iPhone backup. How to create a backup? Backup iPhone, iPad or iPod using iTunes

For a modern user, a mobile phone is not just a means of communication, but almost a whole life - a lot of valuable data, important contacts, useful applications, which is what we don’t store in our pocket assistants. And, of course, the loss of all this data, if not a catastrophe, is certainly a great nuisance.

However, manufacturers of current gadgets understand this and, not wanting to upset consumers, have come up with such a great thing as cloud storage. By backing up data in the cloud, the user does not have to worry about losing it. Information from the storage is easily transferred to a new device if the previous one was stolen, lost, broken, etc.

There are a lot of cloud storage options today, but in this article we want to talk about iCloud - Apple’s proprietary “cloud”, as well as how to backup an iPhone to iCloud.

Here we will also provide instructions on how to make a copy in a special Apple iTunes program, and will help you decide where it is better to store an iPhone backup - in iCloud or iTunes.

It is worth noting that creating a copy in iCloud is very simple - you don’t even need a computer, we’ll just get by with a smartphone connected to a fast Wi-Fi networks. So, here is the sequence of actions:

1 Turn on Wi-Fi on your iPhone and connect to a high-quality, proven network. 2 Go to the “Settings” menu, look for the “iCloud” item, then “Backup” and tap on it. 3 In the window that opens, move the “Backup to iCloud” slider to the active position and click on the “Create a backup” link. 4 The process of copying data will begin - our main task At this stage, do not disconnect the device from Wi-Fi. 5 When the information transfer process is completed, we recommend that you see how successful it was; to do this, go to the “Settings” menu again, tap “iCloud”, then “Storage”, “Management” - here we should see information about the copy being created, indicating its size, as well as the time when it was made.

Setting up automatic copying

Understanding that user data is updated daily, Apple has equipped its cloud storage with such a cool feature as automatic copying.

Yes, the process of creating a backup copy is not complicated, but it is much more convenient for the user to perform the entire procedure once and then “switch to automatic” than to manually follow the above instructions every time after updating the data.

It’s especially nice that setting up automatic backup is incredibly simple - you just need to leave the “Backup” slider in iCloud in the active position and the copy will be automatically performed every time the three conditions below “meet”

  • smartphone connected to Wi-Fi and power source
  • the device screen is locked - when the user uses the smartphone, a copy is not created
  • iCloud has enough memory

Did the last point surprise you? Did you think cloud space was unlimited? That’s right, but, unfortunately, the user has 5 GB of free space in the cloud, which is not enough for many. You, of course, can buy additional space, or you can create a copy on your computer instead of iCloud. How? Remember at the beginning of the article we talked about the iTunes program? So she will come to help!

How to backup iPhone to iTunes?

If you've never used the program before, there's a little preparation required - you'll have to download it, but it won't take long - iTunes is completely free to download from Apple's website. Have you downloaded it? Then quickly install it and start creating a backup copy:

You can view information about the created copy in the iTunes settings, “Devices” tab.

Where is the best place to store a backup?

So, any iPhone user has two options for backing up their data. But which one is better? In fact, there are advantages and disadvantages in both cases.

The main advantage of iCloud is the ease of creating a copy - the mechanism is simple and no improvised means are needed. The main disadvantage is the small amount of free storage space.

But the fact that files stored in iCloud are transferred to Apple servers can be considered both as an advantage - thanks to this, you can restore data from a copy via any PC, and as a disadvantage - all the information from your smartphone is available to a third party, and let it dear face Apple company, which is obliged to painstakingly take care of it, if only for the sake of its reputation, but everyone knows the saying - “even an old woman can get screwed.”

As for iTunes, in this case you do not transfer information to third parties, because the data is stored directly on your PC, and, in addition, you can store as much information as you like. But on the other hand. - being tied to a specific PC is, to some extent, also a disadvantage, because if something happens to it, the copy will sink into oblivion.

