Description essay on the painting “Flood. Essay-description based on the painting by A.N. Komarov “Flood A fairy tale based on the painting and Komarov’s flood

Komarov is considered one of the most talented animal painters. Animal painters are artists who skillfully depict animals in their works. It is not for nothing that they say that in order to depict an animal, the artist needs to know not only about their appearance, but also about the characteristics of their characters and even sometimes their habits. This kind of knowledge helped this artist create his bright and expressive masterpieces, one of which. The painting “Flood” appears.

And in my opinion, this work is about a bunny who is most likely in trouble. The canvas depicts early spring, when the warm sun melted the snow and a flood occurred, which always comes suddenly. On such days, the water in the river begins to increase at incredible speed and floods everything around. Not only people suffer from the flood; the animals that are forest dwellers. Most animals have to quickly leave their burrows and look for new shelters from the water, finding hills or other places where the water cannot reach them. In this canvas we see the artist depicted a hare, who, out of fear of the flood, climbed onto the branch of a large tree and froze, clinging to the bark. His big eyes are filled with fear from what is happening. He raised his ears warily upward, and most likely listens to what is happening around him. It seemed to me that the bunny sometimes glances down at muddy water, which rose very close to his branch. I felt sorry for the poor hare, because there was no way for him to escape, the water was about to rise to his branch. Even if the hare can climb to a higher branch, he will inevitably starve to death. If the flood does not begin to subside, the hare will remain hungry.

I wanted to think of a good continuation of the picture, that the water began to recede, and the hare was saved. It's a pity that with such natural phenomena, innocent animals have to die.

Komarov is considered one of the most talented animal painters.
Animal painters are artists who skillfully depict animals in their works.
It is not for nothing that they say that in order to depict an animal, the artist needs to know not only about their appearance, but also about the characteristics of their characters and even sometimes their habits.
This kind of knowledge helped this artist create his bright and expressive masterpieces, one of which.
The painting “Flood” appears.

And in my opinion, this work is about a bunny who is most likely in trouble.
The canvas depicts early spring, when the warm sun melted the snow and a flood occurred, which always comes suddenly.
On such days, the water in the river begins to increase at incredible speed and floods everything around.
Not only people suffer from the flood; the worst impact falls on the animals who are forest dwellers.
Most animals have to quickly leave their burrows and look for new shelters from the water, finding hills or other places where the water cannot reach them.
In this canvas we see the artist depicted a hare, who, out of fear of the flood, climbed onto the branch of a large tree and froze, clinging to the bark.
His big eyes are filled with fear from what is happening.
He raised his ears warily upward, and most likely listens to what is happening around him.
It seemed to me that the bunny sometimes looked down at the muddy water, which rose very close to his branch.
I felt sorry for the poor hare, because there was no way for him to escape, the water was about to rise to his branch.
Even if the hare can climb to a higher branch, he will inevitably starve to death.
If the flood does not begin to subside, the hare will remain hungry.

I wanted to think of a good continuation of the picture, that the water began to recede, and the hare was saved.
It is a pity that in such natural phenomena, innocent animals have to die.

When schoolchildren are assigned to write an essay at home based on Komarov’s painting “Flood,” parents sometimes do not know how to help their child. In fact, by correctly telling your son or daughter how to put thoughts together, you will guide your child towards colorful and unusual writing. A.N. Komarov created “Flood” (it’s not very difficult to write an essay based on the painting) in such a way that you can see a lot in it. can be quite diverse and opens up wide opportunities for creativity. Therefore, it is worth turning on your imagination and showing individuality in the process of writing an essay.

What does an essay based on a painting mean?

Just an essay is one thing, but an essay based on Komarov’s painting “Flood” is a real flight of fantasy and an opportunity to show the full depth of the idea. In such a creation, a child can write his thoughts and assumptions regarding the events reflected in the picture. In this work, everyone can understand in their own way the plot that the author of the work of art tried to convey to those watching. An essay based on the painting “Flood” by Komarov is a real masterpiece that will help reveal the depth of a child’s hidden talents, skills and thoughts. Parents should help their child correctly direct his thoughts and formulate a description. And the student must independently demonstrate his ideas and peculiarities of thinking.

Essay based on A. Komarov’s painting “Flood” for schoolchildren

Of course, each child can express their experiences and ideas about a work of art in their own way. For example, an essay based on Komarov’s painting “Flood” may have the following content.

