.)
Tsar Maximilian. My faithful pages, present yourself before the throne of your monarch.


Tsar Maximilian And two pages.

One of the pages.
O glorious Maximilian the King
And mighty sovereign,
Why are you calling us to you soon?
Or what do you command me to do?
Tsar Maximilian.
Go to the dark dungeon,
Investigate my rebellious son Adolf;
If he is alive, then bring him to me,
If he's dead, keep it there.
Both pages. Let's go and investigate everything. (They leave.)


Tsar Maximilian, Adolf And two pages.

Pages. Your rebellious son Adolf is alive and brought here.
Adolf (exhausted in chains, barely moves, speaks in a quiet voice, pitifully, before reaching the throne, falls to his knees).
Oh, most merciful and most amiable sovereign father,
Why do you call upon your tormented son Adolf?
Or what do you command me to do?
Tsar Maximilian.
Well, rebellious and daring son Adolf,
Have you changed your mind or not?
Did the upcoming painful death scare you?
Give up before it's too late, you impudent wicked man,
And I will return to you the royal purple and crown.
Give up your Christian Orthodox faith,
Bow down to our idol gods!

Adolf is silent, bowing his head on his chest.

Tsar Maximilian.
Well, why are you silent? Answer, who do you believe?
My dear sir, father,
I believe everything as before, in the Lord Jesus Christ,
Who created heaven and earth
And your idol gods.
Tsar Maximilian.
Oh, you rebellious monster,
You set my heart on fire,
I won't spare you anymore,
And now I will command that the evil one be put to death.
Speedy Marshal,
Appear before the throne of your monarch!


The same Speedy Marshal.

Speedy Marshal.
Oh great sir,
Our mighty king Maximilian,
Why do you call upon your light Speedy Marshal?
Or what do you command him to do?
Tsar Maximilian.
My fast and faithful Skorokhod-marshal,
Come soon to my white stone chambers,
There is an ancient Brambeus knight there,
Summon him here as soon as possible.
Now I'm going to your royal white-stone chambers
And I will soon bring Brambeus the knight to you.


Tsar Maximilian, Adolf And Brambeus.

Brambeus (comes close to the throne, stands in front of King Maximilian, hits the floor with his spear, puts his saber on guard and speaks in a thick voice). May God grant you, Tsar Maximilian, to live as many years as I, an ancient knight, live in the world.
Why do you call on me, the strong and ancient knight Brambeus?
Or what do you command me to do?
Tsar Maximilian (pointing the scepter at Adolf, who remains on his knees all the time with his head bowed to his chest).
Take this rebellious son Adolf
And put him to an evil death before my eyes.
Brambeus (backs away in horror and looks first at the king, then at Adolf).
Oh great sir,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
I lived in the world for one hundred and fifty years
And not a single person's life was decided
And in my old age I won’t decide.
When my sword
He will tear the rebellious royal head off his shoulders,
When youthful hot blood splashes on my gray head,
Then I myself must die!
Tsar Maximilian (menacingly). Rebellious old man, obey the orders of your monarch.
Brambeus. There is nothing to do, I cannot disobey my monarch. (Addresses Adolf.)
Adolf, say goodbye to the white light,
You must die on this spot.
Adolf (gets up from his knees, bows on all four sides and laments).
Farewell, dear land,
Farewell, native fields,
Goodbye sun and moon
Farewell to all the world and all the people.
(Bows to King Maximilian.)
Farewell to you too, cruel father!
Tsar Maximilian. Brambeus, continue the orders of your monarch, do not hesitate any longer, otherwise you yourself will be executed.
I continue to continue
But I don’t spare myself either.
(Hits the kneeling Adolf on the neck, he falls face down.)
I rub it
But I’m also ruining myself!
(Stabs himself in the chest and falls dead.)
Tsar Maximilian. Speedy Marshal,
Appear before the throne of your monarch.


The same Speedy Marshal.

O mighty lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why do you call upon the formidable Speed ​​Marshal so soon?
Or what do you command him to do?
Tsar Maximilian.
Go quickly to the nearest village
And call the Old Grave Digger here.
Now I’ll go and bring the Old Grave Digger here.


Tsar Maximilian And Old Grave Digger.

Old man (with a thick stick in peasant clothes he comes on stage, coughs, shakes his head and talks to himself).
And why is the king calling me to him...
Apparently they know me far
If such big things are trusted.
(Yawns, crosses his mouth, scratches the back of his head and looks up at the imaginary sun.)
The sun is still high
And the king is not far away,
I'll sit down and rest,
I'll take a sniff of tobacco,
And then I’ll wave to the king.
(Sits down, slowly pulls out the bottle, puts a sniff into both nostrils, sneezes, blows his nose, then gets up and says.)
Well, now we obviously need to go; The Tsar is no joke either, not my Malashka. (He approaches the throne, sees Adolf and Brambeus lying, stops and, looking at them, scratches his head in bewilderment.)
These are the green ones,
Aunt Matryona:
The Tsar, apparently, called me to stand up for these heroes,
And I had a bad time with Malashka, and I was late.
(Takes off his hat in front of Tsar Maximilian and tells him.)
Great, yours-can’t-jump-high!
Why did you send me, famous old man, you call
Or who do you order to protect?
Tsar Maximilian(pointing to Adolf and Brambeus lying down).
Take away these two bodies,
So that they don’t smolder above the ground,
So that the worm does not sharpen them,
So that the rain doesn't wet them.
Old man(goes to the corpses and mutters to himself). So that the devil doesn’t sharpen them, but where can they go now if not to hell? (He takes one, then the other, then by the legs, then by the head, but cannot lift him up. Turns around the stage and shouts to his wife.) Malashka, oh Malashka! (Silence. The old man shouts again.) Malanya, come, you fool, hurry here, there’s something to do. (Silence again.)
Old man (to the audience). You see, you damned figure, nothing will come of it until you truly exalt yourself. (To his wife.) Malanya Rogovna, please come here, I have something to do.