And one more thing. When comparing these two methods of storing a backup, it is impossible not to mention that iCloud stores slightly less information than iTunes. In this section of the Apple website you can find out in detail what type of data is stored in the cloud and what in iTunes.

Let's summarize

So where is the best place to create a copy? Of course, it’s up to you to decide, but our opinion is that an additional backup never hurts! Do you understand what we mean? Besides, why not store a copy in both iTunes and iCloud - in the end, it’s much more reliable, and you don’t need to make “agonizing” decisions.

But! If you are very afraid that the data in iCloud no longer belongs only to you, but also to a third party, then why waste your nerves - store the data only in iTunes.

A copy has already been made in iCloud, and now you are wondering how to delete it? It's very simple! To delete a backup you have made from iCloud, you just need to go to “Settings” of your iPhone, then “iCloud”, “Storage” and click on “Delete copy”. Removal will take place in a matter of seconds. That's it! Now you can live in peace! But! We strongly recommend that as soon as you delete the data from iCloud, immediately create a copy in iTunes!

Backing up your iPhone and iPad is extremely important. Regularly creating a copy of all data on a mobile device allows you to protect it as much as possible, as well as be able to restore the gadget in the event of theft, loss, breakdown or replacement. Most iPhone and iPad users are aware of this and create copies of their devices from time to time. However, recent polls in our public pages Viber And "VKontakte" showed that the percentage of people who know about the need to create backups is still far from 100. That is why we wrote this guide, which is extensive and covers various methods for creating backup copies of iPhone and iPad, including non-standard ones.

Why Backup iPhone

So, what is a backup and why is it needed? In the simplest terms, a backup is all the data from your iPhone stored on a computer or in cloud storage in encrypted form. A backup copy is needed in order to restore, if necessary, any previously existing iPhone data. Restoration may be needed in a variety of cases, but most often with:

  • Lost or broken iPhone. By having your device backed up in advance, you can restore all your data to another iPhone.
  • Having problems with iOS. Updating your iPhone doesn't always go smoothly. In rare, but unfortunately possible cases, after updating the iPhone simply does not turn on, requiring restoration. By creating a backup copy prematurely, during the recovery process you can return not only the functionality of the iPhone, but also all its data.

  • Buying a new iPhone. Thanks to the backup, you can very quickly apply all the settings of the old iPhone to the new one, as well as move all the applications, photos and other content to it.

Obviously, if you value the data of your iPhone, even if it is not gigabytes of unique photos, but “only” a contact book, it is imperative to make a backup copy of the device. You can create it in three main ways, which we described below. However, before moving on to them, let’s clarify what exactly is saved in the backup copy.

What is backed up

Both iTunes and iCloud create backups with the following content:

  • Device settings.
  • Information about installed applications and their settings.
  • Text message history, including iMessage. Important! To successfully restore iMessage, SMS and MMS messages, you need a SIM card, which you use when creating a backup copy.
  • Home screen view and application order.
  • Health app data.
  • Media library (photos and videos).
  • Purchase history from App Store, iTunes Store and iBooks Store.
  • HomeKit device settings.
  • Ringtones.

You most likely noticed that the copy does not include the applications themselves, but only information about them and their settings. For this approach, thanks should be given to Apple, because, otherwise, backup copies would grow to indecent sizes. Now to the methods.

How to Backup iPhone to iCloud

The first way is using the iCloud cloud service. It involves backing up data from your iPhone or iPad wirelessly. In this case, all information is stored on Apple servers in a highly encrypted form, so there is no need to worry about the safety of the data.

Backing up your iPhone or iPad to iCloud may not be a suitable solution for everyone. The fact is that only 5 GB is available for free on iCloud. If the size of the data being backed up exceeds this amount, iOS will issue a warning that the backup cannot be created.

Please note that to back up your iPhone or iPad to iCloud, you must have active connection to Wi-Fi.