The artist Alexey Komarov expressed experiences and emotions in the painting “Flood”. I believe that he managed to reflect the excitement that should be present in works of art.

In the foreground is a hare, frightened by imminent danger. It is clear from the color of the animal that it is the beginning of spring on the frozen plot. The bunny has already partially changed the shade of his fur coat, but on his tummy he still remains as white as he was in winter. Fear and worry for his life are visible in his eyes. The fragile branch in this episode, which the artist depicted, is the only support for the little coward. There is hopelessness in the animal's eyes; when he goes out onto the water, he will get wet and then die from hypothermia. And if the water rises higher, he will be carried away by the current. If the bunny remains on the branch, he may die of starvation. The poor animal's only hope is to wait until the water subsides and he can safely get to the forest.

In the background you can see how much the thaw has raised the water level. In the distance it is noticeable that there are still unmelted blocks of snow. That is, the wait can be long. I worry about the poor animal. I really want him to be saved and everything to be fine with him.

Also, an essay based on Komarov’s painting “Flood” may have the following content.

Komarov’s painting “Flood” conveys real emotions. Anxiety, worry for your life, fear and desire to escape from a natural disaster.

In the foreground is a hare filled with fear. The poor animal cannot understand what to do and how to escape. Any careless movement and he could end up in the water. And this is fraught with death. If the hare remains on the branch, he will die of hunger.

In the background is the forest, from which the hare apparently ran away, trying to escape. It can be seen that not all the snow has melted and completely moved away. The water level is quite high, so the frightened animal will have to wait a long time.

We can only hope that the hare will wait until the end of the thaw and be able to escape. I believe that the author was able to fully convey emotions and express everything that an animal in trouble feels.

A short descriptive essay based on Komarov’s painting “Flood”

You can also write from the picture short essay without unnecessary additional phrases. For example, you can consider the following options:

Komarov’s painting reflects a real sense of presence in the atmosphere conveyed in the plot. The author competently reflected all the emotions of the unfortunate animal, in whose eyes there is hopelessness.

The flood has filled everything around, it is clear that the wait is very long. I would like to believe that the animal will be saved and will live its former life.

In the foreground you can see that the frightened hare cannot find a way out of an unpleasant and hopeless situation. It is also noticeable that the expanses far beyond the forest are shrouded in water. A fragile branch is the only support for salvation.

This is approximately what a work based on Komarov’s painting might look like.

How to plan an essay and in what order to write

In order for the essay on the painting “Flood” by Komarov to be vivid and emotional, it is necessary to take into account the correct wording. In order to help your son or daughter write a decent essay, you need to make a plan. This will make it easier to express all the thoughts and feelings about the picture.

  • First of all, when writing an essay on Komarov’s painting “Flood,” you need to make a plan.
  • First, in any essay on a painting, you need to write an introduction. It needs to describe what will be covered in the text.
  • Then comes the main part. It needs to talk about what is in the foreground and background work of art. You need to describe all the nuances in detail and place emphasis on the main thing.
  • Next comes the conclusion. It should tell you whether the artist was able to convey his emotions and impressions. What feelings arose in your soul when you looked at Komarov’s work.

Detailed and step-by-step option writing will help the student write a beautiful work filled with creative thoughts.

How to place accents to beautifully describe a picture

There are no boundaries or clear requirements in the descriptions of the paintings. This school work will help you fully open your thoughts and perceptions. Everyone sees something different in artistic creations. Therefore, in order to reveal all the colors and emotions, you should simply colorfully and emotionally convey all your thoughts that arise when looking at an artistic composition.

Why are essays in which you need to describe a picture useful for schoolchildren?

This type of creativity will help you open yourself and understand what is hidden inside. It is very useful for schoolchildren to write such essays, because they provide an opportunity to open up and dive into their own thoughts. Such creations help to find hidden talents and skills in a child. Therefore, even if they didn’t ask homework on such a topic, you can invite your son or daughter to write a description of a picture. This will help you understand what the child feels and experiences in at the moment life.

Warming sun early spring the snow that remained as a “gift” from the end of winter began to melt. Pieces of ice that bound the river banks began to melt. The water level rose, flooding the bushes and tree roots located near the shore.

