Stewed liver with potatoes recipe with photo. Chicken liver with potatoes recipe

The liver, as you know, can be different. The most used in cooking are chicken, pork, turkey, and goose. The taste of a dish such as stewed potatoes with liver will depend on the origin of this ingredient. Let's take a look at the most popular options for its preparation.

with chicken liver

By-products from this bird are the most accessible today, and you will find the ingredients everywhere: from large supermarkets to small shops. It is, of course, best to choose fresh liver rather than frozen (who knows how long it has lain like this in the refrigerator). A well-selected one does not have additional segments that impart bitterness. But we still recommend following this. Otherwise, the liver will end up with a bitter taste, but do we need that? As for potatoes, you can take them of almost any variety, as long as they are good and selected. However, it should be remembered that different varieties require different cooking times.


The dish of stewed potatoes with liver can be prepared quickly and easily on any level of kitchen equipment. For this we will need: a kilo of potatoes and half a kilo of liver, a couple of small (or one large) carrots, a couple of onions, a few cloves of garlic, vegetable oil for frying, spices and salt - according to personal taste (a mixture of ground peppers or paprika works very well from experience with cilantro).


We thoroughly wash the liver in cool running water; if there are unnecessary segments and veins, we cut them off; we don’t need them. Peel the potatoes, wash them, and cut them lengthwise into 4 large pieces. We cut the carrots larger (you can also cut them lengthwise into small cubes), and the onions into traditional half rings. Chop the garlic into slices.

Let's start frying the liver in vegetable oil. Make sure that the temperature is approximately 120 degrees Celsius, and the pieces do not touch each other as much as possible, then the ingredient will only need to be fried for a few minutes on each side. Then add prepared and chopped onions, garlic, and carrots to the same frying pan (it should be of sufficient size). Add seasonings and, stirring, cook for another 5-7 minutes on lower heat.

The last phase of preparing this dish, like stewed potatoes with liver, is very simple. You should transfer the vegetables and liver from the frying pan to the pan. Then add potatoes and a little water. Simmer over low heat until the root vegetable is ready (usually 15 minutes). Stewed potatoes with chicken liver are almost ready. Remove the pan from the heat, close the lid tightly and let it brew for about 15 minutes. After that, you can serve it. The food is eaten hot. You can sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs and onions. It is good to serve sour cream sauce in a separate bowl.

With beef liver and onions - in sour cream and in a frying pan!

This dish has its own characteristics due to the fact that one of its main ingredients differs from the previous composition. But in general, stewed potatoes with beef liver are just as easy to prepare as with chicken liver. We will need: 300 grams of liver, half a kilo of potatoes, a couple of onions, a little flour and vegetable oil, half a glass of thick sour cream, salt and spices at your discretion (Italian herbs or Georgian greens are perfect).

How to cook

We use only young liver (can be veal), only fresh, not frozen, then the dish will turn out much tastier and richer. All excess should be removed from this ingredient: film, tubes. Cut into cubes. Dip in flour and salt/pepper. In a large non-stick frying pan, fry the liver in vegetable oil. The main thing here is not to overcook the product. 2-3 minutes on each side will be sufficient. Otherwise, the liver may turn out to be too tough, but we need softness and tenderness!

In the oil from the frying of the main product, fry the onion, which needs to be cut into half rings, until golden. At this time, peel the potatoes and cut them quite large (you can lengthwise into 4 parts). Place in the pan with the liver and onion. Mix. Add sour cream and salt. Add a little water so that it slightly covers the potatoes. Simmer over low heat under a closed lid for 30-40 minutes. Set aside and let it brew. You can also serve it to the table. You need to eat it hot, and this is an excellent dish, both festive and everyday, satisfying and healthy.