Settings» → iCloud → « Backup" On devices running iOS 10.3 or later new version Software, iCloud section can be found by going to the account management page, which is located at the very top of the list of options (above “ Airplane mode»).

Step 2: Activate the switch " iCloud backup" Enabling the function will result in a message indicating that the mobile device will no longer be backed up on the computer. Click " OK».

Step 3: Wait for the backup feature to turn on.

Step 4: Connect your iPhone or iPad to a power source, to Wi-Fi, and lock it. The backup will start automatically.

Like this in a simple way The function of backing up your iPhone or iPad to iCloud is enabled. It is important to note that the process of creating a copy of iOS begins only if the gadget is charging, connected to Wi-Fi, and locked. However, it is not necessary to fulfill all the requirements to create a copy in iCloud; you can force the system to make a backup.

How to manually back up your iPhone or iPad to iCloud

Step 1: On iPhone or iPad, go to the menu Settings» → iCloud → « Backup».

Step 2: Click " Create a backup" at the bottom of the page. Creation of the copy will begin immediately.

One point is worth noting here too. iOS will not provide any notification that your device has been successfully backed up. You can verify the success of the operation yourself by going to the menu “ Settings» → iCloud → « Backup" Information about how much time is left until the copy is completed will also be displayed there, if it is still being created.

How to Backup iPhone to iTunes

The size of an iPhone or iPad backup in iTunes is limited only by the size of your computer's storage. If you have a lot of data on your mobile device, for example, entire collections of photos and videos, then, of course, you should back it up through iTunes.

Step 1: Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer using a USB cable and launch iTunes. If iTunes is not installed on your computer, you can download the current version at official Apple website .

Step 2: Select your device in the iTunes window.

Step 3: On the "" tab Review" (opens by default) check the box " This computer».

Step 4: Click " Create a copy now» to start backing up your iPhone or iPad. Before doing this, you can activate the option " Encrypt local copy» to set a password for the backup. The main thing after this is not to forget the specified password, since in this case, recovery from the copy will be impossible.
Step 5: Wait for the backup to complete. The mobile device cannot be disconnected from the computer during the procedure. Please note that creating a copy can take quite a long time, especially if you have a lot of content saved on your device.

As you can see, creating a backup in iTunes is also not difficult. In addition to iTunes, various third-party applications can also help with creating a backup.

How to Backup iPhone with a Third Party App

This function is offered by most modern file managers for Apple mobile devices, but, unfortunately, almost all of them are paid. There are two free and tested options by us: iTools And iMazing .

Let us say right away that in general these programs are not ideal. The latest versions of iTools, although Russified, show an unpleasant window with a message in Chinese during installation. There is nothing dangerous about this, but it is very scary for users. iMazing, in turn, reveals all its functionality only upon purchase full version. However, it is the iPhone and iPad backup function that interests us that is also available in the free version of iMazing.

Why backup your iPhone to third-party apps at all? There is really no urgent need to create them. However, many users want to provide extra security for important files, such as memorable photos and videos. And for these purposes they help alternative ways creating backups.

The process for creating a backup in any of these tools is the same. Let's look at the operation using the example of the completely free iTools utility.

Step 1. Download iTools from official website of the program and unpack the archive with the utility.

Step 2: Launch iTools and connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer. iTunes must be installed on your computer, otherwise iTools will not be able to detect the device.

Step 3: Once the iPhone or iPad shows up in iTools, go to the " Tools».
Step 4: Click " Backup».

Step 5. In the window that opens, check the boxes for the types of content that should be saved in the backup copy and click " Next».

Step 6. Wait for the content to be identified and click " Launch" You can first select the folder in which the backup will be saved by clicking " Change».

Once the backup process is complete, you can check the result. You'll notice that unlike iCloud and iTunes, iTools doesn't encrypt files in any special way. This makes it possible to access the same photos from your iPhone or iPad without using additional utilities.