Frightened animals leave the flooded houses in fear. They are looking for their temporary abode on rare islands of hills, which are surrounded by cold water. But not everyone manages to get to these small pieces of paradise and not everyone manages to take refuge on that earth.

The hare, hoping to escape the water, climbed onto a branch hanging from an old tree. He's incredibly scared. His dark round eyes sparkle with fear. He presses his yellowish-brown fur against the tree trunk, hoping to escape from the evil fate that may overtake him. The hare looks with fear at the water, which continues and abides, but he is unable to do anything. Looking at this picture, any person will freeze with pity for this harmless and cute animal and will hope that the flood will quickly subside, giving him the opportunity to return to his family and his cozy hole.

The artist very clearly showed us that nature and its laws are not as friendly as it might seem to us at first glance, and also that danger can be fraught with even such a harmless thing as a flood.

Option 2

Spring is that time of the year that not only people, but also animals look forward to. With the first warm rays, the earth begins to throw off its snowy shackles. The plants, having thrown off their white blanket, begin to wake up. The gray is gradually replaced by brighter colors. Even animals shed their winter clothes.

But spring also brings great misfortunes. Melting snow, which plants enjoy so much, gradually fills rivers and lakes with cold water. They come from the banks and flood everything around. Russian animal artist A. N. Komarov, apparently, witnessed this phenomenon more than once.

In his painting “Flood,” he depicted a small and defenseless animal caught by surprise by water. The hare has not yet changed its winter color. Because of this, he, already inconspicuous, completely merges with the surrounding grayness.
The poor animal climbed onto the branch of a young tree - its last hope for salvation. The sun's rays, which managed to melt the snow and ice, still do not provide enough heat. The hare is freezing, the rays that give a pinkish tint to its fur cannot warm it when there is icy water around.

He is scared and has nowhere to wait for salvation. But still the hare does not lose hope. Even he knows that sooner or later the flood will begin to subside, and then, jumping over the hummocks, he will be able to reach the forest, which is visible in the background.
The hare had already encountered the harshness of nature, which frightened him with the teeth of ferocious predators and the howls of a blizzard. He knows that even a small animal can survive. After all, he, like all harsh phenomena, is also a child of nature.

Komarov’s painting reveals to our eyes a terrible spectacle, which, nevertheless, is as frightening as it is instructive. This simple watercolor drawing shows that even the smallest creature can withstand the elements.

Essay description of the painting Flood

Judging by the picture, the artist depicted a spring day. The trees are still without leaves and have a reddish tint. A wonderful time of year brought misfortune instead of warmth and joy. Animal artist Komarov, in his painting “Flood,” painted a land area covered in water.

A large thick oak tree is located in the foreground and attracts attention first of all. The confused hare climbed onto a branch to escape from big water and looks down in fear. Fear is visible in his eyes, because he was able to climb the tree, but now he doesn’t know what to do next. A little further there is a lonely birch tree and very far away a small forest. A. Komarov perfectly managed to convey the severity of nature and at such moments the animals need the help of humanity.

Essay 4

I see a hare on a branch in this picture. What a strange situation! Why would a hare sit there, he’s not a bird... But the name gives a hint - the forest was flooded with water. The poor hare, in order not to drown, was forced to jump onto a large branch.

This is similar to the illustration for “Grandfather Mazai”... The hare cannot sit on a tree for long. There is no food there, it is cold there (there is still snow around). If his paws freeze, he will fall into the water. But this is a picture for flying, you can see that the hare is a little “cartoonish”, as in Soviet cartoons. Everything must end well.

Of course, this picture has the exact meaning that even the hare was able to jump onto a branch, that he is obediently awaiting his fate. Look how calm his eyes are. He picked up his paws and was sitting. There is no panic, he is not looking for anyone. What if the water rises?! Will he be able to jump higher...

In general, I really count on Mazai. The hare has done so much - too much for a simple hare. And it's definitely not magical. He doesn't know how to talk, he doesn't have a book in his paws, he doesn't have a hat or tie. These details would show us that such a hare can act like a person. No, it's just an animal. Surely, he was not the only one who found himself in such an unpleasant situation. Okay, at least a hare can jump, but what about a fox? Could she climb the branch? And the wolf? Not every branch can withstand it. Poor animals.

