Full-time magician light novel in contact

When we are just born and growing up, we fantasize a lot and imagine what we could become, what profession we like. Only until the moment we decide, we sort through huge amount options and it is not a fact that the one we choose will be correct. We are just trying to do what we like, and fate itself will offer us a path and it will be up to us whether we follow it or not. Each of us has our own path, our own destiny, and we can only enter it when we are completely ready for it. It is at this moment that the curtain opens a little before us and we can at least see a little of what fate has in store for us next. It is clear that the choice always remains with the person who decides for himself what to do next and what not to do, because we ourselves choose our fate. But few people resist this and do not accept what fate gives them; mostly we are happy with what is offered and simply try to rise higher and higher in order to achieve desired result. This is exactly what he plans to do main character new Chinese anime called "Mage on full time" Mo Fan is very cute and good boy, whose life changed so dramatically that he himself did not have time to get used to everything that was happening. Actually, he was from birth special child, but I didn’t suspect anything about my abilities and aspirations. And one day, while walking in the mountains, he accidentally fell asleep. Mo Fan woke up from the fact that someone was waking him up; it was an old man completely unknown to him, who handed the boy a pendant, saying that he should never take it off his chest. And from that very moment the main character began to understand that he had a very strong attraction to witchcraft and magic. So Mo Fan now dreamed only of entering the school of witchcraft, since this was the activity that interested him most. Only now fate throws tests at this again young man in the form of exams at school. Initially, the situation was as follows: Mo Fan studied for only three months, and he had to take exams for all nine, so good results could not be expected. Therefore, there’s nothing to even think about, the guy failed the exam in the Basics of Magic. Only this failure did not break Mo Fan at all; he was not going to give up his goal so easily and wanted to continue studying, even though his caring father, who was trying to console him, offered him another option, which the main character did not like at all. But returning to school was quite problematic, since the family lived quite poorly and did not have enough money even for the most necessary things. But the father still finds a way out and turns to his boss for help, who was a rather stingy and greedy person, but as collateral for the house, he was ready to help the guy fulfill his dream and return him to the Ying Lan school. It is clear that relations in the class have become even more tense, the students understand that Mo Fan was returned back for money, so they laugh, joke and mock him, since he is a loser and cannot study here himself. And so he continued to study further, and then the director decided to devote high school to the students, which was immediately carried out. Their leader clearly and clearly explains that each of the students will be given a magical emblem, which after sleep will turn into some kind of magic, which is what the student will have. If this emblem shows blue, then the student will have wind magic, if the color is red, then this means fire magic, gold color means light, brown tint This is the earth and so we can continue further. So far the most strong magic ice appears and it is precisely this force that the very arrogant and unpleasant boy Mubai awakens. Everyone prophesies for our hero that he will awaken the simplest, most loser magic of light, since he is a loser and could not achieve anything himself. Only it turns out that it was this boy who managed to awaken within himself the strongest, most powerful lightning magic. All the students are simply shocked and don’t understand how this could happen, because this magic is given only to the strongest and most powerful, is Mo Fan really one of them? The anime really turned out to be quite good and interesting, it just didn’t let us down very much good graphics. In general, one gets the feeling that this is not a series from the year 16, but from the year 2000, since that’s when these films were made. The sound also leaves much to be desired, but you can still watch this series, the plot itself is quite fascinating and vivid. It’s interesting to find out what will happen next and what opponents the main character will have to fight. Also, in this anime, the episodes are quite short, so you can easily watch them without getting tired or stressed. The plot is quite dynamic and dense, so the events unfold quickly and rapidly, you definitely won’t get bored while watching! I think that you will be able to appreciate this picture and enjoy watching! So I wish you positive emotions and thanks for your attention!

982 95

Perhaps 36 of the dislikes were put by haters

Number of chapters: 2015

Issue: continues

Chapter release frequency: every 0.58 days

Publication schedule for free chapters: 2 chapters every 1 day in hours

He woke up in a world familiar to him, which had changed a lot.

His school has become a school of magic that encourages everyone to become powerful magicians.

There are many monsters roaming outside the city.

The world of science and technology has turned into a world of magic! Despite this, his ambitions and position in society did not change. He's a social outcast who has a disabled sister who can't walk.

However, Mo Fan discovered that all people can control only one element, but not him, he can control more!


Posted by Makera 23 Nov 2018, 18:06
After reading quite a few Japanese light novels, I decided to take a closer look at Chinese novels and chose “Full Time Master.” This is definitely not a masterpiece. The author of the work clearly loves to play games and wants to push the main character to the very end. Accordingly, it follows that the build-up can last forever, like the work itself. The plot is very straightforward and cyclical, as many readers emphasize. The work has its positive...

Life went on as usual, day after day the same dreary reality. But everything changed overnight. Does this happen often? What would you do in the place of the main character if you suddenly witnessed this incident? And the story begins with an ordinary boy whose name was Mo Fan. The familiar world bored him to hell, and then one day, as if by magic, he wakes up in a completely new place. The school where he studied has changed dramatically. Now this is a real school of magic, and future powerful magicians study there. But that's not all. The town was surrounded by hordes of terrible and dangerous monsters, ready to tear apart anyone who entered their territory. The whole world seemed to be turned upside down. Science and technology were relegated to the background, and only magic became the main basis for the entire existence of the people. How did Mo Fan perceive these changes? The answer is obvious: he had no idea what was happening, and did not want to put up with the current situation. Although, unfortunately, his position remained the same. He, as before, is an ordinary scum of society. His sister is confined to a wheelchair, and there is no hope that she will be able to walk again. It couldn't get any worse. However, Mo Fan notices interesting feature: some residents of the town are able to control some element, but only one. In turn, the young man recognizes in himself the secret ability to control more elements.

Full Time Magician / Quanzhi Fashi / Full Time Magician watch online all episodes or download for free

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