How to Restore Data from a Backup on iPhone

We've sorted out creating backups, now let's look at the equally important process of restoring iPhone and iPad from them. Restoring iOS devices from iCloud and iTunes is possible during their initial setup, or after a complete reset. The user is only required to follow the steps in the system's starting manual. Selecting the recovery type (or settings if the device is new) must be done on the “ iPhone setup».

It is quite obvious that if you have previously created a backup copy in iCloud, then you should select the “ Recover from iCloud copy" Everything is the same with a copy in iTunes, to restore from which you will have to select “ Recover from iTunes copy", then connect the gadget to the computer and launch iTunes.

Backups can take up a lot of space, both in iCloud and on your computer. Backups that have become unnecessary, of course, need to be deleted, freeing up precious space. Fortunately, this is done very simply, both in iCloud and in iTunes.

How to Delete an iCloud Backup

Step 1. Go to menu " Settings» → iCloud.

Step 2. Select " Storage» → « Control».

Step 3. In the section " Backups» select the device copy you want to delete.

Step 4. Wait for the backup to be identified and click " Delete copy».

Step 5. Confirm deletion.Devices".

Step 4: Select the backup you want to delete and click the " Delete backup».

Step 5: Confirm deletion.

Note that on a Mac, the process for deleting backups is almost the same, with one exception. You need to select the menu in the program parameters iTunes → « Settings».

We hope that the information provided in this material was useful to you. In one of the following materials we will talk about advanced methods of managing backups that even many experienced users do not know about. Stay with us, it will be interesting!

Backing up smartphone data is necessary so that the user can restore data on a new device in case of loss, sale, or breakdown of the old one. It is recommended to do this procedure when updating the firmware or during recovery, in case a failure occurs.

Mobile gadgets store a lot of user information. As a rule, these are photographs, videos, perhaps even documents. Many people use a smartphone for work and if data is destroyed they may lose important information. Therefore, it is worth creating copies - this is an additional protection of personal or work information from erasure.

There are two ways to back up your iPhone. Using the iTunes program and using iCloud cloud storage. If the user chooses the first path, then he will need to connect the smartphone to the computer. The second method allows you to copy directly from the device.

We use cloud storage

To carry out the procedure you will need an Internet connection. high level signal. Connect to the Internet on your smartphone via Wi-Fi. Click on the “gear” icon on the working display. Next, click on the “user name” and go to the “iCloud” section. For older versions of the operating system (below 10.2), in the settings section, scroll down the page and go to the “iCloud” subsection.

In the working window, set the toggle switch to the active position next to the “backup copy” column. Look a little lower and click “make a copy.” The Internet must be working during the procedure. To check whether the procedure was performed correctly, go to the “iCloud storage” subsection “, which is located in the “iCloud” section. Next, go to “storage management”. Enter the name of your gadget here. If the copy is created successfully, it will be displayed with a stamp indicating the size and time it was created.

The copying process can be made automatic. To do this, activate the copy toggle switch and connect the gadget to charger. Connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi and block the device display. If there is enough space for data in the cloud storage, the information will be copied. When registering in the cloud, the user is given 5 GB free of charge.

How to back up an iPhone in iTunes?

To copy data through iTunes, you will need to be connected to a computer. Connect the gadget to the PC using a USB cable and launch the program if it does not open automatically. If the program displays any prompt, follow the instructions. In the list of “devices”, indicate the active gadget. In order not to lose statistics from the “activity” and “health” applications, the user must encrypt the information.

To encrypt, check the box next to “i-device backup encryption.” Enter an easy-to-remember password, or better yet, write it down on a piece of paper and put it in a safe place. If you lose the code, you will not be able to recover data from this copy. If there is no need to save the statistics of these applications, then do the following: click on the “create a copy” button. A backup will be created copy iPhone without encryption.