This is how this picture teaches us empathy. It does not repel something scary, but, on the contrary, attracts attention. We live here in cities - we don’t even think about what’s happening there in the forests. Do animals suffer... And now, without any moralizing, without long and boring texts, we immediately see, we even feel how hard it is for them. And what patience the hare has! He is waiting obediently... I really hope that everything will be fine for him. You immediately sympathize.

If I could help. They need to write next to the picture how they can help this hare, and other animals in trouble. The artist painted a good, kind, attention-grabbing picture.

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  • Description essay on the painting “Flood”

    Objectives: - to introduce students to the description of the animal depicted in the picture;

    Prepare them to be independent written essay according to a similar picture;

    Introduce the word “animalist” into the schoolchildren’s dictionary.

    Lesson progress:

    1. A story about the artist.

    Alexey Nikanorovich Komarov - Honored Artist. Komarov’s favorite topic is various animals in the natural environment in which they live in the wild. Komarov is an artist and animal painter. A great connoisseur of nature, he knows how to subtly and reliably convey the character and habits of animals.

    All works are imbued with love for native nature, her living world. “After all, the same fox, the same hare,” according to the artist, “is an adornment of nature! Like a diamond!”

    2. Conversation based on the picture.

    Who is shown in the picture?

    A hare that climbed a tree to escape the flood.

    Tell us where and how he sits.

    He sits on a thick branch of an old strong tree, low above the water that has flooded the island. The hare shrank all over with fear, tensed up, pressed himself tightly to the tree trunk, and pressed his paws.

    How did the artist depict the hare? Describe it.

    The hare's head is oblong, its muzzle is light, with a wide dark brown stripe in the middle. The eyes are large, large, the pupils are dilated with fear. The ears are long, erect, sensitive, alert, with black spots on the tips of the reddish ears. The hare's fur on the chest is yellowish, and on the belly it is light gray.

    What else can you say about this hare? How did he show himself?

    He is smart, cunning, quick-witted, resourceful. He didn’t get confused at a dangerous moment and found a way out of the situation.

    Tell us how it could happen that the hare ended up on the tree?

    The long-awaited spring has arrived. The sky is turning blue like spring. Loose snow can no longer withstand the warm rays of the sun. Talkative streams flow and ring everywhere. The water rises above the banks, flooding fields, meadows and bushes, forming small islands. On one island, under a bush, a hare was sleeping. He slept so soundly that he did not hear the noise and seething of the rising water. And only when the water touched his paws did the bunny jump up and look around. In fear, he began to rush around the island, and the water kept rising and rising. It seemed to the hare that nothing could save him. And suddenly he saw a dry, mighty tree. It was an old branchy oak tree. The hare ran up to him and began to jump onto the thick lower branch. Several times the poor thing jumped onto the tree, but each time he broke off and fell down into cold water. Finally he reached his goal. So the hare ended up on the tree.

    3. Vocabulary and stylistic work.

    Compose sentences with the words “animal painter”, “watercolor”.

    Animal artist Komarov depicts animals truthfully and lovingly.

    In their paintings, animal artists endow animals with human character traits.

    Komarov “Flood” is made in watercolor.

    4. Making a plan.

    1. Appearance(head, eyes, ears, body, coat color).

    3. Habits.

    4. Character.

    5. My attitude to the picture.

    5. Description of the painting.

    The painting “Flood” depicts a hare in trouble. During one of the big spring floods, the hare found himself on a flooded island. Fleeing from the flood, he guessed and managed to climb a tree.

    With bated breath, the bunny sits on a thick branch of an old oak tree and waits for what will happen next: will the water rise?

    He cowered all over from fear, long hind legs I tucked them under me and pulled the front ones forward so as not to fall from the tree into the cold water. He arched his flexible back, and the fluffy fur on him stood up straight.

    The hare's chest is yellow with a pinkish tint, the belly and sides are gray. The fur on the back is of different shades: it is brown, and gray, and brown, as if speckled. The hare's head is large. Round eyes look scared. Long reddish ears with black spots at the ends stand alert.

    The brown hare looks with fear at the water, which approaches the tree itself. The dark silhouettes of trees are reflected in the water, as if in a mirror.

    I like the picture and I don’t like it. I like it because it depicts the life of nature in spring and its beauty very well. I don’t like it because the fate of the poor bunny is unclear. Will the water fall or rise, will the hare be saved or drown?