An old, wrinkled old woman comes out of the hut.

Old man.
Look what God has sent us:
Choose anyone
Leave the bad one
Let's pull it out and steal it,
And then we’ll remove it.
(They drag Adolf and Brambeus by the legs into the hole.)

Included Anika the Warrior.


Tsar Maximilian And Anika the Warrior.

Anika the Warrior (proudly approaches from the very throne of King Maximilian, knocks his spear on the floor and speaks, hitting himself in the chest).
Am I not a warrior?
Am I not a knight?
I'll stand on the ground
The earth will shake;
I'll look at the sea
The blue sea will stir,
Mountains and hills
And they will be heard.
Asia, Africa, America, Europe -
And they will tremble!
I defeated all the infidels
And saved you from evil death, King Maximilian.
Tsar Maximilian.
Praise, praise to you, hero,
That the city of Anton was saved by you. (Shouts.)
Speedy Marshal,
Appear before the throne of your monarch!


The same Speedy Marshal.

Oh great sir,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Speedy Marshal?
Or what do you command him to do?
Tsar Maximilian. Go and call to my royal palace all my brave and mighty knights to give military honors to Anika the warrior for his liberation of our city Anton.
I'll go and call. (Leaves.)


Tsar Maximilian, Anika the Warrior And crowd of knights. The knights enter in pairs and stand tall on both sides of the royal throne, drawing their sabers.

Tsar Maximilian. My brave warriors, give honor to the invincible warrior Anika for the liberation of the city of Anton.
Choir of warriors.
Praise, praise to you, hero,
That the city of Anton was saved by you;
by your mighty right hand
The daring enemy is exposed to dust...

A strong knock on the door and a woman's howl are heard.

Tsar Maximilian.
My brave warriors, stop your singing.

Everyone falls silent and looks at the door in bewilderment.

Tsar Maximilian.
What kind of woman is there?
What kind of drunk is that?


The same Death.

The door opens, Death with a scythe appears on the threshold, stands at the very threshold and speaks.

I'm not a woman,
I'm not drunk,
I am your stubborn death.
(Begins to move from the door to the royal throne.)
Tsar Maximilian(stands on the throne in horror and asks for soldiers). Warriors, my warriors, you have defended me many times from all sorts of enemies, protect me now from cruel death.

The warriors stand in front of the king's throne and block the path of Death with naked sabers. Death approaches, makes a movement with his scythe, and the sabers of the warriors fall with a ringing sound. The warriors get scared and move apart in front of Death.

Death (approaching the throne, addresses Tsar Maximilian). Follow me!
Tsar Maximilian.
My Mother, dear Death,
Give me at least three years to live,
To make money for me
And dispose of your kingdom.
You don't even have one year to live.
Tsar Maximilian.
My Mother, dear Death,
Give me at least three months to live.
You won't even live for a month.
Tsar Maximilian.
My mother, dear death,
Give me at least three days.
You won't have time for even three hours,
And here's my sharp braid for you.
(Hits him on the neck with a scythe. The king falls.)


Speedy Marshal comes out to the middle and addresses the audience.

Here, dear audience,
The curtain closes
And the pretense ends,
And the ahters are entitled to a tip from you.

The play is based on the description of the folk drama “Tsar Maximilian” in Bakrylov’s collection, in which the author collected extensive folklore material. The author compiled several striking examples of folk drama in Russian culture and created his own version of the play “Tsar Maximilian”. Having familiarized himself with this work by Bakrylov, Alexey Remizov expressed the opinion that the play was written rudely and vulgarly. and its parts are connected to each other mechanically. After a meeting of the editorial commission, at which Bakrylov's code was discussed, Remizov decided to create his own version of the play.

Remizov worked on drama not only as a writer, but also as a scientist. largely based on historical and philological works:

“... I, laying my, perhaps, one single stone for the creation of a future great work, which will give a whole kingdom of folk myth, consider it my duty, without adhering to the tradition of our literature, to introduce notes and tell in them the progress of my work.”

In his work, Remizov tried to embody his ideas about the ideal folk theater - “the theater of squares and oak forests” and mystery action as opposed to the “theater of walls.” In practice, this desire was expressed in the fact that Remizov simplified the production of the play as much as possible and, in comparison with Bakrylov’s play, significantly reduced the number of characters. By reducing the descriptive stage directions, he took “a step away from naturalistic theater.”

In many ways, the plot of the folk drama is based on the story of Peter I and Tsarevich Alexei. Tsar Maximilian is a king who decided to marry a foreign queen and abandon the Orthodox faith. The king's son, Adolf, opposes his father's marriage. Trying to change his son’s decision, Tsar Maximilian takes Adolf into custody and eventually executes him.

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