When copying, the Internet signal must be high. To check whether the process completed successfully, go to the “settings” menu item. Next, click “devices”. The window will display a file with the name of the gadget, with the date and time of creation. If the copy being created is encrypted, a small padlock will appear next to it after copying.

What are the copies stored?

The described methods for creating copies are slightly different from each other. So, using the iTunes program, the user saves everything that is stored in the “camera roll”, all contacts, messages. A list of call history and bookmarks for the Safari browser that were open at the time the page was copied are saved. Recordings from the voice recorder, mail account, and all device settings will be saved. Data from the calendar and notes will be recorded. Network settings (Wi-Fi passwords) and keychains will be saved. Applications installed by the user will not be saved. If you use the cloud, you can save less data. Limited copy - settings and data stored on the device. Everything that is stored in the cloud will not be copied.

Recovery process

We recover information in two ways. The first is to use iTunes. Connect the gadget to a PC on which you have a backup copy of your data. After launching the program, click on the device icon in the upper corner of the window. In the right area of ​​the window, click on the “restore from copy” button. Wait for the process to complete.

The second method is to use cloud storage where the required file is available. There are two ways to proceed here:

1 Restoration occurs on a new device. When you launch the gadget for the first time, a display with “i-device settings” will open. Click on the “cloud recovery” option. Specify the desired file (from the latest ones) and enter the secret code for your Apple ID account. 2 Restoration occurs on the “used” smartphone. Open the “reset” subsection of the “basic” section, which is located in the “gear” icon. In the list provided, click “erase content and settings.” After cleaning, the gadget will automatically reboot; after its completion, the “i-device settings” window will be displayed. Then proceed as described in the first method.

How to delete a backup from iTunes?

It's easy to delete unnecessary files. To do this, go to iTunes and select “devices”. Specify the active gadget. A list of files will be displayed in the window on the right. Select the one you need from the list, highlight and click on the “Delete backup” button. Ready. Now you know how to delete a backup using iTunes.

You can delete an unnecessary file from the storage in the following way: click on the “gear” icon. Click on the name of the gadget, then click on the “iCloud” section. Now open the “storage” subsection, and in it “storage management”. Click on the name of the gadget, a copy of the information of which will no longer be needed, click “delete”.

If you have recently purchased an iPhone, we advise you to accustom yourself to regularly copying the information on it from the very beginning of using it. This procedure does not require much time, and when brought to automation, it is generally not burdensome. It's like brushing your teeth - it's boring, but you just have to do it and that's it. Fortunately, modern software developments from the manufacturer make it possible to create them even without the direct participation of the owner.

Backup is the key to the safety of your personal data.

After all, no one is immune from theft, loss or unintentional damage to a smartphone. And why, in addition to annoying regrets about the loss of your favorite expensive gadget, grieve about forever lost, dear photographs or contacts. It’s better to play it safe and be sure that if necessary, you will have a backup.

A backup copy of your iPhone will also be useful after an unexpected unsuccessful software update. When the only method of salvation is to reset the smartphone’s settings, and then you will have to delete everything that was “acquired through back-breaking labor.” And with the help of a backup, it’s easy to restore a recent version. In addition, it is very convenient to transfer all important personal data from a previous device to a new one in this way.

The two most commonly used resources are the proprietary iCloud data storage and the iPhone’s computer “companion” – the iTunes program. With their help, it’s very easy to create copies of the settings and resources you need.

iCloud - always up to date

Among the advantages of the first resource is iCloud - ease of use, since you just need to connect your iPhone to wireless Wi-Fi and copying is carried out automatically. And so every day. Therefore, thanks to it, you can create the latest, most relevant databases. Very practical. In addition, it will be easy for you to restore in any convenient location where wireless networks exist, and without any additional gadgets or wires.