Stewed potatoes with liver in a slow cooker

And finally, a recipe for those who like to cook in this “shaitan machine,” which is now present in modern kitchens almost everywhere. Here you won’t need to suffer at all once again (tested by experience). We will leave the ingredients as in the first recipe (that is, we will use chicken liver). We fry it in a bowl on the “Frying” mode with almost no oil and not for a very long time. Add carrots and onions at the end of the process. Pour the quartered potatoes into the bowl (for authenticity, especially if they are young, you don’t have to remove the skins). Pour in a glass of water and switch to “Stew” mode. 20 minutes will be enough. Bon appetit everyone!

In fact, fried potatoes, either with meat, or with liver, or without any additions, are a recognized rustic recipe. It couldn't be easier - cut the potatoes, fry them in oil - and eat to your health! No tricks, everything is extremely simple and natural. It's not too much dietary dish, but many people like it.

Our recipe comes from the original source, but includes some nuances that have entered the dish from modern culinary culture.


Potatoes, ½ kg

Liver, 300 g

Onion, 1 onion (optional)

Vegetable oil, 100 ml

How to deliciously fry potatoes with liver, step-by-step recipe:

1. The selection of products is minimal, potatoes are the basis, so there are more of them. Any liver will do: chicken, pork, beef. The only difference will be in the process of cutting the liver into pieces. The best way to do this is to cut pieces for frying from beef liver, it’s really an ideal option.

2. We handle the potatoes as usual: wash the tubers, thinly remove the skin, wash them again and let the water drain. Cut into cubes or medium-sized slices - as necessary. The shape of the potato wedges does not matter; their size is more important.

Now - the first nuance. Before placing them in a hot frying pan with oil, sliced ​​potato pieces must be dried very thoroughly, dabbing almost every slice with a napkin. Then they will not stick to the bottom of the pan and will not fall apart.

Pour in a little more oil than needed for simple fried potatoes, and less than for deep frying. So, fry, turning over so that the pieces acquire a beautiful golden brown crust on all sides. Salt at the very end.

3. Let's take on the liver. Its pieces should be approximately the same size as potato pieces. They also need to be dried with a napkin before frying. The liver is fried much faster than potatoes, and it is also salted at the end. Add ground pepper along with salt.

Now both ingredients are ready. Each of them must be spread on a paper towel to remove fat - this is the second nuance.

4. Fry the onion and combine all 3 components. You can put raw onions, white or red, cutting them into thin half rings and also using them as decoration. Or you can do without the onion altogether, or put it separately, for those who wish. Usually they put some vegetables, green onions, and lettuce on the table.

Mix the potatoes and liver, shake for uniformity, and serve as a single dish.

Prepare your ingredients. Peel and place potatoes in cold salted water.

Use regular yellow, white, shallot or sweet red onions to suit your taste. If you plan to cook with leeks, then use the white part for stewing.

Ideally, of course, cook from fresh, unfrozen liver, but this is problematic in the sense that it is not so accessible, especially in big cities. Therefore, buy quick-deep-frozen liver and defrost it gradually, i.e. transferring it first from the freezer to the refrigerator, and then at room temperature.

Chicken liver It’s more affordable, it’s easier to cook and quicker to prepare, compared to pork and beef, so I especially recommend taking it for the hearty stew. Chicken liver is milder in taste, less tart than pork or beef and is more readily eaten by children.

Pork liver is also easy to prepare; when cutting it into pieces, it is enough to remove the hard veins and vessels inside. Pork liver fattier and may have a slight specific bitterness.

The most labor-intensive to prepare, treacherous to prepare, very tasty, although not for everyone - this beef liver. In addition to the coarse veins and vessels, it is also necessary to remove the film.

To remove the film, you need to pick it up with a knife, then grab it with your fingers and, without jerking, carefully pull it all off without tearing.

You just need to wash the chicken liver, remove pieces of fat and veins, if any, and either leave them in natural pieces or cut them into small pieces, preferably longitudinally. Dry the liver pieces to remove any excess moisture on them.