It is activated by selecting the iCloud tab in the settings section, then in the “Backup” item, click on the offer to create a backup copy. After a one-time connection, the device will carry out the copy itself. It is usually performed in the evening, when the iPhone is charging, provided Wi-Fi is turned on. At this time, the device is least loaded and the process will probably go faster and better. Information is stored in a personal virtual cloud, to which only you will have access.

As the cloud fills, the system can remove unnecessary and outdated databases. This is due to the limited cloud limit provided by Apple. A resource is allocated for free, which will include 5 GB of data. Anything over 5 GB is subject to payment.

The cloud usually stores the three most recent, recently added copies. Are saved iPhone settings, correspondence and messages. Keep in mind that if you have not made fresh copies for more than 180 days, Apple may delete them at the end of this period so as not to store huge amounts of unclaimed data on its servers. And you will no longer be able to resort to their help.


iTunes software is the choice of a person who prefers to store private information only on a computer or removable media. Before connecting, be sure to update to latest version program, otherwise it may create problems with recognition later.

Connect your smartphone with a cable, and in the running iTunes application, in the tab of your device, go to “Browse”. Find the “Backups” item there, follow the suggestion to do it manually and start the copying process.

If you want to free up PC memory and delete outdated copies, then from the settings, go to the devices tab, select old files that are no longer needed, and click “Delete”.

In order not to forget that the time has come to make the next copy, put the appropriate “reminder” on any of your gadgets.

Set a password - don't be lazy!

It is highly advisable to password-protect the backup copy of your device so that attackers cannot steal your data or delete it. To do this, when creating it, check the box next to the “Encrypt backup” option in the “Overview” attachment. We recommend writing it down so you don’t forget it, since now the password to unlock your iPhone backup will be requested every time you make a copy.

How to use the existing copy?

So, we figured out how to make a backup. Now let’s find out how to restore an iPhone from a backup with as much content as possible.

Be sure to update all iPhone software to the latest version. Then select “Reset” in the main settings and initiate the erasing process.
The automatic assistant starts and you will be asked to select the source from which the recovery will be carried out. Select “Recover from iCloud copy”, select the desired copy file, enter your identification passwords.

To restore an iPhone from a copy created on an authorized PC in iTunes, connect it with a cable to the exact computer where you uploaded the data. Before doing this, do not forget to temporarily deactivate the “Find iPhone” option.

Next, you have several options: in the menu, select “File”, then “Devices”, and click on the offer to restore from a backup copy; or similar steps can be done through the “Backups” section, it has a similar “Restore from a copy” tab.

Finally, we note that the most successful and reliable combination is the use of both resources at once. Background copying to iCloud, which occurs every day, will ensure the safety of small current information (since storage is limited). And for resource-intensive, voluminous files, it is enough to create copies through iTunes a couple of times a month and upload them to your computer or external media. This will allow you to more fully restore lost data in the future.

Surely everyone has dealt with the loss of information at least once in their life. Reasons for data loss on mobile phone there can be many - loss, breakdown or theft of the device, careless work with files or a hard reset. For such situations, Apple has provided a special protection mechanism - creating a backup archive for gadgets based on the iOS operating system.

Using the archive, it will be possible to restore data after resetting all settings

There are two main ways to backup an iPhone - in iCloud or iTunes. They are a directory with files stored on the phone. Thanks to this archive, you can restore information from a memory card in the event of a breakdown or loss of your smartphone. The files are placed in a more secure place - in cloud storage or on a computer, depending on the method of creating the backup. The two different methods are not identical, as each has its own specifics.

To place a backup archive in iCloud, you need to have your iPhone with you and connect to Wi-Fi. Follow the steps below:

  • go to “Settings”, then “iCloud”;
  • go to “Backup” (depending on the version of the operating system, this section may be called a little differently);
  • activate backup if it is not enabled;
  • select "Make a copy."

Ready! The information is saved, and in the future you will be able to restore important files if they are lost. It is important not to disconnect from Wi-Fi, otherwise the data will not be able to upload to iCloud. To check the status of their creation, go to “Settings” - “iCloud” - “Storage”. When the data is safely saved, you will notice it in the list of backup copies with a note about the time of their creation and volume.

You can set up automatic backups. To do this, just do not turn off the “Backup” switch. Automatic daily creation of a backup data archive will occur if:

  • iPhone is connected to a Wi-Fi network;
  • The iPhone is charging;
  • iPhone screen is locked;
  • there is free space on the cloud.

Thus, in most cases, backup will occur at night, when the gadget is connected to a power source and not in use. The main benefits of cloud backup are:

  • free access to 5 GB of space on the cloud (this is enough for 3–7 backup copies, and if you have set up automatic backup, then each new archive will replace the old one);
  • encryption of backup information (no one will have access to the data except you);
  • the ability to create and restore backup information regardless of your location (anywhere there is Wi-Fi).

Making a copy in iTunes

If you make a backup in iTunes, the data will be created on the computer on which the program is installed. To save an archive with spare files, follow these steps:

  • open iTunes and connect the gadget to your computer;
  • select “File”, then “Devices” - “Transfer purchases” and wait until synchronization is completed (in Windows OS, hold down the key combination ctrl+B);

  • check “Encrypt backup” if you want to save the settings of the “Health” and “Activity” applications;
  • Click "Create a copy."

After the process is completed, you can view the created archives by selecting “Settings” - “Devices”. If your information is encrypted, be sure to remember the password or save it in a safe place - without it you will not be able to recover the information.

Benefits of Backing up to iTunes:

  • a more complete copy of files and settings than on iCloud;
  • the ability to create an unlimited number of archives (depending on the amount of free hard disk space);
  • the ability to encrypt information (disabled by default);
  • possibility to use reservation for MAC computer or Windows OS.

What files does the backup include?

All settings and data necessary to restore the iPhone to its original state are saved:

  • images and videos;
  • notes;
  • email account information;
  • phone book and call history;
  • calendar;
  • Safari browser files;
  • SMS and MMS messages;
  • dictaphone;
  • network settings;
  • saved passwords;
  • documents;
  • wallpaper;
  • Bluetooth devices.

To save space, files previously uploaded to iCloud or other cloud services are not stored in the cloud. iTunes backup does not create data that is already in the program directory, such as music, photos, and videos.

Alternative ways to reserve information

There are other programs that perform the iPhone backup function. For example, iMazing is a program similar to iTunes, but without the ability to restore the device. It is capable of backing up and saving information on your computer (by the way, iMazing backup data is compatible with iTunes). iMazing is more convenient because it saves one file, while iTunes creates many files at once, encrypted using cryptography. In addition, reservation in iMazing is very fast and takes no more than 1-2 minutes.

To create an archive in iMazing, follow these steps:

  • connect iPhone to computer;
  • open iMazing;
  • allow the application to access files;
  • select the device and click “Create a copy”;
  • select one of two copy processes;
  • wait for the process to complete.

To make sure that the backup is safely saved, open iTunes - “Devices” and check the time when the last archive was created - it will replace the previous ones. You can enable automatic copying by checking the “Automatically create a copy when you connect a gadget” option in iMazing.

What to do if a copy is not created?

This problem may occur when trying to save data to iCloud. There are several ways to solve this problem:

  • deleting old reserves (use a computer if necessary);
  • login-login to iCloud account;
  • reconfiguring the network on iPhone;
  • connecting to another Wi-Fi.


If you have valuable and dear information on your phone, then set up a backup, otherwise you risk losing the data stored on the gadget if it breaks or is lost. Set up automatic copying on the cloud if you forget to regularly back up information manually, but remember - there is always a small chance that the copying will occur with an error and you will not be able to restore the data, so it is better to save two copies - both on iTunes and on iCloud, then you You definitely won’t lose the contents of your smartphone. This will also help you out if you forget the password for your Apple ID and thus lose access to iCloud.