Lightly fry the liver over medium heat while stirring, so that the pieces do not fry to a crust, but rather seal their surface. Oil can be either vegetable or butter.

It’s better not to salt the liver just yet, so that it doesn’t become hard during the rather long stewing process, and the potatoes added to it don’t fall apart.

Add spices that are harmonious for cooking liver, i.e. Select from the list those that you like or simply have in stock. These are ground nutmeg, black pepper, allspice, coriander, cinnamon, dried dill, parsley, marjoram, sage, thyme, dried vegetables such as onions or garlic, red or green paprika flakes. Also take note of ready-made mixtures of Provençal herbs or spicy curry mixtures.

Citrus zest gives special piquancy to liver dishes, and in this case, since the dish is with potatoes, lemon would be suitable.

Much of the above, of course, does not apply to either Russian or Vyatka cuisine, but improving dishes to your taste and adding a new flavor to them for variety is not prohibited.

Potatoes are suitable for almost any variety, i.e. both one that is designed for soups and stir-fries, and one that is focused on mashed potatoes.

Cut the peeled potatoes into slices, cubes or sticks, but not finely. Add the potatoes to the liver, which has already sealed the surface.

Stir and add hot water or broth in such an amount that the liquid is about one and a half to two cm below the level of the potatoes with liver.

Bring to a light boil, immediately reduce the heat to low, cover with a lid and leave to simmer.

After about fifteen or twenty minutes (depending on the size of the potato pieces, i.e. how half-ready they are at that moment), chop the onion and add it to the liver and potatoes.

I would like to recommend lightly salting and squeezing the onion immediately after slicing. This will give it juiciness, and the first small portion of salt will delicately enter the dish. Onions are added to the dish raw, and not fried, because its task is to release the juice and add some sweetness.

In addition, the traditional odernitsa is one of those dishes that Vyatka housewives and cooks prepared in a simple way, with a minimum of labor intensity and any preparatory moments, so that it was, speaking in Vyatka, “not too hard.”

After adding the onion, stir the mixture with a few gentle movements and continue to simmer the dish under the lid over low heat for about ten minutes.

Try the finished dish, add salt to your taste, but better - lightly, since everyone can then add salt to their portion at their personal discretion.

Stewed liver with potatoes can be served immediately, but is also delicious after heating.

Ozerdnica has its own sauce, i.e. broth that was formed during the stewing process, but you can additionally serve cold sauces that you prefer with liver and potatoes, for example, sour cream with herbs, tomato, mayonnaise. If desired, sprinkle portions with fresh chopped herbs when serving.

Bon appetit!

The liver likes to be quickly fried at maximum heat, but it can be easily prepared in another version, for example, for a liver dish with potatoes. This recipe is very simple because it does not require any special processes or complex products. Any liver will do, but the healthiest and most delicious - according to research - is beef. It is she who contains maximum quantity iron and vitamins that help cleanse the blood. Potatoes for this treat are better to choose those varieties that boil faster. Usually these are the fruits that have white pulp. You can also season the dish with spices at your discretion. Any spices are perfect here: both dry and fresh green herbs.


  • Liver - 1 kg
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil- 2 tbsp.


Second course
Servings - 6
Cooking time - 20 min

Liver with potatoes: how to cook

The onion is cut into thin half rings. To make slicing onions more comfortable and to prevent tears from flowing from your eyes, you first need to have a sharp knife. Some wear glasses, while others chew gum. This helps to avoid such an unpleasant moment as irritation of the mucous membrane.

The liver is washed and all films are removed from it. To make this easier, pour boiling water over it first. The liver must be cut into large cubes.

Goes to the bottom of the pan vegetable oil and onions.

As soon as the onion is slightly fried, you should put the liver in the pan. Let's wait a little until it starts to change color depending on the temperature.

Potatoes should also be cut into large cubes and placed on top of the liver. It also needs to be salted. Cover the pan with a lid and turn the heat to low. So everything should be stewed until the potatoes become soft.